Strong Counterattack

Chapter 130


Zhang Song hung up his cell phone, and all he could think of was Wujibayu.

I have to say that the quality of Nokia is good. This heirloom-like thing was still in her hands and she could still answer it. It was this battery panel that failed, and the last one in stock was just exhausted by the god at home.

She threw the brick into the desk, changed her clothes, chose a set of clothes that didn't look dirty, and took out another smartphone and put it in her pocket, preparing to go out to work part-time.

The holidays are coming soon, and group assignments for various main courses are about to be handed in. Many students can't grasp the key points, and the team members don't get along well with each other. She went to help with the analysis and write the speech, and let them take care of it when the time came.

Because the final results are pretty good, the price is also considerable. Coupled with the money she has been making as a tutor, she should be able to save enough for the tuition and living expenses for the next semester. Then…

The roommate was surprised and said: "Are you looking for a job again? Aren't you about to have a holiday? Aren't you going home?"

Zhang Song smiled and nodded: "I'm going out first. You don't have to wait for me to eat tonight."

Roommate: "Thank you for your hard work. Make sure you get some rest."

Zhang Chan went out, recalling the content on the phone, and the smile on his face faded.

The caller this time was from her mother. It had nothing to do with anything but asking her for money. She even asked for 10,000 yuan at a time without treating her as a student.

Since she entered high school, she has not received any living expenses from her family. She even earned her tuition fees herself. When she got to college, the other party was even more happy and asked her to send subsidies to her family every month.

The purpose is very clear, that is, I hope she can drop out of school and go home to work.

Since she was a child, they were reluctant to let her study.

They say they don't think they can achieve anything by studying. The wages of graduates from prestigious universities are not as good as those of veteran technicians in factories. Several lathe workers all graduated from junior high school, and their monthly salary now easily exceeds 10,000 yuan. They said they would introduce Zhang Shung as their apprentice and ask her to obey.

However, the chapter recitation failed.

What a joke.

This is A University. If Zhang Song had been so clear-headed, he wouldn't have fought his way from that small county with a lack of resources to get into a key high school and then into A University in one fell swoop.

Zhang Song nodded to the junior students who passed by and greeted her, and stood next to the traffic light, waiting to cross the road to the teaching area.

He put his hand in his pocket and touched the second-hand refurbished machine.

Zhang Song always felt that they actually didn't want to see him become a talented person.

It's been like this since childhood. The couple looked at her in a strange way, there was a lot of domestic violence, and their words were very irritating.

She felt that she was able to survive until now entirely because she was lucky enough to have no serious illness or pain. After all, the number of times I went to small clinics in my memory was too few, and I had to rely on the teacher to pay for the medicine I could take. Not to mention hospitals.

She also has a sister and a brother at home.

My sister's grades were not good and she had no intention of studying. Her parents forced her to go to high school and she had to go out to work.

When the younger brother was eighteen, he got pregnant with his wife and then got married. Now I am picking my feet at home and dreaming about unrealistic dreams of getting rich all day long.

The elder sister sent her salary back home, and the two elders helped build a country villa for the younger brother.

Probably because he couldn't get too much out of a daughter, so he set his sights on her.

To describe it in chapter and verse is called perversion.

Zhang Song had suspected that she was not her biological child for a long time. At first, people in the village would point fingers in front of her and say something vaguely. Later, Zhang Chan himself believed it.

No matter how you look at it, she is completely different from this family.

Thoughts, IQ, pursuits, and of course the most important thing is appearance. She couldn't even inherit Zhang's father's mole on his neck that had been passed down for three generations.

No matter how they instilled all kinds of bad ideas in her and put mental pressure on her, she remained extremely sober.

Maybe this is the power of knowledge.

Thanks to education and school for giving her the opportunity to contact a normal family.

Also grateful to her primary school teacher. After discovering that her family relationship was unusual, he kept instilling in her the idea that education can change her destiny, and she was told to stay vigilant. The young teacher introduced her to the Internet, recommended good high schools and universities in the province to her, and usually brought her food.

Of course, Zhang Chan just thought about these things and did not say them out to ask for beatings.

Maybe she is her biological child, but she looks rather annoying.

