Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 166: Book & Comfort


Henry, who was not afraid of death, understood what Lin Lan meant and wanted to correct him, "Xianseng Han is very handsome, but what I said was to take you to America. Of course, if you are not married..."

Then he heard Han Qingsong say every word: "Mr. Henry, can we fight?"

Henry immediately waved his hand, the cowboys were all dueling, so he didn't want to duel with Han Qingsong. He could hear King Sa say that Han Qingsong was particularly good at fighting, and he was a sharpshooter, so he had no chance of winning.

Lin Lan couldn't help laughing, and hurriedly told them the business.

For example, about gemstones, she said that if it didn't work, Director Fang might not be able to do the same, but Henry, an international friend, would be useful. Now, although they have gems, they can't see the benefits, so they are naturally not interested. Director Fang can speak and manage affairs in a region, but he cannot go out, and he is even less qualified to communicate with Europeans.

Henry can.

So Henry contacted his European counterparts—this time, a group of experts from several European countries came to visit, and there were many reporters, and Henry and many of them knew each other.

Invite a few reporters to take pictures and then go back to China to promote it, then contact European jewelers, invite them to visit, give guidance, improve their gem processing skills, introduce some advanced machinery by the way, and sign long-term contracts with foreign businessmen to earn money for the motherland foreign exchange.

This is the regular cooperation route.

It’s just that this routine is not so easy, because foreign businessmen will argue and try to keep prices down, buying rough rough stones at extremely low prices, rather than buying finished products at high prices. But the country does not pay attention to this, and the central government is carrying out a fierce political campaign, and almost no one cares about it, so the long-term negotiation is sure.

Lin Lan is not in a hurry. She just wants Henry to help spread the word, so that European businessmen who like gems can see business opportunities and hook them up to make them think about it. That's it.

As soon as the domestic situation stabilizes and after the reform and opening up, the gem business will start naturally.

Lin Lan applied for the establishment of a gem design office, and could pay foreign jewelry designers to train their own designers. As a result, the Italian jewelry designers who had negotiated to come changed their minds and asked China to provide raw materials for export before they could cooperate.

Because they can see that China urgently needs a way to increase foreign exchange income, and once there is a way, they will agree to it even at a lower price.

However, to their disappointment, the Chinese government did not do what they wanted! No one cares about the stones at the moment, let him cool off.

So this matter has been put on hold for the time being, but it has also successfully aroused the interest of European gem dealers, making them dream that they can come to China to make a fortune at a low price.

After this time.

Besides Han Qingsong, the children of Lin Lan's family took turns to accompany Henry to go to the countryside to collect folk customs. Several children, including Da Wang and Shen Yu, improved their spoken language rapidly. They had no problem with Henry's daily conversations in English, and Mai Sui and Erwang could even briefly discuss Western fashion, history, and politics.

When Lin Lan saw it, the old mother's heart was soaring. She even called Lu Jinxiu directly and asked him to buy a double cassette tape recorder.

Lu Jinxiu was happier to receive her call than to Han Qingsong. He acted fast, and asked the train conductor to bring it over within two days, and he also came with some English cassettes.

With this help, everyone in the Lin Lan family's English level has been improved to a new level - including Han Qingsong, who never speaks, listens to it every day, and can't understand the daily conversations.

During Henry's visit this time, Lin Lan took good care of him, and of course did not squeeze him.

He helped to open the gem breakthrough. At the same time, he also introduced foreign earthquake expert groups to contact her, and from this contact with the staff of the analysis room of the Earthquake Bureau, you can get some more professional and time-sensitive monitoring data. This helped her greatly in optimizing the professional content of that book.

Sanwang stayed at home for nearly one and a half months and eight days, and will return to the capital with Henry in early June.

Sanwang was used to coming and going, but Henry was reluctant to give up and wanted to hug them one by one.

He reached out to Mai Sui, Mai Sui smiled and took the initiative to open his arms to hug him.

"Henry, you are welcome to come often in the future."

Henry was so excited that he picked her up and weighed her, "Miss Han Maisui, if I were eighteen years old this year, I would definitely pursue you desperately!"

Mai Sui smiled: "Thank you Henry for your compliment."

Erwang patted Henry, indicating that he was almost done.

Henry hugged Erwang, "Erwang, why don't you come with me, I'll find you an American daughter-in-law!"

Erwang: "…"

Henry said excitedly: "I hope you and Mai Sui can study in the United States. Our Harvard and Stanford are the best universities, not worse than the British Oxbridge, just like your Peking University and Tsinghua University. I represent Welcome to American University!"

