Striving for Science

Chapter 33: ridicule


"Who is the person in charge of network security in your company?" Shen Changan and Ding Yang walked into the elevator, Wu Wei followed him cowardly and pressed the elevator floor, and when Shen Changan asked this question, his head was buried even lower, "Me. "

Shen Changan turned to look at him: "You didn't check the computer system?"

"When they invited the master to come a few days ago, I was sick and rested." Wu Wei was embarrassed to see Shen Changan, "When I came back, the master and the others had already invited him, the photos were taken, and there was a lot of trouble on the Internet."

"There has been a problem with your company's production line machines before. Have you found any problems with the operating system?"

"I-I didn't find it out." Wu Wei's face flushed. As a technician, he couldn't find out the problem of the system. He even let the company ask the master to exorcise the computer. The whole network knew about it. He was really shameless. Facing Shen Changan.

When the elevator arrived, Shen Changan stepped out of the elevator, saw the office sitting lazily and picked up the staff, and when they came in, the staff slowly got up to greet them.

"Where is your studio?" Shen Changan glanced around in the office. There was a young male employee in the corner who was working at a desk. His earnest and motivated spirit was nothing like someone in this office.

"Chang'an." Wu Wei pushed open the door of the office, "This is where I work."

"Okay, let me take a look at it for you." Shen Changan sat on the chair and tapped his fingers on the keyboard so fast that only an afterimage was left.

When other colleagues saw that Wu Wei had brought in two strangers, one of whom seemed to be familiar with him, they inquired about what was going on.

"They are the staff of the Civil Service Department, what are they for exorcising ghosts." Wu Wei whispered to a few chattering colleagues, "You all keep quiet, don't disturb him, my classmate is much better than me."

"I don't know if he is strong or not, but he looks very handsome when typing on the keyboard." A female colleague came to this conclusion after staring at Shen Changan for a while.

"One by one, be serious." Wu Wei was afraid that his colleagues would affect Shen Changan's performance, so he quickly signaled them to be quiet and whispered, "If my friend can help solve the company's problems, we don't need to listen to other points at the quarterly meeting. Company gossip."

After their company suddenly got a large batch of orders, they tried to get the goods from other branches. Who knows that each of these branches said that they didn't have much stock, and some people even laughed at them, what's the use of getting so many goods, maybe Before the stipulated delivery time, consumers will regret their impulse and apply for a return refund.

They hate it so much, but the current situation of the company makes them unable to refute.

The general manager of the company heard that the staff of the civilian service department had arrived, and hurried back to the company from the outside. Seeing a lot of people crowded at the door of Wu Wei's office, he frowned and said, "What are you doing here?" He begged outside. Grandpa told Grandma and wanted to rent a production line,

"Hello, general manager." The colleagues who were watching the excitement saw the general manager rushing back, and took a few steps back to make way for the general manager.

"General manager, the staff of the civil service department are here and are in Angkor's office." A staff member replied in a low voice.

"In Xiao Wu's office?" The general manager looked at Wu Wei suspiciously and whispered, "Why did you bring them to the office?"

"Among the two staff members who came here, one of my classmates from college is a student of the highest level." Wu Wei whispered, "Sometimes things that I can't figure out, he can take a look at."


"Yeah." After Wu Wei nodded, he found that the general manager had a little regret in his eyes, as if he was wondering why he was the one who stayed in the company, not Shen Changan.

"Wu Wei." Shen Changan's fingers kept tapping on the keyboard, "I just found out that there seems to be a problem with a code instruction, but I don't know whether it is a problem with your company's code formula, or it has been maliciously modified by someone. ."

"Then, can it be changed back?" the general manager asked, poking his head at the door.

"Yes, but it is very time-consuming. Sometimes it takes a lot of energy to compile a code, not to mention picking out the wrong formula and modifying it to make it fit the overall code perfectly." Shen Changan said without raising his head, "This is Your company needs to arrange a few more technical personnel."

The general manager was a little disappointed. He thought that Shen Changan would just press a few random keys on the keyboard, as in the TV series, and there would be no problems with all programs.

Seeing the expression on the general manager's face, Shen Changan knew what he was thinking, and glanced at Wu Wei, who was standing beside him and didn't speak. The leaders of your company not only liked to ask the master to exorcise evil spirits, but also thought it beautifully.

Wu Wei twitched the corner of his mouth, pretending he didn't understand Shen Changan's eyes. This kind of helplessness is like when others think that he will definitely be able to repair computers, no matter how he explains it, it is useless.

"I have temporarily filled the loophole with an alternative formula, but this formula is not perfect. After running for a long time, it may malfunction again." Shen Changan was busy for two or three hours, and he shook his somewhat stiff wrist. He said to the general manager, "As soon as possible in the next few days, find a great programmer to help stabilize your work system, otherwise the situation will be worse."

"If you could..."

"General manager, you may have forgotten that I am a staff member of the civilian service department, not a programmer." Shen Changan walked out of Wu Wei's office and looked again at the haunted office that automatically played horror videos, "About the haunting of your company. , I have just checked carefully, there is indeed no ghost in your company, but some people may be pretending to be ghosts."

"What do you mean..." Wu Wei and the general manager changed their faces at the same time. The two looked at the male and female colleagues who got along with each other day and night, and felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts. Make the company like this, so that the people in their company are laughed at by other branch colleagues, and this person just watches quietly

"Chang'an, are you sure it's not a ghost, but the computer system has been maliciously tampered with?" Wu Wei still couldn't believe it.

"Then why don't you ask me to find a ghost?" Shen Changan shook his head, "This request is too difficult, I can't do it."

Wu Wei: "..."

This tone... just ruthlessly mocking him

"Sir?" Liu Mao just opened the door of the car and saw that the back seat of the car flashed, and Daonian suddenly appeared in the car.

"Sir, I'm going to pick up Mr. Shen now."

"I know." Daonian was unmoved, but he was still sitting lazily, as if looking at Liu Mao once more would make him feel guilty.

"You are..." Liu Mao quickly responded, "Are you going out to pick up Mr. Shen in person?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm just passing by." Daonian was expressionless, "Don't speculate, drive well."