Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 160: Anxiety & Sadness


"Master Liu, maybe the children are practicing hands? Besides, they don't know that Pan Daozi is their own. They must have stepped on the spot to know that his family has food. He's not at home for the past two days, so why don't they go to his house to practice hands?"

"Damn, let them spit it out for me, and send it back at night!" Lao Liu gritted his teeth.

"Will there be police?"

"The police have all withdrawn, or where do they get the opportunity to get the goods? Hurry up, don't let Pan Daozi misunderstand what we did, and take another bite at that time."

Jiashan Brigade.

After Mother Pan waited for the police to leave, she sat at home in a trance. Her poor health made her legs and feet inconvenient, and it was impossible for her to go to the labor camp to see her son. After thinking about it, she called a cousin of Pan Shinong. This cousin has a good relationship with him, and the mother and daughter are very close to the cousin's children.

"Shang'er, you go to the farm to see your brother and tell him that our house has been robbed."

Pan Gongshang: "Okay, I'll go. Aunt, go to my house for dinner first."

Pan Gongshang's family was very poor, and his own family couldn't get enough to eat. In addition, Pan's mother was afraid that it would be even more difficult, but she couldn't watch the old lady starve to death.

Mother Pan agreed first, "When the food is found, I will return it to your house."

She thought that she would definitely be able to get it back.

As a result, Pan Gongshang didn't see Pan Shinong at all, so he could only pass a message to Zhang Heili, asking the farmer to tell him that the food was stolen from the thief, and he couldn't say anything else.

After Pan Gongshang came back, after one night, the food from the Pan family hadn't been brought back. Mother Pan began to mumble again, was she really threatening her son, or did she want to starve herself, an immortal, so that her son would have no worries

Mother Pan has experienced many things, and her mind is inevitably messy. After doing this, I had trouble sleeping and eating, and fell ill in two days.

Three days later, Xiaoyuan got the news again.

"Master Liu, the police are gone, how about we quietly deliver some food at night?"

Old Six: "Stupid, how do you know that you are not stalking? If you are caught, do you think the police will let you go or lock you up like Pan Daozi?"

As soon as Lao Liu saw this technique, he knew that it was done by an insider, and it could not be someone else. But the internal thief was not found, and no one in charge of that piece admitted to placing the goods. Seeing that they didn't look like they were lying, Liu Liu wondered if there was another group of people who were deliberately trying to mess with him.

He even went a step further and thought about it, is it the other sixth sixth raised by the old man who is going to replace him

A few of them, except the third child who has been following the old man, the others are all monks. And he was the latest to start, and he always felt that the old man was the most dissatisfied with him, that he was not talented enough, that his temperament was not enough, and he was appointed as the sixth head because there was no better choice.

According to his limited understanding, the third child has never been replaced, and the others have all changed.

It is not impossible if he is replaced.

Originally, according to the old man's plan, the children would only go out to test the waters in the coming year. But so many families have to eat and drink, and those who are celebrating the new year have to buy New Year's goods for them. Naturally, they need money and food. If it doesn't open, it's not enough to just sit and eat.

What's more, since the last time he incited the commune members to steal food, Han Qingsong took over the security of each commune, and all the warehouses and the commune's grain management offices have stepped up patrols, and they have no chance to steal food again.

Without food, how can we gather people's hearts? Feeding so many people requires food.

Lao Liu had to find a way, he could only let the children test the water early.

The old man was dissatisfied with this and got angry, but he didn't punish him face to face. The old man quickly turned passive into active, so he should let the children test the water in advance, and also test Han Qingsong's weight.

When he thought of this, he was afraid and uncomfortable, for fear that Pan Daozi had confessed himself or that the old man had given up on him.

The old man and the third child are not there, and there are only the second child and himself in the county seat, but the second child does not care about stealing the door, and the two of them don't have many open-face exchanges on a daily basis.

Now he really can't make up his mind, so he wants to discuss with his second brother and see if he can give an idea.

He never thought of going to Dawang at all. Although he started with Dawang, he never saw Dawang twice. He really couldn't think of the reform through labor and the change of profession for the little scorpions who practiced with Dawang at the beginning. Go to Dawang.

