Striving for Science

Chapter 9: Fairy Lady


This time, Shen Changan drove the car very restrained, at least not driving it out of the speed of an airplane.

Probably because the rumors of hauntings were too heavily worn, except for insects and frogs, there was almost no other sound, and there were no passing vehicles along the way.

When he was still a few hundred meters away from the destination, Shen Changan heard the sound of gongs and drums in front of him, and a high-pitched female voice was singing something. The song was out of tune and it was very ugly.

"What are you doing ahead?" Ding Yang, who was still a little nervous and scared in his heart, became less scared after hearing these movements. He stared at the looming fire in front of him in a daze, completely confused.

After the car drove forward about 200 meters, someone blocked their way.

"There are some things ahead, please take a little escape from the two fellows." The man who spoke was wearing light-colored clothes with black gauze on his sleeves, and was about fifty years old. Recently, there are rumors that they are haunted here. No car dares to pass here at night. I didn't expect someone to come over as soon as the ceremony started tonight.

Fairy Lady had specially instructed before that she could not be disturbed by outsiders while she was doing this, and he had to find a way to stop these two people.

"This..." Ding Yang was a little embarrassed.

"Anyone has the right to drive on this road. You don't let us pass. I suspect that you are carrying out illegal activities." Seeing the dodging look on the man's face, Shen Changan took out his mobile phone with a sullen face, "In this case, I only I can call the police."

"Don't." Seeing Shen Changan's serious expression, the man was afraid that he would really call the police, so he had to explain the reason in a low voice.

It turned out that they were all nearby villagers. The corn harvest this year was a bumper crop, and they could sell for a good price. How could they know that there would be hauntings. Merchants dare not come to collect corn, and there are even rumors that the corn they have here is unlucky. If they are used as feed, the pigs will become easily sick.

After the rumors came out, the corn in the nearby villages could not be sold. In desperation, everyone had to get together to take out the money and ask the fairy to "exorcise evil spirits".

After listening to what happened, Ding Yang was really speechless about this series of actions by the villagers. A few months ago, when he first came to work in this department, he encountered a child who was seriously ill. His grandmother refused to send the child to the hospital, insisting that the child was suffering from evil. In desperation, the child's mother had to ask them for help. Fortunately, the child was cured in time.

In this way, the child's grandmother also said that she was credited for worshipping God at home. Later, the child's mother divorced the man and took the child to live abroad, and she didn't know what happened now.

Many human beings have a natural reverence for ghosts and gods, but even so, they should not be so ignorant.

Shen Changan frowned, he opened the car door and got out of the car, the man wanted to stop him, but he was afraid that he would call the police and make a big fuss, so he forced a smile: "Little brother, you should give our village a face and avoid it tonight. Avoid, avoid." Having said that, he gritted his teeth and took out a few red hundred-yuan bills, "This money should be regarded as the tea money we gave to the two of you."

"Brother, I can't take this money. I've grown up so much, and I've never seen anyone else do this kind of ritual to exorcise evil spirits." Shen Changan returned the money to the man, smiling innocently and innocently, "Let me go over and watch it. Look, I promise not to make a sound, not to affect that…”

He paused in his voice, and looked at the woman who was chanting words in front of the god's case, jumping around, "It doesn't affect the fairy lady's practice."

"This..." The man hesitated a bit. In this kind of ritual, the most taboo is for ignorant young people to talk nonsense. He was afraid that these two foreigners would be uneasy and good-hearted, and they would ruin their major affairs.

Just at this moment, the fairy lady who looked a little vicious suddenly ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, holding up the silver-glowing swordblade on the table, poured a small half cup of "Shen Shui" enshrined on it, and waved it in the air.

Fairy Lady swung the saber furiously. Less than half a minute later, someone was horrified to discover that the blade of Fairy Lady's hand was already dripping with blood, which looked particularly terrifying in the night.

"Where did the evil ghost escape?" Fairy Lady cast a spell again, sweating profusely, and said to the villagers standing around: "The evil ghost has been eliminated, you can rest assured."

In the corner, a woman holding a child burst into tears, and the people standing around her looked a little embarrassed. They wanted to comfort a few words, but couldn't speak.

"Don't cry, your family has turned into an evil ghost. If I don't get rid of him, he will harm more people." Fairy Lady walked up to the woman and said in a teaching tone, "He has already lost his mind. Not only harming others, but also possibly your family, you don't think about others, but also for this child."

The child held by the woman was only six or seven years old. He didn't quite understand the adults' words, but he knew that he had lost his father, so he couldn't help crying, calling for his father.

Seeing the child like this, Fairy Lady was a little unhappy, she said with a sullen face: "I don't know what is good or bad!"

Soon a few people went over to apologize and persuade her, and offered her several red envelopes, and her complexion slowly improved.

Several women in the same village saw the child crying sadly, and they couldn't bear it. They pulled the mother and child aside, and you comforted me with every word.

Seeing this scene, Shen Changan felt a little uncomfortable. He remembered that when he was a child, after his father sacrificed for the task, he asked his father's colleagues at the farewell ceremony of the body why his father could not lie down.

That was the first time he knew what real death was.

