Striving for Science

Chapter 90: Badass Buster


Team He just received a call from the hospital, saying that there was a car accident in the old city, causing traffic congestion and the ambulance could not come in. They would mobilize a nearby licensed doctor to give the victim simple first aid.

After hanging up the phone, Team He was so anxious to beat the man who was holding him up, how could such a perverted beast do such a cruel thing, how old are these two children

No wonder the smell he had just smelled outside the door was so strange. This man not only sprayed deodorant in the room, but also used a strong sausage to cover it up.

Just as he was worried about the lives of the two girls, he saw a group of doctors and nurses in white coats rushing in. He was a little puzzled, didn't he say he couldn't make it

Looking at the quick and skilled movements of these doctors and nurses, Team He felt relieved, consciously freed up the space, took out his gloves and started sampling on the spot.

He suspects that it's not just pork that's used to make the sausage, there may be...

Turning his head and looking at the two victims who were about to be taken out, the ropes were cut off and placed on a stretcher, and Team He remembered to ask, "Wait, which hospital are you from?"

"Hello, comrade police, this is the information of our hospital." The woman who was forgotten by Daonian and Shen Changan took out her business card from her coat, "Our ambulance happened to be nearby, after receiving the notice from the boss, it was urgent. come over."

Looking at the name of the hospital, Team He's heart trembled. This hospital is very famous. There are several famous doctors in the hospital. The cure rate for some incurable diseases is also high. The only disadvantage is that the fees are very high.

There was no problem in handing over the two victims to them. He was afraid that the families of the victims could not afford such a high cost of treatment.

"Please rest assured, our boss is very sympathetic to the suffering of the two victims, so this information is all free." The woman's smile was gentle, and there seemed to be an air of compassion on her body, "We will do our best to ensure that The safety of both victims."

"I don't know who the boss of your hospital is..."

"This is our boss." The woman introduced Daonian, "We just follow the boss's wishes."

Team He suddenly realized that it was the unlucky man who was smashed into the luxury car. This incident is really a coincidence. A flower pot fell into the sky, and as a result, the big boss who was involved in a kidnapping and murder case, and finally got his car smashed, even asked his own hospital to save the victim. This kind of plot TV series is too embarrassing to shoot.

"Team He, we found a lot of deodorant pills and water-absorbing beads in the wardrobe." After the other two policemen detained the man, they began to search for the muscle tissue lost by the two victims, but unfortunately they were not found.

"I have asked my colleagues to call the school and ask the school to check whether there are any missing students in the school in the past two days."

After Team He hurriedly thanked Daonian, he began to search the scene. Whether it was the hair under the bed or something suspected of dander, he did not let it go easily.

Shen Changan was worried that they would destroy the scene, so he pulled Dao Nian and retreated to the door. After a while, the support troops from the local street office, civilian service department, and police station all arrived.

This kind of vicious case must be investigated in the shortest possible time, otherwise it will only cause panic among the people. A few days ago, rumors of zombies broke out in Wuming City, which made the local area devastated. It has become a negative teaching material for the cities and counties nearby.

"Sir." After a brief noise, the corridor was quiet. The cordon was raised downstairs, and the staff were busy searching the scene to see if there were any other victims. The place where the three of them stood was a clean place on the edge of the busy.

The woman solemnly bowed to Dao Nian, which did not seem like a modern etiquette, but she did it without being abrupt.

Daonian's attitude towards her was very indifferent, and he just nodded slightly.

The woman's expression seemed to be a little disappointed. She turned to look at Shen Changan. The powerful virtues of the other party made her unable to help but admire her heart: "Hello, Mr. Shen."


"Mr. Shen doesn't need to use honorific titles to me. My surname is Bai, my name is Shen, and I have been friends with Lao Zhao for many years." Bai Shen's emotions towards Shen Changan are very complicated. She had countless ideas about Shen Changan, but when she saw the real person After that, it seemed like he had been hit with a stick on the forehead.

A sentence kept circulating in her mind, what kind of thing is she, and she deserves to have a name in front of her husband

Such a dazzling and warm human soul, she has not met for a long, long time.

