Strong Counterattack

Chapter 134


When a service staff repeatedly hints that he charges high fees, you must be alert. The so-called high fees may be several levels higher than you think.

What they are targeting is not your pocket, but your bank card and even your future.

I was so exhausted that I felt a little hesitant at this moment.

Even though Ms. Zhao gave her a house when they first met, she didn't give her much cash. Her current liquid assets can be used to cover the tuition fees and daily expenses for the next semester, which is already good. Unless she goes to Ms. Zhao and Mr. Yu to get money.

Although she knew that those two people were actually her biological parents. But because of the alienation between the two of them, Zhang Chang couldn't help but have the illusion that he was just a beggar when thinking about this kind of thing.

The most unacceptable thing for people with strong self-esteem is self-abasement.

Her baggage can weigh eight hundred pounds.

Zhang Song looked solemn and said: "How much is it?"

Lao Liu smiled and said: "I suggest you two buy my previous survey report first and then make a decision after reading it. This will help both parties reach a consensus and make it easier to understand our pricing standards."

He bent down and rummaged under the table for a long time, and finally pulled out a piece of paper with wrinkles on the corners from the messy information.

"Twenty thousand."

Old Liu pressed down the edge and pushed the thing forward very politely. It's just that after listening to the chant, I wanted to hit someone.

"Just a piece of paper? One piece?"

"Is the paper more expensive? The information is more expensive!" Lao Liu said frankly, "But I have always been generous. If we can develop subsequent cooperation, I am willing to give this information to you for free."

A gift of twenty thousand

Zhang Sheng understood that the high fee was not based on the stinginess of the settlement, but based on his total assets.

That's really expensive.

Yu Xinzheng had already brought the things over. Anyway, they have no better way now.

It briefly records some personal information and access keywords.

In an era when the Internet was not widely used, data from rural health centers were missing in batches, and patient management and identity verification were not taken seriously, they could not use conventional methods to conduct investigations and could only rely on constant visits and inquiries to obtain vague information. Information. And because it has been too long, the information heard from different people will be contradictory. How to delete selections for authentication and verification is another big problem.

Many of the employees who worked in the health center back then are no longer traceable. Some have changed jobs, some have gone abroad, and some have suddenly disappeared or passed away. The other party's investigation report spanned more than a dozen nearby towns and villages, and finally through fellow villagers and relatives, they found several people from the country who worked in the health center.

Just seeing this, Zhang Song really had no objection to his pricing.

This kind of manpower and patience cannot be given by ordinary people.

Yu Zizheng raised his head and asked, "Didn't you find it out from the file?"

"It was indeed found from the files. I first asked someone to check the fine receipts for family planning, and the officials still have them. I found the record of the fines you paid within one year after you were born, wrote down your name, and then Then I went to the health center to verify and do a preliminary investigation. However, the paper documents of the health center were accidentally damaged due to irregular storage. At that time, I could only place my hope on the staff’s own impression, but in fact the attitude was not the same. Optimistic, I have even made plans to find all the relevant people and conduct DNA verification one by one..." Lao Liu leaned forward on the table and said, "Surprisingly, some of them still remember you. Although I can’t tell you the specific situation of Ms. Zhang, but you gave me a lot of information.”

Chapter chant: "What?"

Old Liu laughed and said, "Isn't it strange? Ms. Zhang did not give birth locally. The health center was far away from her home. In order to escape, she hid in the house of her sister who was married far away and hid secretly to wait for the birth. At that time Almost no one in the village knew her. When she was out once, she was reported and taken to the health center. She went home immediately after giving birth. However, after more than 20 years, why should a non-local resident Do those people still remember her?"

Yu Zizheng: "You want me to pay 20,000 yuan for such a simple doubt?"

Lao Liu said: "Of course not. The doubts are just doubts. Out of curiosity, I investigated several staff members in depth. In one of them, I found something interesting... Maybe you are not the only one in this situation. .”

Both of them were shocked.

Old Liu took the pen next to him and played with it between his fingers: "There are various reasons. Some are really due to operational errors, some are sympathy, and some are interests. Those who want to have a son but cannot give birth to a son, want to Children who are born but cannot be born, children who are born with disabilities, or children who are born but cannot afford to raise them at all.”

"For example, Ms. Zhang was almost at full term when she was sent to the hospital. People like them who want to have a son will definitely have a second one even if one is aborted. The doctor who induced her labor at the time couldn't bear it. In addition, it was during the holiday and there were few people in the hospital, so we helped her give birth naturally."

Yu Xi asked: "Then what is my reason?"

