Strong Counterattack

Chapter 132


The two left the teaching building. There are layers of heat outside.

Yu Xi asked: "Do you want to eat together?"

Zhang Chang couldn't imagine it: "No need. Our relationship ends here. I have no idea of improving."

"Please don't misunderstand this. Me neither." Yu Xi argued, "I only regard you as a woman who should be greeted by my courtesy."

Zhang Chan's teeth were aching as he pointed in a direction and said, "I'm going this way."

Yu Zizheng: "Then I'll take a detour."

One week later, the hottest period of summer vacation has arrived. There were almost no people walking around in the teaching area at noon. Several snack bars outside the school have also been closed.

Summer is the season when you can’t live without air conditioning.

Yu Xinzheng went home, tidied up the house his parents had prepared for him, and packed up all his luggage. There aren't many things, so we haven't moved them yet. Waiting to meet and negotiate with the two.

Now that he has made a decision and reached this point, he doesn't want to take advantage of others anymore. It is better to express your position and attitude clearly to avoid being indecisive and being looked down upon by the other party.

Yu Xinzheng turned on the TV and watched the recent drama series, which was about making mistakes, and there was a lot of bloodshed in it.

What two families are in pain, the relationship between parent and child and adopted child cannot be chosen or balanced. Preference and prejudice led two originally innocent children to go astray.

Yu Xizheng smiled.

It may not be too rare for parents and parents.

… He doesn’t really care either.

Maybe he is too philistine. He believes that money may be more capable of solving problems and influencing results.

Real-life news is actually more informative. The end result is that the wealthy family can have two caring and caring children, while the poor mother can only live alone for the rest of her life.

The choices of the two children can also be explained by human nature.

Yu Qizheng turned off the TV and lay down and read for a while.

What surprised him was that Zhang Song didn't even come to see him once during this period.

Faced with such news, a major event that could change her life, she didn't show any signs of losing her composure. It was as if he was just waiting quietly for an insignificant result. If he hadn't seen her real life environment with his own eyes, he would have thought that Zhang Shun had no expectations for such a future.

If it were him, would he be able to hold it back

If there is no so-called yearning for family affection, it should be okay.

This woman is a cruel person. Yu Xi Zhengxin said. It's not simple.

Of course, he didn't deliberately waste time to torture Zhang Shu, but he had always been very passive when it came to his father and mother. Of course, it could also be his selfish withdrawal. Those people named Zhang are really scary.

On Saturday, Yu's mother finally returned to City A and brought him some gifts along the way.

She is much better than Yu's father. Yu's father made an appointment to meet with him at 12 noon, but he has called twice to say that he needs to postpone the time.

Yu’s mother’s surname is Zhao.

She is a well-maintained lady, and with a relaxed pace of life, she looks to be in her early thirties, even though she is already a mother of three children.

She was actually very young when she gave birth to her first child, otherwise she would not have made such an impulsive and frivolous decision. She didn't often mention her father in front of Yu Qianqian, and she didn't like to talk about her past, but from her eyes and attitude, it was not difficult to see that she actually regretted it.

"Has your dad been here?" Ms. Zhao saw the furnishings in the house, looked around again, and asked, "Where do you want to move? Near the school?"

Yu Zhizheng followed her and replied: "I should choose that place. It will be more convenient in the short term." And the house price is stable.

Ms. Zhao chose a corner of the sofa and sat down. Yu Qizheng went to the study to get the printed documents and sat directly opposite her.

"This is the very important thing you are talking about, right?" Ms. Zhao gently held the end of her fluffy hair and said: "You should really let yourself do this kind of thing earlier. I will choose the time to see the house you choose. , decorate in a style you are comfortable with. If you don’t have enough money, call your Aunt Zhang and I will transfer it to her. There are some entertainment expenses that are inevitable in college, so you don’t need to be too frugal. "

Yu Qizheng said: "It's not because of this incident." He handed over the document.

Ms. Zhao's pupils shrank, she looked up and down again, then raised her head and said, "Are you kidding? I rarely saw you joking since I was a child. But now, I have learned this skill."

"This is true. I have compared it with you three times and it is confirmed to be correct." Yu Zhizheng had practiced it many times and now said calmly: "I remember you said that when I was born, a child was sent to me in the chaos. In a non-standard health center. As for your biological child, I also found it. Her name is Zhang Song, and I wrote her contact information at the back."

Ms. Zhao looked at him without saying a word, her beautiful eyebrows twisted hard, as if she couldn't think clearly.

Yu Xi said with a smile: "Maybe this is the reason why I can't satisfy you. I'm sorry."

Ms. Zhao’s eyes flashed.

She wanted to be angry and felt that her emotions had been cheated. I also wanted to be sad, why did Yu Yizheng tell her this. But when she thought about it carefully, she found that her feelings for her son had always been so lacking, so lacking that it made her full of confusion at the moment.

Just as she was about to speak, the doorbell rang again. Yu Xizheng stood up and went over to open the door.

