Strong Counterattack

Chapter 102


Su Pannan grabbed the chair next to her and went to smash the glass. Suddenly his vision went dark, and someone covered his head with something.

The thing was a bit heavy, but quite soft. It should have been a thin quilt or some kind of coat.

Su Pannan's eyes were rented, and she staggered unaccustomedly and threw her body forward. A pair of hands stretched out from behind, restraining her body, holding a bowl and pouring water into her mouth.

Su Pannan wanted to resist, but her arm felt dull pain from being pinched.

The soju was very choking, and when it rolled into the throat, it was burning and painful. Su Pannan hunched over, only coughing, and her whole body was exhausted. He was forced to drink a bowl, his face turned red and he almost suffocated.

She had a bad ability to drink. After drinking two hundred bowls of soju, even if she burped, the gas in her stomach would be enough to make her drunk.

When Su Yan ran down, he saw this scene. Su Pannan was lying on the ground, the clothes she had prepared carefully were almost wet. The pens she had prepared rolled out of the bag, and two pieces of white draft paper were scattered out.

Grandpa, who was guarding downstairs, grabbed Su Pannan, who was still struggling, and pushed her into the room next to her with his own brute force. He quickly closed the door, locked it, hung a heavy iron chain outside, and then handed her the key. Put it in your pocket.

Su Yan stood there in astonishment, and Fang Yan also walked down, holding her waist.

Su Pannan knocked on the door inside and cried: "Don't be like this, just let me go. I will be filial to you from now on, and I will earn you 50,000 yuan. I remember that you saved me and raised me, I can repay you." !”

Su Yan felt that his breathing was stinging, connecting from his lungs to his brain, and his heart was falling into a deep, bottomless abyss.

How could there be such a person? how could be

Fang Yan screamed in pain, and when Su Yan didn't move, she walked over, pinched her ears and cursed: "You damn girl, you dare to hit me, I think you haven't learned any rules at all! I I have to teach you a lesson this time!"

Su Yan roared and pushed everyone who was close to him away.

She retreated to the door and said with a pale face: "Are you all crazy? This is called illegal detention! Do you still want to arrange an arranged marriage? Let me tell you, both of these are illegal!"

Grandpa sneered: "Are you going to sue? Who are you suing? Stop trying to scare me with those things. Are you going to take what that girl says seriously? I'm telling you, as long as I'm here, don't think of rebelling against me!" "

Su Yan laughed sarcastically: "You are superstitious, just like you. Donating as much sesame oil and kowtow as much as you want to a Bodhisattva or a Buddha will make no difference. If there really was a Buddha, all the unscrupulous things you did would be enough for you." Eighteen levels of hell!"

Fang Yan was so angry that she picked up the things next to her and started to fight: "Shut up! You forgot your last name? Who brought you up? Who cooked your food? You white-eyed wolf, I am Lay an egg and I can fry it and eat it, who are you!"

"Sister!" Su Pannan shouted from inside again, "Sister, don't be stubborn with them! Sister, run! Run! Go find Brother Lin!"

Fang Yan: "No! No one is allowed to go to Lin Jun, that loser!"

Su Yan's eyes turned around in confusion.

She knew that the door in the room was locked, and the only exit was the glass window that was not welded shut. In this case... Like Su Pannan, she aimed at the light wooden chair.

Grandpa was obviously aware of her gaze. He judged the distance and did not fight with her. Instead, he blocked her in front of the window.

Su Yan did not hesitate to lift the wooden chair and hit his grandfather on the chest. Grandpa didn't dodge, he just raised his hand to block it.

There was a "clang", and there was a head-on collision. Grandpa fell to the ground in pain.

The two elders were shocked. I didn't expect Su Yan to be so cruel.

That chair was of exquisite workmanship, and even after being hit like this, it didn't break. Su Yan followed the trend, gathered up all his strength, and smashed the window a second time.

The glass frame, which had been in disrepair for a long time, was smashed and crooked, and the small iron buckle used to fix it below also flew out.

Su Yan dropped the chair and climbed out of the window on his hands and knees.

