Strict Wife of the ’70s Manages the Household

Chapter 98: Lose to cry!


The children also cheered, "Ow, daddy is great!" Sanwang and Xiaowang clapped their hands and jumped up and applauded unreservedly.

Mai Sui was so excited that she grabbed Erwang and Qiaoqiao's hands and jumped up immediately after seeing Han Qingsong's victory.

Dawang was busy trying to figure it out, simulating the fight just now in his mind, and came to a conclusion that these few people were too bad.

The good man was led and clapped his hands and shouted, "Dad is great!"

Zheng Yaozu: ... Ancestor is awesome!

Almost instantly, the Tang brothers fell to the ground.

Tang Lao Qi's splits not only hurt his eggs, but he couldn't lift his arm at all. I lost my forearm before, but now I lost my big arm, drooping out of his control.

Tang Laoya: ... He thought that three children must be more than enough to beat Han Qingsong! So he didn't stop, he just wanted to try. At this moment, he was glad that he didn't get together, this old bone can't do such a big movement.

Han Qingsong glanced at Lin Lan, jumped up, clapped the soil on his hands, and said to Tang Laoya, "Can you talk now?"

Tang Laoya hurriedly handed over, "Director Han is amazing, and the old man admires it. In the future, if Director Han has something to say, just tell him!"

Han Qingsong: "I'm not Director Han here. When I was Director Han, it wasn't your turn to follow your orders."

Tang Laoya: "Yes, yes, brother-in-law is right."

Boss Tang pulled Lao Qi up, but his arm was still drooping, and the pain caused Lao Qi to sweat. Of course, he didn't notice that he was pulling Lin Lan with this hand.

Looking at Tang Lao San still lying on the side, Tang Lao Qi forced her tears back again, she must not shed tears, that's a coward.

Now I can finally enter the house and talk.

Big Brother Tang wanted Han Qingsong to help him put back the arms of the seventh. Generally speaking, those who can hold arms will put them back, but Han Qingsong didn't mean it.

Because he was turning his head to look at her daughter-in-law, Lin Lan rolled her eyes towards him and quietly compared her heart.

He didn't understand the meaning of her gesture like counting the bills. Could it be that he wanted to take the opportunity to cheat some money with the old Tang family? He strode up to her and shook her hand.

Lin Lan wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead with a handkerchief, mainly because there was a little dust on his hair, which was easy to confuse his eyes.

This time, the old head Lin looked at Han Qingsong with the same eagerness and admiration as Zheng Yaozu, and the old lady Lin looked at her son-in-law even more, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became, and the dissatisfaction from the previous years disappeared.

Entering the main room, the guest of honor will be seated, and those with large and small benches will be moved over, and the courtyard of the main room will be crowded with people.

Lin Lan originally wanted to vent her anger on the third sister. Being reported is not a trivial matter. She can say that she doesn't care, but she has to show some color to the whistleblower, so that they will never dare to commit crimes again.

She raised the question again.

Tang Laoya looked at Lin Lan and said kindly, "Daughter, I really don't know about this. Look at our old Tang family's ancestors who killed pigs and cultivated the land. We just wear cloth by ourselves, and we don't know how to do business. , why are we reporting your business?"

He is a typical face full of flesh, even if he looks friendly, he doesn't look like a good person, and he can scare children to tears.

Lin Lan didn't think he was lying, "The father-in-law has to ask his daughter, we have witnesses."

Tang Laoya turned to look at her eldest son, "Why can't I understand what she said? What's going on? Do you know?"

Boss Tang knew a little bit at the time, but he didn't dare to say it. It was something made by his mother and sister, as well as from the second child's family. He glanced at the second child.

Tang Lao Er didn't know that although his mother-in-law did it, there were many brothers and sisters in the family. Except for sleeping on the kang at night and sleeping with his daughter-in-law, he didn't go to the crowd of women during the day to join in the fun.

Looking down one by one, Tang Laoqi drooped his arms and lost his face, and the third child lay on the ground and no one knew.

Lin Mei thought they were pretending, so she said that Mrs. Zhang, "It's a cousin of your daughter-in-law, you must know it yourself. Our brigade grabbed her and put her handprint in black and white. This is not fake, don't believe it. Ask yourself."

Tang Laoya looked at his sons, "Who is Mrs. Zhang's cousin? Why don't I know?"

Boss Tang glanced at the second child and hesitated, "Father, the midwife from Nanling, who comes to our house from time to time."

That old woman used to be in the business of three aunts and six wives. Not only would she accept births, but she would also be a matchmaker. She was also a matchmaker. She went in and out of her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law on a daily basis. thing. She and the old wife of the Tang family have known each other for a long time, and several daughters-in-law and nieces-in-law were introduced by her.