"If he remembers correctly, it was because you were in poor health when you were born. And your family was poor and could not provide you with follow-up treatment. They were worried that they would not be able to feed you. There happened to be someone who was born prematurely due to an accident that day. Passers-by kindly sent it over. That person looked very rich at first sight. It was Ms. Yu. The medical staff worked together to make it very concealed." Old Liu gestured with his fingers, "It only takes a little bit of money."

Zhang Song took a deep breath and sneered. He crossed his arms over his chest, leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes.

"It's a bit difficult to collect evidence. It's a huge project. The parties involved usually won't agree to testify, so I need to find another way. My plan is to save the country in a roundabout way. For example, I can find a few other victims, and together we can force those who were killed back then." The doctors and nurses have turned into witnesses. They may still have some useful things on their hands. But this is just my guess, and there is no guarantee that it will proceed smoothly. "

Old Liu took out his computer, pressed a row of numbers on it, and then showed it to the two of them.

"My charging standard. The minimum guarantee is 20,000 yuan per month. If the investigation goes well and we get the results you and I want, it will be 100,000 yuan per month. Confirm to sign the contract, pay a deposit of 100,000 yuan in advance, and pay the salary monthly. I will try to pay you within half a year. Find out the results. In addition, I will report the progress to you every month, and you have the right to stop at any time."

Zhang Song's anger, which had not yet subsided, surged up again and enveloped his whole body.

She wiped her face hard and asked, "Do you accept selling yourself to pay off debts?"

Old Liu showed an eight-toothed smile: "Dear, we don't have a similar payment method here. I suggest you take a loan in installments. The interest is only twice that of the bank, and it can last up to 30 years~"

Yu Xinzheng took out his mobile phone and clicked on the payment software. Old Liu took out the QR code with familiarity and asked Yu Xinzheng to scan it.

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"Thank you dear, I wish you a happy life~"

Zhang Song rubbed his forehead and sighed heavily from his nose.

The payment prompt over there sounded a beep.

Old Liu stood up and bowed attentively: "Dear, please go over there to sign the contract."

Yu Qizheng walked up behind Zhang Song, put his hand on her shoulder, bent down and whispered into her ear: "If you want to feel sad about your poverty, I thought you were used to it. I wish you get rid of poverty and become rich as soon as possible."

Yu Zizheng patted her shoulder and motioned her to get up quickly: "This time it's my treat. Let's go."

Zhang Chan: "I thought that for a stingy person like you, there should be no such thing as a treat in life."

Yu Qizheng: "For a stingy person like me, there is a word "debt" in life."

Chapter chant: "What debt?"

Yu Xi shrugged nonchalantly: "Who knows?"

Zhang Song opened his lips. He originally wanted to sarcastically say that besides being stingy, you are also quite cold-blooded. You can be so cruel to your biological parents who you have only met once, so why are you talking about a debt of conscience now

But he stopped when he reached his mouth. Her reason and upbringing stopped her from saying this.

In fact, there is no need for her to be jealous or resentful about reconciliation, nor does she need to vent to him.

Yu Huizheng should have been the least involved person, but he was the most affectionate person in the whole thing. It revealed a truth that most people hate even more.

Her biological parents only care about her on the surface.

Her adoptive parents didn't even bother to maintain a superficial level of concern for her.

No one cares whether she is living well, what her mood is like, or whether she wants to live with him or not. No one cares about which direction her future will go, or how much effort she has put into this mistake and how many sacrifices she has made. They just handled the whole thing according to their own ideas, and then notified Zhang Chan to come out and cooperate.

They achieved their sixty points and hoped that Zhang Chan could also minimize their troubles.

Is there some love in this

Yu Huizheng refused. He had the right to refuse to let himself be hurt, and he also had the courage.

Maybe it's really just him, whose original intention is purely for her. In comparison. His care and tenderness seemed too reserved.

The emotion came suddenly, and the chant was so unfamiliar that I was caught off guard.

She pressed the bridge of her nose and said solemnly: "Thank you."

Yu Zizheng paused for a moment, then patted her back and said, "Then you rest here. I'll sign the contract and come find you."

By the time they agreed on the contract details and left the office, it was already dark outside.

Looking at the street lights lighting up in the distance and the cars passing by in the driveway, Zhang Xu still felt like he was going crazy.

Spending such a large amount of money to do things that may not have any results is just to cut off your past and start over. And all this was not caused by her at all, she was just an innocent victim.

She thought it was ridiculous.

Why does she have to bear the burden of this absurdity

Whether the original truth was an accident or intentional, for Zhang Shu, the result has not changed, but the impact is completely different.

The naked ugliness in human nature made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

She was not willing to continue to play the perfect role carefully in front of those two parents. She wanted to be more arrogant like Yu Hezheng.

