Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 155: Recruitment & study field


It is a rare opportunity for a factory to recruit external workers. Those who are literate or skilled in skills basically want to try it out, and those who are illiterate or clumsy don’t need to think too much.

12, recruiting 3 technicians and 9 workers, covering the whole county. If you deduct the relationship, it is estimated that half of the places will be left, and it is not so easy to be admitted. Moreover, the time is also tight, and the exam is less than a month away, and most people are not confident.

Xu Dongxing didn't want to sign up for the exam at all. He felt that it was fine in the daily chemical factory. He didn't have to work in the fields. The cadres of the brigade were respected and he could eat enough food, which was no worse than going to the county seat.

"Forget it, let's get off work first." Shen Yu decided to go back to the educated youth first.

He rode his bike back to the village and met Yanyan at the intersection.

"Brother Shen Yu is off work." Yanyan greeted him.

Seeing that she had something to say, Shen Yu stopped the bicycle and spoke to her, "I'm back."

Yanyan nodded and asked, "The textile factory wants to recruit workers. Brother Shen Yu, do you want to sign up?"

Shen Yu lowered his eyes and smiled and said, "I didn't think so."

"Can a daily chemical factory be inseparable from people?"

"No." The daily chemical factory is on the right track, and it is no problem to make a few products. Because of the process, equipment and technology, no new products can be developed for the time being. In fact, it doesn't matter if he is there or not, so he hesitates a little.

"Then let's go sign up together?"

"You're not in Zhengjiazhuang anymore?"

"My aunt asked me to go to the textile factory to learn the technology of the factory. I think it's good."

After Lin Mei knew that the textile factory was recruiting, she immediately suggested Yanyan to try it out. She felt that Yanyan had the skills and self-taught culture. If she could pass the test, she would definitely have a future. And when she learns the technology, if she has the will, she can also help Zheng Jiazhuang, which is mutually beneficial.

Wu Caixian is married to Chang Fuyu, and she gave birth to another son this year. Yanyan is glad that she took her younger brother Mingsheng away. Now my younger brother is in Lin Mei's team. He gets along well with the good man, goes to school together and helps each other. With the help of Lin Mei's family, the bad habits that his younger brother used to spoil were basically improved. Lin Mei also said that Yanyan could also let Liu Mingsheng live in Zhengjiazhuang if she went to the textile factory.

"That's good, you go to the brigade and say you can sign up."

Yanyan laughed, "I want to go. You can go too." She invited again.

Shen Yu nodded, "Cheng, come up, I'll take you to the brigade."

"Thank you." Yanyan sat on the back seat of the bicycle, and Shen Yu took her to the Nantou Brigade to sign up. Although it was recommended by the brigade, because of the limit on the exam quota, basically if you want to go to the brigade, you will be stamped.

The two passed through the village, just as Cauliflower came to meet them from the south.

Cauliflower did not go to school after finishing fifth grade, and now earns work points at home. In the winter, the women of the brigade cut grass and weave the old man to make up the seats. There was nothing to do in winter, so she just wandered around.

"Brother Shen Yu." Cauliflower waved at them and ran over.

Shen Yu glanced at her, nodded to her, and went to the brigade without stopping.

Cauliflower raised her eyebrows and pulled her heels up.

When we arrived at the brigade headquarters, the accountant was on duty there, and many members who were going to the textile factory to sign up were crowded here.

The brigade accountant shouted, "Don't worry about it. You said that there are 12 people selected for a county exam. How come you are so good? Do you have more hands or more brains than others?"

"Then you can't say that, in case we get caught." Someone was unconvinced, "Officer Lin can go to the city."

"You think you're all clerk Lin, and you're still covered up, and clerk Lin doesn't rely on it, why don't you write an article for me to see?" The accountant slapped them, seeing Shen Yu and Yanyan , beckoned: "Oh, Shen Yulai, if you sign up, you can definitely do it."

Someone sneered: "Shen Zhiqing is gone, what should the daily chemical factory do? Don't care?"

Others also began to discuss that the daily chemical factory was supported by Shen Yu. If he left, would the daily chemical factory still be able to make money

The loan for the tractor can be repaid by the daily chemical factory, and the men in the family work in the daily chemical factory to earn work points, even in winter. If Shen Yu left, that would not work.

Some people will inevitably say ugly things, "Why is this, this is not ungrateful, our brigade is so good to him."

"It's not what."

Shen Yu's back instantly tense.

Yanyan glanced at him and whispered: "Brother Shen Yu, don't be angry, the secretary and the captain will support you. I also... support you. You can sign up."

The accountant smiled and said, "Of course, let's fill out the form."

Yanyan took two registration forms, "We'll write it over there."

A few women outside started to speak nasty things, targeting Shen Yu everywhere.

"Without Shen Yu, you wouldn't be alive, right?" Han Yongfang walked in with his hands behind his back. His hair has turned completely white, his back that was originally straight has begun to hunch, and his eyes have been dilated, but his temper is still so rigid.