Tang Laoya didn't know much about women, but he still knew him from time to time. Mrs. Zhang was called Cuigu. She used to call her Cuixiangu.

"Gu Cui?" Tang Laoya blew his beard, "This old goddess, I don't like her when she slips out every day, and she still does such a dirty thing?" He patted his chest, "If there is such a thing, I, Tang Laoya, are absolutely unambiguous."

Lin Lan: "Mr. Zhang has already caught her, she said that your old lady asked her to do it. I wanted to intervene in my third sister's business before, and the third sister said that if someone wanted to find a job, she would help, but your old lady He is too greedy and insists on dividends. This is a sideline business of the brigade, and the third sister said that it doesn't matter. Besides, you are not a brigade, and it is not easy for outsiders to partner. This family does not share dividends, so where is the turn of the younger brother's wife's family? Do you think so? ?" What a shame!

Tang Laoya heard that his old wife was involved, and his old face was shaking.

He slapped him on the thigh with a slap, "It's really going to happen, I..." He glared at his sons and nephews, "Damn, I divorced her!"

The second child is anxious, "Dad, you can't listen to them. Who knows if they are falsely accusing others."

Tang Laoqi also said: "Yes, they also beat my sister."

Lin Lan said: "Let's ask about this first, let's continue to talk about hitting your sister later." She looked at Tang Laoya and wanted to see how he handled the matter.

Tang Laoya's face turned blue and red, and for a moment he seemed determined to turn his head and instruct his eldest son, "Go, carry your mother back to me."

Brother Tang and several people were very surprised. It seemed that Dad really wanted to give the old Lin family an explanation. Generally speaking, their family's way of solving problems is to use fists first and then reason. If it's your own fault, then a symbolic apology will be brought down. If the other party is wrong, then the other party must pay the price.

If you haven't hit each other today, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to be kind. You must apologize sincerely.

At this time, Tang Hehua and Xiaoxin were hiding from the probe to probe their brains. She originally thought that when her father beat the gang, she went over to show her prestige and grabbed Lin Lan and Lin Mei and slapped them dozens of times. See how they dare to be better than themselves in the future.

How can I know that things are good, but the truth is not so good. My brothers were thrown out one after another, and one Han Qingsong beat them to the ground.

Tang Hehua was very shameless, angry and aggrieved, but she was embarrassed to listen to what they had to say.

At this time, seeing her big brother coming out, she hurried up to meet her, "Big brother, how's it going?"

Big Brother Tang glanced at her, "Fist is not good, it's reasonable."

Tang Hehua: ... My brothers have never met an opponent, so they can't use their fists.

"You, what are you doing?"

Big Brother Tang looked sad: "Bring my mother on your back."

Tang Hehua was anxious, "Brother, why did you let your mother come."

Big Brother Tang: "What are you doing, why do you report people's transactions? You should report them early. If they merged into a team and you report them, what kind of stupidity would you be?"

Tang Hehua said casually: "It's not just being angry, I want to let it out..." She quickly covered her mouth after speaking.

Brother Tang: "So you know."

Tang Hehua immediately shook her head vigorously: "Brother, I don't know, I heard what my mother said, and my mother said to vent her anger, and she didn't really want to report her."

"Why don't you say you're stupid, you can't tell the difference." Big Brother Tang left angrily.

He was tall and fast, and quickly carried Mrs. Tang on his back.

Tang Hehua was so frightened that she pulled the children to hide away.

Boss Tang carried the old lady into the house, and the old lady patted him on the back, proudly saying: "It's true, don't you still use me to pay for it? Whoever beat the lotus, just fan the lotus back. Hit us once. Slap, let's slap ten and see who they slap us!"

If Boss Tang said that his father was angry and asked her to confront him, then she would definitely not come, and he wouldn't be able to tie him up if his mother didn't come, so Boss Tang lied and said that he was wrong and let her go.

The old lady really fell for it.

A few nephews and nephews knew that the eldest brother lied to the old lady, and immediately lowered their heads and pretended not to know. Of course, it is not a lie, it is indeed to compensate for it, it is just to compensate others.

Tang Laoya snorted and slapped heavily, "You have such a big face."

Madam Tang was startled by him and almost sat on the ground, but Boss Tang hurriedly helped her.

If Tang Laoya is a murderer no matter how he looks up or down, then his wife is a kind old lady who looks up and down. He was petite, with his hair in a bun and his feet wrapped around his feet. He had kind eyes and kind eyes.