He hugged Erwang hard again.

Erwang gave up the struggle, and let Henry hold him in his arms and talk reluctantly.

Henry let him go to hold Dawang.

Da Wang quickly took his hand and shook it, "Henry, you are welcome to come again."

Henry had to struggle a bit, and the other arm hugged Dawang.

Seeing that he wanted to hug him so much, Da Wang simply picked Henry up and weighed him.

Henry exclaimed excitedly: "Oh, my God! Dawang, you are so strong that you are a woman. If I were a woman, I would try my best to marry you..."

Dawang put him down with a blank face, he was used to this Yankee's all kinds of words.

Henry turned around and hugged Xiao Wang, "Xiao Wang, you can go to the United States with me. I will find you a good music school. You can study piano and violin. I really love you."

Xiaowang smiled and patted his shoulder, "Mr. Henry, you want to get married early. I hope that next time we meet, you can bring your daughter-in-law and children with you."

Henry put down and took the initiative to shake hands with Han Qingsong, "Mr. Han, thank you for your generosity."

Seeing how sensible he was, Han Qingsong said, "Mr. Henry, you are welcome to come again."

Henry immediately kicked his nose and put his face on his face, "Mr. Han, can I ask for a request before I leave?"

Han Qingsong glanced at him, Henry smiled harmlessly, blond hair and blue eyes, especially warm and innocent, he nodded, "You say."

"Can I hug Lin Lan, I really like her!"

Han Qingsong was expressionless and hugged Henry hard, "Thank you for your appreciation, I'll hug her for her."

Henry's eyes were rounded by him, God, I'm guilty, this man is so powerful, I want to marry him!

Han Qingsong let him go and asked him to shake hands with Lin Lan.

Lin Lan leaned next to Mai Sui and couldn't help laughing. How could Henry be so funny and cute? He was really a funny guy sent by monkeys.

Henry and Lin Lan shook hands and said to Mai Sui, "Miss Han, can you please take a photo for us?"

Mai Sui smiled and said, "Okay," she took the camera from Sanwang. During this time, she had learned a lot, and also helped Henry take a lot of good photos.

Mai Sui counted 1, 2, and 3. When he reached three, Henry suddenly exerted his strength and suddenly brought a princess to Lin Lan and hugged him, "Yeah!"

Han Qingsong: "..."

Henry saw Han Qingsong staring at him badly, smiled, and immediately handed Lin Lan to Han Qingsong and let him hug him.

Fill up this strong man's hands and he won't be able to beat himself up, haha, Henry, you're so witty.

Henry gave himself a compliment.

Han Qingsong caught Lin Lan, hugged her and didn't let go, as if she was really afraid that she would go to the United States with Henry.

Lin Lan motioned for him to put himself down.

Sanwang: "Henry, let's go, if you stay here, you will take my place in this family."

Henry: "Sawang, don't be jealous, I love you the most. Can you go to the United States next year? Our swimming team can invite you to a friendly match. I can find you an American daughter-in-law..."

Sanwang: "Henry, you are too stingy! How can an American daughter-in-law be enough? You have to find one from a country for me!"

Everyone in the Han family: "..."

Lin Lan: Let's go quickly, these two jokers. My son is no longer my son.

Sanwang opened his arms to hug Lin Lan, and said reluctantly, "Mother, I'll call you."

Lin Lan: "Don't be delusional about not writing letters. Don't delay the culture class when you're not training."

Sanwang: "Received!" Whether you do it or not is another matter.

Henry was reluctant to part, "Next time we'll dance together!"

When Henry left, Gao Ling, Gao Yu and others also came to see him off, but they didn't enjoy Henry's hug.

Sanwang took him on a Jiefang truck from the provincial capital to the prefectural committee, then from there by jeep to the provincial capital, and then a train to the capital.

At this time, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 occurred in Longling, Yunnan. Because there were medium-term and short-term forecasts, the local government took a series of earthquake prevention measures before the earthquake, so there were not many casualties. The official report was only 98 people.

Lin Lan saw the news in the provincial newspaper, but it was very general and only a few words could not meet her needs. She then wrote a letter to the Provincial Seismological Station, asking for details, which she wanted to include in her book.

It is now the beginning of June, and the Tangshan earthquake is less than two months away. Time is pressing, but fortunately, she has already connected with the Capital Earthquake Bureau and other agencies, and can get some current data.

