Striving for Science

Chapter 81: day does not allow


These two ordinary-looking boxes contain very unusual things.

A box of lustrous, round-sized pearls, and a box of gemstones and diamonds of various colors that have been cut and exude a scorching light. He took a deep breath, closed the lid, and looked at Daonian solemnly: "Daonian, this is not a good thing."

"What?" Daonian took the box with the pearls on it and took out the pearls to play with.

The aquarium has not been easy in recent years. The sea water has been seriously polluted by humans, and the pearls raised are not as good as before. If you use it to play with it, you will think that it is not round enough and not big enough.

"Giving such a heavy gift, and giving this and that diligently, at first glance, it seems that I have something to ask for." The more Shen Changan thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, "No, no, we should return this."

"Chang'an, you usually have a very warm personality, why are you so timid now?" Liu Mao said with a smile, "Since people dare to give it away, you dare to accept it. What are you afraid of when you have Mr.

"How can it be the same? The things I usually do are within my power and will not make me feel embarrassed. It is because of the Dao Nian that I need to be more cautious. In case what they ask for will bring the Dao Nian What should I do for trouble?" The more Shen Changan thought about it, the more he felt that it was okay, and instantly felt that these pearls and gems were neither beautiful nor bright, but two boxes of trouble.

"It's really bald..." Shen Changan sighed, "Dao Nian, you shouldn't have persuaded me to accept this just now."

"It's not a valuable thing. He used these stones and gravels to ask people to do things. He didn't have the face to open his mouth." Daonian threw the pearls back into the box, "Don't worry, you can put them away, throw them to play, and give them away. Tell Liu Mao when you're done. That's alright, there's a lot of these in the house."

Shen Changan: "..."

"Dao Nian, tell me honestly, how rich are you?"

Even rich people, few can calmly say that the whole box of pearls and gems are worthless stones and gravel.

Daonian opened the car window, and the cold wind blew into the car.

Shen Changan shivered from the cold: "Dao Nian?"

"I can send you wherever you see it." Daonian looked at Shen Changan seriously, "As long as you like it."

Being slapped on the face by the cold wind, Shen Changan recovered from his sluggish state: "Dao Nian, you... Watch less of the TV series that the overbearing president fell in love with me."

All the atmosphere was completely destroyed by Shen Changan's words.

Daonian closed the window, and stretched out his hand to straighten Shen Chang'an's tangled hair: "If I were the overbearing president, what would you be?"

Liu Mao: Here we go! coming! Lord Tiandao's first confession scene is about to appear!

Shen Changan: "Is it the little brother who is following behind President Ba?"

Liu Mao: …

Daonian suddenly leaned over and approached Shen Changan: "What do you think...?"

The sudden approach of Dao Nian made Shen Changan feel uncomfortable for a moment. He hugged the box with the gems in his arms tightly, "Brother?"

"You..." Daonian sat up straight, his eyes looked straight ahead, and said in a light tone, "Then I, the domineering president, have your brother by my side."

Shen Changan felt that something was wrong.

No, hurry up!

He secretly glanced at Daonian, and this picture was still so good-looking, so upright, so serious.

So he thought too much, what evil thoughts did he have towards his good brother? !

Shen Changan, Shen Changan, I didn't expect you to be such a person!

Daonian drove the car to the downstairs where Shen Changan went to work, and Shen Changan stuffed the gem box into Daonian: "I leave this to you for safekeeping."

"Chang'an." Daonian put the gem box aside, followed him out of the car, stretched out his hand and tidied up Shen Chang'an's upturned collar, "Come back early in the evening."

As soon as they entered the courtyard, Xu Ze and Chen Panpan, who saw this scene, stopped silently. Although they did not come together, at this time, they glanced at each other tacitly, and then quietly took two steps back.

Daonian retracted his hand, turned his head and nodded to the two of them: "Thank you for taking care of our parents."

"No, you're welcome." Chen Panpan shook her head in a daze. She watched Daonian get into the car and leave, but couldn't recover for a long time.

