Striving for Science

Chapter 82: Set up an altar


"Wrong calculation?" Aunt Juan stared at the picture of "Don't Be Angry" on the wall, and said after a long while, "Master Yunfeng personally calculated, there should be no mistake."

So what exactly has changed

Evil beasts are bound, which is a good thing at the moment, but heaven is impermanent, this time they can get away with it unknowingly, what about in the future

In the past year, the celestial phenomena have changed from time to time, and those masters who have not been in the mountains for a long time in the imperial capital are also surprised by the constantly changing celestial phenomena.

"Big ominous." On the golden roof of the tall building, the master in robes had white hair and beard. After the invitation, his complexion instantly turned sallow, and he was about to fall to the ground. Fortunately, the man standing behind him stretched out his hand to support him. he.

"Sir, please take care of your body." Yunfeng and the man in green robe helped the old man sit down.

"There is no trace of the evil beast, and it should not be in the human world, but..." The old man's voice was a little weak, and he coughed violently while clutching his chest, "The way of heaven is changing, I don't know if it is good or bad.

There are not many relevant records in the ancient books, but when the way of heaven changes, there will definitely be major events.

Heavenly Dao changes, it sounds like a simple sentence, but how many creatures will be involved

The old man closed his eyes wearily: "I can do nothing."

"Sir, although my generation is a cultivator, under the heavens, we are all ordinary people. You don't need to blame yourself." Yunfeng put a spiritual pill into the mouth of the old man, he looked up at the sky, the wind was blowing The robe on his body rattled, "Heaven is ruthless and human beings have feelings. In all the dead ends, we can finally find a silver lining."

"You're right." The old man grabbed Yunfeng's arm, his hand was very old, but when he grabbed Yunfeng's arm, he used a lot of strength, "We still have a chance, I don't know. What exactly is this vitality, but I vaguely made an appointment to see that this vitality is located in the south, backed by mountains, and surrounded by water."

South, backed by mountains, surrounded by water...

This range is too large. Many parts of their country are high mountains and hills. The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers span across many provinces, not to mention other rivers and lakes. Where do you find this

Yunfeng gritted his teeth, preparing to make himself another hexagram to see if he could figure out where the vitality the old man said was.

"Daoist Yunfeng." The person next to him noticed Yunfeng's movements and quickly stopped him, "Daoist Yunfeng, don't be impulsive, you have been making frequent calculations recently, I'm worried that this will hurt your lifespan. "

"If more people can be spared from the fire and water, it would be a few years less to live a few years less." Yunfeng was very optimistic. "In the next life, he will be a hero again."

"That's not necessarily, maybe you will be a good girl from someone else's family in your next life." Uncle Zhang grabbed Yunfeng and threw him next to Master Yan Yin, "Don't be fooling around, things have come to this point, no matter what you do. It's useless. If things are so easy to solve, why don't God have any face?"

However, God didn't want to lose face, and his facial features were blurred by anger.

Daonian didn't expect that the population on the Internet was so sharp, and he thought that his mood was not very fluctuating, and he smashed a mouse. Liu Mao silently sent a new mouse, "Sir, you don't need to pay too much attention to the comments on the Internet."

"I don't care about anything else, but not Chang'an."

Across the country, some netizens who had argued with Daonian found that it suddenly started to rain outside their house. On this day, weather forecast agencies in many places welcomed another wave of scolding from the common people.

The relevant departments in charge of the weather forecast are also very anxious, and they don’t know what’s going on recently. It’s clear that the weather is sunny, and it rains when it says it’s raining. There is no warning at all, and it doesn’t conform to the scientific rules of rainfall, leaving them confused.

They even suspected that there was something wrong with the satellite monitoring the clouds. Why didn't they take a cloud image over the rainy area

Until a notice came from above, saying that there is a strange weather situation recently, don't panic, and don't publicize too much, and we will continue as usual.

Anyway, the weather forecast has been scolded for so many years, and it is still bearable to be scolded again this year.

Netizens from all over the world were still struggling in the rain. Shen Changan sat in Director Du's office and felt that his outlook on life continued to collapse. Their department was propagating belief in science and opposing feudal superstitions all day long. As a result, the deputy director was a master, and the director seemed to know everything.

No wonder when he was transferred to Wuming City, no one else knew about his past life, but Director Du knew all about it.

"Director, Aunt Juan, why do experts like you stay here?" Shen Changan looked at Gao Shujuan, "I heard that the security department is quite short of people."

"Do you know the origin of the name Wuming City?" Du Zhonghai looked at Shen Changan.

Shen Changan shook his head.

"It is said that thousands of years ago in Wuming City, there were large tracts of plane trees. Someone once saw a phoenix appearing with a bright golden light. Since then, the city has changed to Fenghuang Continent. Change it to the current name, Wuming City." Du Zhonghai looked at Shen Changan inexplicably, waiting for his shocked expression.

"What about dragons and phoenixes? Basically, there are rumors everywhere. There is a mountain less than a thousand meters in my mother's hometown. If there is a dragon in the mountain, it is named Longshan." Shen Changan saw Director Du The expression on his face seemed to be dissatisfied with his answer, and he said with a dry smile: "Is there really a phoenix in the world?"