This also made her understand that the situation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area was tense, the political movement was very intense, and the leaders of the Earthquake Bureau were replaced. Now there is no one in charge of the business, only Team Leader Wen and others are busy on the front line with the staff.

So she has to speed up the pace of publishing books!

She entrusted Director Fang to ask him to invite professionals from the Provincial Earthquake Station to preface the book, so as to improve the book's popularity and professional credibility.

Next, there will be a series of applications, reports, etc. After getting the order, all the formalities have been prepared, and it will be the end of June when it is published.

This book is priced at 0.35 yuan, 32 open books, which are full of pictures and texts, detailed and vivid. In order to make children love to watch it, Lin Lan compiled some interesting stories about earthquakes. At the same time, it takes into account the professionalism and rigor. In particular, I will discuss issues such as the current earthquake-prone areas in China, especially professional and rigorous.

As soon as this book came out, it immediately attracted widespread attention and was well received by professionals and non-professionals.

Children also like it very much, because the pictures inside are very vivid, and there is a doll with a big head and a small body. He has always been his image to explain professional knowledge to everyone. It is vivid and interesting, and it is not boring at all.

In mid-July, this book has been distributed all over the country, especially in the earthquake-prone areas. Almost every family has a copy. If you don’t have it, you should read it. Some schools even read this book as a classroom reading material to learn earthquake prevention knowledge.

In the current atmosphere where textbooks are full of political preaching, this booklet, whose language is close to colloquialism, plain and interesting, and easy to understand, without any political preaching, is so special that it immediately attracted their attention and goodwill.

At the same time, various exchange letters, thank you letters, etc., flew to Lin Lan's office like snowflakes.

There are children's paintings, information records sent to her by people and staff in earthquake-prone areas, thank-you letters from readers who have benefited a lot from her booklet, etc. There are even earthquake traumas and earthquakes. A letter of confession written to her by a bereaved book friend.

Because at the end of the book "Let's Face It Together: The Terrible Earthquake" compiled by Lin Lan, she advocated from the perspective of humanistic care and psychological counseling, hoping that survivors who lost their loved ones and healthy in the earthquake disaster can survive The river of nightmares, with strength as the pillar, overcomes the sequelae of disasters. I also hope that the people around them and the local government departments can give them more care and guidance to help them cheer up.

The pain doesn't go away, it becomes a thorn stuck there forever. What we need to do is not forgetting nor forcibly pulling it out, but taking the pain as the starting point and moving forward to avoid more pain.

Tangshan, facing the Bohai Sea in the south and adjacent to Beijing and Tianjin, is the central city of the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Industrial Base. The Kaiping coal mine in the territory is the most important coal mine in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tang Dynasty, and it is related to the normal operation of the capital's economic lifeline.

At the same time, it is also an important position that the State Earthquake Administration, the Beijing Earthquake Team and the Hebei Earthquake Administration have been paying close attention to in recent years.

In the family compound of the mining area, it was quiet at night, and the electric lights in the room were wrapped in a yellow halo, illuminating the small room. The room was sprayed with DDT to repel mosquitoes, and the smell was almost gone now, but it didn't smell very good.

Du Chun'er was awakened by her brother's cry. My parents were busy with work, and I was called away by a colleague at night and I haven’t come back yet. My brother woke up and asked my mother to cry.

It was too hot in the room, so she took a fan and led her brother to the door to turn on the light and read a book.

In the distance, the tall derrick of the coal mine stood in front, the sky wheel was slowly spinning, Du Chuner glanced at it, and then opened the book she had read several times to tell her brother a story.

My brother who was too professional could not understand, so she explained:

"This book is very well written. There is a little story about a child who didn't listen to his mother, but he suffered a lot. The Liaoning Earthquake Station said there was an earthquake in Haicheng, so everyone should be vigilant and prepare their shoes and clothes. , He threw his shoes randomly. As a result, when the earthquake happened, everyone dressed up and ran out, but he was barefoot, and it was cold in the winter. Do you think it's time to criticize?"

The younger brother was sleepy and with tears in his eyes, he rubbed his sullen eyes, "Well, spanking."

"Then do you want to listen to your mother and sister?"

"hear… "

"I'll read two pages, and we'll go to bed."

"Ok… "

She told her brother about the earthquake booklet. The signs before the earthquake were different in different places because of the different geology. But the book lists a lot, basically some phenomena summarized by folk earthquakes.

"If the chickens at home refuse to go back to the chicken coop to sleep, if the dogs refuse to enter the house, if..." Du Chun'er said slowly, and the younger brother fell asleep listening to it.

