Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 177: Extra The death penalty


Han Qingsong withdrew his hand and snorted coldly, "You should be lucky to be shot."

Otherwise, you will be punched to death!

Although Hu Zongyu was beaten so badly that he couldn't fight back and was very embarrassed, he was still laughing, "Juju Han will report it, serve!" He kicked Han Qingsong five feet, Han Qingsong gave him five punches, and he cut through Lin Lan Han Qingsong also cut back his neck.

Han Qingsong said coldly: "It's a pity that you only have one life." The heroic spirits of the four warriors cannot be exchanged.

Han Qingsong got up, Dawang stepped forward to help him, he waved his hand, "I'm fine." Han Qingsong turned to go out to see Lin Lan, she kept peeking nervously at the door and refused to bandage the wound.

Seeing him come out, Lin Lan hurriedly supported him and gently touched his ribs, "Does it hurt?"

Han Qingsong looked down at her, "It hurts."

Lin Lan looked nervous, "Go and have a look."

The police had already invited a doctor from the hospital, and Yang Han brought a nurse to change Hu Kaisheng's medicine. Lin Lan hurriedly greeted him when she saw it, "Panpan, come and show my third brother." She pushed Han Qingsong over to lift his police uniform.

Han Qingsong held it down, "It's fine." He held her chin and lifted it up, revealing the wound on her neck. Although it was not deep, it was cut repeatedly. The snow-white skin made the wound shocking.

Yang Han frowned, "I said Lan Huahua, are you going to suppress bandits?"

Lin Lan smiled, "It was almost an honor to be taken back as a hostage by accident. Fortunately, my third brother and eldest son were brave, otherwise you would have to come to perform an autopsy..."

"Lin Lan!" Han Qingsong frowned, his voice clearly displeased.

Lin Lan smiled playfully, "Bah, bah, there's nothing wrong with childish words."

Yang Han used tweezers to sterilize her with a cotton ball, and there was still blood seeping from the deep cut, so he smeared the hemostatic potion again, and wrapped it with a bandage. The bandage was a bit long, he handed it to Han Qingsong, and said with a smile, "Han Bureau, hold on tight."

Lin Lan rolled Yang Han's eyes, "Do you want to say the same as pulling a puppy?"

Really bad.

Yang Han smiled without saying a word.

Han Qingsong had already washed his hands, but only after the contusion on the back of his hands and fingers was aggravated, he wiped the hemostatic potion. He wiped his hand with a bandage, and tied a bow on the side of Lin Lan's neck with the bandage.

He tilted his head and acted like tying his shoelaces. His expression was serious and pious, as if he was doing something solemn. It's fastened, he appreciates it, and thinks it suits her well.

Yang Han glanced at it, his eyes widened, he was too embarrassed to say anything.

Lin Lan picked up a pair of scissors in Yang Han's medicine box and took a photo of his neck, boasting: "The third brother's craftsmanship is really good, quite... beautiful."

Not hot eyes, not hot eyes, straight men's aesthetics are fine.

"Panpan, let's see if Han Ju's ribs are broken." Lin Lan asked Han Qingsong to stand up, and started to unbutton his police uniform and cotton jacket, and then lifted up the velvet jacket inside.

Han Qingsong frowned slightly and glanced at the female nurse, "You, go out."


Yang Han was also stunned for a moment. He has never seen such a domineering person. The nurse is a job, so who wants to see you

Lin Lan snickered, since Han Qingsong had old ladies watching him in the morning training a few years ago, she would not allow others to be shirtless, but he had developed a habit.

The nurse couldn't stand Han Qingsong's aura and went out obediently, glaring at Yang Han, "It's not that I'm lazy."

Yang Han tilted the corner of his mouth towards her. He looked at Han Qingsong's ribs, put on rubber gloves, and touched it gently, "Does it hurt?"

Han Qingsong: "I don't feel it."

Yang Han: You just blow it. He pressed hard, and Han Qingsong frowned slightly, but did not cry out in pain.

Yang Han: "If you continue to toss, this rib will really be broken." If you are injured, you still go to fight with people, tsk tsk, is there anyone in the Public Security Bureau other than the chief

Lin Lan became nervous, "Panpan, it doesn't matter, right?"

Yang Han jokingly said: "It doesn't matter, your third brother is as strong as a mule, as long as you take care of yourself, you will be fine." He still set the bone, and wrapped it with a restraint to fix the bone position, so that the gap between the bone cracks would become larger. .

When it was fixed, he said to Han Qingsong, "Keep it up for a few days, don't be arrogant."

Han Qingsong: "Thank you."

Lin Lan wrapped his hand around him. In a fit of rage, he punched Hu Kaisheng with all his strength, and then punched Hu Zongyu with all his strength. There was a contusion on his hand, and it looked quite scary.

In the water room, after Han Qingsong left, Luo Haicheng had someone take Jiang Chunxia and the female worker out to see the doctor, and then tied Hu Zongyu.

Hu Zongyu's face was stained with blood, and the hypocritical expression that was deliberately softened faded.

Several police officers felt that he should be fine with such a serious injury, so three went up to tie him up. Who knew that Hu Zongyu had a sudden attack and kicked Wang Qingfu in the stomach, sending him flying.

