Strong Counterattack

Chapter 104


Seeing Su Yan smiling at him normally, Lin Jun's long-stressed spirit finally relaxed.

He patted Su Yan's head and sat on the edge of the bed.

Su Yan glanced sideways and saw that his eyes were blurred and he was restless.

After the nurse made the call, she came back and said, "I'm pushing her for a checkup now. The police said they would send someone to investigate the situation later, so I asked them to come later today. You can wait for the details."

Lin Jun raised his eyelids: "Why call the police?"

Su Yan held down both sides of the hospital bed, half-sited up forcefully, pointed at Lin Jun and said: "When I come back, just stand here and don't move! Violence is shameful, and impulsiveness is useless!"

Then he was mercilessly pushed out of the ward by the nurse sister.

Lin Jun looked confused.

Su Pannan whispered in his ear: "Sister said Wu Jiangang pushed her down."

A dark light flashed in Lin Jun's eyes, his eyelids visibly twitched, and he raised his hand to wipe his face.

Su Pannan got close to him and hugged his arm.

"I'm fine." Lin Jun said.

Su Pannan buried her head in silence, just wanting to comfort him.

About an hour later, Su Yan was pushed back.

The nurse stuffed the card into the clip on the bed: "The patient's family."

Su Pannan stood up with Lin Jun.

The nurse said: "The specific report has not come out yet, but the doctor said there should be no problem. She is performing well and has no adverse reactions. Just rest and she will be fine. Also, keep an eye on her and be careful not to catch a cold."

The brain injury that I was most worried about before did not appear.

Su Pannan said gratefully: "Thank you." She was full of joy in her heart.

Not long after, Lin Jun’s head teacher also came to visit.

Su Yan was flattered. He didn't expect the teacher to be so interested.

"Are you awake?!" The head teacher stepped forward in surprise.

Su Yan nodded.

"Well, if you survive the catastrophe, you will be blessed later!" The head teacher laughed and said, "It'll be fine if nothing happens. Your sister is worried about you."

A few people chatted for a while.

The head teacher said: "That's right, the reporter I told you before wants to give you an interview. How are you thinking about it?"

Su Pannan hesitated.

Su Yan immediately raised his hand: "I'm in the mood!"

Everyone turned to look at her, the disgust in their eyes was very obvious, why are you joining in the fun

Originally, if Su Yan did not wake up, his life or death was uncertain, and he still lacked money for surgery. At the same time, Lin Jun was in jail. Su Pannan had no intention of going to school, so she refused to be interviewed.

But now that Su Yan has woken up, she wants to rely on the media to uphold justice, so of course she cannot miss this opportunity.

Su Yan moved his butt and asked, "Can I say anything?"

The head teacher was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You can say it, but whether you can sign in or not depends on their TV station."

Su Yan: "I know. I'm sorry, teacher."

There were two reporters who were interviewing. They were originally going to the school to interview. I heard that Su Yan and others were still in the hospital and had just escaped from danger. There was also a student whose biological mother sadly passed away. It seemed that they smelled a hot spot. After taking the scene at the school, I went directly to the hospital. They were interviewed based on the background of the ward.

Lin Jun hadn't calmed down yet and didn't want to deal with outsiders. He sat beside the bed with a blank background, occasionally asking questions.

After all, Su Pannan was raised by the Su family's parents. The reason for her position cannot be overstated. Moreover, she was not good at talking about such matters, so she just sat with an angry expression and took care of Su Yan's physical condition.

So most of the time it was Su Yan who was dealing with interviews.

She recounted what happened at home in a serious manner, without adding any exaggeration, and tried to be fair and objective. Including the elders illegally detaining their children and prohibiting Su Pannan from taking exams for a 50,000 yuan gift. Later, he went to Mother Lin's home to demand compensation and forced her to death. And Wu Jiangang became angry and wanted to kill someone.

She had already told the police this story once before, and now she was familiar with it and spoke it in an orderly manner.

Then the reporter asked some other things. After taking notes, he scanned the manuscript and found that there were no problems. He turned off the machine, nodded to a few people and said, "Okay, that's it for today. Let's take a rest."

Another person said: "We can open a fundraising method for you below the program, you don't have to worry about the later stage..."

"No," Lin Jun said suddenly, "No, thank you."

