Striving for Science

Chapter 42: Wuqu


A car with animal protection printed on it drove out of Wuming City overnight to the provincial capital city adjacent to Wuming City.

The conditions of the Wuming Zoo are very limited, and this arctic fox is a second-class protected animal. After consultation, the local wildlife protection association decided to send the arctic fox to a place with a better living environment overnight.

"I don't know which smuggler got this fox to Wuming City. Fortunately, I met a kind person, otherwise it would be a pitiful life." The staff looked at the fox who kept calling in the cage and said to the colleague. , "But this fox has a really big temper."

"Perhaps because of his temper, the wildlife smugglers threw it away because he was worried about making a noise." The colleague sighed, "If it keeps making such a fuss, I'm afraid that it will suffer first from its own body before it is sent to the provincial capital. No."

As soon as the words fell, a thick fog suddenly rose in front of them, and it was impossible to park on the highway. They had to slow down and turn on the high beams: "Why is there such a big fog all of a sudden?"

The driver pinched a sweat in his heart. He had heard other drivers talk about this kind of fog that dropped in the blink of an eye, but this abnormal phenomenon was often linked to supernatural phenomena.

He turned his head to look at the two gentle and polite staff members, and clenched the steering wheel firmly: "Two people, if you see any strange imaginations, don't make any noise."

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a person suddenly walked out of the road and the vehicle hit it directly.

"Ah!" The two staff members shouted in unison.

The driver touched the sweat on his face, and the words just now were considered in vain.

"I, do we want to call the police?" One of the staff members took out his mobile phone, but couldn't press the number.

"Fuck!" the driver gritted his teeth, "Who would pass by on the highway at night. And..." His voice trembled, "There is no feeling of impact at all."

The two staff members were stunned before saying, "What do you mean?"

"What's the point, we've hit a ghost." The driver saw that the two were frightened and his face was as white as paper. "Take out your mobile phones and turn on the music player."


"Search for upright and masculine songs, even the Internationale."

"Stand up, all victims of oppression"

"Turn it off!" The driver was also a little scared, and couldn't help shouting at the staff, "Can you two be more down-to-earth, this ghost in the wilderness can understand foreign languages? Change the Chinese version for Lao Tzu!"

"Oh oh oh." The staff quickly searched for the Chinese version and found that there were several versions, and was a little dumbfounded. Which version should he choose

In desperation, he had to close his eyes and choose a random version, but he didn't know the song didn't sound, only to see a row of indifferent words on the screen: "Sorry, this song has been removed from this website because it has not been authorized by the copyright. ."

He clicked several songs in a row before he found a version that could be played. Unfortunately, this version was obviously not a good cover, so they couldn't help but wonder if they could scare away ghosts.

The thick fog lingered outside the car window, and the strangest thing was that they found that on the entire highway, it seemed that only their car existed.

The feeble singing reverberated in the car, and the two wildlife protection staff were so frightened that they turned pale and cowardly. One of the staff members reached out and pulled the cage with the white fox in front of him, trembling to unlock the cage.

"what are you doing?"

"Wait a minute, if there is really any evil spirit, it must be targeting our living people. This little thing still has a chance to run away."

Hu Ming glanced at the humans whose hands were shaking like those of Parkinson's patients, and turned his head in disdain, cowardly like this, who will protect who

The fog in front of him was so thick that he could not see his fingers. The driver dared not continue to drive the car forward. He simply slammed on the brakes, pulled the car to the side of the road and stopped, and turned on the emergency double flashing lights.

The sound of the three people's breathing echoed one after another in the silent car.

"Wow!" The crow from nowhere suddenly landed on the front of the car, staring at the three people in the car. It's not like the eyes of animals, there are human emotions in their eyes.

The staff tucked the arctic fox under the seat, holding it down to keep it from coming out.

The crow flapped its wings and left, and a group of people in red clothes appeared in front of the road. These people were stiff and lifeless.

"The ghost king is on tour, and everyone avoids it."

