Striving for Science

Chapter 6: Believe in science




"Whoa whoa whoa."

"I told you to cry, how can you cry so much?" Annoyed by the green-haired bear child, Shen Changan rolled over and sat up, staring at the child: "Tell me, what seedlings did I take from you?"

The green-haired child trembled pitifully, with tears in his eyes: "It's not Miao, it's Miao Miao. He promised me a long time ago that he would be my lifelong good friend and would not leave me alone."

Shen Changan felt that this dream was a bit strange, because it was too real. He turned his head and glanced out the window, it was obviously late summer night, but a thick night fog was billowing outside, as if covering his windows.

When he was very young, he dreamed that there were evil spirits chasing him, and he was so scared that he didn't dare to turn off the lights to sleep at night. His father told him that dreams belonged to him, and that brave people would master their dreams and let all fearful things surrender. to oneself.

"Dad is a policeman, and he is upright, how can any evil spirit dare to approach our baby?"

"Dad, are there ghosts in the world?"

"Dad thinks not, what do you think?"

"I believe what Dad says."

"Do you still need to leave the lights on when you go to bed tonight?"

"I'm a man, so I don't need it."

Since then, as long as there are terrible things in his dreams, he will learn to face them bravely. When he is older, he will start to catch them and beat them. He has rarely dreamed about ghosts in the past two years, let alone dreaming about ghosts. Think about it carefully. Thinking about it, it's a little regrettable.

Thinking of that childhood memory, Shen Changan got up and walked in front of the green-haired child. As expected, the child was shaking like a sieve, and he didn't even dare to lift his head.

Just know that these things in the dream are all paper tigers.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Shen Chang'an pulled the green hair on the other's forehead, "Children, don't lie. After lying, your nose will grow longer."

"Liar, Miao Miao told me that this is Pinocchio's story, and it's fake." The child whispered softly, "Miao Miao was very kind to me when I was a child. He told me stories and gave me candy. Said I was his best and best friend."

"But he suddenly ignored me. Every day he only knew how to read books and do homework, and he also wanted to take the college entrance examination and go to a place far, far away from me." The child's expression became gloomy, "He said that I was his best friend. Good friend, you said you would always be with me, why did you break your promise?!"

"Miao Miao is a person?" Shen Changan understood, he sat cross-legged in front of the child, except for the color of the child's hair that was not mainstream, he was quite cute, "What do you mean, there is a child named Miao Miao , originally promised to be friends with you, but then ignored you, and had to take the college entrance examination and leave your side?"

The child hid back again, wishing to shrink himself into the wall: "I originally kept his soul, but you let it go today. When he recovers, he will become like before. The same, stop paying attention to me, stop looking at me."

Hearing this, Shen Changan had an absurd thought in his mind. Could the "Miaomiao" in the child's mouth be Sun Jia's nickname

Could it be that he was thinking about it every day and dreaming at night. He was emotional about Sun Jia's illness during the day, and then had such an interesting and logical dream at night? It's been a long time since I had a dream, and Shen Changan continued the dream with great interest.

"Growing up is the price every human being has to pay. He regarded you as a friend when he was young because he only needed to be a happy child at that time." Shen Changan looked at the green-haired child lazily, "But A little older, he needs to learn, he needs to grow up, learn more knowledge, and become a person needed by this society."

"But he said..."

"A young child doesn't even have a correct view of right and wrong, so how can he take his words seriously?" Shen Changan coughed dryly. When he was young, he said that he wanted to be the king of the earth. The reality proves that the words of a child cannot be believed.

"It's them humans who don't believe what they say!"

"The life of a human being is very short, but in order to survive and take responsibility, you need to learn a lot of things and run around for life so that you and your family can live a better life. You shouldn't take the words of a young child seriously." Shen Changan thought for a while. , "Even the law stipulates that very young children have no legal responsibility."

"Stay with me and play with me, okay?" the green-haired child asked with red eyes. "With me, he doesn't have to study, he doesn't have to be stressed, and he doesn't have to worry about his family, isn't it okay?"

"The reason why people are called people is because we have the instinct to learn, have a sense of responsibility, and cherish and love our family." Shen Changan used the tone of educating kindergarten babies to communicate with each other, "You let it go."

"But... we are also friends..." the green-haired child murmured.

"Besides, I think he suddenly ignores you, not because he doesn't want to be your friend, but because he can't see you anymore." Relying on the fact that he was dreaming, Shen Changan talked nonsense without any pressure, "Among us humans There is a saying that children's eyes are the most spiritual and can see things that adults can't, but once a certain age is passed, this spirituality disappears."

"That's why children like you are impulsive when something happens, and you feel that the other party is sorry for you when something goes wrong. If you don't change this problem, you will never make friends in your life." Shen Changan pointed out the window, "Go, go out and cry. , don't disturb my sleep, or you won't be able to cry if you beat me up."

