Striving for Science

Chapter 15: My surname is not Zhang


"Although Wuming City is only an unknown small city, there is a passage connecting Yin and Yang. Every seven days, a car that can cross Yin and Yang will appear in Zishi. It used to be a horse carriage, but now it responds to the times. Call, the carriage has been changed to a bus." Uncle Zhang sat under the bus sign, "Some people with weaker characters can see this car at certain times and even ride it accidentally, so some cities have circulated rumors. The story of the last bus."

On the desolate street, Shen Changan put a coat on Uncle Zhang, took out a bottle of mosquito repellent and sprayed it all around. It was already autumn, how could the mosquitoes be so powerful

"What are you doing?" Uncle Zhang frowned upon smelling the choking smell of mosquito repellent. "When you get off the bus, don't get in the car, and don't respond if someone waves to you."

"What will be the response?"

"If you respond, you will burn paper money for him, otherwise he will come to you in his dreams. This is a way of touching porcelain in the ghost circle, and the method he uses does not violate the regulations. In addition to burning paper money for him, the person who is recruited will not only burn paper money for him. There is no other solution." Uncle Zhang glanced at Shen Changan, "But you don't have to worry about this kind of thing, the ghosts who dare to touch porcelain are very good and won't provoke people like you."

Shen Changan raised his eyebrows, he was a person who respects the old and loves the young, why should he even despise ghosts

"Five minutes left." Uncle Zhang glanced at his watch, not knowing what brand it was, it shone brightly under the light, as if he was covered in diamonds.

"Do you like it?" Noticing Shen Changan's eyes, Uncle Zhang took care of the coat that Shen Changan put on him, looking like an expert, "It was given to me by a businessman a few months ago, and it's worth a hundred. Lai Wan, there are many more at home, I'll get a few pieces for you to wear later."

Uncle Zhang's bragging hobby has developed from a thousand-year-old medicinal material to a diamond watch

"Why are you so embarrassed to take your expensive watch, I'll just look at it a few more times to open my eyes." Shen Changan stretched out his hand and pressed the jacket rolled up behind Uncle Zhang, and sprayed Uncle Zhang's ankle with mosquito repellent.

"The ghost hearse is about to arrive, so don't you have any ideas?" Seeing that Shen Changan didn't take it seriously, Master Zhang suddenly lost most of his sense of accomplishment.

"What, what's wrong?" Shen Changan shook the mosquito repellent water bottle, "What the hell, we can't stop coming just because we sprayed mosquito repellent water, right?"

Uncle Zhang: "..."

Time passed by minute by minute, and when there were only thirty seconds left before the next day, Uncle Zhang looked at the night fog rising at the end of the road with a serious expression: "Wait, no matter what you see, don't be afraid. I dare to take you Watching these will bring you back with all your beards and tails."

Shen Changan had never believed in ghosts and gods, but Uncle Zhang's expression at the moment was so serious that it made him a little suspicious. Is there really something in the world that he can't see

Looking at the thick fog at the end of the road, Shen Changan unconsciously became serious.

Ten seconds passed.

Thirty seconds passed.

There was nothing at the end of the road until a minute passed.

The whole street was dead silent, and a mouse quickly ran from the opposite side of the street into the sewer, making a squeaking sound.

The atmosphere was a little embarrassing, and Shen Changan began to think about how to save Uncle Zhang's face without making him too embarrassed: "Maybe the car broke down and needs to be repaired, so it's late?"

Uncle Zhang looked at Shen Changan, then at the end of the road, with a sullen face and said nothing.

The ghost hearse can never be late. He has been in Wuming City for more than a year. Sometimes he catches an evil spirit and is too lazy to escape, so he will come here and throw the evil spirit into the ghost hearse and let the underworld go by himself. deal with.

Over the past year, the ghost hearse has never been late or left early, so why did something go wrong this evening

"I'll take you to other places." Uncle Zhang said with a stern face, he didn't believe it, all the ghosts disappeared tonight.

"Why don't we come back tomorrow night, it's so late..." Shen Changan pushed the tandem bicycle parked next to him, "staying up late is not good for your health."

"I won't let you see ghosts tonight, I'll be in bad health and get angry." Uncle Zhang got on the bicycle and patted Shen Changan on the back, "Go."


Shen Changan felt that he was very energetic today, as if it would be no problem to run dozens of kilometers on foot. With Uncle Zhang on his back, he stepped on the bicycle so fast, those who didn't know thought he was riding an electric car.

"Follow the navigation." Although this was the bicycle the two were riding, Uncle Zhang sat in the back without moving his feet, and the mobile phone sent out a mechanical and emotionless voice over the road.

"Uncle Zhang, I think hearing this kind of sound on an empty road in the middle of the night is more terrifying than seeing a ghost." Shen Changan stepped on his bicycle, "Can we change the navigation system?"

"It's enough to speak clearly, what kind of feelings do you want?" Uncle Zhang patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go."

Passing through a dilapidated street, low buildings and garbage can be seen everywhere. From time to time, a stench is emitted from the trash can by the roadside. Several wild cats sensed someone passing by and made vigilant calls.

