Striving for Science

Chapter 35: One escapes


Seeing that Uncle Zhang suddenly took out a bottle that he didn't know what it contained, and poured it on his finger and was about to wipe it on his eyelids, Shen Changan was taken aback: "Uncle Zhang, what are you doing?"

"Amitabha, Daoyou Zhang, your heart is restless." Yan Yin walked out from behind Uncle Zhang and folded his hands towards Shen Changan: "I haven't seen you for a few days, and the donor Shen is even more handsome."

"Aren't you cultivators of the Buddha who pay attention to the purity of the six sense organs?" Uncle Zhang sneered, "How come you don't pay attention at all when you praise people?"

"Zhang Daoyou misunderstood, every word of the monk is true, and there is no flattery." Yan Yin smiled kindly towards Shen Changan, "Shen Shi is full of spiritual energy, making people feel like a spring breeze, like a soul boy in front of my Buddha. …”

"Heh." Uncle Zhang sneered, stretched out his hand and pulled Yan Yin behind him, and said to Shen Changan: "You have a soul body on your feet that is unwilling to reincarnate after death, but don't be afraid, his soul is not ugly, I Let you take a look."

"Wait." Shen Changan raised his foot and picked up the otaku ghost hanging on his feet, "Is this what you're talking about?"

The smile on Uncle Zhang's face froze, and he angrily turned his head to look at Zhang Gu: "Did you help him open the eyes of the sky?!"

Zhang Gu saw the angry look of the uncle, and quickly shook his head: "It's not me, it's not me, can he see it himself?"

"Impossible!" Uncle Zhang couldn't help but said, "Shen Changan is a virtuous body of the tenth generation, and he has a physique that ignores ghosts and evils when he is an adult. Unless they cultivate a real body, they will be no different from the air in front of Shen Changan. How could he see it? see?"

"But..." Zhang Gu whispered, "He just saw it so casually."

Yan Yin and Uncle Zhang's expressions became serious at the same time. Master Zhang put away the cow's tears and glanced at Shen Changan and Zhang Gu: "You two come first."

"Master, can I roll in by the way?" The otaku hugged Shen Changan's thigh, shivering.

Master Zhang frowned and looked at Zhang Gu: "What's going on?"

Zhang Gu explained the matter again, and specially emphasized that the otaku ghost not only did no harm, but also helped the living people do product online marketing.

"I'm still doing things for living people when I'm a ghost. How unreasonable is this?" Uncle Zhang whispered and let the otaku ghost enter the door.

The otaku ghost rolled to the ground and continued to hug Shen Changan's thigh. Although the golden light on this boss was blinding ghosts, as long as the boss didn't want to destroy him, he hugged the boss's ankle, and it felt like his soul became more solid.

"Sit down and talk." Uncle Zhang asked Master Yan Yin to make tea, and then said to Shen Changan, "This ghost thing will be discussed later. I want to talk about your physique."

"My physique... It's still pretty good." Facing Uncle Zhang's serious expression, Shen Changan couldn't help but follow suit.

"When did you start seeing ghosts?"

"I don't know." Shen Changan shook his head, "Unless I identify it carefully, I can't see the difference between ghosts and people, and I don't know if I've seen ghosts before."

"But it stands to reason that when you are an adult, you can't see ghosts." Uncle Zhang shook his head, "There must be something wrong."

"A serious problem?"

"I don't know." Uncle Zhang shook his head after being silent for a while, his expression was solemn, "There is no such situation as you in the records of the tenth life's meritorious body. But your golden light of merit and ability to deter ghosts is also related to the tenth life. The merit body is exactly the same, I really can’t think of any special person who has the same physique as the tenth life merit body.”

The otaku ghost couldn't help but said, "Could it be some kind of Buddha reincarnated, a god reincarnated?"

"This... the dead soul is right." Yan Yin came out with tea and fruit, "Maybe the donor Shen is the reincarnation of the Buddha?"

"Don't fool the juniors blindly, if he is really the reincarnation of a Buddha, he will be interested in Buddhism since he was a child, and he can't even bear to hurt any living being." Uncle Zhang planned to Yanyin's fooling style, "It is not the reincarnation of a Buddha, nor the reincarnation of an immortal. ."

