Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 185: Extra come back


This Sunday, Dawang, Ji Tingshen, Mai Sui, and Erwang went to see Sanwang and Xiaowang for a party.

Sanwang just came back from the Asian Games in Bangkok, Thailand. This time he won five gold medals and one silver medal. Although some unpleasant things happened during this period, they were resolved satisfactorily.

In order to catch the wind for him, they decided to have a good time. They went to visit the Forbidden City for a day. After they came out, they ate in the restaurant. When it was early, the little brothers didn’t want to go back to the dormitory and wanted to be with their older brothers and sisters. They stayed in the guest house of the military department. accommodation.

Because Dawang said that he and Ji Tingshen were going to Heilongjiang to participate in military exercises, and they would not be able to contact them until they came back, so they probably wouldn't go home for the New Year.

They called Lin Lan and Han Qingsong together.

Sanwang and Xiaowang told Lin Lan about the Asian Games, as well as their eldest brother and brother-in-law. Hearing the news that Dawang and Ji Tingshen were going to military exercises, Lin Lan was silent for a moment on the other end of the phone, and then smiled and asked them to cheer.

In the end, Dawang said a few words to Lin Lan, and Lin Lan said softly: "Eldest son, just go, your parents won't hold you back. Just like the little third brother, when you return home from a mission, let your parents take a look."

Dawang's fingers holding the microphone turned white, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Sanwang shouted, "Come on, put the three beds together, it's like a big kang in our house. I'm not used to sleeping in a bed, and I can't just roll around. I always dream of a big kang in our house."

Xiaowang agreed, and they pushed the bed together and rolled on it.

Xiaowang put the guitar on his back and began to sing while dancing. Sanwang held his feet against the wall and played it like a musical instrument. Maisui also jumped up to sing with them.

They called eldest brother, Ji Tingshen and second brother. Dawang was too stupid to go up, so he stood opposite to take pictures of them.

Mai Sui waved to Ji Tingshen, "companion commander Ji, come and sing for us."

When Ji Tingshen sang, his voice was particularly beautiful. In order to please Mai Sui, he also learned a few English songs with the tape recorder, such as "Yesterday Once More", "More Than I Can Say" and so on.

Sanwang handed him his slippers, "Come here!"

Ji Ting gave him a blow with a deep smile and began to sing acapella.

“I”ll love you twice as much tomorrow…”

In the end, except for Dawang, they sang together, but mixed with Sanwang's untimely roar, which was always ridiculous.

Dawang took a few pictures of them, and then a few people took a group photo.

After singing, Ji Tingshen sang to Mai Sui's ear, "You have to study hard when I'm not here, don't run around." He whispered.

Mai Sui glanced at him, "Take care of yourself first, it's for the exercise, not for flirting with some little nurse art troupe."

Ji Ting pecked the tip of her nose lightly, "Leave you, I am Wang Guo, who will flirt with me?" They couldn't scare them to death.

This explanation is thorough, Mai Sui laughed.

Xiao Wang has already started arranging the pillows, "Big brother put this here, the third brother is the second..." He paused and glanced at Da Wang, "Brother, don't worry, my third brother sleeps much more honestly now and doesn't kick anyone. "He continued: "I am next to the third brother, and then the elder sister." He gave Ji Ting a deep look and smiled.

Ji Tingshen reached out and rubbed his hair.

Xiaowang said: "Lest you change places, I'll let you sleep next to my sister. Be honest and don't kick anyone. Second brother put the other end so that no one can fall."

After setting it up, he sighed, "My parents aren't here either, if..."

Sanwang shouted: "If my mother can't live in this place, at least I have to live in a foreign hotel, a luxury suite! How can such a good place be only for foreigners?"

They all laughed, looking forward to how much it would cost to let their parents come to a foreign hotel to live in a luxury suite, how they could live there, and so on.

