Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 174: Extra Chess Pieces


What surprised Han Qingsong and others was that Fan Yikun actually went to visit Deputy Director Li's house first.

What's happening here

Liu Jianyun immediately divided his staff to stare at Deputy Bureau Li's house, and then at Fan Yikun's house. Fortunately, Fan Yikun honestly didn't go out when he got home.

Han Qingsong analyzed that Fan Yikun might go to Deputy Bureau Li to find out if it was true. This can be considered a crooked fight, because Deputy Director Li has always been curious. In the case of Liu Haozhe last year, Deputy Bureau Li was unhappy, but he did not know many details. When catching cauliflower a few days ago, Deputy Director Li also heard a bit that the cauliflower could predict the future, but he didn't know the details. He asked Liu Jianyun several times, but Liu Jianyun was hesitant to deal with it, and he was very angry with Deputy Bureau Li.

Now that I heard Fan Yikun's words, I was more certain. He went directly to the Public Security Bureau to ask Han Qingsong.

"Han Bureau, what kind of tricks are you playing? Don't think that the feudal remnants will not be attacked now that the policy is relaxed. Anyone who engages in feudal superstition will be arrested and shot as usual."

Han Qingsong's face was as usual, and he did not answer his words, "Li Bureau, this is a confidential and important case, and those who are not involved are not allowed to intervene."

Deputy Bureau Li: "I can't ask about the gods and horses?"

Han Qingsong nodded: "Before the case was closed, Gao Ju didn't ask, what do you think?"

Deputy Director Li was so angry that his lips were trembling. Since Han Qingsong came to the county, his hair has fallen out very badly in the past two years. If this goes on, he will become bald.

Never allow it!

After two days, he took an opportunity to bring two bottles of wine, some snacks and apples to his father's house.

Miao Xifa was in the old Red Army back then. When the People's Republic was founded, he was at the deputy regiment level. He did not stay in the army because of physical injuries. After changing jobs, he returned to his hometown and became the county party secretary of the county government. He retired in 1958 to be the chairman of the county people's congress, but now he has no office and is light. His old comrades who have not retired are all in important positions, so he still has a lot of weight in the county. .

Deputy Director Li got up holding his thigh.

"Dad, how about playing chess?" When Deputy Bureau Li came in, he saw the old man and an old man playing chess, and the Peking Opera "Pick the Pulley" was playing on the radio next to it.

My father-in-law likes to drink small wine and play chess, but his chess skills are more general in general, and he can shake off the story of stealing sweet potatoes from neighbors when he was a child.

Deputy Li, who played chess with him, also knew him and came here many times. He was a cook back then and saved Miao Xifa's life.

"Uncle Hu is here." Deputy Bureau Li put down the gift and brought a horse to sit over and give advice to the old man.

Hu Kaisheng smiled at him, "Miao elder brother is really lucky, a son-in-law is as filial as a son."

Miao Xifa laughed and clapped her big hand on her lap, "You're not bad, haha, you can be careful, the next step will be the veteran's face!"

Hu Kaisheng smiled and said nothing.

Deputy Bureau Li was in a cold sweat and reminded: "Dad, whoever faces the other loses."

"Ah? Really?" Miao Xifa slapped his head: "I have a bad memory?" He looked at the chessboard and thought he would win for sure, but his son-in-law would lose as soon as he came

Damn it! He glared at Deputy Bureau Li and stopped playing chess, "What's the matter with you today?"

Deputy Bureau Li smiled and said, "Father, do you want to talk to the troops and get Han Qingsong back."

Miao Xifa glared at him, "You are the chairman of our Military Commission, and you brought Han Qingsong back. I want to get you in."

Deputy Director Li smiled awkwardly, "Father, Uncle Hu is still here."

Miao Xifa: "What's wrong with Brother Hu? You're not afraid of people. Your comrade's thinking is very problematic. You can't compare to Han Qingsong, so you have to directly drain the dry wood from the pot?"

"Father, that's called drawing wages from the bottom of the pot."

"I don't care whether you draw wages from the bottom of the pot or draw the old ones, you can do business well, don't say there are some."

"Dad, then you say that he has a trump card in Han Qingsong's hand. What kind of prophet can I do? He even predicted the resumption of the college entrance examination in the coming year..." He hesitated for a while, and he whispered to Miao Xi. : "We all know about the big earthquake ahead, the collapse of the great man, and the arrest of the Gang of Four."

Miao Xifa's small eyes stared into bull's eyes, "Bullshit, bullshit!"