Wang Qingfu was kicked and hit the water table, clutching his stomach for a long time and didn't recover.

Luo Haicheng and the others immediately drew their guns and looked at him alertly.

Hu Zongyu glanced at them contemptuously, raised the hand that was cut by Han Qingsong and looked at it, but luckily it wasn't completely abolished. He took out a small medicine bottle from the side pocket of his thigh, bit off the stopper and sprinkled all the white medicine powder on the wound.

The first-aid hemostatic powder was fast, but it was also very painful. He pursed his lips and held it for five seconds, then threw the medicine bottle on the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and smiled at Da Wang, "Grow up. what."

Da Wang was fiddling with the two ring knives that Hu Zongyu had removed, which looked the same as Jing Guoqing's, but were sharper.

His previous ruthless rage had receded and he turned into that calm and indifferent teenager.

He glanced at Hu Zongyu leaning against the wall, "What does it feel like to kill?"

Hu Zongyu waved at him, "Come on, I'll tell you."

Luo Haicheng: "Da Wang, be careful he cheats."

Dawang was not afraid, he walked over and squatted in front of Hu Zongyu. At this moment, Hu Zongyu was covered in injuries all over his body, and his ribs were still broken. It was okay to call an ordinary police officer, and naturally he could not threaten himself.

He asked: "You have been in the army for so many years, but you have no feelings at all?"

Father and Lu Jinxiu's comrade-in-arms friendship, as well as Miao Xifa, Commander Chen, and Master Shao, the pure comrade-in-arms feelings of the year will not deteriorate due to the passage of time or the disparity of status.

Why Hu Zongyu was able to kill four people without blinking an eye, those four people may have apologized to him, and even said that if it was a misunderstanding, let the Public Security Bureau look good and apologize to him. At that time, they must be partial to Hu Zongyu.

But not only was he not grateful, he actually killed them ruthlessly.

Hu Zongyu leaned against the wall so that he would not be so embarrassed in front of Dawang. His right leg was kicked by Dawang before, but now it hurts badly. Two ribs were broken on his left rib, no matter how he moved it. It hurts like hell.

"People's feelings are limited. In my heart, they have always been just stepping stones, not feelings. Even..." He laughed and looked at Dawang, "My feelings for them are not as deep as for you."

Dawang was unmoved, "I have no feelings for you, I just want to learn those amazing skills from you."

"After all, there is no fate. If you follow us, you will be more powerful." This child's talent is better than himself, and he will definitely be better than blue.

Unfortunately, after all, fate is not enough.

"It's more like killing people without any guilt." Dawang snorted lightly, "Sorry, I'm not interested in killing innocent people."

He had not been in contact with Hu Zongyu a few times, and he didn't feel that Hu Zongyu had any feelings for him, but he couldn't find a better one, and he always thought of what he missed.

When he learned that he was holding Lin Lan hostage, Dawang's first thought was to kill him!

While Lin Lan and Han Qingsong were procrastinating, he was practicing preparations upstairs. How to kick in quickly, ruthlessly, and accurately? This is not an easy task.

The windows are not very large, and Hu Zongyu is not an ordinary person. His reactions are extremely quick and quick. Once he senses danger, he may immediately kill Lin Lan.

He didn't allow the slightest mistake.

This is also the reason why Han Qingsong wanted to deliberately anger Hu Zongyu, anger him, and let him focus on himself, so that Dawang will be more sure of success.

Hu Zongyu laughed, looked directly into Dawang's eyes, and said in a light voice: "Murder, whether it is a good person or a bad person, is the same. Because... people are the same, but they are all cheap."

Dawang Junrong was indifferent, "No, people are different. Your life is a cheap life, and my mother's life is not something you can afford."

Hu Zongyu laughed, "You want to kill me."

Dawang nodded, "If it wasn't for my father being too upright, I would have killed you."

It is true that he cannot defeat Hu Zongyu quickly and easily, but with time, he will definitely be able to win, and even if he loses, he can kill Hu Zongyu!

He even set up a lose-lose move, but he injured his hand but was able to wipe Hu Zongyu's neck with Jing Guoqing's ring knife, letting him taste the power himself.

Now that he calmed down, he knew what Han Qingsong meant: Hu Zongyu was a prisoner on death row, and he must be tried and executed publicly, so as to show the majesty of the government and the Public Security Bureau.

It can not only punish Hu Zongyu and give him what he deserves, but also warn the world.

Hu Zongyu looked at him seriously and nodded, "I believe it."

The more people look down on others, the more admiration they admire for their equal opponents.

"I really want to have a good fight with you." Hu Zongyu said in a low voice.

Dawang stood up and said coldly: "I won't fight with the enemy, we will only fight for life and death, and you have no chance."

Hu Zongyu in front of him was wounded with blood by Han Qingsong. Dawang was no longer interested in attacking him, so he got up and left without looking back.

Hu Zongyu turned his head to look at his back and chuckled, "As expected of me and grandfather together."

Luo Haicheng pouted, "You deserve it too? Han Wangguo doesn't need you to look at it, you bugs in the sewer don't deserve it! Dare to hold our director's sister-in-law hostage, why the hell are you so bad?"