The man at the head, reciting this sentence mechanically, suddenly stopped when he was about to pass the car of the Wildlife Protection Association, and turned his head stiffly to look at the three of them: "The disturber, kill without mercy."

Hu Ming climbed out from under the seat, opened the door with one paw and jumped down, swiping at the leader with a swipe.

A lonely ghost, you pretend to be your grandfather's legs.

The king of ghosts, the king of ghosts, who just entered the realm of Wuming City, dared to act like this. Ever since Lord Tiandao established the shrine in Wuming City, even the boss of the underworld, the King of Hell, has come to this realm, and he has to be honest and orderly.

He can't move Shen Changan, and he can't move this kind of garbage? Hu Ming was already full of anger, and he threw the demon in the newspaper without saying anything, and there were ghosts pretending to be in front of him.

Going down with his claws, the ghost fell to the ground like a torn piece of paper, split in two.

"Who dares to hurt my ghost?"

"You're pretending to be your grandfather!" Hu Ming jumped into the sedan chair. In the sedan chair sat a demon with a green face and fangs. Hu Ming slapped his tail on the demon's face without saying a word, and the demon fell out of the sedan chair. Get up and want to run.

Hu Mingzhengchou didn't have a place to vent his emotions, how could he let him run away? A series of kicks beat the evil ghost until his body was transparent and his spirit was unstable.

The three humans huddled in the car were stunned to see this scene, and almost forgot to breathe.

This is... the live version of the white fox repaying its kindness, the film and television drama is not deceiving.

Hu Ming was not a demon who cultivated virtues and virtues. He beat the evil ghost almost, and when he was out of breath, he opened his mouth and devoured the evil ghost. After eating the ghost king, it didn't count. He smashed all the other little ghosts into a ball, picked up a dirty mineral water bottle on the side of the road, and stuffed all the ghosts' souls into it.

After doing this, he turned to look at the cowardly and weak human on the car, and disappeared into the grass.

He doesn't want to see Shen Chang'an again in the future, and he doesn't even want to hear his name!

"Run, run?" The staff of the Wildlife Conservation Association saw the arctic fox running away, and saw that the thick fog around him had gradually dissipated, and slowly recovered.

"After we went back, we said that we encountered ghosts on the road. After the white fox eliminated the ghosts, they ran away by themselves. Will the leaders believe it?"

"… "

Who would believe it!

"There is a driving recorder in the car..." The driver swallowed, "Let's go back quickly." If he didn't go back, he was afraid that some demon king or tiger king would emerge halfway.

After dinner at Daonian's house in the evening, Shen Changan remembered about the newspaper, and he stuffed the neatly folded newspaper to Liu Mao: "Brother Liu, the matter of you having asked Baihu to be sent to the police station has already been reported. ."

"What's going on?" Daonian glanced at Liu Mao, "Who sent it to the police station."

"Mr. Shen found a lost arctic fox at home last night. We have arranged for someone to send the fox to the police station. Now the white fox has received the most appropriate assistance."

"Well..." Daonian took the newspaper in Shen Changan's hand, "Well done."

Hearing this, Liu Mao understood in his heart that Hu Ming would not be able to appear here again in the future.

After chatting with Baihu for a while, Shen Changan's mobile phone popped up a message, which was a promotional advertisement for Double Eleven. He turned his head and asked Nian: "Dao Nian, what do you want to buy recently?"

Daonian shook his head.

Shen Changan felt that he didn't seem to have any special needs, but if he didn't buy anything at this kind of shopping festival, he would always feel that there was a lack of excitement.

He thought about it all night and didn't expect to buy anything. After getting up in the morning, I cut a few flowers in the small garden, looked around, and found that the young gardener with the awl face was not here, so he asked Shen Tu who was standing beside him: "The one with the awl face is not here. My little brother is not here today?"

Because he was caught by you and sent to the police station.

Shen Tu coughed dryly: "He was not serious when he was working, and Brother Liu found out that he was bullying the parrot secretly, so the husband fired him."

