Striving for Science

Chapter 12: Dad's letter


The sky that was sunny just now suddenly turned gloomy.

Put down the phone and turn on the computer to process some internal data. It was almost noon when the rain began to fall, hitting the leaves and making a crackling sound.

Ding Yang was calling for everyone to get in the car. The small broken car in the department was particularly useful in this weather, at least it could keep out the wind and rain.

"In this weather, there are still people visiting us?" Through the window, Chen Panpan saw a sightseeing car driving by. "In the afternoon, we will send a message to the travel agency and ask them not to enter the mountains as much as possible."

Wuming City is full of mountains and rivers. In the past, when traffic was not developed, the people living in the mountains had a very difficult life, and they never even saw the outside world from life to death. In recent years, the living standard has improved, and I began to learn to develop tourism in other places. Unfortunately, due to the lack of publicity, and the only feature that is unique is the local characteristic dwellings, the number of tourists that can be attracted is very limited.

Shen Changan glanced at the sightseeing car that Chen Panpan said. There were a few people sitting scattered in the sightseeing car, but there were not many people. Looking at Chen Panpan's attitude towards tourism, you don't need to ask him to know that the tourism industry in Wuming City is not developing very well.

The car drove outside the community, and Shen Changan borrowed an umbrella from the property and walked downstairs quickly. The corridor was a little wet, probably left by other residents when they went upstairs.

He put away his umbrella, climbed a few stairs, and saw a young woman running down in a hurry, without even having time to comb her hair. Shen Changan gave way to the side, and turned to see the young woman rushing into the rain curtain.

Passing by the fourth floor, the door of Uncle Zhang's house was closed, and he should not have returned. He went upstairs to steam the rice for himself, fry a dish and a meat.

The worst thing about living alone is that you can't finish cooking two dishes, and cooking one dish is too monotonous.

After eating and tidying up the kitchen, the rain never stopped. When Shen Changan returned to his room to prepare for his lunch break, he found a leaf under the bed.

Bending down to pick up this green leaf, he glanced at the tree outside the window, took out his mobile phone and clicked on the contact list, but he didn't know who to contact.

The leaders of relevant departments were worried that criminals would retaliate against him, so they not only changed his name, but also changed his household registration. A few months ago, news broke that the son of a criminal killed by his father had joined an international criminal gang. In order to protect his safety, the relevant departments arranged him to Wuming City, and asked him not to contact his former classmates and friends as much as possible.

Swiping through one name after another in the contact list, Shen Changan clicked on the chat box with Daonian.

Chang'an: Mr. Daonian, do you believe there are ghosts in the world

He thought it would take a long time for the other party to reply to him, but he did not expect to receive Daonian's message within half a minute.

Nian: Of course not, why do you think so

Seeing this answer, he couldn't help laughing.

Chang An: I have had some very strange dreams recently. These dreams are too real.

Years: Days have thoughts, nights have dreams, don't worry, there are no gods and demons in this world.

Chang'an: Then... where's the ghost

Nian: When a person dies like a lamp goes out, is there still temperature on the extinguished candle

Chang'an: Mr. Daonian is in a good mood today

Nian: Why do you ask that

Chang An: Because you typed a lot of words with me today.

After the message went out, there was suddenly no reply from there. Shen Changan was a little regretful, it was rare that the other party was willing to talk to him a few more words, why would he be so mean

After a few minutes, the phone rang again.

Year: Hmm.

Nian: You must remember that there are no ghosts in the world.

Chang An stared at the phone for a long time, then laughed silently.

Changan: I see, thank you Mr. Daonian.

There was no further news from there. Shen Changan came back from the office at night, took a shower and was about to go to bed, when Daonian suddenly sent a message.

Dao Nian: Good night.

Chang'an: Have a good dream.

After closing the chat box between the two, Shen Changan received a call from Director Du asking him to rest at home for a day tomorrow. He did not refuse. After hanging up the phone, he lay on the bed and regarded himself as a spread.

He thought he would not be able to fall asleep, but he didn't expect to hear the sound of rain outside the window. He slept very sweetly that night, and didn't wake up until after nine o'clock the next morning.

After getting up, taking a shower, changing into a black shirt, Shen Changan pushed open the door to the side bed, where there were some relics of his parents, and their photos were hung on the wall.

"Dad, you can't read the letter you wrote to my mother." Shen Changan sat on the chair and smiled softly, "If there is a spirit after death, read the content of the letter to your mother. , lest my mother always say that you don't understand romance."

He laughed at himself, picked up the towel and wiped the dust off the photo: "That's it, anyway, no matter how much I say, you won't hear it."

There was a knock on the door, Shen Changan put down the towel, opened the door of the living room, and saw four men standing outside the door. The man in the front was holding a wooden box in his hand. It was raining outside, but the wooden box was not stained with a drop of water. .