The reporter was surprised and then said: "You haven't graduated from high school yet? If you go to college, you have to prepare for tuition. I think it is also necessary to properly accept the kindness of others."

Lin Jun: "I am an adult and I can make money."

He looked at Su Pannan and seemed to promise: "I can do it!"

He was barely ten years old when his father was imprisoned. My mother had no financial ability and spent money lavishly. It was difficult for a family to support herself, so she accepted donations from others.

The people in the village were originally resentful of his father, so they donated reluctantly. Lin Jun could no longer hold his head up, and his life was filled with invisible contempt and superior scolding.

He returned all the money.

From then on, donating money was not a kindness to him, but a shadow.

Su Pannan understood his mood, held Su Yan's hand, and asked, "Sister, is that okay?"

Su Yan nodded: "Okay! I can do it too!"

The reporter was impressed by the strong character of the three people and tried to persuade them several times. After seeing that they persisted, they had no choice but to give up. But thinking of other ways to help them, that's their job.

After a few people returned, their actions were faster than everyone expected. When it comes to criminal offenses, there is also a time limit.

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First it was a written manuscript, which was quickly published in the middle of the local daily newspaper, and then it was a video interview. After the TV station roughly edited the film, it was released.

In this era when the Internet was not yet developed, this incident was not considered a sensation, but within the county, it was already a major event.

The leadership exerted pressure at all levels, and all parties took it seriously.

After Su Yan fell into the water, the hospital issued a critical illness notice and had medical records. Already caused harm.

Wu Jiangang was investigated.

He committed the crime impulsively and did not know how to deal with the evidence afterwards. All the clothes I wore at that time are preserved.

After the police took him away for questioning, he couldn't hold on for even an hour, and his nose was runny.

As for Mother Lin's situation, there were many witnesses at the time, and no one would lie for her sake. The circumstances of the case were quickly recreated.

The fact is that Lin's mother is in poor mental condition and has been suffering from depression since her husband's death. Infuriated and humiliated by the insults from the two elders of the Su family, he impulsively committed suicide and eventually died.

The Su couple did not commit intentional homicide.

However, due to the negative impact of the report, after negotiation with the village organization, the Su family compensated Lin Jun 20,000 yuan.

Twenty thousand yuan is already a huge amount of money nowadays. It is enough for three people to live before graduation. It can also be said that it has wiped out all the savings of the Su family.

But after buying a cemetery coffin for Mother Lin and taking care of the funeral arrangements, there was not much money left.

Lin Jun moved out of the village, and Su Yan and Su Pannan moved their household registration to the county town. The three of them completely left their original place.

In June, Lin Jun’s college entrance examination ended.

Although many things happened in one year, fortunately, it did not affect his performance. He was admitted to the A University that he had long desired.

Lin Jun used his summer vacation as a tutor and part-time worker to save enough for tuition. He also received a bonus from the county and a subsidy from the school. As a result, the university informed him that tuition would be waived, and he became rich instantly.

After getting the notice, Lin Jun excitedly expressed that he would take them for a fun trip in City A. He bought the tickets, booked a hotel, and waited for departure.

Su Pannan came out of the bathroom and saw Su Yan lying on the window, looking up at the night sky in the distance.

That scene was frozen and extremely familiar.

She suddenly remembered that the night her sister became smarter, she was lying by the window like this, smiling at her. Then ask her:

"Panpan, are you happy?"

Su Pannan asked: "Sister, what are you looking at?"

Su Yan turned around and asked with a smile: "Panpan, are you happy?"

Su Pannan was in a daze.

At that time, she didn't answer, she just told her to go to bed quickly.

Looking into the other party's clear eyes this time, Su Pannan nodded vigorously and said: "Yes!"

The two looked at each other and giggled.

"I'm happy too." Su Yan said in his heart, you want to give birth to me.

Su Pannan crawled to her side, sat side by side with her, and looked at the bright lights outside.

Su Pannan pointed to a place and said, "I will also buy a house in the city center in the future."

"That's where the city center will be in the future." Su Yan pointed in the opposite direction, "That area will be your world from now on. Don't buy the wrong one."

Su Pannan: "Are you kidding?"

Su Yan said: "This is a secret."

Su Yan felt that he should leave. This premonition was particularly strong.

The two chatted for a while, and Su Pannan turned off the lights and prepared to sleep.