Fang Yan did not dare to stop him this time, but cried and shouted from behind: "Damn it..."

The county high school exams start at eight o'clock in the morning, with only two subjects, and end at twelve o'clock.

Because it is an early enrollment period and only ordinary class students are recruited, not many people come. The school cleared out the high school classroom that had not yet started and used it as an examination room.

Lin Jun was out of class during the break and wanted to wander over and take a look. As long as you can see it, you can feel more at ease.

He had already found Su Pannan's exam location before, and he posted the admission ticket number as he watched. I went straight to the classroom by the familiar route, stood by the window and looked in a certain direction.

At this sight, I was stunned. Su Pannan's seat was actually empty.

Many thoughts flashed through Lin Jun's mind. Was Su Pannan afraid and gave up on the exam temporarily, or was he a little late because he encountered an unexpected situation on the road

wrong. She had confidently discussed the test paper and test questions with herself a few days ago. She must have wanted to come, so now it must be just an accident.

The class ended soon. Lin Jun was worried and could only go back to class first.

At 11:45, it’s recess again.

Lin Jun couldn't help but went over again and found that the seat was still empty.

He stood outside the classroom in a daze.

In another quarter of an hour, this exam will be over.

Lin Jun recalled Su Pannan's tense face, and the fingers hanging by his side gradually tightened.

12 noon.

Each invigilator announced the end of the exam.

A group of young junior high school students picked up their pencil cases and left the examination room with permission. And after being reminded by external staff, keep quiet and evacuate the teaching building in an orderly manner.

After collecting the test papers, the invigilator carefully counted the number on the podium, coded the test papers in order, and then put them into the briefcase.

At this time, Lin Jun walked in and said with a smile: "Teacher, thank you for your hard work."

"Lin Jun? Are you okay?" The invigilator still had an impression of him. He raised his hand and looked at his watch and said, "Don't you have a class in the morning? What are you doing here?"

Lin Jun took out a white takeout box from his back, handed it over respectfully with both hands and said, "Teacher, have you had lunch? You must be tired after a long morning, right?"

The teacher pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "I remember that your family situation is not good, right? You don't need to treat me to a meal. I'll go and eat after I've finished packing."

Lin Jun handed the lunch box to the table and said hurriedly: "Teacher, why don't you just eat here. I have already bought it, and it won't be good if it gets cold."

The teacher's face turned cold and he said, "Classmate Lin Jun, you don't get rewarded for your merits. If you have any problem, just tell me."

Lin Jun: "Teacher, can you wait a little longer? I have a friend who is also here to take the exam today. She..."

"Oh," the teacher said clearly, "she didn't come."

Lin Jun bowed to him: "Please, give her another chance. She has made a lot of preparations for this matter."

The teacher refused coldly: "If you can't even keep the most basic punctuality, it's better not to come. I have to go back to mark the test papers now, so you can leave first."

Lin Jun stopped him quickly, gave up and said: "Her home is in the countryside, in the village, far away from here. Maybe she was delayed on the way, or maybe she fell halfway. Give her a chance, she is really smart, she I have completed three years of high school courses, and now I am just taking the high school exam. I will definitely pass it! You believe me! Teacher Li, I know you are a good person, and a teacher’s job is... "

The teacher interrupted his words and said without emotion: "If you are far away, leave early. Our exam time is set very early, and there is no reason to be late. If she really paid attention to it, she wouldn't have not shown up until now." Okay. You go back to class. I'll deliver the papers."

Lin Jun didn't dare to give up: "Teacher, really teacher, she works very hard and wants to go to school. She will definitely be able to get into college. Aren't our schools fighting for places? It's definitely possible to give her a chance! The school is also good, I... "

The teacher interrupted sharply: "Classmate Lin Jun! That's enough!"

He pulled his hand back and let out a breath from his nose, obviously angry. Go around Lin Jun and go out.

Lin Jun gritted his teeth and knelt down.

"Hey!" The teacher took a step back, then quickly put down his things and stepped forward to help him: "Why are you doing this!"

