Striving for Science

Chapter 117: There are no secrets in the four underworlds


The last time Uncle Zhang saw Shen Changan was when he was 109 years old.

Taoism advocates that Taoism is natural, and life and death are already determined, so when he was dying, although his disciples and grandchildren were sad, they would not lose their temper.

He has done a lot of things over the years, and although he is not a saint, at least he is worthy of his conscience. What's more, Shen Chang'an once said that he would help him to say good things in front of King Yama, and he was considered a related person.

I just don't know if Shen Changan still remembers this incident. Although he is old, he still remembers this incident clearly.

A disciple and grandson saw that the master's eyes were fixed on the door, and he stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Master, do you have anyone you want to see?"

Uncle Zhang blinked, he hadn't seen Shen Changan for several years, although he sent him things every year. It was said outside that he was so tall and thin because he was a master of Taoism, but he suspected that he had lived so many years by eating something sent by Shen Changan.

I have to say that the things that Shen Changan sent are really delicious.

It was a pity to think that after reincarnation, he would not be able to know Shen Changan, nor would he be able to eat what he gave him.

The disciples didn't cry, but the otaku ghost who had been with him for decades cried like a broken bellows.

Can this kid stop crying, he is about to die, please be quiet!

The hospital is the best place to see the human beings. There are patients everywhere who are tortured by the disease and can't smile, and there are also tired nurses.

Shen Changan walked into the hospital door, and happened to meet a kindergartener for a physical examination. These little guys held the clothes of the friends in front and lined up to go inside shouting slogans, which made the hospital more energetic.

After the group of children chattering like ducklings passed by, Shen Changan met a young couple head-on.

The man is tall and the woman is fair-skinned. The two walk closely together. The woman's belly is slightly raised, and there is a cute little life.

Shen Changan's gaze swept across the faces of the two of them, and said with a smile, "The child in my belly will definitely be well-behaved and healthy."

The husband and wife did not seem to expect that a stranger they met on the road would suddenly say such a sentence. But even though they were strangers, this kind of blessing made them very happy, and the couple smiled and thanked him.

"No thanks, it should be." Shen Changan smiled and passed by the two of them.

"Wait." Seeing Shen Changan leaving, the woman couldn't help but stopped him, "You look kind, have we met somewhere?"

This young man looks a few years younger than their age, and he looks so good-looking. If they have seen it before, they should have an impression, but she can't remember where she saw it, and she somehow thinks that he has a good face. There is even a sense of intimacy.

"Maybe I've seen it in my previous life." Shen Changan stopped, turned to look at the two of them, his eyes full of tenderness, "That's why I have a good face."

The woman was amused by his words: "Maybe so."

When the man saw his ruddy face, it didn't look like he was sick: "Are you going to visit a doctor?"

Shen Changan nodded: "I want to see an old friend for the last time."

The man's expression became solemn: "Please condolences."

Shen Changan shook his head slowly, and did not mention this matter again, but instead said, "I will send three blessings to your family of three."

Before the couple could react, they heard the young man speak quickly.

"First, I wish that the two of you will be in love until the end of your life, and that you will be married for many lifetimes. Second, I wish that the two of you will be healthy and happy forever. Third, I wish..." Shen Changan looked at the woman's belly.

"You..." The husband and wife stared at Shen Chang'an in a daze, and the sense of familiarity in their hearts became stronger.

"It's time for me to go." Shen Changan smiled, "Goodbye."

"Goodbye..." They looked at the young man's back until he disappeared at the door of the inpatient building, and were unwilling to take their eyes back.

I always thought it would be good to see him more.

The disciples, disciples and grandchildren saw that the master's face was getting worse and worse, but they still stared at the door and did not want to take it back. They all guessed who he was waiting for, but they didn't know who he was waiting for.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." A young man with a long body opened the door and walked in unhurriedly, "I met two old friends downstairs just now, and it took a while."

The disciples, disciples and grandchildren looked at the young man, and then looked at the master, and found a smile on his face. They couldn't help being a little surprised. It turned out that the master was waiting for this young man.

"You're here?" Uncle Zhang's voice was hoarse and weak. He panted heavily, "It seems that he has treated you well all these years."

When mortals and immortals are together, the biggest difficulty is not that immortals are different, but that immortals can stay young forever, while mortals have too short lifespans.

However, after so many years, Shen Changan was still the same as before, as if he had never experienced time.

Shen Changan smiled, walked to the hospital bed and stood still: "I'm here to pick you up."

Uncle Zhang: "Are you going to steal the ghost job?"

"No way, my boyfriend is... a fairy, they always want to give me some face." Shen Changan turned to look at the old and young in the ward who were reluctant to part, "Do you have anything else to explain? I will give it to me. You open the back door, and you can slowly confess your last words."

Shen Changan stretched out his finger and lightly tapped on Uncle Zhang's forehead, and Uncle Zhang's complexion improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the disciples and grandchildren heard this conversation, they felt that Shen Changan was a little strange. How could a living person take the ghosts away like ghosts

"Everything that needs to be explained has already been explained." Uncle Zhang regained his energy, sat up and looked at his disciples and grandchildren, "The world is in the dust. After I leave, I can no longer maintain the sect, and you should work hard to improve yourself. , do not fall into the name of my sect."

