Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 170: Extra report


The year of 1976 can be described as the collapse of the sky, the sudden death of three great men, the earthquake of July 28, and the pain of the whole country. But there is hope in these wounds, because on October 6, the Gang of Four was arrested and the Cultural Revolution was completely over.

When the news came, the whole country rejoiced, whether it was workers, peasants, students, or cadres, they all cheered and cheered.

They finally got rid of the shackles, and no longer had to worry about being criticized every day, and whoever disliked them could fight with revolutionary slogans.

At this time, although there was no news about the educated youth or reform through laborers, the educated youth who wanted to return to the city, the cadres who were sent to the city, the intellectuals who wanted to restore their status, and those who had connections and connections all began to take action. And some local governments have also begun to take appropriate actions to conditionally transfer some in-demand personnel back to work in their original units.

Shanshui Farm is no exception.

There are more and more people living on farms, including people from various regions, county towns, communes and even provincial capitals in the province, and they also need to be diverted. For some obvious wrongful convictions, factional fights, petty theft, fights, etc., as long as the charges are not counter-revolutionary, secret agents, murder, etc., the three-year labor camp can basically be released as appropriate.

As soon as the news came out, many people were thinking about it, trying to find a way out of relationships.

However, Han Qinghua lived out of her feelings and did not want to leave.

He had already had enough years, but he was used to the rhythm of life here. Except for labor and meeting to report his thoughts, no one was beaten or scolded. In the end, he didn't want to go home and lost his mind.

After reforming through labor, he used to be a sluggish man who grew into a sturdy man with a good skin. Now he is even more handsome, and he is very popular with the women on the farm.

He's not a man who can hold on, and he doesn't have the kind of concept that he can't sleep with a woman without getting married. As long as someone takes the initiative to find him, he will not refuse. But let him be responsible, that's impossible, everyone, if you like me, don't rely on anyone.

So living like a duck in water, I feel more comfortable than returning to Shanzui Village.

Back to Shanzui Village, can you look at the big girl casually? Can you sleep with anyone? Even if someone takes a fancy to him, he has to take care of the old Han family's face.

Laogai farms are different.

The people here are mixed, and most of them are victims of the cultural movement. There is no serious crime, just like the educated youth going to the countryside. But they do not have the freedom to live, and they do not approve of marriage. Not all men and women can endure loneliness. Many people even blatantly live together. Several couples live in one room, and some children are several years old.

After repeated prohibitions, the Farm Revolutionary Committee simply ignored it. In any case, the felons were held in solitary confinement, and the others did not need to delay the farm work. As a result, some people are more like a duck to water, such as popular goods like Han Qinghua.

In the big winter, there is no farm work, and good craftsmen are called to weave mats and weaving cloth.

After breakfast, Han Qinghua planned to talk to Fan Yikun, play cards, listen to the radio, and have fun.

Before he could go out, Han Jinyu came to him.

"Sister, what's wrong with your face?" He saw two marks on Han Jinyu's face.

Han Jinyu's face was gloomy, "I fought with a bad guy."

"Who are you fighting with?" Han Qinghua looked out, "I'll beat him up for you."

Han Jinyu snorted coldly, "Qin Lixin! Go and beat her!"

Han Qinghua was taken aback for a moment, "Yuchan is such a grand person, why do you fight with others?"

"She went to hook up with your brother-in-law, why can't I fight her?" Han Jinyu was furious.

"Okay, you fight, you can fight if you can. Let me tell you, it's not uncommon for her to choose any man from this farm. Seduce your man, sister, sober up. Brother-in-law, can't you? Qin Yuchan seduces her. What is he doing? Stop thinking about it."

"You know shit!" Han Jinyu became angry and became more angry when he saw that his younger brother didn't help him.

"Where's your nephew?" Han Qinghua remembered.

"Mr. Fan is playing there."

Han Qinghua pulled her, "Let's go, go to Teacher Fan's place to listen to the story."

