Striving for Science

Chapter 70: oath


Shen Tu was silent.

Shen Changan looked up at the window outside Daonian's room: "This is not a place to talk, let's go to the flower room to chat slowly."

Shen Tu reluctantly stared at Shen Changan for a few minutes, and had no choice but to agree.

Seeing Shen Changan skillfully taking out the tea set from the cabinet and boiling water to make tea, Shen Tu couldn't help but guess, to what extent did Mr. and Shen Changan know each other in private? I've only been here for a few days, how do you know where to put the tea set, so familiar with it

Shen Tu looked at the hot boiling water and brewed the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup. The tea leaves struggled desperately in the water, but in the end he had no choice but to sink to the bottom. These tea leaves were like himself. He knew the final outcome, but tried to struggle again. .

The relationship between Shen Changan and his husband has already surpassed that of ordinary friends. If he lied and deceived Shen Changan now, when the truth is revealed in the future, he will definitely be a liar in Shen Changan. And if he told the truth now, Shen Changan wouldn't hate him, I was afraid that the husband would turn his head and drive him out.

In today's world, even if it is a wandering immortal outside, life will not be easy.

"Try this tea. I only drank it once since I took it apart last time, and it tastes pretty good." Shen Changan pushed the teacup in front of Shentu and looked at him with a half-smile, "If this topic embarrassed you, Shentu. , let's just pretend it never happened."

The spirit tea grown in Xianshan is of course delicious. Shen Tu picked up the teacup and looked at Shen Changan, who was smiling but not smiling. He was at a loss for words for a while.

He shouldn't forget that Shen Changan is a very good talent among young human beings because he always smiles and is very casual in front of his husband.

The wisdom of human beings should not be underestimated, and what is more, Shen Changan is still the best among human beings.

"It's not a very embarrassing topic, it's just that I didn't know how to speak for a while." Shen Tu took a sip of tea, "You know, Mr. always advocates believing in science and opposes feudal superstition. Of course those of us who work around Mr. To answer the call of Mr.

"So you can see ghosts yourself, but because of Dao Nian, you haven't explained it?" Shen Changan probably understood what Shen Tu meant. A wage earner, in front of a boss who upholds materialism, must of course take the boss's attitude first.

After all, you have to make money to eat.

"You worry too much. Although Daonian is a materialist, he is not the kind of person who requires all employees to agree with himself." To understand this, Shen Changan did not forget to say good things to Daonian in front of the employees, " So don't take these things too seriously."

Yes, these things should not be taken too seriously. At most... Those who disobey the laws of Heaven will not end well in the end.

Over the years, Mr. has never changed his will, and he has never had the slightest curiosity about all things in the world. And Shen Changan was the only accident.

He didn't know whether this accident was good or bad, but in his opinion, the two worlds of gods and demons already looked like this, and no matter how bad it was, it couldn't be worse.

If it is not broken, it may not be established, maybe this will be a new turning point.

"Are you born with this ability, or have you learned it from an expert?"

"Both." Shen Tu was silent for a moment, "Chang'an, when did you find out that you can see spiritual things?"

"I don't know, I can't even tell the difference between humans and ghosts." Shen Changan smiled, "Perhaps it is because of this that I always treat ghosts as humans."

"Would you like to... I'll teach you some techniques." Shen Tu said, "Maybe you'll be able to use it in the future." With the change of Shen Chang'an, no one can tell what will happen to the gods and demon world in the future. Some techniques, maybe he can use it in the future.

"Do you know how to turn stone into gold and ride clouds and fog?" Shen Changan said jokingly, "I really want to learn this." Uncle Zhang told him that turning stones into gold and riding clouds and fog are almost human delusions, which are most recorded in books. After the cultivator's soul escapes and travels all over the mountains and rivers, no one can really fly with a physical body.

Probably this is what Uncle Zhang said, "Practice should also pay attention to the basic scientific method".