They were very tired after playing all day. Sanwang and Xiaowang fell asleep as soon as they lay down. Mai Sui had a quilt by herself, and at first she used her own pillow. Later, Ji Tingshen stretched her arms over and she lay on it. , he wrapped her arms around her in his arms. Although he hugged her, he behaved properly, only leaning his head over to her.

At three o'clock in the morning, Dawang woke up, got up and got dressed, Ji Tingshen bowed his head and kissed Mai Sui's forehead, gently put her down, covered her with the quilt, and went down briskly.

Erwang also sat up.

Dawang gave him a gesture and told him to continue sleeping, and he and Ji Tingshen left silently.

Erwang went down and opened the curtains and watched a jeep drive over. When the eldest brother and brother-in-law opened the door, they looked back. The light in the room was dim, they could not see him, but he saw that their eyes were gentle and gentle. Firmly, after a short pause, they got into the car and left quickly.

Although they didn't say anything, Erwang could guess that they were not necessarily going to exercise in Heilongjiang, but heading south. After all, now the Central People's Broadcasting Station and major newspapers are talking about the Vietnam issue.

His eyes were a little sore, and he rubbed it hard before returning to the bed.

Sanwang was snoring over there, his posture was wrong, his head was stuck under Xiaowang's stomach, Xiaowang was arched almost horizontally by him, and he put his foot on the pillow.

Erwang was afraid that he would kick the wheat ears, so he changed Xiaowang's position and straightened Sanwang.

He stared at Mai Sui for a while, wondering if marrying a soldier would be good for her.

When I was a child, my father was in the army, and they didn't feel it at first. He hardly remembered what his father looked like, only that he was very tall, very serious, and didn't like to talk. Later, he listened to the adults discussing that his father had been given two near-death notices, and Grandpa Zhi also said, "A soldier is a person dedicated to the country. ."

So in those few years as a child, he was sacrificed as a father.

At that time, my mother never worried about whether my father was in danger or not. I was always worried about whether he was entangled by some vixen outside and whether he wanted a divorce or not.

Fortunately, my father came back alive, and my mother has also changed.

Everything is fine.

But as long as there are wars and disputes persist, there will always be people who want to be soldiers, and there will always be people whose sons, husbands, and brothers have to carry guns and die.

When he watched the eldest brother and brother-in-law leave, he even had a fear that they would never come back.

He had read through a lot of war documentary materials. In hindsight, the death toll was just a cold number, but if he had plunged into the battlefield of the past, there would have been corpses everywhere, and they used to be living beings like himself.

For the needs of the motherland, they went to the front line, and the heroic souls stayed on the battlefield and never came back.

What, he thought, could stop a war


Because the enemy is there and the enemy is strong, we have to be strong, so even if the weapon will bring destruction, we must study two bombs and one star, no matter how poor we are, we must communicate with international relations and tighten our belts to support Africa to obtain votes.

Because no one is isolated and no country is isolated.

Even if there is a sea of blood bones in front of you, you have to walk over, stepping on the blood of the martyrs, and you will become the last star on the way.

For a stronger, better and freer tomorrow, they have no regrets or fear.

We cannot forget.

So what can I do

Learn mechanical engineering well, to build the four modernizations

There are many people who can do this, can I do better, do more

There are thousands of compatriots in China engaged in construction and economy, but now there is a lack of better international communication and a stronger international position.

China needs to face the world, it needs to go out of Asia, and it needs stronger international influence.

How can I do better

Erwang only felt that there was a rush of blood in his chest. Although he couldn't carry a gun and go to the battlefield with his elder brother, he also had a place to play.

He wants to fight for the higher status of China.

I want to be a diplomat.

Such a thought floated in his mind, and it became clearer and stronger, and he could hardly contain himself, and his hands began to tremble.

He stood at the window until dawn, and when Maisui opened his eyes, he saw him standing there with red eyes.

Mai Sui sat up, "Second brother, what's the matter with you?"

Erwang smiled, "Big brother and brother-in-law are gone, let me tell you something."

Mai Sui's cheeks flushed, but there was nothing to be ashamed of. Anyway, she and Ji Tingshen both agreed with her parents, just waiting for her to nod to get married.

