Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 27: 1500 yuan!


The big wardrobe was an old-fashioned copper lock, and it wasn't that strong. Lin Lan split the big lock with a few strokes of strength.

She opened the cupboard and dug out.

She took out all the quilts, cloths, and cans that Han Qingsong brought back.

Mother, eating their food and beating her son, she is no longer used to them!

Digging and digging, a bunch of money fell out of a pair of small shoes, and a stack of lists emerged from under the cabinet. It turned out to be the remittance list and money sent by Han Qingsong!

Lin Lan stuffed the money into her pocket, picked up the remittance slip, and saw that it was fastened with a thick hemp rope.

If it wasn't for Han Qingsong's remittance, this family would have no cash at all unless they bought food.

After all, work points have to be exchanged for food, and they have to support two people who do not earn rations. If it is not for Han Qingsong's subsidy, I am afraid that they will not be able to eat.

There was also a wooden box in the big closet. It was locked and Lin Lan moved it out.

Sister-in-law Han rushed in, "Lin Lan, that's my mother's money box, you can't move it!"

Lin Lan glanced at her, "I guess there's not much money in it, and it's all sent by my child's father." She tossed the large stack of remittance slips, "See, this is all from the child's father. Remittance slip."

According to what she knew about the old lady, she would definitely hide the money when she split up, and put one or two hundred in the money box, so that she could get at most one hundred yuan if she split it in half.

Looking at Han Jinyu wearing new leather shoes and new clothes, she guessed that there would be no more than 100 yuan in it now.

This money should be given to the old lady for the old age, and she accepts the rest with a smile!

When Han Qingsong sent the money back, the old lady said it nicely, "Mother will save it for you, and I will give it to you when you get married." But when he got married, the old lady Han said, "Mother will save it for you, and I will give it to you later. ", to put it bluntly, I just don't want to give it.

She sneered, put the stack of remittance slips in the basket, and carried the eggs and quilt away together. When she walked to the door, she wanted to pick up the basket, but she didn't have enough hands.

At this time, a child emerged from the darkness, "Mother! Are you alright?"

It is Erwang.

Lin Lan hurriedly said: "It's okay, just put the basket on our shoulders and let's go home."

Erwang touched three chickens in the basket and exclaimed, "Mother?"

Lin Lan smiled and said cheerfully, "It's okay, I'll have eggs to eat later."

They have something to do!

When she got home, she asked Erwang to put the chicken in the chicken coop. The old lady had cut off the wings long ago, and the chicken couldn't fly.

She brought the eggs into the house and set the wheat ears on fire.

Mai Sui was stunned when she saw so many eggs, "Mother?"

"Make a fire and make blistered eggs for you to eat." Only when you eat it is your own.

Of the five people, Lin Lan placed ten, and put the rest in a small urn for pickling.

Ten eggs are bigger than grandma making eggs for aunt and uncle.

Mai Sui was speechless.

Lin Lan said: "Daughter, don't worry, mother is definitely better to you than your grandma is to your aunt and uncle. In the future, we will work hard to make money and live a good life as a family."

Mai Sui burst into tears, "Mother—"

Blistering eggs is the work of boiling water. It takes a few minutes. Lin Lan asks Sanwang and Xiaowang to get up and eat eggs, and then sleep when they are full.

Just two eggs, children digest quickly and will not accumulate food.

Let the children eat eggs, and Lin Lan told them to close the door again, and she was going to go to the old branch to comment.

Erwang was holding a stick, and at this moment it seemed as if Sanwang possessed him, "Mother, let me accompany you."

Lin Lan patted his head, "No, you take good care of your elder sister and younger brothers."

She told the children that they should not be afraid and just sleep at home, while she went to Han Yongfang's house with the remittance slip.

The division of labor between the party secretary and the team leader in the village is also clear. For school, village affairs, and cultural-related matters, the party secretary is sought, and the team leader and team leader are needed for work and work.

Of course, the leader is still the old party secretary, who is now the director of the Village Revolutionary Committee.

Relatively speaking, the folk customs in Shanzui Village were still normal. During the Cultural Revolution, many poor and lower-middle peasants in other villages took the opportunity to become the director of the Revolutionary Committee and other cadres, suppressing the previous party secretary and team leader. , Criticism of criticism, dismissal of dismissal, how miserable there are.

