Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 88: get married


The weather was freezing cold, dripping water into ice, and the members turned on the cat winter mode again, and they were determined not to go out if they could not go out.

Of course, there are also men who are good to get together, and no environment can stop them from getting together. Gather together when the farming is busy, and gather where it is convenient to go when the farming is slack.

At this moment, they gathered in the brigade headquarters. There were three rooms in the brigade headquarters with kangs, prepared for the work team that came down.

When no one is there, the men will also go to heat the kang, and then a dozen or even dozens of men will gather there and talk nonsense.

Although Han Yongfang is domineering, this does not stop them. It is better for them to get together under their noses, listen to the radio, read outdated newspapers, and publicize the party's policies.

Since He Laosan was slapped by Sanwang and Liu Chunfang was scolded by Xiaowang, now they basically dare not whisper about Lin Lan and Han Qingsong behind their backs, and they are also jealous. of.

What's more, Han Yongfang is getting more and more old-fashioned in their eyes. It's not just these two people. If they talk about others casually, he will also scold them.

Therefore, you can't obsess about other women, so you can only make up nonsense and tell stories. Liu Chun is full of light and heat, and they continue to provide materials.

"Liu Chuncai, let me tell you something about my wife's maiden's family, and keep your eyes out." Chang Fuyu was smoking a cigarette bag and pot.

The men let him speak quickly.

As a result, Chang Fuyu also came to talk about jokes, and Balabala didn't get to the point for a long time, so Liu Chuncai was too anxious.

"Haha, you know that you're in a hurry? You didn't give us a hurry when you said it above." Someone teased him.

After finally urging Chang Fuyu to finish speaking like he was constipated, the men in the room fell silent.

Finally Liu Chuncai said: "This is impossible, there are such animals?"

Chang Fuyu: "Why is it impossible? People say it righteously, 'My own daughter, what's wrong with me sleeping by myself? It's just right!'"

"He's a son of a bitch, how can he still do this?" The men scolded, "Chang Fuyu, don't make things up."

Chang Fuyu hehe, "Do you want to inquire about it yourself, there is no one in their village who doesn't know."

Liu Chuncai said angrily: "If this is in our village, let the Party Secretary and Captain Lin smoke some of their animals, they won't kill him!"

Someone said: "Then go to the commune to report the case? Let the public security bureau arrest it and smash the dog's head!"

"I'm afraid it won't work. It's useless to criticize. What excuse do you use to criticize? People raised by others can beat and scold them if they want to. You beat and scold your children at home, and you have obtained permission from others?" Things can't be managed at all.

Liu Chuncai was now brainwashed by Lin Lan. He couldn't bear it, he slipped out to find Lin Lan.

The children have already washed up on the kang and listened to the radio, and will go to sleep in a little while.

She washed her hair before it dried out, and sat on the kang to write a few stories. Han Qingsong burned two pieces of charcoal in the stove, put it in a small earthenware pot and covered it with an iron grating, and brought it over to dry her hair.

Sitting next to her, he massaged her scalp and pulled her hair to dry faster, "I'll dry it for you in the future, so your hair can grow longer."

Lin Lan: ... Does every straight man have a dream of falling in love with long hair

"It's inconvenient to have long hair in the countryside. It's ashes, knotted and dry, all kinds of troubles, but short hair saves trouble." Lin Lan dropped the pen and poured it into his arms, feeling the heat in his chest. sleepy.

The two didn't talk much, but the atmosphere was warm and peaceful, and the room was full of ambiguous atmosphere.

At this moment, Liu Chuncai knocked on the door, "Sister Lin, Sister Lin."

Han Qingsong frowned slightly, unless it was a relative of her family, few people would judge their seniority from the woman, unless the relationship was extremely close. Of course, because Liu Chuncai and others admired Lin Lan very much, they also liked to call her sister closer to her.

"Who is it?" Lin Lan hadn't heard clearly.

Han Qingsong: "Liu Chuncai. I'll take a look."

Lin Lan: "If he has something to do, let him in." Liu Chuncai rarely came to her so late, and Lin Lan felt that something was wrong. If she didn't say this, he probably just sent the person away.

