Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 163: Kill & he can't


Han Jinyu's stance was broken. Han Qingsong wanted to arrest her man, so she made Han Qingsong discredited. She felt that she was Han Qingsong's own younger sister. If her reputation was bad, he wouldn't be much better!

The entire public security bureau was stunned by him.

It's just divine logic!

Director Han's reputation is earned by himself, what can a younger sister do

Lin Lan heard that Han Jinyu had come to the Public Security Bureau to make trouble. She wanted to come over to persuade her, but when she walked to the door, she heard Han Jinyu's rhetoric.

Han Jinyu can really do it! That child is not Liu Haozhe's? How many more men? How can you do that

Lin Lan decided not to go in, and turned around silently, just in time to meet Jiang Chunxia.

Jiang Chunxia sighed, "Don't be angry."

Lin Lan: "I'm not angry, I wasn't close to her in the first place."

Jiang Chunxia: "Hey, it's troublesome not to have children. There are many things like this in the countryside. In principle, it's not a crime, and the Public Security Bureau can't use this reason to arrest people."

Especially if the wife steals, it is even more impossible to arrest her man.

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment, but did not expect Jiang Chunxia to understand Han Jinyu? ! Does that mean that quite a few sympathize with Han Jinyu

I thought Han Jinyu came to disgust Han Qingsong, but now it seems that she wants to risk her reputation to save Liu Haozhe? Liu Haozhe had a relationship with Lao Liu, and the Public Security Bureau decided that it was enough to pry open Lao Liu's mouth. But at this moment, Han Jinyu said that she had something to do with Lao Liu, and Liu Haozhe went to her house for her business, but Liu Haozhe endured the humiliation.

What is he!

Han Jinyu suddenly had a brain

If Han Jinyu only said that she had an affair with the sixth, then her reputation would be really bad. But she said that Liu Haozhe couldn't have children because she wanted to inherit the lineage and borrow seeds to have children, so that her image suddenly became a sympathetic and forbearing woman. Maybe many people would respect her in awe.

What the hell! Lin Lan couldn't help swearing.

Sure enough, when Han Jinyu made such a fuss, it was easy to talk about what Liu Haozhe and Lao Liu were not clear about. He wears a cuckold and bears humiliation but loves his wife deeply and is unwilling to expose his family's ugliness. Luo Haicheng really has a toothache.

Luo Haicheng: "Liu Haozhe, you can really act."

Liu Haozhe said nothing, with a sad expression on his face, "I won't resist anyway, you can shoot at will."

"What do you think we are, shoot you at will? If you don't commit a crime, you are not qualified." Luo Haicheng said.

Liu Haozhe suddenly turned his head to look at Luo Haicheng, and said lightly, "Did Jinyu ever look for you later?"

Luo Haicheng: "Why are you looking for me? I'm not familiar with her."

"Really?" Liu Haozhe raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you two date someone before me? Will she stop looking for you later?"

Luo Haicheng: "Fuck! Liu Haozhe, what do you mean, you still want to throw dirty water on me?"

Liu Haozhe: "Look at that kid, and you..."

"Shut up your mother!" Luo Haicheng punched Liu Haozhe with a fist.

The clerk next to him didn't react, and watched Luo Haicheng beat Liu Haozhe directly to the ground.

Liu Haozhe was lying on the ground with a smug and disheartened smile, "Fight, the police beat him up. Anyway, my wife stole a man and let everyone know that I still have a face to live." : "You fight, why didn't you shoot me!"

Luo Haicheng: "What the hell do you think I don't dare?"

The clerk quickly pushed Luo Haicheng out: "Team Luo, you can't try him again. Change to Team Liu..."

At this time, Han Qingsong pushed in the door from the outside, glanced at it, and motioned for Luo Haicheng to go out.

He walked over and gave Liu Haozhe a condescending look, then lifted Liu Haozhe up and sat down.

Liu Haozhe spit out a mouthful of blood and looked dejected, "Thank you third brother."

Han Qingsong: "Don't call me third brother."

"It's the Korean Bureau." Liu Haozhe drooped his head, in an unrequited posture.