The previous party secretary of Shanzui Village was the current director, and the other cadres did not undergo major changes, and they were basically recognized by the common people.

After all, there are several big surnames in the village, and the influence of the family is still very large, so that the car will not be overturned all at once.

The old party secretary Han Yongfang was also a famous tough guy. When he was young, he had a nickname called Big Wolf.

It is said that before he participated in the Eighth Road, he was a formidable person in the village, and he fought wolves when he went to other places to carry work.

Later, he joined the army to carry a gun, and he was also a ruthless character. Unfortunately, his hand was injured and he was demobilized and returned home early.

After returning home, he first became the captain of the militia, and then he became a party secretary step by step. In a blink of an eye, more than ten years passed, and his position was unshakable.

Although many people are dissatisfied with his domineering and domineering position and do not give young people a chance, they can't pry his position, especially if the old people have any conflicts, they like to ask him to judge and preside over justice.

The whole village was both convinced and scared, Han Yongfang spoke so as to make it easy.

No matter how domineering Han Yongfang was, Lin Lan felt that he was actually quite talkative.

He didn't look down on the original owner, even if the trouble was so loud, he still persuaded old lady Han not to get used to the affairs of her son and daughter-in-law.

And he also borrowed a bag of cornmeal, she was kind.

Lin Lan had a good impression of him, and she liked to find him when she had something to do, so she was not intimidated.

When she walked to the old Han's alley, she heard a shrill scream.

That scream, tsk tsk, is like the catastrophe of the century.

It looks like the old lady is back.

When she walked outside the door, she heard the old lady shouting like killing a pig, "Go and find a branch secretary to review and comment, my mother-in-law is not at home to steal chickens, is this okay? Hurry up, find someone to arrest her for me and send it to the Public Security Bureau. Criticism! Criticism is necessary!"

She scolded Sister-in-law Han and Sister-in-law Han again, "You are all dead and rotten wood? Why don't you stop her?"

Han Er's sister-in-law called her grievance, "Mother, she has an axe and wants to chop people, how can we stop her!"

When the old lady Han and others came back from the commune, she heard her daughter cry so badly when she got home. She hurried home and found that her home was like a thief.

The daughter-in-law said that the shrew came to snatch the chicken and the eggs, and the daughter-in-law shouted that the shrew used an axe to chop people...

In fact, when Han Jinyu shouted before, Han Yongfang was drinking a little wine at home, and he didn't bother to care. The other cadres didn't care when they heard that Lin Lan was throwing them away. It's common for Lin Lan to be sloppy. Anyway, it's either hanging or drinking medicine, most of which are to scare people. They guessed that this time it must be because Han Jinbao went to make trouble and beat Sanwang. Lin Lan couldn't bear it, and wanted to kill and threaten people.

Han Qingyun was still anxious, "Father, don't you go take a look?"

Han Yongfang slid a little wine, "I'm exhausted every day. I don't need to watch anything to see."

"In case she takes medicine again..."

"Just what do you look at with those eyes? You look at her like she was hanging herself and drinking medicine? Let them make a fuss in their own house.

The daughter-in-law looked different since she took the medicine. She treated people and things very normally, and she was even polite, and she was a hundred times more concerned about her children than before. At first glance, she wanted to live a life.

Seeing that she was so anxious about the child just now, it didn't look like she was seeking death. She probably went to her in-law's house to vent her anger with an axe.

Let them make a fuss.

Han Yongfang did not come forward, and naturally the other cadres did not come forward either.

The cadres didn't come out, and the old lady Han was crying at home, jumping on her feet and asking her two sons to tie Lin Lan up.

Big Brother Han was unwilling to move, "Jinbao went to smash someone's tank and beat Sanwang like that, how can you not be angry when you are a mother? Come out..."

"Fuck your motherfucker!" The old lady Han raised her hand and gave him a slap, which shocked everyone present.

The old man was stunned, the eldest son was sensible since he was a child, and he had never been beaten.

Sister-in-law Han's eyes turned red all of a sudden, "What's this for? What's this for? Is it wrong to work hard to raise a big family?"

The old lady Han called for them to take back the chickens and eggs. She angrily went into the room to count how many eggs were missing, but at a glance, she saw the split lock.

"Ah—" She rushed over to open the big closet.

Sister-in-law Han also went over to ask for credit, "Mother, the money box is here. It's not moving. It's fine. I grabbed it with all my might, and was almost taken by that shrew." She knew that the old lady had all the money and all kinds of tickets. hidden in this box.