When the women saw him coming, they shut up quickly.

Han Yongfang continued to scold: "When Shen Yu can't come, do you not eat or work? Why do people have to treat you like a horse?"

"Let's just talk about it, it's not malicious." Someone muttered.

"You can say anything, he can say anything, anyone can do anything, the spittle stars are drowned. Hurry up and apologize!" Han Yongfang was rude.

Although he is now semi-retired, but his prestige is still there, no one dares not to listen to him, and they all quickly apologized to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu: "Forget it, it's nothing."

Some slackers have nothing to do when they are idle. Except for chewing their tongues, they often gossip about Shen Yu. In the past, Erwang told Mai Sui that Lin Lan would also help him to block some of them. After they left, these women became even more powerful when they were no longer in control and gossip, and Shen Yu was too lazy to be idle.

Han Yongfang: "Fill out the form and ask the accountant to stamp it."

Shen Yu and Yanyan filled out the form on the spot, and only then did Cauliflower come in.

She smiled and said, "Secretary, can I also sign up?"

Han Yongfang glanced at her, "You want to take an exam, can you?"

"I'm also in fifth grade." It's better than Yanyan.

Han Yongfang: "If you want to apply, you can apply. If you don't pass the test, no one cares."

Cauliflower took the form and filled it out, she smiled at Yanyan, "Yanyan, when did you come back, why didn't you come to play with me?" Her expression clearly said, "You don't believe me, look, you are still Sign up. If you have the ability, don’t sign up.”

Her meaningful smile made Yanyan very uncomfortable, and Yanyan said, "Aunt Lin asked me to report it."

"So, she is really good for you." Cauliflower smiled.

"Yes, there are still many good people." Yanyan said to Shen Yu, "Brother Shen Yu, I don't know what to expect in the exam. I'm not sure at all."

Shen Yu: "In this way, I'll go to the county tomorrow to find out, and I'll tell you when I come back."

Yanyan smiled and said, "The relationship is good, but I'll have to trouble you to tell me about it."

"And me." Cauliflower smiled childishly, "and me, brother Shen Yu, you lived in my house when you first came, you can't ignore me."

Shen Yu glanced at her and found that Cauliflower is really a weird person. He felt a little scary listening to her that night, but now he looks at her like an ordinary child.

Remembering the help she gave when he first came, he nodded, "Okay."

Favors are always repaid.

Cauliflower jumped up happily, grabbed Yanyan's arm and said with a smile, "Yanyan, that's great, we can study together again."

Yanyan felt a little uncomfortable, and broke away from her hand, "I'm going home to cook."

Cauliflower: "You are at home by yourself. It is troublesome to cook. Come and eat at my house."

Yanyan shook her head: "No need, I brought food back."

After leaving the brigade, Shen Yu said to Yanyan: "If it is inconvenient for you to be alone, you can go to the educated youth point, everyone."

Yanyan thought for a while, "Brother Shen Yu, can I go to the educated youth center to stay at night?"

Shen Yu glanced at her, felt what she was worried about, and said, "I'll go tell you."

Now Gao Lu lives with two other female educated youths and has a place on the kang.

After Shen Yu made arrangements, Yanyan went home and carried the quilt over to borrow it at the educated youth point.

When she came back, Lin Mei taught her a lot, telling her that a girl should not sleep at home, it would be safer to go to a neighbor or somewhere to borrow it, she remembered.

The next day Shen Yu had breakfast, so he brought his food stamps and rode his bicycle to the county. He entered the city from the south, followed Jiefang Road, the main north-south road, and to the north was the compound of the county revolutionary committee, next to the Public Security Bureau. Lin Lan's gemstone laboratory is located in the southeast of the county, while the textile factory is in the northeast corner. To go to the textile factory, first bypass the county revolutionary committee and then go north, bypass the school.

He didn't know whether Lin Lan was in the research room or the Revolutionary Committee, so he went directly to the textile factory first.

Passing high school, just a few boys were basking side by side under the wall outside the campus, each with a cigarette in his mouth, smoking like several small chimneys.

"Which one of you has a way to take away Han Wangguo?" Gao Ling asked while biting his cigarette.

Several people shook their heads, and someone said, "Who dares to play tricks with him, it's colder than the ice skater under the eaves."

"Why don't we organize an event, watch a movie? Or go ice skating? Ice skating is good." Someone suggested, "In this way, Han Maisui can be invited."

Shen Yu happened to come here by bicycle, and when they heard that Dawang and Mai Sui couldn't help but slow down, they turned their heads and glanced at Gao Ling.

Gao Ling is like a good boy at home, and he doesn't commit major troubles at school, so he won't be called a parent. But he is also in the late stage of middle school and second disease. If he leaves his father's sight, it will be like a different person, leaning against the wall lazily, as if he has no bones. He put his hands in his trouser pockets, his teeth clenched his cigarette, and he looked like a bad boy. When he saw Shen Yu turning his head to look at him, he smiled and said, "I said, brother, if you hear something nice, the road won't go away? Ride your bicycle."