Wang Qingfu finally slowed down, stepped forward and kicked Hu Zongyu's stomach fiercely, "Give it back to you!"

Hu Zongyu glared at him coldly, "If you mess with me, I can kill you before you die."

Luo Haicheng: "Don't be wordy with him, tie it up."

With his own hands, he tied Hu Zongyu's arms and legs tightly, and carried him to the cell to put on the shackles, to see that he could kick people.

Thinking of the four soldiers killed by Hu Zongyu, Luo Haicheng could not wait to stab him to death. He's the captain now, so it's not easy to use lynching, but he won't care if other police officers close the door and beat him.

Hu Kaisheng was locked in the cell, crying, wanting to meet Hu Zongyu.

Han Qingsong ordered that they were not allowed to meet, nor to see Lu Jingya and other family members again until they were shot dead. He still wanted to see their family members


The Lu family members were all locked up in the small courtyard of the Revolutionary Committee, some distance away from the Public Security Bureau, so they couldn't hear them even if they shouted.

In the noon, Han Qingsong personally interrogated Hu Kaisheng, "I don't want to implicate my family, so I will explain it as soon as possible." Only when the explanation is clear will the innocent be taken out.

Hu Kaisheng cried bitterly: "Han Ju, please let me see my son. The old man pleases you. I have never asked anyone in my life, so I beg you this time." He didn't feel anything.

At this moment, he is no longer a grandfather, just a father who misses his son.

Han Qingsong looked at him coldly, without the slightest pity, "You know how to cry."

Hu Kaisheng said heartbroken: "Han Ju, who doesn't cry? A tough guy like you will cry too, let alone an old man who just wants to live the rest of his life in peace?"

"Can the soldiers killed by him still see their fathers?" Han Qingsong's tone was cold and emotionless. "Hu Zongyu is trying to take hostages and travel to the East. If you don't explain clearly, you should be able to foresee the consequences." If you can travel far to Japan, there must be Japanese acquaintances who can pick up and guide you.

That's not the charge of the reactionary sect, but a traitor, a spy, and a traitor.

Hu Kaisheng bowed his head slowly, knowing that he would never have a chance again. He was so old that his son was arrested and his granddaughter had no chance. Everything could only be taken to the coffin.

He said with difficulty: "I will explain, I will explain, please let me take a look at my son and let me say something to him."

He never thought that there would be a time in his life when he wanted to talk to his son but couldn't.

He wanted to tell his son that he was proud of his son and that he was really good. He also wanted to tell his son that he really loved him. He was so strict with him in the past that he hoped that he would keep making progress and never slack off. He wanted to tell his son that he regretted it. If he could start all over again, he would really be a dutiful cook and let his son be a soldier.

Han Qingsong squeezed his bandaged hand and said coldly: "Hu Kaisheng, your son killed four soldiers and held my daughter-in-law hostage. I didn't kill him on the spot, but left him to stand trial. endure."

Hu Kaisheng nodded in tears, "This old man understands, understands, this arrogant child..."

"Hu Kaisheng, don't pretend anymore, he was cultivated by you." Han Qingsong has lost patience.

Hu Kaisheng: "I will explain. I will explain everything."

He explained everything that he refused to explain before, and he did not fall at all. Including the Japanese he made friends with, the national army general Li Guangya and so on.

There are also the contact information and passwords of Japanese spies and national army spies that he knows.

In fact, most of them have already failed. After all, Japan surrendered and the Kuomintang fled far away from Taiwan, and these spies fell asleep, which is equivalent to restoring their freedom.

If he really cut off contact with the Japanese and the national army later, after all, he was separated by mountains and seas, and of course he planned for himself to restore his freedom.

He also explained everything that he had managed over the years clearly, and who else was under his command, it was like pouring beans in a bamboo tube.

As for the heads under his door, there is no boss, and they are empty to commemorate Lu Wenqi. The second leader Liu Haozhe, the third leader Hu Zongyu and Jing Guoqing, the fourth leader Lu Wenxu, the fifth leader Wang Guoan, and the sixth leader Cui Xiaoliu. In fact, he trains several people for each head, and in case of an accident, others can also take over.

Han Qingsong checked the transcript, confirmed it was correct, and asked him to sign it.

"Korea Bureau, I apply for divorce with my deceased old wife."

He is now the leader of the reactionary society, and his composition has plummeted, so he cannot implicate Yaya. Yaya is the daughter of a martyr, so she will not be implicated by him.

Han Qingsong: "The innocent are innocent, and the guilty cannot escape. You don't have to worry about it."

Hu Kaisheng nodded again and again: "I believe that the party and the government will be careful."

The clerk next to him gave a cold snort, and now hope that the party and government will be clear.

"Shanshui Farm, have you explained everything?" Han Qingsong asked.

Hu Kaisheng: "All done."

"Fan Yikun, Qin Yuchan, Wu Kaifu, Liu Xiangqian..." Han Qingsong added eight or nine names, which were dug up when Zhang Heili was leading people to monitor Fan Yikun, Qin Yuchan, and Han Qinghua.

In essence, they are not the same as Liu Haozhe and Lao Liu, but they are also suspicious, so Han Qingsong asked people not to panic and continue to monitor.

