Strong Counterattack

Chapter 112


Xiao Hou showed a satisfied smile and waved to the people around him.

In the next half month, Xiao Hou continued to guide Duan.

Things went incredibly smoothly.

Although Jiangyuan Company has a perfect firewall inside, the security management is less reliable than the network, giving Duan enough room for action.

In addition, Jiang Lu would return to the company from time to time to divert the crowd on duty for her, and she also had a good relationship with the manager of the technical department, so it was easy to find loopholes to start with.

After Xiao Hou got the document, he confirmed that it was indeed an unlisted game. Considering the excellent graphics and file size, it is definitely a game that requires a lot of investment. It’s just that the conditions of their company may not be able to operate yet.

Xiao Hou immediately called Jiang Lu and reported the matter to her.

"It's confirmed, it's true." Xiao Hou took off his glasses and breathed a sigh of relief, and asked: "Then what? How to throw away this hot potato?"

Jiang Lu said: "I still have to trouble you. From now on, I will slowly release the news that I have bought a finished game from Jiang Yuan. It is a successful product of Jiang Yuan after long-term research and development but has not yet been launched. You will After obtaining the license, first conduct a trial run or internal test to confirm that it can attract enough players. At the same time, apply for a version number for official operation, and then prepare for Series B financing."

"Are we too aggressive in the B round of financing? In fact, we can be more prudent and wait until the company has a solid foundation before making subsequent preparations. Especially since the market conditions are not good recently, if we rush into too much R&D, we may There is a problem." Xiao Hou hesitated, "And how are we going to deal with what happens next."

Jiang Lu: "Don't worry, we currently don't have the funds to develop our own products, but we will soon."

Xiao Hou: "Okay. Then I'll wait for Jiang Yuan's people to come over and negotiate."

Jiang Lu: "No, I don't think they will start to believe it. You can vigorously market it, take advantage of Jiang Yuan's hot spots, make the other party angry, and issue a statement denying it. After they respond, you can release a documentary related to the game."

Xiao Hou smiled and said: "Okay. Then I can give my brothers a holiday recently."

"Have a good rest, you will be busy in a while." Jiang Lu also smiled, "I owe you the bonus now, and I will double it to you when the time comes."

During this period, Jiang Lu gradually reduced the number of visits to the company, thinking that she had lost interest in company affairs. Duan succeeded in taking over again.

However, Duan did not feel the pressure was relieved, and the work at hand was not going smoothly. The relationship with Fang Yang also encountered a bottleneck.

Of course, the most depressing one is Shu Fang Yang. Jiang Lu stayed in the company, and he was the one being criticized. Jiang Lu left, and it was he who was criticized.

He deeply understood one sentence: It's my fault that I even cry.

Especially Duan, he realized that he really didn't understand women at all.

The former Jie Yuhua, a considerate confidante, has recently become extremely cold towards him for some unknown reason. Not only is he moody, but he is always absent-minded and has a perfunctory attitude.

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be "make".

Although he had never deliberately speculated about trying to please Duan before, and all he knew about her was what the other party was willing to show, but after all, he could still feel the drastic change in attitude after spending time together day and night.

Fang Yang originally thought that it was because he asked her to stay at home, which caused her unhappiness, so he played a little tantrum with him. He talked to Duan twice and gave her several gifts, but the other party didn't get better, so he lost his patience. .

As much as he loves it, he doesn't have that much time to waste.

The weather is slowly getting cooler, and the summer vacation craze is about to pass. Major companies are still looking for ways to launch new features and seize user traffic.

A rumor suddenly appeared on the Internet, saying that a company called Nirvana had purchased a finished game from Jiang Yuan and was waiting for release.

Has Jiang Yuan ever made a game before? The only one is still waiting for approval and has not been officially released. How could a debut piece be sold to a small business

People who follow the company’s news know the absurdity of this news and sneer at it.

You said that if you want to hype, you should always choose a trustworthy company. People of this level would not even bother to refute it.

However, I originally thought that this news was a joke, but I didn't expect that it would not go silent. It is becoming more and more popular, and advertisements will appear on major game forums and social networking sites from time to time. It was blown so high that there was nothing in the sky or on the earth, and it was pushed straight towards the direction of large-scale production.

This is obviously purchased marketing and has traces of trolls. If it was created out of nothing, why spend such a huge marketing fee

The same ads appear too frequently and spread quickly. People outside the circle knew the name of Nirvana because of Jiang Yuan.

Some uninformed people asked Jiang Yuan why he didn't promote the game himself first, and even those who originally disapproved began to waver.

It seems that the style of painting has been taken astray.

Fang Yang quickly became alert, not knowing why he had a strong sense of crisis. Ask Duan to call the two departments responsible for marketing and legal colleagues to discuss and handle this matter.