At this moment, a few chickens that were sleeping in the yard suddenly ran out of the chicken coop like crazy, and fluttered about.

Du Chun'er: "...?"

She looked down at the booklet, then at the chickens.

Will there be an earthquake

Du Chuner's first thought was because the staff of the earthquake team often came and went in and out of their coal mines last year, and people from the capital earthquake team came to investigate and collect information, and they still held a lot of meetings in Tangshan. Several earthquake drills were also organized locally, and the nerves of the people were also tense, for fear of an earthquake.

It's just that after many exercises, there was no earthquake, and some people thought that the wolf was coming and no longer took it seriously.

Especially after the earthquake in Inner Mongolia on April 6, the local earthquake precursors suddenly disappeared. Many people, including experts, believe that the earthquake warning in Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan has been lifted and will not happen again. Think about this. The earthquake-prevention drills for the past two months were gone, and the citizens did not like to cooperate.

Du Chuner is an 11-year-old girl. She still maintains her curiosity and childlike innocence, and she is especially convinced of what she likes in books.

It's going to be an earthquake! she thought so.

When her parents are not at home, she has to be ready at all times. She has to open the doors and windows at night, prepare clothes and dry food packs, and put them at the door every night, ready to run at any time.

The next day, she communicated with her classmates and swore that there would be an earthquake. According to the book, she also said that the chickens at home were crazy.

One of the classmates immediately testified, "Yes, my dog is also crazy, and it's so loud that we can't sleep all night."

"My goldfish also turned over for no reason."

With that said, there is something wrong with anyone.

The adults don't take it seriously. There is the Earthquake Administration. Our country has successfully predicted earthquakes, and the whole world has come to learn.

So, don't be afraid.

There are still more sensitive people who feel that an earthquake will occur through various signs, especially some amateurs who study earthquakes, as well as the staff of some small local seismic stations.

After entering July, they felt that something was wrong. After the middle of the month, the monitoring data began to be confused, so that the professionals had to suspect that it was an earthquake.

Among them was forecaster Chen from a seismic station in Kaiping. Since May 28, he has found that the resistivity of the ground, which has been stable, has dropped rapidly. He carefully observed and calculated, combined with observation of groundwater and animal conditions, and communication with other seismic stations, it was determined that an earthquake would occur. On July 6, he issued an emergency forecast for a short-term strong earthquake to the Earthquake Administration.

Unfortunately, no one paid attention. In the middle of the day, two experts came. They firmly believe that the Xingtai earthquake and the Haicheng earthquake have experienced continuous small earthquakes before the big earthquakes. They believe that there have been no small earthquakes in the past three months, and there will be no major earthquakes. They believe that the anomaly is caused by other disturbances. His report was not adopted.

But now there is such a book to back up his words!

Since the 18th, there has been a public opinion that there will be a major earthquake in Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan in a short period of time.

The most afraid of earthquakes are coal mines and mines. Once an earthquake occurs, they will be buried underneath.

But the mines under the management of the Kaiping Mining Bureau are related to the lifeline of the capital and cannot be stopped at will.

At this time, the Earthquake Bureau was going through a fierce political movement. The leaders were occupied by various criticism meetings. Those who knew professional knowledge had no power, and those who did not were forced to take office. All kinds of political meetings, the leaders had no time to be distracted. Do research work.

Only the staff of the earthquake analysis and forecasting room are still working around the clock. They go to Yunnan, Sichuan, and Inner Mongolia to conduct various investigations. At the same time, the leader of the Beijing-Tianjin team, team leader Wen, also leads his colleagues to closely monitor the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area. various data.

Although the earthquake monitoring data changes frequently in a short period of time, there may be regulations that no more than five levels will not be reported.

Because the capital is not a small place, once it is determined that an earthquake will occur, it is necessary to carry out earthquake prevention work, transfer central ministries, relocate citizens, suspend work and production, etc. This is a very huge task.

In case of false positives, the losses will be very, very heavy.

At this time, the analysis and forecasting room of the Earthquake Bureau, the Beijing Earthquake Team, the Hebei Earthquake Bureau, the Kaiping Mining Earthquake Bureau and other units discovered the change at the same time, but they were still undecided about what to do. Circulation: On July 27, no more than July 30, there will be an earthquake in Tangshan.

It is now July 22.

This month, Lin Lan has been staring at the calendar card to live, counting his fingers every day, staring at various newspapers and radio stations, and frequently keeping in touch with the earthquake station.

