Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 66: Don't be foolish!


Xue Mingliang also found it interesting to see these two children, so he said, "You guys are warm and warm, I'll make some ginger soup for you."

He saw that Lin Lan's chopping board and knives were neatly arranged. The onions, ginger, and garlic were also in a small basket on the side. He took them out, peeled them and sliced them, and then lit the pot and boiled water to help make the ginger soup.

While busy, Lin Lan hurried back from the outside with the wheat ears.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw a handsome young man she didn't know was helping to set the fire, and she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Xue Mingliang got up immediately and said to Lin Lan, "Auntie, don't worry, the brothers are fine."

Lin Lan nodded at him, thinking that it was a young man in the village who was brave enough to see righteousness. She went up to the kang and held her two sons together with the quilt in her arms. Just as she was about to speak, she was so distressed that she burst into tears.

Xiaowang stretched out his small hand to touch Lin Lan's face, but felt that his whole body was cold, so he didn't move.

"Mom, I'm fine."

Lin Lan wiped away her tears and choked up, "The frozen river is very slippery, why are you two children going to play there?"

She and Mai Sui played outside for a while, and for some reason she always felt uneasy and couldn't lift her spirits. Seeing that she was not in the mood, Mai Sui said she should go home. There were too many people and there was no fun, so there was a queue. Cauliflower and Yanyan finally got the opportunity to come out to play, and naturally didn't want to go home, so they strongly invited them to play for a while.

Lin Lan was flustered in her heart, so she went to find a woman in the village to bring the little girls home. She brought the wheat ears back first.

As soon as they entered the village, they met a child who said that Xiaowang and Sanwang fell into the river, and Liu Guifa rescued them.

As soon as the two heard the pull, they ran home. Fortunately, the children were all right.

Sanwang wanted to say something, but remembered that he had spit and couldn't say it. He hesitated for a moment and then listened to Xiaowang: "Let's go wash the grass..."

Xiaowang played with him, and also accepted the rules of older children: if you spit, you are not allowed to complain to adults. He's just a child, he doesn't understand the importance, he just feels that he can't speak if he can't say it, and if he talks about it, his family will become a bad one. And he thinks that he got the big cake in exchange, and the third brother picked it up. If his parents knew that his brother was swimming in the river, they would definitely have to send them back. He doesn't want to be sent back, he doesn't want to leave his parents.

Lin Lan said distressedly: "Silly boy, the water is freezing cold at this time, how can you go there to wash the vegetables?"

Mai Sui: "Sanwang, what's going on, tell the truth!"

Sanwang wanted to tell the truth, but his throat was blocked by something, so he couldn't open his mouth.

He spit, and he doesn't want to be sent away.

Xiaowang: "Mother, elder sister, my brother and I...wash the vegetables." He thought it was just washing the vegetables, and he didn't lie, but the third brother dropped into the river mall while washing the vegetables.

Xiaowang never lied. Hearing what he said, Lin Lan and Mai Sui believed it. Mai Sui still felt a little guilt that he cared about it, but he was chaotic, for fear that Sanwang would cause trouble.

Lin Lan was relieved to see that the child was all right. Then she remembered the young man who set the fire. She hurriedly thanked him and invited him to take a seat, and let the wheat ears burn the fire and then boil the ginger soup.

Xue Mingliang introduced himself and thanked him again and again. His mother had never seen Lin Lan before, and he kept saying that when his son came home in the past two days, let him come to thank him in person.

Lin Lan also thought it was a coincidence, "It's really fate, don't mention it if you want to thank you or not, it will be like this with little effort."

She also thanked Xue Mingliang for helping to save the child. She now believes that the two children accidentally fell while washing vegetables, and Liu Guifa and Xue Mingliang saw them and rescued them.

Xue Mingliang didn't say much when he saw Sanwang's appearance, but let him speak for himself. He smiled and said, "Auntie also said that it's a lot of work." After chatting for a while, he praised Sanwang again, "It looks like a big brother, I am not afraid to save my brother from leg cramps, and I didn’t forget to take out the glasses.”

Mai Sui cried when she heard it, wiping her tears, "Sanwang, my sister will never scold you again."

Sanwang's head lowered even more, and Xiaowang touched his face, "Little Sange..."

Sanwang started to shed tears again, clack-clack-clack on his hands.

Lin Lan and Xue Mingliang exchanged a few words and kept him for dinner.

Xue Mingliang naturally refused. It's good to meet him. If there is something at home, it's not good to keep bothering him. "Auntie, you're busy. I'll go home first. I'll visit after I get to know him."

Lin Lan didn't want to keep him. After all, she didn't have the heart to entertain guests when her son fell into the water, so she sent him out.

Soon Liu Guifa led the barefoot doctor over. He thought the same as Lin Lan. He was afraid that the child would be frightened by falling into the river and added cold water, which would be troublesome if he caught a cold.