"Oh." Shen Changan nodded, cruelty to animals is intolerable, so he should be dismissed.

He put the cut flowers into a vase, and when he turned upstairs and saw that Dao Nian had already woken up, he changed the vase in his hand with the vase from yesterday: "I'll go downstairs for a walk, and call me when I eat. "

The sports meeting is about to start, and he still has to sharpen his gun.

"Well." Daonian glanced at the flowers in the vase with morning dew, "I asked Lao Zhao to prepare a sports meal for you."

"You don't have to be so strict, right?" Shen Changan was shocked, the sports meal was unpalatable.

"Since you have done it, you must do your best." Daonian leaned against the back of his chair and looked at Shen Changan lazily, "Shen Tu has a friend named Wuqu who is very good at sports, I will let him do it for you. Professional training."

"Ah?!" Although Daonian still didn't want to open his eyes, Shen Changan just felt that the other party was smiling, and he was smiling happily.

"Dao Nian, I think, this kind of thing is about participation, ranking or something..."

"Don't worry, all of us will cooperate with your training." Dao Nian lowered his eyelids and stopped looking at Shen Changan, "Exercise well."

Shen Changan: "..."

So was the barbecue he had the night before, the last meal he enjoyed before exercising

"Dao Nian, you will become a parent in the future, but you can't do this." Shen Changan patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Otherwise, the child will be under a lot of pressure."

Daonian looked up at him: "Since you don't want to, then..."

"Forget it, it's better to get a ranking." Shen Changan compromised first, "But let's say it in advance, I'm not necessarily guaranteed to win the award."

Daonian nodded, and after Shen Changan left, he took out a few books from the drawer of the bedside table and threw them directly into the trash can.

The covers of these books are printed with names such as "How to Make Your Child Succeed", "How to Raise a Proud Child", and "Progress under Pressure".

The books written by the so-called successful parents of humans are useless at all.

Ten minutes later, Shen Changan saw Shen Tu's friend Wu Qu. The other party was not the muscular man he imagined, but a slender, handsome young man, but his hair looked particularly tough, like it stood on end. Steel needle.

"This is Mr. Shen?" Wu Qu smiled brightly at Shen Chang'an, "Hello, I am Wu Qu."

"Hello, Brother Wu, I'm going to trouble you for the next few days." Shen Changan shook hands with the other party.

"Where, I'm very happy to be able to help you." Wu Qu was polite to Shen Changan, "I still... have some experience with this kind of competition. What items does Mr. Shen mainly compare with?"

Shen Changan handed the project list to Wuqu.

"1,000-meter run, 100-meter sprint, shot put and long jump?" The weapon smiled lightly after reading it, "No problem, with me here, I will definitely not let you lose."

Shen Changan: "..."

Why did everyone from Dao Nian to his staff place so much importance on winning and losing

In the next few days, Shen Changan would be severely tortured by the coach in the future. He did not expect that Wuqu, unlike the coaches in the gym, not only did not strictly require him, but also reminded him to combine work and rest.

However, the method Wuqu taught him was really useful. Shen Changan found that he had made rapid progress, and even his appetite had increased a lot.

Uncle Zhao makes sports meals for him in different ways three times a day, Liu Mao picks him up to and from get off work every day, Wuqu Shentu helps him correct various postures, and also part-time psychological counseling.

Everyone's positive and enthusiastic attitude made Shen Changan a little suspicious. Is he going to participate in sports or the college entrance examination

On the day of the opening ceremony of the Games, Uncle Zhao got up early and made a bowl of noodles for Shen Changan. There was only one noodle in this bowl, and there were two quail eggs lying in it.

"Uncle Zhao, what is this?" Shen Changan picked up the quail egg and stuffed it into his mouth to eat it. Uncle Zhao could make such a simple bowl of noodles incomparably delicious. After spending more time in Daonian's house, he has become more and more picky about what he eats.