But the communication was too slow, and the phone was not so convenient. She always called. The familiar one was busy when she was out, and the others who answered the phone were either impatient or didn't understand.

She hadn't contacted analyst Ding of the Provincial Earthquake Station for several days, and she was very anxious.

When eating at noon, she tilted her head slightly, and poked, poked, poked in the lunch box with chopsticks.

Han Qingsong sat opposite her, put down his chopsticks and steamed buns, and stared at her for a while, but Lin Lan was so immersed in his own consciousness that he didn't notice him.

"The dishes are getting cold." Han Qingsong reminded warmly.

Lin Lan didn't respond.

Han Qingsong felt that her soul was floating out. Since Henry left, she has been like this!

These days, it's even worse. He looks at her listless, doesn't like to talk, doesn't eat well, and doesn't sleep well.

It was as if he had been so happy dancing with Henry the month before.

She refused to touch him these past few nights, saying she was out of the mood. Although he wanted her, he wouldn't force her. No matter if she was uncomfortable or not, he would follow her.

But now she begins to wander in front of him during the day, like a wandering soul, making him feel that she is unreal, fluttering, and getting farther and farther away from him.

She had something to hide from him, and no matter how he hinted, she would not say it.

This gave him a feeling he had never had before - powerlessness, as if she was the wind between his fingers, entwining around him, lingering, and flying away when she had had enough.

This thought made him very uncomfortable, and his heart was strangled by a steel wire, and it was tightly bound in circles, making him breathless.

He wanted to catch her so that she couldn't fly.

He reached out and held her hand on the dining table, squeezed it, and motioned her to return to her senses. Lin Lan glanced at him, his eyes were very empty, as if there was no him in his eyes, and there was no reaction at all, and he lowered his head and went back to poke.

Han Qingsong: "..."

He raised his hand to hold her chin, forcing her to look up at him, "Lin Lan, look at me."

Lin Lan looked at him.

"who am I?"

Lin Lan: "Don't make trouble."

Han Qingsong held her chin without using any force, for fear of hurting her. At this moment, she didn't seem to know who he was, so he added a little strength, "Lin Lan, who am I?"

There were other people eating in the cafeteria, and they were all stunned when they suddenly saw that Director Han was domineering and ruthless.

what's the situation

But none of them dared to ask, either pretending to be invisible, or running away after eating to make room for the Han Bureau.

Some people hid outside and peeked, thinking that Director Han would not beat his daughter-in-law.

Lin Lan was listless at first, and she was still a little tired with her head down and drooping. She thought her head was heavy, but it was brisk that someone was supporting her.

She focused her eyes slightly, "Director Han, you are fierce and vicious, what are you doing?"

Han Qingsong's heart thumped back when he mentioned his throat, and the hand he held on her chin was slightly loose, seeing that there were actually two lavender marks on her snow-white skin, and suddenly felt guilty for a while.

"Eat." His slender fingers tapped lightly on her lunch box.

Lin Lan sighed and sighed, "I can't eat it, you can eat it." She pushed the lunch box to Han Qingsong and sat on the side in a daze.

Han Qingsong grinded his back molars, and the lines from his jaw to his neck tightened, but he still patiently said, "You didn't eat much the day before yesterday, you drank a bowl of porridge last night, and ate half an egg this morning... I'm not hungry. ?"

In the end it was a bit of a gnashing of teeth.

Lin Lan: "Really? Impossible, I'm not hungry at all. I feel so full." Her stomach was so full that she couldn't eat anything.

Han Qingsong clenched his fists, then loosened them again. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore. He put down his chopsticks and didn't eat it himself. He took Lin Lan's hand and pulled her away.

Lin Lan: "Hey, you haven't eaten my vegetables and steamed buns, don't waste them, we bought them with money and tickets."

Han Qingsong didn't say a word, just dragged her away, but instead of going back to the Revolutionary Committee, he dragged her home instead.

Lin Lan: "Third brother, what are we doing at home during work hours?"

"Fuck you." He said fiercely.

Lin Lan: "!"

Lin Lan wanted to get rid of him and go back to the office. You are a hooligan on the road. I am a pure and good comrade.

Han Qingsong directly hugged her and walked towards the house with big strides. When he reached the door, he held her with one hand and took out the key with the other to open the door. His movements were smooth and unaffected.

No matter what Lin Lan said, he wouldn't let her go, and she couldn't yell outside, so she could only beg him softly.

Han Qingsong didn't say a word, didn't move, went in and directly raised his foot to hook the door and hang the lock.

