Strong Counterattack

Chapter 114


Jiang Lu sat calmly, waiting for Fang Yang's answer.

Fang Yang was obviously shocked. He looked at Jiang Lu with a look of disbelief.

"You gave me such a condition?" Fang Yang said, "Are you really going to do this?"

"What you said is really strange. You proposed this yourself. You said at the beginning that you could not lose the management rights of Jiangyuan, but now it seems that Jiangyuan does not need you to manage it. I am its founder People, for now, are also its saviors. I want to get back Jiang Yuan's equity. No matter what, there must be a more reasonable explanation than yours." Jiang Lu shook her legs and asked, "What's wrong? Or do you think so? What is unreasonable?"

Fang Yang put down the document and lowered his attitude and said: "Jiang Lu. Jiang Yuan is your hard work. It is true that he is facing difficulties now because of some of my reasons. But at this time, what will happen if you divorce me? Do you know the dilemma? Can we all calm down?"

Jiang Lu lowered her head and smiled: "It's so amazing that I can still hear you say such things. At first, you thought I would refuse to divorce, but now you want to hold me back? Who is making trouble?"

Fang Yang's face turned red, and he was indeed a little ashamed.

"Otherwise, what do you want? Let me help you tide over the difficulties and make money for you? Pull you out of the muddy swamp and then go against me? You don't even have to think about it." Jiang Lu laughed softly, "Fang Yang, are you the only one who still wants to plot against me? I'll just tell you the truth. With my current mentality, it's better to let others take a bite than to let you benefit."

Fang Yang said: "You are too excited right now Jiang Lu. You have no ability to think at all."

Jiang Lu: "I really thought you wanted to talk about feelings with you. But after thinking about it carefully, I realized that there is no relationship at all between you and me."

Fang Yang: "No. I want to talk to you, but you are angry with me."

Jiang Lu picked up the cup and took a sip. The water inside was still boiling hot.

She breathed in hissingly and continued: "You thought I was at a disadvantage at the beginning, so you asked me to withdraw in an unfair way. Now you are at an absolute disadvantage, but you are unwilling to give up the shares that were not yours in the first place."

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Jiang Lu said: "If you really think about Jiang Yuan, then you should transfer the equity and management rights to me now. If you still have a sense of right and wrong and a little guilt, you should agree to the divorce agreement in front of you. .But in fact you are neither, you are just—"

Jiang Lu slammed the cup on the table: "Money."

Fang Yang stared at the spilled water stains in a daze.

"No...that's not what I meant!

"But let me remind you one last time, you'd better give up as soon as possible, don't wait for the stock to depreciate, wear down my patience, and end up in a situation where everyone is shouting and beating." Jiang Lu stood up to see off the guests.

Fang Yang raised his head: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Lu: "It means that if you don't agree to this divorce agreement, I won't agree to take over the company. Prepare 100 million to deal with Nirvana's lawsuit."

"Now that I have said it, I will say it again. I am not threatening, I am just telling the truth." Jiang Lu said, "Even if you insist on taking away Jiang Yuan's shares, it may not mean success. I have many ways to take you away in the future Squeeze out all the money. From now on, I will be the shadow of your life. If you want to get rid of me, you have to pay the price. I suggest you let go and don't create such a powerful enemy for yourself. Right? "

Jiang Lu went over to open the door and signaled that he could leave.

Fang Yang said eagerly: "We can obviously have a better opportunity. Jiang Lu, I promise that I will draw a clear line with Duan this time. I can transfer half of the shares to you, provided you don't divorce. Other things I won’t force you, it’s just this one thing. Think about it carefully, okay?”

Jiang Lu took a deep breath, opened the door a little wider, and said: "I urgently need a divorce now, and I need to draw a clear boundary with you. If the media asks again, I will inform you of the specific situation. Even if you don't sign the divorce agreement, I will Submit an application directly to the court. To be precise, you have been separated from me for two years, and the only work left now is property division."

Fang Yang affirmed: "You can't!"

Jiang Lu smiled: "I wish you good luck."

She pushed Fang Yang out and locked the door hard.

The next day, Jiangyuan opened the market again after being suspended. During the collective bidding period, news broke that Jiang Lu was getting divorced, and Jiang Lu said that she did not have much advantage in the agreement, and Fang Yang was unwilling to transfer the equity.

