Striving for Science

Chapter 113: Best match - End of text


"How is the situation outside now?" In order to strengthen his faith, Master Yunfeng poured his blood into his heart when he invited God. Now he is pale and looks like a patient with severe anemia.

"Each department has activated the emergency response mechanism, although it is still a mess, but as long as each department is not in chaos, the people will have the backbone." After inquiring about the news outside, the mood of the cultivators who hurried back has gradually stabilized, "I will go to Shenyang. The civilian service department where Changan is located has seen it, all the people in their department are out of the field, and the entire office is empty."

"At this time, they may be too busy." Uncle Zhang sighed, "Du Zhonghai and Gao Shujuan can't get in touch either."

As soon as the words fell, they saw that the incense of the gods suddenly broke.

Asking God to cut off the fragrance means that God has received their call, but rejected their request.

Several practitioners glanced at each other. They had long been used to gods not responding, but they had the spirit of rejoicing in bitterness. Before, they invited gods, but the gods who were invited never responded. Clearly rejecting them is also an improvement.

"That's it." Yun Feng neatly put away the altar, "Go, take off the robes, and help them maintain order. In case someone takes advantage of the chaos to loot or do bad things, we will..."

"Let the ghosts come out and scare them to death!" Zhang Gu, who followed Uncle Zhang and the otaku ghost, but had no sense of existence, shook the magic weapon that contained ghosts on his body.

Yun Feng was stunned: "Good idea."

Special means can be used in special times.

The big guy cleaned up the altar with all his hands and feet. When he was about to go out, there was a flash of light, and four judges dressed in official robes, wearing official hats, and holding a judge pen appeared in front of them.

"Who is calling?"

The masters looked at the bare table top, then looked at the refrigerator with the sacrifices, and began to reflect on whether the action of collecting the altar was too fast

Fortunately, the four judges are not gods who stick to sacrifices, and they can explain their intentions in a few words. The general idea is that we are deeply regretful and sympathetic to hear that the human world has suffered a disaster. Although the conditions on our side are also very difficult, we are still willing to lend a helping hand and convey the blessings of Lord Yama to the world.

Only then did Yunfeng, Uncle Zhang and others understand that according to the current rules of the underworld, the underworld could not interfere in human affairs, but Lord Yan arranged for four judges to come according to the rules of "special handling".

"Thank you." Yun Feng gave a big gift, "Since that's the case, I will shamelessly ask the four adults to help us guard the earth and prevent evil spirits from wreaking havoc on the world."

"It should be." The four judges nodded, turned into four divine lights, and flew in four directions.

After the four judges left, the masters put the sacrifices back on the altar and put the divine cards of the underworld on it, and then they rushed out.

When they got outside, they found that the most serious problem was not fighting, but that many people rushed to the supermarket to buy things. They even saw an old man in his 70s and 80s walking fast with a bag of rice.

On the street, a lot of cars were parked by the side, and the big men squatted in groups of three or five, chatting together, and by the way, criticized the children nowadays for not being able to endure hardship. When I was a child, I lived happily without a mobile phone or a computer. @Infinite good text, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Occasionally, the owner of the car was blushing because the car was scratched. At this time, Uncle Zhang tried to persuade him to fight with a "weak" face. Whoever spoke more seriously would start panting. Successfully stopped several fights.

Although the real him can knock over two strong men with one punch, Uncle Zhang still convinces people with his acting skills.

"Messaging talisman?" After persuading the two drivers who were quarreling, Mr. Zhang weakly walked around the corner of the street and returned to normal in an instant. When he saw Yunfeng stretched out his hand to catch a communicative talisman, he couldn't help but said, "The imperial capital is over there. came from?"

Yunfeng nodded, took out his mobile phone and called Minister Wang, and told Minister Wang about the situation in Wuming City.

"If you can't get through with your mobile phone, just call it a few more times. It's not good to use a communication talisman." Uncle Zhang shook his head helplessly. "Scientific society will be ridiculed for using such a backward method."

"Maybe it was just when the power went out, the communications department didn't have time to turn on the emergency measures, and Minister Wang couldn't get through to our phone, so I was a little anxious." Master Yan Yin is a monk, and at this time, he kindly spoke to maintain the dignity of Minister Wang. .

