Striving for Science

Chapter 76: Yellow Springs


"It's done!"

Elder Cao was slumped on the futon, with countless blood pouring out of his mouth. He propped up his upper body and looked at the person sitting in the corner, "Master, I have detained Shen Chang'an's soul in the underworld."

"Very good." The person sitting in the corner, wearing a gray robe with a sad face, seemed to have a bit of sympathy between his brows, "No soul can enter the underworld, but everyone who enters will be gone. back."

"If Lord Tiandao..."

"Humph." The gray-robed man looked at the pig demon mockingly, "When you start devouring your fellow clan for your cultivation, don't try to get the mercy of Heaven. If it wasn't for me, you would think that the things you did would not be discovered by Heaven. ?"

The pig demon lay on the ground, looking at the puppet doll with needles inserted on the altar, silent.

"I know what you're thinking." The man in the gray robe stood up, "Afraid of affecting the whole family now? It's too late."

"Master, I don't mean that..."

"It doesn't matter what you mean, what matters is whether you are obedient or not." The gray-robed man sneered, "If Shen Changan doesn't die, it means you die, and even the entire beast clan will suffer because of it, see for yourself. Do it."

"Lord Tiandao, I don't dare to come here to disturb your purification, but this is a big matter, please look into it clearly." The King of Hell personally led the way, "A few days ago, a city god came to report, saying that there is a destiny in the mortal world. The special soul has been artificially tampered with the fate. After Xiao Wang learned about it, he calculated overnight and found that the special soul whose fate was tampered with was not a single case. Therefore, Xiao Wang suspected that someone deliberately tampered with the life and soul, causing the mortal world. chaos."

"Bring the book of life and death..." There were many ghosts on Huangquan Road. Daonian looked at the Wangchuan River in front of him, and suddenly thought that the flower on the other side has the effect of concentrating and nourishing his soul, so he walked to the river.

"Sir?" Hades saw that Lord Tiandao suddenly walked towards the river, and hurriedly followed, "But the evil spirits at the bottom of the river bother you?"

"No, I'm picking flowers." As soon as Daonian finished speaking, he suddenly heard someone on the other side calling his name.

There is a rule on Huangquan Road, it is easy not to call others by name. Although Dao Nian is not a person, but looking at the three realms, people with insufficient cultivation can't remember his name, and people with advanced cultivation do not dare to call his name.

"Big, big, lord..." Hades didn't expect that there are such tigers in the underworld, and dared to call the lord's name directly.

"Dao Nian! Dao Nian!" Shen Changan was worried that Dao Nian could not see himself clearly, so he jumped in place and waved his hand: "I am here!"

The hungry ghost sleeping at the bottom of the river sensed the breath of the soul, and couldn't wait to get out of the river and shred the soul that had strayed into the Yellow Spring.

But they didn't have time to get out of the water, and terrifying forces poured in from all directions, pressing them to the bottom of the river, let alone climbing out of the water, they couldn't even move their legs.

Daonian looked at Shen Changan who was jumping high on the spot, and looked down at his legs: "..."

"I don't know where the soul has disturbed the adults. Please forgive him for his rudeness..." The Lord of Heaven has not finished his words, and he sees the endless power permeating the body of Lord Tiandao. , pressed all the ghasts in the river into the bottom of the river.

"I made you laugh." Daonian said confidently, "My child is ignorant and strayed into Huangquan, and I will take him away later."

Hades looked at Shen Changan on the other side, a twenty-something... child

"It's no wonder that this gentleman is full of golden light of merit and virtue, and he is extraordinary and refined. It turns out that he is a person from the Lord's Palace." Yan Wang suddenly remembered a gossip that was circulating in private, and I don't know if it was true or not. I heard that there was a human being next to Lord Tiandao some time ago, and he was very fond of him, and even built a shrine for him in the human world. Could it be this person

"Then let's go now?" As soon as Yan Wang finished his words, his feet floated off the ground. However, when he floated less than ten centimeters, he was pulled back by Daonian.

"My child is timid and doesn't know my identity yet." Daonian looked at the King of Hell calmly, "Wait, I'm going to offend you."

Yama: Huh? Um? ! Um? ! !

The ferryman propped up the boat to send the King of Hell and Daonian to the other side. Before the King of Hell could speak, he saw the human being blowing like a gust of wind, and then stretched out his hand to touch Lord Tiandao, with an unsightly demeanor.

"Dao Nian, your leg..." Shen Changan pinched Daonian's calf carefully, "Can your leg go away?"

Has his blessing come true

From now on, Daonian can walk freely, live freely, and go wherever he wants

"I don't know what's going on, but I can walk with my feet suddenly." When he said that he was suddenly able to walk, the expression on Daonian's face didn't change at all, "I haven't used these legs for a long time, I can't help but come out and walk away. After a lap, I didn't know how to come here."

The King of Hell was silent, but he was a little puzzled in his heart. The adult is the incarnation of the Tao of Heaven, and formed a human body in the most perfect form. How could he not be able to walk

Could it be that this is the special hobby of Lord Tiandao and the little human lover

"Who is this gentleman?" Shen Changan looked at the middle-aged man who was a step or two behind Daonian. He had bright eyes, a high forehead and a broad face, and he wore a black coat. He looked a bit like an underworld boss.