Lin Lan: "..."

Opening the door and entering the house, he threw Lin Lan on the kang, and pushed himself against it, dragging Lin Lan, who was about to escape, back against the corner of the wall.

Lin Lan, who was pushed against the corner, shivered like a weak guinea pig.

She stretched out her slender fingers and poked Han Qingsong's shoulder, "That... Third brother, what's the matter with you? Suddenly so irritable? It's not normal."

Han Qingsong locked her eyebrows, she actually said that he was abnormal!

very good!

He grabbed her with both hands behind his back, held her chin and kissed her fiercely, not so much the kiss as the force of punishment. She was reluctant to fight, reluctant to scold, and this was the only way to bring her back to her senses.

Lin Lan's whole body was softened by his kiss, and she could hardly breathe in the end.

He's going to suffocate her! Is he crazy

She struggled, biting his tongue.

Han Qingsong stopped, breathing heavily, his chest heaving and his Adam's apple rolling up and down, trying to hold back something. He looked down at her, her lips were pierced by him, and there was a faint blood oozing out. He bowed his head and kissed it, tenderly, apologetically and comfortingly.

She wanted to struggle, but he didn't give in, and still restrained her hands so that she had no extra small movements.

He withdrew her lips, his eyes fixed on her deeply.

Lin Lan felt that he was cold and dreary, like a beast that was ready to go, just like the storm on the eve of a midsummer storm, the wind was rolling over the dark clouds, and the thunder and lightning were flying in the clouds, and it was about to explode at any time.

She was so nervous that her heart hurt.

She swallowed, her voice soft and tender, "Third brother, calm down, please calm down."

"Lin Lan, look at me."

Lin Lan looked at him obediently, the focus was right, and there was a pleasing look in her eyes, as if she couldn't be more obedient.

She acted coquettishly with him: "Third brother,'re so scary." Her delicate eyebrows frowned, her big water-soluble eyes seemed resentful, and she began to accuse, "Tell me, do you think it's better for Xiaomurahua to get old? The young educated youth is tender and juicy, youthful and beautiful, and disgusted with others? Woohoo…”

The anger that Han Qingsong had built up was disintegrated by her coquettish eyes.

He didn't think he was a lecherous person, but he couldn't hold on for a round in front of her at the moment, he couldn't stand her accusing eyes, couldn't stand her coquettish tone, and even couldn't bear her frowning sad look.

She once said that he did not give her a sense of security, but he tried to give her enough later.

But she made him more and more insecure.

This feeling of frustration and powerlessness made him almost out of control and forced her.

In fact, it wasn't because of Henry, it wasn't any man's problem, but there was a hole in her heart that he couldn't touch. The more he didn't understand, the more detached she appeared, the more panic he became.

"Look, if you don't deny it, you're acquiescing!" Lin Lan slapped her back, the drama came so fast, tears were streaming down her face.

Once the tears come out, it becomes the sea that bursts the embankment.

She is so stressed these days.

Because of her transmigrated soul, no one can tell her, and her mind is heavy. Now another earthquake problem has been added. She usually covers it up well, she is cheerful and optimistic in front of people, smiling, but those pressures are accumulated in the subconscious, more and more, these days are almost accumulating to the top.

She was thinking that since earthquakes can be predicted, and Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan has been strengthening monitoring since last year, they will definitely do a good job in earthquake prevention, so that more than 240,000 people will not die like in her previous life.

On the one hand, she is worried that the political movement will lead to accidents, will there be any force majeure, will... these will entangle her, she doesn't have the heart to do other things during the day, she can't sleep well at night, and she has no appetite for eating. I had trouble sleeping and eating. When I was nervous, my stomach was throbbing and nauseated. I felt like vomiting when I saw food, and my head was still aching.

She cried a lot.

Han Qingsong's heart hurts, although he didn't do anything, but his daughter-in-law cried like this, he felt that he was wrong but he didn't know it.

He held her in his arms and rubbed and coaxed her to comfort her, but she was in his arms and cried even more.

"Stop crying." His voice was hoarse, and he kissed her over and over again, feeling that his heart was about to be broken by her crying.

"What do you want me to do?" He kissed the tears that burst on her face, really didn't know she could cry like that.

Lin Lan couldn't stop crying, she felt like she was going to become a Meng Jiangnu, "I... I don't want to cry, I can't stop." She cried and laughed.

Han Qingsong automatically understood that she was frightened by him. Her words stuck in his heart like a knife. She could only kiss her closely, hoping that she could feel his tenderness and feel more comfortable.