Even if they were not biological children, in those days when family planning was still strictly enforced, many pregnant women hid in the countryside to give birth, and the specific birth records were not available at all. Her mother seemed to have failed to hide her pregnancy well, so she was temporarily taken to a health center for an abortion, and then given a dose of birth-inducing injection before giving birth to her.

Whether it was a mistake or whether he picked up someone else's child and adopted it, Zhang Chang didn't know at all.

Zhang Song pushed open the door of the study room and wanted to exit after a pause.

She saw a person she hated and reconciled. A quasi-contemporary elite who looks like a dog.

The two looked down upon each other's hypocrisy.

There is no way, the areas of pretentiousness overlap.

The other party raised his eyelids, glanced at her coldly, and then looked away.

Zhang Song thought about it and decided to forget it. He went to the back row and turned on the computer on his seat.

Yu Zizheng sat in the back row of the self-study classroom, looking at the letter sent to him by the private detective, rubbing his forehead and sighing softly. Then minimize all files and cover the laptop screen.

He knew that he was not his parents' biological child, and those two people usually ignored him. Because the relationship was too alienated, he didn't feel any sadness after knowing the truth. Even the surprise was controlled after a brief squandering.

There is no such thing as the collapse of heaven and earth, the collapse of three concepts. The number of times he meets his parents may be less than the number of visits from relatives in prison. He has long been accustomed to this abnormal family relationship.

Or maybe he's just naturally aloof.

He even thought this was the best outcome. It put a perfect end to his years of confusion and uneasiness, just like "That's how it is" finally settled in the right place.

Yu Xizheng wiped his face.


In this way, he no longer has to feel unfair because of the two people's indifference and injustice, and he should express his gratitude to them for their years of upbringing.

Yu's father and mother's family were well-to-do, and the boy was talented and the girl was a good-looking girl. After they saw each other, their parents agreed and they immediately got married.

As a result, the relationship couldn't last as soon as they got married.

Both found that the other's personality was incompatible with their own. The perfection they felt when they first met was all a disguise, and they were unwilling to accept each other's various flaws being exposed.

The two originally wanted to use children to stabilize their marriage, but they did not expect that various trivial problems after the birth of the child accelerated the break between them. After less than a year of marriage, they couldn't live together and they both cheated on each other. In the end, they simply showed off and divorced as soon as possible to avoid property disputes.

Yu Hezheng was still too young at that time and was not very popular anywhere.

At the beginning, neither of them cared whether they wanted the child or not, so they just left it with the woman. Later, Yu's mother found a new partner, who was not very accepting of an unrelated child.

The two were still in the stage of passionate love. Yu's mother was young and beautiful, but she had no interest in taking care of children, so she drove him to his father's house.

Father Yu also has a new girlfriend. Yu Huizheng was not familiar with him and had no sense of dependence. He would only cry and be afraid when he entered a new environment. According to Yu's father, he was very annoying.

From then on, Yu Huizheng lived a life of food and clothing with different nannies.

The two of them gave him 20,000 yuan a month for living expenses and gave him red envelopes during the New Year and holidays. Occasionally, when I think of him, I will come over to see him and give him some money and things.

Because they don’t interact with each other very often, none of the parties found anything wrong.

Yu Xinzheng is a person who is usually quite frugal. He has been keeping accounts since he was a child. He is surprisingly sensitive to mathematics and has a demanding need to manage money.

In other words, you can’t help but want to make money. Money that is not used to make money is not good money.

When he was preparing to go to college, he had already bought three houses with his past living expenses.

Thanks to house prices soaring dozens of times in the past two years, the earliest one was even demolished. He did nothing and has become a successful investor in terms of rate of return.

What made him doubt his identity was something his half-sister said. The other party said: "Who did your stingy gene mutate from?"

The speaker had no intention of listening, but he felt curious after living alone for a long time, so he actually went to check it out.

This is what happened.

Yu Xizheng continued to look down. It was also followed by the home address of his suspected biological parents.

A place he had never heard of without a map.

He didn't understand how a delicate woman like Yu's mother could have a relationship with someone from that kind of place.

Yu Zhizheng gave the detective four criteria for judging, the lowest being bad.

The reply he got from the other party was "very, very bad."

He's quite good at adding drama.