Outside, Yu's father kicked the toes of his shoes. When he was about to slip on his shoes, he was reminded by Yu Hezheng and walked in again wearing them.

"Why did you come just now!" Ms. Zhao stood up in confusion. She had nowhere to vent her panic, and it happened to be sprayed all over Yu's father: "Didn't you say you would come over at 12 o'clock? I only picked three o'clock, As a result, look at this time! Can you have some snacks? You will always look so immoral!"

Father Yu raised his eyebrows and said, not to be outdone, "I have an appointment with my son. Does it matter to you whether you come late or early? You can leave if you don't want to see me!"

Ms. Zhao: "How many times a year can you make an appointment with your son? You have the nerve to be late, and you come here empty-handed. Do you think your son is one of those women you coax? He is mine. Is that his son? He..."

Ms. Zhao suddenly paused mid-sentence and subconsciously wanted to turn to look at Yu Hezheng. She got stuck midway through the movement and turned back awkwardly. Seems a little annoyed.

Father Yu didn't know why, so he walked past her and muttered: "What are you doing."

Yu Xinzheng then changed things again.

At the beginning, Yu's father was shocked. His first reaction was to question his ex-wife: "You cheated?!"

Ms. Zhao was filled with anger: "If I had known about the cheating at that time, I would not have blindly married someone like you!"

Yu's father looked at Yu Xiezheng: "Then what does this mean!"

Yu Qizheng pulled out a small transparent bag: "The hospital made a mistake at that time. This is your biological daughter's hair. If you don't believe it, you can take it for identification yourself."

Father Yu took it numbly and fell into silence with his ex-wife.

The two of them stared at the few hairs in the bag, as if they were looking for flowers.

Yu Xizheng sighed.

It is really difficult to ask their family members to cry and scream, or to perform sincerely. It’s good if everyone can read their own plot at their own pace.

Yu Yichen praised Zhang Zhong: "She is a student at University A. She has very good grades and outstanding abilities. Although her family conditions are poor, she has always been very motivated."

Yu's father said "Hmm" in a dull voice: "This is like me. He has good grades and is capable."

Ms. Zhao sneered: "Which of your two daughters has become a talent? They are really crazy about playing. Do you really have a solid academic qualification and take it as your true ability?"

Father Yu: "You-"

Yu Zhizheng said in an amplified voice: "I won't live in the house here. As for living expenses."

"No! No need. We don't need your money." Ms. Zhao interrupted angrily, "I'm not telling you what you mean!"

Yu Xinzheng: "Thank you." He really... doesn't want to return it.

He bent down and bowed to express his gratitude: "I have to go to school first. If there is anything I can help with in the future, please feel free to ask."

Until they finally got out of the house, they were the only two left in the house.

Yu's father realized later and said, "What does he mean? Does he want to draw a clear line between me? Just use such a piece of paper?"

Ms. Zhao took two quick steps in the room, turned around and spat: "Bah! Do you still use him to draw the boundary between you two? Don't you think you care about your son?"

Father Yu hummed: "How much better are you than me!"

The two didn't like each other, so they slammed the door and left.

Another week has passed since Zhang Song received the news of the reconciliation to the official result.

She had been looking forward to the day when she no longer had to work part-time. But what she never expected was that the other party did not contact her first, but went through all kinds of difficulties and contacted Zhang's father and Zhang's mother first, and took them to City A.

Maybe they thought this was their courtesy, maybe they didn't imagine the shamelessness of the Zhang family, or maybe they didn't know how to handle their first meeting with Zhang Song.

Yu Qizheng put it bluntly: "They may have handed the matter over to the secretary."

Anyway, when Zhang Song saw Zhang's father and Zhang's mother at the round table, he felt his heart collapse for the first time.

What combination is this? No matter how they pair up, there is always the possibility of the quarrel and war of the century. There were nine people at the table, and probably no one came with a strong sense of love. Yet they sat together in extraordinary harmony.

After the Zhang family got over their initial uneasiness, they began to take advantage of Ms. Zhao's advances.

Ms. Zhao always maintained her demeanor, grabbed the bag in her hand and said, "Thank you for your hard work in taking care of... Xiao Song?"

Zhang Song smiled and said, "Call me whatever you want."

Ms. Zhao was arrogant and distant, her red lips turned upward.

Zhang's mother didn't feel any inferiority to this. She was very happy to cry to Ms. Zhao about her hard work.

"It's not easy to have a college student in a rural area like ours. I've spent a lot of effort to train her since she was a child. Our whole family is frugal and close to her alone." Zhang's mother said, "It's okay. She also lived up to expectations and did not embarrass us."

Ms. Zhao smiled awkwardly. Father Yu drank one glass after another.

A man with yellow teeth next to him, who was Zhang Song's uncle, leaned forward and continued: "We have three children. In order for the second to go to school, the other two have already dropped out of school. Our family is really I love her. I hope she is a filial child."

