Strong Counterattack

Chapter 126


Zhang Fangfang doesn't know whether Fan Qing is happy or not, but he is very unhappy anyway.

I walked around the room all night, and by the time I felt sleepy again, it was already getting dark. Sister Tian called again and said angrily: "Have you rested yet? Contact your marketing account and the trolls. I have asked the legal department to prepare. Come to the company and be on standby. I don't care if you miss the show." "

Zhang Fangfang went to the toilet, poured a handful of cold water on his face, and said, "Okay."

Sister Tian: "We also asked Ji Zhiyi to come to the company. It's safer in the company now. Why did you reveal her address yesterday?"

Zhang Fangfang was in trouble and couldn't tell.

Why is it all his fault

Sister Tian actually took the initiative to answer: "Of course it's your fault."

By the time Zhang Fangfang took Ji Zhiyi to the company, there were already many people in the conference room.

Sister Tian raised her head and glanced at her, then said with a friendly smile: "Has your assistant been found?"

"Not yet." Ji Zhiyi said, "Thanks to my manager for helping me run up and down."

"Don't be in a hurry, be reliable. If you are short of someone, I can lend you someone first." Sister Tian flipped the documents on the table and said, "Let me tell you the good news first. The ratings of yesterday's program reached the highest 1.6%, and you The audio clip has already exceeded one million before 12 o'clock when it was posted, and the relevant dividends will be paid to you later. It should be a good income."

Ji Zhiyi was also very happy: "Thank you."

The love actually even divided the money.

Zhang Fangfang lowered his head and glanced at the newly sent message, then sat on one side and said, "It's all gone."

Only then did Sister Tian ask, "Have you finished recording the demos of those two songs?"

Ji Zhiyi handed over the USB flash drive: "There is only one musical instrument to accompany it."

"The simpler, the better. It seems that we are preparing in a hurry." Sister Tian took the things, looked at her and said: "Actually, when a lawyer's letter is issued in the circle, they usually don't actually file a lawsuit. A lawsuit is to express attitude, not the best thing. Solution. The battle line is too long. Even if you win the lawsuit, you won’t be able to get much compensation after deducting attorney fees. When the heat passes, netizens may not continue to pay attention, and the star will not be affected too much. I believe you have suffered so much If you have suffered a big grievance, you probably don’t want to see a painless outcome.”

Ji Zhiyi nodded: "I believe in the company's public relations."

Sister Tian: "To capture the thief first, capture the king. Then our target is not Fan Qing, but the star."

Ji Zhiyi felt the muscles on his face twitch, and unpleasant memories emerged again. Said: "I also hate this company very much."

"Consensus!" Sister Tian clapped her hands, "That's great, kid!"

At 9:30 in the morning, Ji Zhiyi sent two links using his personal account, corresponding to two songs that had just been uploaded to the free music library.

Ji Zhiyi: "It seems that there is no chance of cooperation for the two new songs that I said I would sell before. I recorded two demos at home last night and have uploaded them to the free section. The development of the whole thing makes me feel too shocked at the same time It's so disgusting. I never thought it would be like this. Even now, the other party has not given me a reasonable explanation. Although I am just an insignificant person, I will not let things pass so unclearly. "

Below are a few pictures, which show the revision time of the lyrics and the creation of the music score recorded in the computer. All are marked with system time. This proves that one of the two songs was planned as early as three years ago and was reprinted and revised a few months ago. The lyrics and music for another song were also completed two years ago and have been slightly revised recently.

Before netizens could react, Ji Zhiyi sent another message.

"These two songs are actually of great significance to me. Affected by the living conditions at that time, I was in a state of depression for several years and did not produce a complete new song. Starting from these two songs, I slowly came out of the shadows and found my way out. To regain creative inspiration. I thought this was the beginning of a new life, but my trusted friend showed his bloody fangs to me."

Her anger was clearly visible in her words, and her words were harsh. She went offline immediately after posting.