Han Qingsong went to open the door, but did not let Liu Chuncai enter, "Speak."

Liu Chuncai probed and saw that the light was still on in the room. He smiled and said, "Director Han, Sister Lin isn't sleeping, right?"

Han Qingsong did not change his face: "Sleep."

Liu Chuncai didn't believe it, but under Han Qingsong's dignified gaze, he didn't dare to force his way in, so he had to tell Han Qingsong what Chang Fuyu said, "Director Han, are you a beast?"

Han Qingsong: "Tell me to shoot him, but I can't go beyond the law."

Liu Chuncai: "Then, arrest him and sentence him. It's alright."

Han Qingsong: "What about his children, do you raise them?"

Children are not the private property of their parents, but because children need to be raised by their parents, many parents feel that the children are theirs and that they have the power to take life and death, and no one can interfere.

Liu Chuncai was dumbfounded, "Then what should I do? It can't be like that..."

Han Qingsong: "Tomorrow, I'll send someone to their brigade to check if he has any counter-revolutionary or outspoken behavior." At this time, as long as he is not acting as a spy or counter-revolutionary, it is not convenient for the Public Security Bureau to intervene in the brigade's affairs. Especially when some men beat their wives and children, the brigade couldn't control them. Therefore, if you can't do it directly, you can only make a roundabout way. You need to intervene through the brigade and supervise the neighbors.

Liu Chuncai didn't understand, but Han Qingsong didn't bother to explain it to him.

"Go back and think about it." Han Qingsong closed the door.

Liu Chuncai stood silently outside the door for a while, scratching his head, thinking about it, it seems that the village lacks a party secretary like Han Yongfang! If we let our branch secretary take charge of their village and keep each one of them obediently and docilely.

When Han Qingsong returned to the room, Lin Lan's hair was almost completely dry.

She glanced at him, "What's the matter?"

Han Qingsong: "Nothing, report the case, it's not from our village, let Luo Haicheng take someone to see it tomorrow."

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Liu Chuncai is quite interesting. What kind of case can he report?"

Han Qingsong didn't go into details, he took the charcoal basin to the door, then took off his shoes and put on the quilt on the kang, and slept with his daughter-in-law in his arms.

Lin Lan felt that he was a little silent. Although he was very silent on weekdays and couldn't say two words a day, because of the tacit understanding between the two, she could still feel that something was wrong with him.

He seemed to be suppressing something, of course not lust, and he never suppressed himself on the kang.

Like anger

He was angry.

Lin Lan rolled over and propped up her body, "Third brother, what's the matter."

Han Qingsong reached into her vest and stroked her back, "Sleep, I'll let you rest tonight."

Lin Lan's face suddenly heated up, she was concerned about him, not what she wanted to do with him.

But he was willing to let her go, that was really what he wanted, she immediately rolled into his arms and cuddled in the most comfortable position, and bit his collarbone badly.

The strength of the big hand that had been stroking her back in a hurry couldn't help but intensified, pressing her heavily against him.

Lin Lan gasped lightly and snickered, "Go to sleep... hmm..."

He kissed her breathlessly, and his low, hoarse voice pressed hot on her lips, "If you're not tired, we can continue."

Lin Lan closed her eyes immediately, and nestled in his arms honestly, "... Tired."

She was so tired that she couldn't keep her eyes open. She said that the slack farming was the time of the cat's winter, but who knew that the slack farming season was like a wolf who couldn't get enough food!

Although Han Qingsong did not explain the details to Lin Lan, he did not perfunctory Liu Chuncai. As soon as he went to work the next day, he explained the matter to Sun Zhuowen and asked him to go with Luo Haicheng. They are both civil and military, one is responsible for speaking, the other is responsible for intimidation, and can be beaten when necessary.

When Luo Hai became murderous, he was afraid of it, but he was quite murderous.

Sun Zhuowen and Luo Haicheng's partners lived up to expectations and resolved the matter that day. The man was locked up and starved for a few days, and then he beat him a few times according to the meal time to intimidate him.

