Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 175: Extra Story Assassination


At noon, Liu Jianyun, who went to Qinghuai County, called, "Han Bureau, Hu Kaisheng didn't go home and went to the army to visit relatives."

This sly old fox, you don't need to guess to know that he is the one who asked for the relationship, and let Commander Chen come to play the side drum for Han Qingsong.

In the afternoon, Han Qingsong called Commander Chen back. He called Director Fang first, saying that he was not in the office when he was out of the field, so he did not receive the call from Commander Chen.

Director Fang lowered his voice, "Director Han, have you gone to Qinghuai County?"

Han Qingsong admitted generously, "I found suspicious people and wanted to investigate."

Director Fang: "Forget it. Even if that person cooks for the enemy, he can't help himself. It's not a crime. He has to forgive others and forgive them."

Han Qingsong: "Director Fang, we already have evidence that he is related to the public grain looting case in the past two decades, so we need to bring him back for questioning."

Director Fang was very surprised when he heard the words, "The public grain case?" If this is the case, then you need to be cautious.

Han Qingsong: "If he hasn't done it, he just needs to come back and make it clear. There's no need to hide in the army."

Director Fang felt that this matter was no trivial matter, "Wait, I'll report to Commander Chen and call you back."

Han Qingsong hangs up the phone and hides in the army to be safe? How can the troops be your umbrella? As long as you are guilty there is nowhere to hide. Even if you have saved people, if you are guilty of treason, who would dare to cover up? What you save is the Central Military Commission and it is useless.

Soon the phone rang again, this time Han Qingsong didn't hide and picked it up directly.

Miao Xifa's loud voice came from the other end of the phone, "Han Qingsong, I heard that you are going to arrest my brother Hu?"

Han Qingsong thought for a while before realizing that it was Miao Xifa, and said lightly, "Just ask him a question."

"Do you have any evidence?"

"What does the old secretary mean, should I go directly to resist arrest? Well, let's go now." If there is evidence, why would he just ask questions? Naturally, he will be arrested.

"What. Wait, wait!" Miao Xi became anxious, "There is really evidence."

Han Qingsong: "When he comes, he will be there."

The other side was silent for a while, and finally sighed and hung up the phone.

Who is Han Qingsong? Personality: Don't lie.

Next, Han Qingsong began to write an application to the army, requesting that Hu Kaisheng be repatriated to his place of origin, and the Public Security Bureau would receive inquiries. As long as Hu Kaisheng is convicted, no one else can escape. And the reason why Hu Kaisheng can hide in the army is because his son Hu Zongyu is serving in the army.

After he has written the documents, signed and stamped them tomorrow, the Revolutionary Committee will go to work and ask the director to stamp and sign, and the public security will take them to the Mingdao Military Sub-District, and directly ask to bring Hu Kaisheng back.

Han Qingsong went home first, while Lin Lan was leading the children to make cakes in the yard.

Since her sons have grown stronger, Lin Lan has used a different trick to ask them to make food, and she can toss what the locals have heard of but not heard of. I have local rhubarb sticky rice at home, and some glutinous rice bought from the grain station. I wash it, put it in a pot, steam it, and then put it in a wooden trough to pound it.

Dawang and Erwang brothers cooperated, one person, the sticky rice soon became mushy and sticky, tasted glutinous and soft, sticky and fragrant, and then wrapped brown sugar, fried bean noodles, bean paste, jujube paste, etc. , it tastes richer and more charming.

Mai Sui and Xiao Wang helped make them into various shapes, which can be used as gifts.

Lin Lan watched him come back and fed him the little pig wrapped in candy that she had just squeezed, "Ah—"

Han Qingsong silently lowered his head and opened his mouth, and ate the little pig whose nose was too long in her hand. It was sticky and sweet, and had the aroma of sesame seeds. It was delicious.

Lin Lan: "It's better to eat it with sausages."

She asked Xiaowang to send some to the Gao Yu brothers, and Xiaowang came back with a big bag of shrimp and small squid.

After eating, Han Qingsong said to Lin Lan, "It's been cold recently, don't go out."

Lin Lan nodded, "The children are all on vacation, and we won't go out for the time being. Basically, we are staying at home and the Public Security Bureau."

She knew what Han Qingsong meant. Although Hu Kaisheng will not start with his family, he still needs to pay attention.

Although Hu Kaisheng is exposed, there is no definite evidence yet, and he has a decent identity before. Both his son and granddaughter have a bright future, and it is impossible to take risks.

Did he tear his face and take her to threaten Han Qingsong, saying that if you don't let me go, I will kill your family? This is the practice of desperadoes. Hu Kaisheng is not a desperado. He has always been high above and strategized, treating others as ants and chess pieces. How could he do this

If he did this, even if he threatened Han Qingsong, how could he threaten the government

The Public Security Bureau still brought him to justice.

Therefore, Hu Kaisheng will definitely not take Han Qingsong's family, at least not openly threaten.

In the middle of the night, there was a loud bang in the direction of the oil mill, and I saw a big red fireball rising into the air and dissipating in mid-air.