"Excuse me, are you Comrade Shen Changan?" The man holding the box in both hands looked at Shen Changan with a cautious expression.

"I am, please come in." Shen Changan invited the four of them to enter the door. After closing the door, the man handed the box to Shen Changan with both hands.

"stand at attention."


Seeing the four of them salute neatly and uniformly, Shen Changan was stunned, hugged the box in his arms tightly, and bent down to return the salute to them. The box in his arms is not heavy, but he feels it weighs more than a thousand catties.

Putting the box on the table, Shen Changan went to the kitchen to pour water for them. The four of them sat on the sofa with their backs straight, as if they were on alert anytime, anywhere.

He didn't ask the identities of these people, and they didn't seem to be good at words, with concern and worry on their dark faces.

Open the wooden box, there is a yellowed diary, a few ordinary pens, a watch, a medal, and... a picture of Dad.

The father in the photo, standing in the yellow sand, smiled with white teeth, so energetic and so young. After looking at the photo for a long time, Shen Changan carefully put the photo back into the box.

There are also some awards and medals in the box and the internal commendation letter, but these are not what Shen Changan cares about the most. With trembling hands, he picked up the yellowed letter and opened the envelope little by little with a letter opener.

The moment he opened the envelope again, he hurriedly took out the letter, but at the moment he was about to open it, he slowed down again.

Shen Changan didn't know what was written in the letter, and his mind was chaotic, thinking for a while, it would be great if his father could come back alive after writing this letter, or if his mother could read this letter before her death.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Changan still opened the letter.

Dear Lanlan and Xiaoyou:

Show letter good!

Tomorrow I'm going to participate in a top-secret mission. Before I go, I can't communicate with my family, let alone meet with you. It was a hot and stuffy night here, and I couldn't sleep.

On the day before you leave, you are still coughing, remember to take your medicine on time, and don’t patronize and take care of the patient, your body will not be able to take care of it.

Last time, Xiaoyou, you told me that you wanted to buy a military hat, but unfortunately I was in a hurry to buy it for you. Don't say your father I'm stingy.

When your father is not at home, you are the only man in the family. Remember to take good care of your mother. When you are older, learn to cook well. Men who can't cook are not good at marrying a daughter-in-law.

Lanlan, there are still two hours before dawn. I have a lot of things I want to tell you, but I know that you understand me.

Xiaoyou, my child, the little man in our family. Tonight, I suddenly regret that I didn't give you a good hug before I left, and I didn't say I love you personally. Dad used to think that the elders have feelings to keep in their hearts and can't talk about it at any time. But tonight, at this very moment, I realize that I was wrong.

If you like someone and care about someone, you have to say it, don't be stingy with your own words and praise, this is also love.

Actually, what I want to say is, Lan Lan, Xiaoyou, I love you.

When I get back, we'll take family photos.

Every time Xiaoyou grows up one year, we take a photo. When you have a daughter-in-law, my mother and I will show her the family portrait to let her know what you looked like when you were young.

Lan Lan, do you think this is a good idea

I'm always not good at words, and writing is not good, a letter is written upside down, there are eagles chirping outside, I think, it's almost dawn.

When the sun rises, it will be a new day.

Love your Dacheng stay pen.

The morning of June 18, 2001

After reading this letter, Shen Changan spent nearly 20 minutes, he was reluctant to miss a word, even a punctuation mark.

"This..." The man who was holding the wooden box just now carefully took out a bag from his pocket, "My leader and Captain Shen were on a mission that day. He said that before he left, Captain Shen also told him that after returning home Be sure to buy you a military cap, otherwise you, a son, will definitely be angry with him."

"Shen team... After team Shen left, the seriously injured leader stayed in the hospital for nearly a year. After he was discharged from the hospital, he went to buy this hat, but because of work, he couldn't go to you." The man had tears in his eyes. Put the children's army cap into Shen Changan's hands, "The leader said that Team Shen has not broken his trust, and he has always remembered his promise to you."

"I know." Shen Changan tugged on the children's army cap tightly, "My dad is a man who stands above the ground. I never blame him, mom... neither does mom."

Although he was locked in the cold main room by his grandmother when he was young, he cried to his father's photo and asked why he didn't come back, and he never blamed him.

"Thank you." Shen Changan used his mobile phone to photograph the contents of the letter and the appearance of the envelope, folded the letter and put it back in the man's hands, "Please keep it well."

"Yes." The man took the letter with both hands, stood up and saluted Shen Changan, then handed a business card to Shen Changan, "If you encounter any problems in the future, please contact the person above."

Shen Changan smiled with red eyes: "Thank you."

After sending off these four dusty men, he put the box in the closet and locked it, and sat blankly against the closet. The phone rang, and the caller turned out to be Daonian.

On the phone, Daonian asked him, "Do you want to eat hot pot?"