He sat silently while reciting the chapter. He exhaled heavily through his nose, and his brain was already on the verge of stopping.

If she knew this scene would happen, why would she be so reserved? What are the concerns? What kind of noodles do you want? He rushed straight into Yu Hezheng's home to look for them.

Ms. Zhao probably won’t be able to continue talking. She didn't move her chopsticks very much, just urging the waiter to serve the food quickly.

After the last plate of fruit was served, Ms. Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had finally waited for the highlight. She pushed a key to Zhang Song and said, "To reconcile him... Well, I bought a house near the school. I It was only after he reminded me that I remembered, so I also bought a house for you, close to it, so that you can live conveniently. Time is short, and there is no suitable choice. You will live there first and decide where you want to go when the time comes. , I will change it for you."

Before Zhang Song could reach out, Zhang's mother had already snatched the thing away. He held it in his arms and said excitedly: "I haven't lived in a city before! Sister, you are so thoughtful!"

Ms. Zhao's mouth froze and she said, "This house is small and is prepared for Zhang Song. Do you want to live in it too?"

The uncle next to him said: "She is a college student, and everyone in our family is surrounding her. We didn't have the conditions before, but now that we have a house, we can come and take care of her."

He paused for a moment and pretended to be serious: "We have always regarded her as our own. Even if you say it, we wouldn't believe it. My sister will never sell her daughter."

Ms. Zhao said: "This is her own choice. She is already an adult."

Zhang Song licked his back alveolus.

Although Ms. Zhao tried hard to express her concern with her words, her tone always gave people the feeling of assigning tasks according to the script.

Zhang Song was sure of it at first glance, and laughed at himself, saying that this was indeed the power of genes. The coldness may be of the same origin.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Ms. Zhao doesn’t want to stay any longer. He made an excuse to leave without saying a few words. Let Zhang Song have a good exchange of feelings with her adoptive parents.

Father Yu also left shortly after.

Neither of them offered to take her home to see her or introduce their relatives to her.

Zhang Song even lost his perfunctory mood.

Ms. Zhao returned to the car and thought for a while, then gave Zhang's mother and others' numbers to the secretary: "If anything happens over there, you can help me deal with it depending on the situation. You don't have to give too much money. What are Zhang Song's requirements?" ,you tell me."

The secretary nodded and said, "Okay."

"Did I contact you to resolve the dispute?"

"Not in the past two days."

Ms. Zhao nodded. He tightened the collar of his clothes and sank into the chair in the back seat.

With such a tutor, she was afraid that Zhang Chang would be the same person. Maybe I don't like to talk normally, but when I speak, I have a similar style. What's even more frightening is the inability to grasp the power and worship of money.

Then it's all over.

In the restaurant, Zhang Song looked down at the messy table. Take a deep breath and laugh sarcastically.

"Listen." Zhang Song said, "This house is available for you to live in."

The uncle then said, "Isn't that natural? It must be hard work for us to raise you so big. This money belonged to your parents before you got married."

Zhang Song sneered and glanced sideways: "I'll see how long you can stay here."

The uncle was speechless. Before he could teach him a lesson, Zhang Song had already stood up and left.

The loud laughter of Zhang's mother and Zhang's father next to him drew his attention back.

The uncle pulled Zhang's mother's sleeve and said excitedly: "Sister, sister, don't look blindly. What's so good about a key? Don't forget, you have a biological son in City A."

Zhang's mother's smile gradually faded and she hesitated, "I'm actually a little scared."

"What are you afraid of? It's almost time to enjoy happiness and you're still afraid. Really!" The uncle patted her hand and said, "That's your own son! After working with such a wealthy boss for so many years, he must have saved some money." You've made a lot of money. Don't you think that woman is pretty? The first time we met, she bought an apartment. How many apartments do you think your son has to save?"

Zhang's mother said, "I don't even know his name. Is that okay?"

The uncle spared no effort in advising: "One of your sons is enjoying the blessings, but the other son is suffering with you. Is it okay if you don't let him help? You should consider it for the sake of the third child and your grandson. Is this fair?"

A young man with a fat face next to him pulled off his thin shirt. Hearing this, his eyes lit up and said: "Mom, I want to buy a car! I bought a BMW and Mercedes-Benz and drove it back to the village for a stroll. That would be a great time. ! Mom, you have to be fair, I will definitely be filial to you in the future."

Zhang's mother said: "If I ask someone to buy a car after this meeting, they have to be happy."

"After all, he is your son, and he has enjoyed so many years of happiness. Let me tell you that the children in the city are polite and virtuous, and they also care about face. It's not him who found something wrong here this time. Who knew what happened so many years ago? He He also found you, isn't it amazing? It means that he just wants to see you and recognize his biological mother." The uncle said in a tone of certainty, "Just go to him and cry twice, and he will definitely hug you You called me mom!"

Zhang's mother was about to move: "Really?"

Uncle clapped his hands: "Go! What are you asking here? If he denies you, I will be the first to beat him!"