When he pulled Han Jinyu away, he met Qin Yuchan on the road. She originally changed her name to Qin Lixin, but she didn't mind using her original name once the Cultural Revolution was over. Many men prefer to call her Yuchan, because she is charming and enchanting, and it has more charm when called this name.

"Sister Jinyu, are you still angry with me?" Qin Yuchan came up and pulled Han Jinyu's hand.

Han Jinyu wanted to shake her off, but Qin Yuchan held her firmly.

Qin Yuchan smiled charmingly and said in a low voice, "I'm acting with you. If it's not realistic, how could the stupid donkey believe it."

Now Qin Haozhe and Pan Shinong are all locked up here. They and Zhao Anpin are treated as felons. They are not allowed to walk around, go in and out at will, and they are not allowed to see outsiders at will.

Everything about them was monitored by Zhang Heili and Luo Haijun.

Luo Haijun was Luo Haicheng's cousin, he only listened to Han Qingsong and his cousin, and stared at Liu Haozhe.

Qin Yuchan's situation is rather special. Although she still lives here, once the Cultural Revolution is over, the charges against them will be slowly withdrawn. After all, she didn't do anything bad, she just came from a bad background and was just the granddaughter of a capitalist.

So her behavior is not restricted, and now that the Cultural Revolution is over, she can move around more freely.

Han Jinyu snorted, "Why do you want to find my man?"

Qin Yuchan pursed her lips and smiled: "Oh, do you think I want to hook up with your man?" She was talking to Han Jinyu, but she gave Han Qinghua a wink, causing Han Qinghua's bones to break.

Han Jinyu saw that she was interested in her brother. Although she was not happy, it would be fine if she didn't have that idea for Liu Haozhe, "Tell me if you have something to do."

Qin Yuchan muttered a few words in her ears.

Han Jinyu looked at her in surprise, "Let Liu Haozhe report Teacher Fan? He and Teacher Fan don't communicate now!"

"It's better if you don't communicate with each other."

Han Jinyu hesitated for a moment, "I'll find a chance to ask." Liu Haozhe used to be a student of Teacher Fan, but now he doesn't deal with it. After all, Liu Haozhe has a special status and avoids him.

The next day Luo Haicheng received a call from his cousin, he hung up the phone and went to Han Qingsong immediately.

Han Qingsong has been very busy recently, and he is also a little annoying. Other counties always ask him to hold exchange meetings and let him pass on his experience, which makes him sleep outside for several days.

Luo Haicheng: "Bureau Han, Liu Haozhe reported that Fan Yikun belongs to their group and should be with Wang Guoan. Fan Yikun is the vice principal of the county middle school and has taught them all."

After listening to Luo Haicheng's report, Han Qingsong said, "Watch what happens."

Luo Haicheng understood and went to call his cousin back.

Han Qingsong went to find Lin Lan for lunch. She is now the deputy director of the publicity office, and has trained several deputies. She is not too busy at work.

Came here while eating.

He is about to catch up with his father's height, and now he can wear Han Qingsong's old military uniform, remove the collar and epaulettes, and still look imposing when he wears it.

Lin Lan waved to him, "eldest son, go and cook by yourself."

Dawang came over with a meal. In winter, most of them are radish, cabbage, tofu, pumpkin and other vegetables, but now there is more oil and water than in previous years, and there are meat slices in it. The chef who cooks is very rare for the children of Lin Lan's family. Every time they come, they have to make an extra spoon, and there must be several pieces of meat in it.

There is still chili sauce in the cafeteria, and if I give him a spoonful, the taste will be lifted.

Lin Lan took four steamed buns when she saw Dawang, which was definitely not enough. She gave him one of her own, "Mother one is enough."

This child has to eat seven or eight steamed buns to be full now, and she doesn't know how her stomach grows. She is so worried that she will hold on to it.

Dawang saw that she was worried about him, so he decided not to tell her that he actually had a meal at school, and lowered his head to eat silently.