Moreover, Dawang was still young at that time, and the people in the second phase of the middle school were boring and low-key. Some things would be easy to read once, but he didn't say it. Or after reading it a few times and knowing the trick, go back to practice secretly and not show it to others. Moreover, he was obviously more interested in gambling at the time, and lacked other interests, and everyone thought he would not.

The sixth entry level is shorter than the others. Although the skills are talented, the training of xinxing is not enough.

He didn't know that even though they didn't go to Pan's house, Han Qingsong's eyes and ears had already fallen into his eyes after inquiring so frequently.

Luo Haicheng and Liu Jianyun's movements were quite fast. They identified a person who was inquiring about the news and quickly tracked them down to the small courtyard in the county seat.

Luo Haicheng: "Han Bureau, find their foothold in the county seat. Do you want to arrest them?" They just know the location to monitor, but they haven't grasped the members yet, after all, they can't get too close.

Han Qingsong: "Don't scare the snake, keep monitoring."

He intuition that there must be a leader here, and it is valuable to catch this leader. If you still carry a bunch of gangsters like before, it will be useless to run the leader away.

"Let Pan Shinong meet his family when necessary."

Luo Haicheng smiled and said, "Okay." Judging by the old lady's posture, she concluded that it was a thief who robbed the house. It was likely that something major happened, so she fell ill with fright.

It would be interesting if Pan Shinong believed that their people did this.

"Han Bureau, sister-in-law is really amazing."

If Lin Lan hadn't knocked on Pan Shinong's mouth to confirm that there was someone behind him, the Han Bureau would not have thought of letting Dawang go to the burglar Pan's house, much less lead to this ordinary courtyard. This small courtyard is disguised by the preparation of seats. People often come here, and it will not attract others' attention. Even the people nearby think it is normal, because they will make seats and send them to sell on behalf of them.

Thinking of Lin Lan, Han Qingsong's cold expression softened, "Let's make arrangements."

Today on the winter solstice, he will go back early to accompany her for the festival.

He went back to the office from the outside, but saw the correspondent who went to the train station to pick up the letter riding back with a scorpion, pulling a pile of newspapers, documents, letters and so on.

He saw Han Qingsong and said with a smile: "Bureau Han, 80% have a letter from you."

Han Qingsong: "Eighty percent?"

Lu Jinxiu and other comrades in arms all wrote his name in the letters, Fan Xiao and others wrote directly to Lin Lan, how could they still say 80%

The correspondent stopped the car, took out a bulging envelope from the postal bag and handed it to Han Qingsong: "Han Bureau, look, is it yours?"

Han Qingsong took it and saw that the envelope read X County Public Security, followed by parentheses, a family of seven, four sons and one daughter.

Han Qingsong: "..."

The correspondent said with a smile: "Han Bureau, I figured it out. There are a few members of our public security bureau's family of seven, but they are old people. If you want to say this four sons and one daughter, there is no one else but you."

Han Qingsong nodded, "Wait, let me see."

He tore open the envelope directly and glanced inside, it turned out to be a stack of photos.

He reached in with two fingers and took out one, and when he saw the photo, he couldn't help but frown.

In the photo, a group of people walked forward. Lin Lan turned back and smiled at him. The footage captured from a distance made him instantly have an inexplicable sense of time and space, as if... She was leaving and said goodbye to him with a smile. .

But she was clearly with them at the time, next to her was his back holding Xiaowang, and in front were several children who were queuing to check tickets and enter the station.

He put the photo in his left breast pocket, looked at it, and there was a piece of paper inside.

He opened it and looked at it. It was sent by the cultural department of the capital, to the effect that two Italians happened to meet this family in their county two years ago. The Italian entrusted this matter to him when he returned to China, hoping that he could help find the owner of the photo. As a result, he was implicated in the political movement, which delayed the matter. Rehabilitated this year and regained his freedom, he tried to find a way to send the photo to the owner. He didn't know the name or address either, but he knew the county. Seeing that the male owner was wearing a police uniform, he thought it must be the county police officer. Maybe they could recognize him when he sent it.

He returned to the office, poured the photos on the table and looked at them one by one. There were his single photos, the children's and family photos, but there was no single Lin Lan, because she was holding Xiaowang all the time.