Lin Lan murmured, "I'm not the savior of the world, I just... can't get past this."

The feeling of knowing but being powerless was very fatal, and she couldn't bear it.

"Tell me, and I'll help you think about it together." Han Qingsong's lifelong patience was used up this time. He coaxed her gently, kissed her, and hoped that she would be honest with him, open up, and truly accept him.

But Lin Lan's sanity was locked in ninety-eighty-one restrictions in front of the fact that she had passed through, and she couldn't touch it, and she never mentioned it.

He was doomed to disappointment.

After a while, she was tired and fell asleep.

Han Qingsong just hugged her like that, sitting motionless, thinking a lot, but he didn't seem to think about anything.

When Lin Lan woke up, it was already evening, and he still kept that position, the difference was that his eyes were a little red from staring at her.

Lin Lan burst into tears, venting her negative emotions and feeling much lighter.

"Third brother?" She looked at him in surprise, "When is it?"

Han Qingsong: "It's almost time to get off work."

"Oh, I slept all afternoon? Why don't you put me down." How tired is it to hold.

Han Qingsong: "I'm not tired." Originally he wanted to lie down with her, but she hugged his arm tightly and muttered, "Third brother, don't go."

This babble suddenly soothed his pierced heart, which was repaired in an instant.

He clasped the back of her head with his big hands and began to kiss her densely, rolling on the kang while kissing and kissing the two of them.

In summer, her clothes were thin, with a white bra inside and a light blue short-sleeved shirt outside, all of which lost their barrier function under his fierce offensive.

"Third Brother~~" Her voice was soft and sweet, "No... No way."

It's almost time to get off work, and the children have to leave school. He comes here for at least half a day, and he can't afford it.

He had no plans to stop, and finally served her twice. Lin Lan felt that she had turned into a boiled lobster. She was so shameless in the daytime, her legs were soft.

He climbed up and looked down at her deeply, "Lin Lan, if you do that again."

Lin Lan looked at him in surprise, "Third brother, how am I?"

Obviously it's your sauce stuffed with sauce!

Han Qingsong: "..."

He took a deep breath, sat up, and slowly wiped his hands with the towel, "I have something on my mind, don't eat, don't pay attention, don't tell me..." He slowly wiped his slender fingers one by one, and locked her with his eyes down. One word at a time, "Law on the spot."

Lin Lan's face was all red, staring at him, to be punished on the spot? you sure? Just like this? You're on the spot... You don't talk too much.

Han Qingsong looked at her "I don't believe you are so shameless" and sneered, "You try."

The threat is strong enough.

Lin Lan said he didn't dare.

He seemed to be afraid that she might not feel strong enough, so he raised his wrist to look at his watch, and said coolly, "I won't let you go like this next time."

It won't be that way, that's what it is. Lin Lan: …

Han Qingsong turned around and took clean underwear from the kang cabinet, helped her put it on one by one, and fastened the buttons of her bra one by one.

Lin Lan felt that it was a big loss. It was just a fool's errand in the daytime, but in the end it turned into a kidney, and the price was quite high.

He pulled her up, bit her ear gently, and whispered, "Are you interested now?"

Lin Lan: "..." When did Director Han become so arrogant? She decided to struggle a bit, "You're so... messing with me, it's not going to work at night."

Han Qingsong said lightly: "You must believe in your own potential."

Lin Lan: Han Qingsong, your uncle!

After all, Han Qingsong felt sorry for her. He didn't bully her again at night, and even fanned her with a fan to make her sleep comfortably.

The next day was bright, and Han Qingsong woke up at a fixed time. In the past two days, because of worrying about her, his deep sleep time was compressed, and he was still a little awake at this time.

He rolled over, put his arms around her and kissed her, sobering himself up a bit.

Lin Lan muttered and rubbed against his arms, causing him to burn into flames all of a sudden.

Feeling his hot body, Lin Lan woke up suddenly, and at this time, there was the sound of Dawang descending to the ground from the west.

Lin Lan whispered: "Third brother... Good third brother, get up quickly."

Han Qingsong bowed his head and kissed her, "I'll listen to another secret."

Lin Lan was locked by his deep eyes, and his heart beat faster, but there was no way to avoid it. Seeing his swearing-in swearing appearance, Lin Lan knew that fox spirits could not satisfy him.

He was so persistent, she knew something was wrong, but he could guess, and her vest couldn't be dropped.

