Striving for Science

Chapter 18: Mountain Springs Valley


"Sir, tomorrow..."


Liu Mao looked at Daonian in amazement. He was afraid that he had heard it wrong, and his voice became cautious, "Do you mean to go out to play tomorrow?"

Daonian didn't speak, this is the default meaning.

"I'll go down and make arrangements. Are you going to the sea in the east, the desert in the west, or the icy land in the north and south?" Liu Mao took out a large number of tokens from his arms and prepared to order the local gods to clear the field. Must not affect the interest of Mr. to play.

After so many years, how difficult it is to be able to say the word "play" from the mouth of Mr.

"Mountain Spring Valley."

Where is Mountain Spring Valley? Liu Mao was stunned, was it in Shennongjia or in the Five Mountains

"Brother Liu, the mountain spring valley mentioned by Mr. may be the valley that is dozens of kilometers away." One of the twins whispered, "Did you forget that Mr. Shen made an appointment with Mr. to go to play together on the weekend?"

Liu Mao suddenly realized, no more words.

Mountain Spring Valley is named because of the clear spring in the mountain, but the local people in Wuming City are not interested in this place. Anyway, it is such a mountain, such water, and there is nothing rare.

Generally, the people who come to this place to play are outsiders or some old people who have nothing to climb mountains to exercise. In the past few years, a lot of money has been spent on the development of Mountain Spring Valley. Unfortunately, its reputation is limited and it does not attract many tourists. The first day of the new year is the peak of its passenger flow.

Shen Changan packed food and water in his bag, and was about to go downstairs to take a taxi when he saw Liu Mao driving his car waiting for him downstairs, and seeing him come down, Liu Mao burst into a bright smile: "Mr. Shen, this way ."

The car window slowly opened, and Shen Changan saw Daonian's good-looking face, as well as Daonian's small eyes languishing over.

Seeing Daonian, Shen Changan trotted over, opened the car door and sat beside Daonian, putting his bulging backpack aside by the way.

Daonian glanced at the backpack.

"There are water and food in here. The things in the scenic spot are expensive and unpalatable. If we are not used to the food in it, these can be used as snacks." Shen Changan patted the backpack, put it under his palm, and issued a message. Popping sound.

Daonian blinked, indicating that he understood.

"It was originally agreed that I would go to find you, but why did you come first?" When Shen Changan buckled his seat belt, he found that Dao Nian had not fastened his seat belt, so he leaned over and fastened it for him, "I asked my colleagues about it last night. , There is a steep section of the road into the mountain spring valley, so the seat belt must be fastened."

"By the way, I made a sandwich in the morning, do you want one?"

Liu Mao sat in the co-pilot and listened to Shen Changan singing a one-man show by himself. He couldn't help but be a little curious. Mr. Mingming didn't say a word, how did Shen Changan continue the conversation

In front of the teacher, he did not dare to open his consciousness, only dared to secretly look behind. The husband really didn't say anything, but he had already eaten the sandwich made by Shen Changan, and he really couldn't see the laziness of the usual picky eaters.

Noticing Liu Mao's peeking eyes, Shen Changan took out a cake from his backpack: "Sorry, I only made the sandwich for one person. This is the cake I made last night. You can try it."

"Thank you." As soon as Liu Mao reached out to take the cake, he saw the husband raised his eyelids and looked at him.

"Milk, hot." Shen Changan stuffed a bottle of hot milk into Daonian's hand, "I added a little sugar to make it taste better."

Daonian retracted his eyes, lowered his head and drank milk silently.

After eating the sandwiches and drinking the milk, he saw that Shen Changan took out a pocket out of nowhere and put the paper bag with the sandwiches and the milk bottle in it.

Ten minutes later, Shen Changan took out a few packets of pistachios from his backpack.

"In the process of rushing to the destination, eating snacks and chatting is also an important part of the journey." Shen Changan distributed a bag of pistachios to Daonian, "Come, have a taste."

Daonian stared at a bag of pistachios with a long shell, his eyes full of rejection.

"Don't like this?" Seeing this, Shen Changan took out a few things from his bag, "Choose what you like to eat."

To be peeled.

to be peeled.

To be sticky.

Daonian stared at these packages of snacks for a long time, and reluctantly picked out a bag of sweet potato fries.

"Mr. Shen, I didn't expect you to like snacks. I thought only girls like to eat them." Liu Mao was worried that Shen Changan would be too embarrassed to talk to himself, so he would not play with Mr. embarrassing chat.

"What kind of men and women do you like to eat?" Shen Changan lowered his head and peeled the pistachio shell, "Being strict about gender goes against your own nature, and is equivalent to wasting your life."

When he was very young, there was a little girl in the neighbor who liked to play football. He told his mother why that little sister liked to play football just like boys.

Mom told him that everyone has the right to like something, regardless of gender. Later, in order to let him understand that football is not the patent of boys, his mother also specially pulled him to watch a few women's football games.

When he was young, he didn't understand why his mother said and did that, but as he grew older and saw more and more things, he understood the deep meaning of what his mother did.

At least he now eats snacks with peace of mind, not afraid that it will damage his masculinity.