"Our parents are safe..." Su, her other people, felt a hint of sweetness at these words. Looking at Shen Changan's face as if nothing had happened, Chen Panpan suspected that it was not the world that was too dirty, but her thoughts were too dirty.

"I'm sorry, we didn't come at the right time." Xu Ze pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and confessed to Shen Changan seriously, "I'll pay more attention next time."

Shen Changan: "..."

It's all messed up.

The three returned to the office and found that Director Du and Aunt Juan had already arrived. The two seemed to have a disagreement on a certain point of view, and their faces did not look good.

A director, a deputy director, if disagreements, it is not a good thing for the people below them.

They exchanged glances with each other, chose to pretend they didn't know, slipped back to their desk honestly, turned on the computer and pretended to be very busy.

"Changan, come to my office." Du Zhonghai didn't look at Gao Shujuan again, turned to Shen Changan and said, "Everyone else is at ease."

Chen Panpan looked at Shen Changan worriedly. Could it be because Shen Changan rejected the invitation to join the security department of the imperial capital, and now he will be retaliated against

Shen Changan glanced at Aunt Juan, who was not looking very well, and followed into Director Du's office. Gao Shujuan hesitated for a while, and then followed.

Seeing that they were all gone, Chen Panpan asked Xu Ze in a low voice, "What's going on?"

"You're so well-informed that you don't know, and I'm naturally even more unclear." Xu Ze pushed on his glasses and organized the documents in his hand. "Why don't you knock on the door and ask."

"If I dare to do this, do I need to ask you?" Chen Panpan whispered. Although Director Du usually talks cheerfully and well, it is terrifying when he gets angry. The last time Director Du got angry, it was not long after the establishment of the civilian service department. At that time, they went to the headquarters for a meeting, and some leaders of other departments laughed at their department for not being motivated. At that time, Director Du rolled up his sleeves and sparred with the other party, and finally ridiculed the other side. Get up.

Since then, no matter how other departments laughed at them behind their backs, no one dared to say three things in front of them, all afraid of Director Du's mouth.

"Panpan, Chang'an and your friends are on the news!" Ding Yang ran in from outside and said in a hurry, "Many people have reposted it on the Internet, and the number of video views has exceeded one million."

"What video?" Chen Panpan took out his mobile phone, "Quickly send me the address."

Ding Yang sent the video address to the chat group, and said excitedly: "I see that many people on the Internet are praising Chang'an, and this time he has given our civil service department a boost."

Chen Panpan clicked on the address sent by Ding Yang, and the link jumped to the Weibo platform. It turned out that this video was sent by a very credible media platform in China.

At the beginning of the video, a hidden camera shot Shen Changan stopping the car and buying a few pairs of gloves sold by the old man on the roadside. Because it was far away and the angle was a bit off, the video only captured the silhouette of Shen Changan. Nearby vehicles were marked with mosaics.

A good-looking person, just a silhouette, will make people feel that he is special.

In the video, there is a reporter's voice: "This video was copied by our reporter in a social observation column group. We can see that after this gentleman bought the old man's gloves, he continued to patrol the street. Surveillance clearly captured the route the vehicle traveled."

"The car came to a stop when it passed a traffic light intersection outside the mall."

Chen Panpan knew that Shen Changan had rescued her friend Zeng Yi, but she did not expect that the scene would be so thrilling. Within five seconds after Shen Changan stopped the car, the garbage man hiding in the crowd held on to it and rushed out, and Shen Changan was only less than ten seconds slower than him.

Across the screen, she clearly felt the urgency of the scene, especially when the garbage man stabbed and was dodged by Zeng Yi, and was about to stab the second time, her heart jumped to her throat.

At this time, Shen Changan had come behind the trash man. Seeing the moment when he subdued the trash man, Chen Panpan sighed with emotion, no wonder he was as proud as Zeng Yi and would lower his stance to pursue Shen Changan.

At this moment of life and death, human fear is at its greatest level. The appearance of Shen Changan is the only light in the endless fear, and he is so handsome...

At this moment, falling in love with such a man is too easy to understand.

