Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 83: Wish


The school bell rang, and when they said they were going to take an exam, the children immediately looked nervous.

Han Qingping and several teachers distributed the test papers according to grades. Xiaowang is still in first grade, Sanwang is in second grade, Mai Sui and Erwang are in third grade, and Dawang is in fourth grade - if you get 50 points in the test.

After getting the test paper, Da Wang first made up his mind, what turned in his mind was Lin Lan's indifferent smile, she seemed to be saying, "eldest son, there is nothing to be afraid of, the mother who should study has summed it up for you, Mother believes in you!"

He made up his mind, then took the pencil and began to answer the question.

Han Qingping and Huo Yuan had been observing him, and they saw Dawang sitting there upright, looking down at the test paper, expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

Will it or not? Do you find it difficult to get angry with the test paper

Although they knew that Dawang studied well in the summer vacation, but after all, the time is too short, what can they learn in only one month? At least half a year.

The two exchanged looks, Han Qingping quietly walked towards Dawang, and found that Dawang had picked up the pencil and started to write.

Whether it can or not, it is a good phenomenon to be able to write. If you don't write a word, it means you can't.

Because there are many students in the three big rooms, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of noise. If there are children, they will protest.

Dawang was unmoved, anyway, when he was at home, even if Sanwang was howling outside, he could still read the questions by himself, and there was no pressure now.

When Dawang finished the test paper, he signaled the teacher to hand in the test paper.

Han Qingping: "Student Dawang, check again."

Dawang: "If you can write it, if you can't, there's nothing you can do."

Han Qingping: At such a young age, I really... see it thoroughly.

He couldn't see the time, so he took a red pen and corrected it directly, because it was a topic that he was very familiar with, Han Qingping read it quickly.

There is a composition in Chinese, but the number of words is not many, only three to five hundred words are needed, and the content is very simple, after all, it is only elementary school.

Scores will be determined soon.

Han Qingping couldn't believe it, and looked back again, but still... 87 points? This is because he felt that the composition was too serious and gave ordinary marks.

This... Is it because I am too sympathetic to this child, and it is too simple

Fifty points will do, so why did you get an 87

Although I knew that Dawang made a lot of progress during the summer vacation, I didn't expect it to be so good. After all, he has only read the first grade, and now he is taking the third grade subject.

He went to see several other children who were in the third grade and promoted to the fourth grade.

You students, you are still serious about learning from the first grade. You are not as good as Dawang classmates who have never studied.

After taking the Chinese test and the math test, Dawang's speed is even faster.

In the end, the test paper was judged, and the mathematics score was 95.

Several teachers wondered if the question was too easy, and then wondered if Dawang got the question right

They looked at Dawang curiously, but Dawang still had no expression, as if it was nothing more than that, no big deal.

The teachers nodded frequently, "This kid, hold your breath, he's a big deal."

After marking and correcting, the teacher returned the test paper to Dawang, "Take it back and show it to your mother."

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, there is an exam in the morning and a holiday in the afternoon.

Mai Sui and Er Wang were very concerned, "Brother, have you passed?"

Dawang glanced at them, "Go home and say."

Sanwang kept trying to grab Dawang's test paper, but couldn't get it at all.

The children arrived home faster than before, and Lin Lan was already preparing lunch.

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. She went to a supply and marketing agency and bought meat with Han Qingsong's ticket, as well as moon cakes, apples, rice noodles, and sugar. There are many children at home, and she often makes hawthorn red dates, apple and hawthorn syrup, so she consumes more.

When they came back, Lin Lan was making balls. One is steamed meatballs. The fat and thin meat is minced, beat an egg, then add appropriate salt, soy sauce, sugar, and stir vigorously in one direction. Then roll them into balls with your hands, put them in a tea tray and steam them while cooking. In addition, she also fried vegetable balls, shredded the gourd and carrots, cracked eggs and added some flour, and fried them into golden balls with chopsticks in the oil.

Although it costs oil, it is the Mid-Autumn Festival after all, and it needs to have the particularity of the festival. Even if you usually eat less oil, you can save some extravagance today.

"Wow, it's so fragrant!" The children couldn't wait to rush in. Sanwang took Xiaowang in the lead, standing by the pot and looking in.