Mrs. Han didn't know where the strength burst out, and she pushed the second sister-in-law Han suddenly, and suddenly opened the big closet. She saw that the clothes were scattered, and the embroidered shoe had been exposed, and there was nothing inside.

"Mother-" The old lady Han screamed, but she felt that the world was spinning, her eyes were dark, and she was planted on the ground.

Han's second sister-in-law was stunned, she grabbed the money box by herself, why was the old lady still not happy.

She didn't care about the grievances, and quickly went to help the old lady, pinching people, "Mother, mother!"

The old Hantou immediately understood what was going on. The old lady must have hidden a lot of money. It seemed that it had been stolen.

The old lady couldn't stand the blow, and she was stunned.

Others, except Sister Han, don't know what's going on, wondering how the money box is fine, why is the old lady still dizzy.

Han Jinyu took a look and Lin Lan took a quilt. It was the third brother who took it back. If a broken quilt was thrown, it was lost. Why was he dizzy

The old Han took the old lady up on the kang, pinched her, and stroked her chest, trying to wake her up.

The old lady called out again, "Quick, quick... The old man is going to find her, to come back, to—"

But in an instant, everyone felt that the old lady suddenly became ten years older.

Han Jinbao was still lying on the kang and said that he was going to beat this and that, but no one paid any attention to him.

Old Han Tou promised to find Han Yongfang in person to preside over justice.

Han Jinyu said she was going to testify and followed her father.

When he arrived at Han Yongfang's house, he found that Lin Lan was also there, and there was a thick remittance slip bound with hemp rope on the table.

Han Yongfang thought of Han Qingyun as he was making plans.

Old Han's head buzzed.

Han Yongfang nodded towards him, "Brother, you came just in time, sit down and talk later."

Han Jinyu pointed at Lin Lan and scolded: "Hurry up and hand over the stolen chicken, eggs, quilt, and mother's money!"

However, the old Hantou felt weak and weak all over, as if an old face with all the skin on his body had been forcibly torn off at this moment, bloody. He didn't count the exact amount of money sent back by his son, but it was definitely a lot more than 100 yuan.

The crackling sound of the abacus was like a percussion on his soul, making him dizzy, his eyes darkened, and he had difficulty breathing.

"Dad, Daddy!" Han Jinyu was originally supporting the old Han's head, but now he found that he had slipped out of the ground, and was anxious.

Han Yongfang: "Quickly pinch people."

Han Yongfang's old wife stepped forward to wake up the old man.

Old Han Tou let out a long sigh, "Old third daughter-in-law, you can give your parents a little face, okay, take it away if you take it, your parents don't care about it. Go home, don't be ashamed."

Lin Lan said righteously: "Dad, what you said, I didn't slap my father and mother in the face. I have to calculate how much the child's father earned back, how much the little aunt and uncle spent, and don't forget to pay it back. Give us."

"What?" Han Jinyu was furious, "Are you crazy, I spend my third brother's money and give it back to you? At that time, there was no separation, and the third brother earned what the family earned, so he had to give it to the mother, the mother said. Give flowers to whomever you give them!"

Lin Lan sneered, "It doesn't matter what you said. Today, I will ask the old party secretary to figure it out, and tomorrow I will go to the Public Security Bureau of the commune to file a complaint. Han Jinbao stole the allowance of the third brother, but almost starved his sister-in-law, nephew and niece. If you die, you won't be allowed to go to school. Even if you split up the family, you will come to the house to commit murder, almost killing your nephew and smashing the third brother's house."

Lin Lan's eyes flashed coldly, "You wait for me, you will go to jail if you don't pay back the money. And you, dress like a city person, and do dirty things. Eat my money and spend my money. , I also asked my daughter to be your maid, are you that bourgeois eldest lady or the daughter of the landlord's family

Han Qingyun looked up at her when he was planning to fight, "Jinyu sister, just call your name and Jinbao's name, they are easy to be fought. It doesn't matter in the village, go to the county..."

Han Jinyu suddenly remembered those scenes of scolding, especially the scenes where they scolded the teacher and classmates. If this pushed herself up, she would not dare to think about it.

"You dare, you dare, don't, don't..."

She was shaking like a sieve, lying on the edge of the kang, "Master, you can save me."