A group of netizens could only ask blankly below the comments.

"what does it mean?"

"Is the copyright cheated? Friendship. You don't just do this kind of thing when people are angry, right?"

"Don't hurt innocent people, okay? You're obviously talking about her friends. Whose navy are you so anxious about friendship?"

Later, some netizens took the topic in the right direction after listening to the two songs.

"Why are they so similar to Qingqing's two new songs?"

"What do you mean it's somewhat similar? It can't be reduced to the point of being inspired. Someone must have plagiarized it."

"Holy shit, a battle between two original singers?"

"Battle! Ji Zhiyi, a piece of trash like Ji Zhiyi, who has no idea of his origins and was forced out by friendship, can he compare with our Qingqing? Can our Qingqing have been around longer than her?"

"Look at this guy. A variety show has become popular... Oh no, it's only been aired for one episode. Do you think you are a real master doing this kind of thing? Landing on the moon."

"No wonder I was crazy about buying hot topics yesterday. Such a veteran signed a contract, so he can't be a serious person."

"Idiot fans, please don't go crazy under other people's accounts. Did you go blind last night? Who was hanged and beaten? Who landed on the moon and won the porcelain? I don't know which circle only looks at seniority but not strength. Please introduce me quickly and let me in when I am old in the future." All your idols are here to kneel down and lick me. Haha, garbage is the original sin, do you understand?"

"Actually, there is no need to go to such trouble. Let Fan Qing provide the time for the production process to prove who is early and who is late."

The various scuffles under Ji Zhiyi's account are mostly filled with unsightly insults and unqualified venting with dirty words. It gives passers-by a very bad feeling.

Some of these are Fan Qing's real fans who came here after hearing the news, and some are fake fans brought in by friendship.

Normal passers-by found it impossible to communicate with them, so they chose to go online and download a few songs for comparison.

Fan Qing is keeping track of song sales at the company.

The momentum is very strong and has already exceeded her previous records. According to the current situation, it is only a matter of time before she becomes famous.

The manager patted her shoulder and said, "You're lucky. This is a singer who didn't expect to become a big hit. Although you are not the protagonist in the first issue, we have benefited a lot. I will communicate with the production team later and do more for you." Fight for some pictures. After these two songs, your status in the stars will be stable. You are so beautiful, I will try to make you a heroine. It is easy to attract fans by filming idol dramas, and you have a great advantage."

Fan Qing shook hands and said happily: "Thank you, Brother Ye!"

The agent nodded: "You have to be willing to work hard. Among the newcomers in your batch, I am most optimistic about you."

Fan Qing looked at the backstage again, was startled, and said loudly: "Why did the data suddenly start to explode?"

The agent bent down to look.

Just in the past ten minutes, the increase, which had begun to stabilize, suddenly experienced a linear impact. It is unusual for such a change to occur at this point in time.

Agent: "It must have been pushed by someone. I said these two songs are well written, and they are also suitable for marketing as background music for various editing. They are quite comfortable to listen to."

Fan Qing nodded.

Agent: "Your hard life is over, just wait to make money from now on."

He was about to deal with other things when his assistant hurried in from outside the door, holding a tablet with a faint white light on it.

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The agent almost bumped into him and frowned: "Where have you been? Didn't I ask you to help me compile the data?"

The assistant handed the tablet over: "Look at this."

The agent's expression changed, and he realized the reason for the soaring data in a short period of time. Gritting his teeth, he said: "That Tommy, didn't you say that the original was just a nobody? Why did he suddenly become Ji Zhiyi

Fan Qing's heart skipped a beat, and she felt it was something important related to her. She quickly followed him and asked, "What's wrong?"

The assistant muttered: "Ji Zhiyi was really just a nobody before yesterday, right?"

"What about Tommy?" the manager said angrily, "Why has there been no news at all during this period? Didn't he say that he had negotiated with the other party? Why did Ji Zhiyi say there was no news? Where is the company's money!"