"Why can't it be the reincarnation of an immortal?" Zhang Gu was a little puzzled. In some ancient books, there have long been stories about immortals being reincarnated as human beings and finally ascending to immortality again. Why can't Shen Changan be one of them

"In the past, it was recorded in ancient books that people often invited gods to exorcise demons, but in the past hundred years, in the entire metaphysics world, no one has been able to ask gods to succeed." Uncle Zhang sighed, "Perhaps gods have already fallen, even if they still exist, I won't intervene in human affairs again, and how can I be reincarnated as a human? This is not a myth TV series."

Being stared at by Uncle Zhang and Master Yan Yin with exploratory eyes, Shen Changan felt a little back pain from sitting. He raised his wrist and looked at the time: "Why don't we solve the ghost thing first?"

No matter how many lifetimes of merit he has, he has been here for more than 20 years anyway, so he is not in a hurry. Solve this ghost thing early, so that he can go back to have lunch with Dao Nian.

Uncle Zhang sighed, and he looked down at the otaku ghost: "Tell me your name, date of birth, and birthplace."

Seeing that the master did not mean to kill ghosts, the otaku ghost didn't hesitate to report his name and birth date: "The day my mother gave birth to me, it was snowing heavily outside." Referring to his birth experience, the otaku ghost was a little proud , "In our place, winter is usually sleet, but the snow that year was very heavy, and it was rare to see it in twenty years. My family thinks that I must be extraordinary when I grow up..."

As a result, after his parents passed away, he left a few suites for him. He lived as an otaku who collected rent, played games, and wrote novels every day.

Fortunately, the two elders passed away early, so they don't have to see their extraordinary son become a otaku who has no fighting spirit in the eyes of others. That's fine.

"When you were born in the thirtieth year of the twelfth lunar month, it was the day when the old and the new changed." Uncle Zhang pointed and counted for a long time, "Your destiny should not be ordinary."

The twelfth lunar month, offering sacrifices to hundreds of gods and exorcising hundreds of evil spirits, is the end of the year, and passing the twelfth lunar month is the beginning of the new year, which is of great significance in people's hearts.

"Strange, your eight characters are clearly a combination of wealth and wealth, longevity, wealth and honor. Why did you suddenly die when you were in your prime?" Uncle Zhang endured it, but he didn't say anything, and he lived such an ordinary life.

It was supposed to be Long Aotian's life, but he became a passer-by, and his life was short-lived. This was a devastating blow to anyone.

"You mean, shouldn't I die?" The otaku ghost is a little confused. Can he become a powerful big man? In fact, he doesn't have such a big pursuit. But if you can live well, be an ordinary charterer, and eat the food you want, it's not bad.

If you can live well, who wants to die

At this moment, the otaku ghost suddenly filled with infinite resentment, but he didn't know who he hated. He turned his head and looked around, trying to find an answer in these masters, but all he saw was a few silent faces.

"He has been left in the world and cannot be reincarnated because he is still alive according to the records of the life and death book?" Shen Changan probably understood what Uncle Zhang meant, "So he is now a black household in the underworld?"

"Almost... that's what it means." Uncle Zhang nodded, "Without household registration, it's hard to do things anywhere."

"You can't do anything either?" Shen Changan said, "I saw in the TV series that the masters can set up altars, and ask the Yin soldiers to provide some convenience for the innocent souls. Why don't you think of a way to help him solve the household registration problem?"

Uncle Zhang coughed dryly: "The TV series are all lies."

Seeing the expressions of Uncle Zhang and Master Yan Yin, Shen Changan instantly understood that it seemed that they were unable to invite Yin soldiers.

Because of his extra words, the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Shen Changan frequently looked at his watch, and finally lowered his head and said to the otaku ghost: "Why don't you stay with Uncle Zhang first, I'll go have a meal with a friend, and come back to you at night. "

The otaku ghost was full of unwillingness and anger, and was slowly calmed down by the golden light of Shen Changan's merits. He shook his head, what happened to him just now, how could he suddenly have such a strong hatred

"Big brother, where are you going?" He didn't dare to leave Shen Changan, hugged Shen Changan's thigh and said, "For my poor sake, just find a way to help me."

