Striving for Science

Chapter 5: give me back


After saying a few words to Yao Huailin, Shen Changan deleted him from the small account book of vengeance in his heart, and said solemnly: "It's my work time, goodbye."

Watching Shen Changan run away, Yao Huailin shoved the flyer into his colleague's hand.

"Dude, what is this for?"

"Re-education of spiritual civilization, take a good look."

"… "

Due to insufficient funds, the office area of the Ministry of Civil Service was rented in an old house facing the street that has been built for nearly 20 years. Except for the fact that the house is a bit old, there are no major shortcomings. In the yard, there are several big trees in the yard. After four or five o'clock in the afternoon, old people often bring small stools to the yard to enjoy the coolness.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, it was the hottest time. Shen Changan rode his bicycle into the yard. He saw a dejected young man sitting in the flower bed under the tree. When he locked the bicycle, he couldn't help but look at him twice. .

Sensing that someone was passing by, the young man glanced up, then shrank his neck in fright.

The other party's reaction made Shen Changan touch his face a few times. He looks scary

Probably the other party also realized that he was overreacting, and smiled embarrassingly at Shen Changan, and the smile seemed to be somewhat pleasing.

Shen Changan raised the corner of his mouth and returned a polite smile to the other party, thinking that this young man was a little weird. On the second floor, Gao Shujuan was mopping the floor. Seeing him coming, she quickly said, "Stand still!"

She pushed the mop in front of Shen Changan: "The sole of the shoe is rubbing on it."

Obediently rubbing the soles of her shoes on the mop, Shen Changan smiled at her and said, "Aunt Juan, I'll drag you."

"No, you can go in and blow the air conditioner to rest for a while." Gao Shujuan glanced at his face that was reddened by the sun, but she couldn't make this white and tender face the bottom of a pot, otherwise, where would you find a little girl to like him

"It's all right." Shen Changan grabbed the mop and began to bend over to mop the floor. Gao Shujuan praised him when he saw his neat movements, "It seems that you are at home, Changan, and often help your elders with housework."

Shen Changan smiled and did not answer. He had good physical strength and quick movements. He quickly wiped the entire balcony clean. When he was about to enter the office, he glanced downstairs. The young man who was behaving strangely was still there. He reached out and touched the largest tree in the yard, as if talking to himself.

"The young man's name is Sun Jia. His family used to live nearby. After failing the college entrance examination, he became seriously ill. In order to treat him, his family sold the house he lived in. Later, although he saved a life, his brain became too weak. Okay, I'm talking in a daze, and I often come here to talk to a tree." Gao Shujuan saw that Shen Changan was watching the people downstairs, "Maybe he fell ill again today, and his family didn't watch it, so let him secretly He ran out. Don't be afraid. Although this child has become confused, he is not aggressive. I have called his family and someone should come to pick him up soon. "

"He... won't be sent to the hospital?" This Sun Jia seemed to be a handsome young man, and it was a pity to live his whole life in such a confused way.

Gao Shujuan laughed twice: "Chang'an, how can a child from a big city like you understand that sometimes poor families simply can't afford those expenses. What's more, we don't have a good psychiatric hospital here. If the child is sent to If you go to a hospital that abuses patients, you can't bear to be a parent, you might as well rest assured under your own eyes."

Shen Changan was stunned, and said to Gao Shujuan, "Aunt Juan, you are right, I think too simplistically."

"It's okay, if you stay here for a while longer, you will gradually see a lot of things that you haven't touched before." Gao Shujuan comforted Shen Changan in turn, "Don't worry about it."

Shen Changan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled. He stopped looking at Sun Jia, who was talking to himself. When he returned to the office, Chen Panpan and Xu Ze had already arrived. Xu Ze was lying on the table reading the newspaper, and Chen Panpan was filling out a copy. sheet.

"Chang'an, are you here?" Seeing him coming in, Chen Panpan put down his pen, "Did you save the man who was going to jump off the building at noon?"

"Saved." Shen Changan sat down in his seat, "You know about this too?"

"If something happens in our place, it will spread throughout the city in less than half a day." Chen Panpan pouted, "There are still people spreading rumors that this man suddenly jumped off the building because he encountered a ghost. ."

"Where in the world do ghosts come from?" Shen Changan took out a propaganda book on the construction of ideological civilization from the drawer, "Even if there are ghosts, they should be afraid of the sun. This is not always the case on TV. The rooster crowing in the morning, When the morning sun rises, the ghosts will retreat. The sun is so strong at noon today, if there are ghosts, are ghosts trying to commit suicide, or men trying to commit suicide?"

"It seems reasonable to say that." Chen Panpan took out his phone, "I'll use your words to refute those idiots who keep talking about ghosts."

"When people compete with each other, it is difficult to convince the other party, it will only escalate the quarrel, and then get angry." Shen Changan opened the propaganda book, "I am not angry when others are angry, and there is no one to replace them when I am angry. More, why don't you answer one or do it, you're right."

"I thought you would say that when you can do it, you definitely don't force it." Chen Panpan deleted what he said just now and replied, "Oh, okay, you are right."

"I am a good boy who has received nine years of compulsory education, how can I do it casually." He pointed to the words "Peace is the most precious" on the book, "I love peace, and peace loves me."

Chen Panpan: "..."

Chang'an is a man with clear eyebrows, but he has a thicker skin.

