Strong Counterattack

Chapter 120


To be precise, "Unreached Letter" is already a hit.

A new song by a pure newcomer can be released in the middle of the night, and it will be on the new song chart at noon the next day, and start to rush to the top of the chart in the afternoon. Definitely a shocking result.

If there is no one to chart, no one to organize, no company to carry out preliminary publicity, or even no data to buy, it can already be stamped as this year's song of the year. Wait for follow-up marketing to start climbing the sales charts.

The frequency of occurrence of stars like Ziwei is completely measured in years.

Without exception, those people ended up being popular.

Judging from the current number of comment sections and the activity of user accounts participating in the topic, those who contributed clicks and sales to this song are basically living people who have the opportunity to become fans.

There is so much money and power.

And this raging fire was ignited from fate.

He posted three consecutive Weibo posts late at night to express his condemnation. He threw a lighted match into the fuel pile and went to sleep.

"Teacher Ji's new song is out. It beeps quietly (it affects my sleep in the middle of the night). I'm so happy~ (Reading) Let's support it together! Hold your fists."

five minutes later:

"Fuck! I cried when I heard it. Why do I have to listen to this song at night?"

Another five minutes later:

"Damn it, Ji Zhiyi, you turned off your phone for me! Goodbye!"

Fans gathered around laughing and joking, making fun of each other every day to get a source of happiness.

"Teacher Ji from the front mouth, Ji Zhiyi is gone in the blink of an eye. Haha, man."

"Fate, do you still remember that you took the idol route?"

"A new song is coming out so soon? Wasn't that new song just released two days ago?"

"Did this friend sign a contract? Why did he release so many songs if he didn't sign a contract?"

"Isn't it hard to make people cry? Then I won't listen to doge."

Someone has already followed the link and clicked in.

Soon after, the style of the comment section began to skew, and the popular comments were almost replaced.

"?? Damn it, it sounds really good!"

"It sounds really good after listening to it once. The last song was bass, right? The treble in this song is super nice! The range is wide enough and the performance is pretty good."

"The last song is alto, right? There are only a few lines that are particularly low."

"I've never heard of it. When did this singer appear? It's sad, has fate started to get involved in the entertainment industry? How much advertising fees have been collected."

"After listening, let me talk about the light rock style first. The treble is indeed good, and the sound is still very stable. The production is too shoddy, and the roughness of the soundtrack makes people speechless. However, considering that it is the product of a private workshop, I can understand it. I continued to listen.”

"It's over. I've been watching too many talent shows recently. The combination of rock and treble is a death combination for me. Suddenly it's boring."

"For those of you who start criticizing before you listen, I beg you, please listen to it first before you speak. What kind of presence are you showing here?"

"I hope she will sign the contract quickly and let the company produce a remake or a refined version. Please. Stellar Entertainment Qingyi Entertainment"

This kind of music with a bright rhythm and loud and noisy accompaniment basically makes you more awake the more you listen to it. After listening to the song, the fans began their journey of insomnia late at night. Since the nightlife was still not rich enough, they went back to Yuanfen’s account to exchange feelings.

So in one night, this group of people put fate on the hot search list again. His account has completely become a discussion forum to vent his emotions.

"I'm under a lot of pressure. I'm really under a lot of pressure. I don't know where I can go in the future. I feel like a failure. All I can do is persevere. Is that okay?"

"Ji Xiaoru, I like you as always! There is no excuse and you will never look back!"

"I cried. This song obviously has an inspirational theme, right? Why does it make people want to cry so much!"

"Good song."

"I just want to say something to myself, I am awesome! Come on! qaq"

Fate got up the next day, opened the software, and was almost stuck by the bright red message prompt. Excitedly, I clicked on the notification and found that the number of comments on my related blog posts reached a new high. But what is discussed in it is not myself.

Yuan Yuan sniffed and didn't know what expression she should use to face this cruel world.

He coughed and looked at the most popular comment.

"Teacher Ji was discovered by Yuan Yuan. Brother Yuan, your live broadcast is really going to be popular. From today on, you will be my uncle!"

