Strong Counterattack

Chapter 128


At half past six in the evening, the young boss parked his car downstairs at the appointed restaurant.

It was very quiet here, with almost no pedestrians. If you appear here alone at night, I'm afraid it will be a bit scary.

Although the restaurant is very well decorated, it is not a good place for a night party.

The little boss frowned and was very dissatisfied with the environment. Asked: "Who invited you here? Is it your friend? Let him change places."

Ji Zhiyi said: "Not friends. Tommy, do you know?"

The little boss obviously knew, and his eyes were a little confused: "Then why did you go to the appointment? You can just call the police. Is that considered a fraud?"

Ji Zhiyi's eyes fell on nothing, and he said after a long time: "I heard from an internal friend that he got some drugs through channels. Then he contacted me."

The little boss followed in silence. He raised his hand and wiped his face vigorously.

Ji Zhiyi said: "I'll go in first later and you can follow me. Pretend that you don't know me. If something goes wrong, I'll send you a text message and you can call the police for me."

Little boss: "I'll go in first. There shouldn't be many people inside. I'll sit near you."

Ji Zhiyi thought about it, nodded and said, "Okay."

So the two of them entered the restaurant one after another.

The position where Tommy was sitting was obvious, and Ji Zhiyi saw it as soon as he entered. His face was bruised and swollen, and it looked like he had been beaten.

Ji Zhiyi sat down opposite him and asked, "Why did you order so much wine?"

There were more than a dozen bottles of wine in red, white and yellow rows on the table, and there was a large bowl of square ice cubes near Tommy.

Tommy smiled bitterly and said: "Of course an apology requires a toast."

Ji Zhiyi said: "I don't need this kind of etiquette. I don't smoke or drink now, so let's get down to business."

"Let's get down to business... I don't know where to start." Tommy rubbed his hair, "You must be blaming me now, thinking that I deliberately perfunctory you before. But in fact, I was also deceived by Xingxing. Yes. That's why they asked me to drag you. But I didn't know what they were going to do, and I didn't even think about their idea. I am in the star and have no say, so I can only do it, and in the end I became an executioner. "

Ji Zhiyi said lightly: "Really?"

Tommy's cup was already filled with a glass of beer. He drank it down in one gulp and said bitterly: "Now that the stars have sent out my name to take the blame, I don't know what to do. My daughter will be in junior high school soon. , I'm really afraid that she will be affected by me. Xiaoyi, you have to believe me, I really don't know about this matter."

He poured half a glass of wine for Ji Zhiyi, and poured the rest of the bottle into his own glass. Then he took another sip.

Ji Zhiyi observed his movements.

The drinks should be provided by the restaurant, so there seems to be no problem. He drank it himself.

But she still didn't dare to take the risk. Not planning to touch anything here.

"Fan Qing and Ye Ji are so shameless. Damn!" Tommy tugged on his collar, "How could I comply with their wishes and take the blame for them? Xiaoyi, you and I are on the same team. I am willing to testify against them as compensation for you."

Ji Zhiyi twirled his wine glass but didn't reply.

Tommy glanced at the wine glass, licked his lips guiltily, opened another bottle of white wine, poured it for himself, and said to her: "I'll give you a toast to make amends!"

After drinking the liquor, Tommy's face was twisted in pain, and his whole person looked pitiful and pathetic.

He burped and patted his chest hard before swallowing the feeling.

Ji Zhiyi believed him just because he looked like this.

Ji Zhiyi crossed two songs and leaned back on his chair as if watching his performance.

Tommy also stared back at her, and finally laughed at himself: "You are angry now and you don't look down on me."

Ji Zhiyi shook his head: "I know that no matter how beautiful a person's words are, they cannot be easily believed."

He took the cup in front of Ji Zhiyi, drank it himself, and called the waiter: "Bring her a glass of lemonade!"

Tommy said: "I don't advise you to drink anymore. You also need to give me some face. I really want to talk to you."

Ji Zhiyi: "You said it. I'm listening."

Tommy: "They said, five million. It's nothing. From the beginning, I told them that you are a creator who has not produced works for several years, but you have great potential. I hope they can give you a chance." You said that no matter how rich Xingxing was, he wouldn’t be able to spend five million to buy two songs without a reputation bonus, right?”

Lemonade was brought to the table. The waiter nodded and went off.

