Strong Counterattack

Chapter 127


Tommy sneakily came to the door of his house, looked around, then took out his key and opened the door.

He had his head lowered, his beard was unkempt, and he looked very haggard.

He submitted his resignation two days ago and is planning to move recently.

Ji Zhiyi became famous too quickly and did not give him extra time to prepare. It was on the sales list quietly, signed a friendship contract quietly, and then appeared in a variety show quietly.

He never expected that she would develop so quickly. If I had known earlier and had a good talk with her, I might have pulled her into the star. Then there would be so many things that happened later.

He had heard that Ji Zhiyi had participated in the recording of a variety show. He was a little uneasy, but he was still lucky. He thought that a show that was destined to be a hit would not be able to do any tricks, so he kept waiting at home to see if the star would show off to the star. He pursued. If Xingxing fails to negotiate, he will leave City A, where he makes a living.

He waited like he was holding a penis, tossing and turning every day.

The variety show started broadcasting the day before yesterday, and both the show and Ji Zhiyi were unexpectedly popular. He was feeling horrified, and then Fan Qing released two new singles.

He hurriedly ran to listen and thought that the other party's modifications were still not enough. In the end, Hengxing did not listen to his tactful suggestions.

With his last hope dashed, he finally made up his mind to run away.

Yesterday, as he expected, Ji Zhiyi got angry and became a hot topic. Tommy has registered the sale information with the real estate agency, sold it at a low price, and wants to get out quickly.

The deadline he set for himself was one week. Because according to his understanding of Hengxing's public relations, when faced with this situation, if he feels that he is wrong, he will usually take a conservative approach to reduce the heat. Then communicate with the other party privately, and then give an explanation to the fans. At most, an investigation statement should be issued to deal with the public first, and then an outright rejection can be made after the negotiations are finalized.

He thought he had been cautious.

Fan Qing is now a newcomer that Hengxing strongly favors. As long as Fan Qing does not fall, no one can pull him down even if he is just a chicken or dog following him.

Yesterday morning, the wind direction was obviously quite good, and there was not much sign of the intrusion of the navy. Fans and netizens had their voices heard, and the situation was developing pretty much as he expected.

He also went to the bathing city for a nice massage and waited patiently for the house to be sold.

Starting at noon, he became a little confused about the various parties' actions. After that, the situation took a turn for the worse, and even Stellar's stock was implicated and unexpectedly plummeted. There were widespread denunciations on the Internet, and they were even criticized by the official media one after another, and they seemed to be treated as a typical case and severely punished.

Tommy was stunned. I ran home from the bathing city and turned on my computer to search in detail.

After knowing what happened, I couldn't even cry. How can any company self-destruct so readily? Fan Qing’s agent is such a loser! Stellar's PR is definitely the worst PR he has ever seen!

He opened the stock software.

Unsurprisingly, Xingxing continued to fall sharply the next day, and unfortunately it also caused stocks of the same type to fall together. In the industry, there was only one person named Zhiyi who became popular and stood out from the rest.

The interests of shareholders have been harmed, and nothing can be done for the better. An explanation must be given. Tommy has already thought about the future where Hengxing will take the blame on him, and may even force him to admit to some unfounded charges.

He turned off the computer in annoyance and went back to the living room to watch TV.

I turned to a random channel and the news was being broadcast and this incident was mentioned.

Tommy leaned forward and turned up the volume on the television.

The manager named Ye Ji bowed to the TV and apologized. His eyes were all black, and he said in a heavy tone: "Hello everyone, I am Fan Qing's agent. Before the matter was exposed yesterday, we really didn't know that such a bad phenomenon of plagiarism existed within our company. After the incident, we I have repeatedly confirmed with Fan Qing, and the person involved also confirmed that it has nothing to do with her. Our star chose to believe in its own artists, and then made a series of subsequent responses."

"After the incident's influence expanded, our company looked for people to verify it overnight, and finally determined that the time list was indeed fake. Fan Qing, under the persuasion of the staff, admitted that the two songs were indeed not original. So today, on behalf of Fan Qing, I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone. I apologize to my fans and netizens, as well as Teacher Ji whose rights and interests were harmed. I'm sorry."

"The song has been taken off the shelves, and all the proceeds so far will be transferred to Teacher Ji. As for the specific compensation, we will continue to negotiate at a later stage."

With tears in his eyes he said:

"Fan Qing is an artist that our company values very much. She is usually diligent and polite, and she really likes to create. She confessed that she did such bad behavior this time because there is an employee named Tommy in Hengxing, who is very concerned about She brainwashed and bewitched.”