Lin Lan filled the children with vegetable balls to eat, and then brought sugar water for them to drink. She handed Dawang a bowl of hawthorn and apple water, and asked with a smile, "How was the test?"

Da Wang glanced at her, his face was neither happy nor sad, unable to tell whether it was past or not.

Lin Lan's heart skipped a beat, "Oh, the eldest son's expression is not right, why is he so sad and wronged

Did this happen

She restrained her smile, "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't pass the test, anyway, you don't study for the test, you just need to learn what you need to learn. In the future, being able to write is better than anything else. Let's just kill the chicken."

Dawang handed her the test paper, which was still the same as usual, but at this moment, Lin Lan felt that his expression was a little sad.

She took the test paper, thinking that if there is not fifty, she must have more than forty. She thinks that Dawang usually has a good grasp, and it is estimated that he can get more than 60 points, not less than 50 points.

She unfolded the test paper, saw the real scores, and exclaimed with a wow, exclaiming: "Brother Dawang, okay! It's really a role model for my younger brothers and sisters, giving my parents a face! Well, yes, my parents are proud of you! "

She complimented without hesitation.

Sanwang: "Haha, big brother is blushing."

Sure enough, a suspicious red appeared on Dawang's wheat-colored face.

Mai Sui smiled and said, "Brother, congratulations, you can be promoted to the fourth grade!"

Erwang: "Brother's hard work for more than a month will finally pay off. In the future, you don't need to write questions. Haha." Learn a topic.

That's right, it's the training topic, "Why are you so difficult! Are you wrong? Can't you be simpler?"

Ha ha.

Others don't know it, but Erwang knows it, and he only tells Mai Sui and Lin Lan quietly. He didn't dare to let Sanwang know, otherwise the whole village would know.

Sanwang clapped his hands: "Ow, I can finally eat the big pig's hoof with confidence."

Because Dawang has been nervous about studying recently, Sanwang has to be quiet at home, and he has to be careful when sleeping. He can't let go of gnawing on the pig's hoof, because when he eats it, the eldest brother will kick him harder than before.

Once, when he kicked Sanwang directly, he accused the eldest brother of kicking him when he was sleeping, not knowing that he was the first to provoke him when he was sleeping.

When he accused Dawang, Dawang showed him his shoulder directly, with his teeth marks on it.

Sanwang is now honest, hehe, start to touch, "Big brother, you are really strong, just like our father." Quickly flatter.

Xiaowang also looked at the paper with Lin Lan's hand, "Big brother is so amazing, I can't even do it."

Lin Lan patted his head, "You're still young."

She clapped her hands, "Children, in order to celebrate the eldest brother's success, let's kill the chickens! You can eat chickens today, thanks to the eldest brother!" Although she planned to kill the chickens, she was more willing to say that the eldest son's honor, child We are happy, Dawang is also happy.

Han Qingsong brought back the hen and laid an egg when he came home. Later, whenever Lin Lan said he couldn't lay an egg, he would kill the hen and lay another one, and now he finally stopped laying.

Chickens do not lay eggs, so they need food to raise, so naturally they have to kill and eat meat.

After eating the rice, kill the chicken, remove the hair and stew it in the afternoon, and eat it when Han Qingsong comes back in the evening.

"Ouch, kill the chicken!" Sanwang's eyes were the brightest, "Second brother, get the recipe! There's some chicken to eat!" He happily picked up Xiaowang and swiped it around, then put him down again, wrapped around him Zhu Dawang: "Big brother, big brother, turn the swing!"

Turning the swing means that the adults put their hands on the top of their heads and let the children hold their elbows. The adults start to turn and can turn the children around.

Dawang was extremely strong, even if it wasn't like that, he could lift the two of them up and turn them around a few times with his hands, and the two younger brothers shouted excitedly.

Sanwang is excited, Xiaowang is a little scared.

Dawang put them down, and Sanwang started going in circles.

Xiaowang also felt that the world had turned upside down before him, he was drunk, he laughed, "so dizzy," plopped down and sat on the ground.

Erwang is going to help him.

Dawang said: "No need to help, it will be fine in a while."