Lin Jun choked up and said: "Teacher, you don't understand. People like us have only one way out: study, and this is the only way we can work hard. She has been preparing for several years. Please, really, give her a chance!"

The teacher hesitated for a long time, then sighed and said: "That's okay. I'll wait for her for another hour. If she doesn't come yet, it means she won't come today. All the students who have finished the exam have gone out, and she will wait for other students later. It’s not fair.”

In the end, the two of them waited until two o'clock in the afternoon, but Su Pannan did not show up.

Lin Jun covered his face and sat on his seat.

Although his expression was invisible, the five red fingers were visibly trembling.

The teacher knew what Lin Jun's family was like, sympathized with his unfortunate experience, and admired the student's hard work and hard work, but now, there was really no time. He could only speak helplessly.

"Don't blame me for not giving her a chance. Okay, you should go back to class early. You are in your senior year of high school, and this year is very critical." He paused for a moment and continued: "In the worst case, I will report it to the school and come back next year." Give her a chance to take the exam. Go back."

Lin Jun didn't speak, like a frozen sculpture unable to move.

Teacher Li went out carrying the test paper bag. A box of cold lunch was left on the podium.

After a while, Lin Jun stood up.

His eyes were red, he ran to the bicycle shed, unlocked the chain, and left the school early.

Riding a bicycle, I ran all the way from the county seat to the village without stopping. Until we got to Su Pannan's downstairs.

Lin Jun stopped the bicycle, his legs became weak and he almost fell. Barely holding on, he opened his mouth but couldn't form a single sentence.

He gasped and pinched his neck, letting the saliva in his mouth wet his dry and sore throat. When his compressed lungs felt better, he shouted loudly: "Panpan!"


Not long after, Fang Yan chased him out with a broom and rushed at him: "Get out of here!"

Lin Jun glared at her and continued to shout louder: "Panpan!"

Fang Yan: "You little brat, don't come to our house Panpan again, get out!"

"Where did you do Panpan!" Lin Jun did not respect the old and care for the young. He grabbed Fang Yan's collar in a hurry, brought him up and asked, "Where's Panpan!"

Fang Yan was a little scared when she saw the protruding veins on his forehead and the fact that he was about to go crazy. She hesitated for a while and shouted: "Killing! The murderer wants to kill just like his father!"

Lin Jun gritted his teeth. At this time, Su Pannan's low voice came from inside the room: "Brother Lin!"

Lin Jun was shocked, immediately let go of the woman, and rushed into their house.

"Brother Lin!"

Lin Jun followed the sound and found the room where Su Pannan was detained. He jumped up and kicked him, but did not kick him away.

Fang Yan has already chased in: "What do you want to do? Get out of here!"

Lin Jun turned around and shouted: "Open the door!"

Fang Yan clapped her legs and shouted, "Here comes someone! Someone is going to rob us!"

Lin Jun rolled up his sleeves and kicked the door harder.

With a crisp sound of metal cracking, half of the wall flew out.

Fang Yan covered her ears in fear.

In the room, Su Pannan's face was red, she was drunk, and her eyes were swollen from crying.

When she saw the person coming, she crawled over on her knees and said vaguely: "Brother Lin, I'm sorry, I didn't have time to take the exam..."

With mixed feelings in Lin Jun's heart, he pulled her up by the hand, half-hugged her in his arms, and whispered: "Let's go!"

He took Su Pannan and got on his bicycle. Let Su Pannan sit in the back seat and hold her waist tightly while holding the front of the car steady.

He turned around and asked, "Are you holding me tight?"

Su Pannan nodded.

Lin Jun stepped on the pedal and left from the original road regardless of the crowd watching.

Su Pannan turned around, and those distant, indifferent, ridiculous, and mocking glances all went away with her.

The village she was most familiar with was also the place where she was most disappointed and painful.

I never thought of leaving in this way.

Su Pannan's eyes were dazzled, and she lay on Lin Jun's back and cried bitterly.

The two of them walked for a while until they couldn't see anyone in sight. Lin Jun was so tired that he stopped the car on the side of the road.