Madam Tang immediately felt that the situation was not right, and she began to wipe her tears as soon as she pursed her lips, "Why are you calling me to kill me? A whole room of people is going to eat me?"

Tang Laoya: "Why are you crying? Let me ask you why you report the girl's intentions."

Mrs. Tang still wanted to deny it, so Tang Laoya slapped the table, "You look at me as a fool, everyone has evidence, your aunt Zhang Cui who likes to eat crispy bones has recruited!"

Mrs. Tang has been trying to figure out her old man all her life, and she can understand his temperament thoroughly. After seeing this battle, she knows that she can't hide it.

She immediately said she was wronged, "It's all her own idea, I don't know at all. She was the one who walked the streets and knew everything, and instigated me to say that the third aunt's family had a business, let us also become a member, to I gave her a few bucks as a maid. I talked to my niece, and if her third aunt didn’t agree with it, she pulled it down. She didn’t have the maid to hold grudges and go to report people to vent her anger. I really didn’t know that at the time. Ah. I only found out later."

Lin Lan said coldly: "Mr. Zhang's confession was instigated by you. You said here that she instigated you. This is your business, and we don't care about that."

Tang Lao Er said angrily, "My mother doesn't lie. She said that Mrs. Zhang is Mrs. Zhang. Why don't you believe it?"

Ah? Lin Lan looked at him like a fool, do you think your mother doesn't lie? She doesn't lie? Did the beating just now hurt you

Tang Laoya saw that his son was confused, and scolded: "You get away from me." He glared at his old wife, "Simaner, remember what I said when I proposed marriage. You have to pretend to me again, Do you believe that Lao Tzu can still take you back to your mother's house?"

The old lady Tang was swaying immediately, covering her face and crying, "I've been married to you for so many years, and I have a lot of children. You still talk about me like this, what are you going to do, grab a rope..."

"What do you think I don't dare to do?" Tang Laoya began to unbutton his trouser belt.

Mrs. Lin couldn't stand it any longer, "Okay, don't make trouble in our house."

Tang Laoya didn't untie his trouser belt, but glared at the old lady.

Lin Lan said, "Whether it's Mrs. Zhang or your old lady, who is instigating who, you can decide for yourself, we don't care. Anyway, it has something to do with you, and we have not wronged you."

She didn't completely believe that he was innocent. After all, even if it was an old lady who made a fuss and slept on a kang all day, would he not know at all? I'm afraid I'm too lazy to care if I know, anyway, few people dare to come to their door to trouble them.

Tang Laoya nodded, "No injustice."

He stood up, and his sons immediately lined up behind him, bowing to Mrs. Lin, Mr. Lin Tou and others, "My dear family, I'm sorry. I didn't discipline my wife and daughter well, and if I made a mistake, I'll make up for it. "

Mrs. Lin hurriedly said: "Okay, there is no loss in this matter. It's just what relatives said. It hurts people to do this."

This incident hurt the relationship between the daughter and her younger brother, and hurt the relationship between the daughter and her own parents. Old Mrs. Lin also suffered a lot, but her family still had to do it, and naturally she had to save face for her daughter-in-law.

Tang Laoya apologized to Lin Mei and Lin Lan again, and glared at the old lady. Madam Tang was aggrieved, wiped her tears, and apologized to the Lin family.

Tang Laoya's concept of family governance is the same as that of Han Qingsong. The typical male leads the outside and the female leads the inside, the son is educated by the father, and the daughter-in-law is managed by the old lady. Of course, he is not as cold on the outside as Han Qingsong is on the inside, he is fierce on the outside and thick on the inside, his nerves are as thick as a water pipe, and he has a short filter with his own filters. Shili Baxiang is top-notch.

Usually, when encountering a problem, his family always finds others first, and if he doesn't make sense, he also finds a three-point reason. If Han Qingsong hadn't been here today, it would have been the same as before. He came to the door and scare Lin Leshui directly, and then talked about hitting Tang Lotus.

At that time, the other party was frightened, not what they said or what

It was the first time that he had been beaten by the other party today, pressing his head and reasoning.

Although Mrs. Lin said she was forgiven, Lin Lan didn't want to take them so cheaply. She had to let the Tang family know how powerful they were, and never dared to mess with the third sister's family again.

Mrs. Lin winked at Lin Mei and wanted her to forgive the old Tang family so that her younger brother and sister-in-law could continue to live well.

Lin Mei hesitated, but looked at Lin Lan.

Lin Lan said: "This matter, you should apologize, but I have a question to ask."

Tang Laoya: "Daughter, ask."