Lao Zhao's long-time friend

Shen Changan suddenly remembered something: "Some time ago, Lao Zhao brought back a packet of spirit mushrooms. It is said that eating them is very good for the body..."

"That's what I picked up. If you like it, I'll pick it up a little more next time." Bai Shen felt that if he had a crush on Lord Tiandao, he should be ruthless towards Shen Changan, and then use her beauty to defeat his self-confidence, but her The corners of his mouth were uncontrollably, and he couldn't help laughing at Shen Chang'an's face.

"No, no need." Shen Changan felt ashamed when he remembered the hallucination he had that night.

"You're welcome, I still have a lot of good things to eat there. I'll have someone deliver it to Lao Zhao tomorrow." Bai San said, "Old Zhao can't do anything else, and his cooking skills are unparalleled."

Shen Changan: "..."

Brain pain.

"He can't eat those." Daonian, who has not spoken, said lightly, "You should go."

"Sir..." The smile on Baishen's face froze. She wanted to look up at Daonian, but she didn't dare to look. She hadn't seen her husband for nearly a hundred years, and usually only dared to contact Lao Zhao in the name of sending things, not even the shrine where her husband lived.

Some time ago, there were rumors between the gods and demons. There was a favored human being beside the husband. For the sake of mankind, the Shenfu was placed in Wuming City. At that time, she didn't take it seriously. At least... The distance between her and her husband seems to be a little closer.

She still can't forget the first time she saw Mr.

In the white snow, she took root under the snow and looked up at the sky. Suddenly, the gate of heaven opened wide, and a handsome man wearing a white robe and a jade crown with blue silk came walking on the snow.

His eyes were colder than snow, his skin was whiter than snow, and everything in the world bowed before him.

At that time, her whole ginseng was trembling. How could there be such a beautiful man in the world

But her hot eyes didn't make the man stop. He didn't even look at her, and floated away. Maybe there was nothing in his eyes, and there was nothing worth taking another look at.

In the two or three thousand years since then, every time Bai Shen saw him, he was so indifferent. Doctor Immortal told her that the Tao of Heaven has no emotions, and all the joys of life and death in the world are in his eyes as clouds and clouds, meaningless.

Bai Shen thought that time would go by so slowly until her Shouyuan came to an end. But today she suddenly discovered that Mr.'s eyes were alive, and his eyes finally had emotional presence, no longer as indifferent as snow.

This kind of indifferent male god that he likes has finally become more charming because he has feelings. Unfortunately, the object of his charm is not himself, but the distress that this object also suits his appetite is enough to make people lose several ginseng whiskers.

Emotions are such a debilitating thing.

"Please have a good rest with Mr. Shen, I will leave first." Seeing that Daonian didn't want to give her one more look, Baishen finally gave up, she nodded to Shen Changan and Daonian, "I, I'll go first. already."

"Goodbye, be careful on the road." Shen Changan smiled brightly at her.

Bai Shen wanted to smile back, but seeing Lord Tiandao looking at her expressionlessly, she took back the half-smile and left with interest.

Going downstairs, she saw the crowd outside the cordon crowding around, and some people even asked her what happened. She somehow felt that she was like these crowd watching the lively, thinking that she could point fingers at the lively scene. , However, in the eyes of the parties, she is just a passerby who does not exist.

To understand this, Bai Shen was a little disappointed. She put her hands in the pockets of her coat, ignoring the men who took the opportunity to get close to her, and walked away quickly.

Only in this way can she look a little more goddess-like.

"Team He, no traces of other victims were found at the scene."

"He team, we found some photos of his deceased wife in the suspect's house. We have checked the information of his ex-wife. His ex-wife died two years and eleven months ago. The cause of death was suicide by jumping off the building. We also found the incident. The video of the suspect crying after it was posted."

Team He clicked on the video. The man in the video was wearing a white shirt and was crying unsteadily. Anyone could hear the despair and sadness in his cry.

"Definitely suicide, not..."