It basically made him almost useless.

After that, he was asked to do any work in the village that was to be hired by others, and strived to allow him to work three hundred and sixty-five days a year and stay at home.

Once he was at home, the women's director and the village cadres were arranged to visit his house twice a day in the morning and in the evening, and if the child had any abnormality, he would be arrested. Then I instructed my neighbors, whoever saw him misbehaving with his own children or threatened or beaten them, they could gang up and attack them, and there would be rewards for reporting them.

This time, the man was frightened, and he went to work when he got the team's work, and he didn't show up at home if he could stay at home.

This is also a solution. As long as someone takes care of it, the weak and wicked will always restrain themselves. After all, the father doesn't seem to be a vicious person. He is a compliant outsider and only beats his wife and children at home. When his wife dies, he will attack the children without restraint.

The situation in the brigade is much better now. Although he still scolds, at least he doesn't dare to take any action against the child.

Later, Lin Lan found out and complained: "What do the cadres in their brigade eat, and they don't care about it at ordinary times."

She doesn't believe that living together in the village, so many men and women who gossip and gossip, will no one know? To put it bluntly, in an open-plan house like this in the countryside, someone is really farting at home, and the neighbors can hear it clearly.

Han Qingsong told her not to be angry and touched her back, "We will strengthen the public security education and patrols of each team, and please cooperate with your propaganda team."

So Lin Lan did another job, organizing Dong Huaihua, Liu Chuncai, Xiuyun, and Yanyan from the village to form a commune publicity team with the backbone of the nearby village, and cooperated with the Public Security Bureau to carry out various safety education and publicity.

Not only have work points and food, but also money, everyone is busy and happy.

Of course, the security in other villages is not as good as in Shanzui Village. There are always a bunch of idlers or rogues in the village, either relying on the village cadres, or even the village cadres have headaches.

The propaganda team went, and there were beautiful big girls and little daughters-in-law. They had to start with crooked thoughts.

As a result, the most ferocious, arrogant, and most famous one in the commune was kicked out by Han Qingsong, and then he was arrested for a meeting to fight hooligans.

Then as long as Lin Lan goes out to work, Han Qingsong will accompany him actively, just sitting next to him without speaking can shock the audience.

Lin Lan teased him that he was a vicious beast in the town.

The hustle and bustle passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it entered the twelfth lunar month.

Last night, the north wind ripped apart the cotton wool that covered the sky and the sun. In the morning, the world was white, and even the greedy sparrows disappeared.

There is no impurities on the thick white snow, and it is clean and white, which is the state that children like to play the most.

Lin Lan wrapped her padded jacket and lay on the windowsill and rolled up the small window. She used a wooden ruler to open the grass curtain and looked out. A cold wind blew in, making her snort while fighting coldly.

At this time, the children in Dongjian also woke up and found that it was snowing heavily.

When Lin Lan remembered it, she was caught by Han Qingsong's waist and fell back into the warm embrace. She suddenly let out an exclamation, and only then did she feel that her waist and legs were sorely weak.

Director Han is not going to work today!

Because of the heavy snow, he didn't get up early to go to the morning exercise, which was a rare slack.

He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her tightly, "Sleep a little longer, I'll go shovel the snow."

The children were already up one after another, and they rushed into the yard and began to play.

Soon, Dawang slapped Sanwang, signaling him to keep silent.

Mai Sui was wrapped in a bright red scarf, as warm as a group fire. She rubbed her hands and smiled and said, "Don't wake up mother, let her sleep longer."

Sanwang wanted to go out the window and open the grass curtain to peek to see if his parents were sleeping with Arhats, but Dawang was carried by his neck and fell into the soft snow.

Sanwang began to come alive, pulling Xiaowang and Xiaobai together to help lose the big brother with a snow ball.

They played all the way to the outside of the gate. You came and I had a great time fighting, and even the children nearby ran over to play when they heard the movement.

Han Qingsong got up, but Lin Lan didn't sleep much, and she couldn't sleep even when she woke up.

She also got dressed and went to the ground to shovel snow with everyone.