Su Yan lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling in the dark light, feeling very calm inside.

Will she disappear? Will she still appear in this world? Can Su Pannan and Lin Jun be together

Su Yan closed his eyes, counted a few times silently, and gradually fell into darkness.

"Don't get up yet!"

An angry shout woke Su Yan up. She opened her eyes suddenly. Su Pannan, who was already middle-aged, was patting her quilt and said with a straight face: "If you don't eat, the porridge will get cold. The whole family is waiting for you. Get up quickly!"

Su Yan covered his head and sat up in confusion. Su Pannan had already gone downstairs in slippers.

It was Su Pannan's villa. Su Yan had an impression of it, but she had never lived there. The first day she was picked up, she ran away.

Su Yan immediately opened the quilt, jumped out of bed and went to the first floor.

Su Pannan and Lin Jun were each sitting at one end of the dining table. Next to them was a person who was very familiar to Su Yan, her aunt Su Jiankang.

Su Pannan was making porridge, and when she saw her looking around, she said angrily again: "What are you looking at? Wash your face quickly! Who does this child look like when he is dawdling in doing things?"

Su Yan's mouth also twitched.

Comrade Su Pannan, you were such an obedient child before, what happened now

Su Yan turned around and went to their master bedroom.

There used to be two photos of each other hanging on the wall of their bedroom. They were both taken when they were middle-aged. Su Yan complained that they looked like ID photos.

And now there are wedding photos hanging. The two people in the photo still have a sense of youth.

Su Yan was relieved and went to the toilet to wash up with satisfaction.

Standing in the toilet, she picked up a toothbrush out of nowhere, knowing that it was hers.

Memories appeared intermittently, only slightly vague. She couldn't recall what she wanted to know.

After she finished cleaning herself and sat down at the dining table, Su Yan couldn't help but ask, "Well, how are grandma and grandpa doing?"

"Why are you mentioning them all of a sudden?" Su Pannan frowned and brought the porridge in front of her: "You can't stop your mouth after breakfast?"

Su Yan said coquettishly, "Then tell me."

Su Pannan raised her eyelids and glanced: "They won't be looking for you, right?"

Su Yan: "No."

Su Pannan responded calmly: "Yes."

Then there is no more.

Lin Jun answered, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and said casually: "That's it. I pampered my son when I was a child, but he turned out to be unreliable. He stayed at home all day and beat his parents."

Su Pannan said: "If they ask you to borrow money, you don't care. I have already paid the alimony that should be paid, and it has nothing to do with you."

Su Yan nodded: "Oh. Got it."

Next to him, Su Jianjiang scooped a spoonful of pork floss into Su Yan's porridge, grinned and said with a silly smile: "Hey, Yanyan, eat it."

The two looked at each other, and Su Yan was stunned for a moment.

She also scooped a spoonful of the soup over and said with a shy smile, "Auntie, you can eat it too."

Su Pannan said with a smile: "Sister, please leave her alone and let her sleep in again. Next time, I won't give her any food."

Su Jianjiang shook his head seriously: "No, no!"

Su Yan looked around and shouted stupidly, "Dad? Mom?"

Lin Jun said simply: "You can't ask for leave. You have to go to school."

"Hurry up and eat, I will take you there in person later." Su Pannan said seriously, then turned to Lin Jun and smiled: "My dear, you go and have a rest later. You have been working hard recently."

Lin Jun patted her hand and said: "I'd better send her off. You've been working hard recently. Don't worry, I will strictly carry out the task and won't let her escape halfway."

Su Yan: "..."

"Am I that kind of person?" Su Yan couldn't bear to listen and slapped the table: "I love learning. Learning makes me happy. Learning changes my destiny!"

She quickly finished the bowl of porridge in front of her and said domineeringly: "I'll go to school by myself, right now!"


The three people at the dinner table all looked at her with ghostly expressions.

Su Yan went back and quickly changed his clothes, put on his schoolbag and walked to the door.

The three people inside still couldn't return to their divine state.

Su Yan turned around and bowed solemnly to the three of them: "I love you! I'm leaving!"

The author has something to say: I feel relieved to see that everyone feels the same way.

In addition, I thought PHS was a product born in the 1990s, but after checking it, I found that it was born in the 2000s, so I changed it to a phone.