After dinner, the three of them went out for a walk.

Dawang said to Han Qingsong and Lin Lan, "Father, mother, I received a call from our military division."

Lin Lan: "What did you say?"

"I want me to join the army. If I go, I will be a non-commissioned officer." He had previously trained in the recruit company and participated in the elite selection of the recruit company. He had outstanding performance and was already targeted. If Lin Lan hadn't asked him to come back and study hard for two years, the troops would have kept him at that time.

Lin Lan couldn't hide her smugness, "The eldest son is awesome! It's not so easy for others to want to be a conscript, and my eldest son is being scrambled for by the army. As long as you are a gem, everyone will rush to dig it. Then The leader of the army also has a vision, and my mother wants to give him a thumbs up."

Dawang thought of his mother's box of gems, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

She looked at Han Qingsong: "Third brother, what do you think?"

Han Qingsong: "As long as you like it, anything is fine."

Dawang looked at Lin Lan, "Mother, then I'm going?"

Lin Lan: "Don't go first."

Dawang: "?"

Only to praise him for being so good and so good, and to praise other leaders for their vision.

Lin Lan: "Eldest son, look, now that the Cultural Revolution is over, do you think you can go to college? Mother thinks, you can be a monitor at the most, and you won't be older, right? If you go to college first Go, maybe you can have the equivalent of a company commander." She also gave Han Qingsong a meaningful look.

Han Qingsong: "..."

Is it possible to go to university? At that time, he was born and died... but it was not so easy to go to college.

Dawang's heart was moved, and he also glanced at Han Qingsong, feeling a little unkind.

After going to college, it's just... That dad is working hard...

Lin Lan smiled softly: "So knowledge is power, and technology is the primary productive force! How can we lack people in such a big country? Even if you are powerful, you can choose one in a hundred million people, but there are many people out of hundreds of millions. Only the combination of knowledge and skills, you can It is irreplaceable. Eldest son, come on!"

Dawang was taught a lesson by his mother again, which made him a little confused, but he was like Han Qingsong, his heart was overwhelmed, and his face was as if nothing had happened, so he let himself digest it slowly.

Han Qingsong glanced at Lin Lan, knowing that she must have "dream" something again, he said, "You can also recommend going to college if you go to the army."

Da Wang also nodded, then looked at Lin Lan.

Lin Lan said slowly, "How many of those recommended for college are used? Can the gold content compare?"

It is said that those children who went to school after the educational reform of the Cultural Revolution, the knowledge level of many high school graduates, cannot keep up with the level of the previous elementary school graduation, let alone the stable level of education in the future.

She asked Han Qingsong what the training route for Dawang was. It was nothing more than wanting actual combat, technology, and command. Start with actual combat at the bottom, then recommend going to a university to learn some professional knowledge, and then return to the actual combat team. Years go to further study to cultivate command ability.

This is of course the most ideal way, but she feels that since the college entrance examination can be taken next year, she still hopes that her son can participate.

Dawang looked at Han Qingsong.

Han Qingsong said: "If the army can recommend you to go to university, it will definitely let you take the exam."

Lin Lan nodded: "Your father is right, that is, the eldest son has to work harder. It is also very hard not to be left behind to study while joining the army."

She wanted her son to take it easy, but the child obviously didn't like to take the easy way.

Dawang stopped and said solemnly, "I will." He said goodbye and went back to school.

When he reached the outer wall of the school, he suddenly heard the voice of a girl calling for help from the northeast, and he immediately ran over.

There are long alleys in the textile factory, and there are fewer people during daily work.

He saw a few sloppy young people surrounded a thin girl, tearing her clothes with a smile on her face.

Dawang frowned and said coldly, "Go away!"

"How old are you, let's get out? You don't like this chick!"

"That's right, the Cultural Revolution is over, why do you think you can still criticize people?"

Dawang: "The crime of hooliganism does not look at the Cultural Revolution."