Afraid of being implicated, the assistant shrank his neck and said, "I don't know either. I just saw this news. The popularity has been rising, and I'm afraid it will be a hot search, so I came to ask you what should I do?"

The agent measured his face and looked sideways at Fan Qing. He rubbed his temples and said coldly: "It's a little troublesome. First, let the public relations handle it urgently according to the procedures prepared before. Then call Tommy over immediately."

The assistant responded and quickly ran to notify the public relations department.

"It's a it?" Fan Qing's heart beat violently when she heard those few keywords. She grabbed her manager's arm and begged softly: "What about me? What should I do? Should I send it out? Statement? The company won’t, won’t ignore me, right?”

Plagiarism is something that can be said to be serious or not, and it can be said to be simple but not simple.

As long as you don't go too far and can scare fans, when new works come out, they will still be popular.

Most people these days don’t have much awareness of copyright. They may not realize that they are infringing, and they don’t understand the distance between plagiarism and borrowing. It is easy to be taken advantage of. There are even some people who feel complacent about benefiting from plagiarism.

When Fan Qing does some charity activities and a wave of marketing, how can ordinary passers-by pursue this

What's more, safeguarding rights is not easy. The company can use different reasons to keep delaying the case. When the time comes, wait until the heat has passed and then deal with it in a low-key manner to minimize the impact. Or he could apologize readily and say that he was young and ignorant and had been deceived by the people around him.

So, if the other person is just an ordinary musician, everything will be easy. After passing this level, nothing is a problem.

The biggest mistake that happened now was that that person became more famous than Fan Qing overnight, and he also had a backer like Qingyi. This made it impossible to adapt to the emergency public relations plan they had formulated before.

If things don't go well, the company will have to consider whether it's worth risking its reputation for Fan Qing. After all, these two songs are her "original songs". The company can express its ignorance and directly disassociate itself from her to avoid any hidden dangers.

Fan Qing realized this and felt panicked.

She knew very well that once abandoned by the company, she would be nothing.

The agent took a deep look at her and said solemnly: "As long as you can make money for the company, the company will not give up on you. You follow the arrangements of the public relations manager. From now on, all your public social accounts will be managed by me. I will issue a clarification statement based on the situation. There should be reporters outside looking for you now. To avoid any accidents, you will stay in the company for the time being. I will talk to the boss."

Fan Qing nodded and returned to his original position to sit down. From ecstasy to depression in an instant.

Why is it Ji Zhiyi again

It was obvious that other people were doing the same thing without any problems, so why should she face such a change

How come everything happened to coincide with Ji Zhiyi's schedule

She straightened her back, a voice roaring in her heart.

"She's trying to hurt me on purpose!"

"She knew about this a long time ago and deliberately stepped on me to promote it!"

Things slowly fermented.

Half an hour later, the first well-known marketing account began to forward it.

"I'm not a professional and it's hard to judge. The style differences between the songs are so big that I wouldn't have noticed it unless you mentioned it. But after you mentioned it, even though I'm as slow as I am, I feel it's a bit unspeakably subtle. Meditation."

Then the others gradually followed.

The fate of going to Li Mo: "Well... I took it to my music teacher and she said it was no better than the lyrics. After a preliminary listen, the similarity is definitely more than 60%. I don't know how to judge it legally, anyway, no matter how loose the standards in the industry are. It’s also considered plagiarism. Qingyi, don’t you care about this?”

"But I don't think so. They are two different styles. If this is considered plagiarism, then are there any original songs in the world? Is Ji Zhiyi too sensitive?"

Marketing accounts organized by both parties have performed one after another.

It's just that the relationship is relatively calm. Even the text was edited in advance and then released. The wording is not intense and the text expression is neutral. It can't be seen that he is a troll at all. The main purpose is to control the direction of public opinion and not to be directly taken away by the Hengstang.

