Strong Counterattack

Chapter 136


Boss Hongyang looked at it secretly.

Zhang Chan was different from what he had imagined. I was carrying an old bag. The cloth bag was stretched out on the back and hung loosely. The appearance is indeed similar to Ms. Zhao, but the temperament is exactly the same as Mr. Yu.

It's not as petty as he thought. As expected, those who can get into prestigious schools have very good qualifications.

Boss Hongyang didn't know for a moment whether his old classmate was lucky or unlucky.

This kind of bad thing cannot happen to ordinary people. From this point of view, Lao Yu is undoubtedly unlucky. But it is basically a miracle that the children who were transferred to the countryside and lacked education became social elites more than 20 years later and became independent and self-reliant early.

If he was not good at chanting and had a perverse personality, Lao Yu's life would definitely not be as peaceful as it is now.

And... ugh! The son he raised by himself was so happy that he even passed the exam in the end. He is still a grown-up, and he still works to earn money to take care of himself. Just dream. This is the biggest problem in children's education in life. Lao Yu has completely passed the level. Is there anything left that he is not satisfied with

Zhang Song bowed to him and said, "Hello."

Boss Hongyang quickly smiled and said: "Why are you being polite? Just call me Uncle Fan. You try it here first and see if you can adapt to it. We are preparing Mid-Autumn Festival gift boxes here recently, and there are a bunch of orders stacked up, so we are in a hurry, so It may be a little harder for everyone. If you have any problems, just tell Uncle Fan and he will help you solve it."

Zhang Song said without saying a word: "I understand. I'm sorry to trouble you."

Uncle Fan waved and asked the person in charge of the purchasing department to take Zhang Chang over to understand the work content. When the time comes, I will take her with me to see the goods and negotiate the price.

Raw material prices have generally risen this year, and suppliers may suddenly raise prices again. This will cause their costs to rise significantly, and the product prices signed earlier may not be able to maintain profitability. The demand is huge, and they may need to re-consider the cost-effectiveness of major manufacturers and keep costs down as much as possible. Make decisions again. This will undoubtedly be a big project.

And while controlling the price, we must also ensure quality. Even manufacturers with experience in cooperation cannot be completely reassured. Once the price is lowered, no matter how nice the other party's words are, they may substitute substandard finished products and pass them off as inferior products. When people do business these days, they do one thing but another. Have to guard against it.

All in all, purchasing can be a depressing job. High-stress and long working hours consume your energy and are particularly damaging to your voice. The manager who drives out takes wolfberry honey water with him to maintain an aura of keeping strangers away. When I can't speak, I just shut up and miss my increasingly pitiful tenderness, and use the cold air from the air conditioner to adapt to the cool feeling on my head in advance.

In half a day, they drove to two far apart places in the suburbs and visited six or seven manufacturers.

She followed the manager and listened to several people bargaining there.

The manager didn't seem to be very satisfied with the goods. He kept silent and frowned slightly. He was arguing with the suppliers, trying to get them to bring out new goods.

She also looked at it and felt that the quality of the things the other party brought out was indeed not very good, and was only of average to lower quality on the market. The price... is pretty cheap, but still more expensive than they planned.

From one o'clock in the afternoon to seven o'clock in the evening, nothing was gained. By the time we got back to the factory, it was already half past eight, and we had a chance to have a half-cold dinner.

Because driving is inconvenient in some places, we still have to walk a long way. Everyone was quite tired, so they chose a seat in the quiet canteen and immersed themselves in eating in silence.

The radish and braised fish that were just served on the table were leftovers from the afternoon, and they looked average. The aunt who was working overtime in the kitchen cooked another pot of hot soup, seaweed oil tofu, but there was no trace of minced meat in it.

The chanting was not particular and she couldn't taste the food at all, she was just hungry. After devouring it for a while, he slowed down his eating speed, took the soup and drank it one bite at a time.

The purchasing manager squinted and peered carefully.