"Yes." The disciples, disciples and grandchildren listened respectfully.

"The rest, I don't have much to say. As Taoist priests, we must remember that if we can beat them, we will beat them hard. If we can't beat them, we will run for their lives. Don't be foolish enough to die, you know?"


"Okay, that's it." Uncle Zhang waved his hand and lay down on the bed, "Let's go."

Shen Changan looked at the otaku ghost squatting in the corner and crying: "Are you going with Uncle Zhang?"

The otaku blinked his dry eyes, thought for a few seconds and nodded, "Okay."

With a wave of Shen Changan's hand, he drew Uncle Zhang's soul out of his body, and volleyed open the door to the underworld.


The disciples, disciples and grandchildren knelt down in unison, and Uncle Zhang followed behind Shen Changan without looking back.

People cannot be resurrected from the dead, and it is useless to look back.

As the gate of the underworld disappeared, the disciples and grandchildren said sadly: "Master, Yuhuaxian has gone."

The era that belonged to Uncle Zhang is also over.

Because Uncle Zhang did a lot of good deeds during his lifetime, he was a practitioner. Finally, at the invitation of the judge and Uncle Zhang's careful consideration, he took over the seal of the city god and became one of the city gods of the underworld. The otaku ghost became his seat. One of the ghosts, mainly responsible for the public opinion guidance of ghosts in the area where he works.

After becoming a city god, he realized why gods no longer responded to the requests of human monks, because in this era, the appearance of gods is no longer needed. If gods and demons always appear in front of human beings, it will not be good for human beings.

Once dependency is developed, it is easy to breed laziness.

Humans are no longer dependent on ghosts and gods, and are developing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

They are also very busy in the underworld. Now the medical conditions in the human world are good, the old people are living long, and the young people are pursuing freedom and self, so the demand for marriage and children is not strong, so the underworld is under a lot of pressure, and he is often too busy. touch the ground.

Suffering alone is not as good as all suffering. He also recommended his practice friends, whom he had known for many years, to the King of Hell and the Judge, and asked them to expand the recruitment of underworld staff.

Hades and the judge were very moved, and quickly implemented the action.

Looking at the friends who were fooled to work in the underworld, Zhang Chenghuang no longer had a sore waist, no pain in his legs, and he was more energetic in handling affairs.

However, all his good moods ended at the year-end summary meeting of the underworld. He heard the words "Lord Tiandao" mentioned by the King of Hell from time to time, and couldn't help but ask a Chenghuang who had served for hundreds of years. This Chenghuang had a very good relationship with him. Please see this is the city god who came out.

"Fellow Daoist, I don't know the Lord Heavenly Dao in the mouth of Lord Yan, but..." He pointed to the sky, and he didn't dare to say it too directly.

"You've been working in the underworld for a whole year, and you still don't know about it?" Chenghuang looked at Master Zhang in surprise, "Daoyou Zhang, it's normal for us ghosts to see Lord Tiandao very often. You have such a relationship with Mr. Shen. Well, it's impossible not to know Lord Tiandao?"

"What does this have to do with Shen Changan..."

"You can't call Mr. Shen's name directly." Cheng Huang's expression changed slightly, "Mr. Shen and Lord Tiandao have a deep relationship like a sea, and people who practice in the six realms call him Mr. Shen."

"Wait, doesn't Shen Changan have a boyfriend, what is he in love with Lord Tian..." Uncle Zhang paused stiffly, and suddenly had a very terrifying guess.

When Shen Changan brought his boyfriend to the door and confessed his boyfriend's identity, he pointed to the sky. At that time, he thought he was a god in the sky. Maybe... Shen Changan simply pointed to the sky

In other words, he not only invited Master Tian to dinner, but also sent him a red envelope as an elder? !

Uncle Zhang's legs were a little weak, and he held Cheng Huang's arm: "Fellow Daoist, Lord Tiandao... Are you in a good mood?"

"not too good."

"Have revenge?"

City God: "..."

Zhang Chenghuang dared to ask this question, but he did not dare to answer it.

It's really powerful, Shen Changan, who dares to fight against the old man in the world, besides Shen Changan, who else is there

A real man, dare to dare every day...

"Actually, I also heard a gossip." Cheng Huang whispered to Uncle Zhang, "I dare not say other ghosts, you are different, you have a relationship with Mr. Shen."

Uncle Zhang: "..."

After living for so many years, I didn't expect that after death, I finally became a related household of someone above.

"I heard that Mr. Shen is not human either..."

"I knew it." Uncle Zhang's face was full of vicissitudes. "I think he is a god who was reincarnated into the mortal world."

"Ah?" Chenghuang was stunned, "Really?"

Uncle Zhang: "Isn't that what you mean?"

Chenghuang looked at Uncle Zhang and thoughtfully: "Don't worry, I will never tell anyone this secret."

Not long after, there was a rumor in the underworld that Lord Tiandao's lover was a very powerful immortal in his last life.

Uncle Zhang: "..."

In the underworld, the phrase "I will never tell anyone this secret" is a fart!

(End of full text)

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