Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 164: Catch & spoil


Liu Haozhe has been very cooperative, his face is gloomy and silent, but he is sneering in his heart. Since he can't do it, he can't get the rotten hat of messing with the relationship between men and women!

Because the hospital found out that Liu Haozhe was not good, then Han Jinyu's matter of borrowing seeds to give birth to a child was a foregone conclusion.

Han Qingsong was silent for a moment after listening to Liu Jianyun's report. Is there really no problem with Liu Haozhe? He examines whether he is preconceived every time, assuming someone is guilty and then looking for evidence is wrong.

He previously assumed that Liu Haozhe was not a serious person, and he had an affair with Lao Liu, so he looked around for evidence to corroborate it.

So is it possible that Liu Haozhe really has no problem, but everyone wronged him

At noon, Lin Lan came to look for him and went home. Seeing him sitting in his seat, his brows were furrowed, and he knew that he had encountered a problem.

"Third brother~~ The brows can catch the flies." She stepped up and stood behind him and rubbed his eyebrows, pointed to the photo on the table, and smiled: "It's so good for you to face such a cute child every day. My daughter-in-law, still frowning, what do you mean? Why are you not satisfied with us?"

Han Qingsong took her hand and put it on his lips and kissed it. He picked up the report and showed it to her. Yang Han's handwriting was very clear, not as hard to read as some doctors.

Lin Lan glanced at it, and didn't take it seriously at first, but then her eyes were rounded, what the hell - Liu Haozhe

Then she always misunderstood that he was messing with men and women. Immediately, she burst into anger again, "This Liu Haozhe is quite disgusting, isn't this a cheating marriage?" A man who can't do it doesn't get medical treatment first, and ends up marrying someone else. Isn't this cheating marriage


Could it be that Han Jinyu and Lao Liu really borrowed seeds to have children, and Liu Haozhe has nothing to do with Lao Liu

It's okay to be weird!

Lin Lan didn't believe it. At that time, she heard Liu Haozhe say "Don't do this in front of the sixth." It was clear that they were very familiar and close. He was good to the sixth, and Han Jinyu was bad to the sixth.

But there is another explanation for this, which may also be: Liu Haozhe persuaded Han Jinyu to borrow seeds to have a child, but Han Jinyu was not happy, and was finally forced to have a child with the sixth.

Then Liu Haozhe and Lao Liu became brothers because of it? What the hell is this shit

She suddenly thought of the two of them, "Third brother, why don't you call the mother and daughter to ask?"

Liu Haozhe had an abnormal relationship with the mother and daughter before. Instead of hating them, he helped them. So, are they really in a pure helping relationship, no fucks? There may also be no tools for messing around.

Han Qingsong: "Let Luo Haicheng do it." He knocked through the window and asked Luo Haicheng to come.

At this time, it is not so troublesome for the Public Security Bureau to find someone for questioning. As long as it is related to the case, you can bring someone with you with your work permit.

In addition to the mother and daughter, Han Qingsong also asked some of Liu Haozhe's close friends to ask questions. Find colleagues, leaders and other people in the textile factory to understand the situation.

Liu Haozhe was indeed very popular, and many cadres and employees of the textile factory interceded for him. They feel that such a diligent and good-tempered man, his wife is wearing a cuckold, and he is so generous and tolerant. Not only does he take good care of his children and daughter-in-law, but he also wants to solve problems with men in private. It is really hard to find a lantern good man!

When asking those men and women, Han Qingsong teased out a subtle phenomenon: Why do people who are obviously not related to each other show a commonality? They praised and appreciated Liu Haozhe one-sidedly, saying that he was well-trained.

He immediately called Luo Haicheng, "The three lovers of Lao Liu's trial."

They can't just stare at Liu Haozhe's people, they should also find out from the sixth.

Before they stalked Lao Liu, they dug deeply and found that he had three regular women, a man who was not at home all the year round, a man who was detained in a labor camp, and a family member of the black five. The family member of the black fifth category, named Sun Jiayan, is the most beautiful, and the sixth is also the most frequent, giving money and food stamps every time.

Luo Haicheng led the three women to be questioned separately.

Han Qingsong listened to the confessions of the three people outside and decided to attack Sun Jiayan. There is no support for the family members of the black five types, and the daily life is jittery and has no sense of security, and it is easy to be conquered.

When Luo Haicheng was questioning the clerk, Han Qingsong pushed open the door and entered.

Sun Jiayan was sitting inside and saw a police officer who was taller than the door frame.

Luo Haicheng gave him his seat immediately.

Han Qingsong glanced at Sun Jiayan, "Sun Jiayan, confess to be lenient and resist strictness. This is the party's policy, you know?"

Sun Jiayan had been sloppy with Luo Haicheng before, released electricity, molested the police, and watched the clerk's face flush with embarrassment. Facing Han Qingsong at this moment, he didn't dare to make trouble, and immediately sat down properly.


"Tell me about your livelihood." Han Qingsong's eyes were sharp without any contempt or condemnation, but Sun Jiayan naturally understood the word "profit".