Shen Yu ignored them and rode forward, thinking about it, he turned into the middle school again.

"Hey, isn't he the new teacher?"

Gao Ling: "Look at his bun, he is designated from the countryside. Our high school teachers are not so rustic."

"Boss Gao, you are wrong. I can see that they are quite handsome, and they are two years older than us."

Gao Ling ignored him, but stood up straight with his foot against the wall, spat the butt of the cigarette on the ground with a bang, smashed it with his foot, and followed Shen Yu's back to school.

"Boss Gao, we're going back now? Didn't I want to skip class? I'm not loyal enough."

"Please come back and smoke." Gao Ling trotted back to the campus, and saw Shen Yu parked at the entrance of the first class of high school, Han Maisui and Han Wangjun ran out to greet him happily. To Gao Ling's surprise, even Han Wangguo came out.

Yo, it's a big deal.

Gao Ling was watching them from the back door of the first class. He liked to listen to Han Maisui's voice. When he was playing games with his classmates outside, she smiled very cheerfully and was never embarrassed. Gao Ling felt that her voice was silvery. As nice as a bell. But at this moment, she was not as lively as usual, but stood there orderly, smiled slightly, and talked to Shen Yu in a soft voice, which was called gentleness.

He had never seen her like this before, so he couldn't help staring at Shen Yu.

Shen Yu felt his gaze and turned to look.

Mai Sui looked back and saw Gao Ling, Gao Ling smiled at her.

Mai Sui cut and said to Shen Yu, "Don't pay attention to him, my brother's men are defeated."

Shen Yu said with a smile: "The three of you together, no one dares to bully you wherever you go."

He felt that with Dawang and Erwang together, Mai Sui really didn't need to suffer any grievances. After all, such a beautiful and well-educated girl is in a delicate situation at school. The boy will be delusional, the girl will be jealous and isolate her. However, Mai Sui has a good personality, is cheerful and generous, and most of her female classmates have a good relationship with her. After all, they still want to please the two brothers Dawang Erwang, and they want to make a good impression on them, and they will also be friendly to her.

Mai Sui: "That's right. After we came here, no one in the compound was not afraid of being beaten by my brother. None of us passed the test for me and my second brother."

Now she and Erwang's results are very closely tied, either she is first or he is first. The two are competing, and whoever wins first can make a request.

At this time, the class bell rang, and Shen Yu said, "I'll go to the textile factory to ask about the content of the recruitment examination. You should go to class quickly."

Erwang: "Brother Shen Yu, come over for dinner at noon."

Dawang: "I'll go with you."

Shen Yu waved his hand: "No, you go to class quickly."

He didn't want to delay their class, so he pushed the cart away first.

Gao Ling didn't go to class, but followed Shen Yu, "Hey, this brother, where did the educated youth go to the countryside?"

The fool couldn't see that Shen Yu was an educated youth.

Shen Yu glanced at him, "I don't think you have a good relationship with them."

If it is a normal relationship, wheat ears will not be like that. Moreover, Dawang has never taken the initiative to provoke these years, so it must be that they were provoked by Dawang.

Gao Ling laughed, "It's not good, it's not bad, you have a good relationship with them."

Shen Yu: "It's good. I still have something to do. Let's go first."

"Hey, aren't you going to a textile factory? You want to recruit workers. I'll go with you. I know someone, and I'll find someone to help you ask."

Shen Yu declined and rode away.

Gao Ling shouted at him: "The director of the Revolutionary Committee of the textile factory is my relative."

Shen Yu didn't care, Gu Zi left.

Gao Ling shrugged, wanting to go out to play with friends, but suddenly he was not interested, and he felt bored when he went back to class. When could Han Maisui talk to him like that? He walked past the door of the first class. The glass window on the south side was illuminated by the sun, and he couldn't see Han Maisui. He was a little resentful.

He suddenly had an idea: why don't you repeat the grade for another year? In this way, you can be in the same class as Han Maisui! Or, go back a year now

He was about to be moved to death by himself, how could he be so smart.

Gao Ling ran to the Public Security Bureau to find his parents, just as Jiang Chunxia and Lin Lan were there to chat.

Lin Lan has been trying to supplement some knowledge about earthquakes for the past few days. In her previous life, her knowledge of earthquakes mainly came from Sichuan, but for the 1976 Tangshan and Kaiping coal mine earthquakes, she only knew that the time was in the early morning of July 28. This is what I heard when I participated in earthquake drills in my previous life as a volunteer. However, because of the busy work, some activities are just to participate in, and I am not too distracted and can't remember much.

After she had learned more in the past two days, she learned through the regional earthquake office that China had successfully predicted earthquakes.