Hu Kaisheng smiled bitterly: "Han Bureau, Ming people don't speak secretly. I've explained everything you don't know. What else is there to hide? These few are known to us, but they are not a group. They form a group by themselves. Of course, there may be nails where the national army is sleeping."

Han Qingsong asked the clerk to continue recording, and he went to the door to recruit Liu Jianyun, "Go and mention Fan Yikun, Qin Yuchan, Wu Kaifu..." He said a few names.

Liu Jianyun went immediately.

In the afternoon, Han Qingsong continued to interrogate Hu Zongyu.

Hu Zongyu's feminine face was beaten into a pig's head, and his body was full of wounds, but it didn't delay him from laughing more arrogantly. Now he doesn't need to hide his expression. Those slanted eyes are provocative and arrogant, and everyone seems to be talking about it. "You bastards".

His legs were tied to the stool, and his hands were handcuffed behind him, for fear that he would violently injure others.

Han Qingsong sat down opposite him, Hu Zongyu lifted his eyelids to look at him, and smiled, "You won."

Han Qingsong: "There is no winning or losing against the enemy, only life and death."

Hu Zongyu earns a lot, and the grandson of the turtle is really strong, "I'm curious, will you really prepare a boat to save her?"

Han Qingsong: "Yes."

"And then watch her take me to Japan? Are you not afraid that I will kill her?"

"You can't kill her."

If there is such a possibility, staying will die, leaving to live, he naturally wants her to live. He believed that with her personality, she would live well wherever she was.

"Really, I really didn't want to kill her, it's very interesting." Hu Zongyu told the truth, then smiled again, and said to Han Qingsong: "Apologize to her for me, it scared her."

Han Qingsong glanced at him but didn't answer, clearly saying that your apology is not uncommon for us. Han Qingsong turned over Hu Kaisheng's confession, "You serve in the army, you performed well, you have a bright future, but you want to be a thief."

Hu Zongyu smiled, "It's just a way of life."

Han Qingsong looked at him. Hu Zongyu was able to hide his skills well. In the army, he showed average fighting skills and was mainly engaged in political work. No matter whether it is censorship or criticism, he can't fall on his head. He can also take the opportunity to treat others or help them owe them favors. It can be said that he has won the old man's true heritage.

He has neither the opposition between the enemy and the other camps, nor the blood feud that has to be hostile, because of Hu Kaisheng's brainwashing, he completely obeys his absurd orders.

How stupid.

How big of a cake did Hu Kaisheng paint for them and how big a dream country did he build

Hu Zongyu: "Han Bureau, you are wrong. I have never been a thief. If you don't arrest my father, I will be a soldier from beginning to end. It's you..." He smiled, "Forcing me to be a thief. "

Although Han Qingsong has a quiet personality and a serious expression, he doesn't like to be aggressive. Sometimes he is criticized or joked, and he rarely returns. As long as it is not a matter of principle, he is not serious.

But Hu Zongyu's words made him unceremoniously go back, "You are a thief pretending to be a soldier, not being forced to be a thief."

Hu Zongyu nodded, "You are right, it is true. I have never regarded myself as a soldier. In my heart, I have always been my father's son. I will do whatever he asks me to do."

"You have accomplices in the army, explain as soon as possible." Han Qingsong motioned to the clerk to prepare a record, not wanting to chat with Hu Zongyu.

Hu Zongyu: "It doesn't matter if I explain it or not. Anyway, the people who have communication with me will check one by one, and they can always find out something, right?"

This is also a consistent method, and everyone will. He had nothing to explain and confessed frankly.

When Han Qingsong went to interrogate Hu Zongyu, Lin Lan and Yang Han said goodbye, and she hesitated in the office. She wondered if she should tell the children that she would not go home after working overtime today, lest they worry about the bandage on her neck.

At this time, the door opened and Dawang came in from outside.

Lin Lan's eyes lit up, "eldest son, look I'm busy here. You go home early in the evening and tell your younger siblings that I work overtime."

The children are already on vacation, but they are not idle. Erwang and Mai Sui accompanied Xiaowang to the rehearsal of the song and dance troupe, and they were also arranged by Head Lu to play roles.

Dawang's eyes stopped on her neck for a moment, and when he saw that she was being pressed by the knife, he clearly felt that a fierce beast in his heart broke through the gate and rushed out. He couldn't imagine what would happen if she was killed, their beautiful and peaceful family would be shattered in an instant, and it would be shrouded in pain from now on.

Thinking of this, his eyes turned red.

Lin Lan looked up at him, saw that his eyes were a little red, and asked with concern, "eldest son, what's the matter?" She touched her neck, "It's okay, just cut a little bit of skin."

Dawang opened his arms and hugged her tightly, "Mother, please be well."

Lin Lan: ... you let me go first! You are suffocating me! You must practice how to hug more, so as not to chase your girlfriend and scare people away.

"Okay, mother is fine, we are all fine."

Dawang let go of her, "It's time to go home."

Lin Lan: "Your father hasn't come home yet. I'll wait for your father. Go back and tell your younger brother and sister first."

Dawang grabbed her arm and said stubbornly, "They should know."