Han Yongfang sighed, "It's not me."

At this point the account is over.

Han Qingyun exclaimed: "Oh, it's incredible, how can my brother Qingsong make so much money? He has sent back a total of 7,521 yuan in the past ten years, I'm good!"

Lin Lan was also stunned. She calculated that Han Qingsong could earn 5,000 yuan, but she didn't expect it to be so much!

Think about it too, he dares to work hard, and most of what he gets is various subsidies and rewards, not allowances and wages, or even money to buy life.

Sometimes the allowance is only 17 yuan, but he can get 30 yuan, and the salary is 21 yuan, and he gets 40 yuan.

In fact, he worked very hard outside, just to make more money and send it home, often double or triple the bonus.

But the old lady Han and the uncle and aunt are not grateful at all, and even take it for granted.

It's just too nasty.

After the separation this time, Lin Lan originally wanted to live her life well and not care about the past. It is also to save face for Lao Han Tou and Han Qingsong, after all, it is his parents.

I didn't expect that Han Jinbao would come to bully others while the third brother was not at home. The most important thing is that he hurt Sanwang so cruelly.

If she just smashes her tank, she will fight back, but if he hurts the child, she can't make him feel better! Never think about it for a lifetime!

She doesn't care if he wants to vent or whatever, if he offends her anyway, he will be punished.

The money that belongs to her, get it back!

Those who bullied her, make up for it!

Hit her son, hit back!

Lin Lan snorted, "I'll get 100 yuan when I split up the family. In previous years, I didn't get 30 yuan in total. Not to mention the 390 yuan before marriage, but after marriage, even if we retire, we will get half of it. Besides buying food and buying other things, at least give me 3,000 yuan."

In an era when she can't spend ten dollars a year, the cost of living for her and her children has been pitifully low in the past few years.

The old man was about to vomit blood, "Where are there seven thousand, where are there so many?"

In fact, he never knew how much his son sent back. After all, he can't settle accounts, and neither does the old lady. According to his rough calculation, it feels like there are three or four thousand. All the money is held by the old lady, and she has the final say on how to spend it. Old Hantou really doesn't know.

But the old woman buys high-end products for her children, everyone sees it, and even spends money on her nephew, he probably knows this.

It's just that Lin Lan wanted 3,000 yuan, and he felt like he was going crazy.

That night he watched the old lady count the money, and after counting several times, he finally realized that it seemed to be more than 1,500 yuan.

What he meant was to give five hundred yuan to the third child, but the old lady beat him up and said that he would give twenty at most.

Later, the old lady put two hundred in the money box, and on the day of the separation, the old man gritted his teeth and gave one hundred to the third family.

How did you know there were so many.

Han Yongfang did not envy, but sighed, "Brother, this is all the money from Qingsong's hard work. A farm boy, who has no background and no backing to join the army, can send back so much money and count their troops several times. In, it is estimated that no more than a slap."

Lin Lan gritted her teeth and asked for 3,000 yuan, not even a cent less, otherwise she would sue.

Old Hantou was sobbing and face, "The third family, you are trying to force your parents to death, where would you ask your father to get you 3,000 yuan? It's not worth 500 yuan to break our two old bones. "

Lin Lan said coldly: "Then let them pay it back. Anyway, the old lady has spoiled them both with money. One dresses like a bourgeois lady, and the other is like a feudal society eldest young master who doesn't go out to restaurants all day. Just watch a movie."

At this time, the prices were low, and it was farmers who ate their own meals and dine in the city, and a few people would have to pay three or four yuan for a meal.

I heard Erwang and Mai Sui say that Han Jinbao goes out to restaurants every few days, and often buys high-priced items that don't require tickets to send girls to please people.

"Comrade Han Qingsong's own wife and children are at home without enough food and clothing, and without schooling, yet you squander his hard-earned money! You are still on the opposite side of the revolution, this is a corrupt act!"

Han Qingyun echoed on the side, "That's how it is, that's what we said when we went to study."

Han Jinyu's legs softened, and she sat on the ground with her buttocks covered in cold sweat.

Han Yongfang couldn't bear to make trouble like this, and knew that it was not good for the family to make too much trouble, so let's leave some leeway, after all, there is Han Qingsong in the middle.

"Qingsong daughter-in-law, give the uncle a face, three thousand dollars is a bit too much, I really can't come up with it."