"I will definitely find a way, but my friend is also very important." Shen Changan lowered his head and stretched out his hand to tear the otaku ghost from his lap, "As a human being, the most important thing is to talk about credibility, and if you agree to accompany your friends to dinner, You must not break your promise. Uncle Zhang is very safe here, and I will come to find you at night."

The otaku looked at Shen Changan pitifully: "Boss, you must come at night."

"Come, come, come." Shen Changan nodded as he walked out the door, "Listen to Uncle Zhang carefully here, he will definitely not harm you."

Speaking of this, he turned to look at Uncle Zhang: "Uncle Zhang, I'll leave this ghost to you."

"Okay." Uncle Zhang nodded, "Let's go, I'll check to see if he has been borrowed from luck and life."

After receiving Uncle Zhang's promise, Shen Changan hurried out without mentioning what Uncle Zhang said, "If you don't scare him, you won't be named Zhang".

The door of the room was closed again, and Yan Yin, who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, put down the tea cup, with a compassionate smile on his face: "Wang Daoyou, what do you think of this?"

Uncle Zhang turned his head angrily: "Who is your name?"

"I'm calling you." Yan Yin recited the Buddha's name, "Amitabha, practitioners don't lie. Since you will no longer be surnamed Zhang in the future, I think it is good to be surnamed Wang."

"Go away!" Uncle Zhang kicked Yan Yin off the sofa, looked down at the otaku ghost squatting on the ground, got up and took out the cinnabar and talisman paper from the house, and began to calculate the fortune of the otaku ghost.

After a talisman was finished, he was sweating like rain, and his face was extremely ugly.

Yan Yin reached out and patted him on the back. Uncle Zhang looked better. He shook his head: "Someone maliciously ruined his fortune, I can't figure it out."

In the field of metaphysics, Uncle Zhang is already an outstanding person. If he can't even count him, it means that the person who acts is far higher than him.

"Why don't you let Yunfeng make a divination?" Yan Yin looked at the burnt talisman paper on the ground, and there was a faint worry in his heart. Maybe some kind of conspiracy was unfolding unconsciously, but they didn't know anything about it. Yunfeng is a person who is good at divination in the whole metaphysics circle, if even he is helpless, then there is nothing anyone can do.

"It's useless." Uncle Zhang swallowed a pill, and his pale face barely recovered a bit of blood. "I suspect that it's not a human being who did this."

"It's not a human, what could it be?" Yan Yin's unease became stronger, what is more powerful than a human, a god or a demon

Shen Changan hurried to Daonian's house. It was past one o'clock. He hurriedly finished the meal, and helped Daonian pick up a few chopsticks and fish, wiped his mouth and got up to rush to the office.

When he walked to the door, he remembered that he had something to do at night, so he said to Daonian: "Dao Nian, I have something to do tonight, so I won't be here tonight."

Looking at the table full of fish, meat and vegetables, Daonian put down his chopsticks and said expressionlessly, "Oh."

The hurried footsteps went farther and farther, Daonian closed his eyes, stretched out his hand and swept the table, and the steaming food disappeared.

As soon as Shen Changan left, the house that was still a little lively just now became deserted.

"Sir." Liu Mao whispered, "There is a huge typhoon in the East China Sea, and it will sweep the coastal areas in two days. Will it make landfall?"

Dao Nian: "Winter is coming."

Liu Mao hesitated, with worry in his eyes.

"Winter is not a period of high typhoon occurrence, so you don't need to land." As soon as Daonian finished saying this, thunder suddenly rumbled in the sky, and the sound was so loud that it seemed to explode over the house where they lived.

Hu Ming, who was weeding in the garden, was shivering with fright, and he couldn't even control his tail. Feiying, the parrot on the bird stand, was so frightened that she hid her head in her wings, and the claws that grabbed the bird stand trembled.

"Sir!" Liu Mao said in a trembling voice, "You have broken your precept."