Han Qingsong: "Liu Haozhe, if you are a man, do things by yourself, don't rely on women to get away with it."

Liu Haozhe looked disheartened, "Bureau Han, whatever you say is what you say, I will recognize it, I will recognize it all. Whether it is murder, counter-revolutionary, theft, or robber, you can say whatever you want. All of them. I'm a useless bastard who can't have children? I've only been married for a few days and I can't give birth? Ha!"

Han Qingsong looked at him for a while, Liu Haozhe's expression was impeccable.

Han Qingsong said to the clerk: "Lock him back." He lifted his foot and walked out, but heard Liu Haozhe ask: "Han Bureau, how is your sister-in-law?"

Han Qingsong said coldly, "Don't let me hear you call her sister-in-law again, you don't deserve it." He strode away.

Liu Haozhe smiled at the clerk: "Look, it's his sister who is sorry for me, but he looks like I used her to save my life. I didn't say anything. I take my child as my own, and I make money to take care of her."

The clerk said angrily: "Don't pretend, what do you think you are? You fuck men and women..."

"Comrade Public Security, which eye did you see me messing around with? My popularity is good in your eyes, that is, messing about with men and women? Are all of you comrades in public security so arbitrary? Go and sue me if you find me messing about with men and women. , if not, don't slander me. I can die, but you are not allowed to tarnish my innocence!"

What the hell!

The clerks were angry.

Han Qingsong was not too angry. For him, this is a case. If he can't find any evidence for a while, he will investigate it slowly and not in a hurry.

Even if Han Jinyu risked his reputation and kept Liu Haozhe temporarily, for Han Qingsong, as long as Liu Haozhe was guilty, he would definitely be caught. If not, then time could prove his innocence.

He asked Liu Haozhe to be locked back, and then went to see the sixth.

Lao Liu sat there, not knowing what to think, his face was uncertain.

Lao Liu never thought that he would have a son. His parents were black five types, and he decisively made a clear distinction with his family. Later, his father died and his younger brother was sent to labor camp. As a result, he died within two years. Whether he died of disease or torture, although he couldn't see it, he could imagine it.

He was the only one left in his family, and he often dreamed of his parents, so that he could live and marry a daughter-in-law and pass on the lineage.

He now has a son!

But he knew what Han Jinyu meant. If he wanted a son, he had to give himself. Who is willing to die? Now he understands what his parents thought about him back then.

Han Qingsong sat down opposite him, "Who is the third head?"

Lao Liu's scalp is numb, how does he know the three heads? He shook his head. "I haven't seen it. I've only heard of it."

"What about grandfather?"


"You stole the public grain, is it their order?" Han Qingsong threw away Liu Haozhe, assuming that Liu Haozhe was not a gang, and the evidence was insufficient, Liu Haozhe wanted to put it back temporarily.

Lao Liu didn't say a word, he couldn't explain it himself, as long as he held on tight, he would at most be sent to the Laogai farm to reform through labor.

Han Qingsong glanced at him, "We have already proved that you are involved in the theft of public grain. If you do not confess to the accomplice, you are the mastermind and should be shot. If you are willing to confess to the grandfather, the three heads and the other heads, we will apply for the right to You are punished leniently."

Lao Liu suddenly raised his eyes to look at Han Qingsong, "Han Bureau, how can we be considered relatives..."


The next moment, the sixth child was shoved against the wall by Han Qingsong's neck.

He was nearly twenty centimeters shorter than Han Qingsong, and he didn't have to land on his feet when he was thrown against the wall, "You, you... kill..."

Han Qingsong said coldly, "Before you speak, think about it." As soon as he released his hand, the sixth child slumped on the ground.

Han Qingsong said to Liu Jianyun outside the door: "Cui Xiaoliu organized a theft gang and incited the members to loot the public grain. The evidence is conclusive, and he immediately applied to the prefectural committee to execute him by shooting."

Liu Jianyun: "Okay!"

"It's not me, it's not me!" Liu Liu suddenly became anxious, and his mind became hot and he couldn't say anything, "I just stole, I didn't loot the food, I'm not the mastermind, it's not me, it's the fifth, the fifth!"

