Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 69: Complaint


Lin Lan wanted Han Qingsong and Sanwang to rest for two days. After all, they should not work if they were injured.

Han Qingsong naturally refused. When he was in the army, he was careful not to fall into the line of fire with minor injuries. Now that he is not tired of working at home, he naturally has to earn work points.

Sanwang thought that when his eldest brother had to go to school, he was naturally embarrassed to take time off to rest. He was embarrassed to make a mistake, so why would he be embarrassed to ask for leave, so he also limped to mow the grass and go to school.

The treatment of his whipping and Dawang's whipping were different. Dawang was immediately upgraded to a man respected by the whole village when he was whipped, but Sanwang was used to make fun of him.

"Sanwang, why are you lame? Can you still climb trees? Let's compare?"

Sanwang just hehe, rolled his eyes, "Would you like my brother to take you to fly?"

Another adult made fun of him, "Yo, Sanwang, didn't you go to see your parents? Why did you come back, and you have a lame leg? How did you fix it?"

Sanwang immediately stretched out his hand, "Didn't I come back to ask for the bill? My parents said you owe my family two hundred yuan. When will you pay it back?"

Sanwang, who has used his brain, never returns on the road of scolding people. Anyone in the village who wants to provoke him, regardless of whether they are adults or children, will always go back.

Those people went straight to Lin Lan to complain.

Lin Lan hasn't had a chance to settle accounts with them yet, and they still come to complain, is it true that she is a shrew? So taking advantage of the mobilization of the workers, he came to the scene to scold him.

"This propaganda is aimed at adults like you. Don't be hilarious. Do you think it's great to live and eat more than a few decades? You can manipulate those children in your family at will?"

The members didn't understand why Captain Lin suddenly changed his style. Before, he used to publicize with a smile and a soft voice, which made people forget that she was a shrew, but today's sudden sharpness makes them think that the shrew is still the same shrew.

"Propagandist Lin, what are you talking about? Why do we have children?" someone asked.

Lin Lan snorted, "Chang Fuyu, are you too embarrassed to ask? Count how many children you lied to and said that you picked it up, fished it from the river, or exchanged the big pancake with the beggar?"

Chang Fuyu disapproved, "You're too serious. Everyone says that, just kidding, who takes it seriously?"

Lin Lan: "You didn't think it was true when you were a child? How many years did you think you were more knowledgeable than a child?" She glanced at everyone, "Wrong! Besides having to work in the fields, what else would you do? Talk to your wife? Talking dirty to take advantage of the eldest daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law? If you don't want to coax the children?"

Chang Fuyu's face turned purple, what is this for? He's taken gun medicine, and he offended her? Why don't you just arrest him

Lin Lan waved at the children beside him, "Come on, let me ask you, how did you all come here? Who picked it up and exchanged it?"

The children rushed to say, "I picked it up!" "I was exchanged by my parents for half a bag of sorghum rice and a beggar!" "I..."

The parents present were very embarrassed. They were just coaxing their children to play. Everyone was like this. How could Lin Lan take it seriously? It's too hilarious.

Seeing that they were only annoyed and unrepentant, Lin Lan said: "You guys, you are not as good as children. Children will change if they know that they are not good. You were teased like this when you were young, and you are unhappy, and now you are teasing children like this?" How confident are you to love your children and love them, and keep them from running away from home to find their parents when they are not good to them

Either they favor sons over daughters, or they favor younger sons and daughters. There are almost no parents who can treat them fairly. It is inevitable that they favor one over the other or beat and scold the other. Then the child will long for a parent who loves him more and is richer.

Of course, even if the children of these families run away from home, they don't take it seriously, they just think "you little boy, you are fooling around, where can you go? You will come back after you go out for a walk and have nowhere to go."

After being publicized so seriously by Lin Lan for a few days, the children in Shanzui Village finally realized that they didn't pick it up, but their parents.

Adults are mostly aware of their mistakes and deliberately control not to say or to say less of this kind of coaxing children.

This is good for most children, but for a small number of children, it has dashed their hopes. Because their parents treated them badly, they hoped to have better parents to pick them up, but now they know that they will never be.

Lin Lan would tell them, "In addition to becoming a better version of yourself, there is no better person to pick you up."

Girls who face the loess and turn their backs to the sky and can't get out of Shanzui Village without reading, don't have to give them too much vision and hope, but try to recognize the reality as much as possible, and protect themselves better. It is good to have a safe childhood and adolescence.