"Do you like this technique?" Shen Tu was a little embarrassed, "It's not that you can't learn it, it's just that after human beings are born, they eat the five bodies and become infected with all kinds of emotions. Maybe it can catch up with the speed of the high-speed rail?"

Shen Changan looked at Shen Tu in horror: "Are you... serious?"

Doesn't it mean that living people can't fly through the clouds at all

Shen Tu looked back at him puzzled: "I'm joking?"

Could it be that he said so much just now that Shen Changan didn't take it seriously

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, and Shen Changan stretched out a finger tremblingly: "Can you turn this tea cup into a gold cup?"

Shen Tu looked at Shen Chang'an hesitantly: "Chang'an, this set of tea sets is worth several million. After it is made of gold, it will depreciate in value."

Shen Changan numbly picked up a pebble from the flowerpot and put it in front of Shentu: "Then you become this."

Half a minute later, he looked at the dazzling golden stone in front of him, and felt that the three views that he had broken last time had turned into powder today and were blown away by the wind.

"Actually, this is not an advanced technique. The composition and density of minerals are different. As long as the composition is modified artificially, the stone can be turned into gold." Shen Tu pushed the gold in front of Shen Changan, "If you like it, to you."

"So you are so powerful, why do you want to come out to work?" Shen Changan felt that he might not understand the brain circuits of the masters.

"The state is very strict with precious metals. If I take out a lump of gold, who would dare to buy it?" Shen Tu said, "Not to mention that this kind of behavior undermines the laws of the market, there will be..." He lowered his voice and whispered, "There will be Damned."

Shen Changan: "..."

He didn't know if there was divine condemnation, but he was almost certain that Shen Tu might not belong to the category of human beings.

He carefully looked at Shen Tu: "I heard that monsters will lurk around humans and suck human anger. Have you ever encountered such a monster?"

"These are all rumors made up by human beings. Humans often eat junk food, are greedy by nature, and have short lifespans. Especially in recent decades, the quality of their souls is getting worse and worse. Now they suck the anger of human beings, and their brains are slightly normal. A little monster, don't do this kind of thing anymore..." Shen Tu suddenly stopped, and he stiffly raised his head to look at Shen Changan, is he deliberately deceiving him

"I don't know what your identity is, and I don't want to explore it carefully." The smile on Shen Changan's face became lighter, "I usually enjoy getting along with you. In my heart, you are a friend."

"However," the smile on Shen Changan's face disappeared, "I hope you really just came to Daonian to work. If you have any intention of hurting him, even if I can't beat you, I won't let you mess around."

"Someone mentioned to me that I am a body of merit and virtue in the tenth generation. If demons, ghosts and monsters come to harm me, they will be punished by heaven." Speaking of which, Shen Changan opened a pure and harmless smile, "I don't think Big Brother Shentu wants to try. Is this speculation true or false?"

Shen Tu: "..."

Why are human beings so impatient, turning their faces like turning a book

Although he was very shocked in his heart, when it was time to express his attitude, Shen Tu did not hesitate at all: "Please rest assured, I will never dare to hurt Mr. Half a point. If you don't believe it, I dare to swear by heaven."

Shen Changan: "Your race swears by the way of heaven, is it useful?"

"It's much more useful than what you human males say if I change my mind, and I will hit five thunders." Shen Tu coughed dryly, feeling that it was a bit bad for him to fire map cannons at human males like this, "We swear by Taoism, You will get a response from Heaven, and if you break your oath, you will be punished by Heaven."

Shen Changan pondered for a long time, and said with emotion, "Dao was really busy that day."

He looked up at the sky: "If Tiandao were a person, he might have been annoyed by you long ago."

Shen Tu: "..."

No, he's fine. Not only has he not been annoyed to death, but he has also learned all kinds of slack. He's still sleeping in a warm bed right now, waiting for you to wake him up.

Shen Changan looked at Shen Tu with burning eyes.

Shen Tu looked at him silently.

"I swear." Shen Changan saw that Shentu did not respond, "After the establishment, we can go back to eat."