"Maybe there was once." Du Zhonghai shook his head, "As for now, alas."

Well, he got it, it's gone now.

"Wuming City may seem ordinary, but it is a very special place." Du Zhonghai lowered his voice, stood up, took out a piece of talisman and stuck it on the door, and whispered, "We speculate that there are immortals mixed in here. among ordinary people."

Shen Changan: "..."

"A small city of Wuming, full of spiritual energy and traces of immortals, shows that this place is definitely not a simple place." Du Zhonghai said, "We want to know what is the thing that attracts immortals."

"What, after knowing this, do you still dare to rob them?" Shen Changan asked bluntly, "Isn't this asking for trouble?"

"Of course it's not about robbing the immortals, we just want to take these uncertain issues into our own hands." Du Zhonghai smiled helplessly, "We humans are very weak, and we want to live safely and happily on this land. To survive, we must continue to inherit culture and knowledge, and we must know how to plan ahead so that all damage can be kept to a minimum."

Human beings can develop because they have a sense of crisis.

Shen Changan probably understood what Director Du meant. There are always too many complex and unknown problems in the world waiting for human beings to answer, but as long as human beings solve one more difficulty, they can gain more security.

It's not that Director Du and Aunt Juan don't understand this truth, they just can't be indifferent.

"Since the evil beast has been subdued by the King of Hell, I will report this matter." Aunt Juan felt a little depressed, and even the curly hair on her forehead became a little listless.

"If you're worried, why don't we ask again?" Seeing that Aunt Juan's bright smile was replaced by sorrow, Shen Changan felt that it was not easy for these masters.

"Why?" Du Zhonghai and Gao Shujuan couldn't react.

"I'm just asking Lord Yan or the City God to ask." Shen Changan said, "It's a matter of great importance to the people of the world, they should be willing to go this way."

Gao Shujuan: "..."

Du Zhonghai: "… "

"Let's try it first, what if they are willing to help?" Shen Changan looked at the office environment, he couldn't be as particular as he was at Uncle Zhang's house, and the altar or something might not be well prepared. "Let's try setting the altar first?"

"Just...try it here?" Du Zhonghai twitched the corners of his mouth, suspecting that something was wrong with his ears.

"His Royal Highness the King of Hell is not the kind of person who cares about modesty." After the evil beast incident, Shen Changan had a good impression of the King of Hell, and he said, "I'll go to the bathroom to do a simple grooming."

"Okay." Gao Shujuan said, "I'm going to prepare what the altar needs."

Ding Yang and others were worried that Director Du and Aunt Juan were using Shen Changan as a punching bag when they heard Aunt Juan tell them to buy melons and fruits and cooked beef and mutton, and couldn't help asking, "Aunt Juan, what is this? Want to have a group dinner in the department?"

"What kind of meal is there, go to work first." Aunt Juan scolded with a smile, "I've been thinking about eating all day."

"Humans are iron, rice is steel, and you will be so hungry if you don't eat a meal." Seeing that Aunt Juan's complexion was much better, Ding Yang ran out of the office with Huan'er and shouted from a distance, "Remember to reimburse us. ."

Chen Panpan wore high heels, ran slower, and said with a dry smile, "I'm going to buy dried fruit."

Xu Ze sat as steady as Mount Tai. He took out his mobile phone and called his family, and then said to Aunt Juan, "Aunt Juan, there is a shop in my family that sells roast suckling pigs, and I asked someone to send a suckling pig over."

Just as Aunt Juan wanted to praise him, she heard Xu Ze speak slowly: "Please rest assured, I will try my best to get the internal price, and I won't charge our department's takeaway fee."

Aunt Juan: "..."

Seeing Aunt Juan's expression, Xu Ze was a little suspicious about what they were going to do. With the characters of Aunt Juan and Director Du, it was usually difficult to quarrel over work matters, but now he suddenly asked everyone to prepare these things, and Shen Changan entered. After Director Du's office, he didn't come out for a long time. After coming out, he washed his face and hands. This situation is very similar to when his father went to pay homage to his ancestors during the Chinese New Year.

Young people have fast legs and feet, and the employees of Xu Ze's family are also highly efficient, and everything is ready in no time. Aunt Juan glanced at the three people who were peeking at the door, and closed the door mercilessly.

"Aunt Juan, you can let us smell such a roast pig. Don't eat alone." Ding Yang was lying at the door and said to Xu Ze, "No wonder the price of this roast suckling pig shop is so high, and the business is good. That way, it turns out that people taste good."

"Thank you for the compliment." Xu Zezhen smiled reservedly.

Ding Yang: "..."

"You two, stop arguing." Chen Panpan sniffed and frowned, "Have you ever smelled a scent of incense?"

"Incense?" Ding Yang said nervously, "What are they doing inside?"

They are the civil service department. They engage in this kind of activity. How can they educate others after being found out

"It's all quiet." Xu Ze looked at the window, the slightly fluttering curtains, with a dignified expression.

The windows in the house are closed and there is no wind coming through. Why do the curtains move

Also, is the temperature in the room getting lower and lower

The author has something to say: Roast suckling pig: I am delicious and expensive~