Deputy Bureau Li: "Really, I checked. The case that Han Qingsong handled last year was mentioned by the prophet. Otherwise, he would have been stabbed to death in the market."

Miao Xifa was even more unconvinced, "You say you are, they are trying to prevaricate you and make you less playful."

"Dad, you don't believe it when you see it, and you don't believe anything I say. I heard it with my own ears, what kind of grandfather and the third head they are going to arrest." Deputy Bureau Li called out in a hurry.

Hu Kaisheng, who was on the side, shook his hand, and quickly grabbed the handsome man, holding it tightly.

Deputy Bureau Li felt that it was nothing, and there was no secret anyway, so he never shy away from the old man. Those who can eat and play chess here are trustworthy.

He didn't think much of it.

Hu Kaisheng lowered his head slightly and sang on the radio, "Look at the black hole ahead, it must be the thief's lair, when I catch up and kill him cleanly..." His brows trembled, and his eyes became more and more cold.

He smiled at Miao Xi, "Didn't Director Li be overcast? He was originally the oldest, but one or two were afraid of him. Even a layman like me thinks it's unreasonable."

Miao Xifa: "There's nothing unreasonable, Han Qingsong just has the ability."

Hu Kaisheng smiled and said, "It's not unreasonable what Li Bureau said. Wouldn't it be better for such a capable person to go to the army."

Deputy Director Li nodded again and again, "Father, I think so too."

"Walking around in my courtyard, you guys talk." Hu Kaisheng didn't say much, he smiled and went out first without waiting for Miao Xifa to agree.

As soon as Hu Kaisheng left, Miao Xifa stopped holding it, raised his hand and slapped Deputy Director Li on the head, "How old are you, how stupid are you? Do you believe in this kind of thing?"

Deputy Bureau Li was crying, no matter how old he was, in front of his father-in-law, he always acted like a child, "Dad, I can't help but believe it, look at that Han Qingsong, a scumbag, if it weren't for this, he could Such a beautiful sight?"

"He's so powerful, let him figure out when you'll get promoted and get rich!" Miao Xi was so angry that she looked down on mud legs, I'm still mud legs!

Useless stuff.

Deputy Bureau Li was very aggrieved.

"It's almost enough for a person in this life, what else do you want? What can you do with the deputy bureau or the director? When you are old, someone will serve you, if you have enough food and enough for you, you can play chess if you want to play chess. Look at me, if I hadn’t followed the Communist Party and still farmed at home, how could I have such a good thing? Why are you not satisfied?”

Deputy Bureau Li is so wronged, it's you!

"Okay, let's go, don't bother me with my chess game. Really." Miao Xifa couldn't stand him and rushed him to get out.

At the end of the morning exercise that day, Dawang took off the cloth covering his eyes and found that his father was wiping his sweat with a towel.

Han Qingsong: "The progress is very fast."

Dawang felt a little smug in his heart. Although he was even more tired, he was able to make Han Qingsong sweat, which showed that he had indeed improved compared to before. When he was blindfolded at first, he was only beaten, but now it is almost the same as not blindfolded.

Han Qingsong glanced at him, "Take a day off today and go out with me."

Dawang immediately suppressed his smug mood and said sternly, "Yes." He went home and asked Mai Sui and Erwang to ask for leave for him.

Since that day, when my parents asked me to help with a play, the children have been excited, and Xiao Wang smiled, "Brother, are you going to close the net?"

Dawang: "Don't ask."

Mai Sui: "Let's all be careful, don't show any flaws and be seen by her."

Erwang: "Don't worry."

Lin Lan: "What are you muttering about?"

Xiaowang: "Said my mother is so pretty today."

Lin Lan was wearing the cotton leather shoes that Sanwang bought for her, with low heels and a delicate style, not the rough style, it suits her very well.

Lin Lan turned around, "I think it looks good too."

After breakfast, Dawang followed Han Qingsong to the Public Security Bureau. Liu Jianyun had already prepared a jeep, and a total of five people drove to Qinghuai County. They had lunch in the county first. Liu Jianyun asked about it. Hu Kaisheng, the chef, didn't come to work for the past two days. Han Qingsong then assigned Liu Jianyun to inquire at the county party committee. He took Dawang and a few police officers to the commune brigade.

Lu Wenming, director of the Revolutionary Committee of the Suburban Brigade, received them, as well as Lu Jingbing, director of public security.

Han Qingsong asked Dawang and the clerk to ask them some questions. He told Dawang, "No matter whether there is danger or not, it must be relaxed outside and tight inside."