He was so idle that he just picked his feet and started chatting with netizens.

Then the discussion moved from Yuanfen to various music sections. Because Ji Zhiyi was still a newcomer who had not signed a contract, his sense of responsibility among the audience was overwhelming, and he took the initiative to act as a facilitator and became a publicity "water army".

The reason why netizens are so enthusiastic is not because of his recommendation. The fate of Quli Mo was also shocked by this momentum. He realized that Ji Zhiyi's whirlwind might be stronger than he expected, and he paid more attention to it.

He himself has no hope of entering the entertainment industry and can only hang out in the circle of Internet celebrities. However, it is quite refreshing to think that someone can break into the mainstream circle with his help.

That way, by establishing a good relationship with Ji Zhiyi when she was still down and out, he might be able to have more connections that he could use to brag during future live broadcasts. It's a win-win.

"Oh, then let's send Buddha to the west." Yuanfen called up his friend list and called out: "Water friends, water friends! Come out and listen to the song quickly!"

Riding on the trend of hot searches, by the afternoon, this new song had already occupied the top spot on the new song chart. It had unstable ups and downs at first, but later it became as unshakable as Mount Tai. By night, it even started to show up at the bottom of the sales list.

The new song list only looks at clicks and comments, and there is the possibility of manipulation behind it. The sales list means real commercial value, which is beyond doubt!

You must know that all the famous singers on this list are famous singers. When has there ever been a pure newcomer like her with only one paid song? The accompaniment was synthesized using second-rate music software. Wouldn't it be even more terrifying if it were reproduced

Since the evening, since Ji Zhiyi's songs were on the sales charts, he has been receiving inquiries from people from all walks of life.

Ask her if she wants to sign a contract? Ask her if she wants to be interviewed? Ask her if she has any similar songs for sale

Anyway, he is a person without friendship.

Tommy also called two over.

When he called to question her in the morning, it was about her releasing a new song. It was only at noon that he realized that the song was more popular than he imagined. His attitude immediately changed, and he came over to befriend her with a shy face.

Ji Zhiyi only said a few words and immediately hung up as if the line was busy.

It wasn't until the evening that Ji Zhiyi finally received a call from Zhang Fangfang.

Zhang Fangfang coughed and said in a distant tone: "Hello, I am the manager of Qingyi Company. Are you interested in being a signed singer?"

Ji Zhiyi said smoothly: "No."

Zhang Fangfang panicked: "Have you already signed a contract? Which company is it? Interest does not count, we are all seeing whether the final contract is concluded."

He and Sister Tian spent an afternoon finalizing the contract signing plan and observing the background data.

"Ah... no." Ji Zhiyi quickly changed his mind, changed his hand to hold the phone, and said deeply: "Okay. I'm interested."

Zhang Fangfang thought to himself, "You are scaring me," and said lightly, "Yeah."

The two of them tried hard to remain reserved and appear aloof and aloof.

It’s not that being lively is bad, it’s just that people who are cold and serious look more convincing and seem to have outstanding abilities.

What they need now is not a close relationship, but direct trust.

"Do you have any new songs?" Zhang Fangfang asked, but his tone was very sure.

Ji Zhiyi: "Yes, quite a few, we are preparing."

"Yes." Zhang Fangfang nodded with satisfaction and didn't want to talk nonsense anymore. He said bluntly: "Give me your address and I will pick you up tomorrow. I will tell you the specific benefits when you get to the company."

Ji Zhiyi responded.

People on both sides hung up the phone, very excited.

Zhang Fangfang was gearing up and ready for a big fight.

The market for singers has been relatively sluggish in recent years, and he hasn't had any phenomenal singers for a long time. Seeing that the gold medal manager's seat was getting farther and farther away from him, Ji Zhiyi's appearance was undoubtedly a bright light from heaven.

If there are a few more songs of the caliber of "Unreached Faith", will he still have a long way to go before he can dethrone Sister Tian and become the number one agent among his managers? !