The stars, on the other hand, were quite hasty. The signs of taking sides were too obvious, obviously a bit unreasonable, and also caused dissatisfaction among a few netizens. But that's just the end of it, without investing a lot of manpower.

Another half hour later, Qingyi's side still stood still because they could not figure out the direction of Xingxing's public relations. Xingxing also investigated for a long time, but finally couldn't afford to delay, so he tentatively increased the strength of the navy.

Keywords related to things are trending in searches.

But the hot search was not #fanqingplagiarism#, this hot search has been withdrawn by the other party. The one that went up was #fanqing新歌#, and fans went crazy about Amway Fanqing’s new song under the topic. Perform screen swiping to deceive unknown netizens.

Sitting in the conference room, Sister Tian finally received a call from the manager of Stellar's public relations department.

She was sitting on the rotating boss chair, playing with a pen in her hand and turning it up and down.


"That's right. I was also surprised. The child suddenly exposed this matter without consulting us. She should be a thoughtful person."

"We have known each other for so long, of course I want to give you face. The company's position is the company's position. We are just a group of workers. There is no need to be at odds with our own interests, right? My life is more important than yours."

She glanced at the room that was almost full of people, and said with a smile: "It's very convenient for me to be here. Don't you trust me to handle things?"

"It is indeed not easy to defend rights. Our company has many endless lawsuits. Now that the entertainment industry is restricted, losses are everywhere, and no one wants to find trouble." Sister Tian sighed, "In this case, you Is it better to take care of our friendship or not? To be precise, those two songs have nothing to do with friendship. She impulsively posted them to the free section. If our friendship still needs to do public relations and promotion for her old songs, it will be financially difficult. It’s not easy to criticize.”

The person on the other side seemed to be talking for a long time. Sister Tian pretended to be angry and said: "I was angry with her for being impulsive, but you Xingxing did this very unkindly. I heard that you took away two of her songs, but... I didn't even give her a penny, and I still lied to her. What do you think I told my artist? 'Forget it, the company won't protect you, just throw the song out to beat the dog.' It's not like you don't know. These creative people take originality and copyright more seriously than their lives."

Sister Tian sighed: "Of course I want it to go away if it can go away. Isn't this just a headache?"

She said coldly: "This is not about money."

"It's no use telling me about the misunderstanding. Whether Ji Zhiyi believes you or not is the key."


"Sigh... Why did your company end up like this?"


"Forget it, I'll let her agent do her job... Hey, you don't have to thank me yet. We'll talk about it later. I only care about the agent, not the artist."

Sister Tian hung up the phone, touched her ear and said, "They said they can give you 10 million to settle privately with you. I haven't negotiated the price yet. If you are willing, I can give you a higher price."

Ji Zhiyi said without hesitation: "I want to sing."

Sister Tian laughed in approval and stood up with one hand on the table: "Then I'll get the people in the technical department ready. Work will start soon."

In Hengxing's office, Fan Qing asked: "How is it?"

"Qingyi promised not to interfere." The agent paused as he said, "You have to pay the money yourself. In addition to the 10 million from Ji Zhiyi, there is also 20 million from buying their agent. You can't do it at this time You’re stingy. We must make sure nothing goes wrong.”

He couldn't help but grit his teeth as he spoke, wanting to stuff Tommy into his mouth, tear it apart and chew it.

If Tommy hadn't cheated him of the money, offended Ji Zhiyi to an irreversible situation, and deliberately concealed the truth from him after the situation changed, why would he need to spend 30 million now! If we could have taken advantage of Ji Zhiyi's downfall and spent millions to sign her into the company, how could we have so many things now

Tommy is a loser! He even ran away!

Fan Qing is a newcomer after all, and the 30 million yuan has almost wiped out her old savings. She is heartbroken to the point of twitching, but she also knows that there is nothing to give up, and she must have a long-term perspective at this time. Forcing himself to forget about the money, he asked with a normal expression: "I know. Can we issue a clarification then?"