After the video, which was captured by surveillance at the gate of the shopping mall, ended, there was another scene captured by onlookers. Because this video is very clear, the faces of Shen Changan and Zeng Yi have been mosaicked.

The trash man who was kicked and pushed on the ground by the crowd screamed in pain, Shen Changan squeezed into the crowd, stopped the enthusiastic crowd from hitting him on the head, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, please restrain yourself, don't hit the head, don't hit the head, there is a problem. is legally responsible."

Chen Panpan also saw that someone stepped on the trash man's hand under Shen Changan's eyelids. Shen Changan seemed to be blind, not only did not reach out to stop it, but also turned his head.

Although separated by a thick mosaic, Chen Panpan still felt that Shen Changan's expression at that moment must be innocent and innocent.

At the back of the video, Shen Changan asked everyone to take back the money and gifts in the car, and then ate a bear lollipop given by a little girl.

The reporter of this platform is very naughty, and even bought a lollipop of the same model. After removing the packaging, he took a close-up and put it at the end of the video.

In the comment area below the video, the number of comments has exceeded 20,000 to 30,000, and Chen Panpan couldn't help but click in and take a look.

Netizen 1: "Don't start, you will be legally responsible for any problems", this sentence really made me laugh to death, my little brother is really a good citizen who abides by the law.

Netizen 2: I saw the news in other places, saying that the girls are very beautiful and the little brother is very handsome. In ten minutes, I'm going to read their love story novel.

Netizen 3: Such a handsome and brave little brother is mine. He is lying on my bed. Don't rob me.

Netizen 4: Upstairs, I made a face and seduced my boyfriend.

Netizen 5: I'm the only one who found out that when those people beat other parts of the trash man, did the little brother pretend that he didn't see anything

Netizen 6: I saw it, I saw it! This little brother is simply a treasure in the world.

Netizen 7: I want to report. My little brother received a lollipop from my little sister. If he doesn't fall in love with me, I will go to his leader to report it.

Netizen 8: The lollipop given by the little sister is called bribe. It is called food sharing. I warned upstairs, if you dare to report my baby's father, I will smash your window.

Netizen 9: My little brother is really good. I bought gloves that my grandmother sold to save people from gangsters. When I was talking to the little girl, I squatted in front of her. In fact, what he eats is not sugar, but to maintain the pure heart of the little girl. Having said so much, what I want to say most is actually, little brother, I want to date you!

Netizen 10: Don't think about it any more upstairs. The hero saving the beauty is a classic routine that will not change through the ages. I think the rescued girl can develop a sweet love story of 200 chapters with her little brother.

Netizen 11: I don't care, anyway, through the thick mosaic, I have already seen the handsome face of the little brother, look at the waist, the legs, and the hands, really... tsk tsk tsk.

Chen Panpan sighed, but unfortunately their brain-filled love story ended with BE before it even started.

Scrolling down, she saw a trumpet with an account name consisting of numbers and English letters, refuting one by one the comments that Shen Changan and Zeng Yi could develop a love story.

9876ay8 replied to Netizen 1: He has nothing to do with the client, and he saved her just because of a sense of justice.

9876ay8 replied to netizen 2: The story of heroes saving beauty is outdated. Who said that heroes must like beautiful women

9876ay8 replied to netizen 3: What kind of love story, taking other people's life as a story is disrespectful to others.

9876ay8 replied to netizen 10: I haven't met before, just because of a face, I say I like it, this kind of relationship is too superficial.

This number plus letter netizen is too serious and serious, and has been complained by many netizens.

Netizen 1: This person is a relative of the gangster's family, and he deliberately came to recruit blackmail for the little brother

Netizen 8: What new whitewashing trick is this

Netizen 11: He looks serious, like a film under the overpass.

Netizen 13: There are two handsome men and beautiful women, and they are a natural pair. Which banana are you, and need you to object

9876ay8 replied to netizen 13: God did not admit that they were a couple!

Seeing this letter trumpet defending very seriously with a bunch of netizens, Chen Panpan couldn't help but read on.