The barefoot doctor looked at it and said slowly, "It's fine, just don't have a fever."

Lin Lan was a little worried: "What if you have a fever?"

"If you have a fever, let's talk about a fever. It's good to eat half a tablet of Anal, but it's not safe. You have to be careful not to burn it, don't..."

Lin Lan hurriedly interrupted him. The barefoot doctor was slow and liked to use transitional sentences. Even if the words were correct, they sounded uncomfortable.

Seeing that he was fine, Liu Guifa took the barefoot doctor to say goodbye, "Qingsong and the others are working in the southeast slope. They are far away. I will inform him to get off work and go home early."

He accompanies the barefoot doctor to go out, and complains about the doctor all the time. If he doesn't know how to speak, the doctor smiles with a good temper, but is not angry.

Mai Sui boiled the ginger soup, and Lin Lan stirred two more eggs and rushed them directly into the ginger soup, adding a spoonful of white sugar, and let them drink it while it was still hot.

In this way, you will sweat, drive away the cold, and avoid catching a cold. At this time, there was no special medicine, and the mortality rate of children was high. She really didn't dare to relax at all.

After drinking the ginger soup, Xiaowang fell asleep in a daze, Sanwang kept his head down and kept silent, his body was shivering, and he was afraid.

Lin Lan took him upstairs into her arms, and said with pity, "Is it still cold?" She touched his forehead, although it was hot and did not have a fever, his body temperature was a little higher. When I touched my hands and feet again, it wasn't cold, so it shouldn't look like I had a fever.

Probably frightened.

Lin Lan put her arms around him, patted his head, touched his back, hummed a nursery rhyme to him, and let him relax for a while.

Sanwang was lying in Lin Lan's arms, feeling her mother's pity and love, her tears flowed even more fiercely, and she prayed that she would not be sent away.

He felt that he should admit his mistake, but he wasn't sure if his mother would forgive him if she knew that Xiaowang fell into the water because of his braveness. It's nothing to beat him, the big deal is that the big brother will be in pain for a while, but he is afraid of being kicked out of the house.

Feeling guilty, remorseful, afraid and panic in his heart, he snorted silently for a while and fell asleep. He was really tired.

Lin Lan wondered that this child was really frightened. Usually, Sanwang rarely cried, but at this moment, he was like a frightened bird.

Mai Sui: "Mother, ask my aunt to call me." Xiu Yunniang can call her soul.

Although Lin Lan didn't believe it at first, she couldn't care less about it at the moment. With the mentality of having more insurance, she asked Mai Sui to call.

Xiu Yunniang and Mai Sui quickly came over. She quickly entered the room and looked at the child, "It's a good child who will have good luck."

She asked Lin Lan to get some burning paper, and then offered a bowl of millet and burned three sticks of incense, and she called it Soul.

Children in rural areas are easily frightened, and every time they ask someone to call, and if it doesn't work, they also ask for psychological comfort.

After calling, Lin Lan didn't know whether it worked or not. Anyway, Sanwang finally fell asleep, and Xiaowang also slept soundly.

Lin Lan just talked to Xiu Yunniang, and Xiu Yunniang reassured her not to be in a hurry to get angry. The child is such a big skin, how many are not skinny.

"Don't say that such an old child accidentally fell into the river. Even adults like us, there are many people who fall into the river. There are many women who wash clothes and commune members who pick up bugs."

During the Great Leap Forward, the water conservancy was built, and the brigade dug a lot of canals, ditches, and wells, and there were no guardrails in the fields. During the summer flood season, the well was full of water, and it was frightening to see the green, blue, and green. Sometimes they accidentally stepped on the side and collapsed, and children and women who were working in the field to catch insects took two steps back and fell down accidentally.

Seeing that the child slept soundly, Xiu Yunniang said goodbye to her homework.

Lin Lan went to the kang to guard the two children. Xiaowang was fine, and slept soundly, and was not frightened by nightmares. Sanwang is not very steady, frowning, clenching his fists, shrinking into a ball, twitching from time to time, and sweating on his forehead. Lin Lan tried his forehead, but there was no fever, but rather cold.

She asked Maisui to pour hot water, and twisted a handkerchief to wipe his forehead, palms, and soles of his feet, warm and hot. Then he patted Sanwang lightly again, making him feel a little more secure to avoid nightmares.

Sure enough, after a while, his body slowly calmed down, and he no longer shivered so frequently.

Mai Sui also added more firewood to the stove to make the kang hot and let them sleep soundly.

At this time, there was a loud noise from the street outside, and someone was shouting: "It's really bullying people, just relying on the head of the family to bully people-"

Only Han Qingsong is the head of the village authorities. Is this scolding her family? Lin Lan frowned and asked Mai Sui to go out to see what was going on.

