Striving for Science

Chapter 55: Sky machine


There are many demon cultivators in the imperial capital, but most of them are scattered demons who have left their hometowns and are not sheltered by their own clan. In order to better integrate into human society, they maintain a lifestyle similar to that of human beings, leaving early and returning late, working to earn money, and saving money to buy a house.

On the imperial capital's side, the fairies gather together, and if anyone has a school district room, it will attract the envious eyes of many little demons. If anyone can work in one of the world's top hundreds of companies, when they chat with everyone, they will also have a bright face.

This time I heard that Lord Tiandao is coming to the imperial capital, the little demons here have already done their best, at least they can't lose to those traditional rural demons who look down on them.

After discovering that Lord Tiandao didn't like the approach of demon cultivators, they turned around and began to please Shen Changan. All roads lead to Rome. As long as they can reach Rome, it doesn't matter what means of transportation they use.

Shen Changan was stunned by their huge enthusiasm. Sitting in the luxury car, he was a little worried about the view of the fast retreating outside the window. When the security department saw him coming in the luxury car, would they suspect that he was here to show off?

In the pavilion, Daonian looked at the chessboard on the table and put down a chess piece on the left. After looking at it for a while, he put another piece on the right.

"Sir, Mr. Shen has left." Standing outside the pavilion, Shen Tu looked at the silent Dao Nian and was a little scared. Whenever Mr. himself played chess with himself, something big would happen.

"I know." Daonian looked away from the chessboard, "The demon cultivator here in the imperial capital is very knowledgeable and will take good care of him."

Shen Tu's expression changed slightly. Compared with the non-monster cultivators who were guarding around the temple of the demon race, the demon cultivators in the imperial capital were many philistines, and they also knew how to make Mr. happy.

"Someone is covering up the secret, what do you think this person wants to do?" Daonian played with two pieces, one black and one white, and they made a crisp sound when they touched each other.

Shen Tu's eyes changed slightly: "Sir, who else in the world can hide the secret?"

"Yeah, in today's world, who can do it?" Daonian threw away the chess pieces, stood up from the wheelchair, and disappeared.

"Sir?!" Shen Tu was startled, and when he looked up, he saw the foggy sky turned clear, and he was suddenly stunned.

For them, it doesn't matter whether the smog in the human world is severe or not. The reason why Mr. let the smog disappear before leaving is for... Shen Changan

Now, sir, he is more and more like a sentient being.

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, I'll wait for you here." Gou Cheng opened the door to Shen Chang'an and said with a smiling face, "If you have anything, just call me, and we will rush in as soon as possible."

"It's okay, I'm just going in to make a report." The smile on Shen Changan's face twitched a little. He was just doing a work report, not negotiating. These Dao Nian employees were too serious.

Walking into the door of the office building, Shen Changan went through layers of security checks and identity verification, and finally walked into the internal office lobby. The interior office hall was not as splendid as he imagined, but instead was a busy scene.

Uniformed and ununiformed employees walked past him from time to time, holding various documents in their hands, and hardly had time to stop for him.

"Excuse me, where is the office of the director of the security department?"

A man pointed to the third floor without raising his head. Shen Changan avoided the two staff members who hurried towards this side and stepped on the stairs to climb up.

After walking a few steps, he found that there were heavy safety protection systems on the seemingly ordinary stairs, and even a seemingly inconspicuous little flower was equipped with an alarm.

He walked half a beat slower, but did not stop, but continued to walk up. From time to time, staff members passed by him, which made Shen Changan feel that he was the most redundant person in the entire building.

Countless monitors filmed Shen Changan's words and deeds from various angles. The directors of each branch sat behind the monitors and watched the young man on the screen without blinking.

"He found security guards in the hallway."

"Pay attention to the way he looks at the pot, he must have noticed something else in the pot."

"The people around him were indifferent to him, but he didn't show any cowardice. This is a very determined young man."

Shen Changan just walked to the corner of the second floor, when suddenly a very beautiful girl walked over in a hurry, accidentally dropped the folder in her hand on the ground, and all kinds of documents were scattered all over the place.

"Sorry, these documents may involve some secrets, so I can't help you pick them up." Shen Changan took two steps back voluntarily.

"It's fine." The beautiful girl smiled at him, bent over to pick up the documents, and her graceful posture made people almost reluctant to look away.

But after getting along with Dao Nian every day, Shen Changan became immune to the beauty of both men and women. Not only did he not take advantage of the girl to pick up things, but he turned his eyes away gently.

"Be cautious, have a clear mind, and won't be fascinated by beauty." A director felt a little regretful, "It's a pity that he is too good-looking, otherwise he will definitely become a good seedling." But seeing him so good, they have some regrets. Rest assured, at least he has enough self-protection ability.

"Our department has no requirements for appearance." No one came to stimulate Director Zhao, and he returned to his usual peaceful and easy-going appearance. "Anyway, if he plans to enter the security department in the future, none of you can rob me."

"We won't rob you, but it's not up to you to decide which team he wants to go to." A director said seriously, "Talents are rare, and we should respect their opinions."