"What's the matter?" The patrolling militiamen who were changing shifts jumped up.

"Go, go and see!"

"Go to the police station and report the crime!"

"Go and notify the fire brigade, the fire brigade!"

In the early morning of the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, the county oil extraction plant fell into a commotion. Due to the poor operation of a worker, the boiler exploded, some people cried and shouted, and some people fought and fought. The patrolling militia, fire brigade, and public security bureau were all dispatched.

Han Qingsong was also woken up by someone knocking on the door. He lightly dressed and went down to the ground. He even tucked the quilt onto Lin Lan, and then put on his gun and went out.

"Han Bureau, could it be Hu Kaisheng who is making trouble?"

Han Qingsong suspected that Hu Kaisheng would jump off the wall in a hurry, and let Luo Haicheng and Liu Jianyun relax on the outside and tighten on the inside. It was necessary to be vigilant and not be too nervous to let people see the deployment. There is a bit of trouble now, and Luo Haicheng suspects that it is Hu Kaisheng.

Han Qingsong: "Keeping the same and responding to all changes." No matter whether he catches fire or fights, the deployment of the Public Security Bureau cannot be changed.

Luo Haicheng: "Okay."

Director Qin, Gao Weidong and others were also woken up and came to the Public Security Bureau to ask what was going on.

After being busy for most of the night, I still have to explore the site and investigate the next day, and ask the workers of the oil extraction plant to ask carefully to see if it was accidental or intentional. At the same time, the loudspeakers of the propaganda team broadcasted throughout the city, requiring all factories and units to strengthen patrols at the end of the year and pay attention to various safety issues.

As a result, another household caught fire that day. Because the child was urinating on the kang, the child's quilt was hung on a pole on the stove to bake the fire. The young man went to work, and the old man watched the child in the house. The quilt fell off and caught fire. Fortunately, the city was also prepared, the fire brigade was dispatched in time, and the surrounding citizens helped, but it did not cause a catastrophe.

In winter, unless it is a wealthy factory or unit, where employees live in buildings to install radiators, most of them are raw stoves. There are many cases of unintentional use of raw stoves, poisoning to death at night, or accidental fires.

Since last year, Lin Lan led the Publicity Office to organize instructions on the safe use of stoves, calling on everyone to pay attention to the safety and hygiene of stoves, especially for some elderly people, to avoid poisoning and fire.

Under their propaganda, there was no smoke-to-kill incident or fire last year, and this year is also safe, but I didn't expect that the New Year was approaching, and there was a fire.

Just when the Public Security Bureau was called to investigate the fire case, another murder occurred in the city, and the husband killed his wife.

After interrogation, the husband insisted that his wife was cuckolding him, but neighbors and colleagues testified that although the woman was more lively, she was not too outrageous at all. On the contrary, the man has always been inferior to himself because his wife is beautiful and popular, and finally he is motivated to kill without knowing why.

After doing this, the public security bureau detained some more people, and the police officers were very tired without their feet touching the ground.

The next day, Liu Jianyun called back from the army. They had already negotiated. Hu Zongyu did not make things difficult. Hu Kaisheng also seemed to be ignorant and was happy to come back to cooperate with the investigation. They catch the train the next day and will arrive at the County Public Security Bureau almost tomorrow night.

After get off work in the evening, Luo Haicheng walked around and yawned and asked, "Little Wang, who will be on the night shift tonight?"

In the past two days, all the people in the public security bureau were very tired, and they all wanted to go home and sleep quickly, and no one wanted to be on duty.

The personnel left behind on duty are all arranged by the Public Security Bureau. Except for the Director, other public security officers, including the captain, are required to take turns on night shifts. One was temporarily detained, and the duty room of the Public Security Bureau was responsible for answering the phone or receiving the two who reported the case in the middle of the night.

"Team Luo, it's me and Team Ma."

Luo Haicheng glanced at it, "What about others?"

"Coming soon."

Luo Haicheng sneered, "I see on the watch, he is either late or leaves early, sometimes he doesn't come all night, he can do it if he can, or pull it down if he can't." He wrapped his coat and left.

Xiao Wang and the others smiled, "I've been exhausted these two days, and Team Luo's temper is exhausted."

They also know that Ma Zhibo has always looked down on the Luo team, and if there is something wrong, he will block the Luo team. He dissatisfied with one and two every day. Team Luo has always been patient. There have been a lot of things in the county these two days, and everyone has been so busy. Ma Zhibo is too blind to see.

Ma Zhibo was a police officer of the first investigation team. At first, like Liu Jianyun, he followed Deputy Director Li. He was a capable general of Deputy Director Li.

Later, Han Qingsong was transferred to the county, and Deputy Bureau Li tried his best to promote his own people and suppress others in order to make a turf, and Ma Zhibo was promoted to captain. As a result, because of the case last year, Deputy Bureau Li was not able to cooperate well, and Han Qingsong had too few available personnel, which led to Wang Guoan shooting the sixth child. After that, the old director decided to hand over the most important criminal investigation team of the Public Security Bureau to Han Qingsong. After Gao Weidong took office, he gave Han Qing the green light, and he did not need to ask the director for instructions.