At 7:30 the next morning, Zhang Fangfang was already waiting downstairs at Ji Zhiyi's house.

The two had their first meeting through the slanted car door.

"My surname is Zhang." Zhang Fangfang pushed up his glasses and said, "If nothing unexpected happens, I will be your agent."

Ji Zhiyi sat in the back seat.

Zhang Fangfang started the vehicle and looked at Ji Zhiyi through the rearview mirror.

She has a decent figure and is not too thin among celebrities.

He has a good temperament, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and should not suddenly commit suicide.

Her facial features... should be considered top-notch among powerful singers. After all, she relies on her ability to make a living.

Talent! It’s enough to give the first three items a layer of highlight filter.

So, perfect!

The two entered the company together, and Zhang Fangfang led her to his office on the sixth floor.

He returned to his seat without saying a word, opened the homepage of the music software on his computer, asked Ji Zhiyi to log in, and called up the background data of "Unreached Letter".

"Unreached Letter" previously ranked thirty-nine on the sales list, and now it has climbed to thirty-sixth place, but it will be difficult to move forward. Because the songs in the front row are without exception the leading singers of major entertainment companies, they will advertise vigorously for promotion, which is simply not comparable to the "folk" team.

Zhang Fangfang calls up comments in chronological order.

"Jubi is a navy guy, right? This kind of song can be on the charts, I'm really drunk."

"Another rich man appears, painted like this, tsk tsk."

"It's ugly, what the hell, when will this trend of roaring and singing get over?"

"Damn, this kind of song can beat Xiaoyang, this software list is really rubbish."

All the comments in the front row were negative, and the style was completely different from yesterday.

Zhang Fangfang sneered.

Ji Zhiyi is now on top of all major lists. These include the strongest charts related only to sales. If you want to rely on the navy to get on this list, you have to invest at least millions of dollars. If you want to continue it later, it will be a huge expense, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

So far, only a few people whose families have mines have been ridiculed by the crowd for putting themselves on the list, and they have only been on the list for less than a day.

He felt that with Ji Zhiyi's current financial resources, he should be the least qualified among all the singers on the list.

Zhang Fangfang turned the screen over and said leisurely: "This is obviously a troll. The account is newly created. It only commented on you and did not buy your songs. Since yesterday afternoon, there has been a large number of them, suppressing all the praises for you. Comments, misleading tourists who don’t know the truth. If you are sure to sign the contract, I believe that the marketing account responsible for hacking you will follow soon. Maybe a small essay of criticism has been written and placed in the background.”

He said with a formal expression: "You should know by now, right? The music industry is not simple, it is not an ivory tower. Once you get good grades, you are blocking the way of others. Without a company to help you clear the obstacles, you will..."

Ji Zhiyi looked at him and said simply: "I know, I'll sign."

Zhang Fangfang couldn't say anything else and felt choked.

Can you walk through the process

Ji Zhiyi immediately asked: "What level of signing? What is the share? What is the copyright of the songs I released before and the songs after? How many years? What kind of treatment can the company give me?"

Zhang Fangfang: "..."

Ji Zhiyi asked: "Where is your contract?"

Is it so urgent? Zhang Fangfang's Adam's apple rolled and he said: "... Very good."

Zhang Fangfang prepared Lot A for her. This was the decision he made after a long discussion with Sister Tian yesterday.

Ji Zhiyi didn't know whether she should be considered an old person or a novice. Considering that she had a creative level and a sufficient knowledge base, but her prospects were unknown, Sister Tian gave her the B lottery.

As a result, in the afternoon, Sister Tian went out to answer the phone and learned that Hengxing was also looking for someone to contact Ji Zhiyi. She hurried back and gave in, saying that if Ji Zhiyi didn't agree, she could get a commission for Lot A.

Sister Tian asked him to show off his acting skills. It would be best if he can win people with the B lottery. If the follow-up development is really good, he can switch to the A lottery or even exceed the A lottery according to the company's standards.

Zhang Fangfang didn't like her. Knowing that Ji Zhiyi also had a singer, he directly took out the A lottery.