The outside is loose and the inside is tight, which makes people look very casual and loose, but in fact, they are always vigilant, watching six ways and listening to all directions.

Dawang nodded, "I remember."

Han Qingsong took another police officer to Lu Jingya's house.

They had done their homework before they came, and the Lu family had long since separated. Lu Jingya lived in the old house with her mother Yu Xiumei and her grandfather Hu Kaisheng, and the uncle Lu Wenlong lived next door.

Because Hu Kaisheng is a chef, the Lu family earns a good income from cooking in the canteen of the County Revolutionary Committee, so their family background is also good. Both of their houses are made of blue bricks and black tiles, and even more than half of the courtyard walls have been replaced with masonry structures, which are clean and firm.

The person who came to answer the door was a thirty-five- or six-year-old woman, tall and fair-skinned, with two small peach-shaped silver pendants on her ears. Fastened with a U-shaped silver hairpin. She wore a blue jacket, buttoned to the left, and black cloth trousers with a chic lace embroidered on the trouser legs. On his feet is a pair of self-sewed horse mouth cotton shoes, and the toe caps are sewn with moiré bats cut cloth.

The whole person looks cool and elegant, very much like a grandmother in the old society.

"Who are you looking for?" Seeing the person wearing a police uniform, Yu Xiumei's cold face was expressionless.

Han Qingsong showed his credentials, "Let's investigate the case of Lu Wenqi's sacrifice in 60 years of looting public food."

Yu Xiumei was stunned for a moment, then said displeased, "It's been so many years, why did you check again?"

Han Qingsong: "There is a similar case." His face was stern, and he was wearing a uniform, with a kind of coercion. He has never explained much to people, and ordinary people can't resist seeing this posture.

Yu Xiumei hesitated for a moment, then stepped aside to let them in.

Going around the shadow wall and entering the small courtyard, the courtyard is quite spacious, with five main rooms, no east and west compartments, and a toilet and a thatched cottage in the southwest corner.

On the west side of the yard is a swing-like shelf, which looks like uneven bars trained in the army.

Yu Xiumei asked them to sit in the main room.

Although it was a country house, the main room was clean and spotless. In the middle was a shiny black Baxian table, a spring stool on one side, and two stools were fastened with hand-sewn cushions. Under the north window is the dining cupboard, and on the east and west sides are the stoves, which are also neatly tidied up.

The east and west doors were tightly closed, and the navy blue door curtains with bean noodles were hung outside, which was cold.

She wants to make tea for them, Han Qingsong: "Don't bother, let's find out the situation at that time."

The counties and communes have records of this kind of thing, but the records are all recounted after the fact and cannot 100% restore the situation at the time, and there are always discrepancies. Then the public security was in charge of the questioning, first asking Yu Xiumei and Lu Wenqi when they got married, who introduced them, and other basic information.

Yu Xiumei's family is also in the commune, Yujia Village. When the three-year famine first began, the Yu family could not afford to eat, so they gave their daughter to the Lu family. Married in 1959, Lu Wenqi sacrificed in 60 years. At that time, she was pregnant and gave birth to Lu Jingya in the winter solstice at the end of the year.

The public security asked Lu Wenqi if there was any situation before and after his sacrifice, such as someone coming to him.

Yu Xiumei's face was cold, and her delicate eyebrows were always twisted. Although she was impatient, she said, "Comrade Public Security, I can't remember some things for so many years. My man is a militia company commander, and I see a lot of people every day. ."

The public security received a hint from Han Qingsong and changed the subject, "Let's talk about Hu Kaisheng."

Yu Xiumei's brows trembled slightly, then she lowered her eyes and looked at the hands folded in front of her belly, and she said, "My father-in-law is a very kind person and takes good care of our family. After my mother-in-law died, he brought up the three brothers. He also arranged the marriage of the eldest uncle, and later he helped build the house. He cooks in the county kitchen and doesn't go home often."

The police dug up the previous records, found the time when the case happened in the county last year, and asked Yu Xiumei, "Did he travel far last winter?"

Yu Xiumei: "I don't know very well, he goes home less often."

Han Qingsong signaled to stop here, and thanked Yu Xiumei to say goodbye.

Watching Han Qingsong and the police leave, Yu Xiumei stood at the door before closing the door and going back.

"Han Bureau, this Yu Xiumei is also weird."

Han Qingsong: "Why did you say this?"

"Look at her coldness, her family is also deserted, and she is not warm to people at all."