Han Qingsong rearranged the personnel and put Luo Haicheng and others in, and selected the best militiamen from the militia companies in each commune to supplement the police force. .

Ma Zhibo is also a veteran, and he still has some abilities. However, he was demoted to an ordinary police officer because he did not obey the arrangement of his superiors and caused a mistake. The team members who were originally with him were scattered by Han Qingsong. He felt aggrieved and angry, and complained to Deputy Bureau Li several times. Deputy Bureau Li said that he should be patient for a while, but in fact he had no other way.

When he was drinking with his friends, he would inevitably complain about one or two things. He was so busy these days that he was tired to death, and he was arranged to be on duty at night, which made him very unhappy.

Forget it, Liu Jianyun, he doesn't compare, but why can Luo Haicheng go beyond him

When Ma Zhibo came back from the outside, he saw Luo Haicheng leaving on a bicycle before he came in. He carried a piece of oiled paper to boil peanuts, two bottles of wine and some pickled garlic, and smiled when he entered the duty room: "These few The weather is exhausting for us. It's cold, so drink a couple of sips to warm it up."

Xiao Wang'an smiled and said, "Deputy Ma, be careful to make mistakes."

Ma Zhibo was a little helpful and a little sad that he called his deputy team, "Hey, what's wrong? That is, answering the phone on duty and responding to the police in the middle of the night. The two days of continuous rotation, it stopped today, according to my rich experience, definitely fine."

Xiao Wang'an didn't refuse after thinking about it, and had a drink with Ma Zhibo. As a result, he took two sips like this, and in the end he drank too much, and more than half a catty ended up in his stomach. He was only drinking one or two twos, and he didn't usually have the chance to drink it. At this moment, he was so dizzy that he went to sleep in the corner of the wall, covered with a military coat.

Ma Zhibo sneered, got up and flipped through the prisoner's book to read the records of the dinner delivery.

He carried the remaining bottle of wine and peanuts to the back courtyard and knocked on the door.

Immediately in the reception room, there was a public security probe on duty to look at it, "What's the matter?"

Ma Zhibo: "Old Li, it's me. Routine inspection, there are a lot of people locked in these two days, there is no fight in one room."

"Deputy Team Ma. No, everyone is shivering in the winter. What are they fighting?" Lao Li opened the door and let Ma Zhibo in.

Ma Zhibo put the wine and peanuts in the reception room. He knew that Lao Li was a good wine, and it was cold on duty in winter, so he even brought wine and drank it hot.

"Yo, Colts, how about a drink with me? That's sorry."

"What's the point? It's cold. I'm also on duty and you're on duty. Let's get warm together. You eat and drink first, and I'll go around."

He let Lao Li sip a couple of warm sips, and he took a flashlight to patrol around.

After a while, Ma Zhibo inspected the large and small courtyards inside, and came back to see Lao Li drinking happily, his eyes began to faint. He smiled and said, "That's good. Why haven't you seen the wife-killer?"

Old Li hissed, "The Korean Bureau said that he was a felon and would definitely be sentenced to death. It's a matter of individual responsibility."

Ma Zhibo sneered in his heart, just like this broken public security bureau, the temporary detention center is just like this, and it's even tighter. Don't think he doesn't know, he just walks around and knows who's locked where.

He and Lao Li chatted for a while, watching Lao Li drinking and staring, and then he said goodbye. This person, Lao Li, is often drunk on daily duty, but nothing has happened, and no one is willing to stab Han Qingsong.

Ma Zhibo patrolled around with a flashlight, urinated at the northwest corner of the Public Security Bureau, hummed a little song, and then went back to the duty office.

Although it was a bit risky, Han Qingsong and Luo Haicheng were so overwhelmed that they had no way to survive. If they didn't fight hard, they would probably be kicked out in the future. Anyway, it wasn't just him who drank. Several people drank it. At most, he was dismissed and investigated. After two years of delay, he could go to a better place. This deal was a good deal.

When he took the flashlight and walked around, he had already swayed to Liu Haozhe's cell, the most "safe" small cell in the far corner. He sent a letter to Liu Haozhe according to the method told by the man: at two o'clock in the middle of the night, the third child will come to save you.

Time passed silently.

A figure moved quickly against the bottom of the tree and the base of the wall, and the frost covered the ground, softening the sound of footsteps and making his movements more silent.

At this time, Lao Li also came out to walk around, took a flashlight to take a picture, and then went back to the duty room crookedly, and soon the snoring sounded loudly.

The figure waited for a while, and then moved quickly, using a wooden stick wrapped in heavy objects to knock out all the few street lights nearby. As soon as the dimly lit street lights went out, the surroundings were pitch-dark, only the cold moon in the sky exuded a cold brilliance.

The cold moon is in the sky, illuminating the sky full of stars, and the small courtyard in the corner is lonely and indifferent, with a chilling chill.

He walked around the yard calmly and determined Liu Haozhe's position.

"Second brother, grandpa asked me to save you." His voice was hoarse as if it was damaged by smoke, and Liu Haozhe could clearly hear the voice of the third child. He also knew that this voice must have been deliberately disguised, not the real voice of the third child.