"She had recently run out of inspiration, so she came up with the idea of asking 'Gunner' to write songs. Tommy provided her with two songs, and Fan Qing paid her five million as a reward. For a small producer, five hundred The copyright fee of 10,000 yuan is already sky-high, which can be regarded as compensation for Fan Qing’s signature rights. When Tommy told Fan Qing that the transaction was completed, the other party fully agreed and was deeply grateful. At the same time, he pocketed another 5 million, and expressed his gratitude to Teacher Ji. There is nothing but hypocrisy over there."

"That's why Fan Qing had no impression of Teacher Ji on the variety show. After participating in the show, she also released two songs that were very similar to Teacher Ji. This is enough to show that she did not know before. Fan Qing became famous It was too early, it was not sensible enough, it was because of insufficient ideological awareness, it went astray, and it should be punished. But there is absolutely no intention to rob, occupy, or plagiarize."

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Ye Ji took out a printed piece of paper and said:

"The photos posted were also provided by Tommy before. He resigned without any reason a few days ago. This is his resignation letter. Our company will hold him accountable."

The flashlight kept coming on, illuminating Ye Ji so hard that he could hardly open his eyes.

"The company has conducted a deep reflection and found that there are indeed many shortcomings. In the future, we will tighten the review of copyrighted originals and hope that everyone will jointly supervise them. I'm sorry."

This was a quick and easy way to sell Fan Qing.

Thinking of how close Ye Ji and Fan Qing were in the same boat, they eventually parted ways. Tommy couldn't help but sneer.

Tommy looked at the time and wondered why the person he had made an appointment to see the house hadn't shown up yet. Just as he was about to call him to ask about his situation, there was a knock on the door first.

The other party said in a hoarse voice: "Looking at the house, is the landlord here?"

Tommy complained: "Why did you come here?"

The two met each other, and Tommy was stunned and tried to slam the door shut. Ye Ji moved faster outside and kicked him in directly.

Tommy was not as strong as Ye Ji, so he was knocked down by the door panel and fell to the ground.

He struggled to get up, his eyes still fixed on the door frame, and a fist hit him in the face.

"Want to run away? Or do you want to do something? Huh? How dare you harm me!" Ye Ji grabbed him and pressed him on the table, "And you want to sell the house? You are so considerate of yourself. Do you think I will let you go? ?"

Tommy licked the taste of blood in his mouth, and all his teeth were loose. He grinned in pain and was speechless.

Immediately afterwards, he was punched in the abdomen, and his internal organs were squeezed until it hurt.

"I was beaten. Please." Seeing that the other party wanted to take action, he weakly begged for mercy: "It's useless for you to hit me. Aren't we here to solve the problem?"

Ye Ji let go of his hand, went over to close the door and locked it, and sneered: "You have made it impossible for me to stay in the industry, and you can't even think about it. I ask you what to do with the company's losses? Your grandson asked the company for five million You’ve lost hundreds of millions, you’re so capable! You still want me to take the blame, that’s a good idea.”

Tommy coughed violently, raised his head and said aggrievedly: "I really didn't mean that, Brother Ye. It was an accident, and I didn't expect that my relationship with Ji Zhiyi would break up."

Ye Ji pointed at the tip of his nose and said: "Let me tell you, you can't just run away. I have been an agent for so many years and I have never been hacked to this extent. Now Fan Qing is also harmed by you, She exposed the plagiarism scandal, and all endorsement contracts and company contracts will stop losing money. It adds up to several hundred million, what do you think we should do?"

Tommy covered his face and complained: "How can I afford to pay so much money? You can't even sell me!"

Ye Ji shouted back: "Ask me! I also want to say why I am so unlucky to know you! Isn't all this money stolen because of you? The company's losses haven't been calculated with you yet, you pretend to me What a pity!"

Tommy stood aside with his head drooped, not saying a word or expressing his position, just pretending to be dead that day.

Ye Ji suddenly said: "Are you married? Is your daughter thirteen years old? She is preparing to take the junior high school entrance examination."

Tommy's eyes widened: "What do you want to do?"

Ye Ji walked to the sofa in the living room and said slowly: "You haven't transferred your student status yet, right? Everything you do these days is related to your household registration. It's easy for you to run away, but your child's school will definitely not be able to do anything about it. I also have some connections in my circle, she Even if it's transferred away, I can still find it."

Tommy followed step by step and said in a trembling voice: "It has nothing to do with her. She is innocent. How can you deal with a child like this!"

Ye Ji turned his head and glanced at him: "Innocent? Fan Qing is a young girl in her twenties, and now her future has been ruined by you, and she has dozens of lawsuits against her. Do you think she is innocent or not? You My daughter is not innocent if she has a father like you!"