They sat and rested for a while, letting the east wind blow away their anger.

The flush on Su Pannan's face began to subside, and she asked, "Where is your mother?"

"Let's go home." Lin Jun said, "I'll go back and have a look later."

Su Pannan nodded and asked, "What about my sister?"

Lin Jun was puzzled: "Is she not at home?"

Su Pannan: "She ran out last night. I asked her to find you, but she hasn't come home yet!"

"But I didn't see it." Lin Jun asked, "Does she know the way? Has she entered the city?"

Su Pannan finally remembered and said in panic: "She didn't!"

Almost passing by Lin Jun, Su Yan walked into the county high school.

She didn't know the specific school where Lin Jun attended, nor the way to get from the village to the city.

It was already late at night when I escaped from the house. Every household was sleeping, and no one could even ask for directions.

She woke up two families, and it turned out that she was probably woken up in the middle of the night thinking about revenge on society, and the other party pointed her in the wrong direction. By the time she found the right direction, successfully entered the city, and found someone to find out the location of the school, it was already afternoon.

She walked for nearly a day without drinking any water, and her legs were shaking. When she arrived at the school gate, she looked so weak that she was terminally ill, which first frightened the security guard.

Su Yan said: "I'm looking for a guy named Lin Jun who is a senior in high school. Something happened at his family. Please tell him quickly."

The security guard helped her sit down, patted her on the back and said, "Don't worry, I'll go ask! Sit here and rest for a while, come on."

The security guard was very responsible, put on his hat and ran to find someone.

After about ten minutes, the security guard came back, but Lin Jun did not come out.

"He went back at noon, and he didn't even have time to ask for leave." The security guard stepped away, revealing a person behind him, and introduced: "This is his class teacher. You can chat if anything happens."

The female teacher in the back asked with concern: "What happened to his family?"

Su Yan's eyes lit up, he stepped forward, grabbed her hand, shook it vigorously, and asked, "Teacher, is there any admissions exam in your school today?"

The female teacher said: "Yes, but I am not responsible. What does Lin Jun have to do with this?"

"Please give me a chance, I really beg you." Su Yan rested for a while, and the numbness in his legs worsened. Now he could no longer stand, so he sat on the ground.

"Please help me intercede. This is really a fatal thing!"

The teacher frowned and asked, "Are you a candidate?"

Su Yan shook his head: "It's not me, it's my sister. She left at two o'clock last night, but my parents found her and is now locked up."

Teacher: "Can your parents still lock her up and prevent her from taking exams?"

"She is not my biological child. She was picked up by my parents. They wanted to exchange my sister for a gift of 50,000 yuan. They were afraid that she would run away after passing the high school exam. They thought she would not dare to leave now." Su Yan Breathing hard, "My dad gave her two bowls of white wine. She won't be able to pass the exam today."

The female teacher was dubious: "What you said is too bizarre, isn't it? How can anyone in this day and age"

Su Yan licked his chapped lips and begged in a hoarse voice: "What I said is true, everything is true! Just believe me. Even if you don't believe me, you can find someone to go home with me! I What are you lying to?"

The female teacher hesitated and said, "If it's really what you said, you can call the police."

"Our poor place doesn't even have a grocery store, let alone a police station! The police station is in the town, and they all know everyone in the town! What's the point of calling the police? No one died. In the end, it's not about coordination within the family. Just let it go?" Su Yan said, "If you want to call the police, I can call the police. I'm not afraid to verify it! Or are you also deceiving yourself?"

The female teacher was speechless.

Su Yan grabbed her hand, looked up at her and said, "Teacher, what is the purpose of education? Isn't it to give those who work hard a chance to change their lives? Lu Xun said that education is rooted in In love. Tao Xingzhi said that education is for the common good and the world is for the common good. She has never received love or fairness, so why should we be so harsh on her? Teacher, rules should not become thorns that hinder the road. You Intercede for her."

The female teacher thought for a moment, pulled her up and said, "I'll take you to see the principal. Come with me."

Su Pannan and Lin Jun searched slowly along the road to the county seat.