She gritted her teeth, hooked his neck to the ear and said, "Third brother, I had a dream, and I said you don't believe it."

Han Qingsong's heart tightened: "You say it."

Lin Lan: "I dreamed that there would be a big earthquake at the end of this month."

Han Qingsong propped up her body and looked down at her, "Thinking about it every day." She read those materials every day, and was busy with publishing books, so it was normal for her to dream.

Lin Lan pouted, "Look, you don't believe it."

Han Qingsong: "Where?"

Lin Lan pursed her lips: "North, in Beijing, Tianjin and Tang."

Because of her attention, Han Qingsong knew more or less. He roughly flipped through the book she edited, emphasizing that position several times. Moreover, she has contact with the earthquake station and received a lot of information. The Earthquake Bureau and the Capital Earthquake Team are also paying attention to the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area. Since mid-1974, the higher authorities have approved and forwarded the report of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the earthquake situation in North China and the Bohai Sea, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangzhou area has been turned into a key monitoring area.

Many forecasters have been saying that there will be an earthquake in that area in the past two years, but they are not sure about the magnitude of the earthquake and have not officially reported it to government agencies.

Reporting is a risk. In the event of a false report, the capital area will have an output value of about 200 million a day.

Talking about such a serious topic, he sat up, pulled her up and sat down facing each other.

"Are you worrying about this issue these days?" he asked, his face was serious and serious from the one just now, and he regained his usual cold-hearted manhood.

Lin Lan nodded, "I'm afraid... Because the dream is too clear, I think it's true."

Han Qingsong said, "I'll call Lu Jinxiu at work today and ask him to pay close attention and call you at any time."

Lin Lan knelt on the kang and threw herself into his arms, "Third brother, you are so kind."

Han Qingsong held her slender waist and warned her seriously: "In the future, no matter what happens, don't hide it from me, otherwise..."

Lin Lan smiled playfully and bit his ear: "Otherwise what?"

"You know." He gave her a menacing glance, and went to the ground.

After eight o'clock, Lin Lan and Han Qingsong went to the Revolutionary Committee. He called Lu Jinxiu, but Lu Jinxiu was not there, so he decided to call again at noon.

At noon, two jeeps with capital license plates suddenly came, and a few soldiers in military uniforms came down. A man who looked like a cadre in his thirties led them into the office of the director of the Revolutionary Committee and asked arrogantly, "Is there a person like Lin Lan in your county?"

Director Qin got up and said in surprise, "Comrade which department? What is your surname?"

"I'm He Quan from the Cultural Revolution Security Team in the capital. I'm here to interrogate Lin Lan, a counter-revolutionary." The man's tone was cold, his expression solemn and arrogant.

"Comrade, is there a misunderstanding? Secretary Lin works hard and has been in our revolutionary committee..."

"She wrote this book." He Quan snorted coldly and slapped a book on the table.

Director Qin picked it up and took a look. It was the earthquake-related book compiled by Lin Lan. He had instructed the book and praised Lin Lan for doing practical things.

Why is it counter-revolutionary? Director Qin felt a burst of anger in his heart! You have not finished, criticizing Confucius, criticizing Zhou and criticizing Deng, why did the approval come to our county

"It's good." He Quan waved his hand, "Go get someone!"

Seeing this, Secretary Li hurriedly went to the Public Security Bureau to find Han Qingsong, and by the way had someone send a letter to Lin Lan, asking her to hide for a while to see the situation.

Han Qingsong immediately got up and went to Director Qin's office after listening to Secretary Li's words.

Director Qin saw him coming, and smiled to introduce to both parties.

When He Quan's originally cold and arrogant expression met Han Qingsong's deep and indifferent eyes, he unexpectedly softened by two points, and took the initiative to reach out, "Director Han, please cooperate with us in our work."

Han Qingsong stood opposite He Quan, looked at him coldly, stretched out his hand to hold it and released it, "He, Team Leader, can you take a look at your document."

He Quan took it out and handed it to him, "Take a good look."

Han Qingsong took it and glanced at it. There was indeed Lin Lan's name on it, saying that she was a current counter-revolutionary who maliciously incited coal miners to strike and spread rumors to cause civil unrest. Han Qingsong clenched his fists all of a sudden. This counter-revolution is not of the same nature as the counter-revolution he said.

He was talking about being the enemy of the country and the people, but what is this, because Lin Lan has published a book to popularize earthquake knowledge

He looked at He Quan, "Team Leader He, our Public Security Bureau does not accept this crime, and we need you to show solid evidence."