Lin Lan said: "I listen to the uncle, then how much do you think these two corrupt elements will pay us back?"

Han Yongfang looked at the stack of lists, "Otherwise, I'll be my elder brother to help my younger brother and younger sister and cross it out..." He looked at Old Han Tou and Han Jinyu, who wanted to cross them all out. He looked at Lin Lan again. The latter's eyes gleamed in the light.

Han Yongfang continued: "Cross out half, do you still have one thousand and five lines?"

"Master!" Han Jinyu exclaimed, "Where are there so many, no!"

She jumped up and put her watch down on the table at once, and it hurt so much that her heart, liver and lungs hurt, "I'll pay you back the watch, it's more than 150 yuan, and there is still money for coupons."

Lin Lan raised her eyebrows, "Old goods are not worth so much, at most one hundred yuan."

Han Jinyu began to cry loudly, not caring about grace and dignity at all.

Lin Lan said: "Okay, uncle, I see face. You are the backbone of our village, and we all believe in you. If you cross half of it, half of it is half. They still owe me fifteen thousand, no matter who pays how much, anyway Just give me fifteen thousand. Bicycle watch electronics can be depreciated.”

Han Yongfang nodded, "She is a sensible daughter-in-law."

He said to Lao Hantou and Han Jinyu: "Really, don't spend that money if you don't have that ability. Go back and clean up and fill in the holes."

Lin Lan refused to leave, "Let's bring it here to the uncle, and let the uncle preside over justice. I'm afraid that I will go back home and a group of people will bully me and a woman."

Old Han has lost all face in this life.

He knew that the director of the Revolutionary Committee and the party secretary of the village had come forward, which meant that the matter had been officially finalized—the third child's allowance was half of his parents and half of his daughter-in-law. Not only have to pay back the money, but also be beaten.

There is nothing to object to.

Han Yongfang has always said in the village that he is one of a kind.

Although the old man was distressed, he had to admit to the loss of face, unless the old face was not good in the future, it would be impossible.

He could only recognize it, covered his face and staggered home, Han Jinyu quickly followed.

When the old Hantou arrived home, Han Jinbao was still screaming in pain like killing a pig. He wanted to hack the shrew to death. The old lady Han sat up all of a sudden, "Old man, have you caught it? Have you got it back?"

She had hidden a thousand and two money, all of which had been stolen.

Old Han Tou covered his face, and couldn't even shed his tears. He wished he could find a seam to crawl in and waved his hand, "Pack up, take out the rest of the money quickly, and return it to others."

The old lady was anxious, "You are crazy, what kind of ecstasy soup have you been poured into by her?"

The old man looked at her and felt extremely distressed, "You said you, you said you, seven thousand five hundred dollars, how did you lose everything?"

Brother Han, Brother Han and others were shocked when they heard it, 7,500 yuan? Have so much money at home

Sister-in-law Han and Sister-in-law also came at this time.

Han Jinbao was anxious when he heard it: "Mother, why is there so much money? You told me it's only 800 yuan? I only spent 1,000 yuan..."

"Beast, shut up!" Old Hantou's throat was so sore he couldn't speak, "Jin... girl, hurry up."

He was angry, "What treasure, gold and jade, change your name quickly."

What Han Qingyun meant was clearly what Han Yongfang meant. It seemed that even though people didn't speak, they all looked like a mirror.

The old lady scolded him for being fascinated again, "It's a godsend, what seven thousand five hundred yuan, it's been more than ten years, I don't eat or drink water? I don't see a doctor if I have a headache and a fever? That money doesn't cost? Whose money is it? Can you spend more and more?"

Even though they said that, they are not obliged to give their brothers and sisters instead of their own wives and children. Now Lin Lan is still waiting to ask for money, or she will file a complaint. Han Jinyu is a paper tiger with a powerful mouth. He is most afraid of fighting. It would be a shame if his classmates knew about it. Can the boy she likes still want her

Han Jinyu shivered to pack up her belongings, and put away everything that could be paid for. Anyway, don't ask her to pay a penny for serving.

Why pay back the money you spent in the past

She doesn't even have a job yet. She doesn't want to farm at home to earn those few work points.

The old lady was anxious, "Jinyu, what are you doing, what are you doing, such nice clothes..."

Han Jinyu went to get Han Jinyu's radio again.

Han Jinbao screamed, "Put down, let me down, what are you doing?"