Sun Jiayan wanted to deny it in her heart, but she felt as uncomfortable as she had nothing to hide under his eyes, she swallowed hard, and hesitated to explain whether she and the sixth child were lovers or transactions.

Han Qingsong sat on a chair with a straight body, his slender fingers tapped lightly on the table.

The sound of "tuk-tuk-tuk" knocked on Sun Jiayan's nerves.

Han Qingsong reminded her, "Everyone who goes to your house is known to the neighbors." He was businesslike and did not discriminate against Sun Jiayan because of her occupation.

Sun Jiayan felt a burst of gratitude in her heart. She didn't know why, but in the face of such a strong and handsome man, she couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority. And this excellent man didn't look at her with contempt, didn't use words like prostitutes and prostitutes to humiliate her, and left her with dignity.

In all these years, she felt for the first time that a man respected himself in a way that respected a woman.

Think about how some people always humiliate her, "If you sell one, I will sleep with you even if I don't have money." "If you sell one, why not sell more?" One"

The man in front of him, sitting in front of her in a well-mannered manner, has no intention of taking advantage of her, and even his cold eyes are no different from looking at others, which she thinks is really rare.

Why didn't her neighbors report her, of course, to take advantage.

Such an outstanding man does not belong to her. Thinking of her own unwillingness and struggle, she covered her face and sobbed, "Comrade Public Security, I, I don't want it either. Who in this world is born willing to fall? Who doesn't want to be with you? I want to live a good life with my man? But I have to have a chance? My man was beaten to death a few years ago, and no one dared to marry me if I wanted to remarry. Those stinky men, when they take advantage of each other, talk nicely, wait until they really let him do it. Something runs faster than a dog. What can I do? Who wants to sell it? If you don't sell it, you will be spoiled, so why don't I live with some money and food stamps? Am I doing something wrong?"

She now earns a living as a street sweeper and earns very little wages, so she can't support herself at all, so... She secretly manages the skin and meat business in exchange for food stamps and money.

There are always people harassing her every day, and in order not to be criticized, she has to please some of them. Since she had to do it if she wanted to or not, why didn't she do it better

"Tell me how you met Liu Liu."

"There was a textile mill party, and I... went, met."

"make it clear."

"It's the textile factory party. Accounting Liu organized a group of people and let me go too. I met the sixth child there. I..."

Han Qingsong raised his eyebrows slightly: "Liu Haozhe?"

"Yes, Accountant Liu."

"How did you meet?"

"I met at a textile factory party. ... Later he would ... introduce guests to."

Luo Haicheng slapped the table and stood up excitedly, "What the hell, I finally grabbed his fox's tail!"

According to Sun Jiayan's confession, Liu Haozhe not only introduced high-quality guests to her, but also trained her to teach her how to seduce men.

With Sun Jiayan's confession, it would be much easier to retrial other people, and soon a more comprehensive Liu Haozhe would be pieced together.

Luo Haicheng looked at the clerk who remembered the densely packed confessions and was speechless.

"Han Bureau, is there anything like this?" He really had little knowledge and had never heard of it.

Liu Haozhe actually has the ability to teach women how to please men, and to make women fall in love with him and surrender to him. He helped these women train their skills, introduced guests, and took a cut of them. He was also responsible for covering them, and even introduced doctors to help them treat and sterilize them.

Luo Haicheng didn't speak for a long time, and finally he looked at Han Qingsong, "Han Ju, have you heard of it?"

Han Qingsong's expression remained the same: "Continue the interrogation."

Once there is a breakthrough, there will be no problem later, and finally Liu Haozhe and Han Jinyu will be interrogated separately.

Liu Jianyun glanced at Han Jinyu, "Han Qingshan, there is no airtight wall in the world, we already know about Liu Haozhe."

Han Jinyu's hair was disheveled, listless, and her eyes were red, "You know what else to ask me?"

"Now I'll ask you again, whether Liu Haozhe and the sixth and fifth are robbing the public grain together."

"I didn't see it anyway, and even if I did, I wouldn't know. You don't need to ask me."

Liu Jianyun lowered his head and glanced at the transcript, and repeated Liu Haozhe's situation as calmly as possible, "What do you have to say?"

Han Jinyu: "He's just helping them solve their troubles, there's nothing wrong with him!"

Liu Jianyun: "...he calls it organized prostitution."

Han Jinyu said unconvinced: "This is called mutual help, how can you say it so ugly? They can't afford to eat and starve to death. Liu Haozhe helps find a man who can change their rations. This is a crime? They don't steal or rob , do you deserve to starve to death?"

"This is a criminal act against the law. Our county has completely eliminated brothels and secret doors from November 1949 to 1951, and no prostitution has been allowed since then!"

Since November 21, 1949, after the New China launched the "Battle to Eliminate the Brothel System", all brothels have been closed one after another across the country, and those who committed the most heinous crimes have been punished according to law.

It was almost 1951 that prostitution activities were basically banned nationwide, but I did not expect to see a resurgence at this time.