Lin Lan: "If someone wants to interfere in your family's business, and you don't agree, someone will report it behind their backs, what will you do?"

The old man over there was also impatient, and he shouted angrily, "Who dares to interfere with my family's business, I will chop..."

With a "smack", Tang Laoya slapped him fiercely and scolded, "Things without brains, what are they blind?"

Tang Lao Er was stunned for a while, and immediately lowered his head and said nothing.

Old Madam Tang looked at him with tears in her eyes, her face full of distress.

Tang Laoya: "The girl, what do you say?"

Lin Lan smiled, "Uncle Tang, of course you said it. What would you do if someone reported it?"

It was a cold day, the door was open, and the wind was blowing coldly, but Tang Laoya's forehead began to sweat.

If it was him, of course it wouldn't make the other party feel better, right? Back then, there were a few brothers in a family who wanted to fight with them to sell pork for a living, but they fought a few times. In the end, those brothers lay at home for several days, and they never dared to touch the business of the old Tang family.

Hit the opponent is afraid! Never dare to make up your mind! This is the experience passed down by Tang Laoya's parents.

Today, people also have the ability to hit their homes.

Although he only brought four sons and nephews, he now understands that no matter how many he brings, it is not enough for Han Qingsong to fight. Although they were arrogant in Tangjiaji, and the cadres of the brigade cadres and commune had to be courteous to them, he had also heard about this Han Qingsong.

My younger brothers were sent to labor camps!

Furthermore, the people do not fight against the officials.

Therefore, Tang Laoya is convinced, the winner is the prince and the loser is the thief. No matter how much he loses, he deserves it.

He hesitated, "Daughter, it's a collective economy now, our family has no fields and no livestock, we currently have food rations for the old and young, and a loom. One hundred and eighty yuan, the family spent one hundred and two on New Year's Eve, and sixty."

"Old man, you can't, we're going to last the sixty years for one year. If anyone has a headache this year, and there are weddings and weddings at home, what should we do?" Madam Tang cried anxiously. stand up.

Tang Laoya glared at her, "Go back and settle accounts with you!"

At this time, it is a collective economy. Earning work points in the brigade is really transparent. Even if everyone in their family earns full points, they can double it, and they can calculate how much.

Based on the value of the work points of their brigade, the food and firewood are deducted, and the money is about the same.

Lin Lan just wanted them to remember that if they did something wrong, it didn't come for free. How could they be domineering just by relying on your man to fight

She glanced at Mrs. Tang, "Well, then pay 300 yuan, and write off the report."

"What?" Everyone present was stunned.

"Mother, why didn't you grab it—" Old Madam Tang almost fainted, and now her eyebrows were raised and her eyes were rounded, and the rabbit turned into a vicious weasel.

Old Mrs. Lin and Old Lin Tou were also stunned, the girl really dared to ask for it! At this time, if she can't make thirty or fifty yuan a year, she wants three hundred yuan all of a sudden

Tang Laoya looked at Lin Lan, this girl looks strangely handsome, and she looks like a reasonable and literate person, not like those unreasonable lions who open their mouths. Hey, if I married my son back then as a daughter-in-law, wouldn't it be my own family now

He thought about it for a while, and immediately said: "Daughter, look, do you want to be accommodating? Our family is considered the most capable of the ten miles and eight townships, and only earns one hundred and eighty yuan a year, which is still a good year. It doesn't cost a cent."

Mrs. Lin pushed the stunned old man, and the old man came back to his senses and said hurriedly, "Yes, it doesn't need so much."

Lin Lan glanced at them, it wasn't because of you, what are you worried about

They came back to their senses and immediately looked at Lin Mei.

Lin Mei stayed there too!

She pinched Zheng Yaozu, and Zheng Yaozu groaned, "Daughter-in-law, it's true." My sister-in-law really dared to ask for it, she was so courageous!

Lin Mei glanced at Lin Lan, and she knew what she meant, so she took it back to Qiao. The parents asked her to save face. The Tang family apologized and begged, and the second brother Lin also bowed.

Lin Mei coughed, "Fourth sister, take a look."

Lin Lan said lightly: "Since the third sister is willing to forgive, then subtract 100. The remaining 200 will be paid for 100 now, and the remaining amount will be paid in the next year, and the account will be settled."

Let you be greedy and owe, and let you have a long memory for two years. Anyway, the rations and daily necessities didn't move the old Tang family. What moved them was the extra money they earned, leaving them with no money to do other things.

Boss Tang was speechless.

Tang Laoya is also a ruthless character. He spat in his palms and rubbed his hands together, "Daughter, I don't think it's too much to say that." Lie down on the kang for at least two months or two years.