Han Jinyu said sharply: "Lin Lan, she's going to sue the Public Security Bureau to arrest you and ask us to pay back the money. If it wasn't for Uncle Zhi, they would have asked for three thousand yuan, and Uncle Zhi chopped half of it off. One thousand dollars back. Five will be in. Mother, you quickly take out the money from the family, I can give her these things to offset the money. "

Mrs. Han didn't take a breath again and was about to faint.

Sister Han over there was quick-witted and quickly pinched someone, but the old lady didn't faint.

Han Er's sister-in-law quit, "We also have our share of the family's money, why should we give her? Why should we pay you debts?"

Han Jinyu scolded: "There is no separation, it is the big guy."

"Then why do you have to pay it back if you don't split the family?" Sister-in-law Han disagreed. Without the family split, Han Qingsong's allowance belongs to the family.

"The branch secretary and the uncle of the branch secretary said so." Han Jinyu refused to take this responsibility.

Han's second sister-in-law disagreed, and Mrs. Han refused.

The old man shouted angrily, "If you want your life and face, take it out!"

7,500 yuan, to let the old woman and her little son and daughter lose all, this is so... Old Han feels pain from head to toe.

He went to hold the money box in person, but the old lady Han refused and wanted to grab it, but because he had fainted before, he was exhausted, so he was snatched by the old Hantou.

Open the money box, there are less than 80 yuan in it.

His hands began to tremble, "There were still more than 170 yuan before, why... why is it gone?"

Old Mrs. Han gave her daughter 30, her son 40, and also hid 30 yuan to help her nephews.

The old man originally thought that Lin Lan had already taken away 1,200 yuan by himself, so now it is enough to pay 300 yuan. Watches, radios, and bicycles can also cover part of it. Plus the money from the family, he will close the hole. .

How do you know that the money is not enough.

"Money, money!" Old Hantou was trembling with anger.

The old lady Han, Han Jinbao and Han Jinyu quarreled again.

Han Jinbao: "Mother, you told me that the money was divided by the third brother, and there was only 100 yuan left in the house, so give me 40. Did you return it to Jinyu? And Mungdouyan, are you? Didn't you give it to him too?"

Han Jinyu became anxious when he heard it, "Mother, if you give Jinbao 40, then give me 30? You prefer sons over daughters? Woohoo... You said that you hurt me the most."

Han Er's sister-in-law and Han's second brother heard that the aunt and uncle's 30-40 flowers, this is not to do, "Let's also split up the family, we are biased like this!"

They knew eccentricity before, but they didn't have such a big impact, and now they can't stand it all at once.

There was a quarrel here, and there, the old Han asked Brother Han to push the bicycle, and then took the radio, watch and other valuables.

Han Jinbao didn't care about the pain in his toes, so he jumped up and stopped, "Big brother, second brother, sister-in-law, sister-in-law and sister-in-law, you just let her be like that? We are a family, we can't let her succeed."

Sister-in-law Han felt that these belonged to uncles and aunts, and it didn't matter if they were given to Lin Lan or anyone else.

Sister-in-law Han took the child to bed and refused to intervene. She asked Brother Han to go to bed, but he was still here to help her. She was so angry that she ignored it.

Lin Lan was waiting at Han Yongfang's house, "Master, I'm really sorry to delay your sleep."

Han Qingyun smiled and said, "Don't delay, you'll be fine after eating anyway, so go talk nonsense."

Han Yongfang glared at him.

Han Qingyun scratched his head, "Let my sister-in-law laugh."

Lin Lan: "Where is it, Qingyun is very good at reckoning."

Han Qingyun felt embarrassed.

Han Yongfang coughed and asked Han Qingyun to see why he hadn't come yet.

Soon, Han Qingyun came over with Big Brother Han and Second Brother Han.

The old man was ashamed, and Han Jinyurou was too sore to walk, so he could only let them come.

Seeing Lin Lan's eyes burning with fire, Brother Han wanted to go up and slap him, but he didn't dare to move, "Now you're satisfied, the bicycle, radio, and watch are worth three hundred."

Lin Lan snorted, "I'm sorry, this radio is worthless, only fifty yuan. If you don't believe me, ask the supply and marketing agency."

Brother Han wanted to jump, but Brother Han quickly stopped him and put down the other 80 yuan, "Brother and sister, count."

Lin Lan picked up the money, "This is only 330 yuan, and it's still 1170 yuan..."