Duan said: "It's just a small company. Playing some tricks won't have much impact on Jiang Yuan, right?"

The marketing manager retorted seriously: "Every step of Jiangyuan's development to this day has not been easy. Remaining silent at this time will make the outside world think that the company is acquiescing. What if some investors really believe it? And this project We have been developing it for several years, and in addition to mobile games, we also have client games. If they affect the early reputation, it is impossible to estimate how much damage will be caused."

Another person nodded in agreement: "Nowadays, information spreads too fast. We are Internet users ourselves and know the influence of public opinion and rumors. No small thing can be ignored."

Duan: "But the stock price hasn't fallen yet."

The manager was speechless and said: "Before we make a formal response, the response will be slow, and it will not be reflected immediately."

Fang Yang pondered: "I think someone may be targeting us. But I can't figure out the other party's purpose yet."

Jiang Yuan himself has many competitors, and now that everything is at stake, it's hard not to let him think too much.

Fang Yang said: "I checked the background of this company, and there is almost no contact with us. The management is also very unfamiliar. Why did they choose us for marketing?"

There have always been many companies like this. Before going public, they all failed and started to fail. The risks were very high and many companies ran away. He now suspected that someone was behind the incident.

Fang Yang knocked on the table and said, "Let the legal department issue a statement first. Let's see what the other party wants to do. If they still refuse to comply, we have to provide clarification in time."

Several people nodded.

In less than two days, it was an afternoon and lunch break.

The curtains in Fang Yang's office were drawn, and the room was dark.

The cold-toned environment made him drowsy.

The employee from the technical department held the computer and rushed directly to his office, ignoring the obstruction of the secretary outside. He placed the computer heavily on his desk, turned around, and pointed the screen at him.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

"Director Fang! What to do!" The employee shouted excitedly, then stared at him closely.

Fang Yang was surprised, his sleepiness disappeared instantly, he frowned and said, "Why do you look at me like that?"

"I'm not looking at you, I want you to look at this!" The technician reached over and clicked the space bar. The paused video plays normally.

Fang Yang looked solemn, immediately sat upright, and watched the 90-second feature film in silence.

After reading it, I pulled the progress bar to the front and read it again.

Several people held their breath, and there was only the background music of the video in the office.

The young man pressed the pause button anxiously and said, "That's it! It won't change into a flower no matter how much I look at it!"

Fang Yang covered his mouth in confusion: "What's going on? Why is it so similar to the game we are planning to promote?"

"It's not like it, it's just that!" The technician pointed hard at the screen. Because he was too hard, a gray-white aperture appeared on the screen: "This original painting, these scenes, and these pictures are all made by us. !Nirvana, look at this company, they are the ones who said they bought our company’s games before!”

Fang Yang stood up in confusion and said sternly: "They fart!"

The young man stomped his feet angrily: "How did the documents get leaked? We were exposed!"

This is the result of their many years of hard work and their team. Countless people were waiting for its success after its implementation, but they did not expect that someone would get there first.

No one can accept it.

Fang Yang shook his hands and clicked on the comments below the video.

"666! The production looks great!"

"The character models are beautiful, and it's smooth to watch feature films. It's not like a small company would have people investing in and technology. It's not really sold by Jiang Yuan, right?"

"What the hell, Jiangyuan, a big production like this, is selling it to a small company? Is it crazy? Can you make back your money?"

"Tell me, a few hundred million? Isn't this small company really rich? Tell me, which big shot is testing the waters?"

"Didn't Jiang Yuan say he would issue a statement?"

"If Jiang Yuan did it but doesn't admit it, can he be worthy of those technicians and artists?"

Fang Yang asked hoarsely: "Besides this, is there anything else?"

"No, there is only this short video for now. The most critical plot and settings of the game have not been exposed yet." The young man didn't know whether he should be happy or ridiculous at this time, "We will contact Nirvana now and ask them to stop publishing any content. If not, we will We can only sue them for stealing secrets.”

Fang Yang stood up straight and heard himself calmly ordering: "Immediately call the company management for a meeting. You go and count all the people who have been exposed to the game or have the opportunity to come into contact with the game. Also, check all the surveillance videos. First, you must confirm The source of the information leak."

The young man asked: "Why don't you call the police first?"

Fang Yang hesitated for a moment, raised his hand to stop him and said: "Contact Nirvana first and ask about the situation. Stabilize the situation and wait until the heat drops a little before calling the police."

The young man responded and returned with the computer in hand to inform.

After Nirvana released the video, game enthusiasts and Jiangyuan stock investors paid attention to related matters, but the impact was not widespread.

There was already a period of turmoil within Jiangyuan Company.

A manager was uneasy and secretly reported to Jiang Lu, asking her to come back and take charge of the overall situation. Jiang Lu was happy for a while, straightened her expression, and quickly rushed to Jiang Yuan with her bag in hand.