Han Jinyu did not speak with a gloomy face.

Liu Jianyun: "If Liu Haozhe instigated and controlled you..."

"You bastard!" Han Jinyu's face changed, how could she be the same as those women! She is the second sister-in-law! She wanted to scratch Liu Jianyun, but Liu Jianyun handcuffed her back because of the last incident. She was so angry that she hit the table with her body, venting her anger.

Liu Jianyun pressed the table, "Han Qingshan, you are really obsessed."

He didn't want to talk to her anymore, anyway, other people's confessions could convict Liu Haozhe.

Over there, Han Qingsong and the clerk were interrogating Liu Haozhe.

Although Liu Haozhe didn't know what was going on, he had not been arraigned for a long time, and when he could hear the cluttered voices outside, he knew something was wrong. He sat opposite Han Qingsong with a gloomy face and said nothing.

Han Qingsong glanced at him, his face was as cold as usual, and there was no excess emotion.

Liu Haozhe smiled, "Ju Han, what a ruthless man." He wanted to ask Lin Lan, but he was afraid that Han Qingsong would beat him unceremoniously, so he wisely held back.

Han Qingsong looked at him coldly, "My coldness is only towards the enemy."

"Hahaha." Liu Haozhe leaned on the back of the chair, his face a little lazy, "Finally, I don't have to pretend."

"If that's the case, let's talk about the person who led you to the entrance. You can't learn so many things out of thin air."

"Well, haven't you checked it out. When you were a teenager, you knew the master during the year you were in prison."

"who is he?"

"Then I don't know. He never said his name or who he was from, so I really don't know. It's useless for you to persecute me."

"His accent?"

"He speaks several local dialects. It sounds like the local and the provincial capital. I'm not sure."


"Well, medium height, hunched back, thin, haha, there are not many fat people at this time. By the way, he has a pair of small eyes and ears. He never says how old he is, I guess he is in his sixties. Bar."

"Tell me about your organization, the three leaders, what do you do?"

"I haven't seen the face of the third head, he is medium, he is left-handed, um, he never seems to touch women. Of course, maybe he doesn't catch his eye?" He smiled meaningfully at Han Qingsong.

Han Qingsong ignored it.

"Anything else, you almost know it. The sixth is in charge of stealing doors, the fifth is in the business of cheating, and I am the fourth, who is in charge of... the secret door. As for one or two, I don't know, the third is in charge of gambling."

Han Qingsong: "The sixth son once called you second brother."

"Oh, that's because my uncle and brother are the second brother at home, just like the Han Bureau is also called the third brother."

Han Qingsong glanced at the clerk's record, pointed to a few revisions, and asked, "You have a share in the theft and looting of public food."

"Korean Bureau, I don't deny what I have done, but what I haven't done can't be framed. That's what the old and the old do. I'm not good at those, you know, I'm only good at women's things. In fact You have misunderstood me, this is really not prostitution. My original intention is to promote the love between husband and wife and make their husband and wife life more enjoyable. Some people learn to do other things, but I can't help it. "

He looked at Han Qingsong and smiled meaningfully, "If you don't believe me, you can learn and try it out. The Han Bureau goes back and..."

"I advise you to shut up!" Han Qingsong said coldly. He did not fully believe Liu Haozhe's confession.

The clerk's face was flushed, and he kept his head down and wrote. In fact, he was very curious, since Liu Haozhe couldn't, how did he learn this? And there are people who are so obsessed with him, how did he do it? He can actually let a woman treat it as a pleasure, what the hell! The clerk's mind is already full of scraps and lace.

Han Qingsong next to him was the same.

Because of the solid evidence here, Liu Haozhe naturally did not deny anything, but he did not admit that he was illegal prostitution, and he felt that he was benefiting the married life.

The Public Security Bureau held a meeting to discuss Liu Haozhe's crime.

Deputy Director Li firmly disagreed with the execution. "Liu Haozhe's behavior is very different from the brothels of the old society. He trained women and introduced them to acquaintances, but he did not force them into prostitution. If I introduced them to each other, they would have happened. Given the relationship between men and women over money, can it be said that I instigated prostitution?"

Several directors of the Revolutionary Committee also had doubts about this, so they had to apply to the prefectural committee.

He was quickly instructed that Liu Haozhe misbehaved, but fortunately it did not cause bad social influence, and the crime did not lead to death. In addition to the crime of speculation, etc., several crimes were punished together, and ten years of reform through labor were required. As for his subordinates, they were sentenced to seven years, five years, and three years.

Liu Haozhe and others were disposed of in accordance with the law and sent to the Laogai farm. Originally everyone thought that the two would divorce, but Han Jinyu actually decided to take the child to a labor camp with him!

Although Han Jinyu's popularity is not good, and she is notorious for borrowing seeds, but she is to give birth to a son for the Liu family, and public opinion does not seem to be very good, and many people even understand her.