He took out the photo and looked at it again, feeling more and more uncomfortable.

He remembered one thing.

From the end of last year, he occasionally had a dream, in which she kept walking in front of her, and he didn't look back when he called. Later, that dream became more and more clear, her slender back, her hair swaying gently, her arms swaying... and the skirt on her body, showing her slender and white arms, a thin waist, and a wide hem, I don't know what fabric, elegant , smooth.

She kept walking and walking, refusing to look back.

Later, he was too tired to squat in the countryside. He took a nap during the day and suddenly dreamed of her again. This time she turned around, glanced at him, smiled at him, and said, "Goodbye, third brother."

Then she began to slowly disappear, and he woke up all at once and never dreamed again.

A few days ago, I don't know why he suddenly dreamed of her again. This time she was lying on the hospital bed and fell asleep, with strange tubes stuck all over her body, as if she would never wake up.

He didn't understand why he had such a dream. This dream made him unacceptable, and a gloomy, indignant sadness surged inexplicably.

Fortunately it was just a dream.

He hid the picture that made him uncomfortable in the back of the drawer and locked it. He rummaged through the other drawers, found two wooden clips, took out a piece of cardboard, folded it to make a photo frame, and clipped a family portrait and a photo of Lin Lan holding Xiaowang in the homemade photo frame.

Then, he stared at the photo in a daze, and unknowingly it was getting dark.

Lin Lan pushed the door open from the outside and entered with a smile: "Third brother, I heard that a mysterious person wrote you a letter. I'm here to check the gang and see if there are any village flowers..."

Han Qingsong turned his head to look at her, the room was dark without the lights on, she was standing at the door, the electric lanterns in the corridor gave her a bright and real smile. His dazed heart suddenly calmed down, he turned off the lamp on the table, pointed to the photo frame he made, and showed her the family portrait.

"The photo? Where did it come from, how come I don't know?" Lin Lan ran over, "Oh, the shot is so good, it looks like it was taken by a professional photographer. Of course, it's our family that looks good. Look at this police comrade, tall and straight. , with a handsome face and a good temperament, why are you so good-looking?"

"And this little child, just like a little angel, whose daughter is this girl, why is she so handsome..."

Listening to her mother-in-law boasting about her family like selling melons, Han Qingsong stared at her intently. She could never imagine under what circumstances she would be covered with tubes... He stopped himself from thinking about it, but it was just a dream.

Lin Lan picked out a photo of Han Qingsong asking about the Italian and was taken. When he is working seriously, his eyes are focused and sharp, and his profile is particularly tall and straight. The brow bone, the bridge of the nose, and the lower jaw have smooth and clear lines, and with his unique majesty, she can see her heart pounding.

"Third brother, make me a photo frame too, and I'll put it on."

Han Qingsong took the cardboard and folded it.

"No, I have to put it at home, not in the office. If someone steals it, it will be a big loss." Lin Lan said seriously.

Han Qingsong glanced at her, and the corners of his lips subconsciously raised.

Lin Lan: "I'd better go buy a plastic wallet, just put it in."

To be honest, she didn't want that plastic wallet at all, it was so cheap and unclassified, it might as well be a small cloth pocket sewn by herself. However, the wallet has a shape, and you can put photos, one family photo, and one single photo of the third brother.

Han Qingsong: "Buy one for me too."

Lin Lan: ... You don't even have any money with you. What wallet do you want? "Okay."

Han Qingsong got up and said, "Go home and make dumplings with you."

Lin Lan: "I just asked you this, let's go."

On the way, Lin Lan took the initiative to take his arm and asked in a low voice, "Third brother, have you caught any fish?"

"If you catch one, don't rush to close the net and see if there are any others."

Lin Lan nodded: "Catch them early."

If only catching the minions is of no use, they will be revived in the future, and only by catching the boss can their arms be broken.

Han Qingsong looked down at her, "That... what's the trick?"

Lin Lan: "What's the trick?"

"No matter how much we asked before, Pan Shinong didn't say anything."

Lin Lan said with a smile: "What's the trick? I think you are all too fierce, you are too frightened to speak. You recruit some female police officers, chat with people if you have something or nothing, and let them get off their guards. , so they will be willing to confess."