The agent lowered his head, and a new text message appeared on his phone, which contained a string of bank card account numbers. He handed the phone over and said, "Just transfer the money and send it."

After a morning of being crazy, the star finally responded.

Fan Qing posted pictures of her creative process on her account.

As of November last year, the original version of the score has little to do with Ji Zhiyi's. The different parts of the two people were perfectly chosen for evasion.

Then I slowly revised it, and it started to overlap slightly with Ji Zhiyi's music. But the style and creative concept are completely different. In the end it became the new song it is now.

Fan Qing: "Is it really fate? I'm surprised too. But I really didn't plagiarize, sister. I hope I can sing a new song with you next time."

Netizens were confused when looking at this evidence. At first glance, no loopholes could be found, and at first glance, it seemed too coincidental. It was such a coincidence that they felt as if they had seen a ghost.

Fans don't care, this statement is enough. As long as the idol says it, they believe it. Taking that picture as evidence, he proudly went around the screen and went to Ji Zhiyi's Weibo to ask her to apologize to her fans.

Immediately afterwards, all the marketing accounts of Xingxing came on stage and began to clean up the ground on a large scale.

"I said it's not like that. Sure enough, things on the Internet are bound to turn around, especially when there are trolls. How much marketing money did Qingyi spend this time to build publicity for Ji Zhiyi?"

"What about the so-called professionals who swear and apologize when they open their mouths?"

"Spreading rumors cannot be called cheating, spreading rumors!...Can the things about cheating be called spreading rumors?"

"Why would a well-known person like Fan Qing destroy his reputation to steal Ji Zhiyi's song? Why don't you give him any money after robbing him? Aren't public figures afraid of death? Why don't you think about it more carefully?"

"Ji Zhiyi probably didn't understand it either, so he couldn't wait to hang up. It was really unbearable."

The passers-by had no evidence to refute, and although they found it strange, they could only remain silent for the time being. Seeing Fan Qing's fans dancing wildly, I felt extremely aggrieved.

Immediately after the official account of Hengxing came forward, Ji Zhiyi asked who the "friend" responsible for her two new songs was. If they were confirmed to be insiders of Hengxing and stole her songs, they would severely punish them.

They said: "If the song is submitted by an insider, it is impossible for us to receive no response for a month. It is more likely that your song has been 'stolen' by your friend, or it has been submitted to other irregular companies. . Hengxing has thoroughly checked the review records of the past two months since the incident and confirmed that there is no internal record of your submission. Please confirm with your friend again?"

Everyone thought this was about to end.

On the one hand, he felt that Ji Zhiyi might be too sensitive, and on the other hand, he highly praised Fan Qing and Xingxing for their generosity and decency.

The online trend has completely reversed. Only a few people who study music say that their views have been shattered and they will never be able to look directly at plagiarism again.

Everyone at Hengxing nervously paid attention to the comments under various marketing accounts and confirmed that the current trend is very ideal. Just when he thought that the crisis was over and slumped into his chair from exhaustion, the official from the side of the street jumped out.

"Don't think you can bully our artists because we didn't speak out!"

"This picture is so inappropriate. Oh my god, the time is totally wrong. The details are as follows. They are illustrations made by our technicians. I believe people who eat melons can also understand them. Stellar Entertainment, there is really nothing we can do to you. If you say you're faking it, you're faking it. Can you do something technical? Don't let us catch it so quickly. The technician said it's not challenging at all."

"Xingxing Entertainment, you always like to use marketing accounts to promote hype. There are countless people who have been hacked by you. We are all used to such stinky hype, but we have been trying to steal the wool of our artists several times, and this time you have targeted a Little lamb, we can't bear it anymore. Is it an honest person to bully our teacher Ji?!"

Once again, online comments exploded, filled with all kinds of "wtf" to express their high respect for this melon.

They once again asked data professionals to confirm whether the image was fake. Soon certified students jumped out to say that this was indeed the case.