There were two young people who saw that he was alone, and they were not convinced that he was meddling with his own business, so when they came up, they moved their hands and feet, "Brother, how about a gesture?"

Dawang was too lazy to talk to them, and without moving his hands, he kicked a few thugs to the ground with three or two feet.

"Boss, boss, we call you boss, don't dare, don't dare!"

Dawang ignored them, turned around and left.

The girl chased after him timidly, "Han Wangguo, thank you, thank you."

Dawang listened to her calling his name, and then lowered his head to look at her, as if his face was familiar.

"I'm He Cai, Cauliflower." Cauliflower looked up at him, "Don't you know me? We are both from Shanzui Village or classmates." She couldn't help but look lost, "You guys come in. Once in the city, we will be forgotten as expected."

She was called Uncle Dawang according to her seniority, but after entering the city, they liked to talk about young people.

Dawang is not the kind of meticulous and considerate person. What kind of cauliflower cauliflower forgets the mess in the city, and he doesn't remember you in the village.


Dawang turned around and left.

Cauliflower didn't expect him to be so inhumane. Is this stupid or just too ruthless? "I'm here to tell you something big," she shouted.

Da Wang stopped and looked back at her, "Tell me?"

Cauliflower nodded and said very seriously: "You must remember that if you meet a woman named Lu Jingya, be careful of her. She will kill you."

"how do you know?"

"I said I have the ability to predict, do you believe it?"

"Did you foresee the trouble just now?"

"This kind of trivial matter is not worth the effort. Besides, even if I know about it, I have to send you a letter."

Dawang: "Anyway, thank you." He turned back to school.

Looking at his indifferent back, Cauliflower stomped her feet in anger. She knew that Dawang was boring and arrogant, but she didn't expect it to be like this. If someone says you're going to be killed by someone, shouldn't it be a good question to ask? But why is he not curious!

She wasn't afraid that Dawang would blame her for being superstitious, because he never complained. And the Public Security Bureau wouldn't care about such trivial matters. Originally it belonged to the Brigade Revolutionary Committee, but Shanzui Village used to be lax, and the old ladies in the village often called a ghost and a shock. The Cultural Revolution is over.

In her previous life, she had basically dealt with these things after she was thirty-five years old, so now it's just for pediatrics.

She set the stage for it when she was a child. At that time, Yanyan and other children were convinced. Even adults around her think that she can really predict things through psychics.

Hehe, now she's here to give them a thorn in their hearts.

Dawang is naturally curious, but his curiosity is not enough to overcome his self-control, and chatting with people is the last thing he wants to do.

Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts, whoever wants to hurt him, you have to talk about why.

He returned to the campus, just as Gao Ling came to him, "Han Wangguo hurry up to save the field, it's too evil."

Dawang glanced at him, "No time."

At this time, Mai Sui and Erwang also came over to look for him, "Big brother, there is a student from our school who plays basketball really well."

They took Dawang to see it.

Dawang is tall, and from a distance, he saw a tall and slender figure on the basketball court playing basketball with a group of male classmates.

Although she was a girl, the male classmates couldn't prevent her at all. The three-pointer made one of them cheered and the other was downcast.

He nodded: "played pretty well."

Gao Ling: "You must be better than her, right?"

Dawang gave him a strange look, "She's a woman." What's so good about being better than a woman

Gao Ling did not treat her as a woman, because she was more powerful than men.

They pushed Dawang up, Dawang sneered, turned around and left, he hadn't figured out his own business yet.

Erwang and Mai Sui also followed Dawang back. They are already in their second year of high school and will graduate next summer. Although the Cultural Revolution is over now, the education system has not yet been reformed. After graduation, they cannot directly recommend universities, and they have to go to the countryside to work for three years. However, Mai Sui and Erwang were not worried, because they both felt that Mother was right, the Cultural Revolution is over, and the college entrance examination will definitely be reformed.

Of course, these ideas are absolutely not shared with others.