"Shen Changan's phone still can't get through?" Uncle Zhang looked at the street where people came and went, frowning, with Shen Changan's character, such a big thing happened, it's impossible to hear no news, could it be something happened? thing

Shen Changan's mortal body, without warning, was shattered by the memories and emotions of the Ninety-ninth Generation. When the body is weak, it is impossible to convert from the human body to the heavenly body.

But there are exceptions.

Because Heaven protected him, all beings in the world have a strong desire to survive. As the invisible and intangible spiritual energy poured into his body, Shen Changan felt that his body was gradually improving.

He seemed to have guessed something, leaned against Daonian's arms and looked up at him.

In fact, this monster planned very well. He made his life helpless, and made those who should be happy distort the original trajectory of their lives and become ghosts full of resentment against the world.

The accident of all the plans was that he met Daonian.

If those ghosts who almost turned into ghosts did not meet him, they really turned into ghosts and were tortured to death by the memories and emotions of the ninety-ninth generation. Beat this monster out of shape

If he can't do it, how much turmoil will there be in the world

"Still uncomfortable?" Daonian noticed Shen Changan's eyes, thinking that he was angry with the monster, and put his foot into the enchantment and kicked the monster's face.

This time, the original face still has a human-like monster, and even the facial features are gone.

"Such a monster should never have stayed in this world." Shen Changan looked at the monster struggling and rolling on the ground, "Since you don't love this world and want to destroy it, then don't stay in this world. Because the world doesn't need monsters like you."

After saying this, Shen Changan felt infinite power pouring out of his chest, opened his mouth with a wow, and spat out countless dirty blood.

And that monster, whose body was suddenly torn apart by many invisible forces, seemed to be annihilating him from this world.

"Tianji Dao!" The monster's body slowly disappeared, leaving only an inhuman head. He opened his mouth wide and roared, "Tianji Dao, I curse you..."

But before he could finish his sentence, he was stomped on by a foot, and finally dissipated between heaven and earth unwillingly.

Daonian withdrew his feet and said expressionlessly: "According to my experience in watching movies with you, at this time, the villain must not be allowed to finish his words."

Shen Changan: "..."

"Dao Nian, if I didn't know you, would you stand up in a situation like today?" Shen Changan, who had vomited blood, did not become weak, but was full of vitality.

"Life and death are impermanent, and the law of nature circulates." Daonian was silent for a moment and answered this sentence.

Shen Changan understood it carefully, and suddenly patted Daonian on the shoulder: "So, I am the man who saved the world by falling in love?!"


"You are relying on yourself." Daonian made a thick blanket and wrapped Shen Changan, "The turning point of everything depends on you."

Carrying Shen Changan out of the barrier, the snow fell.

The out-of-control traffic lights suddenly returned to normal.

In a certain office in the imperial capital, there were experts in many fields, but when they saw that the monitoring data gradually returned to normal, their faces showed ecstatic expressions.

"The magnetic field is back to normal."

"The atmosphere is back to normal."

"Information transmission is back to stability."

"Tsunami warning lifted."

"The typhoon warning has been lifted."

"Earthquake omens disappear."

"Earth's crisis is over!"

"It's not the crisis of the earth." An old man with age spots on his hands and white hair and beard said, "It's the crisis of our humanity that has passed."

The crowd fell silent.

"If we don't cherish our current life, even if the current crisis is over, there may be another crisis." The old man stood up tremblingly, and the assistant behind him quickly supported him.

"Crisis suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared." Because of his old age, the old man's back was hunched and his voice was weak, but he looked at everyone with clear and sharp eyes, "This is not a coincidence, but someone is there Behind it, it has prevented the catastrophe for us human beings."

"There is nothing in the world that is taken for granted. You can't see it in time, and you should be full of awe."

"Awe of what?" asked a young genius scientist.

"Awe of life." The old man smiled. He looked at the young genius scientist with very kind eyes, as if he was looking at the hope of the next generation. "As long as you are in awe of life, the future will be full of miracles."

"Dao Nian, don't you think that we are like heroes who have eliminated evil but never look back?" Although he was wrapped tightly, Shen Changan still had a flexible mouth, "The closed door of evil, the flying Snowflake, this is simply the most perfect ending for a heroic redemption blockbuster..."

"Shen Chang'an!" Several old men wearing volunteer red armbands rushed over, and the two drivers who were arguing were stunned by their neat running speed.