Although the snow is fun, if they don't shovel clean the road, they will suffer.

Lin Lan was neatly dressed, wrapped tightly, and went out wearing cotton gloves that her daughter designed and sewed. Han Qingsong had already started to clear the snow in the yard, and she also took a shovel to help shovel the snow.

The children happily had a snowball fight outside.

The soft snow is like white sugar, and Xiaowang thinks it is very magical. He led Wangwang and Xiaobai to roll in the snow and had a lot of fun.

Four of the puppies under Wangwang were given away, and only one Xiaobai was left. The main reason is that Xiaobai is too weak, and others don't want it for fear that he will not be able to support him, and the children are very sympathetic to him, so Lin Lan stayed, and he has grown up on breast milk all the time.

Maybe because of poor physique, she looks dumb and cute, lazy and slow, no matter what she does, she takes half a beat.

Xiaowang was on tiptoe to reach the snow on the branches, and with a "smack", Sanwang threw a loose snowball around his neck, and the ice made him jump.

"Xiao Bai, come on!" Xiao Wang commanded Xiao Bai while catching the snowball and throwing San Wang.

Sanwang smashed a snowball on Xiaobai's head, blowing flowers on his head, and the white fur and the white snow merged into one.

Xiaobai was a little dazed from being smashed, shook his head, looked left and right, then his body crooked, and he threw himself in the snow and didn't move.

Xiaowang: "! Little third brother, you killed Xiaobai! It's over!"

Sanwang looked at it and laughed: "Don't lie to me! Xiaobai will pretend to be dead, I know."

Over there, Mai Sui helped Xiaowang to smash a snowball of Sanwang, and Sanwang threw his head into the snowdrift and didn't move.

Mai Sui laughed: "Don't pretend to me, get up and fight!"

She threw the broom and ran over to grab the snow and stuff it into Sanwang's neck.

Sanwang is not afraid of cold!

He took the opportunity to overturn the ear of wheat, grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into the scarf of the ear of wheat.

"Ah—" Mai Sui jumped up from the ice, "I'm frozen, frozen!"

She hurried to Lin Lan and asked Lin Lan to help her shake the snow out of the scarf. Lin Lan looked at the snow inside the jacket.

She said, "Go inside and take it off and shake. It's not easy to melt it inside."

Lin Lan followed Han Qingsong to shovel snow, and she swept the ground.

Sanwang stomped his feet, raised his arms and shouted, "Haha, I'm invincible!" He defeated Xiaowang, Xiaobai, and Maisui.

Just as he was proud, a loose snow mass exploded on his face, smearing his face.

"Ah - so cool!" Sanwang ran towards his elder brother, "You attacked me, I want revenge!"

When he ran towards Dawang, he jumped up and stuffed a snowball into Erwang's neck while Erwang was shoveling snow.

As a result, everyone in the family went to beat him, chasing him up and down, hahaha.

A snowball was suddenly thrown towards Lin Lan, Han Qingsong was quick to catch it, and threw it back with a backhand.

"Clap" suddenly smashed Sanwang into the snow.


It was lively, and someone came in outside, "Haha, you guys are so lively, I want to play too!"

He grabbed the snow ball and went to throw Dawang.

Dawang dodged, and when he saw Han Qinghua, he said, "Si Dada is back."

Han Qinghua smiled and said, "Yes, of course I want to come back after your sister-in-law is getting married. You guys had a lot of fun, let's play together. When I was a kid, I liked snowball fights the most."

Dawang: "We have to shovel the snow first." He shoveled the shovel to Han Qinghua.

Han Qinghua: "..."

Han Qingsong and Lin Lan exchanged a few words with him and let him talk in the room.

Han Qinghua smiled and said, "It's better to shovel the snow outside first. The road is slippery in the dark, and it's no fun if you fall."

Dawang took the broom from Lin Lan's hand and went outside with Han Qinghua to shovel the snow, his younger siblings followed. The house was almost cleaned up, Han Qingsong asked Lin Lan to warm up in the house, and he went out with him to shovel snow together.