When Mai Sui came back, she was at a loss, "Mother, Zhao Guilian and Dawei Niang said that my elder brother bullied their children, so he had to kick them into the river."

Lin Lan: "Kick into the river? Why?"

She asked Mai Sui to watch her brother at home, and she went out to have a look. As soon as she went out, she saw two women crying outside, one was Zhao Guilian, and the other, although from the village, had less daily dealings and looked at the face.

Dong Huaihua ran over, "Zhao Guilian, Sun Aifeng, what are you doing? Don't be ashamed!"

The two women immediately ran over to pull Dong Huaihua, "Director, you can decide for me, the director's family, Dawang, insists on throwing our children into the river."

Dong Huaihua pulled out her arm and said in disgust, "What are you talking about, why are you throwing it into the river? What are you doing?"

"You didn't do anything." Zhao Guilian was crying, she was not tall but her voice was loud, and the other woman was purely her foil.

Lin Lan immediately felt that something was wrong. Could it be that the two children fell into the river without washing the vegetables

She ignored the two women and went to the place where Sanwang and Xiaowang fell into the water, and found that there were already many people standing there.

Some people shouted to go to the security director to solve it. Some people said that the security director and Lin Lan's family wore a pair of trousers, and they were biased. But the captain and the party secretary took people to cultivate land far away on the southeast slope, and they came back at night.

Seeing Lin Lan and Dong Huaihua coming over, they immediately shut up and looked like they were watching the fun.

Lin Lan walked over and saw Da Wang standing by the river, sitting on the ground with two and a half older children who looked like they were about ten years old.

Lin Lan: "Dawang, what are you doing?" Dawang never bullied children, and he was looking for someone older than him to fight, so she felt that something must have happened.

Dawang turned his head and glanced at her, "It's the settlement."

Dawang pointed to Dawei and Xingfu who were lying on the ground, and said coldly, "Undress yourself and go down, or should I kick you down?"

He already knows the ins and outs, and naturally he will not let these two useless people go.

When Dawang went to work, Zhuzi ran to tell him that Sanwang and Xiaowang washed vegetables and fell into the river. He heard the news and did not rush home. He first asked what was going on, and then went to play with Sanwang. the boy asked. Based on his understanding of Sanwang, he would never take his younger brother to wash vegetables honestly.

The hammer he was looking for first.

Hammer was terribly frightened when he left the river, and when he met Liu Guifa, he hurriedly told Sanwang to wash the vegetables and throw them into the river. At this moment, Dawang came to him and asked, there was no need to fight at all. Dawang's deterrent power to him exceeded the restraint of spitting, and he provoked Xingfu and Dawei and said that the three of them would compete. As a result, they did not go into the water to fool Sanwang.

However, he didn't know about Xiaowang's falling into the water, thinking that it might be to save Sanwang.

Dawang went to find happiness and Dawei.

The two of them were easy to find, and they were terribly frightened to find out if Sanwang had drowned. Later, they were relieved to hear that Liu Guifa had rescued them, and they said that the stinky boy was really dead.

As a result, he was blocked by Dawang on the way home.

Dawang is not polite to the two of them, and his peers are not children, so he just kicked him to the ground when he went up.

The two also wanted to work together to subdue Dawang, but they were not rivals in the past, and now Dawang has more means, and they are not enough to watch.

The two did not admit it at first, and were kicked a few times before being forced to the place where Sanwang fell into the water.

They were just ignorant idiots in the countryside, at best a little slick, not very smart. At that time, they were just trying to take advantage of Sanwang to vent their anger, and didn't think too much about the consequences. At this moment, when I heard Dawang say everything right, I thought it was the kid Sanwang who complained, and I couldn't argue any more.

Dawang saw that there was a stick in the water, and guessed that Xiaowang was there to save his brother from falling into the water, but he didn't think much about it. He asked them to fulfill their bet with Sanwang, jump down and swim in a circle, but the two naturally refused, crying and begging for mercy.

In the end, he couldn't beat him, and Dawang was not soft-hearted when he begged for mercy.

"Woooo..." Facing Dawang, the arrogant happiness and Dawei suddenly became useless.

Dawei sobbed and muttered: "Why don't you go to my brother to settle the account?" Didn't it mean that the younger brother made a mistake and the older brother was beaten

Dawang snorted, "How old are you?"

Such a big man, enough to take responsibility, what kind of brother is he looking for to top the tank

After a circle of happiness, he didn't see his brothers and cousins. He was bullied by Dawang, and they didn't come to support him. "Woooo..." He cried very sadly.

Dawang slowly raised his foot, "I want to try, why don't you go down?"

"No, Uncle Dawang, spare your life!" The two children hugged his leg all at once, crying and not letting go.

Dawang kicked them on the ground with force, "Count to ten, take off your clothes and roll down, can't you go down? Kick down!"