"The third, the grandfather has been exposed, you tell him to hide quickly."

"Second brother, rest assured, grandfather is safe and sound." He whispered, but his hands were not slow, and he did not bother to unlock, but directly took off the door and leaned against the wall.

"Thirdest, I'm so moved that Grandpa took risks for me. In fact, it's fine for me to stay on the farm." Liu Haozhe said a little excitedly, "Grandpa didn't forget me, he said that I was his favorite. The apprentices have also put in the most effort, they are different from the old five and the sixth. Yes, it is true, to this day, I believe it."

"Second brother, don't worry, that prophet is dead."

"Dead...?" Wouldn't Han Qingsong protect such an important person

"Others don't know, you don't know grandfather's methods?"

Liu Haozhe: "Ah, I see. That... The man who killed his wife is also ours?" He always suspected that the grandfather was not as simple as he said on the surface. In fact, there must be an assassination class. There was a brigade leader who "frozen" to death in the middle of the night, and some brigade cadres who hindered them all had accidents in one way or another.

It seems that the third child is not a gambling door.

He thought to himself, "Third, come here to trouble you, how easy it is to save him on the farm." The key point is that Han Qingsong didn't want to kill himself, so what's there to save

"Second brother, Grandpa thinks it's better to let you go to a safer place." His voice was hoarse, like sandpaper rubbing in the cold night, piercing people's ears uncomfortable.

Liu Haozhe knew what it meant. It was still a question of how to save it. No one wanted to live without a name or a surname until they had nowhere to go. If you save him, you can only send him to a serious prison. There are a lot of fish and dragons in there. In addition to those with names and surnames that have been recorded, there are many people who have no names and no surnames.

Go there and live the rest of your life, okay

Of course not!

Might as well be in Shanshui Farm.

He was only sentenced to ten years, working on the farm, reporting his thoughts, at least he was Liu Haozhe, and he could see the sun every day.

If you go to the frontier prison, it is really called Tian Tian should not.

What's more, how could the grandfather make himself safer, because he was afraid that he would threaten his safety.

If you are afraid of threatening your safety, why would you spend any effort to be sent to the frontier prison? Wouldn't it be easier to just kill it

When he thought of this, he felt a chill in his heart, and then saw a cold light drawn towards him.

This is the stunt taught by the grandfather to the third child to seal the throat with a knife.

But he knew it was useless, his movements were many times slower than the other party's, and when he understood it in his mind, the blade was already attached to his neck.

The grandfather has a unique trick, a knife to seal the throat, the blade is attached to the ring and put on the middle finger. When assassinating, the blade is facing the palm of the hand, and the throat or meridian can be cut by swiping it on the neck when someone is not ready.

It's a pity... it's a pity...

With a "chi" sound, the blade scraped across the rusted metal, splashing a string of sparks.

Liu Haozhe shouted, "There are assassins!" He turned around and ran into the house.

The man didn't expect to miss, Liu Haozhe actually had an iron ring around his neck!

I'm fucked!

The man chased into the house, but he entered the darker room from the outside, and he couldn't see anything at all.

At this time, in the dark part of the room, a person was like a ghost, entangling him faster and more ruthlessly than his movements.

The man felt that the fierce punching wind immediately retreated, but he was still slow for a moment, and with a "bang", he punched the flesh, and although the padded jacket was slammed, the man's chest was slammed with blood.

The fist of the opponent in close combat is heavy and fierce, and the man can't take advantage of it. The blade between his fingers can only be removed at the first time, otherwise he will hurt himself.

In an instant, the two of them fought together, punching to the flesh, and the tiger was furious. It was too dark to use weapons at such a close distance.

Liu Haozhe was frightened by the side, for fear that if the two of them accidentally gave him a kick when they were fighting, he would definitely break his bones.

The thumping sound was very painful to him.

He tried hard to hide himself in the corner, wishing to get into the wall.

The man was punched on the chin with a right uppercut, spit out a mouthful of blood, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

When he was in a hurry, he forgot to change his voice, revealing some of his original voice.

"You're not a top three!" Dawang said, his hands and feet not only slowing, but getting faster and faster.

He now knows why Han Qingsong let him train blindfolded, because when facing the enemy, no one can guarantee that he will always be in a bright place.

"Han Wangguo?" The man called out his name.

At this time, Luo Haicheng had already surrounded the small courtyard with police officers with guns and live ammunition, carrying lanterns and flashlights, but they could not shoot, only to prevent the man from escaping.

With the bright lighting, the two fighting in the room became more and more fierce, fighting for their lives.

Watching Dawang and the man fighting fiercely, Luo Haicheng was both amazed and admired. Dawang is really grown up, no wonder he didn't find him to feed him later, he was not his opponent at all. I couldn't stop this man by myself. Fortunately, Dawang came to support him. Otherwise, I couldn't let the Han Bureau guard Liu Haozhe in the middle of the night.

The man slammed into each other and pulled out the dagger from his armpit. At this time, Dawang punched him under his ribs, and the man held the dagger in his backhand and slashed towards Dawang's wrist.