"Ling Ci is really an amazing woman." Liu Mao wanted to praise Shen Chang'an's mother, but Daonian suddenly said, "Hands hurt."

"What's wrong?" Shen Changan looked down at Daonian's hand and found that his right thumb was a little red and swollen. No wonder he didn't eat snacks that needed to be peeled.

Grabbing Daonian's hand, he took a closer look. Except for some redness and swelling, there was no sign of pus. He breathed a sigh of relief and asked the driver to stop the car and go to a nearby pharmacy to buy ointment.

After applying the medicine and applying the Band-Aid, Shen Changan took a closer look and was satisfied with his craftsmanship: "It's fine, I'll be fine in the evening."

Liu Mao looked at the Band-Aid on Daonian's hand, and then looked at Shen Changan, who began to lower his head to peel pistachios for Daonian. His expression was as complicated as seeing his 90-year-old grandfather, and he suddenly said to him in a twisted manner. , he had a crush on a monkey.

"This half is yours, and the other half is mine." Shen Changan divided the peeled pistachio into two halves, gave half to Dao Nian, and ate the half himself, "Shanquangu is coming."

Shen Changan eats pistachios very fast, but Dao Nian can be sure that Shen Changan eats more pistachios than he has in his hand.

He squinted at Shen Changan, this dishonest human being!

"Look, there is fog on the mountain." Shen Changan grabbed Daonian's sleeve, pointed out the window and said, "The clouds and mist are lingering, and it has a fairyland feel."

"Wonderland is not so simple." Daonian stared at the pistachio in his palm, the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Hey?" Shen Changan looked back and saw that he didn't eat, "You don't like it, then I..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Dao Nian in front of him, and he started to eat expressionlessly, and he still ate it one by one.

Shen Changan: "..."

Is this a childish ghost from kindergarten

There is a ticket window at the gate of Shanquangu. Because there are no tourists, the conductor sat lazily in the ticket office, not even knowing that a car was coming.

"Sister." When she heard someone tap the ticket counter outside, she raised her head and saw a young boy in a white long-sleeved T-shirt, rimless glasses, and sparkling eyes with a smile. People feel good when they see it.

At the age of forty or fifty years old, the conductor was called "Sister" by a young and good-looking guy, and his mood suddenly became very good. Not only did he give him a few travel brochures, but he also told him which restaurant in it tasted good and charged low.

Returning to the car with the travel brochure given by the ticketing eldest sister, Shen Changan distributed the brochure to Liu Mao and Daonian: "There is even a mountain spring bath shop in it. Let's try it in the afternoon?"

Daonian was silent for a few seconds, then nodded slowly.

It may be because the mountain is relatively high. After the car drove into the mountain, the fog has not dispersed, but it has become more and more dense. Usually there are tourist buses in the scenic spot to send tourists into the mountain. Apart from Shen Changan and the others, no other vehicles passed by on the highway.

Shen Changan opened the window and glanced out, whispering, "Is the tourism industry in Wuming City so bleak that no one comes over even on weekends?"

"It's foggy." Daonian answered.

"Yes, it's foggy, and sometimes people can't see it even if they stand far away." As soon as Liu Mao finished speaking, a car drove past them. Although it wasn't too many, at least it wasn't deserted.

After a tourist bus dedicated to the scenic spot also drove past, Shen Chang'an's strange feeling completely disappeared. He peeled a handful of pistachios and put them all into Dao Nian's hands: "Should we be on the mountain?"

Daonian took the pistachio, and the corners of his lips, which had been tight, relaxed slightly.

The car went around the winding road, crossed another bridge, and stopped in a spacious parking area. Shen Changan saw that the roof of a building was faintly exposed in the thick fog. He rubbed his hands and looked back to see Liu Mao holding a folding wheelchair in the trunk, so he bent down and carried Daonian out of the car.

"gentlemen… "

With a bang, the folding wheelchair in Liu Mao's hand smashed to the ground. Seeing Shen Changan's puzzled eyes, Liu Mao smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, but my hands slipped."

Putting Daonian on the wheelchair, Shen Changan glanced at Daonian's slender legs, turned around and took out the blanket from the car to cover Daonian's legs: "It's quite cold on the mountain."

He glanced at a tourist bus parked next to them. There was a lot of muddy water on the bus. It should have come up when it was raining in Wuming City two or three days ago.

Thinking of this, Shen Changan pointed at the building in the thick fog, and said with a smile: "Look, does this place look like a scene in a horror movie? Usually a horror movie with a hotel as the background, the protagonist and supporting characters are trapped in the hotel. When you can't escape, it's dark outside the hotel except for the thick fog."

Liu Mao glanced at the Chinese-Western-style hotel in the thick fog, and was speechless.

"Hey, it seems that this is the mountain spring bathing village introduced in the travel brochure. Anyway, the fog is so thick now and the temperature is a bit low, why don't we go to the mountain spring bath first, and then go out to enjoy the scenery after the fog clears in the afternoon?" Shen Changan I flipped through the travel brochure and looked down at Dao Nian, "Dao Nian, what do you think?"

Daonian stared at the building in the mist and nodded: "Okay."