He scooped up his body, remembering that he just changed his clothes before going out, and he didn't bring anything to eat. He looked around, plucked two grasses and quickly weaved them into a little grasshopper, and walked to the crying child, "Here, little man, this is what your father asked me to bring to you, take it quickly. ."

The child sniffed at him and slowly took the grasshopper: "You lie, this grasshopper is still green."

"I didn't lie to you." Shen Changan squatted in front of the child with a serious face, "I dreamed of him last night, and he asked me to bring you a grasshopper back."

Looking at Shen Changan like this, Ding Yang knew that he had an innocent face again and went to deceive people.

The child's tears rolled out instantly: "So my father is not an evil spirit, they are all lying to me, right?"

"Yes, there are no evil spirits here." Shen Changan looked at the so-called fairy lady, "She is just a liar."

"Little brother, don't talk nonsense when you are young." An old aunt said quickly, "Don't let her hear it. What if she is unhappy and curses you with magic?"

"How can someone who knows the immortal method have such a small amount of breath." Shen Changan sneered, he couldn't see such a trick to deceive people for money, "What is killing ghosts, it's just a little trick mixed with turmeric water and alkaline water. "

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Fairy Lady said sternly when she heard Shen Changan's words, "Where did the yellow-haired boy come from to talk nonsense here."

Shen Changan ignored him, turned and asked Ding Yang, "Brother Yang, have everything been filmed?"

Ding Yang nodded quickly.

"Do you have a good conscience to use this crooked way to make money?" Shen Changan took a few steps towards the fairy lady.

"Don't come here. If you come again, I'll be rude to you." Seeing Shen Changan approaching, Lady Fairy stepped back again and again, accidentally knocking down the case of God.

"Don't you know how to invite gods to hunt ghosts?" Shen Changan looked at the tributes scattered all over the floor, "Then invite a god or a ghost to come out now and convince me."

"Only those who are sincere are lucky to see gods. People like you who don't understand etiquette and have no reverence for gods will never have the chance to see the true face of gods." The more flustered she became, she turned to look at the villagers, "You actually allowed such outsiders to be rude to me, aren't you afraid that I will invite God to punish you?"

The villagers looked at the imposing young man, and then looked at the tribute incense wax that fell to the ground, look at me, I look at you, no one dares to make such a head.

"Well, you are so rude to me, then I will curse your village..."

"Curse what?" Shen Changan interrupted him, "If you have time to curse others, why don't you ask the gods to spare you a few years in jail." Of course, the uncle of the police must come to the matter that can be solved by the uncle of the police.

"You... you called the police?" Fairy Lady's expression changed when she heard the words, her hand shaking with the "Ghost Slayer", she turned around and hurriedly picked up the bag containing the talisman paper and various magical instruments on the ground, and wanted to leave the scene.

Seeing this scene, the villagers suddenly understood, what is this fairy lady who can summon gods, she is clearly an old liar.

The crowd rushed forward and stopped the old liar, preventing her from leaving.

"Can't let her run away."

"Give her to the police and put her in jail!"

For the villagers, the failure to sell the corn, which carries a year of hope, has made them not thinking about tea and rice. Now, when they encounter such a liar, all their negative emotions have been detonated.

If it weren't for the concern that this fairy lady was a woman, I am afraid that these local villagers would have beaten them severely.

The police came quickly, led by Yao Huailin, the scene was noisy, and the two did not have time to bicker.

Shen Changan told the story again, and passed the video taken by Ding Yang to the police. He turned to look for the mother and son who were crying quietly in the corner.

"My colleagues and I will send you back." Handing his work permit to the woman, Shen Changan reached out and touched the child's head, "Let's go."

"Thank you." The woman thanked in a hoarse voice, took the child's hand, and sat in the back seat of the car.

"If only Dad was here." When the door was closed, the child suddenly said, "So he can go home with us."

Looking outside the empty car, Shen Changan wanted to say that there are no ghosts in this world. But seeing the child's expectant eyes, he pulled the corner of his mouth and squeezed a smile: "Yes, maybe he has gone home with us."

The light wind brushed the boy's face, and he couldn't help blinking. Could this light wind be changed by his father

After sending the mother and son home, and rushing back to the community, it was already one or two o'clock in the night. As soon as he walked to the fourth floor, he saw Uncle Zhang standing at the door, looking at him critically.

"Because of being young, I dare to go home in the middle of the night." Uncle Zhang snorted, "It's really not good." His eyes fell on Shen Changan, his eyes were a little strange, "Don't forget to drink the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum tea I gave you. ."

After saying that, he slammed the door again.

Shen Changan: "..."

Haven't you slept in your old age, where did you have the confidence to despise him

He sighed, went home and took a fighting bath, and fell asleep on the soft bed. In the middle of the night, he heard someone knocking on the window in a daze, sat up and looked at a man in a black suit standing outside the window, smiling at him.

Shen Changan: "..."

If he didn't sleep well, he remembered that the house he lived in was on the fifth floor. He squeezed his fist, and he felt a little itchy in his hand.

"Benefactor, thank you for your help."


Does this seem a little different from the previous dream

The author has something to say: Shen Changan: In a scientific society, if you encounter a liar, you need to find a police uncle~