They didn't know where Su Yan went, and they guessed that she might have gotten lost along the way, so they had to ask someone every time they took a fork in the road, and then follow the clues forward.

The search lasted until dark, but no trace of the other party was found.

Su Pannan was about to collapse. She felt that everything was her fault, and she didn't know where she went wrong.

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"Sister! Su Jianjiang! Sister, where have you been!"

"Sister, come out quickly!"

"I beg you, if any of you know where she is, please tell me!"

Su Pannan turned around and cried: "Brother Lin, let's go back and let them help find people. There are too few of us."

Lin Jun said: "Don't be afraid. Your sister has recovered her head now. I think she is very smart. Things are not as bad as you think. How about I go back to school and ask my classmates to help find it. You can't go back to that place. .”

Just when Su Pannan was desperate, a crooked black figure walked in front, opened his arms and shouted: "Panpan!"

Su Pannan held her breath, no one dared to breathe.

The black shadow shouted again: "Panpan!"


Su Pannan ran away with a pair of shoes, rushed over and hugged her tightly: "You scared me to death. I thought you lost them!"

Su Yan breathed out and said, "I didn't! I went to Lin Jun's school and met his teacher."

Lin Jun also came over and rubbed her head hard: "Awesome! You still remember the way back. See if there are any injuries?"

Su Pannan was still crying, unable to listen to what she said: "You scared me to death! What do you think I should do if you get lost?"

Su Yan said: "Panpan! I gave you the opportunity to make up the exam. The teacher at their school promised to give you a new paper. If your score is good, you will be admitted under special circumstances. They will be responsible for the document procedures and so on. If you pass the exam Yes, go apply, there are still scholarships.”

Su Pannan sniffed and asked stupidly: "What?"

Su Yan nodded vigorously and said excitedly, "That's Brother Lin's class teacher! She also gave me five yuan and asked me to go out to eat."

Su Yan took out a crumpled five yuan from his pocket, his palms covered with cold sweat.

"I'll keep it for you! Let's, let's not go back, go to the county."

Su Pannan continued to hug her: "Sister! What should I say? Why is sister so good to me? Sister, I listen to you and don't let anything happen to you."

Su Yan also cried: "I'm scared to death. I'm afraid of the dark. I walked all night yesterday and today I walked all night again. It's so bad that they gave me directions and lied to me!"

Su Pannan stroked her hair and continued to cry: "Sister, I'm sorry..."

Lin Jun then condemned: "Too bad!"

Su Yan's voice trembled: "Also, it's been freezing to death today!"

The two hugged each other and cried, but Lin Jun laughed.

He took a step forward and took them both into his arms. Drive away the cold and night wind.

"It's okay! Everything is over!" Lin Jun said, "I will take you to dinner. Let's go. Let's leave now!"

Su Yan: "Where is your car?"

"I lost it halfway, and three people can't ride. I'll go get it back tomorrow." Lin Jun took off his coat, put it on her body and pulled it tightly, and said, "Come on, little sister, tell me, What did you do in school? Our teachers didn’t agree when I asked for mercy, why are you so great?”

Su Yan sobbed and said, "That's right!"

The three of them moved forward one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Su Yan stopped, squatted down and said aggrievedly: "I can't walk anymore..."

She was so angry that she wanted to go back to the village to find Su Pannan. Now she was really dying.

Lin Jun bent down: "Brother, let me carry you. Come on, come up!"

Su Pannan wiped her face, helped Su Yan up and said, "I'll support you from behind."

Su Yan leaned on Lin Jun's back, tears dripping uncontrollably on his neck.

Lin Jun said: "Don't be afraid, brother is here!"

Su Yan twitched and said, "I will never hit the second grade again, Dad, Mom~"

"Bah!" Su Pannan, "What are you yelling at! Sister, are you not confused?!"

Lin Jun laughed, his back shaking.

Fortunately, their area was not far from the county seat. Su Yan started late and walked slowly, so he returned to school not long after.

The head teacher who was called out again was stunned when he saw the three people shivering at the door.

"Oh my God… "