"Brother and sister, you, you raised your hand, your parents said that there are 1,200 yuan in the closet, you are not..." Big Brother Han was embarrassed to say straight.

Lin Lan looked blank, "Ah? There's money in the closet? Why don't I know, if you have money, why didn't your mother share it when the family split up? My mother said that if the family has no money, it's only one hundred yuan. ."

Brother Han burst out all of a sudden, "I said that you don't be ashamed of the third family, you..."

"Second brother, shut up!" Big Brother Han stopped him and said apologetically, "Brother and sister, you know... Mother's temper."

I don't want to take it out if I have 1,500 yuan. It is estimated that my father gave it to the 100 yuan for the three rooms.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Why don't you do this? If there is 1170 left, let the two of you share the money to write an IOU. They squandered the money, so naturally they should pay it back. I don't know about the money from my parents. I didn't take a penny from them."

Big Brother Han looked embarrassed, "Brother and sister, uncle, look..."

However, Han Yongfang acted as if it had nothing to do with him. He just presided over the fairness with evidence, and he did not interfere with things without evidence.

You said that Lin Lan took 1,200 yuan, and the big guy has never seen that 1,200 yuan, so how can he decide for you

If you say 10,000, then you have to be the master of 10,000


Brother Han also understood this truth, and knew that Lin Lan was not the one to rely on, and it was the old lady who shot herself in the foot.

Brother Han said angrily: "Then you should also honor your parents. There is no separation, where is your money."

Lin Lan said coldly: "7,500 yuan, do you think we should split half of my family? Even if we don't split the family, how can you all squander it? Besides, I look at the face of the uncle, and the face of my parents, 1500 has been erased, so let them pay back 1500. If they don't pay it back, then we will meet at the Public Security Bureau. Tomorrow morning, I will go to the commune to go to the County Public Security Bureau and report the case! They are wasting the lives of revolutionary comrades With the allowance he earned to support his family, he lived a luxurious life of the bourgeoisie all day long, but his wife and children were not fed and clothed and did not go to school! Not only was he not grateful, but he also held grudges because of the separation of the family. Today, he is taking advantage of his children. Dad knocked on the door when he was not at home, smashed it into pieces, and nearly beat the child to death, this burglary and robbery, which undermined the socialist unity, must be severely punished!"

Over there, Han Qingyun said: "Big brother, second brother, this is not to scare people. I went to study, this can be convicted, ten years in prison, shot, all possible..."

"so smart?"

Brother Han is terrified. Han Yongfang is the representative of justice in the village. He has been a cadre for many years. Although he is domineering, he has never been partial or corrupt. Everyone believes in him. .

"Master, brother and sister, don't, don't, think of a way."

"My eldest brother came in person, and I don't want to give face. In this way, I will give the eldest brother and sister-in-law another face, and let the uncle and the aunt pay 500 yuan per person, and the 170 yuan will be ignored. Let them remember not to be unthankful, I am for the parents, Brother and sister-in-law, if there is still trouble, I will go to the public security bureau to make it clear, and I will be shot and executed in prison, and the money will still have to be paid back."

Brother Han wanted to write an IOU for his younger brother and sister as soon as he was afraid, Lin Lan sighed secretly, this stupid big brother.

"Brother, you must sign it yourself. If you sign it, they won't pay it back. You will pay it back then? What will you pay back? My sister-in-law can't hang herself?"

Brother Han was also stunned, and he and second brother Han went back to discuss with his parents and siblings.

The old lady Han was on the verge of collapse. Now that she heard that if she didn't pay back the money, she would be imprisoned and possibly shot. She was in a hurry. When her children wrote an IOU, she was so angry that she wanted to write it herself, "I, I'll smash this old bone to the third child! Quickly, send a telegram to the third child! Let him come back and collect the body for his mother!"

"Mother, don't make a mess." Brother Han was anxious, and began to speak out, "Didn't you just go to his house to play tricks when the third child was not at home? Now the third daughter-in-law is taking advantage of it. If he doesn't pinch you at home, how can he fix it?"

If the third child is at home, the third child must not be like this, and the third child cannot let her be like this.

Of course, the third child is at home, and the fourth child doesn't dare to be rude.

This is good, I'm really rushing to give the handle to the third family.

Who doesn't know the heart of the old lady? As soon as her son left, she immediately went to the county town to call people back to make trouble, making it clear that it was intentional.