She thinks, this letter trumpet really doesn't look like black. At most, he doesn't understand the popular style on the Internet, and he doesn't know that these little girls on the Internet can change ten boyfriends on the Internet every day, which is too serious.

In the villa, Liu Mao and others saw Daonian cracking the keyboard of the laptop, and they looked at each other, what's the matter, sir

"You said that what you did was bad, but you had to send that video to your husband." Liu Mao sighed, "Mr. has been typing on the keyboard for almost half an hour."

Before, Mr. didn't even look at these things. Since I played for nearly half an hour today, this is simply a big step forward in history.


This is Mr. Rarely Furious, and dropped the mouse.

"Sir, don't take those words on the Internet to heart..."

"They actually said that Chang'an and that woman are a match made in heaven?" Daonian's face sank, interrupting Liu Mao's unfinished words, "When did I agree to the two of them together?"

"Mortals can't talk but their brains, you don't want to know them in general..."

"It's no brainer, I shouldn't put my parents in peace and distribute them to others!"

"Yes, you are right."

Looking at the entire god and demon world, who doesn't know that Shen Changan is yours

After venting these emotions, Daonian lay down next to the computer and continued to debate with netizens.

Made in heaven

Nonsense, he is God, and he is against this marriage.

The only person in the world worthy of Chang'an is... only him!

Dao Nian stopped his movements, looked at the remarks in the comment area, and suddenly lost the mind to debate with them.


Covering the lightly beating heart in his chest, Daonian was silent for a long time, then suddenly turned to look at the others: "Is this shrine more deserted?"

Crowd: Huh

"Well." Daonian nodded, "I think so too."

Crowd: No, they didn't speak.

Daonian: "I think Chang'an is very good, what do you think?"

Crowd: Oh...

Daonian stood up and closed the notebook in his hand: "Do you think it's okay too?"

Everyone: "… "

All right, you'll be happy.

Shen Changan didn't know that he had become a popular figure on the Internet. He sat on the stool, looked at Director Du with a dignified expression, and looked at Gao Shujuan, who was mute, and silently reduced his sense of existence.

"You speak for yourself." Du Zhonghai took a sip of tea irritably without looking at Gao Shujuan.

Gao Shujuan dragged the chair to sit down, and said angrily, "This matter is no longer a matter of willingness or not. Do you think I am willing to be this villain?"

Du Zhonghai said: "I don't care what the above means. Chang'an is now a member of my department. As long as he is in the department for one day, I will protect him for one day. I don't understand the things above you, and I don't want to understand it."

"Xing Xing Xing, you are a good leader who loves your subordinates. I am forcing the good to become a prostitute. Is it difficult for a strong person?" Gao Shujuan slapped the armrest of the chair angrily.

Shen Changan moved to the side carefully, he was afraid that Aunt Juan would be so angry that he would break his arm like a handrail.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake." Gao Shujuan picked up the handrail that fell on the ground and smiled at Shen Changan, "Don't worry, Aunt Juan doesn't hit anyone."

Shen Changan: Harmful, afraid.

"Damage public property and deduct it from the salary." Seeing Aunt Juan slapped off the handrail, Du Zhonghai didn't react in the slightest surprise. He took a sip of tea and said, "If you shoot a few more times, this year's bonus will be gone."

Gao Shujuan sneered, disapproving of Du Zhonghai's money threat, she turned to Shen Changan and said, "Changan, this is the case, I heard that you can ask God?"

After Aunt Juan said these words, Shen Changan went to see Director Du subconsciously, and found that he was still in his usual appearance, and he didn't seem to have much response to the gods and ghosts.

"You went to the security department this time, and you can more or less guess that I have something to do with this department." Gao Shujuan pulled her hair on the side of her temples, "We suddenly found a demon star flashing two days ago, and it seems that there are evil beasts in the world. But When we calculated it later, we couldn't calculate the trajectory of the evil beast. Although we couldn't calculate the trajectory of the evil beast, we calculated that this evil beast is related to the underworld. See if you can help us and ask the underworld's people?"