He thought of his father, mother, brother and son. Although he wanted to sacrifice himself for a moment, it was instinct to fear death.

The clerk took notes.

Han Qingsong looked back at him, "Who is the fifth."

Lao Liu was dumbfounded.

After a while, he said with difficulty, "We... We don't know each other's identities, we know that he is the fifth child. He is responsible for inciting the members and speaking to the educated youths of the members."

Han Qingsong: "Is it Pan Shinong?"

"No, no, Pan Daozi is only responsible for being a thug."

Han Qingsong said to Liu Jianyun, "Come on, let him explain the fifth son's affairs clearly."

He remembered that Lin Lan said that people were under pressure to speak to him, so he left first and let Liu Jianyun come, and then called Luo Haicheng in. Because of the case of Qingshi Commune looting public grain, Luo Haicheng was familiar with it.

Although Liu Haozhe could not be caught for the time being, it would be fine if he could catch a fifth child. Although Lao Liu said he didn't know where Lao Wu was or what he did, but based on what he knew, a person appeared in Luo Haicheng's mind.

Kingdom security.

At that time, the old wife of the Anti-Japanese family told Lin Lan that it was Yu Anti-Japanese who led people to disguise the theft of public food, but it was not his idea, it was Wang Guoan.

Wang Guoan is an educated youth who went to the county seat!

Luo Haicheng immediately went to Han Qingsong to report, and Han Qingsong asked him to immediately bring someone to interrogate Wang Guoan. He first called Qingshi Commune and asked the commune's commissioner to go to Xiaojia Village to monitor Wang Guoan.

When Luo Haicheng went to mention Wang Guo'an, Han Qingsong was also official with Han Jinyu, and asked Liu Jianyun to interrogate her.

Liu Jianyun asked her to explain her affairs with Lao Liu and other men.

Han Jinyu changed his tune, "Only the sixth one... I said a few? I said 10,000, do you have to find 10,000? Can't I be angry? How did I and the sixth know each other? Yes? The county town is so small, we got to know each other after we held an event and played cards... I think he is in good health and will definitely have a son, what's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Liu Jianyun: "You'd better explain honestly, how did you and Liu Liu know each other, how did you get in touch, how did you start for the first time, how did you later..."

"Are you crazy?" Han Jinyu stood up angrily and pointed at Liu Jianyun: "Why are you asking so much detail? Why are you so disgusting?"

Liu Jianyun is not annoyed either, and he is businesslike, "Han Qingshan, this is the rule of thumb for handling cases. The sixth is a bad counter-revolutionary, and anyone who has a close relationship with him will be subject to strict interrogation. Originally, we suspected that he was conspiring with Liu Haozhe, but since you took the initiative to take matters into consideration. If you take it over, you will naturally have to explain it. Don't worry, sophistry, cheating, and poking are useless at all."

Han Jinyu suddenly collapsed, jumping up to tear Liu Jianyun, and finally Liu Jianyun handcuffed her.

Here Han Jinyu just kept crying, Liu Jianyun could only separate her first, lest she collude with Liu Haozhe, Lao Liu and others.

When Luo Haicheng brought people to mention Wang Guoan, Wang Guoan knew that he was exposed and that it was a capital crime to incite the people to loot food. He actually brought a security officer from Xiaojia Village, eight or nine militiamen, and seven or eight guns to the production team. The team was stubbornly resisting.

He knew that he was exposed, so he wanted to pull the back of his back before he died, so that the fish would die and the net would be broken.

Luo Haicheng shouted with a tin horn: "Members, don't be deceived by this bad guy. He is taking advantage of your kindness. You must wake up in time to avoid committing even bigger crimes."

How could Yu Kang-Japanese never imagine that their security chief and accountant, who were smaller than Jiacun, would collude with them as bad counter-revolutionaries? And they even have guns!

I'm really stupid, I only know that they practice, I don't know there is such a thing.

When the anti-Japanese war broke out, he patted his chest and stood in front of the production team, "Come on, kill me! I want to see, what are you doing? You still want to fight the party? Why are you so stinky and shameless? Take the bowl to eat, and put down the bowl of scolding shit. Get out of here!"