It's useless to force him to get up when he's dizzy, it's better to pass the dizziness period.

At noon, we have a simple meal, with pickles and croquettes in the pancakes. After the noon meal, the children go to mow the grass first.

After returning, Lin Lan asked Dawang and Erwang to kill the chickens. They killed the chickens, and she boiled hot water to remove the hairs. After cleaning, cut into large pieces, boil the water to blanch the chicken pieces to remove the foam, and add seasonings such as onion, ginger, and basil. She didn't add more ingredients to the stewed chicken because the soup was too heavy, and she added some mushrooms and fungus directly to stew.

This is a two-year-old hen that needs to be braised more. But this kind of big pot stew is powerful, and an hour is enough.

The chicken is stewed at the bottom, and the mixed noodles are placed on the side of the pot. The mixed noodles are basically cornmeal, sorghum rice, fine noodles, and sometimes bean noodles are added. Stew another pickled vegetable and mix it with eggplant and garlic, so that it can save firewood by making it in one pot.

After an hour, there is no need to add grass, just simmer on the charcoal fire under the pot, so that when Han Qingsong comes back, it will be ready to eat.

Lin Lan clapped her hands, "Children, we're going to have a special welcome party today. We welcome Director Han home and officially report the good news of Big Brother to him!"

She was in charge of publicity and often asked the children to help out with the show, and they were all familiar with her routines. Even Dawang was going to help Lin Lan's show as the background.

The children rehearsed very cooperatively, even if Dawang was not enthusiastic, he did not refuse.

When Han Qingsong came back in the evening, he found that Lin Lan was leading the children to do something again.

Lin Lan and the five children, divided into two rows, smiled at Han Qingsong and bowed slightly, "Director Han has worked hard, welcome Director Han home."

Han Qingsong stopped his bicycle and looked at them puzzled, "Is something wrong?"

Lin Lan immediately ran over and hugged his arm, "Good news, good news."

It was the first time that her son did something seriously and succeeded. It was a big event for her, and naturally, it had to be celebrated very formally.

This is the sense of ritual in life.

She wants Dawang to have a sense of glory and pride, let him know that he has done an amazing thing, and let him remember for the rest of his life how he and his mother worked hard together this summer to complete an incredible task. No matter what he does or encounters difficulties in the future, he can think of this summer, this exam, and how his parents, brothers and sisters are proud of him!

She supported Han Qingsong's arm, tilted her head, and said to Dawang with a slight smile, "It's alright."

Dawang: "…"

Really good... well, not boring, but good... shame.

He stood at attention and said to Han Qingsong, "Father, I'm in the fourth grade."

real? Han Qingsong made no secret of his surprise, staring at Dawang, "Not bad!"

For the first time, seeing Han Qingsong showing such a surprised and approving look to him, Dawang was very happy, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help revealing a smile.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Son, laugh if you want, don't act like a cutting board when you are young."

The smile at the corner of Dawang's mouth suddenly disappeared, and he returned to his previous indifferent expression.

Lin Lan: "..." I really don't know my eldest son, and I didn't shoot it right. To make up for it, she hurriedly said, "Haha, don't be embarrassed, look at your father, he has a dark face every day. In fact, his heart is not like this. He doesn't know how boring... how humorous."

Lin Lan accidentally said a word that people didn't understand at this time.

They don't understand the general meaning of saucy, and they only pay attention to the word sao. Moment Sao means ranting, wavering, and the meaning that everyone understands the most!

Lin Lan obviously felt that Han Qingsong's figure froze, and then felt the burning attention from Director Han overhead.

Lin Lan: Hehe, I'd better shut up.

Sanwang: "Mother, how's my father doing?"

Lin Lan: Shut up, I've caused trouble! Be careful of my anger!

Xiaowang quickly waved his hand, "It's not over yet. Continue!"

After the eldest brother's report, there are also the younger brothers and sisters who expressed their opinions.

So Lin Lan took Han Qingsong's hand and walked around in the attitude of reviewing the troops, saying that the children were all good.

The children immediately thanked their parents for their efforts, and they will study harder in the future.

Xiaowang took out the piano and played a song again, which pushed the atmosphere to a climax. After that, the family congratulated Dawang for his smooth upgrade.