This makes people very incomprehensible. Some people do nothing, but they are scolded, isolated, and fought by the notorious name of broken shoes. Han Jinyu really did it, and there is a child as evidence, but it's nothing? There are even people who sympathize and admire Han Jinyu, thinking that in order to give birth to a son, everything is excusable and she is a good daughter-in-law!

I really don't know what to say.

After Lao Liu and Wang Guoan were killed, half of the county's public security jurisdiction fell into the hands of Han Qingsong. The security of the entire county was very clean. The petty theft, burglary, and theft that everyone complained about suddenly disappeared overnight. The members and the citizens greeted each other with each other, saying that the Public Security Bureau has done some practical work, and that the bad guys have been cracked down well, and everyone can finally have a peaceful New Year.

The district committee vigorously commended the county public security bureau, and Han Qingsong's prestige in the public security bureau and revolutionary committee was unprecedentedly high.

A big stone fell in Lin Lan's heart, these bad elements were attacked, and the public security in the county was no longer as chaotic as the original plot.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Lan and Han Qingsong took their children back to the countryside to celebrate the New Year.

When the spring wind blows and melts the ice, blows the green earth, and blows the branches of red apricot flowers, the members of the community begin to plough and plant in the spring. Because the Shanzui Village brigade had tractors, they were busy early on. Not only did they have to plow their own brigade's land, but they also helped other brigades, so that they could earn the brigade's income.

With the help of a tractor, the members don't need to help pull the ploughing fields anymore, they can be a lot lighter, and they are very happy.

However, the work of the County Revolutionary Committee has been a bit of a toss up recently. It is really changing every day, one policy every day and one movement, which makes everyone a little overwhelmed. Later, the Revolutionary Committee discussed that each commune should cultivate the land, and the movement should be carried out by the propaganda office, so that the two would not be delayed.

After all, no one is willing to follow the delay in planting crops to toss and criticize this and that.

In the blink of an eye, it was April, and Lin Lan was busy with the progress of the gem research lab, so she didn't care about the promotion.

Wu Gong and Li Gong happily handed over a few translucent sapphires the size of the little thumb belly to Lin Lan: "Team leader, it's done."

Lin Lan picked it up and looked at it, Oh, what a lovely Smurf!

"I'm going to call the district committee right now." Lin Lan wrapped the few gems in flannel, and said happily, "The two teachers and masters can rest for two days. I was really exhausted before."

These technicians and craftsmen work hard and responsible, and they refuse to rest when they get in. They are really diligent and diligent.

"That's not what we should do." Being exhausted here is a hundred times better than being fought to death at the May 7th Cadre School or the Laogai Farm, not to mention that there is food, drink and someone to take care of, which is very good.

Lin Lan rode a bicycle back to the Revolutionary Committee to make a phone call. The Propaganda Office was using a loudspeaker to read various documents from the Central Committee. If one criticized the other, the other offices would work independently. It's just that the sound quality of the big speakers is too poor, which is really annoying.

The phone was dialed, and Director Fang answered.

Lin Lan announced the good news to him, "Director Fang, it's done. We can start thinking of ways to promote it."

Director Fang's voice was a bit heavy, "Comrade Lin Lan, this matter... we'll suspend it. Of course, don't worry, the research lab doesn't cost much, so we'll continue the research. It's just that you keep the results for now, and don't give it to others at will."

Lin Lan thought for a while, "Director Fang, is there any trouble? If it's really troublesome, it's fine for us to close the office first."

Director Fang: "Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you. You just do your own thing, and you must firmly believe that after the storm, there will be a rainbow."

"It's Director Fang, let's keep it in mind."

After hanging up, Lin Lan thought about finding Han Qingsong.

She walked briskly to the Public Security Bureau. A few peach blossoms were blooming just right at the door. She stayed for a while before entering. Just when Deputy Bureau Li slammed the door and came out, he was so angry that he rushed out with his head sullen, almost hitting him. Lin Lan.

Lin Lan hurriedly avoided.

Lin Lan walked to the door, put her ear to the door and listened, but there was no movement inside, so why was Deputy Director Li so angry? The couple are really alike.

At this time, the door opened from the inside, Han Qingsong just came out, and Lin Lan's ears heard his stomach.

Han Qingsong: "..."

Lin Lan straightened up and said with a smile, "What's the matter with you guys?"

"It's okay." Han Qing released the door and let her in.

There was also Gao Weidong in the room, and his face was ashen. When he saw Lin Lan, he immediately squeezed out a smile, "Let Secretary Lin laugh."

Lin Lan said calmly, "Deputy Director Gao, I don't know anything."

Gao Weidong shrugged, "The old director is retiring."

Meow~~ Lin Lan expressed understanding. She smiled and said that she was not involved. She said to Han Qingsong, "Director Han, let me tell you something."

Han Qingsong glanced at Gao Weidong.

Gao Weidong got up immediately, "It just so happens that I have something to do, so excuse me first."

Looking at the back of Gao Weidong's departure, Lin Lan pursed her lips and smiled, "Third brother, did you beat Deputy Bureau Li just now?"