The news was confirmed as major negative. The comment sections of major trading software were filled with howls, all filled with curse words and curse words.

A straight floor line. With a pressure of hundreds of thousands of orders, hanging on the price limit, it is a dead salted fish that cannot even jump.

Fang Yang couldn't believe it.

After the cards were closed that day, Fang Yang was not only scolded to the point where his species changed seventy-two online, but also scolded to death by shareholders and management.

Let him go to Jiang Lu to negotiate, and the result is good. When it comes to the other party coming out to divorce in person. Is there something wrong with this? !

Investors... investors did not jump off the building. But the anger is also uncontrollable.

Within two days, I heard that Fang Yang was intercepted in an unmonitored place, beaten severely, and sent to the hospital.

They were all flesh injuries, not life-threatening, but Fang Yang was still smart and chose to hide in the hospital.

Jiang Lu had no time to care about him. She stared at Jiang Yuan's stock price, waiting for it to drop a little lower, and then began to slowly acquire individual shares.

A few days later, Xiao Hou brought bad news.

"Jiang Yuan has been sniped." Xiao Hou said, "This decline is like a rainbow. The outflow of funds is too obvious. The turnover rate and transaction volume have reached new highs. It is obvious that someone is buying low."

Jiang Lu asked: "Who?"

"A lot! Several companies are acquiring Jiangyuan's scattered shares. I don't know what the target is. Are they trying to expand the Internet industry, or are they bullish about the future?" Xiao Hou said, "But the higher-ups should be very worried about such a big company. The company collapsed rashly. Nowadays, there are a lot of bankruptcies. If there are new funds willing to take over, they should be happy to see the results."

Jiang Lu hesitated: "But it hasn't fallen to my target price yet. They are more confident than me."

Xiao Hou clicked his tongue and said, "Jiang Yuan has a major shareholder like Fang Yang who looks like rat shit. It would be a real loss if we don't take action."

Jiang Lu rubbed her forehead with a headache.

"It's a bit dangerous now. Not only are we eyeing this fat sheep, but there are many competitors. But other people's blood should be thicker than ours. Our only advantage is the relationship between you and the shareholders." Xiao Hou called up the data and said, " If there are institutions involved, I estimate that there will be a small rebound in the future, and then gradually stabilize. But according to the current stock price, I am afraid that the money is still not enough. The divorce lawsuit between you and Fang Yang will drag on for a while. If someone else takes advantage of it, If we get the upper hand, we’ll be in trouble.”

Jiang Lu decided to pay attention and said: "Go to Fang Yang. Buy half of the stocks in his hands. Still buy at 70% of the current price. I'm not divorced yet, so it's hard to save assets in my name. But I can help match up and lead the way. You go find other shareholders to buy stocks. Then win over a few shareholders, and they should support me. No matter how much equity you can buy now, just make sure that others don't receive 35% of the equity. The rest will be easy to talk about. "

Xiao Hou hesitated and said: "Will Fang Yang sell? He has rejected you several times. The stock should be very important to him."

Jiang Lu: "Fang Yang loves face. No, he loves face very much. It is no longer possible for the board of directors to let him continue to manage the company, and now he is in a situation where everyone is shouting and beating him. He can't stand this kind of life now. Now the stock price has fallen If you are so powerful, you will definitely take it if you have money, and you won’t be so stupid that you can’t distinguish the situation. Don’t worry.”

Xiao Hou: "Okay. But the money is still not enough, right?"

"Let me think about who to borrow the money from..." Jiang Lu said with a sigh, "You can urge him to pay me the 100 million by the way, remember to bring interest."

Xiao Hou made a clear gesture.

Fang Yang didn't know if his brain was opened or if he was scolded and sobered up. After being besieged once, he took refuge in the hospital.

The bruises on his face wouldn't go away for a while. Every day, he used his mobile phone to browse the news and the stock market to see what netizens and stock investors said about him. Then he grinned with anger and doubted his life.

While staying in the hospital, Duan appeared several times to plead with Jiang Lu for mercy and to save her. Because Fang Yang had not yet paid the 100 million yuan promised by Nirvana, Jiangyuan's internal staff was already preparing to call the police.

Duan has become a good young man in society with correct outlook on life.

She moves with emotion and understands with reason. He persuaded Fang Yang to give up his shares and told him that life can start over, and the most rare thing is peace of mind. Things that are not his should be returned as they are. I will accompany him through the next dark moments.