The cold light of the dagger flashed into Liu Haozhe's eyes, causing him to scream and cover his eyes.

Dawang changed his moves in an instant, his fist retracted on the man's wrist and quickly tilted the opponent's dagger a bit.

A knee was placed on the man's stomach, and the pain caused his complexion to change. With a "bang", the dagger fell to the ground.

He knew from the beginning that Han Wangguo's movements were faster than him, his strength was heavier, and he would definitely not be an opponent after a long time.

Luo Haicheng immediately stepped forward to help tie up the man.

Dawang leaned over and picked up the dagger on the ground, looked at it, and then turned over the man to find the ring blade.

This blade is less than two millimeters thick and less than an inch long, about the length of the bottom knuckle of an adult's middle finger, and it is worn on the middle finger with the ring. This kind of weapon is sharp and can only be assassinated unexpectedly, and it is of little use in actual combat.

Dawang looked at the dagger again and handed it to Luo Haicheng: "It's not three heads."

He saw Santou when he was a child. At that time, Santou had a big beard, and he didn't think so at the time. Later, I thought that I should have put on makeup so that people don't want to see the real appearance. But he has seen the skills of the three heads, and the imposing manner and ruthlessness are firmly imprinted in his mind, and he has not forgotten it for so many years. It was something imprinted in his bones, no matter how he pretended to be, once he entered that state, he would reveal his aura—underneath the seemingly peaceful smile, the cruelty and coldness hidden like a poisonous snake.

Although this man is powerful, he is not as quiet and cruel as a three-headed man. Even if he admits that he is a three-headed man, he is probably just a stand-in.

One of the policemen recognized it and snorted, "Isn't this Mr. Miao's servant Jing Guoqing?"

Miao Xifa's serviceman is of course not the kind of serviceman assigned by military cadres. After all, he has long since changed his career and has now retired without an official position. The so-called orderly is just a nice way of saying it. In fact, it is a young man who helps at his house, helping with errands, grocery shopping, cooking, and chores.

Luo Haicheng said with a cold face: "Go and invite Deputy Bureau Li."

"Team Luo, do you want to invite the Korean Bureau?"

Luo Haicheng: "It's not dawn to ask for the Korean Bureau, and the Korean Bureau will come by itself in two hours."

If he disturbs the Korean Bureau's sleep every day, he shouldn't be under great pressure, right? It's like how incompetent the captain is.

Jing Guoqing kept silent, but turned to look at Liu Haozhe.

Liu Haozhe shrank aside, feeling the iron ring around his neck with lingering fears, and no longer disliked being cold.

He guessed it right. Grandpa also had a secret assassination team that they didn't know. These few of them are just a means for the grandfather to collect money, but they are not thugs. Pan Shinong was a thug, but he wasn't strong enough, so Liu Haozhe suspected that there was someone more powerful than Pan Shinong.

Sure enough, waiting here. I just didn't expect that this more powerful one came forward to kill his own people.

Soon, a police officer escorted Ma Zhibo and another man over, "Team Luo, they're all here."

The other man was the one who killed his wife, and he came in to kill the cauliflower.

He got the signal and weapon from Ma Zhibo, and knew the location of the cauliflower. When Jing Guoqing broke the electric light, he directly removed the door frame with a homemade knife and shovel, and then touched the cauliflower's room. Originally, to deal with cauliflower, the task was completed with a shovel.

How could he know that as soon as he entered, he was strangled by a person in the dark, and he took off his weapon, and finally tied it tightly.

Han Qingsong was already prepared, but his grandfather fell short.

When Deputy Bureau Li was woken up by someone knocking on the door, he was so angry that he scolded his mother. He lay down and couldn't sleep, but he woke him up just after falling asleep. Why is he so angry

He turned over and didn't want to let Miao Hongying go, but Miao Hongying kicked him down.

Deputy Bureau Li had to wrap his coat to open the door, annoyed, "Who is it!"

"Li Bureau, please go to the Public Security Bureau."

"Isn't there Han Qingsong, why are you calling me?"

"It's really up to you to deal with Bureau Li." The policeman said about Jing Guoqing's arrest.

Deputy Director Li was stunned, "What? What did you say? Do you know what you are talking about?"

"So, Bureau Li, go and see for yourself." The public security scolded Luo Haicheng inwardly. Team Luo became more and more shrewd, knowing that he would be scolded for calling Bureau Li, so he sent a police officer who had no duties to come, so that Deputy Li would be scolded. The bureau is also embarrassed to roar directly.

"Officer Li, please hurry up." The little policeman ran away.

Deputy Director Li was standing at the door, blowing the cold wind in the cold night of the twelfth lunar month, and he was actually cold.

Damn, what's going on? Why did the father-in-law's orderly go to kill Liu Haozhe

What trick is Han Qingsong playing

He went back and quickly got dressed and hurried to the Public Security Bureau.

Luo Haicheng and the others were already waiting there, and Jing Guoqing was bound tightly, for fear that he would find short-sightedness.

Deputy Bureau Li rushed over and shouted, "What's going on? What's going on?"