Han Qingsong: "Why did I hit him?"

"Then he was like that?"

"Gao Weidong is acting as director temporarily."

"Understood." Deputy Director Li had been thinking about it for so many years. He used to be on guard against Gao Weidong all day long, and then he targeted Han Qingsong. In the end, he was the interim director of Gao Weidong. She smiled and said: "Then you and him are the deputy bureau, and the high bureau will be positive in the future."

Han Qingsong nodded, and a few broken peach petals popped out of her hair.

"Then you were still like that just now." Lin Lan learned from Han Qingsong's expression, glanced at him, and they left. He was a considerate leader.

Han Qingsong looked at her, "Didn't you say something happened?"

Lin Lan told him what Director Fang said.

"It's nothing, it's the same as before."

"Director Fang said that it can't be handed over to anyone, does it mean that someone might rob it?"

"It's worthless now, what are you going to do with it?" Han Qingsong: "Let Liu Jianyun send two people to patrol there."

"That's what I meant." Lin Lan laughed.

Seeing that she was finally happy, Han Qingsong was relieved. She was the most saddened by the Revolutionary Committee when the Prime Minister passed away a while ago. She didn't eat or drink much for a whole week, and she was still dizzy after the age of 1.

After dinner, Lin Lan went to write a letter. She has now contacted the provincial earthquake station and the earthquake team.

At first, she read some articles published by the Provincial Earthquake Station and found some inaccurate errors. She wrote a letter to consult, but she did not expect to receive a reply soon, thanking her for correcting her carefully, and then contacted her. She also wrote some of the experiences she had summarized and learned from her studies, and also wrote articles and sent them to the Seismological Station, and published them in their publications.

At present, she is preparing a popular science book on earthquake common sense. She intends to use simple and easy-to-understand language to popularize what happened to the common people. It is estimated that it will be published in the next month.

She told the provincial earthquake station of the idea and won their strong support.

She was busy all afternoon, and when Han Qingsong came to her, she found out that it was 4:30 in the afternoon.

"Today Guyu, let's go home and make toon omelettes." Lin Lan stood up and stretched her body. She tidied up the table, and put away all the documents and books that should be put away, so as not to be accidentally messed up.

Han Qingsong put on her schoolbag, "Let's go."

Lin Lan and Han Qingsong went to their house. On the way, she muttered, "Are our third sons going home?"

Sanwang went back to the capital to train after the new year. In March, he went to Japan to participate in an Asian swimming competition, and now he has returned to the capital. If there is no next game, he should go home.

Han Qingsong only listened to her and seldom spoke, because he didn't know when his son was participating in any competition, and he didn't know if he would come back.

They got home first, and the children hadn't come back. Lin Lan said to Han Qingsong, "Third brother, please pinch the toon sprout." There are several toon trees on the walls in the yard. He is tall and doesn't need to step on anything. will be able to arrive.

Han Qingsong went to get the toon and began to pinch the toon sprouts.

Lin Lan added: "You want tender ones, don't pinch hard."

Han Qingsong glanced at her, "Take it easy, I understand." There was always a hint of deliberately teasing her in his tone.

Lin Lan: "Third brother, when dealing with pure lesbians, you have to be more pure."

Han Qingsong: "Am I impure?"

Lin Lan, hehe, went into the house to work, she took out the rice bag, and decided to add steamed rice to the pancakes at night.

This year, the county has imported some northeastern rice, which is full of grains and especially fragrant. The locals are not used to rice, they say that rice is not enough, but it is cheap for Lin Lan. They just bought more if they didn't buy her.

She washed the rice, and kept the milky white rice-washing water. Then, she put the rice in an enamel basin, mixed it with a certain proportion of water, and measured it with her fingers. Scrape potatoes and radishes, stew radishes and potato cubes at night, and have bacon at home, just cut them into pieces and throw them in.

There are still a few bread cakes in the staple food, which are definitely not enough to eat. She will hot the noodles and then roll the cakes, smear oil and salt, sprinkle with chopped green onion and sesame, and roll them directly, which is the local Yangzi cake.

One pot is stewed with steamed white rice, Yangzi pancakes and pickles, and the other is fried toon eggs.

The toon in spring is tender and fragrant. Pick it off, wash it, rub it with fine salt, then shake off the excess salt. You can cut it into small pieces, or roll it directly in the golden egg liquid. Toon sprouts dipped in egg liquid are poured into hot oil and deep-fried, they quickly puff up, fragrant and fresh, and adults and children love to eat them.

The economic conditions are better this year. The production team also sent them oil, as did other communes. Each person still has half a catty of oil for half a month. Now her family is not short of oil. Lin Lan just added two more tablespoons and fried it until it was fluffy and golden, and it was particularly appetizing.

After frying the toon eggs, and there was still oil at the bottom of the pot, Lin Lan asked Han Qingsong to cut a large amount of chives, pick them, wash them, chop them, mix them with egg liquid, and fry a small pot of chives and eggs directly.

Spring leeks are delicious and scrambled eggs are very delicious.