Yama: "Hello, I'm..."

"I don't know." Daonian drooped his eyelids, "I got lost, and there was no signal on my mobile phone, so I found a fellow traveler for safety."

Hades closed his mouth again.

Shen Changan glanced at the King of Hell defensively, and whispered in his ear: "Your legs are back to normal, is there anything you're not used to?"

"Yes." Daonian said with a stern face, "It may be that I haven't walked for a long time, and I almost fell over just now."

"Then be careful, there's a lot of water here, don't fall into the river. It's hard to fall into it in winter." Shen Changan put his hand in front of Daonian, "Come, I'll hold you."

Daonian felt at ease, and handed his hand to Shen Changan in a kindly manner. Holding Daonian, Shen Changan smiled and turned to Yan Wang and said, "Sir, we are not familiar with the road here, so I might trouble you to lead the way ahead."

Hades laughed dryly: "It should be, it should be."

He silently walked ahead, feeling that he was in this dark underworld at the moment, bright like a sun.

Shen Changan took out his mobile phone and looked at it, then whispered, "It seems that there is really no signal."

Hades thought, of course there was no signal, and their underworld did not have the communication function of human mobile phones.

Seeing that the underworld elder brother who was walking in front did not look back, Shen Changan quickly typed a paragraph on his mobile phone.

[I suspect something is wrong here, do you remember how you got lost?]

Daonian shook his head.

[If you have any weird imagination in a while, don't be afraid. I have a special physique and can protect you.]

Looking at this sentence, Daonian opened his mouth: "Chang'an, actually..."

Shen Changan stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, making sure that Daonian would not continue to speak before continuing to type on the phone.

[The person leading the way in front also looks a little wrong. When the wooden boat reached the shore just now, when he got off the boat, the boat was motionless, as if he had no weight at all.]

It's a pity that the atmosphere here is gloomy, and he can't judge from the shadows whether it is a human or a ghost who is walking in front of them.

After walking for a while, Shen Changan found a stone tablet standing on the side of the road. The stone tablet was inscribed with the three characters of "Life and Death", and there were two lines of small comments in the lower right corner.

"Look at the past and present life, and see the rise and fall of fate."

He wanted to look away, and found that the stone seemed like a huge attraction, so he couldn't look away. Suddenly, a thick fog rose in front of him, and he only saw two pictures.

One is endless darkness, and the other is a chaotic world full of dead bodies.


The back of his hand was lightly tapped, and Shen Changan retracted his mind and looked at Shang Daonian with concern: "What's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine." When Shen Changan looked up at the stone again, there was no strange feeling left. Could it be that he was not feeling well in the past two days and had hallucinations.

Deep in the ground, a blood-red giant beast raised its head: "Soul, a fragrant soul, and the taste of merit."


His soul is so hungry.

He is going to swallow this soul.

"Going from here is the exit." Yan Wang stopped and turned to look at Daonian and Shen Changan, "The road conditions here are complicated, and there are no street lights installed. Many people will get lost when they come here."

As soon as the words fell, a tall and thin man came out of the exit. The man was wearing a red official robe and a black gauze hat, followed by a monster with a bull head.

"These are some cosplay lovers. They like our country's traditional culture the most, and they like to play the role of a city god, a cow's head, etc..." Yan Wang smiled awkwardly, he felt that this lie could not go on.

"Little gentleman?" Chenghuang saw a group of golden light of merit and virtue moving into the sky from a distance, and when he got closer, he couldn't even care about the people around Shen Changan, so he was shocked: "Little gentleman, your longevity is not golden, why is it? be here?"

Shen Changan clenched Daonian's hand tightly and took small steps towards the exit without breaking a trace: "Excuse me, Lord Chenghuang, where is this place?"

He had seen this City God, the one who asked God last time and said that he wanted to find out why the otaku ghost changed his fate, but he never found out the reason.

"This is Huangquan Road." Chenghuang said, "A place where souls cannot stay for a long time."

"Huangquan?" Shen Changan clenched Daonian's hand even tighter, "My friends and I are both living souls, why did you come here inexplicably?"


Chenghuang looked at the man behind Shen Changan, his kneecap was a little weak: "Big..."

"In the daytime, how could it be possible for you to come to Huangquan? There must be something wrong." King Yan took over, "Please rest assured, I will send you out."

Shen Changan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that the year of life was not over yet, and the people of the underworld would not force him to stay. There was a thin layer of sweat oozing out of his palms, not hot, but frightened.

The exit door slowly opened, and the King of Hell bent over and said, "Two people please."

At this moment, suddenly the entire underworld began to shake, and a certain monster's roar came from the ground.

"The evil beast has awakened?!"

"Where's the divine beast guarding the evil beast?!" The ground shook violently, making King Yama unsteady. He turned to look at the opened gate of hell, struggling to close the gate with his spiritual power.

We must not let this evil beast escape from this door and cause harm to the world.

Whatever he was afraid of, he could do anything, and he watched the beasts fly out of the cracks in hell, and flew towards the gate of hell with the momentum of destroying the dead.

When he was in despair, he saw Lord Tiandao, slowly and expressionlessly, stretched out his noble left leg.

The beast stumbled over the door.

Then he pulled his leg back as if nothing had happened.

The author has something to say: The well-behaved and weak Daonian: I did nothing.