Tommy grabbed the ice bowl next to him, picked up the tong and said, "Add some ice."

He stretched his neck, looked into the ice bowl, carefully picked up a piece, and put it into Ji Zhiyi's lemonade.

The white ice cubes sank in the light yellow lemonade, bringing up two bubbles, and then floated to the surface again.

Just as Tommy was about to continue, Ji Zhiyi suddenly added: "Shouldn't the ice here be made from an ice machine? Is it more transparent? Why is it white?"

Tommy froze.

Ji Zhiyi raised his head and asked, "Isn't it yours?"

"Oh..." Tommy blinked quickly, "It must be due to the different power, or maybe it's related to the water? Maybe some bubbles were added to it?"

Ji Zhiyi didn't ask further questions and reached out to grab the lemonade, seeming to believe it.

Tommy also grabbed the wine glass and held it in both hands to demonstrate his panic.

After the waiter over there delivered the things, he went to the little boss's table.

He waited for a long time, but didn't even get a look from the little boss. Suddenly I felt dissatisfied.

My body size is not small, not to the point where I can be ignored, right

The waiter bent down and said, "Sir, what would you like to order?"

The little boss waved his hand to signal him to go away.

Waiter: "Sorry, we have a minimum consumption here."

The little boss finally raised his head: "How much?"

Waiter: "Mr. Two Hundred."

The little boss took out two hundred yuan from his wallet and put it on the table: "Buy quiet."

The waiter's mouth twitched, and then said: "Sir, can I help you find a seat in the corner? It should be quieter over there."

The little boss said impatiently: "I just like to listen to them talk. The biggest selling point of your store is that the customers are interesting. You can serve the food."

Ji Zhiyi's table turned to look at him.

The waiter shut up and walked away with a black line on his face.

The young boss looked down and found that Ji Zhiyi had sent him a text message asking him to call the police. He grabbed his phone and went to the toilet in the corner.

Tommy muttered: "What a weirdo. He seems to have a pretty normal mind."

Ji Zhiyi: "..."

Tommy's eyes fell on the cup next to him from time to time, and he kept using various methods to coax Ji Zhiyi to drink water. After a while, I became restless and asked bluntly: "Why don't you drink? Do you not like drinking this kind of food?"

Ji Zhiyi pushed the lemonade over and said: "I have a bad stomach recently and don't like drinking ice. You should stop drinking and have a cup of tea to wake up. It's not convenient for me to send you back if you are drunk."

Tommy waved his hand and said, "No, I'll just drink."

At this time, the door of the restaurant was pushed open again, and a group of men in plain clothes walked in. They looked around the restaurant and found that there was no danger, so they came directly to Ji Zhiyi.

Several people gathered behind them, blocking all escape routes. Ji Zhiyi pointed at Tommy opposite.

A man stretched his hand to his lower back: "From now on, no one is allowed to move."

Tommy turned back nervously: "No, who are you? What do you want to do?"

The waiter came running over and asked what happened.

"Police. We received a real-name report that someone is suspected of deceiving others into taking drugs. Please cooperate with the investigation."

The waiter was completely stunned.

The man pointed to the glass of lemonade and asked, "Is this the glass of lemonade?"

Ji Zhiyi nodded: "Probably."

"Send it for examination." The man put on his gloves and asked, "Who called the police? Isn't it a man?"

The little boss next door stood up.

Tommy struggled and cursed: "He farted! I don't know him at all. He made a false police report. This is a frame-up. I'm going to sue him for defamation of reputation!"

Ji Zhiyi said: "There should be something wrong with the ice cubes. The ice cubes he gave me were white."

The waiter quickly said: "There is absolutely no problem with the ice cubes we provide!"

"We will investigate this." The little brother nodded, "Please come back with us and make a record. The store's surveillance will also be brought up. And where is your boss? Do you know this person?"

The waiter didn't know how to answer: "He is just an ordinary customer who spent a lot of money to reserve our time in the evening. We have never seen him before!"

The policeman raised his hand to show his understanding: "We will investigate this ourselves. You just need to answer our questions."

Tommy broke out in a cold sweat. He turned around and looked around, looking at Ji Zhiyi who was full of astonishment. His expression changed from shock to suspicion, and finally he was so shaken that he was not sure.