The uncle who persuaded the fight just now, didn't he still shout that his chest hurts and he was dizzy

Why do you suddenly walk like flying

The two drivers looked at each other. After a long time, driver A asked, "Is it still noisy?"

Driver B: "Forget it."

The atmosphere is gone, what's the noise

Uncle Zhang was going to ask Shen Changan why he couldn't get in touch just now, but when he saw that the person holding Shen Changan was his fairy boyfriend, his wild steps suddenly turned into restrained little steps: "We couldn't contact you just now, Why did you suddenly appear from being held, are you injured?"

Shen Changan looked up at Daonian, and then said in a half-serious, half-joking tone: "Just now I went with my boyfriend to defeat the big villain who was trying to destroy the world, and got hurt a little bit."

He thought that these masters would not believe his words, but he did not expect them to show thoughtful expressions, and then Qi Qi bowed his hands to him.

"Thank you."

These masters bowed very low, each with a solemn expression, without the slightest perfunctory.

Shen Changan was dumbfounded, he struggled from Daonian's arms and reached out to help them: "I'm joking with you, why do you take it seriously?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he vomited blood again with a wow.

Daonian silently put the blanket over Shen Changan's shoulders, and stuffed a blood-enhancing medicinal pill into Shen Changan's mouth.

Seeing Shen Changan spitting blood, the masters' eyes became more serious. They bowed their hands to Daonian. This salute posture is what they usually use to make altars and salute to gods.

Daonian looked at them and said two words: "It's cold."

The masters were very excited. The immortals spoke to them. Did they tell them to be careful not to catch the cold

"Changan is injured, I will take him back to rest." Daonian picked up Shen Changan again and walked towards a car that had just stopped.

Masters: "..."

It's still a little embarrassing when you're self-indulgent.

When he got home, Shen Changan couldn't help being sleepy any longer, and lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Before falling asleep, he did not forget to tell Daonian: "Remember to kiss me up like a prince kissing a princess."

"Okay." Dao Nian held his hand lightly and watched him fall asleep.

Daonian sat with Shen Changan all night, and the next morning, he leaned over and kissed the corner of Shen Changan's lips, but he didn't wake up.

Entering the spiritual power into Shen Changan's body, Daonian let go of Shen Changan's hand and walked downstairs in silence.

"Sir." Liu Mao walked in front of Daonian, "Since yesterday afternoon, the little phoenix has not eaten. Shall we invite people from the bird clan to come and have a look?"

"No." Daonian glanced at the little phoenix in the bird's nest, "When Chang'an wakes up, he will naturally eat well."

"Although I haven't opened my mind yet, I still know how good it is." Liu Mao smiled, "Anyway, this little phoenix was fed by Chang'an and became fat and fat. He won't starve to death if he doesn't eat for a day or two, how is Chang'an? ?"

"Forcibly awakening the spiritual sense, the internal organs must be reorganized by the spiritual energy." Daonian looked at the snow falling outside the window, "It will be alright."

When Changan wakes up, he can build a snowman with him.

"It's okay, it's okay." Liu Mao's words stopped. He was afraid that after Chang'an's recovery, his relationship with this relationship would fade away. What should the husband do then

But seeing the calm expression on the gentleman's face, he knew that this sentence could not be said.

He turned around and took away the nectar that Little Phoenix didn't eat in the morning, then turned and stuffed it into the parrot: "What your children haven't eaten yet, eat it yourself."

Feiying didn't say a word, just drank her head down.

Not to mention the Yangzhi nectar this morning, even if it was a hundred days ago, she would happily finish it. After drinking the nectar, she trimmed her feathers with the bird's beak: "Is Mr. Shen okay?"

Liu Mao shook his head. He put the little Phoenix on a new diet, turned around and went out the door. Seeing Old Zhao Zheng humming a song and teasing the shallots that were secretly planted in the flower bed, he couldn't help but say, "Chang'an is injured, why did you still sing?"

"Chang'an is about to regain his divine body, and I can live forever with the adults. Of course I'm happy." Lao Zhao shook the mud on the shallot roots, "Let's eat shallot noodles tonight."

Liu Mao: "..."

Shen Changan didn't eat, so they only served bowls of noodles

"Have you ever thought that after Chang'an recovers his divine body, he will forget this relationship."