Someone hurriedly reminded him that the buttons of his clothes were messed up, only then did Deputy Director Li realize that he quickly re-buttoned the police uniform.

"Jing Guoqing, what are you doing?"

Jing Guoqing glanced at him and said nothing.

Deputy Bureau Li roared: "Han Qingsong, Han Qingsong!"

Luo Haicheng: "Li Bureau, Han Bureau didn't come."

"Why can't he come, hurry up and call!" He felt that the sky was about to collapse, what's going on

Han Qingsong had expected this for a long time, and since the oil mill caught fire, he knew it was not that simple.

He always felt that Cauliflower and Liu Haozhe were in danger, because the prophet predicted that the grandfather was Hu Kaisheng, and the relationship between Liu Haozhe and Hu Kaisheng was easy to identify. In the past, Liu Haozhe could still say that he had never seen it before, and the Public Security Bureau could not say anything without evidence. Now that the Public Security Bureau has locked Hu Kaisheng and let Liu Haozhe identify it, it is as easy as the palm of your hand.

Hu Kaisheng probably wanted to silence the two.

Han Qingsong had mobilized militiamen from various communes before, and asked them to step up patrols and interrogate people who went out at various intersections, especially those who entered the county seat. In this way, if Hu Kaisheng wants to move, he can only arrange the manpower in the county seat.

Han Qingsong had long suspected that if it had been in business for the past 20 years as Liu Haozhe and Cauliflower said, the forces attacked last year would definitely not be all. At least not the most elite. After all, the sixth is relying on stealing, Liu Haozhe is relying on women, the fifth is inciting members, and the real thug is Pan Shinong.

So is there anything more powerful than Pan Shi Nong

Of course, there are not many such powerful people. After all, it is impossible to train a very powerful thug without five or six years.

Therefore, he felt that even if there were Hu Kaisheng, there would not be many people. The county estimated that there would be at most one.

But he didn't show it, but just calculated it. The other party thought that this could disturb him, so he also took this opportunity to judge the time of the other party's shot.

These days, the Public Security Bureau has been called round and round, exhausted one by one, and it is the best time to start.

Dawang volunteered to protect Liu Haozhe, and another police officer with good fighting skills protected cauliflower.

When Dawang went home at four o'clock, Han Qingsong just got up, and he handed the ring knife to Han Qingsong.

Han Qingsong took a look at it and threw it back to him. At this time, the disposal of some items was not strict after the case was closed. If Dawang liked it, he could take it away as a reward for him.

He asked about the process of Dawang's arrest, nodded and said nothing. In Han Qingsong's opinion, Dawang has done a good job, even if he can only win the opponent two minutes faster than him. I can't teach him more in fighting, Dawang is more talented than him, all he can teach is experience.

Han Qingsong went to the Public Security Bureau, where Deputy Bureau Li had turned into a roaring horse.

"Han Qingsong, you have to give me an explanation." This is no trivial matter. His father-in-law's orderly became a counter-revolutionary, so how could his father-in-law still run? Can you run by yourself

This is a matter of life.

Han Qingsong: "I asked Jing Guoqing to kill?"

Deputy Director Li was stunned for a moment, "I fucking..." Why don't you like listening to you so much.

Han Qingsong: "Immediately arraign Jing Guoqing."

Jing Guoqing is a member of the suburban brigade in this county. He is 32 years old this year and joined the army 12 years ago. Originally, he could stay in the team for promotion, but he was forced to demobilize due to conflicts with people in the army. At that time, the army leaders judged him wrong and gave him severe demerits. He refused to accept it, because the other party provoked him first for the promotion, and he found a relationship to convict him of mistakes and demerits, forcing him to go home after demobilization, leaving a heavy stain on his life. After he was demobilized, he was punished because of demerit records, and the organization did not assign him a job. He cultivated land for several years in the brigade, and was later introduced to Miao Xifa as an orderly.

During his years as an orderly, he was an honest man, kept silent, took good care of Miao Xifa and his wife, was diligent and neat, and was very popular with the old couple. Even picky people like Miao Hongying liked him very much. They thought he was steady, steady and reliable.

These are superficial information, and everyone knows it.

Han Qingsong motioned to release him.

Luo Haicheng stepped forward to help him loosen the bindings, and then handcuffed the handcuffs, so that he was afraid that he would be violent, he was handcuffed to a chair.

Jing Guoqing did not respond.

After that, no matter how I asked him, he didn't answer, with a posture that I admitted that I was a top three, and that I didn't know anything about it.

Han Qingsong is not in a hurry, and he doesn't need him to identify himself, so let him be locked up, "I want to see how many killers the old man has available."

Deputy Director Li jumped up and down anxiously outside: "Jing Guoqing, what's the matter with you? Tell me honestly. Let me tell you, don't try to bite."

Han Qingsong asked Jing Guoqing to be brought back, and then brought Luo Haicheng and the secretary to the Miao's house.

Miao Xifa was making hibiscus chicken slices at home, because the orderly asked for leave to go home, so he did it himself.