"She is a widow." Han Qingsong said.

If she is too warm, especially with men, it will be easy to be criticized.

"But she actually lives with her stepfather, Han Ju, don't you think it's strange?"

Han Qingsong remembered that the two spring stools tied to the cushions did not speak. When they came out, there were people poking their heads around the street. When Han Qingsong and the others passed, those people dispersed in a hurry, running faster than rabbits.

Han Qingsong brought people back to the brigade, and Dawang and the others had already asked and made records.

"Director Han, didn't Hu Kaisheng do something wrong?" Lu Wenming was very worried.

Han Qingsong glanced at him, "What do you think of him?"

Lu Wenming hesitated for a moment, "Uncle Hu is a man of righteousness and ability, and his cooking is really delicious. In those three years of famine, many people in our village owed him money."

Han Qingsong: "Where did he get the food aid?"

Lu Wenming: "He is a cook in the county. Haha, we all know that a cook can't starve to death for three years after a severe drought."

Han Qingsong said coldly: "Can't starve the cook to death, by the way, can't starve the cook's family and the whole village?"

Lu Wenming was stunned, "The Korean Bureau, don't dare... Say it without basis."

Han Qingsong: "Didn't you say that?"

Lu Wenming: "I..." He became anxious: "Han Bureau, it's really not what you think. When he helped us, it was just a mouthful of porridge, and everyone couldn't starve to death."

During the three-year famine, only ordinary commune members died of starvation, and the cadres of the brigade did not starve to death. After all, there was grain in the village, which was harvested by collective labor, and the grain was collectively stored regardless of households. Whoever starves to death cannot starve to death, isn't that obvious

But he couldn't take it out and say it directly to the Public Security Bureau, it's all a matter of tacit understanding.

Han Qingsong didn't say anything, but got into the jeep with a cold face, and beckoned the people from the Public Security Bureau to get in the car and leave.

Dawang stepped into the cab with long legs and went back to drive.

Han Qingsong deliberately did not give Lu Wenming face, just to scare the snake, presumably Hu Kaisheng will soon know that his attitude is not good, and it must be bad. Then Hu Kaisheng will definitely have a move in the next step. If there is, it means that he is frightened.

After driving to the Qinghuai County Party Committee, a few people got off the car and went to the Public Security Bureau first. Liu Jianyun has already said hello, and Deputy Director Wang of Qinghuai County Public Security Bureau is waiting here.

Director Wang is not very tall, with a baby face, looking very festive with a smile.

"The Korean Bureau is here, it's a pleasure to meet." He smiled and shook hands with Han Qingsong. He and Han Qingsong are also old acquaintances. Everyone who has any interaction and training in Brother County will meet, and sometimes they can also meet when they go to regional meetings.

Han Qingsong didn't even talk to him, and directly explained his intentions to investigate the looting of the commune's public grain last year.

Director Wang was stunned for a moment, "Officer Han, why are you still investigating what happened last year?"

Han Qingsong: "There was a similar case in your county in 60 years, and there has never been a case of looting public grain in your county since then."

Director Wang: That is the work of our county public security officers, and it is our pride!

Han Qingsong said lightly: "On the contrary, there are more such incidents in our county."

Director Wang: Your mother-in-law wants to frame it? That is your incompetence!

He laughed dryly: "Han Bureau, what else is there to do?"

Han Qingsong raised his eyebrows slightly and gave him a meaningful look, but didn't say anything, "Director Wang, please excuse me first." He got up and shook hands with Director Wang.

Director Wang was very disturbed by him, "Officer Han, if there is any situation, you must inform the brothers, and the brothers will try their best to cooperate."

"Thank you." Han Qingsong brought Dawang and Liu Jianyun back.

But it made Director Wang confused. He also knew about Han Qingsong. This cold-hearted man is not enthusiastic about people, but he doesn't deliberately target people. He is basically sure of what he does. Moreover, he is honest with people, and looking at his attitude towards Hu Kaisheng, I am afraid that something is really wrong.

After a while, Laba Festival.

Lin Lan received a call from her third son before. He went to the United States for Chinese New Year today and couldn't come back. Since table tennis diplomacy improved relations, athlete diplomacy is now prevalent, and because Henry has spared no effort in propaganda in the United States, Americans like this big boy who laughs with no scheming, and calls for him to be invited to friendly matches are high.

So he went.

It was dark at home, Han Qingsong went to exercise with Dawang as usual, Erwang cooked Laba porridge, and Lin Lan brought wheat ears and Xiaowang sausages.