"The picture synthesis is a bit rushed. It seems that the stars are in a hurry. It's interesting."

"Hey! Fan Qing fans, what did you just say? Why can't I hear you?"

"I'm just saying that the recombination of brain waves is not fate. It's definitely a supernatural event! I'm so wronged! I was scolded for nothing!"

"So... what kind of cool operation is this?"

Netizens are very satisfied with the twists and turns of the big melon.

Xingxing was shocked, then delighted, and then shocked again. He was completely dumbfounded.

The friendship over there continues to send messages very happily, almost as endlessly as an open faucet, almost reaching the full amount of messages for a year.

"Do you still need me to tell you why you faked the timeline? Of course it's because of plagiarism!"

"Who are you helping Fan Qing to fake? It's a star~ If our teacher Ji hadn't been lucky enough to become popular, we might not have gotten a dime for the two songs, and we would have been beaten down by the other party and framed for being sentimental. I don't know Ms. Fan Qing Would the fans of Xingxing and the navy of Hengxing do this to our teacher Ji?"

"An entertainment company that harbors and even encourages plagiarism...I'm sorry, but robs other people's creative activities, uses such dirty and despicable methods, it is really shocking! I hope fans will not lose their sanity because of the so-called idol!"

"Why do some people plagiarize other people's works and still have no sense of shame? They can even brazenly say that they are original, and then enjoy the honor that should belong to others. They have no sense of morality or right and wrong. Let me put it bluntly. In a word, this is a character flaw."

"We don't talk about our friendship, we just do things. We don't make any statement, just sue directly. Please be prepared to receive flyers."

"Our founding purpose of friendship has always been written in the name of the company, so everyone who works works with dreams and bottom line. Before making money, you must first learn to be a human being. Everyone is welcome to understand and join."

Fan Qing's agent was scolded by his boss to the point of shaking his head because the company's stock price fell sharply in a short period of time.

He also started to panic. This was no longer something he could take responsibility for. It was too late to do public relations at this time, and they didn't have a suitable public relations plan at the moment.

The agent hung up the call from his superior and called Sister Tian first. After the call was connected, the person on the other side said anxiously: "What's going on!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, Sister Tian was even more irritable than him: "You guys moved too fast! Ji Zhiyi lost his temper and was at home with her agent. I just made an appointment and was about to go talk to them. You burst out before we even left the city center, what do you think I can do? Are you just in a hurry to take that bite?"

The agent said: "Your agent is doing public relations, so why don't you report it to you?"

"Did you see that our company followed up on public relations? This was Ji Zhiyi's personal behavior. Our company did not follow up on public relations at all! If friendship intervened, do you think it would still be the current trend?" Sister Tian said, "I don't even think about it. I didn’t have time to explain to the person who manages the account, you two have finished your game for me... Am I saying you are in a hurry to reincarnate?"

The manager did not dare to argue with her about useless things at this time, and said in a pleading tone: "Sister Tian, this won't work. Our Fan Qing's reputation will be ruined by them. Please hurry up and send someone up to send another message. It is said that the picture is real, but the identification method is wrong.”

Sister Tian refused coldly: "Then how do I explain to the people in the company? How do I convince the public? You don't know how strict the internal control of Qingyi is. I can't risk my own future for you, can I? Forget it. No, I don't care about this matter anymore. You can figure it out yourself."

Stellar agent: “I’ll add another 20 million!”

Sister Tian hung up the phone without saying anything, and then turned off the phone when she called again.

Agent Fan Qing looked at his cell phone. Text messages were ringing continuously. The remittance information from several different accounts added up to exactly 20 million that they had not yet transferred.

Fan Qing stood beside him blankly, his body twitching inconspicuously.

The agent finally understood, clenched his fist and slammed it on the table: "They set us up!"

He rolled his eyes crazily, thinking about what would happen next if he dragged the company down this time. Suddenly a face flashed in his mind, he raised his head and said sternly: "Find Tommy! Where is his home?"