Fang Yang only had one sentence to give her: "Fuck you."

He finally saw clearly this girl who talked about people and ghosts. It's all a lie.

In contrast, Jiang Lu's straightforwardness and cheerfulness are simply shining advantages. I guess I was blinded by it at that time, so I thought that Duan's tenderness was a true temperament.

When Duan came to visit again, he directly asked the nurse to drive him away, not wanting to see him.

Then his parents came over.

Fang Yang didn't want to alarm his parents. These two old men came from the countryside. When they became talents, they were already old. His ideas cannot be changed, and his behavior style still retains his old habits, which has caused him a lot of trouble.

Fang Yang always thought that those were his parents, so he was very indulgent. Most of the time if something went wrong, Jiang Lu would be called over to solve it. However, the two elders did not like Jiang Lu, thinking that she was not traditional or virtuous enough. As a result, Jiang Lu and them continued to quarrel, and even had quite a few disputes. Later, they simply moved out and lived alone.

Fang Yang thought about it carefully and felt shocked. I didn't think my parents were wrong before, and I still stood in their shoes. He is probably the most unqualified husband, right

The appearance of the two elders this time put a lot of pressure on Fang Yang.

They didn't know about Duan. They only heard people say that Jiang Lu was getting a divorce, which caused the stock to plummet continuously and caused their son to be beaten by thugs and sent to the hospital.

He cursed rudely in the ward and was finally kicked out by the nurse.

As for other management, board members, partners, and colleagues above and below who usually called each other affectionately, all of them were silent. Maybe he was still waiting behind his back to see his joke.

Fang Yang felt very miserable.

What are these pictures of? How did it get to where it is today

Look around him, there is no one who really cares about him and understands him. Either they are waiting to see his jokes, or they are waiting to suck his blood.

The only person who devoted himself to him, showed his sincerity to him, and considered him wholeheartedly was leaving now.

The feelings killed by his own hands may never appear again in the future.

On this day, Fang Yang read the stocks like a masochist and was about to take a rest. Another person came to visit the quiet ward.

Xiao Hou still held a stack of thick documents and sat across from him.

"Mr. Fang, you should know the current situation. If you continue to hold stocks in your hands, they will only continue to depreciate, and you will continue to be hated by others, which will tarnish your reputation. It is better to sell it as soon as possible and pursue profits. There is a song that actually This is how it is sung." Xiao Hou pushed up his glasses and sang seriously: "'I will also let you live alone, please stop clenching your hands and be alone... '"

Fang Yang suddenly said: "This is the joint property of husband and wife. I can't dispose of it without authorization."

Xiao Hou was silent for a long time, then he revealed a slightly exaggerated expression of shock: "So this is the joint property of husband and wife?"

Fang Yang was deeply dissatisfied with his tone: "What do you mean? If you are here to laugh at me, you can leave now."

"Since you have said it, let me say it bluntly." Xiao Hou said, "From a practical point of view, it should belong more to Ms. Jiang. From your standpoint, you completely regard it as your own Personal property. So when the marital property was divided, two extreme situations emerged. You didn’t regard it as joint property at all, right?"

"You don't need to say anything. I won't sell it anyway." Fang Yang said with a dark face. "And you, Nirvana, clearly have bad intentions when you buy our company's stocks. Don't even think about it."

Xiao Hou pulled out a document and said, "If you want to use Ms. Jiang Lu's name as an excuse to insist on continuing to hold the equity, I actually have a copy of Ms. Jiang's authorization here."

Fang Yang immediately sat upright and took it from his hand. She flipped through two pages intently and asked, "Jiang Lu, what does this mean?"

Xiao Hou said: "Don't you understand the option contract? You can sell the stock to Nirvana first, and after Ms. Jiang divorces you, you can buy back Jiangyuan's stock from Nirvana at the agreed price. Although this will There is no way to avoid huge taxes and losses from stock price fluctuations. But this is the most appropriate method she has thought of at the moment. After all, you neither agree to divorce nor transfer."

Fang Yang: "So I asked her what it meant!"

Xiao Hou paused for a moment before continuing: "It probably means that she doesn't expect you to find out in your conscience and return the shares. However, the company's current situation is imminent. She believes that spending a lot of time litigating with you is not worth the gain, so she agrees to let you go first I sold part of my relevant shares, that is, half. I hope you will adopt it, and I advise you not to drag everyone to death."