If he doesn't make an oath, he won't even be eligible to eat breakfast

"Please bear witness to Tiandao, I, Shentu, hereby swear that I will never do anything to harm Mr. Daonian, if the oath is violated..." He turned to look at Shen Changan, who smiled at him, "If the oath is violated, I will be struck by lightning. The bitterness of frost."

Dao Nian, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes and reached out to catch a divine light that flew in from the window. The divine light circled around his fingertips and slowly disappeared into his palm.

The oath turned out to be Shentu, and the oath is still related to him

"Hey, Big Brother Shen Tu, you are too sincere, you can just talk about something like an oath." Shen Changan stretched out his arm around Shen Tu's neck and said with a smile, "Why do you speak so ruthlessly? They are all friends, how could I not believe you?"

Shen Tu: No! Shen Changan, you are a liar. If you really believe me, you should stop me when I make an oath, instead of hypocritically saying good friends after I finish speaking.

False humans!

Toilet paper friendship!

Go away, I don't have a shameless human friend like you!

Shen Tu roared inwardly, but his body was extraordinarily honest, not only followed Shen Changan away, but also showed him a smile.

Passing by the flowerbed, he saw a few particularly beautiful flowers, and Shen Changan subconsciously wanted to cut these flowers and take them to Daonian.

But this is not Daonian's home.

Shen Tu understood what he meant, and reached out and put the flower scissors in Shen Changan's hands: "Well, let's cut it."

"Where did you... get the flower scissors?"

"I'm not human." Shen Tu put his hands in his pockets, "It's not difficult to pick up a leaf and turn it into scissors."

Shen Changan nodded clearly, cut out the few flowers, and said, "I suddenly felt that it would be interesting to learn from you."

Shencha: If you used conspiracy to hang him just now, do you still want him to hand over magic? snort!

"Okay, I'll start teaching you after returning to Wuming City."

As a god who is not very powerful, he has been able to live well until now, relying on the knowledge of current affairs.

Shen Changan found a vase, put the flowers in it, and took the vase to the door of Daonian's room.

"Dao Nian, are you awake?" Shen Changan knocked on the door, heard the word "come in" from inside the house, opened the door and saw that Dao Nian was fully dressed and sitting in a wheelchair.

In fact, he occasionally has a little curiosity about how Daonian usually goes to the toilet, takes a shower, and sits in a wheelchair from the bed. However, this kind of curiosity is far less than his distress for Daonian, so he never shows one more look or asks one more word on these things.

"The flowers here are not as beautiful as yours." Put the vase on the table, "But these flowers are blooming well."

"Well." Daonian's eyes fell on the hands that were playing with flowers.

"Dao Nian, I want to ask you a question." Shen Chang installed a casual look, "How long has Shen Tu been working by your side?"

Daonian thought of the oath that flew to his palm just now: "It's been a long time."

"He... work efficiency is not bad, right?" Shen Changan opened the window to let in the light from outside.

"Conscientious and responsible, down-to-earth and willing to work, people are also... honest." Daonian subconsciously used an adjective commonly used by humans.

"Oh..." Shen Changan nodded, with Daonian's ability, he should be able to see whether the people around him are good or bad. It seems that Shen Tu is really a monster who can't get along in the demon world, and can only be reduced to the human world to work and live.

Gee, that's pretty pathetic.

"Why did you suddenly ask him?"

"It's nothing, just to see Shen Tu get up so early every day, not only as a bodyguard but also as a driver, so ask more." Shen Changan pushed him downstairs, "It's not easy."

"Then I'll give him a raise." Dao Nian looked at Shen Tu, who was standing in the hall and didn't dare to show his air, "It's really not easy."

Shen Changan smiled dryly and did not express his opinion on the matter.

It seems that protecting the environment is imminent, otherwise the monsters will not have a good life and can only come to the world to compete with humans for jobs, and the unemployment rate of human beings will increase again.

Shen Changan received news about Cao Jin again three days later. He was eating sheep scorpions with Daonian, and when the traffic police gave him the news, he hadn't reacted.