"You people... don't parents like to make two eggs for you before the children's exams, wishing you full marks in the exam?" Uncle Zhao put the side dishes in front of Shen Changan, with a simple and honest smile on his face, "I have never raised children. , I don't know if it's right or not, it just means to wish you a good grade. But I'm afraid that you will feel uncomfortable eating two eggs or duck eggs, so I used two quail eggs instead, which means something."

Shen Changan laughed a little. He went to the sports meeting, not the primary school exam, but looking at Uncle Zhao's honest and gentle smile, he lowered his head and ate his face and eggs cleanly, and then ate some other things before wiping his mouth. ready to leave.

When he got to the door, he looked back at the people in the room, and wanted to ask them if they would like to watch him play together. He was afraid that it would affect their work today, so he looked back.

"Mr. Shen, what did you leave behind?" Shen Tu, who drove the car outside and waited for Shen Changan to get into the car, saw him hesitate at the door, thinking that he had forgotten to bring something, so he asked more.

"It's nothing." Shen Changan glanced at Dao Nian who was sitting at the table drinking tea, and dawdled into the car. He found that Wu Qu was also in the car, and said hello to him.

"I wish you victory today." Wu Qu said, "I and Shen Tu will accompany you today."

"Thank you." Shen Changan smiled at the two of them.

The competition venue was in a university in Wuming City. After the opening ceremony with nothing new, the first competition was the 100-meter run.

Shen Changan has two competitions today, a 100-meter run and a shot put competition.

"Chang'an, come on!" Everyone from the civilian service department came. Their department wore uniform sportswear with the word "people's uniform" on the back. However, compared with other departments, their department looked small and pitiful.

"Don't be nervous." Du Zhonghai patted Shen Changan on the shoulder, "It doesn't matter whether you win or lose."

Anyway, with the appearance of their department, he didn't expect to win.

"Yes, participation is victory." Ding Yang helped Shen Changan pinching his shoulders, "Let's compare ourselves with ourselves."

"If you don't compare yourself, you can't compare with other people." A tall and tall young man walked past them and casually dropped a sentence, "But anyway, he will take the last place. , find a good excuse early, and it will be better when you lose."

"It's none of your business." Ding Yang rolled his eyes, "It's just that you have a mouth and bark there."

"You can be as tough as you are now." The young man raised his fist, "Wait for your pension department, you will lose and cry."

"Speaking so meanly, the elders in the family didn't teach you the most basic manners of being a human being?" Shen Changan sat in the warm-up exercise before the game, without looking at the young man, "Wait, who will win and who will win?"

"Uh..." Ding Yang looked at Shen Changan, and then at the man, without dismantling Shen Changan's stage in front of outsiders.

"Heh." The man glanced at Shen Chang'an's delicate skin and tender flesh, squinted his eyes disdainfully and left, and when he left, he deliberately rolled up his sleeves and showed off his biceps.

"Chang'an, I think... You may really not be able to beat him." Ding Yang whispered, "He used to be a member of the city track and field team, and he wanted to join our department after retiring, but Director Du felt that his personality was not suitable for our department. Work, so I didn't pick up his file. So as long as he is outside now, he likes to mock us as a pension department, saying that people who have no prospects like to treat us here. "

"Is this because of love and hate?" Shen Changan nodded clearly, "If you can't court him, he will slander him desperately. There is something wrong with this kind of man's character."

Ding Yang: "..."

The point is this

"It seems that I will try my best to win him and let him know that it is normal to not be able to climb up the goddess, and it would be shameful to slander the goddess." Shen Changan patted Ding Yang on the shoulder, "You guys will wait for me to win at the finish line. news."

Everyone in the Civil Service Department: "..."

Du Zhonghai touched his chubby belly and said with a smile, "It's a good thing for young people to have fighting spirit."

"I think Mr. Shen will definitely win." Shen Tu, who had been standing beside them without disturbing their conversation, smiled and said, "Let's go to the finish line and wait for Mr. Shen."

After speaking, he and Wu Qu took the lead to walk towards the finish line of the 100-meter race.