What is this called? Stealing chickens can't lose rice, shooting yourself in the foot, you deserve bad luck!

Sister-in-law Han sneered in Xijian.

Han Jinyu is still crying that her mother prefers sons to daughters, and gives her brother more money than herself, "Jinbao spends more, why should I also pay five hundred?"

Han Jinbao was rude, "I, I'll hack her to death, it's a big deal!"

Big Brother Han said angrily, "Just stop, it's you who will be hacked to death first!"

In the end, it was Han Qingyun who talked about it. He came over with a red-headed document and read the spirit of the meeting. Anyway, it was all about opposing waste, corruption, luxury, and the bourgeoisie and feudalism.

"If the third sister-in-law goes to the county public security bureau and the school to file a complaint, then the two of you won't be able to get your diploma, and you won't even want to find a job in the city in the future. …”

As soon as the sentence was announced, the old man and Mrs. Han were horrified, and quickly said to write an IOU, write!

They asked Han Jinbao and Han Jinyu to write, and Han Jinbao said that he hurt his sister to write.

Han Jinyu's hands trembled uncontrollably, and as a result, he still couldn't write a serious IOU.

Han Qingyun said: "You are really limited in what you learn."

He instructed Han Jinyu to write an IOU, and asked Han Jinyu to copy one, and each signed his handprint.

Han Qingyun said: "But stop, don't go to trouble again, people are still there saying that they are going to the county town to file a complaint, my father insists on persuading, I don't know how much words it took to persuade the third sister-in-law to stop. Remittance slip In the hands of others, it is ironclad proof, plus those high-end products you bought, and the testimony of your classmates and teachers, none of them can escape."

Han Jinyu didn't understand, and was already frightened.

Although Han Jinbao is a mess, he doesn't understand serious business. On the contrary, he has followed those bad boys and watched a lot of scolding and extortion, and he is convinced of it.

After Han Qingyun left, the old Han family immediately burst into tears.

Brother Han and Sister-in-law Han cried. They didn't get so much money from the family. The children cried, they didn't have so much money, and they couldn't get eggs or candy.

Han Jinbao and Han Jinyu cry...

The old man sighed heavily, and fell on the kang without moving.

The old lady was so frightened that she cried again. Brother Han quickly pinched him and slapped his chest. This night...

The old man finally woke up, everyone was sluggish, his eyes were empty, and he looked like he was going to have a stroke.

Big Brother Han was taken aback, he quickly took pictures here and pinched his father, and went to call the barefoot doctor.

Han Jinbao shouted, "Look, my father made that bitch so angry!"

Big Brother Han said angrily: "It's still stupid, it's just making you angry!"

It made Han Jinbao and Han Jinyu so angry that the old head of Han was almost paralyzed. This is what Brother Han said, and it was stamped at once, and it spread throughout the village the next day.

Lin Lan got 1,280 yuan, a 90% new bicycle, 90% new watch, and 90% new radio!

There are also two IOUs, written by Han Jinbao and Han Jinyu, each owes 500 yuan!

After getting these, Lin Lan kept thanking Han Yongfang, "Uncle Party Secretary, thank you for upholding justice. If it wasn't for you, I would have to go to the Public Security Bureau to file a complaint."

Han Yongfang said: "Qingsong's daughter-in-law, it's not me, it's Qingsong who can do it. I do justice, not because of anyone. As long as it is a member of this village, I will uphold justice. Of course, I will never cover up if you make a mistake."

"Master is fair." Lin Lan knew that he was really straight, so he didn't say anything else, took the money and things, and pushed the bike home. She thought that she couldn't give thanks at this time, so as not to be suspected of bribery, and only waited for a chance to repay later.

Han Qingyun said: "Sister-in-law, let me send you."

Han Yongfang coughed, and Han Qingyun scratched his head.

Lin Lan said with a smile: "Brother Qingyun, no need, our village is very safe. If you don't pick up things on the road and don't close your house at night, you're safe."

In the middle of the night, the bright moon was in the sky, silver splendor splashed on the ground like frost, and the pockets carrying more than one thousand dollars began to heat up. Lin Lan was inexplicably excited, her footsteps became more and more brisk, and she involuntarily stepped on the rhythm of "Ode to Joy".

"Goddess of joy, holy and beautiful, shining brightly on the earth."