"Look at this, I've paid for it now, can you..."

Lin Lan understood in a second: "Uncle Tang is a straightforward person. Now I'll pay you the full bill... It's cheap, you only need to pay 160."

Since the old man is sincere, Lin Lan will naturally give face.

Sure enough, Tang Laoya was very happy, he looked at Mrs. Tang, "What the hell, you still pretend to be nothing."

Old Madam Tang trembled and cried, covering her face, "Look at what I'm doing, I have no money."

Tang Laoya snorted and said to Lao Dao, "Go get the money at your house. There is a small box in the big closet in my house, and there is some money in it. You can go and get one hundred and sixty-six to pay for your daughter."

"Old man, it can't be done—" Madam Tang burst into tears, "You can't, that's what I've worked so hard to save all my life..." She searched here and there, and saved her own money.

Tang Laoya said angrily: "I'm in trouble at home, what are you doing with that money? Didn't my son and I earn it?"

Madam Tang rushed to stop her eldest son, but her speed was not enough, and she fell to the ground at once, and she began to cry on the ground, ignoring her face at all.

Tang Lao Er hurriedly helped her, "Mother... you get up."

Tang Laoya: "Don't help her, she will cause trouble, and mess with some old wives all day long. Three aunts and six wives, can they be good things? You can give me a good time at home in the future, don't you believe in Buddhism, eat fast and recite Buddha? You Continue to chant Buddha, none of the seven aunts and eight aunts are allowed to come to the house. When you go back, we will divide the family for you, and let your daughter-in-law and son live by themselves.

Madam Tang groaned and began to twitch, feeling her heart and was about to faint.

Mrs. Lin quickly gave her a heart-to-heart, pinching her.

Madam Tang grabbed her hand tightly and glared at her fiercely, "You, you, you are so cruel."

Mrs. Lin got up quickly.

Madam Tang began to whimper, looking very pitiful.

The two villages are close to each other. The Lin family lives in the south of Linjiatun, and the Tang family also lives behind Tangjiaji, so the distance is closer.

Soon Boss Tang brought back one hundred and sixty yuan and handed it to Tang Laoya.

Tang Laoya put it on the table solemnly, "Daughter, please order."

Lin Lan didn't click, but smiled, "Master, you see that auntie is so willing to weave, it's boring to stay there all day. My third sister's brigade has a weaving point, you can tell her and let her go. How good is weaving, regardless of age, you can earn a lot of work points."

"You bad woman! Why are you so bad!" Old Madam Tang snotted and cried, so she didn't need to work, she didn't need to work since she married to the old Tang family!

When Tang Laoya thought about it, she really liked it, she likes to be involved in other people's weaving business so much, she must like weaving, "I'll go back and ask the team, if it works, I'll send it to her, and weave cloth for a year to earn money. Work points subsidize households.”

Madam Tang glared at Lin Lan resentfully.

Lin Lan is not afraid, just stare out your eyes. If you don't punish you for doing bad things, you just shut up and beat Mrs. Zhang and punish Donald Duck, and you have nothing to do, wouldn't you be even more embarrassed? If I punish you and I still feel guilty, then am I not a fool

Besides, if it wasn't for my man being so powerful that I beat your man's son to the ground together, would you admit that you were wrong

For such people who only obey violence and power, they must be subdued by violence and power.

Lin Mei was so impressed that she couldn't close her mouth. She was angry and fell down after giving birth, but she didn't expect to be able to take revenge like this

Yes, what is the use of the trachea of the Tang lotus? Tang Hehua was raised crookedly, just like the second brother Lin, he was useless.

There is a shadow of her mother everywhere.

Clean up the old lady and let the old lady and the old man know that it hurts. This is the real punishment.

Lin Mei is really getting more and more rare orchid flowers, and her sister's eyes flashed, causing Han Qingsong to look at her several times.

Lin Lan got up and stretched out his hand towards Tang Laoya, "Uncle Tang, let's stop here about reporting this grievance."

Tang Laoya stretched out his hand to shake hands with her, as a sign of making peace.

Han Qingsong pushed Zheng Yaozu over, "Come on."

Lin Lan: "..." Third brother... Well, I understand that you are jealous, but he is an uncle, and you are too sensitive.

Han Qingsong glanced at her and held her hand silently.

Over there, Zheng Yaozu and Tang Laoya shook hands to make peace. With one shake, Zheng Yaozu bared his teeth and grinned again in pain, and his eyeballs almost fell out!

Damn old man, you can't shake hands with my sister-in-law, and you don't have to express your dissatisfaction so hard!