Yesterday, Shanzui Village slaughtered pigs. Han Qingyun brought 20 catties of meat to Lin Lan. Shanshui Farm also sent Han Qingsong a leg with a large piece of rib. In addition, other brigade communes also sent them. There is no limit to how much, Lin Lan pays the money according to the market price, and the money can't buy the materials if they are not released. Of course she is grateful for such a good thing. At the end of the year, several major cadres of the county revolutionary committee have communes and brigades to send pork. The difference is that some people give money and others don't.

Lin Lan had wanted to make sausages for a long time, so she paid attention to buying casings everywhere. Now that she had meat, she was busy. Last night, I asked my two sons to help cut the meat into small pieces and marinate it for half a night with their own ingredients. This morning, I poured it directly, tied it up with twine and hung it in the yard to dry.

At 8 o'clock, the children who came to Zhongyuan Courtyard were all carrying bowls to exchange Laba porridge with others, which was lively and lively.

The middle school has been closed, and the children can finally play casually. Brothers Gao Ling and Gao Yu also came to join in the fun. As soon as they entered the yard, they were stunned when they saw the rows of sausages hanging in Lin Lan's house.

"Auntie Lin, your family is really rich."

Look at this hanging sausage!

Erwang said, "Have you bought meat yet?"

Gao Yu: "My mother doesn't know that. Our family's meat is frozen in the yard."

Gao Ling: "Auntie Lin, you teach us, and we will do it at home."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Our second brother will, let him help."

After drinking Laba porridge, Gao Ling went back to talk to her mother, Jiang Chunxia said that she would make it, and she was going to buy some casings.

Gao Ling came back to discuss with Da Wang, "Let's go ice skating, we got a few tops, and let's play together."

Dawang is not interested. He has been helping the Public Security Bureau recently. He can spend the whole day there during the holiday.

Xiaowang went to Lin Lan: "Mother, go to the reservoir to play, you haven't played all winter."

Lin Lan held her forehead: "Son, mother is dizzy."

The water was clear and deep, standing on the ice was like walking on a transparent ladder, not to mention scary.

Xiaowang: "Mother, I'll accompany you, didn't you say you have to be brave."

Lin Lan said proudly: "Son, you are still young and the future is still long, so be brave. Because you will protect your daughter-in-law and children from the wind and rain in the future, right? Mother has your father to protect her from the wind and rain, so she doesn't need to be brave. ,Ha ha."

The children were shocked by Lin Lan's theory.

Mai Sui: "Then I have a father and a brother and a younger brother, so I don't need to be brave anymore."

Gao Yu: "Sister Mai Sui, it's okay, and my brother."

Gao Ling stared at her.

Mai Sui smiled at him, "I think danger is coming, you can't run away from me!"

Gao Ling: ... This girl just can't be too smart and capable, she'll be irritated.

In the end, Lin Lan was accompanied by Han Qingsong on the shore to blow the cold wind, take a walk, admire the white land in winter, the dazzling blue sky, watch the birds hovering high in the sky, and listen to the children chasing and playing.

Dawang and the others played tops on the ice for a while, and he went ashore to be quiet for a while. He clambered on the edge of the sluice, rolled over easily, and hid there where no one could find him.

Standing tall and looking far, she could see her mother and father playing childish ice skating games again.

In the distance, there are pedestrians hurrying on the road, some are driving into the city to hold the New Year's goods, and some are coming to change something to go home for the Chinese New Year.

He actually saw Lu Jingya, she was talking to a man there, and he immediately climbed down from the sluice and walked down the road.

The fields on both sides of the road were bare, with only scattered haystacks piled up in the cold wind, and the trees by the roadside could not accommodate them, so they chose a good place to speak to prevent others from eavesdropping.

"Yaya, I have already agreed with your third uncle that you will go to the army years ago."

"Grandpa, I just got used to it at school, and I don't want to leave. Didn't I say a good year for the coming year?"

"The situation has changed. Grandpa decided to let you go this year. If you go, just stay in the army."

"What's the matter? Didn't you let me get closer to Han Wangguo? We often play ball and exercise together in the morning, and we are already friends."

Hu Kaisheng looked at her smiling face and sighed, "Silly boy, does he still give you extra lessons?"

"He doesn't like to study himself, and he didn't help me make up any lessons." Lu Jingya laughed, "Now I'm studying with the mutual aid group, it's good, everyone doesn't exclude me."

"Yaya, have you played with Han Wangguo's younger siblings after school recently?"