Before it was time for dinner, Lin Lan called Mai Sui to go back to the house and boiled some sweet soup in a small casserole. It was warm and comfortable to have a bowl like this on a snowy day.

Mai Sui whispered, "Mother, she wasn't very happy when she saw my little aunt last night."

"She's rarely happy."

Lin Lan didn't care if Han Jinyu was happy or not. She was always willful and arrogant. After falling in love, her IQ just wasn't enough, and she had to make jokes. Just after the engagement, she ran home and said things like breaking off the marriage, not marrying, and having sex, no less than ten times! How can you expect a person who has always been selfish and selfish to change all of a sudden? impossible.

Han Jinyu's wedding date is set for the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month. Sister-in-law Han and Sister-in-law Han helped her sew a quilt. She made another dress. Before that, she also had a pair of leather shoes, which was much better than the average peasant girl.

In addition, there are some other things that others don't have.

If she wasn't happy, then Lin Lan didn't know how she could be happy. Like a child, she couldn't control herself and would lose her temper if she lost her temper.

Lin Lan cooked the sweet soup, and Mai Sui called them to drink the soup.

Han Qingsong also swept away the snow to ensure that it would not freeze too slippery at night. Hearing the shouting of wheat ears, Han Qingsong called his brother to go home and rest.

Han Qinghua was not polite, and followed him into the house.

Lin Lan had already brought the casserole to the table, and the room was immediately steaming, warm and homey.

"Sister-in-law, you have been very particular about your life." At this time, it's good to have a mouthful of hot water, and sweet soup.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "It's important to live in poverty, but there's nothing to worry about if you don't lack food and drink."

Han Qinghua laughed, thinking in her heart as if you lived a life without food and drink.

What Lin Lan boiled was hawthorn pear water with added sugar, so it was sweet and sour, and it was delicious.

She handed Han Qinghua a bowl.

Han Qinghua immediately cupped her hands and said with a smile, "Thank you, sister-in-law." He turned his head and said to Han Qingsong, "Miss Qin from the farm, ah, Comrade Qin, it's not a good idea to be called Miss Young Master at the moment, that's the style of the capitalists. Haha. , she, she lived like a fairy all day. I think my sister-in-law is so particular, it's almost the same. "

Naturally, Lin Lan didn't know what Miss Qin was.

Han Qingsong said sternly: "Your sister-in-law lived a hard life for the poor and lower-middle peasants of the proletariat, and she was a world apart from a bourgeois lady."

Lin Lan glanced at them, "Miss Qin?"

She vaguely felt that this Han Qinghua coldly said something about Miss Qin, didn't she mean

Han Qinghua just glanced at Han Qingsong and laughed a little teasingly, but she didn't tell Lin Lanming, as if she was saying that I know something but my brother didn't let you ask if you want to know.

Han Qingsong took a sip of the sweet soup from Lin Lan's tea jar, exhaled white heat, and said to Lin Lan, "Zhang Heili, who saw a capitalist roader and suspected of being a counter-revolutionary, was scolded by me. , I just got engaged a while ago, and a daughter-in-law with a rough voice, pungent and refreshing, not bad, quite capable."

There is such a gossip, Lin Lan laughed.

Han Qinghua: "... "Miss Qin was labeled as a capitalist roader by people with ulterior motives just because she liked watching movies and reading foreign books, not a counter-revolutionary.

He didn't speak, just drank the soup silently.

Sanwang and Xiaowang drink a bowl, Xiaowang wants to give Xiaobai some, but Sanwang is reluctant.

"Brother Xiaowang, let's drink now, wait for the evening, ah, you know." When you dream at night, take Xiaobai to drink, drink as much as you like.

Although Xiaowang is late in other things except music and art, or is not so attentive, he is not stupid! The thing about eating a big meal in the dream is just two days of fooling around, where can you fool around for a year

Xiaowang: "Little third brother, don't you say Xiaobai is your son, don't be stingy."

Sanwang: "You also said that Xiaobai is your younger brother."

A group of people: "… "

In the end, Lin Lan put some pears and hawthorn, which had not much taste, in the dog bowl for Wangwang and Xiaobai to eat.

