Strong Counterattack

Chapter 109


The author has something to say: The comments are so exciting but I really want to remind you.

First of all, identifying evidence of cheating is not simple. Secondly, even if you cheat, the court will not say that you left the house cleanly. If the lawyer does a better job, he can get more than one-third of the property. Some even have little impact.

Jiang Lu came out of the conference room and found that the previous secretary was still in the same place. She didn't look sideways and said something as she passed by.

"Pack your things early. If you leave now, you might still have time to buy a ticket and go home."

The secretary stood up instantly.

Jiang Lu ignored it expressionlessly, walked into the elevator in a hurry, and rushed to the underground garage.

The car lights came on in the distance, and Jiang Lu stepped in with her long legs. Take a cigarette from the middle grid, light it and take a long puff.

The trembling fingers stabilized, and white mist exhaled from the lips.

Jiang Lu blinked her eyes, her vision also foggy.

She clicked on her phone and called back the missed call record at the top.

Opposite me was a young man who asked directly: "Sister Jiang, what have you been doing recently? When will you be back?"

Jiang Lu replied briefly: "I'll make my own arrangements, I'm not free recently."

The person on the other side muttered something, but didn't dare to say it out loud, so he hung up the phone aggrievedly.

Jiang Lu only took one puff and immediately put out the cigarette. Open the car windows to get some air and start heading home.

High-rise office building. A layer of curtains was drawn in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows to keep out the overheating sunlight.

A man was lazily hanging on the sofa, tapping his fingers and staring at the screen. Zhou Han sat behind his desk, rolling up his sleeves and signing numbly.

After a long time, the man stretched and called out: "Brother, let's go out and play. It's boring to stay here."

"What's the fun with you?" Zhou Han refused flatly, "I'm paying your salary. Forget it if you are passive and slow down your work, you still come to me to increase your presence. Are you looking for help? Ask your dad to pick you up quickly. Come on, why should his achievements harm me?"

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The man sat upright energetically, straightened his posture and said: "Hey, Zhou Han, do you know? Regarding Jiangyuan Company, we met those three weirdos when we were eating a few days ago. Do you remember? One of them is named Jiang Lu's woman, one of the founders of Jiang Yuan, the one you said was very interesting, went back to their company two days ago. Now people are going crazy."

Zhou Han stopped writing, flicked his wrist without leaving a trace, moved his ears, and asked: "Who is crazy?"

"Of course Fang Yang is crazy!" The brother said enthusiastically: "Jiang Lu fired Fang Yang's little lover's best friend as soon as he left, and even criticized Fang Yang severely during the meeting. A chairman and CEO Officer, I was so scolded that I didn’t even dare to say a word. I laughed so hard! With such a status in the company, that kid must be too scared."

Zhou Han quirked his eyebrows thoughtfully.

The man found out that he was interested and immediately said proudly: "Look, information, this is information! They are all relatively well-known companies in City A, and there is the possibility of cooperation. How can you not understand? You know your own narrow-mindedness and Are you ignorant? Do you know the importance of me, brother? Without me, you can only sit in a well and watch the sky."

Zhou Han asked: "Where did you hear this from hearsay?"

"What do you mean by hearsay? Don't make trouble, their company has already spread the news." The brother said, "Jiang Lu hangs around in their company all day long, building relationships with the managers of several departments, either drinking tea together, or chatting about life and relationships. He's even tougher than Fang Yang. Anyone with a discerning eye knows something is wrong and can't hide it at all. Now everyone is waiting to see the show between him and his wife."

Zhou Han felt something was wrong, so he opened the stock market and searched for Jiang Yuan's stock code.

"Didn't you fall?"

"Nonsense! It's a good thing that Jiang Lu went back. It was bad news that Fang Yang took over at that time. And haven't they divorced now? Everyone guessed that if the property couldn't be divided, they might not divorce." The brother said, "Last quarter's financial disclosure No problem, if it weren’t for the recent downturn in the market, I think it could still surge higher.”

Jiangyuan Company is pretty good, but not top-notch yet. Companies like these that rely on technology and patents are different from traditional industrial companies. It takes a while to rise, and it takes a while to collapse. In addition, the two business scopes are different, so Zhou Han actually doesn't understand them very well.

"Is Jiang Lu so powerful?"

"It should be very powerful, right?" The man said uncertainly, "I heard them boast that it is quite powerful. Mainly because of his great vision. It is said that he became a monk halfway. Several of Jiangyuan's more famous products now are all Jiang Lu's creative ideas."