"Why do you know? Who told you? Is it Ye Ji? Did Xingxing make an appointment with you to join forces to harm me? Did he use this condition to make you give up the pursuit?"

He burst out with a huge force and kicked towards Ji Zhiyi, and the two boys almost failed to hold him down. There was a "bang", and this time he was completely pressed to the ground.

The little boss hugged Ji Zhiyi sideways and turned her behind him.

"You beasts are not human!" Tommy yelled with red eyes, "You are harming me! This was planned by them, and it has nothing to do with me! Ji Zhiyi, you hate me so much, do you want me to die? I said Everything is Ye Ji’s fault!”

The little brother said angrily: "Be honest! What are you jumping about?"

Ji Zhiyi felt really pitiful looking at his ignorance.

"You are a person who doesn't know who used the knife as a knife when you hurt others. Now that it's your turn to be killed, you don't know who made the knife."

Ji Zhiyi lowered his expression and said with a serious face: "Before the police investigate clearly, telling the truth on your own initiative is called surrendering. Being forced to commit a crime and act is called an accomplice. Make your own choice."

Tommy's heated head felt like a basin of ice water had been poured on him, and he suddenly woke up. He stared and said, "No, police, it's not me who is the mastermind. It was Ye Ji who forced me. He threatened me with my daughter..."

The little brother took control of his hand and led him outside. He nodded and comforted him and said, "Get in the car first and speak slowly. Don't be in a hurry. You can't leave anyway."

The young boss registered his ID card and drove to Ji Zhiyi to take notes. Tommy was put into the police car and left first.

Ji Zhiyi sat in the car and rubbed his forehead.

The little boss said: "Are you sleepy or tired? There is coffee in the back of the car."

Ji Zhiyi looked at the sparse street lights in the distance. There were only dim lights, and there was still darkness in the depths.

"I was wondering. Is forgiveness a required course for everyone?"

She doesn't forgive. Maybe decades later, when she remembers what happened now, she won't choose to forgive.

Even if this strong hatred stems from something that has never happened in this world.

The little boss said: "No, it is not the victim's obligation. Of course you have the right not to forgive, as long as you don't use other people's mistakes to punish yourself."

The little boss turned on the lights in the car, and it suddenly became bright. He asked: "What's for dinner tonight?"

Ji Zhiyi pondered and couldn't make up his mind.

The little boss said again: "Let's think about it when we go back. Thinking more about this kind of problem will make people feel happy."

The identification results of the glass of water were still sent over, and Tommy had already taken care of everything. The dog-eat-dog fight is going to tear out all the employees inside the star.

"I regretted it later, I really regretted it. I wanted to buy out the copyright with her, including the signature rights, but Ji Zhiyi was unwilling. At that time, two singles were already being recorded, the MV was shot, and millions of dollars were invested. .What do you think I can do? Do I dare to say it?"

The policeman crossed his chest with his hands and said helplessly: "Speak for yourself. Don't cue others to reply. We are policemen and are not responsible for flattery."

Tommy continued: "I was really ordered... No, I was coerced! People from Hengxing forced me to do this. I can be considered an accessory at best. I have never sold drugs before, so you can trust me." ?"

The policeman who was taking notes raised his head when he heard this and said, "Doesn't this give you a chance to confess? Tell me everything you know, including the person behind the scenes, the process, and the purpose. We will check it out."

Another person asked: "Do you have evidence to prove that this matter is related to Ye Ji? Where is the source of the drugs? Where is the place where he hides the drugs? Who has he dealt with and what else do you know? You deliberately said half hidden and half , do you think our police are stupid?”

Tommy said: "The only person I have dealt with is Ye Ji, and he gave me the things. In the upper levels of the star, not many people are clean. I have only heard about it, but the level is too low to participate. Where am I? Looking for evidence? Am I not the witness? "

Police: "You have to provide reliable information. We can arrest people just because you say so. If you invite people over and there is no evidence, what happens next?"

Tommy: "You can use my mobile phone to send a text message to Ye Ji, saying that everything is done and there is no problem. I won't mention drugs. You can see what he will do tomorrow. If he exposes Ji Zhiyi tomorrow Regarding drug use, it always proves that what I said is true! I can also report it with my real name!"

The police brought the phone and asked him to unlock it.

All information on mobile phones has been eliminated, or important things will not be communicated through electronic products at all.