"Compensation negotiation?" Shen Changan laughed, Cao Jin's family was not short of that money, the so-called negotiation was probably trying to trouble him.

But thinking of the lunatic Cao Jin, when he couldn't find him, he might go to Cai Ran to go crazy, Shen Changan still agreed to the request for negotiation.

"I'll go with you." Daonian put down his chopsticks, "Compensation is not important, what matters is your mood."

"It's okay." Shen Changan said, "Cao Jin has that little skill, so there's nothing to worry about. If you're really worried, let Shen Tu accompany me, and it will definitely ensure my safety."

Daonian glanced at Shen Tu expressionlessly: "Really?"

Shen Tu had a piece of mutton in his mouth, neither talking nor swallowing, he could only stare at Daonian with wide, innocent eyes.

It's a pity that he is not Shen Changan, this kind of eyes can't impress the ruthless and ruthless Lord Tiandao.

"Yes, Shen Tu is good at protecting me." Shen Changan smiled, "So you don't have to worry."

"Oh." Daonian looked down at his legs and lowered his eyelids, looking a little lonely.

Seeing him like this, Shen Changan realized that what he said might be a little inappropriate, so Dao Nian thought about it for a long time, and quickly said: "The weather forecast said that it might snow tonight, and I can't bear you to suffer." After speaking, He whispered in Daonian's ear, "Shen Tu has rough skin and thick flesh, even if he fights with people, I don't feel bad."

Shen Tu: "..."

It's too much. Although he doesn't have the ability to listen to the wind, his hearing is still good. In the whole world, who else is rougher and thicker than Tiandao

Daonian blinked slowly.

He understood that Chang'an's words meant that the rounding was to say that if he was hurt a little bit, Chang'an would feel distressed.

"Okay." Daonian nodded, "When you go out, wear thicker clothes and don't get cold."

"I'll wait for you at home."

Shen Changan was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily with a smile on his face: "Yeah!"

Cao Jin, who was detained in the detention center for several days for drunk driving, looked a lot sluggish. He wore a thick coat and sat on a chair impatiently.

His uncle and the lawyer invited by the family sat with him, and their expressions were a little dignified. In the case of Cao Jin, not only was drunk driving, but also suspected of hurting people after drinking. Several workers present at the time came forward to testify, saying that Cao Jin attempted to hurt Shen Changan.

If you want Cao Jinliang to be less guilty, you also need an attitude of forgiveness from Shen Changan.

But seeing his nephew's dangling appearance, Cao Chengcheng was angry. If it was his own son, he would have already discounted his legs.

It's just that the eldest brother and sister-in-law have grown up with each other, and they are so used to him.

Especially when he heard that Shen Changan was his nephew's college classmate. Not only did the two have conflicts at school, but also when Cao Jin threatened Shen Changan in a police car, it was recorded by the traffic police's law enforcement recorder. pain.

With such a junior on the stall, the whole family can't rest in peace. Before he came, he carefully inquired about Shen Changan. He was positive and enthusiastic, and his grades were beneficial. The school professors liked him very much, and his classmates also liked him very much. And his nephew is just the opposite, showing off his wealth, skipping classes, picking up girls, disrespecting others...

Such a good young man, he didn't want to win over and bring in to his own company, but offended people instead. His eldest brother and sister-in-law really did it. Seeing that the child was an orphan, he wanted to use his power to oppress others. I don't even think that in the imperial capital, there is no shortage of powerful people. The feudal dynasty has died early. What can they do to others

They all say don't bully young people into poverty, they're good, they offend people thoroughly. Well now, Cao Jin has put himself into the game, and they can't use any means. Finally, after inquiring for a long time, he knows that the victim requires strict handling.

The words have come to this point, who still believes that Shen Changan is just a powerless orphan? The elder brother and sister-in-law also knew that this was not good, and he was afraid that Shen Changan would make things worse when they saw them, so he called him over.

To him, Cao Jin should be locked up for a period of time, so as not to be daring and dare to do anything, not to harm himself, but also to harm others.