Lin Lan: "...Okay." Go home and accept the onlookers of the children.

She lingered until almost five o'clock before greeting her colleagues and following her eldest son home.

When she walked into the yard and met Luo Haicheng, she said, "Help me tell the Korean Bureau, I'll go home first."

Luo Haicheng: "Sister-in-law, are you all right?"

Lin Lan smiled and said, "What's the matter? I earned a neck cover for nothing." She pointed to the bandage on her neck.

Dawang: "…"

Luo Haicheng was also speechless, "It's cold, sister-in-law, go home quickly, don't freeze the wound."

Lin Lan and Da Wang went home. The children had already returned. Mai Sui and Er Wang were steaming rolls and sausages. Xiao Wang came back with an erhu from the song and dance troupe and was learning to pull the Spring River Flower Moon Night. He does not reject any musical instruments, he appreciates them all, and he has an interest in all kinds of musical instruments.

Mai Sui came over with a small basket holding a few flower rolls, "Mother, the second brother made a new one, but..."

Erwang also asked, "Brother, you've caught the bad guys..."

Xiao Wang also looked at Lin Lan's neck.

The three brothers and sisters all gathered to stare at Lin Lan's neck, Mai Sui: "Mother, what is this, such a bow doesn't look good."

Lin Lan: "Don't talk nonsense, your father tied it for me, it doesn't look good or it looks good."

Erwang: "Are you injured?!" As he said that, he was about to look at Lin Lan's neck.

Lin Lan quickly protected her, "Don't get excited, don't get excited!"

Mai Sui and Xiao Wang were also in a hurry. They went out in the morning, but when they came back, their necks were injured? The neck is fragile, how dangerous is it to be injured

Dawang: "It's alright."

Xiaowang's eyes were red, and he began to wipe away tears, holding Lin Lan's hand, "Mother, do you hurt? I want to hurt you."

Lin Lan hurriedly said: "It doesn't hurt at all, it's just a little bit of skin, it's fine." She glanced at her eldest son and warned him not to talk about the process.

Dawang: "…"

Xiaowang: "Brother, I also want to train and fight with you every day! I want to protect my mother!"

Mai Sui: "And me."

Lin Lan: "Oh, I'm a little hungry."

The children hurriedly packed their meals to eat.

After eating, wheat ears began to play with wool, cloth, colored threads, embroidery pieces and the like.

Lin Lan looked at her curiously, "Daughter, what are you doing?"

Mai Sui looked at her neck, "Mother, I'll make you a nice collar to wear, it's better than this one."

collar? I'm not a puppy. Lin Lan touched her neck, it really hurts a little, but there are children who care about her so much, it doesn't hurt anymore.

In the end, Maisui decided to weave a collar of red cashmere thread, with a small lace on the side and a rose on the side. Lin Lan's skin is fair, and wearing a bright and complimenting complexion, it is very eye-catching.

She also designed a flannel, nailed the small embroidery pieces that she had practiced hand embroidery on before, decorated with some small beads as stamens, and small grapes made of sapphire scraps, which were inlaid with small metal trays. The top is very nice.

She moved quickly, and asked Erwang and Xiaowang to help. When Han Qingsong came back to eat after Hu Zongyu's trial, she had already prepared one.

Lin Lan took off more than half of the bandage, leaving only the two layers that were wearing the medicine, stuffed a little thinner, and excitedly asked Mai Sui to put the collar on her.

So pretty, not like a puppy at all. Ha ha.

My daughter is so stylish!

When she saw Han Qingsong in the mirror, she waved to him, "Third brother, do you look good? My daughter made it."

Han Qingsong even thought she was very beautiful when she was wearing a bandage and a bow, and now she is even more of a fairy.

"It's beautiful," he said, stepping up to look at her wound and telling her to be careful not to get any inflammation.

Because Lin Lan was injured, the family from Han Qingsong to Xiaowang treated her as the youngest child, like a fragile porcelain doll, and took care of her carefully.

Eat, drink, eat fruit, wash your face, head and feet, get dressed and comb your hair, there are people serving you all the way.

Lin Lan: "..."

My hands and feet are fine, and my mouth is fine, so what's going on

Fortunately, Han Qingsong thought that the children were pestering her, and said that her wounds didn't matter, let them not make a fuss, Lin Lan was able to escape from the excessive care of Xiaowang and Mai Sui.

With the clues, the Public Security Bureau acted very quickly, making phone calls to various communes that night. The militia company assisted the Public Security Bureau in finding out Hu Kaisheng's remaining gangs from Qinghuai County and Gaoqing County overnight. Hu Kaisheng's energy and actions were limited, all the forces were concentrated in these two counties, and this time they were wiped out.

Wu Kaifu, the hidden spy chief of Shanshui Farm, was found out. Qin Yuchan and other seven or eight others were his downline, but they were labeled as rightists and sent to the farm to reform through labor before they could do anything. In the farm where they have to report their thoughts and hold meetings to criticize them at any time, they have lost the instructions of their superiors, so they have no chance to do anything, and objectively stop them from committing crimes.

Fan Yikun did not stick to each other. Although he knew Hu Kaisheng, Qin Yuchan and others, he was only a rightist and intellectual, but not a spy or a member of the reactionary society. Just because he has contacts with people on both sides, he will inevitably be implicated, and he needs to report his thoughts and be monitored.