"Woooo..." The cry grew louder.

Dawang: "1... 2..." He counted slowly, very evenly.

"Father, mother, help!" The two children cried, trying to escape.

As soon as Xingfu got up and wanted to run, he was kicked to the ground by Dawang. Dawei thought that he kicked Xingfu and couldn’t care about himself, so he ran from the other direction. The teeth were knocked and started to bleed.

The two were terrified and cried.

The onlookers said everything, but none of them stepped forward to pull the frame. What are you pulling the frame for

There were also uncles and relatives of the two children who wanted to stand up for them, but Da Wang glared back coldly, "You want to go into the water for him?" The man immediately fell silent.

Others accused him: "Dawang, why are you so domineering, you can't bully people."

"Shut up if you don't know!" Dawang blocked back unceremoniously, without showing any sympathy. The man felt shameless, so he could only mumble that the director's son was bullying others, which was amazing.

There are also people who know what's going on. They keep exaggerating that Wang is a good brother.

"Time's up!" Dawang snorted coldly, and regardless of whether the two of them had taken off their padded jackets, he kicked them into the river one by one.

"Ah—" the two of them screamed, unable to hold back their strength, and rolled down the river.

Because the place where Dawangchao was steep was not the kind of gentle embankment, the two fell directly into the river.

Everyone watching the lively on the shore was stunned. He really dared? Originally, they thought that Dawang was just venting his anger, beating and scolding to frighten him, but they didn't expect it to be true!

Dawang, you are cruel!

Happiness and Dawei fell into the water and began to struggle and flutter. Although they could swim, the weather was cold and cold, and they were also wearing cotton-padded clothes, as if countless hands were dragging them to the bottom of the water.

Zhao Guilian and Sun Aifeng saw their son being kicked off, lying on the bank and crying heart-to-heart, cursing nonsense.

Some of the onlookers shouted to save people, some looked for sticks, and some said they wanted to go down to find people, but they didn't do it. After all, Dawang was watching, and they also wanted to see what this kid was trying to do.

Seeing that Xingfu and Dawei were thumping so badly that they were about to sink, Dawang started to take off his clothes.

He was wearing a jacket, padded jacket, and undershirt with many buttons, which he slowly unbuttoned one by one, then took off the three pieces together, and then unbuttoned the waistband of his trousers and took off his trousers, leaving only one pair of trousers.

Everyone found that this kid is really strong, young and full of tendons.

They watched Dawang as if he was not afraid of the cold. A fierce boy plunged into the water and picked them up.

The two were not in a coma and were rescued at first, and their survival instinct made them want to flutter the straw that entangled their lives.

However, Dawang slid away like a loach. Instead of entangling them, he grabbed one of them. With his hands, he tore off the buttons of his padded jacket, and then ripped off the other's padded jacket and threw it ashore. After he finished pulling one. Pull the second one.

Better to say pants, tear off the belt, and the fat cotton pants float down the water.

Their trousers were not as particular about wearing a tether as Lin Lan did. The belt was torn open, and the cotton trousers floated and the trousers fell off. The two bare stripes were exactly the same as when they bet with Sanwang before.

The two of them were about to die, but this time it was even colder, and they suddenly came back to life from the freeze, and they cried out for help.

"Ah—help... Frozen to death..."

After taking off their restraints, the two of them woke up instead, their bodies were brisk, and they subconsciously paddled to the shore.

Dawang grabbed the two of them by the neck and pushed them further away.

"Ah—don't dare, don't dare, forgive me..." the two begged.

Dawang said nothing, begging for mercy is useless, negotiating is useless, he will do whatever he wants.

He kicked the two forward, and he had to let them swim in a circle on the opposite side. He just pushed and kicked, the three of them swam to the opposite side, and then kicked back.

Halfway through, the two of them had leg cramps. They cried out in pain and begged for mercy. Dawang was just like a ruthless iron man, indifferent.

Watching the two of them struggled up and down in the water, and finally sank to the bottom of the water, the people on the shore shouted, "Cramps, cramps!" "Don't drown, don't drown!"

Seeing that they didn't float, Dawang dragged them ashore one by one, letting them both have their lower bodies in the water and their upper bodies lying outside.

He grabbed Happiness and let him lie down, punched him on the stomach and slapped another on the back, Happiness: "Pfft..." and started to spray water. And then did the same with David.

When the two woke up, he dragged the other ashore with one hand and threw it on the ground like a dead fish. The two of them still had cramps in their legs, curled up, how pitiful it was.

Dawang's voice was a bit colder than Bing's, "If you dare to bet, you must dare to do it, don't be a fool!"

The people watching the fun were speechless.

The air seemed to freeze, and the wind stopped blowing.

Brother Dawang, you are ruthless, you are so ruthless!