In the second class in the afternoon, the political team of the school's revolutionary committee came to Dawang to talk.

Although the Cultural Revolution is over, the Revolutionary Committee and other institutions are still there, and there is no rectification, but it is slightly more relaxed than before.

Dawang went to the office of the political team and met a girl in the corridor. She was wearing an old military uniform, tall and fair-skinned, with a faint smile on her face.

He glanced at her and recognized it as a girl playing basketball on the playground.

"Are you Han Wangguo, are you interested in learning from each other? They say you are very good." She said with a smile.

Dawang decisively refused.

"Are you afraid of losing face to me?" She used aggressive tactics.

At this time, the political director shouted: "Han Wangguo, Lu Jingya, you two come in."

Lu Jingya

Dawang frowned slightly and looked down at her subconsciously, just as Lu Jingya was also looking at him and smiled at him.

Lu Jingya: "Student Han Wangguo, I don't know why, but I think you are kind. Have we met?"

Dawang: "No impression."

Lu Jingya smiled and entered the office with him.

The political director smiled and said, "The army selects outstanding fighters in various places. You are all invited. Go and report after the Spring Festival. Young people, be full of energy."

He is mobilizing, and he thinks they must not be happy. Now it's popular to be a soldier, and You Qi is an official small cadre when he leaves. How many people envy him for his salary!

Lu Jingya looked at Dawang, "Han Wangguo, are you going?"

Dawang was going to say it, but he didn't say it directly, "I want to discuss it with my parents."

The political director smiled and said, "What else is there to discuss? Take care of yourself." He said to Lu Jingya again, "You took a year off from school and didn't go to the first year of high school. Now you're going directly to the second year of high school. Can you keep up?"

Lu Jingya smiled, a little embarrassed, "I can't keep up, it's a little hard to learn."

The political director said to Dawang: "Han Wangguo, the three of you brothers and sisters are all very good at studying, and you have time to help Lu Jingya make up lessons. By the way, she is very athletic and has excellent physical fitness. She was also selected by the army. You can learn from each other. "

Lu Jingya turned to face Dawang and reached out to him, "Hello, Han Wangguo, my name is Lu Jingya."

Da Wang looked at the hand she stretched out. It was slender and fair, but not delicate. He was not very good at making physical contact with young girls.

Lu Jingya shook her hand, not embarrassed and angry because of his hesitation, and said generously: "Get to know me, shaking hands is the minimum etiquette, what do you think?"

Dawang reached out and shook her hand, "Hello."

Lu Jingya tilted her head, her eyes bright because of her excellent physical fitness, "Student Han Wangguo, are you always so indifferent, or are you just treating me?"

Although Dawang was often peeked or followed by girls, no one dared to ask him so bluntly.

He said, "That's how I am."

The political director smiled and said, "Since you two chatted so well, then it's settled. Han Wangguo, you help Lu Jingya with his homework, and then you can go to the army together."

Just as Dawang was about to refuse, Lu Jingya already thanked him, "Thank you, teacher, and classmate Han Wangguo."

Leaving the teacher's office, Da Wang walked back with a blank expression.

Lu Jingya smiled and said, "Don't be embarrassed. I won't pester you to help with your homework. I can find other students. Our school has a study group, and Han Maisui is the best."

Dawang frowned slightly, "I can help you make it up."

"Really? Thank you very much then." Lu Jingya cupped her hands towards him, "I'll ask you questions after class, noon or evening after that."

Dawang: "You can."

Then the two of them went back to the classroom.

Dawang and the others are still in the first class, but Lu Jingya is in the second class.

No matter what Cauliflower meant, he had to understand why Cauliflower said that, and who this Lu Jingya was.

Although he didn't see any problem with Lu Jingya, since someone said that, he couldn't help but take it to heart.

Dawang didn't want her to touch his sister until she was sure she was safe.

Then he felt that cauliflower was also a problem, but he was not good at being alone with girls.