The interface switched to the address book page and asked: "Which one?"

Tommy pointed out the number of the leaf collection.

Police: "How?"

Tommy's Adam's apple rolled and there was a thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead. His lips moved silently, as if he was thinking of the most appropriate words. After a moment, he said: "Just say, 'Okay. I'll leave tomorrow afternoon.'"

The policeman thought that there should be no problem, so he sent it as he wished.

Tommy was restless and asked nervously: "If they really have a problem, will my reporting be considered meritorious?"

Policeman: "Okay, I'll write you a sentence when the time comes."

It's up to the judge whether to take the test or not.

Early the next morning, Xingxing issued several announcements one after another, shocking everyone who was still sleeping.

"After Fan Qing's plagiarism incident, everyone at Hengxing was deeply saddened and attached great importance to it. Because the relevant employees have resigned, it will take time to investigate the truth. After our inquiry and investigation of Tommy, the truth of the matter was finally restored. Hengxing Entertainment is now The public provides an explanation.”

"According to Tommy, when Ji Zhiyi chose to sell new songs, she was just an unknown songwriter. She already had the intention to enter the entertainment industry, but she just had no way. So she planned the whole thing with Tommy, her friend for many years. . First, he pretended to agree to sell the song signature rights, and he cooperated inside and outside, and asked Tommy to sell two songs to Fan Qing for a high price of 5 million. He planned to wait for Fan Qing to release a single, and conduct marketing to report plagiarism to increase his reputation. Using the identity of the victim to win public sympathy for profit."

"The unexpected thing is that Ji Zhiyi signed a friendship contract in advance and took advantage of the variety show to become popular. But she was still not satisfied and insisted on going as planned. Tommy felt uneasy about his conscience, so he reported the truth and told the truth."

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"It can be verified online that Ji Zhiyi did not register the copyright in time."

"Finally, I learned something. Because Ji Zhiyi was stuck in a bottleneck during his creative period, he took drastic measures to take drugs, and then became addicted. So he needed a lot of money to sustain his needs, so he took the risk and came up with this marketing method. I hope that friendship can restrain the morality of our artists."

"Xingxing Entertainment resolutely cracks down on plagiarism, gunmen and other behaviors, insists on originality and fairness, and will deal with Fan Qing reasonably. Everyone is welcome to supervise."

The amount of information in several pieces of content exploded, and there were divergent opinions on the Internet.

All the marketing accounts known to Xingxingfang were dispatched to create various momentum and rhythm online. The morning news is being pushed one after another, and it is expected that the crisis of stars plummeting for several days will finally stop.

Stellar has made great efforts this time, and the Internet is furious. The public relations department of Qingyi Company was frightened by this gesture and thought that the other party really had inside information and evidence, so they chose to remain silent for the time being and urgently asked Ji Zhiyi to verify the situation.

"What the hell? Isn't this over yet? How many reversals are there in a day? These days are as lively as the Chinese New Year. If this continues, I won't be able to afford it!"

"This melon is already rancid. Damn it!"

"The truth is really one after another. I am really shocked."

"If you put it this way, although Fan Qing is hateful, Ji Zhiyi, who knows how to shout and catch thieves, is obviously even more hateful."

"Fan Qing also gave a small transparent five million, which is already a sky-high price. Well-known songwriters may not be able to sell it at this price. I said there must be something wrong with raising the price so high. So it was too naive to be betrayed. Cheated?"

"Aren't you afraid that your faces will hurt if you are eager to take sides now? If you get beaten too much, you will be disabled."

"Stars have come up with such official explanations, so we should be confident, right? Otherwise, it's just spreading rumors. That's illegal."

"I think if Ji Zhiyi didn't register the copyright and didn't check with Hengxing to see if there was a delivery record, then Hengxing was really wronged. How did they know that the song was not Fan Qing's original work? So attacking Fan Qing and Tommy is enough Yeah, Hengxing’s biggest responsibility is just to deal with it improperly. Oh no, now there’s Ji Zhiyi.”

"Ji Zhiyi takes drugs? I'm sorry for taking drugs and living a black life. If you don't accept a comeback, you won't accept an apology. Go to hell."

"Don't scold Fan Qing. It was originally a consensual thing between you and me, but it's a bit disgraceful. Ji Zhiyi is just pure fraud + drug abuse."