Before this year, on February 4, the earthquake in Haicheng was successfully predicted, so there were no major casualties. The news spread to the world and it was very sensational. Many foreign earthquake science experts and international academic organizations visited China one after another.

Because this is the only earthquake the United Nations has acknowledged has been successfully predicted.

In addition, in the memory of Lin Lan's previous life, when the Tangshan earthquake occurred, Qinglong County in the jurisdiction was prepared in time for earthquake prevention, and the final casualty was very small.

She knows that what she needs to do is not to predict anything. After all, she is not professional and has no right to speak. The existing earthquake research experts are very good and can also predict successfully, which means that there is technical support.

What she has to do is to find a way to make people believe that an earthquake will definitely happen in the future, after the earthquake experts monitor it, and do earthquake prevention work in time.

Now she needs to systematically learn and understand the relevant knowledge of earthquakes, so that what she writes can be professional and meaningful, so as to convince ordinary people, and to convince earthquake researchers that she really understands this and is willing to work with her. She deepens communication.

In addition to reading books, she also consulted the people in the earthquake prevention office for professional knowledge, so she has been soaking in Jiang Chunxia for the past two days.

In fact, this is Jiang Chunxia's task in itself, but Jiang Chunxia feels that this kind of thing involves the State Earthquake Administration, more than a dozen earthquake stations across the country, and provincial and regional earthquake teams, but there is no such thing as the county earthquake office. She only needs to receive instructions from her superiors, and she will practice if she wants to practice, and shock-proof if she wants to prevent earthquakes. Besides, she didn't study this major, she just arranged a position.

Seeing that Lin Lan was so active about this matter, she still murmured in her heart. She wondered whether Lin Lan was interested in the position of the Earthquake Office or if she wanted to compete for the position of Deputy Director of the Publicity Office. However, she didn't show it, and answered Lin Lan's question very seriously. If she didn't understand, she flipped through the information book, and gave Lin Lan the key to the data cabinet to allow her to read the information.

Lin Lan flipped through it and found that it could be monitored through small earthquake activity, terrain deformation, gravity measurement, geomagnetism, sea level, etc. She asked Jiang Chunxia what these values meant.

Jiang Chunxia's eyes were dizzy when she asked, but she was embarrassed to say that she didn't understand at all, so she could only talk about it lightly.

When she was overwhelmed by Lin Lan's question, Gao Ling ran in, "Mom, should I go to high school if I want to?"

Jiang Chunxia let out a long sigh of relief and turned to her son, "You kid, why are you talking nonsense."

Gao Ling smiled brightly at Lin Lan, "Hello Auntie Lin."

Lin Lan smiled, "Gao Ling, you are graduating next summer, and are you now in the first year of high school?"

Gao Ling: "Yes, I think I didn't study hard before, I shouldn't have, I have to study hard and study the courses of Senior One. Before..." He lowered his head slightly, showing a sad and guilty expression, "Mom, It was all my mistakes before, I didn't study hard and wasted time."

Jiang Chunxia didn't think about the problem with her son. She felt that she definitely didn't want to go to the countryside and couldn't directly enter the factory or go to university, so he subconsciously wanted to escape and wanted to stay in the school.

Jiang Chunxia naturally also planned for her son. Being a soldier is too hard. She is not willing to send her son there to be sparred, and she is not willing to let her son go to a factory as a worker. One year, and then recommended to go to university. When you come back, you can enter the office. Although the salary is not as high as that of the workers, it is better to be free and not tired.

If you are in school, you have no working experience, and you can't trust other good things.

"Don't think about it. Your father can't kill you."

Jiang Chunxia and Gao Weidong have only two sons, Gao Ling and Gao Yu. Gao Weidong is busy with work and usually doesn't have the mind to take care of the children. She is the one who takes care of them.

However, Gao Ling turned to Lin Lan: "Auntie Lin, do you think I'm doing this right?"

Lin Lan laughed, "Then I can't say it well."

If he stays for a year, it is actually good, study hard, and go to the second year of high school next year, so that he can take the college entrance examination in the year after.

This is also a mistake.

With his family's conditions, Jiang Chunxia will definitely arrange it, and he can also take the university entrance exam in the year after year. I am afraid that I will leave the campus for a year, play wild, and do not like to study, and it is difficult to say whether I will be admitted.

However, at this time, the operation is not standardized, and there are still people who can find a way to replace it.

In this era, people are often admitted to college, but they are replaced by others, only to find out after many years. Especially the candidates from the countryside, who finally took a test in the city, then went home and waited. If they didn't wait for the notice, they thought they were not admitted. He might actually be admitted, but he just didn't get the notice.

Lin Lan felt that some parents in the county revolutionary committee could do such a thing.

She didn't want to get involved in the Gao family's affairs, so she left first on the pretext of changing the manuscript.

During the noon meal, Han Qingsong and Luo Haicheng came back together from outside.

Luo Haicheng: "Officer Han, Deputy Director Li greeted me and told me to let Hu Jincheng go. I checked and he was really fine, he just got implicated by watching the fun."