Wangwang doesn't eat, but Xiaobai refuses to come. He is used to eating with Xiaowang, so he will taste everything.

After drinking the sweet soup, Han Qinghua invited his brother and sister-in-law to play there, "All go, and the children too. Unfortunately, there is nothing special about our farm, except for a few catties of grain, we didn't bring any snacks."

Han Qingsong said, "It's good that you can bring two catties of food to your parents."

Han Qinghua laughed.

Lin Lan looked at the time, "It's almost time to cook, I won't go if you go, I'll talk when I need help."

Lin Lan was naturally not interested unless she went to Dawang. In the past, the old lady's house was cold and smelled of urine. In Xiaowang's words, going from one's own house to the grandmother's house is like going from the warm house to the ice cellar.

Not only is the temperature low, but the atmosphere is also depressing. Children are the most sensitive and naturally refuse to come together.

Han Qingsong and Han Qinghua went there. On the way, Han Qinghua smiled and said, "Third brother, Teacher Fan asked me to take it for you."

"People from the Public Security Bureau are staying at the farm. If he has something to do, he can tell me directly."

"Haha, third brother, he is just being polite."

When they got there, the family was discussing marriage in the East.

Originally, there were many rules for getting married, but now there is a lack of food and clothing, and those pomp and circumstance are not popular. Basically, when the man comes over to pick up the bride with a bicycle or a carriage, the maiden's brother or sister-in-law will go there, and then they will come back after having a meal with their in-laws.

As for going back to the door, it depends on whether it is convenient or not.

The dowry does not need to be delivered in advance, and there is no load in total, just give it to the brothers on the day of the wedding.

The old lady Han said, "When my sister gets married, all four of your brothers have to go to see them off."

Han Qingsong said: "Big brother and fourth child just go."

The eldest brother is loyal and responsible, and he doesn't talk much when he goes there. He doesn't talk nonsense like the second child with thief eyes. Moreover, so many people have to eat, and they are not well-off or do not spend money.

Han Jinyu was originally lying on the kang and was depressed, but when she heard Han Qingsong say this, she immediately raised her head, "Third brother, are you not going?"

Han Qingsong: "My identity is not suitable to go, so as not to add pressure to others."

Han Jinyu was not happy, "Mother, why can't my third brother not go?"

The third brother can support himself by going there. If the third brother doesn't go, can the Liu family take her seriously? Besides, she still wants her third brother to save face for Liu Haozhe, and then let Liu Haozhe's colleagues, leaders, and neighbors see that her third brother is the director of the Public Security Bureau, so what a face!

But Han Qingsong didn't say that he was busy with work, but only said that his special status did not give people any pressure, so she couldn't refute it. She could only act coquettishly with old lady Han and force Han Qingsong to save face for herself.

The old lady Han looked at her third son and said unhappily, "Young third, you are true. With just such a sister, shouldn't it be right for you to marry me if you want to get married?"

Han Qingsong said: "It's not that I don't go, the identity is not suitable. Besides, the responsibility is, then I forgot to restrain the trouble of the wedding."

If he suffers from occupational disease, what if he sees this suspicious one as well

The matter between Liu Haozhe and the mother and daughter, although not a crime in Han Qingsong's eyes, is not a good thing.

When Luo Haicheng found out, Han Qingsong told Han Jinyu euphemistically, suggesting that the marriage should be abandoned. Han Jinyu said that she knew that it was no big deal, it was just Liu Haozhe's kindness, and he had already confessed to her. She also complained that Han Qingsong used his power to investigate Liu Haozhe, whether it was Lin Lan who caused trouble.

For example, Han Qingsong will not take care of them any more, and will not forcibly break them up, but it does not mean that he is willing to communicate with Liu Haozhe.

Seeing Han Qingsong's unwillingness, Han Qinghua took a firm attitude. He said, "Forget it, the third brother is very busy, and it is indeed inconvenient. I can go with the eldest brother."

Brother Han said, "I'll go too!" Brother Han, who had been ignored for a long time, finally spoke up.