A company that is usually full of energy was extremely quiet at this time. From the corridor, not a few words could be heard.

Jiang Lu pushed open the door of the conference room, which was filled with a room full of employees standing or sitting. She threw her bag on the table and asked coldly: "So, who leaked the documents?"

Her eyes swept across all the faces, with sharpness and murderous intent, and finally stopped on Fang Yang's face.

Fang Yang's Adam's apple twitched and he lowered his head guiltily.

A middle-aged man said: "Mr. Jiang, we are also discussing it now."

Jiang Lu sneered: "Are you talking about people who don't bring Nirvana? What waste of time? Can't you just ask the legal department to go to Nirvana and ask for the name? Is there an official seal of the company? Are there any documents for serious transactions? Is it a sales contract or theft of secrets? Isn’t it obvious at a glance?”

"I asked, but they said it was a business secret and they would not disclose it. They would not cooperate unless they called the police and went through legal procedures."

Jiang Lu put her hands on her hips, took a deep breath, and said with a smile on her face, "Let's all sit here and drink the northwest wind and discuss some useless things. If you think the matter is not big enough, you should give it some time to ferment, right?"

Fang Yang said: "Everyone is here to think of a solution, why don't you come over and ridicule us?"

Jiang Lu put one hand on the table and looked at him as he said word by word: "I am giving you the most useful advice, call the police. You are not an expert in solving the case. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us!"

"We are catching insiders. However, important data has been stolen from network technology companies and they are unable to conduct self-examination, which may trigger a panic drop in stock prices."

"Why are you catching a mole? What era has it been? Do you still want to use the interest exclusion method?" Jiang Lu scolded, "Call the police, ask the bank to pull a list, and see whose account has an abnormally large amount of funds flowing recently, or Who has Nirvana Finance transferred huge amounts of money to? These are traces that cannot be removed. Can the company do it on its own? How long will it take to find out?"

Fang Yang said: "If the other party really did this, how could they not consider these details? Just checking the employees is a big project, does it also include the employees' relatives and friends? And those who dare to do this should know how to deal with it It’s impossible for funds from an unknown source to go through the bank account at once!”

Jiang Lu: "If Nirvana doesn't want to be involved in criminal cases, then their accounts must be clear. There are always clues that can be found!"

Everyone here was also hesitant.

Some people feel that it is okay to call the police, while others feel that internal processing should be carried out first to control future losses. But no one dares to firmly believe what should be done.

Because no matter which method is chosen, the company's losses will be too huge.

If the alarm is called and the stock price enters a stage of panic decline, it is not a matter of one or two lower limits. Maybe they will be in despair until the real culprit is found. What's more, Internet companies don't have many fixed assets, and their price-to-earnings ratios are too high. Coupled with the impact of the broader market, more than two-thirds of them have room to fall.

It's terrible. How many large companies have been defeated like this.

Seeing this, Jiang Lu sighed helplessly and pressed her forehead.

Duan interrupted and said, "You are so excited. Do you know something?"

Jiang Lu rolled her eyes at her and said rudely: "I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now. If you want to say something, just say it directly, don't beat around the bush."

Everyone at the scene fell silent and focused on Duan.

Duan's face turned red and his blood surged up. He was so excited that he blurted out: "Everyone who has been in and out of the company is suspected! Especially you. It was only after you returned to the company that we were..."

Jiang Lu didn't wait for her to finish speaking, then grabbed her collar and pulled her in front of her eyes. He said with a sullen face: "Me? Jiangyuan is the company I built with my own hands. I want to say that no one here values it more than me. Why should I harm it? I haven't divorced yet, and I am now its stakeholder. , what benefits can be gained? No one with a stupid mind can guess what I am doing. Duan, are you still not forgetting to target me at this time, or do you have something in your heart and deliberately dump it on me? "

Duan was a little shorter than her and couldn't break away from her grip. He was afraid of tearing his shirt to pieces, so he could only passively raise his toes and said, "Only when Jiang Yuan is in trouble, will everyone invite you back! You now Aren't you just coming back? What can't you do to force Fang Yang to step down? It's just a little sacrifice, just to win people's hearts for yourself."

Fang Yang raised his head and looked towards them.

Jiang Lu warned her face: "Why can't I understand your logic? Are you a fool? Do you know how long it takes to develop a game? Three years, five years, seven years, or even longer. I need to do it What can make up for the company's losses? And win over people's hearts, who would win people over with a mess? Do you know how fierce the competition is in the Internet industry? What does it mean to take a step slower?!"

Another person nodded in agreement: "If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you can't retain customers, the traffic will be sucked away. It's difficult for us to develop a brand new project in a few more years while maintaining competitiveness. I I don’t believe President Jiang doesn’t know the seriousness of the matter.”