Han Qingsong: "Let go. Send someone to watch him from time to time."

Luo Haicheng said in surprise: "Ju Han, does he have a problem?"

"I don't know yet, let's see first."

"Well, I'll let people keep an eye on it, and I'll take a look every now and then." These people also know the rules of stalking. Some people who are not very important don't need to keep an eye on them every day. After all, people at this time can't walk around at will. For example, if a member wants to go to work, he has to ask for leave if he doesn't go.

Han Qingsong: "Let's eat together."

Luo Haicheng: "Is there my sister-in-law, I haven't seen you for a few days, I wonder..." He glanced at Han Qingsong and said with a smile, "I wonder about my sister-in-law and the children."

Lin Lan came out with the teapot and lunch box and greeted them, "Come back, let's have dinner together."

Luo Haicheng: "Korean Bureau, I think my sister-in-law misses me a lot." He hurriedly left after receiving the deep gaze from his boss.

Lin Lan walked up to Han Qingsong, "This Luo Haicheng is still so childish at his age. Qingyun is married, why hasn't he moved?" She motioned Han Qingsong to wash her hands at the sink. Her tea jar was filled with hot water, just right Wash his hands.

When they went to eat in the cafeteria, they saw Dawang coming in from outside.

Lin Lan waved at him, "eldest son, here."

Dawang came over and told them that Shen Yu had come to the textile factory to inquire about the recruitment.

Lin Lan knew that his meal must have been given to Shen Yu, so she took the meal ticket and money and asked him to make another meal to eat. When Dawang came back, she said, "It's good, have you heard?"

Dawang put the cabbage tofu on the table and nodded.

Lin Lan: "He didn't leave, let him stay for two days."

Dawang: "I didn't leave, the second brother took him to his house."

While eating, Zhou Fengjie came over, her eyes lit up when she looked at Dawang, "Aiya, Lin Lan, this is our eldest son."

The family of three was silent for a moment.

Lin Lan introduced with a smile, "Yes, you look tall, but you're actually young."

Dawang got up and said hello to Zhou Fengjie.

Zhou Fengjie tsk tsk, envious, "Look at this big man, let's catch up with the Korean Bureau." If it was someone else, she appointed the father and son to compare, but Han Qingsong didn't dare.

Lin Lan asked Da Wang to sit down to eat, "No, he is still young, how can he be as tall as his father?"

Dawang glanced at Lin Lan, wondering why she kept saying that she was small, but didn't say anything, just ate silently.

The more Zhou Fengjie looked at it, the more she liked it. If it weren't for the fact that she didn't have a daughter of the right age, she would really like to marry her now. She didn't even bother to make a meal, so she gave the lunch box to the young people in the office and asked them to help.

Dawang's face is very cold, but he is unavoidably a little murmured in his heart, why did she show such a look to herself? Just like Sanwang saw the big hoof.

Han Qingsong glanced at him, "What class is this afternoon?"

Dawang thought about it, it seems to be physics? Or chemistry? Or in English? He said calmly: "Sports, labor class."

Han Qingsong: "Then you don't have to go back, learn to drive."

Dawang's eyes lit up and silently gave a thumbs up for his wit, but nodded expressionlessly, "Okay."

Zhou Fengjie had already tut tut eight hundred times in her heart, look, look at others, just when she was thinking about what kind of relatives and daughters she had that could be worthy of him, the boy across from him suddenly gave her a look. Zhou Fengjie didn't know why, but her heart skipped a beat. But when she looked at it again, the young man sat there eating silently, with a straight back, slightly bowing his head, quiet and well-behaved, and did not threaten her with his eyes.

"Han Wangguo?" she asked.

Dawang raised his eyes: "You said."

"What are your plans for the future?"

Dawang lowered his eyes, then glanced at Zhou Fengjie, "I want to join the army after graduation."

Zhou Fengjie: "With such good conditions, it is definitely possible to be a soldier. That's right... Being a soldier can be hard. If you don't believe me, ask your father, right?"

Han Qingsong just finished eating, "It's okay."

Lin Lan also finished eating. She wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and folded it and handed it to Han Qingsong. She quickly said goodbye to Zhou Fengjie, "Director Zhou, eat slowly."

Zhou Fengjie: "Lin Lan, think about what I said, I still have several candidates here."

Lin Lan thanked Dawang and hurriedly left.

Dawang looked puzzled, "What's the matter?"

Lin Lan: "When people ask you how old you are in the future, you will say that you are still young, fourteen years old."


Lin Lan looked at him: "Or, now you want to find a daughter-in-law?"

Dawang immediately chased after Han Qingsong.

Lin Lan watched Han Qingsong teach Dawang to drive a jeep, and she also went to join in the fun. She was too skilled. If she also "learned" to drive a jeep, that would be a skill.