At around three in the afternoon, Shen Changan heard the cry of a woman from downstairs. He got up and walked to the balcony, and saw a woman with half-grey hair who was crying with the arm of the one named Sun Jia.

"Jiajia, go back with your mother, ah?"

Sun Jia didn't move, just stared at the big tree in a daze, chanting words in his mouth.

Seeing her son like this, the old woman suddenly let go of his hand and sat on the ground crying. This cry was extremely sad, as if the burden and suffering that had weighed on her for many years finally crushed the last piece of her spine, making her cry without any scruples.

"Jiajia, your father is sick, very ill, if you continue like this, what will you do in the future when you and I are gone?!"

The ignorant young man, the tired old woman, despair is like the shadow of the tree canopy that wraps them, and others can never feel it.

Shen Changan felt that he should go downstairs to comfort them at this moment, but subconsciously told him that at this time, he could not go down.

In the end, the woman who cried hoarsely pulled her son who had lost her soul, and left step by step, hunched over her back, her shadow being pulled into a weird shape by the sunlight.

When he got off work, Shen Changan walked last. He locked the door of the office. When he went downstairs, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the big tree that Sun Jia was leaning against in the afternoon. He stopped and looked up at the leafy tree. canopy.

The leaves began to rustle, shaking off several green leaves.

It's... windy

Shen Changan looked at the other trees suspiciously. The other trees didn't seem to move? He suspected that there was something wrong with his glasses, pushed up the glasses and took another look, and the other trees began to sway from side to side.

Reaching out and touching the rough tree trunk, Shen Changan sighed. It turns out that when flat glasses also affect his eyesight, it seems that he will give up wearing glasses and pretending to be gentle.

"I really hope that young man can recover." Recalling the old woman's despair and crying, he thought of his mother, and his memory about her was a little vague, but he always remembered that her mother always smiled at him tenderly in the morning. He would often kiss his cheek and say to the young him: "Baby go to kindergarten and have fun."

The tree trembled even more, and even the trunk trembled.

Shen Changan rubbed his face. Could it be because it was too hot today, so he couldn't even feel the wind

I didn't want to cook at night, so I ate something casually before returning to the community. It was getting dark, and the lights in the community were a little dim. Shen Changan met a man with a faucet head-on.

"Are you... alright?" Shen Changan recognized that the man was a suicide who was sent to the hospital at noon. Judging from his current appearance, he seemed to have returned to normal.

The man seemed a little embarrassed, he smiled awkwardly: "It's okay."

"Children don't do homework, you can teach them slowly, don't do extreme things, you only have one life." Thinking of the child who was crying and pulling the man on a mission, Shen Changan endured. He kept saying a few more words, "It's not good to leave a shadow on the child for a lifetime."

"You may not believe it." The man smiled bitterly, "I run a car wash, and I usually work tirelessly. Although I don't usually spend as much time on my children as his mother, I will never use such extreme methods to scare children."

He took a step forward, his expression inexplicably strange: "Do you believe that there are ghosts in this world?"

Shen Changan was relatively close to the trash can. He took the old faucet in the man's hand and threw it into the trash can. When the faucet fell into the trash can, it made a dull sound.

"I personally don't believe it very much." Shen Changan sighed, "You are too tired, rest well and spend more time with the children."

The man took two steps back, as if he was a little embarrassed by his sudden approach to Shen Changan, he laughed dryly and said, "I fell asleep after eating at noon today, and when I woke up, I found myself lying on the ground. The hospital. My wife and children told me with snot and tears, I was going to jump off the building at noon, and even the fire and police came. I have no memory of these things, and now the whole community knows that I can’t figure it out and commit suicide. I'm too embarrassed to go out the door."

"Maybe..." Shen Changan pondered, "Do you have a problem with sleepwalking?"

"Ah?" The man was stunned, aren't they talking about the haunted thing

"Brother, don't be afraid to avoid doctors. Maybe you have been working too much recently, and because your child is lying and not doing your homework, you are sleepwalking." He took out a department slogan leaflet and put it in the man's hand, "Be careful early. Going to bed early, exercising, and combining work with rest are more effective than anything else."

"Trust me, you will recover soon." Shen Changan patted the man on the shoulder and gave him a gentle smile.

The man held the flyer and stared blankly at the back of Shen Changan's departure. Could it be that he was really too tired

In the middle of the night, a good dream was fragrant, and when Shen Changan was in a daze, he heard a child making a loud noise in his ear.

"He said he wanted to play with me all the time, why did you take him away?"

"Speaking counts!"

"Speaking counts!"

Shen Changan opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a child with green hair huddled in the corner of his room, his voice was quite loud, but his expression looked a little timid.

This is the brainchild of which bear parent, how can they let their children dye their hair

Seeing Shen Changan looking at himself, the green-haired child was shaking all over, but he still shouted tenaciously at him: "Give me back Miaomiao!"

Miaomiao? What seedlings

Pea sprouts or saplings? He must be dreaming.

Shen Changan lay back in bed, not dreaming for a long time, did he dream that he was stealing other people's seedlings

Could it be that he still has such an unknown hobby in his heart

The author has something to say: Chang'an: 1. Many problems in the world can be explained by science. If they cannot be explained, it only means that our research is not thorough enough. 2. Children can't talk nonsense. I never do such immoral things as stealing flowers and pinching seedlings.