Being busy, the children came back from school, together with Shen Yu.

Mai Sui and Erwang ran in, "Mother, why didn't you wait for us to come back and cook?"

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Dad and I came back early, so we did it first."

Shen Yu came over to say hello, put down a pack of white fungus and lily, "I don't know how to eat it from the factory, so let's give it to the team leader."

He didn't want to be called Aunt Lin Lan or Auntie, and he didn't want to be called Director Lin like that, so every time he continued the old name, it didn't matter to Lin Lan.

Originally, the factory exam at the end of the winter solstice last year was delayed until the twelfth lunar month due to some delays and the death of the prime minister.

Both Shen Yu and Yanyan were admitted, and Shen Yu was even more prominent. After being admitted, he became a regular worker directly, and he did not need to be an apprentice. Yanyan has to work as an apprentice for half a year to a year, depending on her grades, if she is good, she can become a regular.

Surprisingly, cauliflower was also admitted and is now an apprentice.

After Shen Yu entered the factory, he quickly became familiar with the machinery and weaving business, and helped to improve some small shortcomings in the weaving process, such as easy thread breakage and machine jams. He often actively helps the factory to solve problems and improve efficiency. In addition, he is knowledgeable, handsome, generous and humble. Now he has replaced Liu Haozhe as the most popular young man in the textile factory.

Lin Lan chatted with him a few words, and asked Yanyan by the way, "Why don't you ask Yanyan to come and play together?"

Shen Yu: "She is with her friends."

He is in the technical team, Yanyan is in the production team, they are not together every day.

Lin Lan didn't ask any further questions.

Mai Sui took out a newspaper and showed it to Lin Lan, "Mother, look!"

Lin Lan saw Han Maisui's name at a glance, and her eyebrows curled, "My daughter has published an article again?"

Mai Sui continued to flip, "Look!"

Lin Lan saw Han Wangjun's name again, and boasted: "This sister and brother are indeed a pair. They do everything together and publish articles together."

Mai Sui smiled and turned the page again, "Look."

Lin Lan saw the name of Shen Yu, and he wrote an article on how to improve textile productivity, which was published in the provincial newspaper together with the articles by Mai Sui and Erwang.

Lin Lan nodded, really happy for the children, "Mother is so proud."

Mai Sui: "Mother, I won't give you the pen this time. I'll get five yuan, and the second brother and Shen Yuge are four yuan each. Haha."

"Really?" Lin Lan thought it was amazing, and was so happy for the children, "Look, you can make money at such a young age." She said to Han Qingsong, who was reading the newspaper, "Third brother, you heard me. "

Han Qingsong nodded, "I heard."

Lin Lan turned to look at Dawang and Xiaowang.

Da Wang was talking to Shen Yu, but he turned his head decisively and didn't look at Lin Lan. Lin Lan's eyes were lost, and she was a little disappointed. Fortunately, the little padded jacket was considerate, and Xiao Wang happily said to Lin Lan, "Mother, Captain Lu said that he will give me at least six yuan a month from now on."

Lin Lan's eyes lit up, "Really? Captain Lu is so good!"

Xiaowang helped with the performance last year. Although the song and dance troupe did not give money, during the Chinese New Year, Head Lu gave 20 catties of white noodles, 5 catties of meat, 10 catties of eggs, 5 catties of peanut oil, 3 catties of snacks, and 2 catties of sugar!

The kids are getting better and better!

She smiled and said: "You are so good, the pressure of being a father and mother is so great. My father also made great contributions during the Chinese New Year, but my mother fell behind. This year I have to catch up."

She turned to look at Dawang again.

Dawang's ears moved, and he said decisively to Shen Yu, "Brother Shen Yu, do you have a basketball team in your textile factory?"

Shen Yu held back a smile, "Yes, I also joined."

Dawang: "Let's play together after dinner."

Erwang: "I'm one too."

Xiaowang: "And brother Gao Ling, I'll sign up for him."

Although the eldest son was so ruthless to him, Lin Lan happily made him a spicy dish.

Finely chop the good red pepper, put a few peppercorns on it, scoop out a spoonful of the hot oil in the pot and pour it on, and the house will be full of fragrance.

And last year's pickled pickled peppers at home were really fresh and delicious, but unfortunately there was no refrigerator, so it was easy to ferment, and later became slightly sour pickled peppers. As a result, new flavors were developed, and Dawang was very happy to eat it.

This red pepper was given by Yongxing Brigade, and it was sent by Ren Hongxia herself.

Shanshui Commune changed its term at the end of last year, and Ren Hongxia was appointed by the county revolutionary committee as the director of the revolutionary committee and secretary of the Party branch of Shanshui Commune, equivalent to the secretary and mayor of the township government.

Ren Hongxia didn't expect that she would still be elected. After inquiring from various sources, she felt that Han Qingsong and Lin Lan should have spoken for her.

Mainly Han Qingsong.

She didn't thank her for this, after all, Han Qingsong didn't say hello to her to support her. She only gave Lin Lan chili when she came to report for work. Anyway, after Lin Lan's family ate chili, she would take care of her.