Zhou Han nodded: "I see. Then Fang Yang should have a hard time in the company."

The man was happy again: "No, that polished commander Fang Yang did it. Not to mention how frustrating it is."

Zhou Han: "Will people in the company listen to Jiang Lu? Fang Yang just let her be the commander? Has she been rehired? What is her position now?"

Brother: "It makes sense, of course. The management is not all fools, and Fang Yang alone does not have the final say in listed companies. Besides, Jiang Lu pushed hard, and I have never seen such a wolfish woman. Those two people How can you beat her in rank?"

Zhou Han pondered: "Then what has Jiang Lu been doing in the past two years? It must not be just resting, otherwise she wouldn't know Jiang Yuan so well."

The market is constantly changing, and it will be difficult for people who were once sensitive to the market to quickly switch to work if they no longer pay attention. Especially in industries related to the Internet, information changes so fast.

The brother was still playing with his mobile phone and said casually: "Who knows."

Zhou Han felt that he had discovered a secret.

"You said that since she is such a rational person, why did she transfer the shares to Fang Yang so simply in the first place?"

"No matter how sane a woman is, she will still be affected by hormones. She even married herself. What's wrong with a company that has worked hard to make a choice?" The man nodded seriously, "She is quite courageous, that is. I don’t have good vision,”

Zhou Han: "What happened next? After being fired from her position, she should have realized something was wrong, right? She didn't say she wanted to take back the company. What do you think she will do after leaving Jiangyuan?"

The brother said impatiently: "What do I care what she does? Anyway, she is back now."

Zhou Han said deeply: "Let me think about it..."

"What are you thinking!" The brother trembled and warned seriously: "Don't think about it. Don't cause trouble. You are a single woman, but it does not include quasi-singles. Don't hurt me."

Zhou Han smiled: "How do you think she will get divorced?"

The brother innocently said: "What does it have to do with me?"

Zhou Han analyzed carefully: "If they go to court to litigate, the equity held by both of them will be reduced. If the dispute becomes too big, the stock price will inevitably fall sharply. If shareholders suffer losses, they will definitely bear grudges against Jiang Lu. She is innocent and young." Not to mention the assets, but also to attract a lot of hatred for myself, it will be a huge loss. Moreover, Jiangyuan has a lot of outstanding stocks now. If interested people want to take advantage of the opportunity to seize power, the company may really have to change its name. Internal factions will take sides, and the company will change. It will be torn apart. Even if Jiang Lu gets her shares back, she will be faced with a mess, and it will be useless. The company she built with one hand will be destroyed."

Zhou Han: "... If we negotiate, Fang Yang will not delegate power. For Jiang Lu, the result will only be worse than going to court. If she has no feelings, she will not choose."

Zhou Han nodded: "So, I don't think she will accept either."

"Tsk. I still don't accept that I'm single. Has God taken care of me?" The brother exclaimed, "I mean, Zhou Han, you are so thorough in analyzing other people's divorces. Are you sick?"

"It's not about divorce, it's about how to divorce." Zhou Han insisted, "Her tone means divorce."

The brother exclaimed, "Why the hell have you said everything, otherwise? Are you waiting for Fang Yang to get caught in the door and give up the equity on your own initiative?"

Fang Yang's brain was not caught in the door, but it was almost destroyed.

He stood behind the window and peered out through the crack. His hands were behind his back, and his wrists were bruised and bruised.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Duan pushed the door open and came in.

Fang Yang quickly backed away, maintaining his image, and asked casually: "What's wrong?"

Duan came closer with high heels, slapped the documents in his hand on the table, and said angrily: "Whenever she comes in every day, she goes to chat with the department heads in the company. The sales department, the marketing department, the finance department, the purchasing department, is an important department. Decline! Talk to each other one by one, what does she want to do? Everyone on the street knows Sima Zhao’s intentions, and you still don’t care!"

Fang Yang frowned and said, "I asked."

Duan Leng snorted: "You didn't say anything, right?"

Fang Yang remained silent.

Duan Tiaojiao: "Do you still believe it?"

Fang Yang: "What if?"

Duan said: "She is no longer a member of the company, why did you let her in!"

Fang Yang sat back on his boss chair and said with a sullen face: "You should kick her out and take a look. Do you have to intensify the conflict at this time?"

Duan: "What about the old people in the company? They had been with Jiang Lu before, and they were already at odds with each other. Now that there are such a large number of living people in front of them, it would be strange if they don't have some evil spirits! You still hand over the important responsibilities of the company to them. Give it to them, aren't you just inviting the wolf into the house?"