After the investigation is completed, the public trial meeting will be prepared.

Previously, the Provincial Revolutionary Committee ordered, the Regional Revolutionary Committee and the Public Security Bureau implemented it, and a large number of cadres from the Qinghuai County Revolutionary Committee, the Public Security Bureau, and the Commune Revolutionary Committee were dismissed and investigated, and new cadres were re-appointed.

In Gaoqing County, because of the competent public security bureau, the Revolutionary Committee and the public security bureau were not greatly implicated. It's just that Miao Xifa felt guilty and blamed herself, never interfered in the affairs of the county party committee, and took the initiative to request that her son-in-law be demoted, and her daughter Miao Hongying's cadre position also voluntarily resigned and was reduced to an ordinary employee.

In the small year, representatives from the Mingdao Military Division, the local military division, the County Revolutionary Committee, the County Public Security Bureau, the Qinghuai County Revolutionary Committee, and the Qinghuai County Public Security Bureau collectively sent representatives to hold a public trial meeting in Gaoqing County. The trial meeting was held in the square in front of the county party committee, and members of the county town, commune, and brigade all came to watch.

This case was originally a civil reactionary case. However, because four soldiers were involved, the provincial military command ordered a severe crackdown, and everything was strictly and strictly, from the inside to the outside to eliminate the infiltration of the reactionary sectarian forces.

So there was a public trial meeting with the participation of the whole people.

Hu Kaisheng, Hu Zongyu, Jing Guoqing, Liu Haozhe, Lu Wenxu, Pan Shinong, Wu Kaifu, and other ten leaders, elites, and secret agents of the reactionary sect were sentenced to death, and all private property was confiscated.

Jing Guoqing's elderly parents cried and cried. They didn't understand how their son failed in his studies, that is, he didn't like to talk, and he was a little introverted. How could he fail in his studies? He didn't need the death penalty originally, because the provincial military commanded a severe crackdown. Although he has never killed anyone, this time if the public security bureau hadn't taken proper precautions, Liu Haozhe would have been killed by him, so he was identified as a murderer, and he did not regret his performance, so he went with Hu Kaisheng executed together.

Liu Haozhe and Pan Shinong were sentenced to death after the retrial, but their sentences were suspended for two years because of meritorious deeds, which means that they may be changed to life indefinitely after two years.

Li Wenlong, a family member of the martyr, was deprived of the title of family member of the martyr and cancelled all preferential treatment because he was not vigilant against bad elements.

Yu Xiumei, a family member of the martyr, was sentenced to ten years in prison and served at Shanshui Farm for covering up the bad elements.

Lu Jingya, a family member of the martyr, is a minor and has been studying abroad without understanding the family situation, which is excusable, but the army will not accept it.

Lujiazhuang Brigade Revolutionary Committee Party Secretary and Brigade Leader were all dismissed and investigated.

Qin Yuchan and several of Wu Kaifu's downlines escaped the death penalty because they had not had time to do anything, and were commuted to continue serving in Shanshui Farm indefinitely.

Although Fan Yikun did not join the reactionary society or spy organization, he had a close relationship with them, and had been exploited.

Although Han Qinghua did not join the reactionary society, but she had a close relationship and messed up the relationship between men and women, she was sentenced to five years.

As a family member of the leader of the reactionary society, Han Jinyu was convicted of covering up and sentenced to ten years.

Other criminals were also tried and sentenced strictly on the basis of their original guilt.

Some parents whose children were tempted to learn badly rushed over to the row of people who were tied and kneeling on the ground, spat and threw rotten leaves, and some threw stones.

More people applauded, "Kill these bad elements and let the common people live a peaceful life."

Generally speaking, even if the death penalty is executed, most of them will wait for another year.

However, Hu Kaisheng and Hu Zongyu were guilty of extremely heinous crimes. Anyway, people often kill people when they are engaged in sports. At this time, they don't pay attention to whether it is spring or winter at all.

Therefore, these ten death row prisoners will be sent to the execution ground in the near future.

"The head of the reactionary society, I heard that he will be shot in public!"

"Really? Are you still shooting in the same place?"

"Go and take up space early!"

The common people have liked to watch public executions since ancient times. They were scared, curious, and excited. As long as they said where the prisoner was executed, someone would try their best to look at it.

The execution time is determined, and lots are drawn to determine the executioner. Twenty people will draw 5, and they will be executed in two batches.

Before dinner, Han Qingsong motioned for Dawang to go out and talk.

The two walked to the small square. At this time, the night was all around, and the north wind was whistling in their ears.

Han Qingsong stood still and looked at Dawang: "Do you dare to be an executioner?"

Dawang was surprised for a moment, then nodded immediately, "Dare."

He just didn't expect that Han Qingsong would let him be the executioner. After all, at this time, the executioners were all executed by the public security bureau's public security officers in turn, and he was not an official public security officer.

Han Qingsong looked at him: "As a soldier, you must be loyal to the country and be ruthless to the enemy. After joining the army, you will encounter many enemies. If you don't kill them, they will kill you. From now on Start training yourself to kill."