"Do you even beat... children?" The green-haired child looked at him in horror.

"Oh, I don't even blink." Shen Changan raised his chin and threatened, "Want to try?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the child's hair skyrocket, extending out of the window, and then with a bang, the person was gone, the fog cleared, and the window was closed.

Oh, these things in the dream are all scum that can't help but frighten.

The next morning after dinner, I went downstairs and met the cool old man downstairs. The old man glanced at him: "Are you up?"

"Master, good morning." Shen Changan stopped and greeted with a smile.

"It's getting late, I'm back from morning exercise." The uncle looked at him half-squinted, "How did you sleep last night?"

"Thank you for your concern, I slept well." Shen Changan nodded. He glanced at the Tai Chi sword behind the old man and the loose training clothes, but he couldn't refute the other party's words.

The uncle ignored him again, opened and closed the door in front of him again, and locked him out of the corridor.

Shen Changan, who has been attracted to the elderly since he was a child, touched his face. He suspected that his charm had declined. Otherwise, why would this uncle always look at him critically

Walking down the office building and seeing the big tree whose leaves were shaking in the morning breeze, Shen Changan remembered his dream last night, and was about to touch two trunks when he heard footsteps behind him.

"Hello." The person here is slightly fat, wearing a hair-pressing cap, with a simple and honest smile on his face. Shen Changan felt that this person looked familiar, "Are you Mr. Daonian's... friend?"

He remembered that when he sent the disabled named Daonian back to the community, two people came out to pick him up, and this person was one of them. At that time, this person also said that he would be lucky.

"Don't dare, we are just Mr.'s helpers." The man's attitude became more humble, "My surname is Liu, my name is Liu Mao, you can just call me Xiao Liu."

Shen Changan thought silently, you are a big man in your thirties, and if you ask me to call me Xiao Liu, I can't say it. He shook hands with the other party: "Mr. Liu, do you need any help from our department?"

Is it to mediate family feelings, neighbor disputes, or is it haunted again

"That's right, thank you very much for taking our husband home last time. You left in a hurry before, and we didn't thank you properly. Please forgive me." Liu Mao quickly explained, "Yesterday, when we helped Mr. We found that there is a leaflet from Zhang Gui's department in the shopping bag, and we think the words on the flyer are very reasonable, especially good!"

"Are boys and girls the same?"

"No, I believe in science." Liu Mao said sincerely, "If you ask God to worship Buddha, it is better to believe that you believe in science and do things you can do yourself. Don't bother the gods and monsters, right?"

Shen Changan: "..."

No, the meaning of the leaflet is clearly to oppose feudal superstition and believe in science.

"We think this kind of ideological awareness is very good and remarkable, so we decided to sponsor your department's publicity activities." Liu Mao asked enthusiastically, "Is it convenient or not?"

When Shen Changan heard the words, he immediately showed a genuine smile: "I didn't expect Mr. Liu to have such a high level of ideological awareness. It's really admirable. Please come with me. You can discuss with our director on specific matters."

"Social progress depends on everyone." Liu Mao also showed a simple and bright smile.

I don’t know how Liu Mao and Du Zhonghai talked about it. In the following days, Du Zhonghai made numerous reports to his superiors, and Shen Changan and others also wrote several spiritual civilization construction plans. In just half a month , the desks, chairs, benches, and office equipment in the office have all been replaced, and even the flyers have become high-end and high-grade. Stacked paper airplanes.

On weekends, they even rented a conference room and held a lecture on the promotion of spiritual civilization. After listening to the lecture, they could receive two eggs and a small bag of washing powder.

This was the first time Shen Changan felt that their department was so popular.

"Xiao Shen, next time there is such an event, we will come again." An aunt pulled Shen Changan's sleeve and said to him, "But can you change the brand of washing powder next time, this brand is not very easy to use. "

Shen Changan nodded.

"Xiao Shen, you look really good when you're speaking on stage today, do you have a girlfriend?"

Shen Changan shook his head and nodded.

After finally sending these uncles and aunts away, Shen Changan and his colleagues packed up their tools and returned to the downstairs of the department. It was already evening.

Under the largest tree, stood a young man, wearing a clean T-shirt and jeans, looking youthful and sunny.

Hearing their laughter, the young man turned his head and his eyes were clear: "Hello."

This person turned out to be Sun Jia.

"Isn't this Sun Jia?" Chen Panpan whispered, "He looks like... quite normal?"

Xu Ze and Ding Yang are also a little strange. They have met Sun Jia several times, and the other party has always been confused. Sometimes they would send him back to Sun's house, and sometimes his family would come to take him back, but they haven't seen him sober as he is today.

The author has something to say: Chang'an: My father said that the ghosts in the dream are all paper tigers, and they should be fought when they should.

Chang'an Dad: Huh?