In fact, he didn't want to explore the deep meaning of "very, very" at all. Maybe it's a tragedy. But thinking that the other person might still be struggling to make ends meet, he couldn't hide it forever.

No matter how I say goodbye to my father or my mother, I am still willing to give him money. The poor unknown man could use a lot of help when he returns home.

The truth is like a bomb, you don't know when it will explode. He didn't want to have to bear this huge responsibility and guilt for the rest of his life. It would be a waste of his limited emotions.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

So Yu Huihe reached the point in one step and found the address of the other party.

Based on Huizheng's understanding of his parents, he had a strong suspicion that if he didn't find them, the two of them might blame each other and play a trick, and then blame each other and shirk responsibility.

As for the lost biological child

Presumably, they don't really want a child who is born into poverty, has no elite education, and has no emotional foundation.

Maybe that family lives in some uncivilized hilltop and there are not enough educational resources, and the child has never even gone to college. How should the two of them deal with it? If you bring it into your social circle, you will lose all face. It might also cause trouble.

Yu Xinzheng was lost in thought when a piece of paper was handed to him with a few lines of precautions written on it.

Zhang Song's cold voice sounded above him: "What happened to the ppt for the group assignment? It was all text, and the work was rougher than Word. Also, he deleted an important part of the data I listed for him. Some of them were written incorrectly. Although I don’t care who I’m in the same group with, it’s boring if you paddle too much. Who is your roommate? You brought me in, so you have to be responsible, right?”

Yu Zizheng raised his head and glanced at her, pulled the paper over, sandwiched it between the computer and said, "I know. I'll give it to you before tomorrow."

When Yu Qizheng returned to the dormitory, his roommate, who had been criticized by Zhang Zhang, was playing with his mobile phone and flirting with a girl from an unknown college, with an extremely obscene smile on his face.

Yu Qizheng pulled out his chair and sat down, crumpled the paper into a ball, and smashed it from his side.

"What are you doing!" His roommate shivered in fright, and when he saw who it was, he snorted, "Why, are you jealous of me?"

Yu Xinzheng said: "You made the ppt."

"What's wrong with my ppt?" The roommate smiled proudly, took the water glass next to him and said clearly: "Is it particularly outstanding? Don't be moved, this is for the collective benefit of our group, I spent two hundred oceans to find someone to make a refined version .”

Yu Zizheng showed great patience to this fool and said, "Do it again."

The roommate said unwillingly for the RMB: "Why!"

Yu Qizheng said: "Zhang Chan's work is better than this with his feet. Where did you find the rubbish? For two hundred yuan, a person with two hundred yuan can only copy and paste? You might as well find Zhang Chan, That’s the price.”

"Damn it. Am I being cheated?" the roommate asked in surprise, "Did Zhang Chang also accept final assignments? I thought she could earn two hundred and fifty an hour as a tutor and not do this kind of work."

He said and nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, her family situation is indeed not very good."

A roommate on the bed suddenly interjected: "Although she is sincere about being poor, I always suspect that she is pretending. Or maybe she is just experiencing a disaster."

Several people here feel the same way.

Whether it is his temperament or his handling style, he does not look like someone who is used to being poor.

Yu Zizheng stopped his fingers on the computer, typed a few words, and said by mistake: "I'll take it too."

The roommate was editing a text message to Zhang Song and casually answered: "What?"

Yu Zhizheng felt that he had to learn to earn living expenses: "Give me the information and I will do it for you. Two hundred yuan."

"Are you crazy?!" The roommate asked in surprise, "You and Zhang Shun are so unwilling to deal with each other, and you won't even give her two hundred yuan!"

A vein jumped on Yu Xizheng's forehead.

The roommate on the bed quickly changed the subject before he hit him and asked: "Where are you going to play during the summer vacation?"

Yu Zizheng hesitated for a while and said, "I want to inspect a place."

"Do you want to help your dad investigate or help your mom?"

Yu Xinzheng paused again: "Help my future."

The dormitory was quiet for two seconds.

The man on the bed threw away his book and silently climbed down the stairs.

The two rolled up their sleeves and rushed towards Yu Xizheng together.

"I told you to show off again!"

The author has something to say: The identities are reversed, one is a man and the other is a woman. The king does not see the king.

300 red envelopes for new units