Xiao Hou pointed to a small line of words and said: "She believes that Nirvana is a trustworthy company and has sufficient prospects in the future. If there is an opportunity in the future, she will also invest in our company. If you are also interested, we are also very welcome." Oh, by the way, don’t forget that you still need to pay 100 million. It can also be traded in the form of equity.”

Fang Yang's hands holding the document couldn't help but tremble: "She...really said that? Doesn't she have any trust in me?"

Seeing his demonic illness, Xiao Hou waved his hand in front of him: "Mr. Fang?"

Fang Yang put down the document and said, "I want to talk to Jiang Lu."

"She has been very busy recently." Xiao Hou seemed to have expected it. "She asked me to tell you that she doesn't like to be threatened. There is no room for negotiation or concession in the requests she made. If you have anything to say, I I can convey it to you directly.”

Fang Yang said: "Then please tell me something..."

Xiao Hou placed the documents in front of Jiang Lu. Jiang Lu pushed the bank card over.

Jiang Lu said: "Why have you been gone for so long? If you don't come back, I'll think you went to fight with someone."

Xiao Hou said: "It seems that your money can be used elsewhere. Fang Yang did not offer a price for sale."

Jiang Lu opened the document and found it was an equity transfer document.

After the compensation was used, all the remaining equity was transferred to Jiang Lu.

"Really?" Jiang Lu said in disbelief, "He agreed to transfer it to me for free? He didn't agree to it in the previous situation. I thought he would pretend to be stupid. Why did he suddenly change his mind?"

Xiao Hou drank a glass of water vigorously: "Anyway, he signed and agreed. He also said that he can divorce you after the formalities are completed. I have to talk to you personally about the details."

Jiang Lu still couldn't believe it, and thought thoughtfully: "Is he deceiving me?"

"Anyway, just get the equity." Xiao Hou said, "Now, our shareholding ratio has exceeded 35%. We will continue to acquire scattered shares. When the divorce is official, we can prepare to issue a statement."

Jiang Lu looked over it over and over again.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Hou said: "There is no problem, it is a formal contract. I saw him signing, sealing and fingerprinting it with my own eyes. To be on the safe side, I even videotaped it."

Jiang Lu waved: "Then let me watch the video."

Xiao Hou took out the memory card, inserted it into the computer, and called up the video for her to watch. Then he politely withdrew.

In the picture, Fang Yang obediently finished signing, put the pen on the upper right corner of the small table, and then looked straight at the screen.

Jiang Lu was feeling a little infiltrated and was about to fast forward when she heard Fang Yang say in a low voice: "Jiang Lu. You said that the equity you transferred was not because you lost, but to buy my dream. Then I will return all the equity to you now. , firstly because I lost, and secondly because I want to buy you a chance to forgive me. I know you will never trust me again, and I will never ask you to trust me without any expression, but I... "

Jiang Lu: "..."

She pressed the red cross neatly.

What a joke.

After waiting for the China Securities Regulatory Commission to review and confirm that the equity transfer was successful, Jiang Lu went through the divorce procedures with Fang Yang.

The moment she came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, her whole body was filled with relaxation, as if the stubborn disease that had troubled her for many years had been removed overnight, and she was just waiting to be rejuvenated.

Fang Yang finally waited for the opportunity and wanted to chat with her.

Jiang Lu saw what he meant and said, "For the sake of your initiative to transfer the equity, I can help you clear up your doubts. Just ask."

Fang Yang has a lot of problems, but there seems to be nothing worth worrying about. He didn't speak for a long time.

Jiang Lu said: "I'm surprised that you stepped back from the brink at the last moment and agreed to transfer the equity for free. It's good, it saves a lot of effort."

Fang Yang asked: "If I don't, will you really follow what you said and pursue me to the end?"

"What do you think? Do you think I can't?" Jiang Lu looked at him and said, "Fang Yang, you are really too naive. From the time I met you, I knew you were very naive. I thought you should be too. I know you can’t play with me.”

Fang Yang: "I'm serious. I've reflected on it. I do have a lot of things I'm sorry for you about. I..."

"Fang Yang, you are just depressed, not because you found out that you like me. What you like is the feeling of being able to rely on others. After all, that can make people feel relaxed and happy." Jiang Lu replied, "Not only you, I also feel that I will fall in love with myself.”