Some people start activities. They can shoot at the police, but they dare not shoot at the anti-Japanese. He is an old party secretary and has always been conscientious for the members of the community.

Wang Guoan said angrily: "What are you afraid of? This is the public security bureau killing a good person and taking advantage of it. If they can't catch a criminal gang, they want to take our small village as a charge. How many years have passed, you have forgotten this routine? He Han Qingsong wants to get promoted and get rich. , can't you have credit? You have to create credit if you don't have credit!"

One of the members said bitterly, "You son of a bitch!"

But they still did not dare to shoot at the anti-Japanese.

Luo Haicheng hid outside the stone wall and said to the anti-Japanese: "Yu Zhishu, what are you doing, come back. They only had a few guns, and they didn't have many bullets, so they fell down after they were fired. Can they starve to death inside without eating?"

Really childish.

Besides, these members also have their families.

Wang Guoan was able to incite the members' brains for a while, how could he still draw a cake to feed the members when they were hungry


Besides their broken guns and broken heads, people standing five meters away can't hit!

Yu resisted the Japanese, but couldn't bear the complicity of the members. After the incident of stealing the public grain, he calmed down and gradually realized that something was wrong. But he admired Wang Guoan very much, and Wang Guoan helped Xiaojia Village a lot after he went to the countryside, so he deliberately didn't think much about it. He felt that Wang Guoan was in the village, so he would just keep an eye on it. How did you know that Wang Guoan dared to resist arrest!

Yu Anti-Japanese wanted to make up for his mistakes, and he wanted to save those incited members from being stupid.

"Wang Guo'an, you lied to me for so many years, and I don't say anything. You follow the public security comrades to explain it well. You are indeed a man. If you think that any of us owe you, I am here in the anti-Japanese war, and you fight here!" He He patted his chest, "What are you doing with so many families? Aren't you hurting them? They are all old and young!"

The family members of those commune members began to cry, begging them to put down their guns and surrender.

A cold light flashed in Wang Guoan's eyes, and he was about to shoot at Yu Anti-Japanese.

"No, no, no!" A militiaman stopped him, "You can't beat the secretary, you can only beat the dog police."

Wang Guoan wanted to fire a warning shot, but the shot went off and hit a militiaman next to him.

All of a sudden, there was chaos, and there was a lot of jumping around.

Luo Haiguo broke through the door and caught them without much effort. First interrogate on the spot, leave the little minions temporarily in the brigade to guard, and a few important people are escorted to the county public security bureau.

The next day they returned to the Public Security Bureau, and Luo Haicheng led someone to escort Wang Guoan to the small courtyard behind the Public Security Bureau. In the past two days, many people have been arrested, and the small courtyards are somewhat unable to be closed. Only a few people can manage a room. Lao Liu and his subordinates, Wang Guoan and his subordinates, and Liu Haozhe have a single room by himself.

When someone brought it back, they quickly arraigned.

It happened that Wang Guoan and Lao Liu had a face-to-face encounter.

Wang Guoan wanted to pretend he didn't know each other, but the sixth son suddenly called out, "Fifth brother."

The police who escorted them immediately stopped: "No collusion is allowed."

Wang Guoan suddenly understood, "The one who drafted the mother is you who betrayed me!"

He howled and tried his best to kick Lao Liu, the scene suddenly became chaotic, and the two police officers came to separate them immediately. Wang Guoan's arm was injured and he was not handcuffed. He suddenly got off a police gun beside him at a speed he had never seen before, and he opened the safety catch and shot at Lao Liu.

"Put down the gun, put down the gun!" The two police officers pointed their guns at Wang Guoan, and two others went to rescue the sixth child.

It's a pity that the distance is too close, and a shot hits the heart, which is not saved.

"Hahaha, there is a companion on Huangquan Road, not alone!" Wang Guoan smiled.

A bleak look appeared on his face, "I'm right! I don't need you to judge me, I'll go by myself!" He raised his hand and shot at the police.

Luo Haicheng wanted to stay alive, but several police officers subconsciously counterattacked and hit Wang Guoan.

Wang Guoan turned the gun and shot himself in the head.

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, Luo Haicheng did not recover for a long time.