A few big men shoved a pestle there, slapped the table with a savage, and slapped the table, "confession is lenient, resistance is strict", it is estimated that the other party was insured all at once, and their mouths were all zipped.

Han Qingsong listened quietly.

Lin Lan added, "I'll just think about it. You said that our own child made a mistake. If you were mean to him, he wouldn't admit it. If you're nice and angry, he'd be happy to confess to you."

He nodded, took his arms out of her hands, and wrapped his arms around her waist. He didn't go in when he got to the door of the house, but took her to another trail for a stroll.

When the children came back around five o'clock, we all made dumplings together. Han Qingsong chopped the stuffing, Lin Lan mixed the noodles, waited for the stuffing to be done and the noodles were awake, and then started working together. Dawang and Erwang are two boys rolling out the skin. They are strong and not tired. Lin Lan, Han Qingsong and Mai Sui wrap the bag together. Xiaowang and Sanwang are in charge of performing shows to entertain the public. When it's almost time, Xiaowang sets the fire , Sanwang smashed garlic paste.

This time, there are three kinds of stuffing, leek egg, pork cabbage, and fungus and shrimp stuffing.

The steaming dumplings came out of the pot, and the family said Happy Winter Solstice.

Xiaowang: "Don't eat dumplings on the winter solstice, freeze your earlobes, haha."

Mai Sui ate pork and cabbage stuffed, and was spicy with garlic: "Little third brother, how did you pound garlic, it's extra spicy."

Erwang: "Purple garlic is very spicy, just pour some sesame oil." He brought the sesame oil over and poured a few drops for the wheat ears, "Who else wants it?"

Dawang does not need sesame oil for dipping in chili peppers, but Xiaowang is so hot that he keeps sizzling, holding up his bowl: "I-I-I!"

Lin Lan watched Sanwang eat dumplings, first rolled it in the garlic paste, took a bite, and poured a little garlic paste into it, it looked spicy. She reminded: "Little third brother, eat less garlic, and don't irritate the stomach. The human stomach is fundamental. If the stomach is damaged, it will be uncomfortable everywhere."

Sanwang is also spicy, "But it's not spicy or fragrant."

Xiaowang: "Little third brother, when you were mashing garlic, did you tell them not to be so spicy?"

Sanwang: "I said, I said I'm not afraid of spicy, not afraid of spicy, hahaha."

Everyone laughed and said that it was all because of Sanwang that the garlic paste was even more spicy.

Xiaowang remembered what happened to the third brother back then, and said with a smile: "Mash garlic doesn't like soy sauce, but soy sauce, they are the perfect match."

Sanwang also said that for the eldest brother, chili is the best for the two brothers.

Lin Lan turned to look at Han Qingsong. He didn't eat heavily, as long as he had enough food, his lips were all red and sweat dripped from the tip of his nose. She brought a bowl of dumpling soup, "Don't eat garlic, it's too spicy, it's still delicious."

Sanwang looked at the big bowl of mashed garlic that he had smashed, and he couldn't eat it at this speed. He had an idea and said to Xiaowang, "The Gao Yu family made dumplings by themselves, and they definitely haven't eaten yet. Let's go and give them the garlic paste."

Sanwang poured half a bowl and held it, and led Xiaowang to deliver garlic paste to Gao Ling and Gaoyu.

Lin Lan: " two, give dumplings as well."

"Mother, there are dumplings. The garlic paste is not as fragrant as I pounded."

Lin Lan still asked Mai Sui to quickly deliver a plate of shrimp dumplings instead of just a bowl of mashed garlic.

Erwang took it, "I'll go."

Erwang went out and stopped the little brothers and gave them the dumplings, "Let's send them over together."

The little brothers went happily, and Jiang Chunxia was still packing. Gao Weidong is not at home, and he refuses to do housework at home, so the two sons are the shopkeepers. Jiang Chunxia has no daughter to help, so she can only work inside and out by herself.

Seeing Sanwang coming over, Jiang Chunxia was a little embarrassed, "Oh, you are moving so fast. Gao Yu, give Sanwang and Xiaowang some snacks."

Gao Ling took the initiative to bring out the sweets, let the brothers carry them, and asked Dawang Maisui why.