Lin Lan didn't want to give money to others, and then she followed her.

There are still strings of red peppers hanging on the door frame of Lin Lan's house. Anyone who eats peppers in the family compound will come to her house to ask for them.

During dinner, Lin Lan watched Dawang dip the Yangzi cake in a spicy dish, and always wondered why he wasn't afraid of spicy food.

Although Dawang didn't look up, he could feel her eyes falling on him for a while. He was embarrassed and looked up at her, "Mother, do you want it?"

Lin Lan shook her head: "No, no, is it incense?"

Dawang nodded: "It's quite fragrant."

Xiaowang took chopsticks and dipped it, "Brother, let me try it." He took a sip and immediately fanned with his tongue, "It's so spicy, so spicy." He took the tea jar and drank water.

Lin Lan: "Don't drink hot water."

The reminder was still a bit late, Xiaowang took a sip of hot water, which was even more spicy, "Ah—"

Seeing his exaggerated expression, everyone laughed.

After dinner, Dawang and Shen Yu went to play ball, the children also went to play, Lin Lan and Han Qingsong were reading at home.

After seven o'clock, the correspondent shouted outside: "Bureau Han, Officer Lin, package."

Lin Lan dragged Han Qingsong out to have a look, "Where did the package come from?" She saw the correspondent pushing a small wooden cart with two large suitcases on it, one of which was oversized and had to be over a meter long. , There was even a seal on it, which said Han Wangmin's seal.

"It's from the capital." The correspondent signed the package for them and asked them to sign for it.

Lin Lan signed the form and said with a smile: "It is designated that Sanwang wants to come back, so send the things back first. Third brother, take him back and put it in the house, don't disturb him."

Han Qingsong carried a box in one hand. He thought it was just clothes or some kind of gift, but he didn't expect it to be heavy.

He really suspected that Sanwang had put stones in it, so he used some strength to pick up the two boxes and go home.

When entering the door, Lin Lan was afraid of knocking the box, so she stepped forward, "Third brother, come and give me one."

She saw that Han Qingsong was very easy to carry, and thought it was brisk.

Han Qingsong didn't give it to her, "Shen, you push the door and I'll carry it in."

Lin Lan pushed the door to him and asked Han Qingsong to put the two suitcases on the floor in the west. Because it is not their own, the children will not move around. This is also the rule of their family.

At this time, Shen Yu and the others came back from playing, and Shen Yu left and returned to the textile factory.

Lin Lan gave him a can of white sugar and asked him to take it home. "Drink some sugar water at ordinary times." At this time, malnutrition is prone to low blood sugar and so on. Drinking sugar water can also prevent it.

Shen Yu didn't refuse, "Thank you, team leader."

"It's dark on the road, look at the road." Lin Lan instructed him.

Shen Yu said goodbye and walked back. At the gate, he said a few words to the uncle of the transfer room, and then went back to the dormitory area.

When he walked under the tree-lined avenue in the secluded place, someone suddenly jumped into his arms from the shadow of the tree, sobbing, "Brother Shen Yu, you are back."

Shen Yu hurriedly pushed her away, "cauliflower? What's the matter with you?"

Cauliflower sobbed, her eyes were a little red and swollen, "Brother Shen Yu, help me, someone is harassing me."

Shen Yu frowned, "Who? Tell me, I will go to the Revolutionary Committee to expose him."

"No, no, he's amazing, he'll cause you to lose your job." Cauliflower sobbed in a low voice, looking weak.

"You mean Director?" Shen Yu looked at her, "If that's the case, don't be afraid, go to Director Han tomorrow."

"No!" Cauliflower's face turned pale, "No, do you want me to be embarrassed?"

Shen Yu: "What's wrong with him?"

"That's not true. But... But it doesn't sound good to say it." Caihua looked at him pleadingly, "Brother Shen Yu, don't say it out loud, or I'll really be embarrassed to see people, so I can only jump into the river."

"If he really harassed you, we'll go to the police, we can't condone him."

"Oh, why don't you understand!" Cauliflower stomped her feet in a hurry. "He harassed me, but he didn't succeed. If you go to the police, won't everyone know it? What face do I have?"

Shen Yu understood, "Then don't act alone."

"So I'm here to find you, can I have dinner with you in the future? With you, he wouldn't dare..." Cauliflower looked at him hopefully.

Shen Yu: "Cauliflower, I'm sorry, I don't have that much time. Our work is different, and the time is out of sync."

"I can wait for you!" Cauliflower insisted.

Shen Yu hesitated for a moment, but still firmly refused, "I'm sorry, if you are in trouble, we will go to the Korean Bureau to call the police. If there is no trouble, I can't accompany you all the time."

He nodded slightly and left.

Cauliflower looked at his back with a chill in her heart. In the past and present, Shen Yu was a sanctimonious hypocrite! He turns a blind eye to his own dangers and troubles!