Yu Xinzheng took her back to school and was silent all the way. He didn't comfort her or laugh at her. When he arrived at the place, he dropped her off and left impatiently. It was obvious that she could no longer stand her mysterious melancholy.

There were some things that Zhang Chan thought about all night but couldn't figure out the result. Finally, using logical inference, a perfect answer was given.

Why was she so happy to recognize her relatives before? The main reason is still because of money. If you act too tactfully, the other party may not be able to understand it at all.

It seems to make sense.

She can ask Ms. Zhao to take back the house there, or ask the other party to give her the property certificate and sell it for a discount. Then just let each other get rid of their own troubles and not disturb each other again.

It can be treated as borrowed. Because she is only short of money now.

After getting up the next day, she arranged her clothes, combed her hair back, and then arranged all the fine hair in front of the mirror.

A roommate asked curiously: "Are you going on a blind date? It's so grand."

Another roommate teased: "It's just because of the grand ceremony that I'm not going on a blind date. How can a man have such high weight in her eyes? I guess she's going for an interview. A high-paying interview can arouse her enthusiasm."

Zhang Song smiled at them: "I'm leaving."

Yu Qizheng told her the addresses of Mr. Yu and Ms. Zhao, and reminded her that it was best to contact them before visiting, otherwise there might be no one at home. Maybe the family has gone on a trip, and he hasn't contacted him for a long time, so he doesn't know the other party's schedule.

Zhang Song changed trains all the way and decided to visit Ms. Zhao's house, which was nearby.

Fortunately, I happened to be there, and someone came to open the door soon.

Ms. Zhao was surprised to see it was her. Zhang Song was paying attention to her expression. There is really no emotion related to "happiness" that can be read from his face.

There was a conversation on the TV coming from inside the door, the volume turned up loud. Cool air blew out from inside and hit Zhang Song's face, which was slightly red from sweating.

Ms. Zhao was still blocking the door. Zhang Song smiled and asked, "You're welcome, right?"

Ms. Zhao waited for half a second before replying with a smile: "How could it be? Come in. Why did you come here all of a sudden? Was it Hui Zheng who told you? He didn't come with him?"

Zhang Song took off his shoes and went in.

"Your brother is at home, and your sister went to a classmate's house to play." Ms. Zhao pointed to the sofa and introduced casually, "I'll go to the kitchen and have a look. I'll eat soon. You talk to your brother first. He is about to take the college entrance examination and is not good at math. , you are a student from University A, so you can teach him."

After saying that, he walked away.

The young man lying on the sofa raised his eyelids and glanced at her, then curled his lips and said, "You are who my mother said."

He looked to be almost an adult, wearing a pair of large white shorts and having bangs that clearly did not meet the male standards of high school students. Judging from the color of her hair, it has also been dyed.

Zhang Song took a piece of paper from the coffee table and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Tsk." The young man exclaimed, "Why are you so tacky?"

Zhang Song ignored him. He sat on the sofa next to him.

The young man turned on the TV a little louder and kicked a corner of the stool next to it.


Zhang Chan looked at the TV in front of him.

It should be 65 inches, OLED. The computer, mobile phone, and probably all the equipment she is using now are less than a fraction of the cost of this TV.

The young man said: "Didn't you realize that everyone in my family dislikes you? My mother is also annoyed with you. Why are you here? Begging for money?"

Zhang Song turned his face sideways and glanced at him lightly.

The young man pointed his little finger and said: "My parents' property belongs to me and my sister. My father will never let you into the company for a wild girl like you who comes from nowhere. If you wait on me Now that I'm done, maybe I can give you some from under my fingernails. But if you make me angry, I'll crush a little person like you to death and the Ant Hospital."

Zhang Song looked at him expressionlessly: "Have you watched too many TV dramas about brain-dead people?"

The young man retracted his crossed legs and said with a smile: "You think it's a stupid TV show, but it's actually true in reality. I forgive you for your lack of experience."

Zhang Chan: "Then I really want to learn more about it."

Ms. Zhao came over and shouted: "Xiao Song, come and eat. Baby, come and eat quickly. Today we have the braised pork ribs that you like. Why is the TV turned on so loud? You can't even hear your mother. Go and ask your father to eat."

The young man found it boring, so he got up and went to call someone.

Five minutes later, the four people sat at the dinner table. The nanny finished cooking, said hello to a few people, and left first.

Ms. Zhao never asked her what she was doing.

A table full of dishes was laid out. Zhang Song sat on the lower right side, holding a bowl that was different from theirs.

The TV is still noisy. There is an unknown barrier between Zhang Chan and them. Everything became boring.