After all, the kind of girl with longing is the easiest to be deceived. The bachelor in the village can say a few good words, give some food, or give them a handkerchief, and they can involuntarily approach, or even be deceived.

During the period of publicity in Shanzui Village, there were also incidents of lost children in the nearby brigade. It was nothing more than partiality of the parents and unfair punishment, and the children quietly ran away from home when they couldn't stand it. These children will not have enlightened parents, and when they go back, they will either be beaten more severely, or they will be treated with more indifference.

Therefore, most of the girls in Shanzui Village are grateful for the promotion that Lin Lan gave them.

And Sanwang, who was whipped, was really uncomfortable for a few days, after all, he was beaten eight times. He learned from Dawang and asked him what to do when he was numb, sore, and itchy.

Dawang said coldly, "One more puff."

Sanwang: "Haha, hahaha. I really got water in my head."

Since Sanwang was alive and kicking again, the lively scene at home has resumed. In the two days of the accident, Sanwang was just like a little daughter-in-law who was angry. I don't feel like home, and I especially hope to return to the way it was before.

Even if Sanwang is a little noisy, it's better than being mute and having no voice.

Now he is still cheerful, but no longer so naughty, everyone thinks, that's great!

After a few days, Sanwang's ass was about as good. It's just a few days of lameness, and it's easy for a child to form a habit, and even if it doesn't hurt, he still limps habitually. Lin Lan told the family who saw it to remind him and help him correct this problem.

After an expensive spring rain, Shanzui Village immediately entered the busiest period for spring planting. When there is a shortage of water in spring, once it rains, we have to rush to plant crops, because planting crops comes in accordance with the solar terms, and crops will decrease a lot if they are late. The whole village, men and women, young and old, went into battle. Unless they couldn’t move, all the old and eighty places would follow to help. Han Qingping also brought the students to help.

Erwang Dawang followed the adults, and Mai Sui led Sanwang Xiaowang to follow Teacher Han briskly.

Sanwang, who is limping, is not lazy, and takes the initiative to help the girl carry things. Although he was mischievous, he was well-liked in school, especially the two little girls who were tricked by him with bugs and cockleburs. They couldn't bear to see him being beaten, so they volunteered to help him.

Of course, there were also skin boys who joked about Sanwang and provoked him when Dawang and Erwang were not in front of him.

"Sanwang, your butt has been smashed, haha."

"Sanwang, I caught a bug, do you dare to eat it?"

Sanwang glanced at them, "Do you dare?"

The child said proudly: "Of course I dare, I don't think you dare."

Sanwang rolled his eyes, "You eat one and I'll see?"

The child pretended to open his mouth, holding a white worm in his hand to put it in his mouth, "Look, I dare, but you definitely won't."

Sanwang raised his hand and waved, and with a "pop", he fell on the boy's elbow, and the big white bug flew out of his hand and flew directly into the boy's throat.

"Ah - vomit! Vomit!" He bent over and clasped his throat.

Sanwang: "Oh, what's the matter with you, why are you really eating, I thought you were just pretending, you are really amazing, I admire you!"

Several girls laughed, "Well, let you find something, thinking that Sanwang is a fool!"

Mai Sui was ordering the seeds, and when he heard the movement, he came over to take a look, and also scolded the male classmate, "Oh, you want to eat worms so much, I will feed you a pot."

Sanwang: "Sister, take the worms back to feed the chickens to lay eggs, so that he will be blind."

Mai Sui smirked, "The butt is all right now, why is it still lame, as ugly as a flat mouth."

Sanwang: "It's itchy, sore, and painful right now. It's even more uncomfortable, and I can't scratch it yet." His lameness is not really painful, but because of itching. The look of a crutch makes the pants rub against the itching. "Sister, do you think adults are beaten the same as us? Does Dad dare not lie down to sleep at night, and can only lie on his stomach like me?"

Children are curious about adults, and always feel that adults are steel and iron bones and are not afraid of pain and fatigue, especially Han Qingsong, who did not even frown when he was whipped. If Dad was like him, he would have a very strange feeling.

Mai Sui poked his finger, "If you have the ability, ask yourself."

Sanwang: "I can ask my mother."

He glanced at it, Lin Lan was planting seeds over there, drinking water with Xiaowang. Xiao Wang carried a military water bottle on his back and was responsible for delivering water to them, scurrying through the ground like a little bee.