Lu Jingya thought for a while, "We often play together between classes, but it gets dark after school, and everyone is in a hurry to go home, and no one plays together." She paused, and the smile on her face dimmed, "What do you mean? ... He deliberately... didn't let me play with Han Maisui and the others?"

Hu Kaisheng didn't speak, but it was obvious that he was on guard against her.

Lu Jingya was a little unacceptable, her expression was lonely, "It's not all your fault, why did you let me approach him?"

If you don't get close on purpose, and everyone is classmates normally, maybe the relationship will be better.

Hu Kaisheng: "I didn't expect this either. Grandpa gave you the eight characters, and your marriage is on him. You two are a match made in heaven. If you were together, I don't know how good it would be."

Lu Jingya blushed, and turned to avoid his gaze, "Grandpa, you are getting more and more coaxing, you didn't say anything, say this."

"Yaya, grandpa is for your own good. You believe in grandpa, no one will harm you. You are my... granddaughter. Grandpa treats your uncle and father as if he were his own. Among the grandchildren, You are the only one who values you the most, so why not be good for you?"

His plan has always been to cultivate various skills on a daily basis, and tell her the truth when she is over 20 years old and can handle the matter, and hand over the industry to her. Unfortunately, I didn't expect that because of the old six idiots, they lost all the games last year, and most of the industry was damaged. It will not be difficult to recover in ten years.

"You let me come for a while and let me go, I want a reason."

"The situation has changed. The situation is not very good. It is safer for you to go to the army."

"What's wrong with the situation? The Gang of Four has been arrested, and the situation in the whole country is very good."

"Let me tell you, Han Wangguo's father has doubts about you."

"Doubt? Doubt me for what?" Lu Jingya was puzzled, and then her cheeks turned slightly red, "I-I didn't think about it, I was just curious about Han Wangguo."

A few years ago, every time the third uncle came back to visit relatives, he would go out for a few days and come back and say that the child was pretty good. He looked at his bones and face, and he even gave his grandfather the birth date. Grandpa said it was fine. She overheard them saying that she was a match made in heaven. But then she was busy with training and didn't care about these things. As a result, a while ago, her grandfather told her to study across the county, and also said that she could meet a student named Han Wangguo and have a good relationship.

Now let her transfer school, isn't this a joke

Hu Kaisheng didn't want to do this either. He didn't expect that there are such bizarre things in the world, that there would be prophets, not such vague things as fortune-telling, but real prophets.

Because of this psychic, Han Qingsong escaped the catastrophe and lost his ten years of hard work. The most troublesome thing was that Han Qingsong had already suspected him, so he first went to the county party committee, the brigade, and his home to inquire. Fortunately, although Han Qingsong was suspicious, the psychic's words could not be used as evidence, and he could not arrest himself.

But someone is staring at him, he can't make any moves in the future, he can only comfort himself so that Qingshan is not worried about no firewood, temporarily dormant as a cook honestly, looking forward to a comeback.

It's not that he didn't think about killing Han Qingsong, but Han Qingsong was in his prime, and he was definitely not an opponent at his age. The third child can fight, but the third child has a special status and must not be involved.

He was being targeted, and Yaya was naturally not safe. He didn't want to expose his weakness to the police, so he had to get her away.

"Grandpa," Lu Jingya stared at him seriously, "did you do something bad?"

Hu Kaisheng smiled and said, "What nonsense is this little girl talking about? Grandpa is a cook, what can he do?"

"Grandpa, you are quite an amazing cook." Lu Jingya smiled, "A serious swordsman is not as fast as your cook's knife."

"That's what grandpa eats. Of course, you need to be proficient. My grandfather was so powerful back then. Grandpa originally wanted to leave a career for your uncle, but... Looking at it this way, there is no need for grandpa to do anything."

Keep a share of the career, I have said this before, Lu Jingya finds it funny.

"Grandpa, our family doesn't worry about food or drink now. What career do you want? The third uncle has a good future in the army, and I won't be too bad in the future. What career do you want to leave for us?"

"So, grandpa woke up and overestimated himself, so you should leave quickly."

Lu Jingya watched a young man approach from a distance. She stared at it and whispered, "Grandpa, Han Wangguo."

Hu Kaisheng turned his head and glanced, "It's a holiday, go home quickly, and leave in two days." He put his hands in the pockets of his padded jacket and turned to go in the other direction.

Dawang walked along the road, as if he hadn't seen her.

Lu Jingya smiled and said, "Han Wangguo, what a coincidence?"