Because Uncle Fan specifically confessed that he had done some psychological construction for himself. Before setting off, I kept telling myself that I should tolerate this young woman's reasonable arrogance, encourage her when she feels like giving up, give her comfort, and support her to keep going. When she feels tired, she should also take appropriate rest to adjust her rhythm. As a result, he forgot about it when he got busy, and thought that this little girl was so obedient and useful.

He thought Zhang Chan would complain, but he didn't say a word until he went back to the dormitory to rest at night. He didn't act particularly attentive, but he wasn't particularly cold either. He briefly said hello to them before leaving. He looked like a good boy who was not fancy but pragmatic.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief and were very happy.

How can there be such easy-to-talk employees nowadays? They are all pampered little babies. They are considered dedicated if they can go to work on time. They usually take advantage of opportunities to be lazy and fish for fun. If they work overtime when they work hard, they will sigh and feel that they have to live or die.

I heard that she is the daughter of a big boss. How could a big boss be so cruel to his daughter? How can I raise this

The next day, the purchasing manager took Zhang Chan out again. This time I set out in the morning. I first went to find a company I visited yesterday to see if I could get a price that I didn’t negotiate yesterday.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

What was completely different from yesterday was that today, when we were looking at the goods and discussing prices, Zhang Chang was able to get in the middle of the conversation. Not only did he chime in, but he also spoke eloquently, and it didn't look like he was a layman at all.

Including the specifications, quality, and origin of the raw materials, they can all be found at your fingertips, helping the manager to perfectly fix the parts that were stuck due to confusion. The logic is clear and the expression is precise. He quickly pulled away the rhythm of the conversation and held it in his hand.

The seller wanted to refute several times, but found that the other person was more professional than him. He was so suppressed that his face turned red, as if he had seen a living ghost. He started with a catchphrase: "I'm telling you, you don't know, this material..."

Zhang Song raised his face and said proudly: "I know."

" should understand even more if you know that our price can no longer be lower!"

"I suggest you learn some economics and financial management. Many people think that all they need to do business is to know addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. That's why they make various omissions in cost management, leading to greater losses and losses. They don't know what to do. avoid."

Zhang Song took a filled notebook and said: "We are all reasonable people and should use data to speak. Last night, I made a preliminary calculation of the final price based on your quotation. That's it, our subscription form , can help you clear inventory to a large extent. Excessive backlog of goods will increase your inventory costs. If you save this part of the cost, the price you can offer should actually be lower. In addition, regarding freight and Loading and unloading fees... So I suggest signing the contract as soon as possible. The sooner we reach cooperation, the more you will earn."

The people on the other side were stunned by her, and they were completely confused. I can't compare with her in mathematics. I hesitated for a long time and let her take the lead. I couldn't regain my form for a long time.

"You, you... what are you investigating?"

Zhang Song said modestly: "We just want to seek cooperation. So we must also consider you. No need to thank you."

Several people in the purchasing department looked at her examples with their mouths open, rejected the other party's price, and finally settled on a target price.

Zhang Song raised his head and asked, "Do you understand? If you don't understand the data, I can say it again."

The service provider said helplessly: "No need. I'm thinking carefully."

Several people left the factory and were going to find a restaurant outside to treat themselves and relax.

The purchasing manager put on his seat belt and asked Zhang Chan, "Have you done your homework?"

Zhang Song nodded: "I checked some information and calculated some data. I usually do too many case studies. I think the interests in front of me are more effective than favors."

The manager asked in surprise: "What time did you go to bed last night? Don't you feel tired?"

Chapter chant: "Professional."

The manager was deeply impressed. He did not have a high degree of education and had always relied on experience and experience. He admired him and said: "What is your major? Sales? Statistics? Or materials?"

Zhang Song looked forward and said calmly: "No, I mean, I am a professional."

manager:"… "

For a moment, I felt like I was being flashed.

Uncle Fan originally wanted to inspect Zhang Chan. In his plan, it would be good if Zhang Shung could persevere, but as a result, the other party obviously overfulfilled the task.