But his eldest brother and sister-in-law are already in their 60s, and there is only a child like Cao Jin under his knees. As a younger brother, even if he hated Cao Jin's actions, he could only go this way.

Five minutes before the agreed meeting time, Cao Cheng saw the police bring two young men in. The young man walking in front had fair skin and a smile in the corners of his eyes, which made people feel at a glance that he was a very good young man.

Thinking of this, Cao Cheng turned his head and glanced at his nephew in disgust. They all came from the same school. Why is there such a big difference

Cao Jin noticed his uncle's dislike, and couldn't help but widen his eyes. Who is the Cao family between him and Shen Changan

"Mr. Shen, my surname is Cao, I'm Cao Jin's uncle. Thank you for your willingness to be involved in this trip today." Cao Cheng took the initiative to stand up to meet Shen Changan, and shook hands with him, "About what my younger generation did, I feel terribly sorry… "

"Mr. Cao, there is a saying that one person does things and one person is responsible. Although Cao Jin has a low character, I will not take anger on others." Shen Changan smiled politely, "You are too polite."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he hit a soft nail, and Cao Cheng smiled awkwardly. This sounded like respect for him, but in fact Shen Changan was showing his attitude. I am afraid that unless Cao Jin apologized in person, there would be no room for change in this matter.

But when he turned to look at Cao Jin, he saw his good nephew staring at Shen Changan with resentment. In front of the police, he wanted to eat him.

How could he have such a stupid nephew

Brother and sister-in-law donated a teaching building to the university and sent him to a famous university, but he didn't nurture his brain to be smarter.

"Everyone has a friendly conversation, and there should be no verbal violence or action violence." The policeman sat next to him and greeted everyone on both sides to sit down. "Now if the two sides have any opinions, they can exchange with each other."

"I don't have any opinion. It's up to the law to decide." Shen Changan said, "I won't sign a letter of understanding for a scum who intends to kill."

"Since you don't want to, why are you running here?" Cao Jin sneered, "Don't you just want to sit on the ground and raise the price? Just tell me how much it will cost, I've seen people like you who don't want to let go of meat, I've seen it a lot, be careful. Broken tooth."

"Mr. Cao, please don't insult our Mr. Shen's personality." Shen Tu said in a timely manner, "Our Mr. Shen has villas, companies, famous cars, and various jewelry and watches under his name, and there is no shortage of compensation. Mr. Shen is willing to take this trip today to persuade you to be positive, correct your mistakes, and become a good young man with aspirations, principles and achievements."

"Fart, you don't need to write drafts for bragging, you are the entrustment he invited?" Cao Jin sneered, "You can run with him for a day, and I will give you ten times as much salary as you can get."

"Okay, Mr. Cao." Shen Tu smiled, "Mr. Shen offered me one million, are you going to give me ten million?"

Cao Jin: "..."

His grandfather's, this is a neurosis.

Seeing that Cao Jin didn't speak, Shencha smiled even more gently: "Mr. Cao, if you don't have enough money, try not to say such big words as much as possible, otherwise others will laugh at you."

"I… "

"Shut up!" Cao Cheng interrupted Cao Jin's words, and smiled apologetically to Shentu: "I'm sorry, this child is ignorant, so you are laughing."

"Children in their twenties are really ignorant." Shen Tu turned to look at Shen Chang'an, "It's not easy for my family's children, we are all children, what else can we do besides business affairs?"

The policeman in charge of mediation and supervision next to him almost couldn't help laughing. He picked up the folder and carefully covered his face.

"That's not the same. Those with parents are called children, and those without parents can only be called orphans." Cao Jin was so angry that he didn't choose to say anything, "Shen Changan, don't do this for me, want me to beg you, Mendu No."

"If you have the ability, come and beat me in front of the police!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped on the face, but it was not Shen Changan who beat him, but his uncle Cao Cheng.

The author has something to say: The door god—a god who has seen countless scenes of family quarrels.