"The forensic doctor has conducted an examination, and there is no injury caused by other foreign objects on the deceased. The suspect was in school at the time of the incident and has sufficient alibi."

"Are those two enthusiastic passers-by still there?" Team He closed the video and sighed, "I want to chat with the gentleman who found the victim."

"They're still out and colleagues have left them behind."

"Okay." Team He walked out of the door at the scene of the incident, and saw Shen Changan and Daonian sitting at the corner of the stairs. The stool they were sitting on was unknown who moved it, and they were holding a cup of hot tea in their hands.

"I'm sorry, two gentlemen, this case may take you a little bit of time." Team He walked up to Shen Chang'an and saw the door of the house on the fourth floor open, an old lady in her fifties or sixties, carrying a bag Cookies come up.

Well, he knew who gave the hot tea these two were holding.

Seeing Team He coming, the old lady handed the peanuts to Shen Changan, and whispered, "Young man, eat something to fill your stomach, call me if you have anything." After speaking, she gave He Team a vigilant look.

"Eldest sister, these two gentlemen are kind people. I just want to know the situation from them. You don't have to worry." Team He was confused by the aunt's expression and explained his purpose, "It's cold outside, you always go back to your room. go rest."

The old lady left with confidence.

Shen Changan, who was born to be liked by the elderly, looked at the female ghost who came out behind Team He, and finally remembered why he thought this female ghost was familiar.

A few months ago, it suddenly rained heavily. When he came home, he saw this female ghost with long hair covering her face, hurriedly running down the corridor and almost hit him.

Uncle Zhang said that the female ghost is an earth-bound spirit, because the golden light of merit on her body is too strong, so it makes the female ghost who lives on the same floor with him very uncomfortable, and finally takes advantage of the once-in-a-century rain. Just ran away in a hurry.

An Earthbound Spirit who managed to escape from Wuming City came to this provincial capital city and followed behind the man. What was it for

"Sir, I'm one of the police officers in charge of this case. My surname is He. You can call me Lao He." Team He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed one to Shen Changan.

"Thank you, I don't smoke." After Shen Changan refused, he added, "My friends don't smoke either."

Hearing that neither of them smoked, Team He took the cigarette from his mouth and put it on his ear: "This time, I am very grateful to the two gentlemen for their help. The suspect is very cunning and even knows how to cover up people. The smell of blood, fortunately you can find it in time."

He turned his attention to Shen Changan: "Please forgive my offense, but I would like to know, how did you know that there are two victims hidden in the closet"

Shen Changan looked at the female ghost behind Team He and hesitated.

Of course it was the female ghost following you, who told me...

The female ghost seemed to sense Shen Changan's eyes, she timidly shrank back, and showed Shen Changan with her actions that she had absolutely no intention of harming the people's police.

"Captain He." A small policeman hurried to Team He, gave Shen Changan a subtle look, pulled Team He aside, and whispered, "Captain He, we have found something strange."

"What?" Seeing that his colleague was deliberately avoiding the two enthusiastic people, Team He felt nervous. Could it be that there is something wrong with the two of them. Thinking that the two victims had been sent to the hospital in their name, Team He's brows couldn't help frowning.

"We found the surname of the young man who found the two victims, Shen. He is a staff member of the Wuming Civil Service Department. Guess where is his home address?"

"Stop talking nonsense and say it directly." Team He put the cigarette in his mouth again.

"We found out that his home address is in the building where the suspect moved out of Wuming City, and they are still on the same floor." Speaking of this, the colleague's tone became more subtle, "We learned that, Since the suspect's wife committed suicide by jumping off the building, there have been rumors that the building is haunted, but after this Mr. Shen moved in, the rumors gradually disappeared."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence..." Team He has no superstition.

"No, I also found that some of this Mr. Shen's file resumes, our department has no right to view, but even so, we have found a lot of things."


"This Mr. Shen may be the villain's nemesis. In just one year, he has helped the police solve several cases."

The author has something to say: The badass nemesis Shen Changan, the indifferent killer Tian Daonian.