She lowered her eyelashes, hid her mood for a second, and said with a smile, "These two don't call me either."

Erwang said, "Sister, I want to... change departments."

Mai Sui looked at him in surprise, "Turn what?"

Erwang told her his plans, "For external affairs, diplomacy or foreign trade are fine."

Mai Sui thought for a while, then nodded: "You have a good idea. I had this idea before. Why don't we go together."

Both diplomacy and foreign trade require foreign languages, and they are strong in this aspect.

The two planned well. When Sanwang and Xiaowang woke up and said goodbye to them, Xiaowang didn't need them if he had Sanwang.

Sanwang just came back from the Asian Games. He has a holiday, he can play casually with Xiaowang, and he wants to see how to fool his parents into the capital to have a different year.

After Mai Sui and Erwang returned to school, they went to the school affairs office to inquire about how to change departments.

Later, the school leaders wanted them to remain in their majors, but they could choose to audit other interested majors at will. "As long as the students have the energy and talent, the school will fully support them!"

The two discussed it, and called Lin Lan again. Lin Lan said, "Do what you want the most, and your parents will support you at all times."

So the two increased their efforts to study various foreign languages, political science, history, international relations, economics and other courses, reducing the study time of some science and engineering courses.

They decided to take a double degree.

The direction of Erwang's efforts is foreign affairs and diplomacy, and Maisui chose foreign trade and other aspects.

The two of them have always studied hard, but now they are even more sleepless, giving up almost all time for socializing and going out to play, and devote themselves to the lessons.

Lin Lan and Han Qingsong were unable to come to the capital for the Chinese New Year after all, because the old Han was dying, and Han Qingsong had to go home for the last ride.

So the day before the little year, Mai Sui, Erwang, Sanwang, and Xiaowang all went home together. They accompanied Lin Lan and Han Qingsong back to Shanzui Village. Originally, I thought that Lao Hantou could survive the New Year, but he went there on the 27th of the twelfth lunar month. This year, the old Han family did not celebrate the New Year, but the family kept filial piety.

Old Han's funeral was all covered by Lin Lan, and he didn't ask the eldest brother and the second brother to pay. After all, they took care of the sick at home, and they were also responsible for the care of the elderly.

Lin Lan and Han Qingsong didn't need to worry, she was very grateful.

In 1978 and 1979, it was another year of great change. After the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee, the reform and opening up began. Those who were labeled as rightists in various places were rehabilitated, and the Revolutionary Committee was revoked and restored to the title and status of the people's government. The army representatives completely quit the government and returned to the army. From then on, the Revolutionary Committee ceased to exist, and the government and the National People's Congress resumed work.

Labor reform farms, May 7 cadre schools, etc. have also begun to investigate and rehabilitate. Those that are not serious should be released, and those that are serious should be appropriately commuted as long as they are not death sentences. Chen Zhiqing, who was imprisoned because of Liu Xiuyun, has been released and returned home. Today's Han Jinyu and Han Jinbao have received a commutation because of their good reform through labor.

Brigades all over the country have also started brigade side jobs, and the economy is better than before. As long as the members work diligently, they can have enough to eat, no more sweet potatoes, and they can improve every time. Not only are the rations more distributed than before, but also more cloth tickets and meat tickets than before.

The lives of the common people have improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the eighth day of the new year, the Lin Lan family returned to the area, and Han Qingsong went to the provincial public security department for a meeting.

When the people's government is restored, government departments at all levels, including the Public Procuratorate and Law, will have to be reorganized, and there will also be a review to remove all those cadres who have climbed up through the movement, so everyone is very busy.

Commander Chen told Director Fang that Han Qingsong was expected to be promoted to the provincial public security department or the provincial public security branch as director.

After some restrictions were lifted in 1978, the flow of people increased, and the law and order in the city became more and more chaotic, requiring a strong police chief to manage it.

On the eleventh day of the first day, the family set off together, the children returned to Beijing, and Han Qingsong took Lin Lan to the province for a meeting.