Ye Ji chuckled twice: "Why do you think so of me? I won't do evil things to a minor. I will just tell her classmates and teachers what her father has done. As for what her classmates will think She has nothing to do with me. The social criticism the family members receive is the cost of crime. Don’t think everything is so beautiful. You have taken all the benefits, so how can that be done? "

Tommy sat next to him and reached for the cigarette on the coffee table. The Adam's apple twitched for a while, then finally dropped.

The two described themselves as desperate and desperate people, biting and threatening each other here.

It's ridiculous to think about it.

Tommy sarcastically said: "I originally planned to sell those two songs. It was you. After you saw the songs, you insisted that those two songs were good and wanted to give them to Fan Qing. You kept telling me that it was okay. Yes, the other party is just a nobody. What can I do! This is your own fault!"

Ye Ji: "I asked you to manipulate the contract. How could I have known you were so greedy! Now you don't even have any room for maneuver!"

Tommy said angrily: "Also, why didn't you give me five million? You only gave me one million, and you obviously took the rest yourself! It's just one million for me to talk to Ji Zhiyi about gunmen?"

He felt that Ye Ji was so arrogant and Xingxing should also rely on him, so he ignored Ji Zhiyi.

Who knew he was such a waste!

Ye Ji frowned: "Is it useful to talk about this now?"

Tommy rubbed his hands vigorously: "What do you want?"

Ye Ji: "Now that Ji Zhiyi and Qingyi are chasing us, you still have a chance. If we can drag them into the water, we can talk about it."

The two sat in silence for a long time, while Ye Ji waited for Tommy to speak.

"Um..." Finally unable to bear this situation, Tommy gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you have one there?"

Ye Ji took the cigarette from the table, held it between his fingers and lit it. He took a strong breath between his lips and spit out white mist in mid-air.

"Tommy." Ye Ji burst out with a short laugh, "You are really not a good person."

Ji Zhiyi is eating in the store.

In order to avoid being mobbed by reporters and maintain anonymity, Zhang Fangfang gave her two days off. There are no restrictions except not being interviewed.

The phone rang, and there was a specially marked number on it.

She smiled sarcastically. Sure enough, he still came.

Ji Zhiyi put down the bowl and chopsticks and pressed the answer button.

The person on the other side immediately said: "Xiaoyi, it's me, I'm your Brother Tang."

Ji Zhiyi: "I know."

Tommy said anxiously: "Don't hang up! I have something to tell you!"

"Don't believe what Xingxing said. Today, the man named Ye Ji, Fan Qing's manager, chased me to my house and smashed up my house. He even beat me up and forced me to admit everything. But I am innocent. I am just an ordinary employee. How could I plan such a thing? I have the power but not the courage. Otherwise, I would have made a fortune long ago. I assure you that I really don’t know. I am the same as you. I’m a victim, you must believe me.”

Ji Zhiyi paused for a moment, waited for the other party to start breathing rapidly, and then said: "I don't believe in Xingxing. It's too clear to say it."

"Yes! That's what it means!" Tommy sighed, and his voice began to choke as he spoke: "I didn't expect it either. I have worked at Hexagon for so many years. I am already this old, and I am still harmed like this by them..."

Ji Zhiyi didn't answer.

Tommy couldn't speak anymore, sniffed and said, "I think I should give you an explanation. Are you free tonight? Let's talk face to face."

Ji Zhiyi said: "Okay."

The place where we made a date in a previous life was a bar, because there were so many people there that it was easy to attack. This time she made an appointment at a secluded restaurant, probably because of her current popularity.

Ji Zhiyi pressed his fingers on the back of the phone.

Zhang Fangfang would definitely not allow her to go, and it seemed unsafe to find someone else.

But the other party still wants to follow the same old path, and she really can't forgive him.

The little boss came over to take away the control plate and asked by the way: "Do you still want to order?"

Ji Zhiyi came to his senses and asked, "Are you free tonight?"

The waiter next to him suddenly had his hearing evolved to the extreme. He raised his eyebrows and his whole body stood still as if frozen.

The little boss said "hmm", put down the dinner plate, straightened his body, and asked: "What time is it?"

Ji Zhiyi: "It starts at seven o'clock. I don't know how long it will last."

It's not dinner time.

The little boss nodded: "What are you going to do?"

The waiter said "poof".

What to ask! Let’s talk about it after we go! Even if you cheated, wouldn't you be happy

Ji Zhiyi hesitated, feeling that it was difficult to say here.

The little boss immediately said: "Give me the address. Do you need me to pick you up?"

Ji Zhiyi smiled and said, "Thank you."