The Revolutionary Committee had two jeeps, and the Public Security Bureau had only one, usually driven by the old chief. Recently, the old director was not feeling very well. He went to the regional hospital to recuperate, and the jeep stayed in the bureau.

Han Qingsong always drives a sidecar motorcycle when he goes out, and most of the jeeps are driven by Deputy Bureau Li. At this moment, Han Qingsong came over, and Han Qingsong taught his son how to drive.

Seeing Lin Lan following, Han Qingsong: "I'll follow the car, it's fine."

Lin Lan: "Third brother, I also learn from the car."

Han Qingsong and Dawang: "..." A woman who can drive a motorcycle doesn't seem to be driving a jeep. Han Qingsong nodded, "You sit in the back."

He opened the door, raised his arm and let her help her into the car.

Lin Lan happily said, "Oldest son, come on."

Dawang: It was all right, but I was a little nervous when you came up.

According to Han Qingsong's request, he looked around the car to check whether it was safe, and then opened the door and fastened his seat belt. He has been in touch with jeeps before, and he has a clear understanding of where and where, but he still listened carefully to Han Qingsong. Han Qingsong never talks to people in a wordy way. If he is not careful, he will miss the key points, so Dawang does not dare to be careless.

Han Qingsong said it twice and asked Dawang to repeat it. He nodded when he heard that his son was correct.

Lin Lan came up from the back seat, "Me, and me."

Han Qingsong looked at her and smiled, "Tell me."

Lin Lan also said it again, all right.

Han Qingsong: "Sure, I'll let you drive later." He told Dawang not to worry, but to be safe, think about it before doing it.

Start the ignition, check the dashboard data, step on the clutch, shift the gear, apply the accelerator...

Dawang learns to drive just like he learns boxing. He learns quickly and steadily. After three times, he can drive a straight road and brake safely, and then learn to reverse gear, turn, and circle according to Han Qingsong's requirements.

Looking at his posture, Lin Lan estimated that he would be familiar with him in the afternoon, and it would be good to practice a few more times.

An hour later, she changed to Lin Lan, she still wanted to pretend not to be too high-profile. As a result, I found that I forgot a manual transmission, after all, I have never touched a manual after getting my driver's license.

Especially a big jeep like this, rough and... tattered.

When she was about to hang up, Han Qingsong suddenly leaned over, hooked his finger on the seat belt, pulled it out and put it in her hand solemnly, and glanced at her.

Lin Lan: "… Oops, I forgot."

Now don't pretend, just drive!

Half an hour later, Dawang sat in the back seat silently. He thought he was learning fast, but his mother was faster than him. Fortunately, he was not proud.

After a while, Han Qingsong looked at his watch. Two hours later, he didn't occupy the jeep too much, lest Deputy Director Li have any opinion.

When he got out of the car, he said to Dawang, "Take time to come and practice for an hour every day these few days." According to Dawang's progress, two or three days will do.

Dawang was happy in his heart, but his face was very calm, "Okay."

He said goodbye to his parents and went back to school first. When he walked outside the campus wall, he saw Gao Ling and several people smoking there, he glanced at it and ignored it.

Gao Ling smiled at him, "Han Wangguo, you're actually skipping class? It's not easy."

Dawang sits at the back desk in class every day. Although he may sleep a lot of time, he never skips class.

Gao Ling saw that he was ignoring him, so he ran over, "I said Han Wangguo, we don't have any grievances, can we reconcile?"

Dawang glanced at him, "What is there to reconcile without grievances?"

Gao Ling nodded and smiled, "Indeed, then... Let's play basketball together in the future."

Dawang: "Let's talk about it, I don't have time recently." He still has to learn to drive.

Gao Ling didn't mind, so he went back to school with him. Someone watched them walk in side by side, all whispering. Many people know that Gao Ling and Li Chang once had a relationship with Dawang, but they didn't communicate much this year. Unexpectedly, Han Wangguo came in with Gao Ling now!

When he arrived at the door of the class, Gao Ling smiled and said goodbye to Da Wang.

Dawang didn't say anything about Gu Zi returning to the classroom.

When passing by Erwang and Maisui's table, he paused.

Erwang: "Brother, in the afternoon physics class and math class, we will help you ask for leave."

Dawang nodded, "Okay."

Mai Sui: "Brother, if you are not feeling well, go home first. Brother Shen Yu is at our house."

They kept Shen Yu here for dinner, and after dinner, Erwang took the keys and sent Shen Yu home, looking for books for him to review at home.

Dawang raised his eyebrows slightly, "Uncomfortable?"

Mai Sui giggled, "We told the teacher that you are sick."

Dawang, who was as strong as a wolf, lowered his eyes and thought for a while, "Oh, it's a little uncomfortable, I'll go back first, you two will pick them up." He went back to his seat and packed his schoolbag.

The girl at his front table looked back at him, plucked up her courage, and her face flushed red, her heart thumping, "Han, Han Wangguo, what's wrong with you?"