Zhao He snorted, and he knew that these old guys were definitely not kind people.

Watching the beautiful young lady leave, Shen Changan climbed up to the third floor, and someone was already waiting there: "Mr. Shen, please come with me, the leaders will come right away."

Seeing the polite smile of this uniformed brother, Shen Changan felt that he had finally returned to the real world, and at least someone was willing to look at him.

Following the uniformed brother into a room, he saw that there was only one set of tables and chairs in the center of the room, but several tables were placed side by side against the wall. This posture was very similar to the interview scene.

"Please take a seat." The uniformed brother pointed to the set of tables and chairs that were placed alone.

Very good, Shen Changan understands, this really requires three tribunals.

He just sat down for less than three minutes, and five or six people filed in. The last person he had seen in Wuming City, at that time, he didn't know that he was caught by a plague ghost. The leader who seemed very friendly complimented back and forth several times.

"Hello, leaders." Shen Changan stood up.

"Comrade Xiao Shen, sit down and talk slowly." Leader Wang gave Shen Changan a warm smile, which no one could see. A few days ago, he was the most opposed to Shen Changan joining the security department.

"I specially asked you to come to the Imperial Capital this time. In fact, I mainly want to care about your life and work situation in recent years." Leader Wang said, "We absolutely respect your personal choice, and we will not force you to do anything. , it's just about your physical condition, we need to explain it to you in detail."

Shen Changan knew that they wanted to talk about the tenth life's meritorious body, so he nodded silently.

"Compared with ordinary people, your physique is a bit special, and you must be aware of it yourself."

Shen Changan continued to nod.

"We have deliberately checked a lot of relevant records, but there are very few records about you. We have made a general summary. We may not be very prepared, but I hope it can be helpful to you."

"After preliminary inference, you may be the legendary body of merit and virtue of the tenth generation. Such a person has a physique that makes ghosts and gods awe-inspiring, and it seems that it is particularly easy to attract non-scientific incidents. According to your young people's words, this is the The physique of the protagonist who caused trouble."

"But don't worry too much, as long as you have justice in your heart, you will naturally be immune to all evils." Zhao He took the conversation and explained to Shen Changan in detail, "If it were hundreds of years ago, maybe you could still do it. It's a pity that our modern society doesn't pay attention to this kind of thing, isn't it a pity."

Shen Changan: "..."

No, thank you.

The precautions that these leaders told him were not far from what Uncle Zhang and Master Yan Yin said. Hearing the back, Shen Changan thought that they would invite him to join the security department, but he did not expect that the leader in military uniform sitting in the middle said: "Knowing that you do not want to join the security department, we respect your choice very much. I have here Some pictures of your father when he was young, I think you might need those."

He took out a portfolio, got up and walked to Shen Changan: "Your father is an amazing person."

Shen Changan took the portfolio, gently untied the string around the button, and took out the thick stack of photos. Most of these are photos of his dad with other people, and he seems to be about the same age as he is now.

Shen Changan turned one by one, and when he reached the last one, his hand stopped.

This photo was taken by his dad standing in front of the tent. A few twinkling stars hung in the gray sky. His dad's skin was shiny black, showing his white teeth. There were eagles circling in the blue sky.

This is a photo taken in the morning.

"This is the last photo of your father before his death." The leader of the military uniform saw Shen Changan with his head down and didn't speak, and patted his shoulder lightly, "I think it should be kept by you."

"Thank you." Shen Changan carefully put away the photos one by one, got up and bowed to the leader in military uniform.

"Good boy." The leader of the military uniform smiled, his eyes were a little red, "I heard that you studied at the university in the imperial capital. This time, you will stay in the imperial capital for a few more days."

"Yeah." Shen Changan nodded, "A friend came with me this time, and I want to show him around."

"That's good, that's good." The leader of the uniform wanted to say a few more words, but looking at Shen Chang'an's hand holding the portfolio tightly, he felt that all language was pale.

In the face of such a child, no one is willing to say a heavy word. When Shen Changan left, Zhao He even sent him downstairs himself.

"If you change your mind in the future, you can come to me at any time. The door of our special department will always be open for you." As soon as the voice fell, Zhao He's face changed slightly, and there seemed to be a... strange atmosphere lingering around


No, which ghost dares to appear at the gate of the Ministry of Security? Do you think reincarnation is not fun, and you want to lose your mind

"Mr. Shen, are you done?" Gou Cheng walked over with a smile on his face, "How about we go to dinner now?"

Zhao He glanced at Gou Cheng, does this person seem to have a strange aura

But his cultivation was mediocre, and he really couldn't see anything, so he could only watch Shen Changan leave in a luxury car.

Luxury car

Zhao He suddenly woke up. Could it be that someone wanted to corrode Shen Changan with sugar-coated cannonballs, so as to rob them of someone

Zhao He on the imperial capital's side was still struggling with how to retain talents, but the beast and demon temple in that room fell into endless panic because of the sudden arrival of the heavenly way.