After thinking about it, after school, he asked Mai Sui and Erwang to pick up Xiaowang from junior high school, while he went to a textile factory.

Dawang went directly to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu was debugging the machine in the workshop, and a group of young female textile workers surrounded him, chattering, causing a headache.

"Shen Gong, how old are you? Haven't we talked yet?"

"Shen Gong, are you and Liu Yanyan dating?"

"Shen Gong, let me introduce you to one."

Dawang leaned against the door frame of the workshop with his arms in his arms, and soon someone saw him and came over to ask him.

Dawang tapped Shen Yu with his chin: "Find you Shen Gong."

The female weaver smiled and said, "You are still a student."

Dawang nodded, not very enthusiastic.

But the female worker didn't go to find Shen Yu. Instead, she took a mop and mopped the floor here, dragging it to see Dawang, and dragging it to see Dawang.

Liu Yanyan came over when she saw it, "Wait, I'll call for you."

She ran over, "Brother Shen Yu, Brother Dawang is looking for you." She is now talking from Lin Mei, calling Lin Mei and Aunt Lin Lan.

Shen Yu turned his head to look, "come right away."

He screwed on the nut, "Okay, just debug it. Xiao Wu, keep an eye on it." He told his little apprentice and went to find Da Wang with Yanyan.

Two female workers curled their lips from behind, "I still said that I'm not a match. All day long, Brother Shen Yu, Brother Shen. We call him Brother Shen Yu, why should he correct him and call him Gong Gong?"

"He came from a village."

"Then He Cai is still in the same village with them."

"He Cai also called him Brother Shen Yu, didn't you hear it? It was even sweeter. By the way, He Cai went to his dormitory at night, did you know?"


"Then the little fox not only went to Shengong's dormitory, but also went to other people's dormitories, let me tell you..."

Shen Yu had organic oil on his hands and said to Dawang, "Go outside, I'll wash my hands."

Yanyan glanced at them, "Then I'll be busy."

Shen Yu nodded: "Go."

When Dawang and Shen Yu went out, the workers on the road greeted Shen Gong respectfully and paid special respect to him.

In the first half of the year, the director did not know why he was not pleasing to the eye, and assigned him many tasks that others seemed unable to complete. Who knew that Shen Yu not only didn't complain, but instead took it over and groped a little bit, and finally everything was completed successfully. From the technicians to the workers, and even many cadres in the factory, there is no one who does not admire him.

They thought he was good at first, but now he has proved that he has good vision, so Shen Yu now uses his ability to gain the respect of the textile mill.

Dawang and Shen Yu went for a stroll in a place with few people. There was a tree-lined avenue behind the textile factory. Now the leaves of the trees have fallen and they are bare, and the view is very wide.

"What do you have to say?" Shen Yumin felt that Dawang had a question to ask.

Dawang nodded: "cauliflower..." He thought about how to ask.

Shen Yu was taken aback, thinking that he saw cauliflower, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"Is she not normal?"

Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he was too nervous, he smiled and said, "What's the matter, why is it abnormal?"

Dawang hesitated for a moment, and felt that it didn't matter to tell him, so he talked about Lu Jingya.

Shen Yu's face became serious, and he whispered: "Your suspicion is right, and I don't think she is normal." Shen Yu is not a person who likes to talk about people's right and wrong, so he never told anyone about the cauliflower. pass. But now that she is harassing Dawang, he can't sit back and ignore it. For him, apart from his deceased mother and uncle, the Lin Lan family are the people he cherishes the most.

I heard that cauliflower claims to be able to tell fortunes, and that the factory needs to recruit workers. I know that Yanyan will also come to the factory.

Da Wang glanced at Shen Yu, "She really knows how to fortune?"

Shen Yu shook his head: "I haven't confirmed this either. She made people feel uncomfortable. Later, I tried to have less contact with her." Not only did he have less contact with cauliflower himself, but he also helped Yanyan to avoid her harassment as much as possible. Although Yanyan was estranged from her, she came from a village and was a good sister when she was a child, so cauliflower would still go to Yanyan.