Among the gray adults and children who were almost integrated with the yellow earth, Sanwang felt that his younger brother was as good-looking as the blue sky and white clouds above his head, so handsome!

Ever since he dropped Xiaowang into the water, Sanwang has been habitually scooting his younger brother with his eyes every day, don't lose or touch it.

This is real!

Sanwang went to look for Lin Lan and Xiaowang, and Xiaowang immediately gave them the kettle, "Little third brother, drink water."

The hawthorn red jujube tea that Lin Lan boiled.

Sanwang drank a small cup, "It's so sweet!"

Lin Lan looked at him: "It still hurts? Why are you still lame?"

Sanwang asked Xiaowang to stop him and scratch his ass, "Mother, does my father still hurt?"

Lin Lan rolled his eyes at him, "You care a lot, why don't you ask yourself."

Sanwang is hey hey hey.

When he went back to work, he saw Yanyan and Cauliflower waving at Maisui, who had been busy and didn't see them.

Seeing it with sharp eyes, Sanwang poked at Mai Sui: "Sister, they are not from our production team, why are they here?"

Mai Sui looked over, saw them waving at him, and ran to take a look.

Yanyan whispered, "Mai Sui, tell Mr. Lin that your mother and aunt Xingfu, as well as my grandma, are going to the party secretary to sue you."

Mai Sui said angrily: "They are still excited, aren't they, it's really funny. Thank you, I'll go tell my mother."

Yanyan and Cauliflower quietly left, and Mai Sui ran back to tell Lin Lan.

After listening, Lin Lan said, "Don't worry, let them make trouble. Let's see what the secretary says first."

Lin Lan still asked Dong Huaihua to ask her for help. Soon after Dong Huaihua came back, she couldn't help laughing at Lin Lan: "You say it's evil, Sanwang and Xiaowang have a cramp and one fell into the river, obviously they should be scared. It's just that Dawei and Xingfu are so big. Child, I'm so scared that I'm going to die now."

Sanwang and Xiaowang are all right now, but Dawei and Xingfu are okay.

After being kicked into the river by Dawang and rescued that day, Xingfu and Dawei were so frightened that they urinated, and they both started to have fever after returning home. But after all, they are old, and they are not as dangerous as Xiaowang. It is almost enough to burn them for two days and take pills.

The body is better, but the mental trauma is left behind. After all, they don't have a mother who can do psychological counseling like Lin Lan.

The two of them had nightmares every night, like frightened birds. When I slept in the middle of the night, happiness suddenly jumped up and shouted loudly, "Brother Dawang, brother Dawang, spare your life, spare your life! I don't dare any more!" Uncle Dawang, spare your life, spare your life... I will never dare again."

The first two days can make sense, but how many days has it been? Sanwang's buttocks are all good!

The two families secretly invited people to ward off surprises, call souls, pierce needles, scrape, and cup cups.

Now it's even more powerful. Xingfu and Dawei dare not go out. They hear people say that the words river, xiaoshui, three prosperous, big prosperous, and small prosperous are not enough.

In the end, it became more and more intense, and I couldn't even hear the dog barking!

They are dying, and they are so tired when they are busy in the spring that they are howling in the middle of the night, so why not let anyone sleep

Neighbors protested.

How does this work!

Zhao Guilian went to her sister to cry, and Zhao Guixiang cried with Han Qingfeng and Han Yonglu.

She kept taking medicine and trying to find a way to get pregnant. Later, she was a little discouraged and decided to adopt one if she couldn't. But she didn't want the children of her husband's brother's family. The relationship between her sister-in-law is not good, and she is not happy to ask her to raise children for them, so she wants the children of her own sister's family. But if she is too young, she is impatient to bring her own, and she wants someone who is safe and sensible. Happiness can be considered a sensible child since childhood, and he is a little cautious. When he was seven or eight years old, he often went to Zhao Guixiang's house to live.

Zhao Guixiang already regarded him as his son. If he didn't have any children at the age of 40, he would adopt happiness and marry him as a daughter-in-law, so that the grandson would belong to his own family.

How could she know that happiness was so frightened that she was about to be abolished, how could she endure it

Zhao Guixiang saw that her nephew was so frightened that she didn't dare to go out now. She slapped her angrily, "How can this work, I have to ask them to judge."