"Evil beast?" Shen Changan thought of the disgusting monster that was subdued by the King of Hell, "Perhaps it was caught because the evil beast was too late to appear in the world?"

"Impossible." Gao Shujuan's expression was solemn, "All of us practitioners have considered it, and we should have this disaster in the human world. Chang'an, it is related to the lives of countless people, and the only person we can ask is you."

"You can rest assured that no matter whether it is successful or not, we will give you a high bonus, as well as a medicinal pill that nourishes qi and blood, and will never cause any damage to your body."

Seeing that Shen Changan still didn't speak, Gao Shujuan continued: "We will also reward you with a set of real estate in the imperial capital and a set of villas in Wuming City..."

"Wait." Shen Changan interrupted Gao Shujuan, "Aunt Juan, I am very tempted by these rewards, but I don't need them."

Hearing this, Gao Shujuan's heart sank. Chang'an meant that she didn't want to help

Well, don't blame him. Asking God is not a trivial matter. No one has been able to ask God for nearly a hundred years. Even if Chang'an can invite God, they cannot guarantee that God will not hurt Shen Changan.

"Forget it, let's think about other things..."

"The beast has been subdued."

"What?!" Aunt Juan looked at Shen Changan in disbelief, "What did you say?!"

"The vicious beast has been subdued, so don't worry, he came back to the human world to make trouble." Shen Changan covered his little heart, he couldn't get such a generous reward.

"How could it be possible..." Gao Shujuan murmured in a daze, "This is a catastrophe in our world, how could it be passed without a sound? Chang'an, who did you hear about this?"

Shen Changan shook his head: "A few days ago, when I was out for work, I accidentally walked onto Huangquan Road..."

"What?!" Du Zhonghai raised his voice, "You went to Huangquan Road and came back alive?!"

Shen Changan was stunned by Director Du's sudden voice: "Yes, yes."

Du Zhonghai and Aunt Juan looked at Shen Changan as if they were looking at another wonderful creature.

"Chang'an, go to the underworld with a living body, and come back intact. You are truly a worthy body of merit." Du Zhonghai put down his beloved old teacup and gave him a thumbs up, "You are amazing."

Shen Changan: "Thank you for the compliment?"

"What happened later, continue talking." Aunt Juan was more impatient.

"Later I walked and walked, and I met a man with a curly beard. He said that he knew the way and could take me out." Shen Changan hid Daonian, "As we approached the exit, there was a sudden movement. Shan Yao, a huge and ugly beast emerged from the crack of the ground. Seeing that the beast was about to run out of the gate of the underworld, it was too late, it was fast, I don't know who knocked the beast to the ground..."

Oh yes, who knocked the beast down that day

Hades or City God

It seems that the Chenghuang is not as powerful as the King of Hell, so it should be the King of Hell.

"Ye Wangye took out something that would glow, and then put away the evil beast like Fa Hai collected Bai Suzhen." Shen Changan said, "After these things were done, Yan Wangye sent me out."

Gao Shujuan trembled and said, "What do you mean, the person who led you and led you out was Lord Yan?"

"Ye Wang Ye is very kind and kind, without any airs." Not only that, but also sent him to see his grandma for the last time, and sent him home with Daonian, which can be said to be very enthusiastic.

Gao Shujuan and Du Zhonghai were silent together. Lord Yama, who is in charge of life and death in the six realms, is kind and friendly

Is Shen Changan telling them children's stories

"But according to the hexagram, although the evil beast is born in the underworld, the underworld cannot control it." Gao Shujuan wondered, "Ye Wang Ye's Yan Wang seal should be useless to it."

"Could it be... that you made a mistake?" Shen Changan whispered, "Ye Wangye accepted it, it's still quite easy, even easier than Fa Hai's accepting Bai Suzhen."

When Bai Suzhen was picked up on TV, she still had a chance to talk a lot. The evil beast was more miserable, and it entered in a swish.

The author has something to say: Netizen: They are a pair made in heaven, you are that little cookie, and you are allowed to object

Daonian: God said, they are not suitable.