Dawang thought for a while, "I see, go back first."

Shen Yu: "Let's eat together, our cafeteria is quite delicious."

Dawang: "Forget it." If you let him eat, he can eat the poor.

"Brother Shen Yu, what are you talking about Han Wangguo?" Cauliflower came running from a distance.

Dawang and Shen Yu exchanged looks, and he said with a lazy look of disapproval: "I encountered some trouble."

Cauliflower glanced at him and knew what was going on in her heart. She reminded him that he might not believe it at first, but when he saw Lu Jingya when he entered the campus, he couldn't help but murmur. She sneered and smug in her heart, no matter what kind of troop elite you are or the underworld eldest sister, you will all be played by the old lady in the palm of her hand!

At this time in her previous life, she was still working with Liu Haozhe, struggling at the bottom, and she couldn't see anything at all. She was neither qualified to see Dawang who was taken away by her grandfather, nor to meet Lu Jingya. Later, she worked for a few years and saved money and contacts. After the reform and opening up, there were many upstart bosses in the local area. She was next to a boss and gave birth to a son.

It's a pity that the thief God is so bad to her!

Although she wasn't sure why she saw Lu Jingya here at this time, after all, they all followed the old life in their previous lives. Maybe it's the influence of his own rebirth! So Han Qingsong saved it by himself, hum!

Thinking of this, Cauliflower's heart is even more gloomy, and she will not repeat the same mistakes in this life. Men are just her tools, only she plays with them, and no one can control her.

"That... Can I help?" Cauliflower looked around and whispered: "I don't have any skills, but I am born... psychic, so I can help you with questions. But you, you must keep it a secret, don't betray it. Me, otherwise I'll be out of luck." She looked at Dawang worriedly, for fear that he would arrest her at the Public Security Bureau.

Of course she knew that Dawang was disdainful of this, but she said this to reassure them.

Da Wang and Shen Yu looked at each other again.

To tell the truth, these young people were all brainwashed by atheism such as the overthrow of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods during the Cultural Revolution. If you talk about ghosts and gods, you really don’t believe them. But after all, it is a field that I do not understand, and it is inevitable that I am a little bit in awe.

The two watched Cauliflower take out a handkerchief and cover her face. After a while, she began to tremble, and then she spoke in a different voice.

It was an old, hoarse voice that sounded like something was strangling his throat.

"Shen Yu, your mother left you a jade pendant as a souvenir, but you lost it later, didn't you? You feel guilty!"

Shen Yu was stunned for a while.

He didn't tell anyone about this, because it was a childhood thing, and he didn't even tell his uncle!

How would she know

The voice smirked, "I also know that your father took that jade pendant to please your stepmother."

Shen Yu fell into an ice cellar.

Cauliflower sneered in her heart, he had told Yanyan about these things in his previous life, and she overheard it by accident.

Cauliflower turned to look at Dawang again.

Dawang stood there motionless, also watching her head covered with a white handkerchief.

In winter, the days are short, the sun has gone down at this time, the night is closed, and the cold wind is raging, blowing the handkerchief on the head of the cauliflower, which is very scary.

He even wondered if the face had changed under the handkerchief? Just like the nonsense told by the old man, what kind of ghost

However, he was not afraid. He was upright and had never done any wrongdoing. He still had a weapon in his hand at his waist, let alone a person.

"Dawang, Dawang, your life is so unlucky, your family died tsk tsk... gh-ah-"

Dawang's hand was like lightning, but Shen Yu didn't even see how he moved, he had already caught Cauliflower's neck with one hand.

Dawang's face was cold and his eyes were sharper than the light of a knife. He said coldly, "You are tired of living!"

He had no mercy in his hands, and he could crush the cauliflower directly to death as long as he tried harder.

The handkerchief on the cauliflower's head had fallen off, her face was turned purple by Da Wangka, her tongue was sticking out, and her pupils began to dilate.