Fang Yang: "..."

Jiang Lu asked: "Where is your Duan? She came to urge me to divorce two days ago, saying that good things are coming for you. Congratulations."

Fang Yang's expression darkened.

Fang Yang had driven Duan away in the hospital before, causing Duan to mistakenly think that Fang Yang had gone back on his word and no longer wanted to interfere with her affairs.

Although there was no urging from Nirvana, Jiangyuan's management was hard to talk to because the stock price kept falling by the limit and they were full of grievances, all of which were spread to Duan.

Duan was so intimidated that he had no one to talk to and wanted to save himself. His brain twitched and he did something stupid.

Fang Yang really didn't want to worry about her anymore, but Duan felt unwell and went to the hospital for a checkup, only to find out that she was pregnant. He ran directly to find the second elder of the Fang family.

Jiang Lu and Fang Yang had been married for seven years without having any children, and the two elders were almost desperate. Now Duan appeared, ecstatic, and kept urging him to get the certificate from Duan.

Duan's appearance disrupted all his plans.

Fang Yang couldn't speak ill of Duan at this juncture, and his face made him unable to shamelessly criticize a woman, not to mention that they were sincerely having a good relationship.

Moreover, he had been looking forward to the birth of a child.

But Duan still doesn't know about his divorce agreement and has given up all his equity. The announcement of the equity transfer has not yet been officially announced. Maybe after she finds out, she will regret being tied to herself.

Fang Yang himself was hesitating whether he should marry Duan.

Seeing Jiang Lu was about to leave, Fang Yang asked, "What does marriage mean to you?"

Jiang Lu turned around and said, "It's not worth mentioning."

Fang Yang pursed his lips, feeling quite sad about her answer.

The two of them walked down the stairs one after another. Xiao Hou, holding a parasol, walked out from a blind spot behind the tree and bowed to him.

Lightning flashed in Fang Yang's mind, and he could hardly hear his own voice: "Is Nirvana your company?!"

Jiang Lu nodded: "It's just for fun. I can't take any time off. After all, Jiang Yuan was taken away by you. As a result, several young generals gave me an unexpected surprise. Are you surprised?"

Fang Yang's pupils dilated, his face was filled with surprise, and he didn't even have time to flash his anger: "So the company's project is actually..."

Jiang Lu raised her finger: "Goodbye, sir. I wish you good luck."

"Jiang Lu!!"

Due to the disclosure of various major events, Jiangyuan's stock has been suspended from trading intermittently. As a result, a large number of retail investors were trapped and unable to escape. Some people gritted their teeth and tried to see if they could come back to life. After all, Jiangyuan's continued decline is mainly due to negative impacts, not poor performance.

After saving the funds to purchase equity from Fang Yang, Jiang Lulu successively bought part of the equity from small shareholders.

Subsequently, Jiangyuan exchanged 35% of the equity for 100% of Nirvana's equity.

At this point, Nirvana has the actual controlling interest in Jiangyuan and can achieve a backdoor listing.

Nirvana invested its own resources in Jiangyuan. Jiangyuan continued to announce the suspension and needed to organize its assets. The specific opening time will be notified.

Judging from the current situation, there should be a wave of daily limit after the market opens. Whether it can surpass the original price is still uncertain, and it also depends on the company's later business direction.

Jiang Lu predicted that it would not fall anywhere.

The next time she saw Fang Yang was two months later.

He and Duan were messing around downstairs in the company, and Duan was dragged away by Fang Yang in tears.

Jiang Lu sat in the coffee shop opposite, watching the quarrel break out between them, and after judging it, she felt that it was a little more tragic than she had originally been.


Jiang Lu turned around: "Zhou Han?"

Zhou Han nodded.

Jiang Lu said "Oh".

Zhou Han sat down next to her: "Why didn't you ask me? What's the pity?"

Jiang Lu: "Where?"

"I originally thought you would be in trouble and Fang Yang would not return your equity happily. Then you might come to me for help." Zhou Han said, "You shouldn't refuse help from others, right?"

Jiang Lu said: "Not necessarily? I will definitely refuse usury. If it is a credit loan, you can also consider it."

Zhou Han: "Are you still in trouble recently?"

Jiang Lu spread her hands: "I'm doing very well recently."

Zhou Han sighed.

The author has something to say: This unit is finished