Fang Yang was already restless, but Duan choked twice, which made him even more upset.

"Otherwise, what do you want? Just quit when Jiang Lu talks to me? Are you helping me or trying to trick me? If you can't think of a way, just stop digging holes, okay?"

Duan: "That's better than sitting back and waiting for death! She is such an insidious... cautious person. She can hand over the management of the company to you. Do you think she can stay in the company without any guarantee? When she gave the report that day, she behaved right The fact that the company knows her so well clearly shows that there is an insider in the company. How can you just stand by and watch such a cancer?"

Fang Yang slapped the table and stood up: "I'm checking! But I haven't opened my eyes! Do you know more than me? When I manage the company, I don't just look at what's in front of me. You just know how to talk, hurry up, hurry up, you What's going on? Are you here to be the emperor? Are you ordering me to do things?"

Duan was hit on the head by him and was beaten into silence, but he also woke up at the same time.

She looked at Fang Yang's angry face and thought about it. I found that I was being led by Jiang Lu, and I was really acting out lately.

The main reason is that Jiang Lu's existence has seriously affected her quality of life, and she constantly reminds others that she and Fang Yang have no relationship.

In the past, no one in the company dared to say anything. After all, this is a real society, but recently she had heard rumors that she was the mistress.

In any case, the word made her feel a little ashamed, because she always believed that she and Fang Yang were in true love, and Jiang Lu was just an ugly stone blocking the road. She originally thought she was about to cross this stone, but suddenly found that the other side was more difficult to overcome than she thought.

Not only that, more and more people in the company praise Jiang Lu. They kept saying that Jiang Lu had temperament and aura, and was quick and resolute in doing things. She was worthy of Jiang Yuan's success back then. Even the elders who couldn't suppress Fang Yang praised her highly and greeted her with smiles.

Whether they were patting the horses or telling the truth, Duan felt threatened.

Jiang Lu, an outsider who no longer has a position in the company, why should she have a higher status than herself? Why cross Fang Yang to point out the country

Duan subconsciously equated it: appreciating Jiang Lu = belittling her.

The longer Jiang Lu stays, the more dangerous she will be. So she was anxious.

But Fang Yang's drink just now made her understand again that her weapon and reliance had been Fang Yang from the beginning.

It was Fang Yang's business to fight and resist Jiang Lu. All she had to do was to please Fang Yang.

"I speak carelessly, I don't mean it. Don't misunderstand me." Duan apologized sincerely, "I have only been a secretary, so I didn't think carefully enough. The main reason is that you have been worried and anxious and I can't help you. I just said the wrong thing. I'm sorry, Brother Yang, please don't be angry with me, okay? I will listen to you."

Fang Yang raised his head and saw her soft and considerate look, and his anger was half extinguished. He nodded lightly.

Duan lowered his voice, smiled and stepped forward to make out with him, when an ignorant person opened the door and walked in.

Fang Yang was frightened and immediately pushed her away.

Duan's eyes darkened, but he still put on a standard smile and straightened the corners of his pleated skirt.

"Why are the chairman hiding in the office with the secretary when he's not going to arrange things?" Jiang Lu said calmly, "It's working time now. I shouldn't have offended you, right?"

Duan snorted secretly, lowered his upper body, held down the document and said, "Chairman, please sign."

Fang Yang flipped through the document carelessly, glanced at the title, and signed it directly.

Jiang Lu dragged a chair and sat across from Fang Yang, crossed one leg and said, "I talked with several managers. Do you want to hear the results?"

"You want to tell me?" Fang Yang raised his head in surprise, then asked suspiciously: "What are you planning?"

"Several managers have some opinions about you..." Jiang Lu paused and glanced at Duan: "I have some opinions, but I can't say them out. If you want to hear them, I can tell you. Of course, if you think beauty is more important, you don't have to. listen."

Fang Yang signed the next two documents and remained silent for the time being.

Duan felt that there was something wrong with Fang Yang's attitude in the past two days, and he was no longer warm to him. Gritting his teeth, he took the initiative and said, "If what Ms. Jiang wants to say is related to me, please say it in front of me. I should have a chance to explain."

Jiang Lu raised her eyebrows: "But I just want to relay it and have no desire to argue."

Fang Yang waved his hand: "Please go out first."

Duan Xiao's mouth opened slightly, and she was on the verge of tears: "Brother Yang!"

Fang Yang looked at her with a serious expression.

Duan knew that he didn't discuss it, so he kicked off his heels and walked out angrily.