"Uncle Zhang, are you taking me to see ghosts, or are you here to turn over a mountain of garbage?" Parking the car outside an abandoned construction site, Shen Changan saw that the ground was full of gravel, and turned his hand to support Zhang naturally. Grandpa's arm.

"What are you doing?" Uncle Zhang looked at the hand holding him, and said awkwardly, "Go well, I don't need to help."

"I'm not helping you, I'm just scared. If something really comes out, you can always protect me by staying by my side, right?" In Shen Changan's opinion, the elderly are just like children. Sometimes Need to coax and hold.

Uncle Zhang's lips moved, looking at the arm he was holding firmly, but he didn't push it away.

The lights on the abandoned construction site are a little dim, and you can vaguely see some vague shadows. They are some temporary shacks. Because they have not been inhabited for too long, they collapse, collapse, and darkness.

The night cat from nowhere suddenly screamed, and several mice squeaked.

Shen Changan turned on the flashlight function that came with his phone, and took a look at the road ahead.

Just thinking about it, he saw that Uncle Zhang took out a few yellow talismans from his arms and threw them in the air, and the yellow talismans spontaneously ignited.

Shen Changan heard the words in Uncle Zhang's mouth, but... He didn't understand a word.

After the spell, the wind was blowing, as if countless things were about to crawl out of the darkness. The wind blew his coat whistling, Shen Changan shrank his neck, looked at the yellow talisman that slowly turned to ashes in the air, and held his breath.


With a loud shout from Uncle Zhang, the sound of insects around him became quiet.

Shen Changan opened his eyes wide and looked at the dark corners around him. In these dark places, there is something hiding.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, Shen Changan saw that the wind was gradually decreasing, and a frog croaked and jumped over his instep.

"Quack quack."

The frog jumped in place, as if mocking them, the two boring humans.

After the wind completely stopped, Shen Changan turned his head to look around, embarrassed to ask Uncle Zhang where the ghost was. Uncle Zhang took out a charm from his arms in disbelief, but this time there was no wind.

There is only boundless embarrassment.

The air was filled with the smell of burning talisman paper, Shen Changan looked up at the night sky, where the stars twinkled, it was quite beautiful.

"Forget it." After Uncle Zhang used up the last talisman paper, he looked at Shen Changan from a few steps away, as if he was looking at a rare and wonderful flower.

"Uncle Zhang..."

"Don't call me Uncle Zhang. From now on, my surname will not be Zhang, but Wang." Uncle Zhang's face was full of vicissitudes, looking into the distance, as if he could see through everything, "How can I be qualified to be named Zhang."

"Don't be too sad, maybe the ghosts are on holiday today, or have other things to do, so they don't have time to see us." Shen Changan supported Uncle Zhang, "Let's go back to sleep tonight, and I'll accompany you later. Come out and find a ghost."

Uncle Zhang: "..."

Riding a bicycle through the old alley, and passing by the bus stop where Uncle Zhang thought there was a "ghost hearse", Shen Changan stepped on the bicycle a little faster, he was afraid that Uncle Zhang would remember the embarrassing thing just now.

After riding a few hundred meters forward, a black car drove over. There was no bicycle lane on this road, so he could only avoid it.

But when the car passed him, it suddenly stopped.

Shen Changan looked at the car curiously, the window of the car was lowered, revealing a familiar handsome face.

"Mr. Daonian?" Shen Changan was a little surprised, "It's so late, why are you here?"

Daonian glanced at Uncle Zhang behind him and said to Shen Changan, "Work."

It's not easy for anyone to have to work so late with inconvenient legs. When Shen Changan saw Daonian's eyebrows raised, he guessed that he wanted to ask why he and Uncle Zhang were here, so he explained: "I came out with Uncle Zhang..."

It's not easy to tell Daonian that he is accompanying Uncle Zhang to find a ghost. Shen Changan's words turned on the tip of his tongue: "I came out to accompany Uncle Zhang to relax."

Daonian nodded, raised his eyelids and looked at Uncle Zhang more, as if at this time, he was willing to look at Uncle Zhang with his eyes: "It's late at night, I have to go back early."

"Okay, you also have an early rest." Shen Changan waved his hand vigorously at Daonian with a smile, and then vigorously stepped on the bicycle and flew away.

Daonian looked at the back of Shengshen Changan riding a bicycle with his round legs, his dark and deep eyes, and the tranquility of the sea.

Being blown by the cold wind, Uncle Zhang slowly came out of the frustration of not being able to make Shen Changan go to hell. He turned his head and looked behind him. Was the man in the luxury car just now a friend of this stinky boy

What did Shen Changan call him just now

Uncle Zhang shook his head, and for the first time began to doubt his life. Could it be that not only did he fail in his techniques, but also his brain was useless

"Sir." Liu Mao said, "Mr. Shen doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, so why would he be with the human celestial master?"

Daonian closed his eyes and said nothing.

In front of the car, a thick fog rose, and there seemed to be something neatly lined up in the thick fog, waiting to be inspected by a big man.

The middle of the street was so clean that there was not even a single leaf.

The author has something to say: Liu Mao: Tranquility, avoidance.

Uncle Zhang: Hello everyone, I'm Uncle Wang downstairs from Shen Changan.