It's so beautiful to get married and have a wedding wine. It is better to go to the city for a wedding wine. Of course, I will go there. It will be enough to show off for a few days when I come back.

Han Jinyu: "What are you doing, you know what to eat!"

Brother Han was embarrassed immediately, but he was not annoyed, he just smiled: "You are also very interesting, who doesn't eat when you marry?"

The old lady Han said again: "Then I have to send a child to the kang."

The boy who pressed the kang is generally a little boy of four or five years old. He is not sensible, but he is cute and cute.

Xiaowang is handsome, clean, and has a sweet mouth. He can talk. It is also auspicious to let him go to bed for a night and press the kang.

Brother Han looked at Han Qingsong, and was about to ask Xiaowang to go, when Han Qingsong said, "Xiaofu, go, Xiaowang is still young, and he will cry when he leaves his mother."

Don't talk about pressing the kang for Han Jinyu, just go to someone else's house to press the kang, unless the villagers can watch, Lin Lan will not be happy.

Han Qingsong knew Lin Lan, so he pushed for her.

Han Jinyu was completely unhappy, "What's the matter, what are you afraid of being exposed to? I haven't left yet, so I'm a bad luck star or something, and I don't dare to be exposed to it?"

Mrs. Han was not happy either.

Han Qinghua and Big Brother Han hurried to smooth things out. Big Brother Han also wanted to persuade Han Qingsong to let Xiaowang go. Anyway, he followed.

Han Qingsong didn't give him a chance, "It's settled as it is. If you insist on letting me go, it's not that I can't go. It is inevitable that they will bring Luo Haicheng and Liu Jianyun. They will investigate the place upside down out of habit, scaring them. It's not good for people."

Han Jinyu was so angry that she burst into tears, "Forget it, let's pull it down. You don't treat me as your sister, so I'm begging you shyly? I'm not a mangy dog."

She thought about it well, Liu Haozhe despised her a little, and even joked that she was a brainless vase, how could she bear it? She thought about letting the third brother support herself, and by the way, she would also support him, so that he could take a high look at herself.

As a result, the third brother didn't go at all! How could she not be angry

Even the boy on the kang didn't let Xiaowang go, is she rare

She said angrily: "Forget it, what do you want to put on the kang, no need. There is no kang, so what, we sleep in the city!"

Listening to her like this, Han Qingsong didn't say anything, only said that it was time to give them the bicycle to kiss, and then left.

"Mother, my third brother doesn't treat me as his sister at all." Han Jinyu plunged into the old lady's arms and cried.

Although the old lady was happy because her daughter found Ruyi, her face was bright, but she was also distressed. She was always reluctant to give the treasure in her hand to others, and to serve other men. What's more, Liu Haozhe didn't treat Jinyu as a treasure like her, so Mrs. Han was a little unhappy in her heart.

She also wanted her third son to support her daughter, who knew that Han Qingsong would not agree.

The mother and daughter hug each other and cry.

Han Qinghua didn't persuade him anymore, instead he sighed.

Big Brother Han couldn't see it, so he said: "Don't say that to your third brother, you still owe them five hundred yuan, if this is not your own brother..."

"Big brother, even you are running on me like this!" Han Jinyu cried out in madness, "I won't marry... I won't marry..."

No one coaxed her except old Mrs. Han, just let her whimper, and it will stop when the whining is enough.

Although Han Jinyu said that she would not marry for 100 times, she was more excited than anyone else when it came to the fifth day of the first year, and she dressed up.

Han Er's sister-in-law sneered at her: "people will come tomorrow, why are you dressing up?"

Han Jinyu: "You are jealous!"

Han Er's sister-in-law pouted, "I'm jealous, who has your fate, and went to marry a city person to eat commercial grain."

Her words were naturally sarcastic. Liu Haozhe ate commercial grain, but Han Jinyu did not. Her registered permanent residence could only go to the suburban commune to earn work points there.

Han Jinyu didn't hear it because she was happy, she just thought that the second sister-in-law was jealous of herself. She was dressed up, and she didn't even bother to wash her face at night, so she slept with her clothes all night. The next morning, before dawn, she got up.