The contract was clearly written and Ji Zhiyi could understand it. Zhang Fangfang also hired a lawyer to explain it to her point by point.

Basically no problem. Both parties signed readily.

Zhang Fangfang handed over the hot contract on the table: "This is a gift for you."

Ji Zhiyi opened it and his eyes lit up.

She knows this show. This program will become a big hit after it is aired, and has been hailed as a hardcore music program by netizens.

The content of its program is to invite recognized capable singers, of course mainly veteran singers, to sing current popular songs.

All the guests are truly talented and knowledgeable and can stand the professional test.

Are there any popular singers? Yes, but I won't force myself to join the field. I will only be responsible for shouting 666 in front of the audience. If you are lucky, you will get the opportunity to sing on the same stage with the veteran singer.

Its purpose is hardcore.

Don’t you just like to listen to pop music? Then I will give you pop music to the extreme.

Didn’t you say that you like to rely on your talents to make a living? Then let me show you what real technology is.

Its purpose is also very hardcore.

Strength is strength. If you don't use strength to send newcomers to carry the sedan, it will disgust passers-by.

At the same time, the cover songs in the show are really nice. The guests successfully attracted a wave of high-quality die-hard fans.

When the investment was initially solicited, the planning of this program could not attract investment at all. In addition, we couldn't hire a suitable singer, so we were in a stalemate for a while, and almost miscarried midway. As an investor who likes music, he tentatively invested a little bit in it. Coupled with the sentiment of promoting his own artists, and the mentality of losing a little, it is not a loss, it was difficult to implement it.

For Ji Zhiyi's current status, this is already a huge pie. She didn't even expect that she would be on this show.

No matter how poor this show is, it is still a star variety show, but the broadcast time is awkward. The scale configuration is pretty good. Qingyi has several internal judges and singers, but they don’t receive much salary.

Zhang Fangfang was about to say that you shouldn't dislike this show. Although it doesn't have much money, you must have the mentality to contribute to the company. In the future, Friendship will remember your contribution and arrange resources for you. But as soon as he lowered his head, Ji Zhiyi was already gone. After signing the contract, he returned the pen and the contract with both hands, nodding to him with a grateful look on his face.

Zhang Fangfang fell into thought.

Is this kid easy to fool

Zhang Fangfang struggled to finish his words: "Also, regarding the negative comments on your new song, the company will not ask trolls to deal with it for the time being. Don't worry, I will use it to torture fans after the show is aired. That way The effect is better. As long as you have works, you are not afraid of the dark."

Ji Zhiyi was really surprised this time: "The company still cares about this? You shouldn't participate in the sharing of that song, right?"

In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source app as soon as possible,

"You have signed a contract with my company, and you are one of my own. Even if it is a mess, you still have to take care of it." Zhang Fangfang said sternly, "Is this a matter of money? This is a matter of face."

He spat at Xingxing: "Our friendship is different from Xingxing. We will be responsible for every artist we sign, so every one of them is a talent. Unlike Xingxing, who casts a wide net to catch fish indiscriminately and signs a bunch of artists, And waste their youth.”

Ji Zhiyi nodded in agreement.

Zhang Fangfang found that there was no problem with the two people's three views, and they got along more comfortably: "And as long as your "Unreached Letter" has a good reputation, you can save a lot of effort in promoting new songs later. You are the output and I am the assistant. You focus on new songs and variety shows. , I will help you clear the obstacles and provide a stage.”

Both of them nodded in satisfaction with RMB shining in each other's eyes.

Each stretched out his hand, held it firmly, and shook it heavily.

"Oh, and are you short of money?" Zhang Fangfang thought about it and asked, "If you are short of money, you must first report to the company to make extra money. Do not work privately to make extra money, nor can you sing in a bar. Our A singer must have a good reputation."

Ji Zhiyi originally had no money, but fate gave her a deal before, and she should be able to withdraw money from the paid song in seven days.

By the way, she doesn't even know how much money that song made.