Killing intent can protect oneself when confronting the enemy, arm oneself, overcome inner weakness, and abandon the trap of benevolence and kindness.

If a soldier has endless killing intent, he will have inexhaustible courage.

When Dawang also went to participate in the lottery after the meal, Luo Haicheng was a little surprised, and the Korean Bureau was really ruthless.

Dawang was very lucky, and he won the lottery for the first time, and he won the thief leader Hu Kaisheng.

Luo Haicheng looked at his empty lottery and looked at Dawang's, it was really hard to say, but he was holding his breath and wanted to smoke Hu Zongyu.

He looked at it and asked in a low voice, "Who smoked Hu Zongyu?"

Wang Qingfu said happily, "Team Luo, me!"

He was kicked by Hu Zongyu before, and he kicked back again, and now Hu Zongyu can be shot, which is also a fate for the two.

Luo Haicheng was quite jealous and said, "Are you good at marksmanship?"

Wang Qingfu smiled and said, "Team Luo, I'm sloppy with my marksmanship. I need more training."

When many prisoners are shot, they cannot be killed by the first shot, and they have to refill their guns nearby.

Public trials and public executions are orders of the military, intended to deter.

There are no serious execution grounds in the county seat. According to convention, they are basically located in a few fixed desolate places, one in the east of the city and one in the west of the city. The common people asked where they were this time. Don't go to the west of the city and end up in the east of the city. When they ran over, they were shot and they couldn't see anything.

Inside information came out, saying that between 11:30 and 12:00, he was shot in a depression in the west of the city.

So some people set out early in the morning to occupy space, and those who cleaned the house and made pastry at home were not busy.

"To shoot these strong thieves is to sweep the dust of our county. What else is there to sweep at home?"

"That's right, it's called killing thieves and offering sacrifices to the sky, and celebrate the New Year with joy."

At about 10:30 in the morning, two large liberation trucks pulled the prisoners and executioners to the designated execution ground.

At half past eleven, arrived at the location.

At this time, the school also organized students to watch, led by the school revolutionary committee, shouting revolutionary slogans lined up to watch. Citizens also flocked to watch, standing outside the white line drawn by the Public Security Bureau.

Miao Xifa, the director of the Revolutionary Committee, Gao Weidong and others all came, and even Deputy Bureau Li, who always felt that the death penalty was too cruel and inhumane, came to observe the execution.

The female comrades of the Revolutionary Committee also came, and they were afraid not to delay everyone's viewing. Especially Jiang Chunxia and the female staff member hated Hu Zongyu so much that if they were given guns, they could become executioners.

Lin Lan stood on tiptoe in the crowd to look at Dawang. He stood in the middle of the executioners, the most eye-catching, wearing a police uniform, the tallest and the tallest. It's a pity that the men are in front, blocking their sight, so she can't see clearly.

Han Qingsong looked back at her and saw that Lin Lan and a few people moved on the bench because they were not tall enough. He waved to Lin Lan and asked her to come over.

Lin Lan thought for a while, then greeted Jiang Chunxia and went to look for Han Qingsong in front.

The female colleague next to you said: "You said so many people, but the Korean Bureau called his daughter-in-law over. Our men are not our own men."

Jiang Chunxia: "It looks scary from the front, what are you doing?"

Lin Lan stood next to Han Qingsong. He asked her to stand on a high place and told her, "Close your eyes later."

Lin Lan said, "I have to stare to see how he dies."

Han Qingsong smiled and shook her arm and didn't let go.

The surrounding people pointed and pointed, as lively as the Chinese New Year, and there was no fear at all.

Gao Weidong read out a crackdown announcement, then read out the crimes of a group of people, and then Han Qingsong announced the execution.

Han Qingsong walked towards the execution ground. Five police officers selected for execution wore black hoods and held Type 56 semi-automatic rifles.

Han Qingsong glanced at them and walked over to them, "Criminals stand on the opposite side of the country and are publicly tried and sentenced to death. Shooting them is the same as arresting them. It's your duty. Now it's no different from your training. Who is wrong? Who goes back to practice with extra penalties."

Wang Qingfu murmured in his heart, when he hit Hu Zongyu, he must have deliberately hit him crookedly. Damn, he can't die without hitting him ten times and eight times, otherwise it will be too cheap for him!

Han Qingsong walked back to the middle and paused for a while, then turned to look at the young man in front of him, who was now about the same height as him, tall and silent, with a black hood covering his face, revealing his dark eyes.

Today's eldest son is no longer captured by Han Qingsong's aura, and can look at him calmly and calmly.

Han Qingsong nodded slightly, and Dawang Lizheng salutes him with a gun.

Han Qingsong returned the military salute and then strode away.

Soon, there were police officers who brought the death row prisoners to their designated positions with their arms tied backwards.

The executioners stepped forward and kicked the prisoners' leg sockets, making them kneel on the ground, and then stepped back ten steps.

Hu Kaisheng was unable to meet and speak alone with his son, because his wound was festering and inflamed, he could not speak, and his eyes began to blur. Hu Zongyu was too arrogant, and it didn't get any better, so the father and son couldn't communicate in the same car.

Dawang stood in the middle, facing Hu Kaisheng, and Hu Zongyu was separated by two people.