"He is recovering the divine body, not amnesia." Lao Zhao was stunned for a while, then pretended to be calm, "Don't talk nonsense, bah bah bah, hurry up and leave the bad things."

"Fuck." Liu Mao frowned in disgust, "Don't engage in feudal superstition."

"A kitchen god, a divine cow, and also against feudal superstition?!" Wu Qu came over and pointed to his phone, "Look at what mortals guess about what happened yesterday, it's so interesting."

Lao Zhao and Liu Mao glared at Wu Qu, then leaned over: "What did they say?"

The post opened by Wu Qu is called "In Memory of My Daoist Friends Who Are Trying to Stop the Doomsday". In the post, the landlord vividly wrote how he and the Daoist friends prevented the end of the world from happening, and it also involved a moment. You love me, I love him, and finally we sacrificed to Jiuquan together for the peace of the world.

It made countless netizens laugh.

Netizen 11: Didn't you agree, this will be our secret forever, won't we say it until we die

Netizen 118: I am the coat the landlord wears, I can stand up and testify, what he said is true.

Netizen 396: Since someone has come forward and told the truth, then I have to tell a secret. Do you still remember the doomsday rumor 20 years ago? In fact, the end of the world has really come, and it was only because we changed the course of the world that you felt that it was just a joke.

Netizen 1057: Stop talking nonsense, where did the end of the world come from? Experts have already said that the large-scale failure of electrical appliances across the country yesterday was due to the magnetic field disorder caused by the rotation of the planet. This is a rare occurrence in a thousand years, and there is no harm to the human body.

Netizen 1066: Brother on the 1057th floor, you look serious, as if you have a film under the overpass.

The netizens downstairs continued to talk nonsense. Some people said that he was actually the monitor of the cultivator class, and some people said that he was actually a Buddhist cultivator. Yesterday, he prayed for peace in the world.

Wu Qu also took the opportunity to join in the fun, and replied in the post: "Actually, I am the legendary Wu Qu star. Yesterday's disaster was too serious, and I couldn't solve it. In the end, it was Lord Tian and his boyfriend who eliminated the big villain together. , ushered in peace for the world."

This message was quickly submerged in countless replies without attracting anyone's attention.

Netizens will never know that in their joke posts, several people are telling the truth.

"Oh, it's so hard to tell the truth, there's no one who believes in it." Wu Qu put away his mobile phone regretfully, and turned to see that Lao Zhao and Liu Mao were still looking at their mobile phones, "Do you still want to?"

"Who cares, I'm not so boring." Liu Mao stood up straight, turned around and left.

"It's time for me to cook." Lao Zhao shook the shallot in his hand, as if he wasn't among the people watching the fun just now.

Ordinary people don't know that after the incident, the superior department transferred all the surveillance video in Wuming City, and found a strange content in the surveillance video.

Minister Wang looked at the man in gray who appeared in front of Shen Changan in the video, and then the two of them disappeared in the video together with a solemn expression.

Soon the video footage starts to get blurry, which is also the moment when the world gets chaotic, and then the surveillance video even stops working. Fortunately, this surveillance camera has a backup battery that will automatically activate after a power outage.

In the next time, they saw the staff of the civil service department who hurried out. There were people coming and going in the monitoring, but Shen Changan never appeared.

About two hours later, a crack suddenly appeared in the originally empty place, and a man with a blank face came out with a man wrapped tightly in a blanket. He saw the man raised his head and seemed to find the monitor. .

Across the screen, Minister Wang had the illusion that the other party seemed to be looking at him behind the screen.

He checked the time at that time, just when the world returned to normal.

He dragged the progress bar back, and masters such as Yunfeng appeared in the surveillance video. Although he couldn't hear what they said, he saw the solemn expressions of these masters saluting the two of them in unison.

Turn off this video, Minister Wang knows that if this video is handed over to the above, it will cause a great sensation.

Shen Changan was still very young, he saved the world.

But is such a sensation a good thing for Shen Changan

The office phone next to him rang. Minister Wang looked at the caller ID, took a few deep breaths, and picked it up. After a brief conversation, the other party asked him if he found any strange people or things in the video.