They parted in the province, and when they changed cars, Lin Lan took Mai Sui and said a few words to her.

"Daughter, you and Tingshen get along very well." This was the first time she had spoken to her daughter about Ji Tingshen seriously, and she had always been afraid that Mai Sui would be embarrassed.

Mai Sui is very generous. What is there to be embarrassed about with her mother? She smiled and said, "Mother, it's alright, but don't intercede for him, I don't want to get married too early."

Lin Lan laughed: "What you say, of course I'm biased towards my daughter. My mother will support you no matter what you want. Even if you are tired from studying, you have to pay attention to your body. Don't sit down and get sick when you are too tired."

"Don't worry, mother, how could it be possible to get sick from exhaustion? My second brother and I have arranged time reasonably. We don't stay up late, and we don't have to hang around our heads. We just spend the time when others dance and go shopping. It's nothing unusual. "

Lin Lan is very happy, her daughter has really grown up and is sensible everywhere, she said: "Ting Shen is a good boy and really wants to be with you. If others say gossip, don't believe it, no matter what, let him Tell it to you yourself."

Mai Sui asked her suspiciously, "Mother, what did you listen to? Or did someone tell you something?"

Lin Lan shook her head: "No, I just heard Director Fang say that Ji Tingshen's family is good. I'm afraid that people will say that you are arrogant and angry. If there is such a thing, don't believe it. No matter who says it, you don't need to pay any attention. Your parents will always support you."

Mai Sui smiled and said: "Mother, don't worry, you don't know me yet? If I don't like it, he will chase after him and I will ignore him. If I like him, he likes me too, and I won't listen to anyone who says that his."

Lin Lan hugged her, "My daughter has really grown up, she's beautiful and wise, mother can't teach you anything anymore."

Mai Sui hugged her, "Mother, I will always benefit from what you taught me. The society is progressing. In the future, I will teach you new things. You have to keep up and don't fall behind."

Lin Lan smiled happily, "Keep up, keep up with your daughter's footsteps, be a fashionable old lady, and never hold back."

"We'll be busy after that. If you come to the capital, you have to come." Mai Sui coquettishly.

"Listen to my daughter, your father's working mother will do it."

She was embarrassed to tell her daughter that Han Qingsong was coming to the meeting this time in mid-February. He led her to travel to the province for a month in advance, saying that he wanted to be a qualified boyfriend.

She knew that he was afraid that she would miss her eldest son's cranky thoughts at home alone.

In fact, Lin Lan believed that the eldest son would be fine. The hurdles of the previous life had passed, and there should be no misfortune in this life. She felt this way.

Since cauliflower "died", she has been in a good and calm mood, but she is safe.

So the eldest son must be fine.

Because this is a secret, they can only pretend they don't know, and the mother and daughter don't communicate casually.

After the separation, Lin Lan followed Han Qingsong to travel around the provincial capital, and then returned to the provincial capital for a meeting.

According to Han Qingsong's words, now he takes his daughter-in-law on a tour of the country, and asks his daughter-in-law to learn foreign languages, and later his daughter-in-law will take him to travel abroad.

He wouldn't be so keen on meetings if he hadn't been able to bring his daughter-in-law out to play openly!

After Mai Sui and others returned to the capital, Sanwang and Xiaowang continued to fly to fly, rehearsing plays, musicals, concerts, etc. Xiaowang was even invited to sing the theme song for some movie!

Mai Sui, Erwang and Shen Yu, let alone a few, focused on studying and gave up all unnecessary entertainment.

However, they were just as concerned about the war against Vietnam as their classmates. From February 17, the army officially started to attack, and by March 5, they had won the scheduled victory and began to withdraw.

Now they were sitting in the library listening to the sound of the radio, and the classmates were cheering loudly and celebrating the victory.

Mai Sui sat there dazedly weeping, she didn't realize it, she wept with joy.

Erwang handed her the handkerchief, "I'll be back soon."