Although he had already done a whole night of psychological construction last night, this was the first time shooting at a real person. It was impossible not to be nervous, after all, everything was difficult at the beginning. Fortunately, his face was expressionless, his eyes were indifferent, and he was wearing a hood, so no one could see that he was nervous.

Thinking of Hu Zongyu's ferocity, the four soldiers he killed, the blade he pressed on Lin Lan's neck, Dawang's heart immediately calmed down.

Killing one of them can save more innocent people.


The police on both sides found that Dawang Station was loose, with a well-proportioned breath and no big ups and downs in his chest, and they immediately admired him greatly.

When they were executioners for the first time, they were so nervous that they couldn't sleep all night, dizziness, nausea, weak limbs, and nightmares.

Seeing other people Han Wangguo standing like a pine, quiet like a virgin, motionless, his eyes are firm and sharp like a knife, I really can't compare.

With an order, the executioners aimed their guns, opened the safety bolt, and pulled the trigger. "Boom, boom, boom..." The small bullets were powerful, like heavy hammers and drums, hitting several prisoners in one fell swoop. fell to the ground.

After the shooting, the executioners stepped forward to examine the target.

Dawang stepped forward to check, and the bullet entered the back of Hu Kaisheng's head, blasting a hole in the front of the bowl.

The shooting target dies and the shooting is complete.

He raised his hand to signal success and stepped back.

Other police officers also stepped forward to check. Someone was not shot. If the prisoner was not dead, another shot was needed.

When many people executed the first execution, they missed or missed at all, and then they had to go forward to make up their shots, even if the veterans sometimes missed it.

Anyway, every time seven or eight people are shot, there are always two who will miss.

Wang Qingfu didn't miss it on purpose, and his level was not at home.

Suddenly, Hu Zongyu, who fell to the ground, was on the ground with his head on the ground, and his legs were pulled up. The scissors cut Wang Qingfu to the ground at once, and then folded it violently. He took out a dagger from Wang Qingfu's leg and cut his own rope, and instantly grabbed it. He picked up the gun on the ground and turned the muzzle to point to where the bunch of leaders were.

This sudden change made Deputy Bureau Li frightened like a chicken, and immediately hid behind Han Qingsong.

Han Qingsong quickly turned to the side while holding Lin Lan. At the same time, he fired the gun, pulled the safety bolt, aimed, and pulled the trigger.

"Bang" a total of two times, Hu Zongyu had two more bullet holes on his body.

Han Qingsong shot him in the heart, Dawang shot him between the eyebrows.

Hu Zongyu fell to the ground with a bang, and he couldn't die any longer. He opened his eyes, the ends of his eyes were still raised, and he glared at the sky unwillingly.

Lin Lan had been held in her arms by Han Qingsong since the first shot, and she didn't see anything at all. After the gunshots, she grabbed his arm and looked over, "Are you dead?"

Han Qingsong: "Yes."

Lin Lan patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "I can finally have a peaceful year."

The big stone in my heart was completely put down, and the whole person was about to fly lightly.

Miao Hongying shouted frantically there, "Come here, beat the drums, beat the gongs, the yangko dances are all twisted!"

This group of scumbags has hurt her and her man so badly, you have to celebrate and go to the bad luck.

Mai Sui, Er Wang, and Xiao Wang also rushed over to look for Lin Lan.

"Mother, I didn't see it."

Xiaowang: "I didn't see it either."

They looked up at Erwang together. When they were executed, Erwang raised his hand and covered their eyes. Hearing the fearful and excited screams of the students around them, it was pitch black in front of them.

Did not see anything!

Erwang smiled, "I don't even dare to look at killing chickens, what can I do?"

Xiaowang is not afraid, "The chickens are still good, they are big bad guys, why are you afraid, I'm not afraid!"

He was stubborn, but he didn't dare to look at it. Hearing the excited and frightened comments of the people around them, they felt that it was fortunate that they didn't watch it.

Lin Lan comforted them, "I didn't see it either, it's better not to see it, so as not to have nightmares."

There are also daring students, such as Gao Ling and Gao Yu, who have to go forward to see it, and some people go through their back doors and run forward together to see. As a result, before they could come back after reading it, a group of students vomited, wishing they could vomit their stomachs out.

Some adults who boasted of being daring also went to see it. They vomited more than half of them, and those who didn't vomit turned pale.

I feel that I have remembered it for the rest of my life, and I will never dare to commit a crime!

too frightening!

Lin Lan saw the Gao Ling brothers come back with pale faces, she smiled and said to Mai Sui: "Let's go to the lower brigade to buy a pig head and come back to Yang Yun."

Xiaowang immediately became excited: "The pig head meat is delicious! My second brother can make it now, let the second brother handle it."

Erwang and Mai Sui glanced at Gao Ling, and the two brothers ran away with a change of expression. They probably won't dare to eat meat this year!

At this time, Dawang came back, his face as usual.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Eldest son, do you want to eat pork head meat?"

Dawang looked forbearance: "Whatever."

The group of four who didn't watch the scene discussed eating pig's head without any pressure.

Luo Haicheng: Look at my sister-in-law, she is not an ordinary person.