This is Lin Lan's idea, which reflects a harmonious family, a loving father and a son, filial piety, but unfortunately it was destroyed by herself. After the congratulations, the children's attention was diverted to how the director Han was so arrogant.

Lin Lan: Shooting a stone at yourself in the foot, that's it.

Sanwang and Xiaowang whispered, "Is Daddy Sassy?"

Xiaowang shook his head: "No, Dad smells good on him, not irritating. Xiaofu is irritable."

Sanwang: "He is always peeing on his body."

The two of them went to ask Erwang and Mai Sui: "Where is Dad?"

Erwang and Mai Sui are two years older, and they are also rich in associative skills. They immediately thought of the girls outside and scolded them, "You slut, you want to hook up with men all day long!"

But it seems that it can be changed. I want to hook up with women all day long... to hook up with their mothers.

Mai Sui: "Didn't you find out? Dad's eyes on his mother are different from ours. That is, he is hooking up with his mother and complaining about her."

Several children immediately agreed with this statement. Dad is really arrogant, and mother is right!

Han Qingsong: I vaguely feel that someone is slandering me.

Lin Lan hurriedly squeezed his hand to comfort him, but he held onto her hand and seemed to beg for an explanation.

Lin Lan couldn't help laughing, signaling him not to be stingy.

He just kept looking at her with his eyes, Lin Lan immediately understood what he meant, it was nothing more than... Ahem, Director Han has never been serious at home!

This year, because of the separation of the family and the fact that Mrs. Han turned over the table during the Chinese New Year, Han Qinghua came back and left again and again, but was unable to stay for the Mid-Autumn Festival. The old lady was uncomfortable, so she would not ask anyone to eat.

The rooms are also happy and quiet.

Lin Lan hurriedly called the children to set the table for dinner, and because it was not so cold, she moved the table to the yard, and she could enjoy the moon after eating.

When the chicken was vigorous, I cut a large bowl of coriander and threw it in. Now the coriander has no chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and the aroma is particularly strong. If you throw a handful of it in the stew, the taste will rise.

Children's favorite salad tomatoes can not be less, and then cut cucumber strips for dipping sauce.

The family sits around the table, and the stewed chicken with mushrooms and coriander is so fragrant that it makes people think they are dreaming.

Xiaowang was dazed by the aroma of the stewed chicken. He was about to stand up and sigh loudly, when Sanwang said loudly, "Brother Xiaowang, I'll do it for you."

He laughed, raised his bowl, "Ah-meat, ah-good life! Ah, I love you!" Then he sat down and drank chicken soup.

Xiaowang looked at him and said seriously; "Third brother, I didn't think so, I want to sing the chick song."

Sanwang swallowed the chicken soup in his mouth, "Is that so? I learned something from my mother, listen to me."

He cleared his throat and sang: "I trust you, trust you, I lay eggs for you, but why did you betray me, oh oh oh oh, you hurt me, and smiled, I laid eggs for you, you But he cooked me in a pot~~~"

"Hahaha... Smelly Sanwang, you don't eat it and pull it down!" Mai Sui stomped his feet and laughed until his stomach hurt, and Er Wang couldn't laugh anymore, and put his head on Mai Sui's shoulder and laughed until he was half-hearted. Lin Lan also laughed so hard that she held the table with one hand and rubbed her stomach with the other, "Three donkeys, you... are you laughing to death for us to monopolize this pot of chicken?"

On the other side, Da Wang couldn't bear it anymore, the corners of his mouth were wide open, revealing neat white teeth, he raised his hand and gave San Wang a slap in the face, who was gnawing at the chicken with his head down.

Han Qingsong pressed his fist to his lips, his shoulders shaking with laughter, but his dark eyes looked at Lin Lan opposite. She laughed out loud, just like children, which made him feel very beautiful.

Xiaowang is still young, and he doesn't understand some things, so he can't understand the smile of the third brother. He saw that everyone was laughing all over the place, but the third brother was burying his head in eating, and he immediately said: "Little third brother, you are cunning, it hurts everyone's laughter, and you eat it yourself."

He quickly took a piece of chicken thigh and put it in Lin Lan's bowl, "Mother, I'll take it for you."