Dawang stuffed the book into his schoolbag, pointed to his ear, "I can't hear clearly." Then he carried the schoolbag away with peace of mind.

The girl felt distressed instantly, "Has classmate Han Wangguo's ear hurt? He can't hear clearly, no wonder he has to go to class."

Deskmate: ... So you can just ignore you female classmates!

In winter, the days are short, and if the weather is bad, it will be too dark to see before five o'clock.

Lin Lan borrowed several professional books from Jiang Chunxia and went back to study. After Han Qingsong taught driving, she and Liu Jianyun went out to run errands. When she was not in the office, she went back by herself.

The children had already arrived home, because Shen Yu's arrival was very lively, and when she walked to the gate, she heard Sanwang's laughter, which couldn't be more exciting.

Mai Sui and Erwang were cooking, while Dawang and Shen Yu were fetching water in the yard. There was a well in their yard, and there was no well-pressing, so they could only be brought up with rope buckets.

Seeing Lin Lan's return, Sanwang and Xiaowang gathered around, and Shen Yu also came to say hello.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Did you go to the textile factory? How is it?"

Shen Yu smiled: "I went to see it and asked about the scope of the exam. It's okay, it's not difficult."

"But it's not easy to recruit more than ten people in the county." Lin Lan said, "I'll ask you tomorrow too."

Shen Yu hurriedly said: "Team leader, don't bother, I just try, it doesn't matter if I don't pass the test."

"It's fine, I'm just taking a look anyway." Lin Lan saw that he was a little confused, but he was used to worrying about things and didn't show it too clearly.

For dinner, the pea gnocchi was boiled in Erwang, and the pancakes and sweet potatoes were distilled, and the bacon and winter melon were also steamed, and the cabbage and shrimp skin were stewed with eggs. The cabbage in winter is very fresh and sweet, and the bacon is made by Lin Lan and Erwang, which is not so salty, but more fragrant.

Before Han Qingsong came back, Lin Lan left him in the pot and they would eat first.

During the meal, Shen Yu said to Lin Lan, "Team leader, the daily chemical factory can't develop new products right now. I can't do anything special. Xu Dongxing and the others can handle it."

Lin Lan felt that Shen Yu wanted to enter the textile factory, which was his own choice. In the previous life, he and Yanyan entered the textile factory together. Later, he took the college entrance examination and returned to the provincial capital to study at the university. After graduation, he did not want to stay in the provincial capital but returned to the textile factory as a cadre. After the reform and opening up, he and Yanyan led the textile factory to a new level. After the reform and reorganization of state-owned enterprises, they led the laid-off employees to start their own businesses, and finally became the leading textile tycoon in China.

This is the path that belongs to Shen Yu, and Lin Lan will naturally not interfere, and no matter what she does, the life of the original hero and heroine seems to be developing on a predetermined trajectory.

She heard that Shen Yu was a little nervous, probably because she was afraid that she would be uncomfortable. She smiled and said, "The problem with that daily chemical plant is that the scale is limited now. If the policy can be liberalized in the future, there is still a chance. There is no rush now."

Anyway, the technology is mature, as long as someone can't make mistakes, then there is no problem.

Lin Lan didn't have to think about it to know what gossip he would hear in the village, and she didn't say much, just support him like she would support her own child.

Seeing that Lin Lan really supported him, Shen Yu put away the anxiety in his heart and became happy. He also talked to Lin Lan about the earthquake data she was researching.

"The provincial seismic station must have instruments and more detailed information. You can ask them for advice."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "I think so too, but I have to learn it first, and I can't rashly bother me if I don't know anything." That way, not only would he not be trusted, but he would be despised.

Shen Yu admired her hard work so seriously.

After eating, Lin Lan continued to study her report.

Mai Sui and Erwang practice English together with Shen Yu. This is also the habit of the siblings. After practicing English, they do their own homework.

In this case, Dawang basically does not participate. However, although he didn't study much, his grades were not bad. After all, he had a good brain and was extremely efficient when he studied, so what he should master is not ambiguous. At this moment, he went to the yard to practice his dagger. The lights were not turned on in the yard. It was a bit cloudy.

Sanwang and Xiaowang were playing bouncing on the floor in the house, occasionally interjecting to say a few words in English while they were playing.

After practicing English, Mai Sui packed up some books, "Brother Shen Yu, lend this to Yanyan, it should help her."

She also doesn't know what the textile factory means. You say you are recruiting workers, and you also take the cultural class, the cultural class, and you haven't recruited workers from the school. It's really... It's hard for normal people to understand.

Shen Yu took a look and put it in the bag, "Okay."

Mai Sui and Er Wang did other homework, and Shen Yu read Mai Sui and Er Wang's compositions and thought they wrote really well. After watching for a while, he saw that Xiaowang, who was having a good time with Sanwang, had no intention of studying, so he asked, "Xiaowang, have you finished your homework?"