"My special mother, what is this..."

The police officer who was shot was already panicked. He was a public security commissioner from the commune, not a professional police officer, or similar to the local militia.

Business ability is really...

Luo Haicheng's face was gloomy, "If he wanted to kill you, you would already be lying there." He pointed to the sixth child on the ground.

Soon Han Qingsong and Gao Weidong ran over, glanced at the two on the ground, and were silent for a moment.

After a while, Han Qingsong said: "Except for Liu Haozhe, the rest will be dealt with according to law and reported to the prefectural committee to close the case."

Deputy Director Li also came over, covering his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, "I said Deputy Director Han, how do you close the case like this? Someone else, Accounting Liu, was caught and questioned, and it was really unfortunate that he was so ugly. "

Han Qingsong glanced at him and said lightly, "Deputy Bureau Li and Liu Haozhe have business dealings?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense." Deputy Bureau Li quickly cleared it up, "I'm just talking about the matter. I don't want to speculate with others. However, no one stipulates that if a man can't give birth to a child, he must be arrested and convicted if he is wearing a cuckold. Well. This is a style issue, not a crime issue. There is insufficient evidence, so let it go."

Gao Weidong knew that he was burying Han Qingsong. "Deputy Bureau Li, you can't say that. How can you know so clearly if you're not the party involved? Maybe it's what Liu Haozhe meant?"

If you can't give birth to a son, who is worried? Men are more anxious than women.

However, Han Qingsong was unmoved. He put Han Jinyu in his work position, and his feelings would not be affected much.

Han Jinyu's self-declaration of a family scandal, apparently to retaliate for his death, but in fact to help Liu Haozhe out of the siege, so that the Public Security Bureau can't hold Liu Haozhe and Liu Haozhe's familiar handle to talk about the matter, and take the matter to herself. And she has a relationship with Lao Liu, but she doesn't know Lao Liu's true identity, which makes sense.

In this way, she herself put on a tragic woman's coat for her husband's family's inheritance, and won the sympathy of public opinion.

Then she borrowed seeds to have children, is it her own idea, or Liu Haozhe's intention? Or do they both mean it together

Is Liu Haozhe really unable to give birth

What he said before, "I can't give birth after a few days of marriage?" Does this mean he can give birth? Since it can be born, why borrow seeds? Judging from what he meant, was Han Jinyu cheating on him? Cuckold him

Thinking of this, Han Qingsong turned around and left.

Deputy Bureau Li: "Hey, what's your attitude?"

Gao Weidong: "Li Bureau, don't worry about it. Pan Shinong wanted to kill the Han Bureau in the previous case. This case involves a girl from the Han Bureau. Can you let him take care of it? It's too impersonal." He forced Deputy Bureau Li forcibly. Pull away.

Han Qingsong called Liu Jianyun: "Take Liu Haozhe to the People's Hospital."

Yang Han had just finished a minor operation, and when he came out for a walk, he encountered Liu Jianyun and a police officer with Liu Haozhe. They knew each other, he greeted Liu Jianyun, "Liu team, what's the matter?"

Liu Jianyun didn't want to say more, and said to Yang Han, "Come and check."

Yang Han: "Do you want to help?"

Liu Jianyun thought for a while, "Okay."

At this time, the county hospital was divided into internal medicine and surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, etc., and there was no special male surgery, so Yang Han could also be seen.

Liu Jianyun told Yang Han and asked him to check with Liu Haozhe.

Yang Han smiled, "Team Liu and Accounting Liu have both sons."

Liu Jianyun: "It's not his."

At this time, there is no paternity test. To say whether a child is your own, you basically need to look at the face, and then listen to the woman.

Yang Han tilted his body and glanced at Liu Haozhe, who was standing not far away. Accountant Liu, who used to be dashing and romantic, now has messy hair like chicken coops, and his eyes are blue and black. He smiled and said, "Okay, let him go to the infirmary for a sperm test."

It turned out that Liu Haozhe... he can't.

Yang Han's expression was very rich, and he glanced at Liu Jianyun, and the meaning was obvious, "No need to check, it is indeed not his who has children who are not good."