Duan: "Let go!"

Jiang Lu retracted her hand and began to roll up her sleeves: "Let's check, starting from the paragraph."

Fang Yang stood up and shouted: "Everyone, please calm down. Don't have any more civil strife at this time! Duan, if you are ignorant, get out of here!"

"Wait!" Jiang Lu grabbed Duan's arm and pulled her back: "No one is allowed to leave now."

Duan stood up staggeringly: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Lu asked: "Who told you?"

Duan: "Who told me what?"

"Who told you that I would use Jiang Yuan's difficulties to get him back to the company?" Jiang Lu mocked, "Do you think so?"

Duan: "Are you humiliating me?"

"Just think that I'm humiliating you and be honest."

Jiang Lu stopped looking at her after saying, "The person who has access to the complete documents should be in this room now. Before I call the police to get the results, I hope he can come forward."

No one said anything.

Duan pulled his collar and chuckled softly.

Jiang Lu took out her mobile phone: "In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Fang Yang said in surprise: "Do you have any idea?"

Jiang Lu: "I called someone from Nirvana Company to come over. He should be here soon. "

Duan immediately shouted: "You still know people from Nirvana!"

Jiang Lu: "What's wrong with me knowing each other? I'm not hiding anything. What's weird about knowing a few people in the industry? It's so funny!"

Duan also found that he was a little too excited.

Fang Yang left his seat and came over, excitedly saying: "Is he willing to take the initiative to speak out? What level of employees does he know, and how much does he know? Isn't Nirvana really targeting us on purpose? Do you know which company is behind them? With Jiang Yuan What's the dispute?"

"I just got the news. What can I do to prepare? I only called him and didn't discuss any specific details." Jiang Lu said impatiently, "Can't you wait until someone comes to ask? It's better than you guys sitting here. Big eyes and small eyes!"

Fang Yang licked his lips and sat back again.

Half an hour later, Xiao Hou walked into the conference room in a suit and leather shoes.

When Duan saw him, he lowered his head slightly and controlled his expression as if he didn't recognize him.

"There are so many people." Xiao Hou pushed up his glasses and smiled, "It seems that everyone is very busy today, and they are all in the conference room."

Fang Yang laughed dryly.

Xiao Hou took out his business card and pushed it to the conference table: "I am the marketing director of Nirvana. I am very happy to meet several people from Jiang Yuan. Jiang Yuan can be regarded as the leader in our industry. It is really an honor to be welcomed like this. ”

No one dared to take that business card.

Xiao Hou turned around and said to Jiang Lu: "Sister Jiang, long time no see."

"Mr. Xiao is so calm. Seeing a group of us dancing around in the room, you are still so calm." Jiang Lu said unhappily, "Let me just put it bluntly. We have known each other for so many years. How can you do this?" You must be kind. And if you really call the police, Jiang Yuan’s blood can hold on, so who do you think you are?”

Xiao Hou said: "Everyone, please calm down. Nirvana has no intention of stealing Jiangyuan's secrets. To be honest, our current technology and hardware cannot support such a big game."

"Then why did you release a drama? You also went around saying that Jiang Yuan sold you games. It was obviously premeditated!"

Fang Yang tried hard to control his temper: "Mr. Xiao, please explain clearly what the attitude of Nirvana is."

Xiao Hou still said tepidly: "It's a marketing method. After all, it costs a lot of money. Even if it can't be used, it still needs to extract some residual value to make it worthwhile, right? Nirvana's attitude is also very clear, don't worry. I won’t release any further dramas that reveal secrets, but before that, I still want to delay time and promote the company’s reputation. I came here to explain to you in advance just for Mr. Jiang’s sake.”

Duan vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Xiao Hou's attitude. It was obviously not what he said at the time.

Fang Yang said: "You keep saying that you bought it yourself. Isn't it a legal way? It's not you who has the final say."

Xiao Hou raised his finger and said: "We did buy the software seriously, and the official seal is legal. Twenty million."

The people in the technical department have jumped up and said: "What's 20 million? Even if you add zero, it's not enough! How long have we been working on the project and how many scenes have been painted? If you run your own company, 20 million will buy a game of this quality. Why are you pretending to be stupid!"

Xiao Hou was not angry. He put his suitcase on the table and opened it to reveal stacks of documents inside.

Fang Yang stepped forward and took the stapled document at the top.

They were all copies, with the terms for acquiring the game densely written on them.

Fang Yang turned to the very end. Sure enough, it had his signature printed on it, as well as the seals of several companies.

He was sure that there was absolutely no way he could sign such a document. Immediately shouted: "You forged seals and documents!"

Xiao Hou shrugged innocently: "Anyway... people within your company gave it to me. We have also been talking to your person in charge. If you say this is false, then we are also victims. We need to call the police."