Xiaowang smiled: "Brother Shen Yu, I finished writing it in school."

Shen Yu: "I'll help you take a look."

Xiaowang took out the homework book in his schoolbag for Shen Yu to check.

Shen Yu took a look at it, and his face suddenly became black, when did this child start to be so sloppy? It wasn't like that when I was a kid.

Mai Sui was holding the gem book for research. Seeing Shen Yu frowning, he smiled and said, "Brother Shen Yu, what's wrong?"

Shen Yu showed her Xiaowang's homework.

Mai Sui only glanced at it and exclaimed, "Little brother, what have you been doing these two days?"

In the past, Xiaowang's homework was all shown by Mai Sui and Erwang. Since he came here last year, Xiaowang's studies have been quite stable, and now he is in fifth grade and does not need to be watched by his sister.

How do you know, it's only been a few days, how did it fall like this? Not only were the math questions wrong several times, but some of them were sloppy, and the words were not serious.

Xiaowang didn't care, "Sister, what's the matter, anyway, I'm studying music and art, and I don't need mathematics." Sanwang smiled while hiding.

Mai Sui: "..." She teased Erwang who was studying physics problems: "It was designated by the little third brother."

Sanwang: "What's wrong with me, how much I love to study alone."

Mai Sui: "Just be a person first! What does a person who loves learning have to do with you?"

Sanwang is a little rude and said, "Anyway, we can't use mathematics, and we don't like to learn, so what does it matter?"

Mai Sui, Er Wang, and Shen Yu were shocked by his righteous remarks, and for a while they didn't know how to refute them.

Mai Sui: "Big Brother!"

Dad doesn't care what they study, it's up to him whether they study well or not. It doesn't matter if they don't study. Lin Lan was busy writing in the East, so she naturally wouldn't bother, so she called Dawang.

Dawang took the dagger, put it back in the scabbard and pinned it to his waist, and walked into the room, "Huh?"

"Hurry up and take care of Han Wangmin, he is getting more and more capable." Mai Sui patted Xiao Wang's homework on the table.

Dawang stepped forward to pick it up, glanced at it, and saw the posture of the homework... He also frowned and turned to look at Sanwang.

Sanwang: "Big brother, dear brother, listen to my explanation, I think..."

Dawang stretched out his hand to lift him up, wrapped his arms around his shoulders, and motioned to go out to chat.

Sanwang: "Brother, I think I can still save it."

Xiaowang: "Oh, little third brother, don't go, you're going to lose."

Mai Sui: "Little brother, you've also stood up, but you're too embarrassed to play with your teeth."

Xiaowang immediately stood up against the wall, with both hands tightly pressed against the seam of his trousers, looking like he couldn't be more obedient.

Mai Sui laughed again, "Okay, you can stand."

Shen Yu looked at Xiaowang and wanted to say something, but felt that it was unnecessary to say it. What should I say, say you study hard? Well, since you are a student, you should study hard. This is not determined by whether or not you can go to college in the future, it is determined by your attitude towards life. Since you have done it, you should do it well, don't waste money and your life, otherwise it is better not to do it.

This is what Lin Lan once told him. Since going to the countryside can't be changed, then go to the countryside and do something. Human beings are malleable, and they can glow and glow anywhere.

Thinking of this, he said, "Xiao Wang, even if you want to learn music in the future, you still need to learn basic mathematics."

Xiaowang lowered his head slightly, pursed his lips and raised his eyes to look at them, but said nothing.

"Didn't the team leader say that learning is a process of understanding, understanding, and improving, and it doesn't have to be a purpose." Shen Yu said warmly.

Xiao Wang hummed.

Erwang laughed, "Let's learn wild things from your little third brother. What did he say to you?"

Xiaowang shook his head, "I didn't say anything, I suddenly felt..."

"Don't suddenly think, how old are you. The experience of adults is very important, you are right to listen to your mother." Mai Sui said.

Xiao Wang nodded, not so willingly.

Lin Lan came over from the east and said, "Brother Xiao Wang, if I don't study well and fail the exam, we will not invite the Cultural and Art Troupe of the Revolutionary Committee."

Because Xiaowang is very good at singing and playing musical instruments, when the Song and Dance Troupe of the Revolutionary Committee has a performance, he will also invite him to go and give money. Xiaowang likes it very much and is very active every time.

The head of the song and dance troupe, Lu, liked him very much. He asked Lin Lan several times for Xiaowang, and wanted Xiaowang to join the art troupe. Anyway, I don’t want to go to university now, so reading is not very useful. After primary school, it is enough to go to a song and dance troupe to learn to sing and play musical instruments, and I will be an iron job in the future.

Of course Lin Lan disagreed. And she also knows how to handle these children, because she clearly understands their interests.

Sure enough, Xiao Wang immediately laughed, "Mother, I'm cute to study, I'm doing well. Haven't you read this math homework? It wasn't written by me. My third brother lost to me, he wrote it."