"The avenue has already died out, how can it endure me?" Dao Nian raised his eyes and looked out the window, the dark clouds in the sky kept rolling, as if roaring, his eyes showed sarcasm, "I said that there is no need to log in, then there is no need to log in."

Lightning flashed in the dark clouds, and thunder struck.

Daonian waved his hand, and a golden light flew out from his palm, and the thunder that fell down was forcibly blocked by this light.

"The thunder is too loud." Daonian's eyes did not change. "Sooner or later, it will die. What's the use of talking about such rules now?"

The dark clouds rolled in the air for a while, and finally dissipated slowly, and the sky returned to its clear appearance, as if the thunder and sky changes just now did not exist.

"First, sir, why do you violate the rules?" Liu Mao's teeth trembled with fright, "If you go on like this, you will be the same as the Great Dao..."

"Oh?" Dao Nian sarcastically said, "Dao Dao can't hold on to his own demise. How useful can these rules be left behind?"

"But you shouldn't be like this. Although you are in charge of the forty-nine laws of the world, there is still a life force that is not in your hands. Your servant is worried that this life force will become your nemesis, making you like the Great Dao..."

"I am existence, not life." Daonian lowered his eyelids and said expressionlessly, "If you want to perish, then perish."

"But... but..." Liu Mao didn't know how to persuade an existence without joy or anger, he looked at the empty dining table, and suddenly said, "But you take Mr. Shen's key, even if you don't care about dying, at least you have to accompany you. He is a hundred years old. You are doing this now, and your servant is very worried about you."

A hundred years is so short, but the way of heaven dissipates, but it only takes a moment.

"The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is four and nine, and one of the people escapes." Dao Young read this sentence lightly, "Other clans think that I prefer humans, but they don't know that the one who really prefers humans is the Great Dao."

Therefore, before dissipating, the vitality that can restrain the way of heaven was given to human beings, so with so many races, only human beings dare to say "humans will conquer heaven".

In human film and television dramas, after demons and gods have attained the Tao, they will always appear in front of everyone in the appearance of human beings. However, human beings don't know that in this world, there are gods and demons before there are people. It's just that the Dao allows humans to have the appearance of gods and demons after they have cultivated the Tao. With such a bright preference, which race can compare.

Since Dao favors human beings so much, he might as well follow Dao's intentions and let this natural disaster not hurt human beings. But the subconscious of the rules left by Dao seems to want him to do this evil way, to allow the typhoon to land, and then let human beings rely on their own strength to overcome this disaster.

People always like to scold "God has no eyes", "God is a thief", "God is unfair", this time he followed their wishes and was truly unfair once.

The typhoon that was supposed to land suddenly stopped and hovered at sea. The demon cultivator of the Shui clan was very surprised, and the patriarch of the Shui clan even deliberately calculated it once.

"Strange, according to the original trajectory, the typhoon should have landed on the coastal cities in the early hours of this evening, causing a lot of casualties. Why did it suddenly stop?" The big aquarium demon calculated several times, and the results were the same. After hesitating for a long time in the cave, he got up and went to see the adults.

However, after seeing the adults, he thought there was something wrong with his ears.

"What, is this what you mean?" The big water monster was a little shocked, whether he made a mistake in his calculation, or Lord Tiandao suddenly went crazy.

Daonian played with a shining star and said expressionlessly, "Well."

"But originally..."

Daonian looked at him and said nothing.

The big water monster was startled, bowed and said, "Thank you for letting me know, I understand."

He exited the enchantment of adults, and his mind was in chaos. Ever since Lord Tiandao disliked seeing elders of various clans more and more, he has been feeling uneasy in his heart.

There was such a change today, and he was not surprised at all, but instead had a sense of helplessness that had finally arrived.

"Have you seen Weibo? There is a huge airflow on the sea monitored by satellites. This airflow may form a dozen typhoons and land on the coastal areas." Chen Panpan swiped the news on the Internet and told his colleagues, "Meteorological The bureau said that if the typhoon successfully makes landfall, several cities in Linhai will be affected, and now they have begun to urgently evacuate nearby people to typhoon shelters."