She took Zhao Guilian and went to Sun Aifeng again, "Why are you so useless and bullied like this, and you still hold back and don't file a complaint? Go, go and file a complaint with the party secretary."

"Save it, the Party Secretary won't care." Sun Aifeng didn't dare. The Party Secretary and Director Han's family had such a good relationship that they wore a pair of trousers, so they naturally wanted to protect them.

"Why are you so useless? The party secretary goes to the commune, the commune doesn't matter to the county, and the county doesn't matter if I go to the province!" Zhao Guixiang put down his rhetoric, "Your old Liu family is gone? All dead? What about men? "

Sun Aifeng's mother-in-law, Mrs. Wu, ran out, "Why do you talk like that?"

Zhao Guixiang: "What am I talking about? I'm doing this for your own good, so let's suffer in vain, afraid that he won't succeed?"

Madam Wu is Yanyan's grandmother, and she loves to do things every day. It's just that she is an ordinary old lady after all, she's okay in the nest, and she doesn't have the confidence to go out. Now that Zhao Guixiang took the lead, she naturally wanted to make trouble and support her grandson.

"We are spoiled by Dawei. We dare not sleep at night. We are afraid to hear dogs barking all day long..." Now I still have urinary incontinence, and when I am afraid, I pee my pants. .

If it goes on like this, the child will be abolished, and of course we can't let it go.

But their two sons are just trying to figure out their own family members, showing their parental prestige in front of their wives and children, and laughing with everyone when they go out.

Count on them, certainly not.

When the men went to work and were not at home, Zhao Guixiang took Zhao Guilian, Sun Aifeng, Mrs. Wu, and Mrs. Wu's other daughters-in-law with her.

Yan Yanniang and Wu Caixian hesitated and refused to go.

Madam Wu scolded her: "Your nephew was beaten, can you, the empress, ignore it?"

Yan Yanniang was obstructing her face, so she wanted to get together to support her. This is usually the case in rural fights. The few who take the lead and the others are mostly supporters.

When Yanyan heard the news, she ran back and pulled her mother, "Mother, you can't go."

Zhao Guixiang: "Yo, this is turning the elbow out. I'm afraid it's not that the female university is not left behind. I'm looking at that stinky boy Dawang."

Yanyan was so embarrassed that her face flushed, "You, what nonsense are you talking about. It's obviously my brother and they're wrong. You guys are still making trouble, this is not... "

With a "slap", Mrs. Wu slapped her granddaughter, "Isn't it? You are a bitch, looking for a fight." Mrs. Wu didn't want to lose face in front of Zhao Guixiang.

Yanyan was beaten and cried.

Cauliflower ran over, pulled Yanyan out, hid on the side and whispered, "Aren't you stupid? If you want to be a good person, you have to go to someone else's house to do it. How can you be beaten here?"

Yanyan didn't think of anything to sell favors. She cried, "It's obviously my brother and the others who are wrong. Why are they going to make trouble with others? It's a shame."

"You can't throw shame on you, you can take care of them. Let them go. Isn't it better for your grandma and your brother to suffer from the hardships they have?" Cauliflower persuaded her.

Yanyan was still a little unable to turn around.

Cauliflower said: "Don't let Dawei suffer, is it possible to let him bully you with happiness? Do you want to be a daughter-in-law for happiness at the age of 15?"

Yanyan shook her head in fright, "I don't want to!"

"Isn't it over? You listen to me, I'm doing it for your own good. Dawei and Xingfu offended the Han family, and they don't have good fruit to eat. They will be unlucky in the future, and you can live better."

Yanyan thought about it too and nodded, but she still felt that it was not good, so she wanted to quietly report to Mai Sui.

Cauliflower knew what she meant and said with a smile, "That's right. Let people know about your favor. Let's take your favor, let's go, let's go together."

So there is the scene of Yanyan reporting to Mai Sui.

Let's say that Zhao Guixiang led a group of women to file a complaint. They didn't believe Liu Guifa, so they went to the party secretary and the captain.

But at this time, they are all busy with work. Even though Han Yongfang is a party secretary, he is not out of work, so how can he have time to entertain them

Seeing Zhao Guixiang's aggressive look, Han Yongfang frowned and said gruffly, "Speak when you have something to do!"

Zhao Guixiang was so eager to come and sue Lin Lan, but she was suddenly left hanging like this, as if she was carrying two cannonballs and suddenly misfired, she panicked.