Shen Yu quickly grabbed Dawang's wrist, "Dawang, don't be impulsive!"

Dawang let go, cauliflower fell to the ground, touched his neck with both hands and started coughing wildly.

Shen Yu saw Dawang standing there motionless, his eyes were cold, and the momentum around him was more terrifying than that of a beast. He quickly comforted: "Don't worry, ask first."

Cauliflower began to whimper, "Why are you like this, you are so good at being a donkey's liver and lungs, I will help you ask, but you will strangle me to death. I will never help you again."

She was leaving crying.

Dawang said coldly: "You finish your sentence before leaving."

Cauliflower grimaced, "I finally asked you not to listen to me just now. Now that she's gone, let me tell you, what can I say? I only saw it by relying on her."

Dawang's eyes were like electricity: "Then ask again."

"Why, why are you so domineering? I don't want to die? I'm connected to a psychic, what if I die? You can only wait." Her face was blue and purple, and she didn't look good. But that was pinched by Dawang.

Dawang locked her eyes coldly, "If you dare to lie to me, I will kill you without hesitation!"

The cauliflower trembled like chaff, "I know I know, I've seen it all, you've killed a lot of people, and your eyes are red. Woohoo...don't kill me."

Dawang suddenly became tense.

Shen Yu: "cauliflower, when can you do it again?"

Cauliflower sneered in her heart, look, hooked! What the old lady said is true, you are a cold-blooded murderer in your bones, and you have to take the bait if you don't. Hmph, you will also taste my pain. When I want to rejoice with you, do you feel the pain, depression, and fear that your rejection and rejection bring to me? Did you feel it!

She panicked: "I don't know either, I'm not in good health, and it's even worse now, wait for me to rest for two days."

Dawang turned and walked away.

Shen Yu felt that he had suddenly changed his personality when he came, and the icy aura made him a little scared.

He turned his head to look at Cauliflower and said solemnly, "Cauliflower, please explain."

Cauliflower shrugged her shoulders, "Brother Shen Yu, how can I explain it? I believe you and Dawang are good people who told you to help you. Are you going to betray me and let the Revolutionary Committee and the Public Security Bureau arrest me for feudal superstition? Neither do I I know why this is happening, and I don't want to, but... it's just like this, I was scared to death at first, woohoo."

Shen Yu looked at the cauliflower and felt a little confused. Could this be the reason why he thought the cauliflower was strange? She didn't mean it, she was also a victim.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why cauliflower knows its secret.

"What did you see just now? Tell me about Dawang." Shen Yu asked.

Cauliflower shook her head, "I-I only see a rough outline, not so clear. When I'm psychic, I can't control it."

It is said that such things as psychic communication, fuja, and hexagrams are feudal superstitions, but the ancient Book of Changes, metaphysics, and Qin Tianjian all have records. Shen Yu has read a lot of books and has some understanding of these natures. Although he doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, he is a little shaken by divination.

"Tell me how much you know."

Cauliflower: "I... I'm so dizzy." She softened.

Shen Yu hesitated for a moment, reached out to help her, and the cauliflower leaned on him.

Shen Yu frowned and straightened her a little distance away, "Go back and rest."

Cauliflower: "I'm dizzy and hungry. All of them were pinched by him. He is really scary. If he gets angry, he will kill if he says murder. He is holding a knife, dripping with blood, and his eyes are redder than blood. … very scary… "

Shen Yu turned his head and saw Yanyan coming from the other side, and immediately greeted, "Yanyan, the cauliflower fainted, please help."

Yanyan ran over immediately, glanced at Cauliflower, frowned, and reached out to help her.

But the cauliflower was pulling on Shen Yu's sleeve and refused.

Yanyan: "Don't pretend, are you trying to ruin Brother Shen Yu's reputation?"

She was no longer the weak and helpless little girl she was when she was a child, who could see through the thoughts of Cauliflower at a glance.