Hearing Chen Panpan's words, Shen Changan took out his mobile phone and looked at it. In the photos taken by the satellite, the typhoon air mass seemed to cover half of the earth, which looked very scary.

"If this is a landing, I don't know how much property and personal safety will be lost." Chen Panpan sighed, "I have a classmate who lives in the coastal area. I hope God will bless this typhoon and digest it at sea."

Shen Changan swiped the comments under the news, and many netizens were posting prayer icons, and there were countless people praying for God's blessing.

On the contrary, the locals are very calm, and some netizens complain on the Internet that a certain brand of food is not popular. All other food in the supermarket has been emptied, and only this brand is left.

"The food of this brand is obviously delicious." Shen Changan whispered, "It's spicy and numb, and it's so refreshing to eat in the stomach." He sighed and followed the netizens, praying for a safe time this time.

"I hope the local people can survive this natural disaster safely."

After get off work in the afternoon, when Shen Changan hurried to Uncle Zhang's house, he saw the otaku ghost sitting on the floor, holding a few incense candles in his hands and eating with relish.

"Big brother, have you eaten?" The otaku ghost saw Shen Changan coming back, and subconsciously said, "Would you like to eat together?"

Shen Changan: "..."

"No, thank you." For decades, he would not be interested in this kind of food.

Only then did the otaku realise that he had said the wrong thing, and smiled at Shen Changan: "I can cook by myself, or I will cook some for you, and I will cook the lunch at noon."

Shen Changan looked at the three people sitting on the sofa, and he couldn't believe it. These three people were even enslaved by ghosts

After thinking about it, he sat next to Zhang Gu and smiled at the otaku ghost: "That would be troublesome."

Uncle Zhang and Yan Yin turned their heads and glanced at him, revealing a "teachable" smile.

"Have you checked the matter?" Shen Changan glanced at the empty table. He was used to the days when Daonian's family sat there with food. Now, seeing the empty tabletop, he was not used to it.

"No." Uncle Zhang shook his head, "Yunfeng, the most powerful man in the metaphysics world, took action, and we can't figure out why. No matter from which point of view, this son is the fate of both blessings and luck."

"But he died suddenly." Shen Changan looked at the direction of the kitchen, and the otaku ghost stuck out his head from the door, "Boss, can you eat spicy food?"

Although the appearance of the otaku ghost can only be regarded as ordinary, but the way he laughs is a bit lovable. Thinking of such a simple young man, not only lost his life due to inexplicable reasons, but also had no chance to be reincarnated, Shen Changan couldn't help feeling a little sympathy.

He smiled at the otaku ghost: "I'm not very fond of spicy food, but occasionally I want to eat a little bit, thank you."

"Okay, I understand, I can definitely make the dishes you like." The otaku smiled at him and retracted his head, and soon the sound of cooking was heard in the kitchen.

Shen Changan touched his chin, and asked Uncle Zhang and Master Yan Yin again, "Can't you try to invite Yin soldiers?"

I really can't bear to see such a well-behaved young man encounter such an unfair thing.

Because he couldn't handle even a kid's affairs, it already made Uncle Zhang feel that he had no face. Hearing Shen Changan asking this, he broke the jar and said, "You can do it."

Shen Changan lost his temper at this sentence: "Master, don't joke with me, I haven't even learned magic."

"How do you know if you don't try, you won't succeed?" Uncle Zhang stood up and said aggressively, "Wait, I'll prepare an altar for you." If you want to convince a young man with strong self-awareness, you can only let him experience failure. Only then can he fully understand what reality is.

"Hey..." Shen Changan looked at Uncle Zhang who had really entered the room to prepare the altar, and was a little dumbfounded. In the field of metaphysics, they all like to play straight balls

Zhang Gu patted him on the shoulder sympathetically: "My uncle has always had this temper. After you fail to ask God, he will be able to return to normal."

"What if it succeeds?" Shen Changan joked.

"Donor Shen, you are really a young man with rich imagination." Yan Yin smiled warmly, "The humble monk thinks that a talent like you is very suitable for cultivating Buddhism, do you really not think about it?"

Shen Changan: "..."

"No thanks."

The author has something to say: Shen Changan: Are people in the metaphysics so sarcastic