"This hibiscus chicken slice, the most important thing is to mix the sauce. The juice is good and it will be fragrant. This is the exclusive sauce recipe that Brother Hu taught me."

When he heard the doorbell, he asked the old lady to open the door. When he saw a few of Han Qingsong approaching the door, he glanced at him and said, "Yo, Director Han is here, what's the matter?"

Han Qingsong said, "Old secretary, Jing Guoqing has been arrested."

"What?" Miao Xifa heard clearly but didn't understand, "What's going on? National Day is a good young man, what did he do?"

Han Qingsong briefly explained the matter.

Miao Xifa looked at him in surprise, "Reactionary sect leader?"

The local area is close to the sea, and it is also the landing point of the Japanese army. Therefore, whether it is the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression or the War of Liberation, it is a very important strategic position. In addition to the Japanese army, the national army, the puppet army and the anti-Japanese organizations, there are also a large number of bandits, bullies, and gangsters.

Some of the Huidao Gates are just non-governmental organizations, such as "Three Treasures Gate", "Daomen Gate", "Shuangxiang Gate", "One Heart Heavenly Dao Longhua Sheng Church", "Ming Xin Shan Society" and so on. In the beginning, it was mainly to make a living, but in the long-term struggle, many organizations have colluded with the Japanese and puppet troops to specifically mutilate the people to destroy the resistance against Japan and liberation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, many actions were launched to annihilate the reactionary sects.

Basically, in 1960 at the latest around 1969, all were banned, the leaders were all shot, and the following labor reforms were carried out.

And now

Miao Xifa was very surprised. He was the main force in attacking the reactionary Taoist sect at the beginning, but now his family's orderlies are actually members of the reactionary organization


Han Qingsong didn't hide it, told him everything about Jing Guoqing, and asked who recommended him to be an orderly at home.

Miao Xifa thought for a while, and asked the old woman, "Who's here? Is it Old Wu?"

The old woman said, "Old Huang, the half-blind man from the suburban brigade."

The half-blind man from the suburban commune, and Miao Xifa are also old acquaintances, they used to play chess and listen to opera together. The half-blind man was a bit snarky, and he had an ancestral fortune-telling. His interpersonal relationship is also relatively simple, because the half-blind has a slightly eccentric temper and is generally popular in the village.

When Han Qingsong heard it, he was not a grandfather.

The old woman: "Dead, the National Day said a few days ago that he died."

Han Qingsong asked Luo Haicheng to check Jing Guoqing's room and belongings. Miao Xifa was in a mess and waved his hand to let them go.

Miao Xifa: "No, I have to ask him, is my old Miao so easy to deceive? I have such a good temper? They even say I have a bad temper."

Han Qingsong: "The old secretary doesn't need to get angry, the enemy is very cunning."

Miao Xifa still couldn't accept it, and went to Jing Guoqing to ask, how could this be

Han Qingsong took him to the Public Security Bureau in person, and asked Luo Haicheng to arrange for someone to go to Jing Guoqing's house in the suburban brigade to check, and check the half-blind man by the way.

Jing Guoqing didn't say a word to Miao Xifa, but lowered his head even lower, obviously feeling guilty.

Miao Xifa: "National Day, tell the truth, who is the head of that reactionary sect? He is not the old man we mentioned, he is a counter-revolutionary spy. The former head of the reactionary sect was so mysterious? Xiang, outsiders basically know about it. But what kind of sect are you, that old man is mysterious, capable, and he is a counter-revolutionary spy at first glance! You must explain it quickly, don't be implicated by him. The reactionary sect is different from the secret agent. The reactionary sect is not as bad as the family. , If you are a spy, your father, mother, brother, and brother will not be left behind!"

Jing Guoqing's eyelids twitched heavily, and immediately denied it in his heart, no, it won't hurt his family, absolutely not.

He can die, but he cannot betray.

"You're really obsessed with understanding." Miao Xi said angrily.

Han Qingsong: "Jing Guoqing, your grandfather is of medium stature, with a pair of attractive ears, good at playing knives, and likes listening to operas. His eyes are not smiling, and his eyes are very powerful, and he looks like a tiger with a smile on his face."

Jing Guoqing lowered his head more and more and said nothing.

Miao Xifa heard how familiar it was, and Deputy Director Li was already anxious, "Father, why do you look like Uncle Hu?"


Miao Xifa was stunned. No wonder Hu Kaisheng complained to himself a few days ago, saying that Han Qingsong was getting more and more excessive. Don't let the Japanese cook.

At that time, Miao Xifa didn't take it seriously, thinking it was really Han Qingsong's trick, so he called his brother, Commander Chen, and asked Lao Chen to play the side drum for Han Qingsong.

Who knew that Han Qingsong didn't answer the phone, and later said that Hu Kaisheng had something to do with the public grain looting case over the past two decades.

He knew that he would call Han Qingsong again in the future, but Han Qingsong had a very cold attitude, and he wanted to treat this kid when he was angry.

Where did he know that his orderly was arrested.

Hit the face!

Han Qingsong: "Hu Kaisheng is hiding in the army. We have sent someone to bring him back. When he returns, we can let Liu Haozhe recognize him."