In his previous life, he and Chang Mingyan came to the textile factory together. She didn't pass the exam but wanted to come, so she borrowed a bed in Chang Mingyan's dormitory. At that time, she washed clothes for the workers of the textile factory all day to earn food rations.

Later, she was so tired that her hands were soaked, and she couldn't hold on, so she wanted to find other jobs.

Then she meets Accounting Liu, a legendary man she looks up to. He has extraordinary means and tricks to make people. He was gentle and considerate to her, caring and loving, and he also taught her how to dress up, making her more and more beautiful. She thought she had met a good man and wanted to live well with him, but he taught her how to please a man, and then let her...

She cried to death at the time, but he didn't force her, and let her decide for herself.

She came back to find Shen Yu and Chang Mingyan, how she hoped he could save her!

But he was like that at that time. He said, "Cauliflower, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do."

He is a technician, he can help her solve the problem of work, how can he be helpless

Even if he took out the money first to help her go through the back door, she could pay him back later.

But what he said was powerless.


She is such a weak little girl, and her family has no ability. She followed them to the textile factory, didn't she just hope to help her

But they didn't!

So she could only go back to find the man.

They watched her helplessly, even grinning and pushing her into the dark abyss. Therefore, she, the devil who was reborn from sin and punishment, was created by them with their own hands. If they were hurt by the devil, they should not resent her.

In her previous life, she was just a trivial little girl. At first, she couldn't get in touch with many things, but then she climbed up step by step and finally came into contact with the core forces.

It's a pity that the people she looked up to in the previous life were so vulnerable this time, and they were all cleaned up by Han Qingsong. Especially Liu Haozhe, she didn't expect him to be found out, nor did she expect that Han Qingsong didn't die

A lot of things have changed in this life, and she can't figure it out. Maybe it's because of her rebirth that the changes have taken place.

She simply stopped thinking about it for the time being and waited until the Cultural Revolution was over.

She went to the dormitory of the director of the factory's revolutionary committee overnight. The director's house was divided into buildings, but there was also a dormitory on duty in the factory for the convenience of work.

Zhang Hope had been subdued by her last year, and it was not complicated at all. In the past two years, Zhang hoped to fall, because he was the illegitimate son of a puppet leader who was shot. Later, it was revealed that he was killed by a competitor, and it was not until the 1980s that he was rehabilitated. The cauliflower used this to hold him, and then used her own means to control him, eating Zhang Hope to the death, and making him not interested in other women.

Zhang hoped to see her come in, with a happy expression on his face, "Xiao Caihua, I've been waiting for you for a long time, come quickly!"

Cauliflower pouted, "Wait for me, there's nothing good anyway."

Zhang Hope immediately took out a small cloth bag, "Look at what I bought for you."

I opened the cauliflower and took a look. There was a lipstick, an eyebrow pencil, and a box of powder inside. She laughed. "It's about the same."

"Stay tonight..." Zhang Hope grabbed her hand.

Cauliflower sneered, "It's just such a little thing, you think it's too beautiful."

"Then... for a while, just for a while." Zhang Hopehou hurriedly leaned on her, "There are days."

"I recently noticed that Shen Yu and Liu Yanyan are not pleasing to the eye." Cauliflower didn't refuse, she sat on his lap and gave him some sweetness.

"Um... you, you want to chase... chase them away?"

"Don't, that's so boring. But... it can't make them feel comfortable, is it?" Cauliflower laughed softly.

After a while, Cauliflower left with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

She is no longer that humble little girl, she will definitely reach the top, be a personal master, and control their destiny!

Now the children are training hard, and the whole family goes to bed on the kang before nine o'clock.

Lin Lan couldn't sleep and discussed with Han Qingsong, "Third brother, let's build a water table, press the well water up, and wash clothes and vegetables in the water table later."

It's too tiring to squat on the ground every time.

She is mainly distressed that he is tired. Many times, he helps with the dishes and clothes, or the children help.

Han Qingsong rubbed her round and smooth shoulders, and said in a lazy voice, "Okay."

In the west, the children fell asleep quickly after they lay down. The night is deep, and all sounds are silent.

Dawang suddenly heard gasps and rustling sounds.

That's right, it's the sound of gasping!

Close at hand!

Is there a burglar in the house

He immediately woke up, gently lifted the quilt, and heard that all the sounds disappeared. He turned on the light and looked at it. Nothing was different, so he took the flashlight and turned off the light on the kang.

After a while, there was another shrill voice.

Dawang turned on the flashlight directly in the bed, took a light photo, and soon found the clue.

The suitcase on the ground is actually moving!

Da Wang was stunned for a moment, and the next moment his palm rested on the edge of the kang, he turned over and fell to the ground, stepping on the suitcase with one foot.

"Um..." There was a sound of pain from inside.

Dawang: "!" As soon as he opened the lid of the suitcase, he met Sanwang who was lying on his side.

With sleepy eyes, Sanwang rubbed his eyes and grinned at his elder brother. Just as he was about to speak, Dawang snapped the lid of the box again.

Sanwang: "!" My big brother!