The captain also pulled his face, "I don't see when, I'm all farming, where's the time to talk to you about some, I'll talk about it later."

Han Yongfang glanced at them, "Which production team are they from? Is the production leader a dead person? They are done with their work? If the crops are delayed, all of them will deduct rations for me!"

Zhao Guixiang exploded her lungs when she saw that Han Yongfang was deliberately ignoring her. She jumped on her hips and started to sing, "The branch secretary in Shanzui Village protects the bad elements, and the officials are not worth it—"

She had the same tune as singing and crying to the grave, and the members of the staff who were working were shocked.

Han Yongfang was on fire at the time, grabbed the whip from the captain's waist, and charged towards Zhao Guixiang with a loud bang.

Seeing this, Zhao Guixiang immediately ran, screaming as he ran: "The secretary is beating someone, the secretary is beating someone!"

The captain quickly persuaded Han Yongfang.

He understands the temperament of the party secretary and has cooperated for so long. Although Han Yongfang is a domineering person, he never bends the law for personal gain, nor does he harm others or benefit himself. But his domineering is really domineering. As long as the rules are set, whoever violates them will not be recognized by his six relatives.

The rule in the village is that when farming is busy, everything is based on planting the land and harvesting the crops, because if the crops can’t be planted, they won’t grow, and everyone will go hungry.

And some people are selfish, don't want the overall situation, just think about their own shit and get mad.

When you make such a fuss, the crops in the whole village are delayed. When the time comes, the people in the village will not have enough food, and they will go hungry

Therefore, Han Yongfang was particularly disgusted with these troublemakers, and wished to kill them directly.

Finally, when Han Qingsong heard the news, he rushed over. He advised Han Yongfang not to be angry, "If necessary, let the Public Security Bureau send someone here."

Zhao Guixiang shouted: "What kind of public security bureau? Isn't it all about you? Han Qingyun won't listen to you? That Luo Haicheng won't listen to you? Who dares not listen to you?"

Han Qingsong didn't bother to look at her, and said coldly: "I originally thought this was just a naughty child, and everyone can take care of the children. But you are making such a fuss, I don't think it's that simple. After work at night, the brigade Let's have a meeting."

Hearing Han Qingsong say this, Han Yongfang snorted, "It's getting dark after work, everyone hurry up to eat, the team will have a meeting at 7:30!"

After saying that, he left angrily.

Zhao Guixiang and others saw that Han Qingsong said that there would be a confrontation in the evening, and they jumped around and pulled people's heads, thinking of giving Han Qingsong a hard time. Maybe the director will be slapped!

Han Yonglu pretended not to know, and even let his son Han Qingfeng not care.

Before finishing work in the afternoon, Lin Lan asked Mai Sui to bring Sanwang Xiaowang home to cook first, distilling the wotou pancakes, stir-frying a dish and stewing a pickle, very simple. In this way, other people eat when they get home, instead of waiting until seven or eight o'clock like some people do.

Lin Lan has been living a comfortable life these days. Although she is tired at work, she can earn work points and food by herself. Han Qingsong takes her salary and returns home to earn work points for her. Now all five children have peace of mind.

Before she thought about it, someone blocked her, just after she cleaned up Sanwang, she made time to settle accounts with those bear parents! Where there are bear children, there are bear parents!

When the time came, Lin Lan and Han Qingsong took their children to the brigade, just like they were taking a group of Boy Scouts.

She originally wanted Mai Sui to lead Xiao Wang to sleep at home. After all, he didn't know anything when he was young, and he usually went to bed at eight o'clock. Now, he didn't know what time he had to toss and delay the child's sleep.

But Xiaowang must follow, because the third brother said to him, "Let's go to fight together!" He felt a sense of fighting spirit surging in his little chest, although he didn't know what it was, he wanted to follow his parents.

Sanwang held his hand and walked in front of him while howling, "Diao Deyi, what kind of heart does he have?"

As long as he's not drunk, he can remember no more than five jokes.

Xiaowang giggled.

They don't feel nervous at all, they feel like they're Boy Scouts!

When they arrived at the brigade headquarters, Zhao Guixiang and others were already blocked there, humming and arrogant.

She sneered: "It's amazing to be an official. It's a big face to have so many people waiting for you!"

Lin Lan: "I bought a watch last year."