Lin Lan put it into his bowl, "Good darling, eat it quickly, there's a big pot, and my mother can eat it too."

The chicken at this time is different from the hormone chicken of later generations. The boiled soup is covered with a layer of golden oil. Not only is the chicken delicious, but the chicken skin is also very elastic. is delicious.

Lin Lan asked them to just let them go and eat chicken twice a year. She wanted the children to have a good time.

The children ate their stomachs one by one, holding their stomachs and strolling around the yard to digest their food. After eating too much, no one touched the moon cakes and apples prepared by Lin Lan.

In the autumn, the turtle is easy to find, except listening to the radio, and there is no other fun. Dawang has no worries about upgrading as he wishes, so he leads his younger brothers and sisters to the production team to peel corn to earn work points.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the days are already short, and the sky is still bright when we eat, and the light is dim when we finish eating. Lin Lan lit the lantern and hung it on the door frame to illuminate Han Qingsong.

The food on the table was almost the same, but there was still some chicken left. Lin Lan picked it up in a bowl and brought it to Han Qingsong, "Third brother, eat more and make up for it."

Han Qingsong motioned to her, patted the stool beside him and asked her to sit down.

On the fifteenth day, the moon is big and round, and it has not yet reached the mid-heaven. It hangs from the treetops in the east, peeping at the world like a shy little girl.

In the moonlight, her face glowed with pure white light, making his mind rippling like the moonlight.

He quietly held her hand, but still ate seriously. Looking back on the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, it seems that it has been far away.

After dinner, the two packed up, and when the children returned, Lin Lan asked Mai Sui to take a bath with her.

This year, it is much more convenient to have a bath in the bathroom. After dinner, they can take a bath after boiling water.

When it was cold, Lin Lan washed with the wheat ears and rubbed her back. After washing, she wiped it dry and put on her underwear, wrapped in a padded jacket, rushed into the kang in one breath, and nibbled some apples and pomegranates. It was also very comfortable. .

Lin Lan went to the kang after taking a shower and wiped her hair with a towel. At this time, there was no hairdryer, and her hair was not easy to dry. She usually washes her hair in the noon, and it dries in a while when it's hot. It's just that during the autumn harvest, she has to go to the ground and go to the soil. Even if she washed it in the morning, it would be uncomfortable if she didn't wash it at night. Fortunately, she kept her neat short hair.

Han Qingsong came in after taking a shower and washing up. He casually grabbed a towel and tugged at his hair twice. His hair was short and his body had a lot of heat, and he dries quickly.

Lin Lan lay on the mattress, resting her head on his thigh, and asked him to help wipe her hair, and she came up after a while.

He was about to fall asleep when he woke him up.

"It's not dry, I fell asleep and caught a cold." His slender fingers brushed her hair down and down, giving her a crisp, itchy feeling.

Because it was hot on the kang, Lin Lan was also hot, and the heat in her body rose, making her snow-white cheeks bright and moving.

Han Qingsong looked at her intently.

Lin Lan was embarrassed by him, and gave him an angry look, "What are the old couples looking at, it's not that they don't know each other."

He raised his hand to hold her chin, not letting her avoid his sight, "It's good-looking, I like it." His voice became more deep and magnetic, with a deep longing.

Lin Lan felt that he was about to kiss him, so he grabbed his hand with a smile, "Come, show me you."

Han Qingsong had already kissed her lips, and said in a low voice, "I don't look good."

He kissed the bottom of her ear, caressed her back with his big hands, and the calluses on the palms of his fingers rubbed against her skin, making her tremble slightly like an electric current.

A few days later, the autumn wind invaded people, and Lin Lan prepared to take time to sew cotton-padded clothes.

This morning, she said to Han Qingsong who was doing morning exercises while blowing the whistle: "It's cold, don't go swimming in the morning, the children will be frozen."

Han Qingsong: "Xiaowang is spared, the three boys continue." Don't you like the water in the cold world? It's not cold yet.

Dawang doesn't care, Xiaowang is a little eager to try, and Erwang's face has changed.

Oh my god, it's winter and you have to drive them down the river? Ducks and white geese are shivering and hiding in their nests.