Jing Guoqing suddenly said: "I am the third head, and the half-blind is my master."

Han Qingsong: "We have locked Hu Kaisheng before you came. You don't have to confuse it, it's useless."

According to his speculation, Hu Kaisheng knew that he was exposed, so he wanted Jing Guoqing to kill Liu Haozhe. Killing Liu Haozhe everything is easy. If Liu Haozhe can't be killed, they will stay behind and let Jing Guoqing confess that he is the third leader and the half-blind man is the grandfather.

Anyway, the half-blind man had already been killed by them, no one would deny it anyway.

Miao Xifa gave Jing Guoqing a slap in the face, "Why did the party and the country treat you badly? Let you be so mad to be a killer for the spy?"

This slap was so powerful that Jing Guoqing's head was twisted, his cheeks were immediately red and swollen, and the corners of his mouth were broken.

Jing Guoqing lowered his eyes and said coldly: "The old secretary is a good person, so he didn't feel sorry for me. The party and the country are too high and too far, and I can't reach them. Just speaking of the army I am in, is just a little cadre who will bully new recruits. Whoever gives a gift will look good, and whoever doesn't give it will torture others. Originally I could stay in the team for promotion, but they partnered to calculate me, kick me out, and let the one who gave the gift top. I don't want to stay in such a bastard's place. !"

Miao Xifa slapped him again and scolded: "You son of a bitch, your father, mother, father, son and daughter still have a bowl of water that is not even, and the fingers of a slap are not the same. He did evil and bullied you, is it just that? The reason why you have fallen and turned bad? Why don't you do it with him? Can't think of another way? Is he a platoon leader or a company commander? Can he cover the sky with one hand in the army? Damn, useless!"

Jing Guoqing lowered his head and didn't speak, and he didn't care about the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, he had been completely brainwashed.

Miao Xifa scolded himself angrily: "Originally, you were bullied by him, even if you can't get him, you still have a good chance when you come back and work hard. You went with the spy, now it's better! There is no chance to reform. "He wanted to personally shoot Jing Guoqing.

No wonder he recommended Jing Guoqing to go to the Public Security Bureau or wherever, but Jing Guoqing was not willing to go, and dared to follow him to cover.

He turned his head to Han Qingsong and said, "If Hu Kaisheng is really suspected, arrest him and ask him carefully. If he is really the head of the spy, if I shoot him down, it's a big deal to give him his life back!"

Han Qingsong asked him to take a break in the office and not get angry.

Deputy Bureau Li glared at Han Qingsong angrily, don't say anything nice, you are clearly deliberately provoking my old husband, provoking him to scold Jing Guoqing, and then let him know that Hu Kaisheng is suspicious, forcing him to express his position.

How are you so bad!


Miao Xi sent to the office, but did not rest, grabbed the phone and called, went to the Mingdao Military Division, called and shouted: "Hurry up and send back that bastard Hu Kaisheng!"

Knowing that Liu Jianyun had brought Hu Kaisheng on the train, he snorted and continued to shout, "Pick up your division for me." Only then did he sign up.

After getting through the division, Miao Xi heard that the other party was Teacher Shao, and immediately shouted: "Old Shao, we have a case here, let Hu Zongyu come to cooperate. If there is nothing, he will go back, and if there is something we will arrest ... Yes, a very important case, and it has something to do with the reactionary spy! Don't let him run away because of the rumors."

If you have anything to do with the spy, you can't say anything there, let alone the political director of the Political Department, even the division commander and the army commander should cooperate well.

After being told by Miao Xifa not to leak the rumors, Master Shao dared to be careless and sent his own guards to follow. A total of four soldiers took Hu Zongyu in a jeep to cooperate with the investigation.

After hanging up the phone, Miao Xifa said to Han Qingsong, "If there is anything you need me to do, just say it."

Han Qingsong: "The old secretary has already done the most difficult thing for us."

Miao Xifa nodded, turned around and walked away, seeing that the back was more loaded than before. Han Qingsong knew that this was a big blow to him, so he signaled Deputy Bureau Li to follow and comfort him.

Deputy Bureau Li was upset by Han Qingsong's orders, and there was nothing he could do. He had to catch up and help Miao Xifa go home.

At 8 p.m. that night, Liu Jianyun took Hu Kaisheng back to the Public Security Bureau, and Hu Zongyu took a jeep behind him and would be there early tomorrow morning.

Han Qingsong immediately called the commune bordering Qinghuai County, "mobilize all your militiamen to guard the intersection between Qinghuai County and our county, and anyone will be strictly questioned."

He called the military sub-district again, and this time he called Commander Chen directly to report his suspicions about Hu Kaisheng and formally file a case. He hoped that the military sub-district could cooperate with Qinghuai County to put pressure on Qinghuai County and control Hu Kaisheng's family.

Commander Chen had already received a call from Master Shao. Back then, he, Lao Shao and Miao Xifa were also a trio of brothers. Naturally, there would be someone to communicate about this kind of thing.

Commander Chen: "Han Qingsong, I really found out the hidden spy, and I will give you a great credit!"