As a result, they didn't come back on the 10th. On the 16th, we have completely withdrawn from Vietnam, and they still haven't come back.

It was Gao Ling who came to see them and finally found them.

As soon as I met Gao Ling, I went crazy, "How did you two go to the foreign language department? What's going on? I searched around in the dormitory, library, and your classroom, and I almost found you with a broken leg."

Mai Sui and Erwang told him that they were going to study double degrees.

"Double...?" Gao Ling was stunned. These two people are really monsters, not normal people. They don't take the usual path. Ordinary people can't finish with one degree. They want to get two.

Not to mention, seeing that Mai Sui is so thin that her chin is pointy, the baby fat that was originally chubby and cute is going to lose weight! It's not looking good!

Erwang is also, because he lost weight, the bridge of his nose is higher, his eyes are deeper, and the temperament that used to be warm is now much calmer, and he is not so talkative.

"What's the matter with you two?"

Erwang said: "My sister and I feel that even if you all start working hard, we can't be caught up by you, and we have to work harder."

Gao Ling: Shit, you are still not human!

Mai Sui asked him what was going on, and Gao Ling said: "I have something, I received a call from Luan Yaohui. He wanted to call you, but if he can't find you, let me tell you. Your elder brother and... Ji Tingshen is at the border between Heilongjiang and the Soviet Union. As for the military exercise, you won't be back for a while, so you don't have to worry."

Mai Sui and Erwang looked at each other, didn't they go to Vietnam? Did you really go to Heilongjiang

Ji Tingshen said that Zhou Shuguang and Luan Yaohui were also going to exercise, but Gao Ling didn't choose, so he stayed to continue studying.

"Can they make a phone call? Didn't they allow contact before?"

Gao Ling: "Luan Yaohui has been captured, haha, I am no longer qualified, so I can make a phone call."

He smiled smugly, "If I let me go, the custody won't die like this."

The two were a little suspicious, but Gao Ling didn't seem to be lying. Maybe they left Vietnam for Heilongjiang, so they didn't come back

At half past five, the two called Shen Yu and Gao Ling to have dinner together. After dinner, they strolled around Jinchunyuan to exchange the latest information.

While walking, Zhao Nan ran over, out of breath, "Maizi, yes, there is a lady looking for you!"

Mai Sui hurriedly gave her a smooth breath, "What lady?"

Zhao Nan: "The surname is Xu, but she's arrogant. I don't think it's good. She insists on seeing you. She even directed some of our classmates in the dormitory to look for you everywhere, really..."

Mai Sui frowned and told Shen Yu and Gao Ling to go back first, and she and Erwang went to see.

Shen Yu: "Let's go have a look together."

Gao Ling also followed.

Zhao Nan didn't even bother to look at the handsome guy, and kept telling Mai Sui about the woman's arrogance, "It's amazing, she looks like an old lady."

When Mai Sui arrived at the door of the dormitory, they saw a woman in a blue female cadre uniform standing there. She was wearing black leather shoes, tall, with her hair in a bun. She looked very beautiful, and was very impatient. With gestures, he kept asking why he hadn't come yet.

Mai Sui said to Erwang, "Does it look familiar?"

Shen Yu: "...a bit like Ji Tingshen."


Mai Sui immediately cheered up, this is the arrival of the future mother-in-law. Before Ji Ting wanted to take her to see her grandfather, but she didn't mention his parents, she knew something was wrong.

In fact, she didn't want to see her parents so early. After all, a female student has no weight. If she is assigned a good job after graduation, it will be no problem to see her parents again.

I just didn't expect that the other party couldn't hold back.

When Ms. Xu saw the wheat ears, she snorted softly, "How beautiful I am, but that's all!"

Zhao Nan's eyes are going to pop out. Oh, I said, this lady, your eyes are not very good, you are beautiful, and Han Maisui is not worse than you, okay, let's deny others first, and come to psychological suppression, You're pretty good at strategically despising the enemy.