"For the time being... I haven't found it yet." Minister Wang looked at Shen Changan who suddenly vomited blood in the video. "Because of the disordered magnetic field, some monitors were stopped at the time, so I'm afraid I can't find any useful information based on these videos."

When the world is in trouble, you shouldn't put all your hopes on one person.

No one should bear a lifetime responsibility for the world.

Minister Wang sat quietly in the room for a long time, and finally he moved the mouse and completely deleted the video.

The world is at peace, this child is still young, and his next life should be his boyfriend tasting delicious food and visiting the world's ancient places of interest.

After doing this, Minister Wang let out a long sigh.

He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so, but... He felt that as long as Shen Changan didn't want to, he would never reveal this secret in his life.

There are also those masters who made the same choice as Minister Wang. When they reported to the above, they all deliberately avoided Shen Changan saving the world. They only said that when they asked God, Shen Changan provided great help. Apply for a large amount of incentive money for Shen Changan.

A young boy, talking about his fairy love, doesn't need to be bound by these trivial things, and these old guys are in front of them.

These things they did, they didn't tell anyone, but God knew it.

On the third morning, Daonian kissed Shen Changan's forehead: "You reincarnated for them, they still have merit."

Shen Changan slept for three days, and the snow in Wuming City fell for three days.

Daonian sat on the balcony and looked at the snow in the yard. If Chang'an didn't wake up tomorrow and promised to invite his friends to dinner, he would break his promise.

There were footsteps coming from the stairs.

Lao Zhao, who came to the kitchen to cook, stopped moving and rushed out in a hurry.

The little phoenix in the bird's nest waved its small wings excitedly.

The door god guarding the door, nesting in the corner watching the martial arts gossip on the Internet, all looked up the stairs.

The young man in pajamas had black hair and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, a bit more immortal than before.

They all knew that it was no longer Shen Changan who walked down, but Vitality Dao.

Daonian just sat on the chair like this, looking up at the young man standing on the stairs.

The young man turned his gaze to him, then tilted his head, did not speak, the room was deadly silent, everyone was expecting him to speak, but they were afraid that he would speak.

"I slept for a long time?" The young man looked at Daonian sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. Behind him, snowflakes were fluttering, and the whole yard was plain white.

"Not long." Dao Nian's tone was calm, but he just squeezed the book in his hand.

"Oh." The young man nodded, walked down the stairs a few steps, came to the gate, opened the gate, and snowflakes fell on his face along the wind.

Seeing this, everyone's heart sank suddenly, he... is going to leave

Daonian stood up slowly, he took a few steps forward, trying to stop him and not let him leave, but looking at the smile on the corner of the young man's mouth, he stopped.

"Uncle Zhao!" Shen Changan said in a long voice, "It's snowing so hard, let's eat hot pot tonight!"

After speaking, he waved to Daonian, "Let's go, let's build a snowman."

"Don't change clothes?" Daonian walked over to him and held his hand.

"It's okay, anyway, I'm not afraid of the cold now." Shen Changan smiled and dragged Dao Nian to the snow. The divine body was so useful that he didn't feel cold when he was wearing thin pajamas while blowing the cold wind.

"Dao Nian." Shen Changan helped the two big snowmen put on straw hats, turned to look at Dao Nian, "Thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Daonian reached out and brushed the snow from Shen Changan's hair.

"Thank you for coming to my side after I was single for the ninety-ninth life and changing the fate of my single dog." Shen Changan reached out and hugged him, "I love you."

Backhand hugged the person in his arms, Daonian slowly curved the corners of his mouth: "You're welcome."

"I love you too."

Snowflakes fluttered and fell all over their hair.

"It's a pity that I can't accompany you to the gray hair." Shen Changan looked at Daonian's hair grayed by the snow, "As compensation, can I accompany you to the end of the world?"

"it is good."

Dao Nian thought that every winter, when they built a snowman together, they were all whiteheads.

But one year, ten years, and one hundred years are not considered whiteheads. Only when they depend on each other to the end of the world can they be considered forever.

"Sir, Chang'an, eat hot pot!" Lao Zhao stood on the eaves and smiled, greeting the two with a smile.

Shen Changan raised his head and saw the smiling people in the room, as well as the little sparrow who was lying on the parrot's head at some point in the doorway.


Shen Changan smiled.

On a cold snowy day, it is best to eat hot pot with the people you love and care about.