Dawang glanced at her, the old man had already left, "We are skating in the reservoir."

Lu Jingya immediately became interested, "Can I join?"

Dawang nodded: "You go." He continued to walk forward.

Lu Jingya turned around and caught up with him, "Han Wangguo, someone said you were investigating me?"

Dawang said calmly and expressionlessly, "The police are investigating your grandfather."

"Did he do something?" Lu Jingya stared at him with black and white eyes.

Dawang: "Do you think he's weird?"

Lu Jingya laughed, "My grandfather? It's just a normal old man, what's so strange. If it's strange, it's because he treats people well. He treats everyone very well. Respect him a lot."

"Is your father adopted?" Dawang asked.

Lu Jingya froze for a moment, then laughed, "Yes, this is nothing to be afraid of, it doesn't matter if I tell you."

"Have you recognized your relatives?"

"The village is dead, so what's there to recognize?"

"Your father is lucky."

At that time, the world was difficult, and the children could not support themselves, and there were still people who were willing to adopt others.

Lu Jingya nodded, "I think so too. When my grandfather found my father, he wanted to adopt him, but he didn't have a family. It was inconvenient for a big man to carry a child. Later, my grandparents said that there was a child at home anyway. , one more is nothing, just leave my father."

She looked at Dawang's face with doubts, and smiled: "I'm confusing you, my father was picked up by my grandfather, and later passed on to my grandfather."

Dawang nodded and didn't ask any further questions, "I'm going to the Public Security Bureau, go find them if you want to play."

Lu Jingya: "No, I want to go to the Public Security Bureau and ask my grandfather what's going on." Although Hu Kaisheng said it easily, she also had some vague guesses in her heart. She never thought about many things, and if she thought about it, she would be suspicious.

The two went to the Public Security Bureau together, and it happened that Luo Haicheng and Han Qingyun came back with Liu Haozhe.

Dawang introduced Lu Jingya to Liu Jianyun and asked them to chat on their own, while he went to Luo Haicheng and Han Qingyun.

Han Qingyun became a father, and now he is stable, and he deliberately keeps a moustache to look like a mature man.

"Wangguo, where is the Korean Bureau?" the two asked him.

Dawang glanced at Liu Haozhe, "I'm skating."

Luo Haicheng and Han Qingyun looked at each other, keeping their daughter-in-law safe. They smiled and escorted Liu Haozhe to a separate room in the small courtyard.

Dawang followed up to take a look and asked Luo Haicheng.

Luo Haicheng: "The Korean Bureau's plan calls for a powerful medicine."

Dawang understood immediately.

After a while, Lu Jingya said goodbye, came out to see Dawang, greeted him and left first.

Dawang saw that her face was more serious than before, so he went to Liu Jianyun, "What did you tell her?"

Liu Jianyun smiled and said: "I said that the public security bureau investigated her grandfather and suspected that his grandfather was suspected of collaborating with the enemy when he was cooking for the Japanese and puppet army. She was very angry, because Hu Kaisheng rescued several anti-Japanese soldiers and the Eighth Route Army back then, and those people are still alive now. I am alive and grateful for his life-saving grace."

If Hu Kaisheng hadn't rescued people, those people would still be alive and could pay back, just for Hu Kaisheng to cook for the Japanese, they would definitely be implicated after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

When dividing the composition, it is not only the red five categories and the black five categories, there are five grades and dozens of identities. Those who once served the Japanese, puppet, and national troops, even if they were arrested or forced, were all suspected during the liquidation process. Re-education through labor, meetings and struggles were all necessary.

They are treated differently from the long-term workers and maids of the landlord's family.

Hu Kaisheng was able to serve the three but was safe and sound. If you count it seriously, he would definitely be criticized and liquidated.

So Liu Jianyun came out and talked about it, it was nothing, but it was not so easy for the family members of the parties to accept.

At noon, Han Qingsong led Lin Lan and the children home, Lin Lan and the children cooked, and Han Qingsong came to the Public Security Bureau for a meeting. Dawang was also allowed to attend the meeting, and Han Qingsong made arrangements and then went to eat separately.

It got dark very early in the twelfth lunar month, and it was not very bright after four o'clock. Especially in the low cell, there was only a small window above a foot long and half a foot wide. So it was dark and cold in the cell, and it could freeze to death.

Liu Haozhe was nestled in the haystack on the ground of the cell, shivering from the cold, feeling uneasy, not knowing what would happen next.