Erwang said displeasedly, "Ma'am, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm looking for Han Maisui!" Ms. Xu felt that she was not an arrogant and domineering person. All the cadres and wives she had friends with said that she was a friendly person and never got angry easily - only when the other party went too far!

She believed that it was Han Maisui who instigated her son to contradict her and made her lose face in front of the guests.

She wanted to trouble Han Maisui early in the morning, but the old man woke up again and knew that she had asked her grandson to marry the granddaughter of a certain commander, and wanted to transfer Ji Tingshen back to the capital military region to sit in the office. He was very angry, scolded his son severely, and asked him to take good care of his woman.

At this moment, the old man is in a coma, and he probably won't wake up. Her husband is not at home in Heilongjiang again, so she wants to take the opportunity to give Han Maisui a look and let him know that her son is not that good. hooked up.

In the past few years, Ji Tingshen's affairs have been decided by the old man, she can't get involved, but now that her son is old, she can't ignore his life events and future!

She must never let her son go on such a dangerous mission!

She wants her son to stay in the capital well, and the gangster will be promoted to rank for credit.

No need to work hard!

Only those who are incompetent, need their son to work hard to earn an official and half-job, her son does not need it!

Mai Sui said: "I am."

Ms. Xu said coldly: "Hello, I'm Ji Tingshen's mother. For the sake of my son's future, please stop pestering my son."

Mai Sui was so surprised that her eyes widened, she looked at Ms. Xu like a fool, then looked around, and reminded in a low voice, "Ms. Xu, are you sure you want to say this in public?"

Ms. Xu said arrogantly, "You did something embarrassing, why should I be afraid of people?"

She just wants to embarrass Mai Sui in public, and she will not dare to pester her son in the future!

Moreover, she knows the power of public opinion. The school is pointing at Han Maisui, making her unable to lift her head up, and it is difficult for her to go on in school!

It's just that she didn't expect Han Maisui to be so thick-skinned. Not only is he not ashamed, but he talks to her with a smile that has nothing to do with her, which is really rude! Not on the table.

Just like her country vixen!

Mai Sui said sternly: "Ms. Xu, you should wait until Ji Tingshen comes back, so as not to cause unnecessary conflicts between us and it is difficult to clean up."

"Talk over there." Xu Shinv pointed to the corner, and asked people to separate the students who were onlookers from approaching. She wanted to talk about Han Maisui well and let him retreat.

Mai Sui told Erwang and others not to follow, and she said to herself, "Don't worry, it's alright."

When she got to the corner, be quiet, Ms. Xu began to accuse Han Maisui, and she kept talking, making herself more and more agitated.

Mai Sui was unhurt the whole process, just like watching a play, and said in surprise: "Ms. Xu, it's not disrespectful, I'm just curious, Ji Tingshen has been in the army for the past few years and has always had a good relationship with our family, why didn't you worry at all at that time? Me and He's been dating for a while, you didn't object at first, why are you being a bad guy now?"

She was really curious.

Ms. Xu was startled, of course she couldn't tell the truth, "Before you were not sure about the relationship."

Mai Sui: "Oh, but we're not sure about the relationship now. I understand. Are you having trouble with Ji Tingshen? He doesn't listen to you, so you want to save the country and go my way?"

"You are really unreasonable, just as rude as your mother, and just as capable of sophistry."

Mai Sui's face sank and her eyes became cold, "Are you looking for my mother?"

Ms. Xu: "No, I just made a phone call. I hope you understand that we don't agree! Don't think that you can coax my son..."

"Are you crazy?" Mai Sui looked at her, and at first respected her because she was Ji Tingshen's mother, but now, she really doesn't deserve respect from head to toe.

"You, you dare to say this to the elders, so impolite?"

Mai Sui said coldly: "Ms. Xu, my mother is right, people's identity and character are not equal, some people have noble status, but their character is very inferior."

"You—" Ms. Xu's face changed greatly, and she waved her hand and fanned towards the wheat ears.