Xiaowang: "Eating dumplings."

Gao Yu saw that everyone was eating, "Mother, why are you so slow?"

Sanwang was not happy anymore, "Gao Yu, why don't you help? Our family does it all. It's too slow if you don't help. It's really annoying."

Gao Yu was a little embarrassed, "Then I won't."

"You can't learn it. My elder brother has learned it."

Xiaowang: "That's it. Come to my little third brother to teach you." He looked at Sanwang and smiled, and Sanwang would smash garlic!

Sanwang was not afraid, but he helped Jiang Chunxia knead the dough enthusiastically, but Jiang Chunxia was moved badly.

"No, no, you two go back to eat, we'll be fine in a while."

Sanwang doesn't want to roll the skin by himself, and neither does he! He glanced at the Gao Ling brothers and waved to Gao Yu.

Gao Yu came over, "What?"

Sanwang has ears: "Raising a son doesn't feel bad for your mother, it's better to raise two big pig hooves."

Gao Yu: "…"

Sanwang said: "Auntie, you have to let them both know how to cook, or if you marry a daughter-in-law in the future and let her do everything, people will definitely not be happy. This is what my mother said. It's easier to find a daughter-in-law in the future."

Gao Ling brothers: "..." This guy... If you have the ability, you can find a daughter-in-law!

Jiang Chunxia heard such a thing. She just thought that with such a few children, she would be a daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law. She must have matured early.

She said, "... That's true." How could these children be so sensible. Take a look at the two of your own, they really threw them away and no one picked them up.

Hearing what Lin Lan said, Gao Ling hurriedly came over to learn how to make dumplings, and Gao Yu also came to help.

Facts have proved that as long as the young man is not stupid, as long as he is willing to learn, he can learn things very quickly.

After a while, Gao Ling will be able to roll out the skin for his mother.

Jiang Chunxia was stunned, "Gao Ling, do you know how to roll skin?"

Gao Ling: "Isn't this what you learned?"

Sanwang: "Auntie, we're going home."

Xiaowang stuffed the big candied dates in his mouth and waved goodbye with a smile.

Jiang Chunxia: "Don't go, let's eat dumplings together later."

Sanwang thought, I think your stuffing is definitely not as fragrant as mine, "No, no, let's play together after eating." He led Xiaowang and ran away.

When they got home, the family basically finished eating, and only Dawang was still eating because he had a big appetite.

The little brothers sat down and started to grab the dumplings with the big brother, which was especially delicious.

After dinner, the family went out for a walk.

Han Qingsong thought they were making a fuss, so he took Lin Lan to another road, and Dawang led his younger brothers and sisters to play with other children and set off gun battles together.

At 9:30, I went home to wash up, and at 10:00 the family went to the kang to rest.

The winter solstice was really cold, and when they walked outside for a while, Lin Lan felt that her feet were going to freeze. After she got home and washed herself, she quickly climbed onto the quilt on the kang bed and wrapped herself in it comfortably. The stove and the kang were comfortable, the room was hot, and it was not cold when she lay down.

Han Qingsong sealed the furnace door, checked it, and then entered the room to plug the door.

At this time, Lin Lan remembered a joke. Everyone was discussing the difference between the north and the south. The heating in the north was so hot that people wore panties, and the people in the south rolled the quilt so that there was no wind.

The most ruthless thing is "It's so cold, and my sex life is gone." Thinking of this, Lin Lan couldn't help but laugh.

Han Qingsong took off his clothes and put on the kang, and glanced at her. He was used to what she remembered and snickered and didn't tell him.


Lin Lan was even more amused when he saw the suspicious look on his face. He guessed that Director Han would not delay X's life when he went to the wet and cold south, so he couldn't stop laughing.

Han Qingsong took her directly into his arms, "Come on, let's be happy together."

Lin Lan: "...Ah, as long as you're happy, why are you taking off my clothes?"

"It's happier." His fingers were slender and nimble, and the movement of undressing her was light and quick.

Lin Lan was teased by him and laughed into a ball.

He locked her whole in his arms, felt a dice from under the pillow, "throw it."

Lin Lan: "...!" Director Han can play tricks, can he still be an upright person!