The old man sent someone to deliver a letter to him, so that he would not be afraid, and he would be released in an open and fair manner. Their plan is to have Han Qingsong be transferred back to the army, so that they can no longer manage the county's public security affairs.

He reported Fan Yikun as instructed, but Fan Yikun was transferred back to the city, and now he is back.

Sure enough, the old man has great powers.

At this time, there was a sharp scream from a girl next door, "Let me out, let me out, I have a secret to tell you!"

Soon a police officer entered the next door, and someone whispered, "Be quiet, don't you die?"

Liu Haozhe immediately leaned against the wall and swam around like a gecko, trying to find a place where he could hear with his ears close to the wall.

This cell was made of dry walls. It looked thick. In fact, there were many holes in it, and it was not very soundproof. He finally let him find one.

"I'll do it, I'll do it all. I saw an old man, everyone called him Grandpa, and he had several heads under him. They killed Director Han..."

"I also saw a few people, one surnamed Liu, he..."

The more Liu Haozhe listened, the more frightened he became. The blood in his body was almost frozen. It was incredible!


The woman in the cell next door, unexpectedly... unexpectedly able to foresee the little secret in his heart that no one knows! Han Jinyu doesn't know these secrets, let alone others.

Is she really a prophet

Liu Haozhe's feeling at this moment was a hundred times stronger than that of Shen Yu, and he almost collapsed.

"He knows Grandpa." The next door said.

Liu Haozhe was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, no, no, no, I don't know, I don't know, I didn't see his face, that's what he told the police all the time.

"I can see Grandpa's face, I said, you paint."

"He's not very tall, he likes to walk with his hands behind his back, he likes to listen to operas, he's very good at knives, he..." The cauliflower next door said at Liu Jianyun's instruction. She has never seen her grandfather, but now the public security has pinpointed that her grandfather is Hu Kaisheng, and according to his image, it is basically the same.

Some police officers were complaining, "Catch this old man and shoot him together with Liu Haozhe, let him cover up and not admit it!"

"Comrade Public Security, I have given you so many prophecies, but you must let me go."

"Don't worry, our public security bureau still depends on you and will protect you. Don't stay in the cell, go to the office and finish the hot noodle soup."

Soon, the next door heard about it for a while, and then closed the door and left.

Liu Haozhe sat on the cold ground for a long time, and finally figured it out. He jumped up, rushed over and slammed on the door, "I have something to say!"

He thought clearly that although what the prophet said was the truth, it could not be used as evidence. And I can, I can recognize my grandfather.

Even if he had his face covered, as long as he appeared, he would recognize it.

His voice, his movements, his body shape, and even some small quirks, he can recognize himself. After all, he taught himself so many ways to train women, during which he naturally got in touch with him and learned a lot.

These are even more characteristic than a person's face!

After four o'clock, Han Qingsong got up and went to the ground. At this time, someone came to call the door.

"Han Ju, Han Ju!" Luo Haicheng's voice was pressed and loud in this dark morning, it was a bit unpleasant.

Han Qingsong went to open the door.

Luo Haicheng gave a thumbs up, "Liu Haozhe is willing to cooperate with the identification, we can go to mention Hu Kaisheng."

Han Qingsong: "Be careful to protect cauliflower and Liu Haozhe."

"Don't worry, the Korean Bureau, let's follow the plan and be careful."

Dawang also followed.

At 6:30, Han Qingsong and Da Wang came back for dinner, but they were called by the Public Security Bureau after just two bites.

The public security officer on duty yawned, "Han Bureau, Commander Chen of the Military Division is on the phone."

Han Qingsong frowned, Military Division, Commander Chen? Commander Chen usually calls him during work hours, but he has never been in such a hurry.

He thought for a while, made a gesture, walked out lightly, and waved to Luo Haicheng to say a few words.

Luo Haicheng rushed into the office and shouted, "I went to Hanju's house to call someone. He was not at home and went out. Where is the phone?"

The public security officer on duty saw him being possessed by an actor, and immediately cooperated, "Military Division, Commander Chen, hurry up and get the Korean Bureau."

Luo Haicheng gasped for breath, looking exhausted, "No, I'm not at home, I went out by bike, I don't know where I went."

The public security officer on duty held up the phone embarrassedly, not daring to breathe, "Chief, chief... Dududu..."

It's hung up there.

Luo Haicheng ran to find Han Qingsong, "The Korean Bureau's predictions are as good as God."

Han Qingsong: "Before catching Hu Kaisheng, anyone looking for him said I wasn't there."