Everyone in the Civil Service Department: "..."

It seems that these friends of Changan are also very fighting spirit, and have a kind of fascinated trust in Shen Changan.

Is this the filter of friendship

Games in small places are not as particular as regular events. More than 50 people participated in the preliminary round of the 100-meter race, and they were divided into six groups. The top three in each group directly advanced to the semi-finals.

Coincidentally, Shen Changan was in a group with the young man who mocked their department, and the two were still on the adjacent runway.

"What a coincidence." Shen Changan got ready to run and smiled at the young man, "We met so soon."

The young man rolled his eyes: "I don't talk to weak chickens."

However, after saying this, the young man realized what it was like to have a sore face.

Because he has been on the track and field team, he was more professional than others when he started, and he ran to the front right away. Hearing the cheers of the girls around him, he was a little proud and ran faster.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the finish line, he opened his arms, ready for the cheers of victory. At this moment, a shadow scraped past him, leading him to break the finishing rope with one step.

"Ahhh! Chang'an! You won!" Chen Panpan screamed excitedly, pushed Ding Yang and Xu Ze away from him, ran forward and handed the towel to Shen Changan, "You win Yes, win."

"It's okay." Shen Changan gasped slightly, looking at Wu Qu who smiled at him, "Fortunately, there is a teacher who teaches well."

"From now on, you are my male god!" Chen Panpan was still excited.

Shen Changan took a sip of the water handed over by Ding Yang: "Although you change three male gods a day, I still have to thank you politely.",

"Oh, how can you say that." Chen Panpan smiled and raised his eyebrows to look at someone behind Shen Chang'an, "Although our department is an elderly care department, it's a pity that some people can't even escape from the elderly care department, rookie!"

"Sister, you can shut up." Ding Yang grabbed Chen Panpan, what is the difference between this and "I'm not targeting anyone, but saying that everyone here is garbage", Changan ran first.

They want to unite the masses and fight against the madmen who act as demons, not let the masses stand on the opposite side.

Shen Changan turned to look at the young man who mocked their department just now, showed his signature smile, and said to him: "Although you don't like talking to weak chickens, but I don't mind, see you in the semi-finals."

The young man can't turn a corner for a while, what does this mean

It wasn't until Shen Changan was surrounded by people from the Civil Service Department that he realized that the other party was scolding him for being a weak chicken? !


He cursed and slammed the towel in his hand to the ground.

After passing the preliminary 100-meter race, Shen Changan went to cheer for his colleagues again. He saw Ding Yang fell on the 50-meter track and took the last place. Chen Panpan struggled on the women's 1000-meter track at a walking speed. After that, he silently covered his face and took two steps back. He finally understood why the entire department's hope was placed on him.

"It's okay." Du Zhonghai comforted Shen Changan, and pointed to Xu Ze who knocked down the pole in the pole vault in the distance, "As a human being, the most important thing is to join in the fun, and you will get used to it after a few failures."

Shen Changan: "..."

This comfort is really useless.

At the end of the morning game, Shen Changan walked to the parking lot with Shentu and Wuqu in a complicated mood.

"Mr. Shen's colleagues are quite interesting." Wu Qu smiled, "They are all simple-minded people."

Shen Changan's face was full of vicissitudes: "Today, I only know the feeling of a king with three bronzes."

That is tired.

Shen Tu saw that Shen Changan was full of disgust, but there was an inseparable closeness in his eyes, and he knew that he had a good relationship with those colleagues: "It's okay, if you take a few awards back, you can also win glory for the department."

"I..." Shen Changan stopped and turned to look at a black car parked not far away.

"Mr. Shen, what's the matter?" Shen Tu saw that Shen Changan was all focused on other places, and just wanted to ask a few more questions, he saw him striding away.

Shen Changan came to the black side: "Dao Nian, is that you?"

The car window opened slowly, revealing Daonian's handsome face.

The author has something to say: The Year of Studying the Ways of Raising Children: Raising Children is Difficult (??ˇ?ˇ??)