Zhang Chang was puzzled.

Why can I handle all kinds of hypocritical interpersonal relationships easily, but why do I feel so bored when facing this kind of family game

Zhang Song asked: "You don't have any..."

"What?" Ms. Zhao picked up the serving chopsticks and put a piece of beef into her son's bowl. I want to put my chopsticks down when I'm done. Then she remembered Zhang Chan and put a piece of it into her bowl.

Chapter chant: "Is there something you want to know?"

The middle-aged man next to him said majestically: "Don't talk so many unhappy things while eating."

The young man shouted: "Mom, why is this beef sour today?"

Ms. Zhao said: "I think I poured too much wine. It's not very sour, and the beef is well stewed. Eat it."

Zhang Song felt that she might be too sensitive, but she was very unhappy now. From the moment I stepped into this house, the negative emotions I had been trying to suppress surged up.

This place made her feel dull, like the air before rain.

This environment made her understand that she was an undervalued person in this place. To allow yourself to ignore the natural contempt and escape from the bottom status is to show yourself free and easy.

Is she free and easy

In fact, she is still... a little unwilling.

No, not at all.

Her baggage weighs eight hundred kilograms.

She suddenly changed her mind. Compared with dignity and money, money may not always be worth it.

Zhang Song put down his chopsticks, stood up and said, "I'm going back to school first."

Several people present raised their heads to look at her.

Ms. Zhao asked: "Are you full now?"

The middle-aged man next to him slapped his chopsticks down hard and snorted in annoyance.

The younger brother chuckled proudly as if watching the fun.

Zhang Chang went over and picked up the bag on the sofa. Go back to the door and put on your shoes.

Ms. Zhao stood up and came to see her off.

Opening the door, there was surging heat outside.

Before Ms. Zhao could be polite, Zhang Song suddenly said: "As a woman, you are very beautiful. But as a mother, I think you are terrible."

Ms. Zhao looked at her blankly.

Zhang Song raised her middle finger at her son: "Because the son you raised and raised is not bad. The daughter you have never raised is not bad. But the son you raised personally is trash."

The young man belatedly cursed: "I'll fuck you, uncle!"


The door slammed directly in front of several people.

Zhang Chan felt a little disappointed. She and her part-time job may still be inseparable. I was once so close to becoming a successful person, but it turned out to be all an illusion.


I was a little tired after getting off the bus, so I sat on the stone steps at the school gate to rest with my bag on my back.

Yu Xizheng passed by once and didn't stop.

Soon I passed by her for the second time and stopped by her side.

"What are you doing here? Sad for spring and sad for autumn?" Yu Xi asked, "Aren't you hot?"

Zhang Song looked into the distance and looked at the red banner hanging on the tree in the distance: "What exactly is blood relationship?"

Yu Xinzheng said "hehe": "Goodbye."

Zhang Song shook his head and said, "I'm sorry."

Yu Xizheng turned around and left.

Within a minute, Yu Huizheng came back again. Standing behind Zhang Song, he used a parasol to block part of the sun for her, then squatted down and said: "Zhang Song, you really surprised me. Is there anything here that deserves your rudeness?"

Zhang Chan didn't answer.

She felt sorry for her poverty.

Yu Qizheng raised his wrist and showed the silver dial in front of her: "I'll give you one minute. For people who are not worthy, any extra minute is a waste of time. You should use it to make money. 60, 59, 58..."

He carefully counted fifty-nine and finally got stuck behind "2".

The second hand skipped the one-minute mark and ran half a circle more.

Yu Qizheng said: "Who do you want to help you count, which one is the last '1'?"

Zhang Song reached out and grabbed his hand, bringing it close to his eyes.

Yu Zizheng was suddenly frightened and pulled his hand back forcefully: "Don't bite, don't bite!"

Chapter Chant: "Bah!"

Yu Zizheng wiped his hands on his clothes with a look of disgust. After a moment, he still said seriously: "Zhang Chan, I think we should not hurt each other like this anymore and continue to have internal conflicts."

Zhang Song nodded: "I think so too."

Yu Xinzheng: "School is about to start. I don't know how long it will take until Lao Liu finishes checking things. I don't think you want to add the label of a top family member to your college resume."

Chant: "To each other."

Yu Xizheng breathed a sigh of relief: "I just want to be clean."

Zhang Chan: "Then I want money."

Yu Xi thought for a while and said excitedly, "I want it too."

Zhang Chan: "I still want to apologize."

Yu Xizheng pondered: "If there is, then I want it too."

Zhang Song looked at him suspiciously.

What don't you want

The author has something to say: Are there any other units you want to read? If not, I will prepare a new article~