"Innocent Bai Jizhiyi. If that Tom doesn't betray him, who knows the truth? 666! The most awesome operation I have ever seen!"

With a tired look on his face, Ji Zhiyi and his boss left the hospital and prepared to have breakfast.

She told Zhang Fangfang, who was about to feel his butt was burning, and pointed him to the relevant announcements issued by the public relations department.

Zhang Fangfang seemed to have seen the spring of years of struggle, and said with a trembling voice: "Really? Don't give me a throwback. I can accept the news of death, but I cannot accept the euphemistic news of death."

Ji Zhiyi said: "I gave you my account password. I'm a little tired. Let's eat first."

Zhang Fangfang and Sister Tian went from great sadness to great joy, and their wild laughter could be clearly heard through the loudspeaker.

The two families have been fighting for so many years but have not been able to seriously injure each other. They have already acquiesced that the only thing that can shake the foundation of the star is time. I didn't expect them to be so happy and committed a big death. Evolved probation into immediate execution.

The two high-fived each other and happily went to the public relations department to announce the good news.

Over there, Zhang Fangfang logged into Ji Zhiyi's social account, and the first step was to forward the announcement from the public security account.

—"On November 3, at 7:21 p.m., our bureau received a real-name report and arrested Tang (male, 35 years old, from City A) in a community in this city. He has been criminalized in accordance with the law for being suspected of deceiving others to take drugs. Detention. The case is under further investigation.”

Immediately afterwards, the official commented: "Remind the general public that luring, instigating, deceiving others to take drugs, and forcing others to take drugs are all criminal offenses. Marketing methods must be moderate and do not go down the road of no return!"

Netizens who were scrolling through Ji Zhiyi's account were confused again when they saw this message.

"I wipe it?"

"Is this world a fantasy? Why can't I understand it?"

"Is Tang the same Tang? Who was forced to take drugs?"

"What do you mean? Ji Zhiyi's forwarding at this time is very intriguing. Does it mean that she was forced to take drugs? Is it a whitewash?"

"Hello everyone, I am Ji Zhiyi's agent. I just came back from handling the matter, and I am still angry. I didn't expect that the other party would dare to make such a statement."

"This Tommy was threatened by an agent from Hengxing, (yes, it was Fan Qing's agent Ye Ji). As for who asked that agent to threaten Tommy, I don't know. Anyway, Tommy was still My daughter, who is not in junior high school, was threatened. Last night, I tried to force Ji Zhiyi to take drugs with drugs. Fortunately, Zhiyi brought a friend there, and the other party found out and called the police in time to avoid tragedy. Tommy stayed up all night last night They are all under investigation in the police station, and I am very curious who Hengxing is talking about when he asks for the truth, is he Schrödinger’s brother Tom?”

"In order to prevent the stock price from falling, Stellar even went so far as to deceive and force others to take drugs. No wonder it would cover up the plagiarism incident of its artists. In addition, it is said that the drugs were obtained through internal channels of the company. I am curious about how many artists there are in Stellar. It’s related to drugs. A leading company in the industry actually did such illegal and undisciplined things. The impact is so bad that I don’t need to elaborate further.”

"We Zhiyi just came out of the police station. She spent the whole night in panic and uneasiness. She didn't expect that people's hearts can be so sinister, and the source was just because she wanted to protect her own rights. The hospital's test report will It will be released later and may take a short break in the near future. Thank you for your trust and concern."

Because they received internal confirmation from the public security department, major officials soon began to take action.

Last time, the officials limited it to personal behavior and did not name them in order to save face. This time, they directly named and rebuked them.

Especially considering the involvement behind the scenes, it has violated the country's sensitive bottom line and must not be condoned.

Stellar investors who were originally waiting for the stock to rise and fine-tune did not expect to wait until it fell to the limit.

Although it was confirmed that Tommy cheated and took drugs, everyone would still subconsciously believe the victim's revelations, so it was inevitable to implicate Hengxing.

Regardless of whether it is true or false in the end, netizens will not believe that the upper echelons of the star have nothing to do with drugs. The pot is strongly held together. Such scandals are absolutely devastating to the company.

"This is the first time that Qingyi admits that Xingxing is the leader... I didn't expect that the beginning will be the end. Xingxing, you have a good journey."