Brother Han reminded her and the old lady when she went to the hospital last night, "Should I go to a few sisters-in-law and aunts and say yes, and come tomorrow morning to unpack my sister's face?"

When they got married, all the aunts and sisters-in-law of the family came to say hello, help the bride pack and pack the dowry, twist her face, comb her hair, and tidy up and accompany her until the bridegroom came to marry her.

Mrs. Han thought so too, but Han Jinyu snorted, "For such a happy event, it's a shame to let them come. Who can't be happy? What's the use of calling?" In her opinion, such a happy event is an ordinary woman. They all want to join in the fun and festivities, no need to call at all. She was so embarrassed calling herself, when they all swarmed over, she would be annoyed.

She was sure that they would all come, and there was no need to invite them, so she didn't call.

She didn't call Big Brother Han, and naturally she didn't join the women's pile.

As a result, Han Jinyu got up and waited for a long time the next day, but there was no one who came to the door!

Han Jinyu was stunned. At this time, she didn't realize that she was not well-liked. She thought that others were jealous of her and might even deliberately not come to run on her. She even cried to Mrs. Han, "It must be Lin Lan's fault. !"

Brother Han was stunned, and he didn't expect such a thing, "What does it have to do with your third sister-in-law, don't talk nonsense."

Han Jinyu originally imagined that there were so many women who were annoying to her that she would come to rub her joy. How could she know that none of them would come to the door, what a shame and shame!

She can't take it.

In the end, Big Brother Han had to call Sister Han, Lin Lan, Second Sister Han, and Zhang Caihong and other sister-in-laws to help.

Han Jinyu is always proud of others, looks down on this and looks down on that, is not good to his sister-in-law, has a looser relationship with others, and often stabs people. Now that Big Brother Han went to ask for it, they only said to help.

Soon seven or eight women came to help.

Han Qingsong also came to take a look. In fact, they didn't need their help. After all, there was nothing to do. It was just that the younger sister was getting married, and the elder brother and sister-in-law had to attend.

As a result, after the morning passed, no one from the Liu family was seen.

Han Jinyu was so angry that she began to cry, threw her shoes away, and began to say that she would not marry.

Zhang Caihong and other daughters-in-law originally finished serving Han Jinyu, and it would be good to wait for the uncle to pick up the relatives and send them off. How do you know that it is not before noon? They can't stay here all the time, they have to go home to cook and serve the children.

Sister-in-law Han said to Brother Han, "People are here to help, but the one with the chess piece is not allowed to catch two?"

Candy is reluctant to give up, peanuts and noodle chess pieces always score points, right

Brother Han: "It's all in Jinyu's handbag. It's not enough to go to my in-law's house, and my mother's house doesn't."

Sister-in-law Han: Hehe, hehe, fuck off.

She whispered to Lin Lan: "I haven't gone to my husband's house yet, so I don't treat my mother's family as a person."

Who doesn't take advantage of the marriage of the aunt and the nephew and niece to eat something good? How good is she, a box of candy chess pieces and peanuts is locked in her own hand box to share with her in-laws.

Doesn't my mother-in-law do it

The sugar chess pieces are actually made of fine flour, sugar, eggs and flour. It is hard and hard, rolled out into a half-centimeter thick cake, then cut into small diamond-shaped pieces with a knife, and then added bran and fried in a large pot. After frying, it tastes crunchy, sweet and fragrant, and children's favorite.

Whoever gets married, they all go to join in the fun, that's what they want.

Han Jinyu was actually locked up!

This is really rare. She doesn't know the rules, and neither does the old lady

Lin Lan didn't know what to say, "Forget it, forget it, whatever she is, we don't care if we send it away anyway."

As a result, at noon, Liu Haozhe hadn't come yet!

Han Jinyu was already crying so hard, the sisters-in-law and aunties of other people's families naturally didn't leave them in the way, so they all went home on excuses.

Soon there were only a few brothers and sisters left in the family.

Han Qinghua said: "This Liu Haozhe, third brother, let's go and see."