Mai Sui raised her hand and grabbed her wrist, smiled and said, "Don't you know that I did farm work since I was a child? I didn't ask before I came here. Not only did I do farm work, but I also learned some fighting skills, which is more than enough to hit you. But you It's an elder, I won't hit you." She shook off Ms. Xu's hand.

Erwang watched with concern. When Ms. Xu was about to hit the wheat ears, they had already rushed over, but when they saw that the wheat ears were pinching Ms. Xu's wrist, they retreated in relief. They also helped to stop the people who came with Ms. Xu and not let them pass.

Wheat ears didn't want them to hear, so they didn't listen.

Ms. Xu was so angry that she couldn't talk anymore! But I can't be sloppy now, after all, my identity is there.

"It's shameless, rude, and uneducated!"

Mai Sui: "Ms. Xu, I want to tell you the truth. When I saw Ji Tingshen for the first time, I had an idea that this child's parents are not good enough to teach the child. Later he became better. , I think his parents should be good, maybe they just don't have time to take care of him. But now that I see you, I think you should be dragging him down. If you weren't such a woman, he would definitely be better! You really give yourself Shame on my son!"

How dare she humiliate her mother for this!

Mai Sui sneered in her heart, her mother had never been so angry before.

From her father to them, who didn't hold her mother at the top of their hearts, and it was this woman's turn to be a big tail wolf

If I'm mad at you for being half dead, I'll beat your son to death!

Seeing that Ms. Xu was so angry that she rolled her eyes and it was hard to breathe, she kept sighing and smoothing her chest, and said even more ruthlessly: "I'm sorry, it doesn't matter what you said. What's going on between me and Ji Tingshen is our business. If he If I want to marry me, I want to marry him again, and no one can oppose it. Originally, I haven't decided to marry him. You are so provocative, but I think he is quite good. With you such a procrastinator, The mother of the legs, he is not too crooked, he should be a very good person in essence!"

Mai Sui smiled, flipped her hair and turned away, saying to Erwang, Shen Yu and Gao Ling, "It's alright, let's go."

Madam Xu was trembling with anger and stomping her feet, as if she was going crazy. This is a shame! After being robbed by Lin Lan on the phone, I didn't expect to be humiliated by Mai Sui again here.

Both mother and daughter are a virtue!

"If it weren't for you, if it weren't for you, how could he have almost died!" Ms. Xu said in a hurry, and even gave the military secrets that should not be revealed to the bald.

The part of Ji Tingshen Dawang and the others belonged to the secret force, and their actions, tasks, and injuries were also kept secret. Even if she couldn't keep it confidential at first, she could get information through other channels, but the policy is, if she said it, she made a mistake.

Mai Sui heard her say that Ji Ting was deeply injured, and turned back, "What did you say?"

Ms. Xu covered her face and knocked away the wheat ears and walked quickly, got into the jeep, and asked people to leave quickly.

Mai Sui turned to look at Gao Ling: "Gao Ling?"

Gao Ling shook his head: "They are in Heilongjiang."

Erwang and Shen Yu told Mai Sui not to think wildly. Looking at Ms. Xu's appearance, Ji Tingshen was fine, maybe they would come back soon.

Sure enough, on March 20, Dawang and Ji Tingshen returned to the capital.

On the way back to school, they called Erwang, Mai Sui, and Gao Ling School, and the school communication room informed them of the time.

After a while, the two of them went to the school gate and waited.

Ten minutes later, a jeep pulled up and stopped when it saw them.

The door opened and Dawang got out of the car. The original sharp edge has been restrained, and the expression on the handsome face is no longer so cold, but more gentle. A stern man with tenderness towards the world. The once sharp knife is unsheathed, returned to its sheath, and completed a reincarnation, the whole person's whole heart has been purified.

After the purification of blood and fire, it has grown completely.

Mai Sui and Er Wang rushed over to hug him, and the three brothers and sisters hugged tightly.

"Brother, welcome back!"

Dawang nodded and said to Mai Sui, "Ji Tingshen will go home to deal with some things first, and come back to you."