"Damn! This is a new limit!"

"So will you be retaliated against? Please protect the safety of your artists. Thank you!"

"Where is Ji Zhiyi now? I think the police station is safer. I'm sorry, I was really scared. Does anyone dare to do such a thing in this era?!"

"Quite a few. There have been cases of athletes and celebrities being killed for taking drugs in the past... It's just that it wasn't widely spread."

"Please avoid going to crowded places, and do not accept drinks, cigarettes, or any food from strangers. Pay attention to your own safety!"

No matter how noisy the Internet is, Ji Zhiyi is preparing to have breakfast with the little boss in the store.

I didn't have time to prepare the ingredients last night, so most of the dishes were not available. The little boss simply put up a sign saying he was closed today and started making cakes in the shop.

The little boss used a Chinese kitchen knife to chop the meat filling, adding seasonings and chopping at the same time. Then he grabbed a handful of freshly cooked mustard greens, wrung them out, and mixed them with the meat filling.

Ji Zhiyi looked at it and said with covetousness: "I also like to eat prune vegetables. And it's the kind with a sour taste, so fragrant."

The little boss grabbed a piece of dough, gathered the filling with his fingers deftly, and then rolled it out with a rolling pin until it was thin and transparent. The black pickles are reflected through the dough and are only the size of the palm of your hand.

The little boss poured some oil into the pan, then placed the pancake cover on it and fried it. Move on to the next one.

"Wheat cake." Ji Zhiyi said in a daze, "I haven't eaten it in a long time, and your store doesn't sell it."

It seems that I haven't eaten since my parents died, so it should be a full seventeen or eighteen years.

The little boss glanced at her and said, "If you want to eat, you can just order it."

He thought he couldn't go too far, so he modestly said: "As long as it's not a lost cuisine, you can learn it even if you don't know it."

The two of them stood on both sides of the cooking table.

One looked straight at it, while the other calmly cooked.

Ji Zhiyi felt that living this kind of life without doing anything was enough to make people happy. Smooth and warm, you won't think about the urgent beast chasing you behind you, but you will only be full of hard work. You won't feel ashamed and panic about your rest because of the pressure of success.

There is no second place for this sense of security.

There were no lights, no praises, no expectations. There is no incentive to retreat without advancing. There is no endless fatigue.

Probably only…

A plate filled with browned wheat cakes on both sides was handed to her Grandma Mickey, and a pair of hands placed the chopsticks neatly in the middle of the plate.


Ji Zhiyi raised his head and smiled stupidly at him.

The little boss was frying the second pancake when he felt the other party's sudden excitement. He didn't know why, but he still laughed.

Probably because the scent spread, nearby passers-by were attracted.

They stood outside the glass door and slammed the door angrily: "Why don't you open the door! We've done everything, so let's do it together! I don't eat enough!"

"Teacher Ji, please save one bite for me. There are so many cakes, so I'll just take one!"

"Damn it, don't you only sell pancakes? They still have no fillings! What's the matter with this one with fillings!"

Ji Zhiyi made a "v" proudly to them.

More people came around one after another and asked, "Can I take a photo? Everyone is looking for you online now."

Ji Zhiyi: "Okay. Let me tell everyone that I'm fine. The boss's food is very delicious. Thank you for your concern."

One person asked jealously: "Is it delicious?"

Ji Zhiyi: "It's super delicious."

"Why do I always have tears in my eyes?" The diner gently touched the glass door with his hand, "Because I have a deep unrequited love for the boss! You have three thousand beauties, boss! It's not right to favor only one person!"

The person behind pushed: "Okay, you can go!"

"Are you in love? I'm telling you, I can smell the sour smell of love every time I pass by!"

"Why am I still single when a guy like my boss has a girlfriend!"

"Don't yell! If you yell again, you might turn from your girlfriend into your wife. Who knows how many days off you need to take to get married?"

"Boss, when can I be as cool and stylish as you?"

The little boss was immersed in making dough and said nothing, and Ji Zhiyi didn't say anything either. Neither of them waited for the other to retort, and turned to look at each other in surprise.

The photo that netizens took and uploaded was of two people looking at each other through the glass door.

The author has something to say: The son of leg selection always has something special about him, such as... no name -. -#

End of this unit

I don’t want to write a side story anymore -. -#