In just one day, the manager of their purchasing department, who was said to be unkind, was conquered by her. He came over and gave her a rainbow fart, telling her that she was definitely a talent. He also asked him to transfer people to the logistics department as soon as possible. I just came here to do a part-time job. The weather is so hot. If I continue to work like this, I might get a heat stroke. It’s not necessary.

Uncle Fan ran out of the office and discovered that Zhang Song was helping unload the goods in the warehouse.

A person's attitude and personality may be disguised, but habits cannot be faked. Zhang Chan's neat and smooth movements clearly indicate that she is a good worker, which proves that this is not the first time she has done such rough work. My head was stained with sweat and my clothes were soaked through. I had to hold back all my energy to do the inventory.

She has a small frame and is actually on the thin side. When she exerts force, her collarbones bulge outward obviously, and her arms become red due to friction. Uncle Fan felt distressed just looking at it from a distance.

Why are you working so hard? My child, you are a related household, do you know? !

Uncle Fan quickly said: "Xiao Song, stop moving, take a rest first!"

Zhang Song wiped his forehead, looked at the rows of boxes on the ground and said, "Forget it, there's still half left. Once you've counted and there's no problem, sign and pay, and then rest after you're done."

Although statistics and auditing are not the main courses of Zhang Chan, they must be learned. She did the math while unboxing, moving very quickly.

The manager scolded the people next to him: "Look at me, look at you, are you embarrassed? You are as lazy as mud. Get moving!"

Uncle Fan simply went over to help. With the cooperation of several people, the inventory here was quickly concluded. All accepted into the database.

Uncle Fan took Zhang Song back to his office, opened a bottle of ice orange juice for her, handed it over and said, "You're not used to it, aren't you?"

Zhang Song drank half the bottle and felt comfortable both inside and outside. He shook his head and said, "It's not bad."

Uncle Fan quickly raised the temperature of the air conditioner to avoid chilling people, and asked, "Have you ever worked?"


Zhang Song's face felt a little itchy, he scratched it with his hands, and soon it started to turn red again. She sat on the chair next to her, lowered her eyelids, and looked at the ground.

Uncle Fan smiled and said, "I thought none of you college students would do this kind of work. Aren't students from University A very profitable as tutors?"

"I don't do it much now. I used to have to do it in high school and junior high school." Zhang Song hit his back and said, "Tuition and living expenses cannot be earned without earning money. Minors can't find ordinary part-time jobs. If they want to make quick money, they have to I go to run errands and do hard labor for others. They see that I am young, so they will give me more."

Uncle Fan was surprised again: "No? Don't you take classes in high school? Where did you study in high school? Your adoptive parents can't even afford the tuition? Why do they let you earn it yourself?"

Zhang Song frowned, obviously not wanting to say more. He said in a dry voice: "I'll go back and take a shower. Can I have a rest in the afternoon?"

Uncle Fan nodded: "Oh, you go ahead. Have a good rest and don't catch a cold. If you feel uncomfortable, just tell Uncle Fan, okay?"

Zhang Song's steps were a little weak. As soon as she left, Uncle Fan immediately called Yu Qizheng.

He chatted with the other party for more than two hours. The more he listened, the more solemn his expression became. Later, the anger was gone and he could only sigh.

"You two children, what can I say? Do you think you are adults? Only children who cry can get milk! Your father is careless to begin with, how would he know if you don't tell him?" Uncle Fan said, "Okay, I'll go tell him. What's secret? You young people are always keeping secrets. I'm telling you, you just can't tell the difference between the situation! What's the point of dignity in front of your family? Are you still fighting for breath? Is anger worth anything? What do you say? Are you here? I can’t get it at all!”

Uncle Fan: "Okay, you don't need to tell me. I won't tell you, I'll tell your dad. If you really want Xiao Song's good, tell your dad the truth. Stop talking about those lies!"

Uncle Fan was so angry that he wanted to teach Yu Huizheng a lesson. After hanging up the phone, I immediately contacted Mr. Yu and invited him out to have dinner with me.

Mr. Yu wanted to go home to spend time with his children in the evening and said he was unavailable. At noon the next day, we made an appointment at a small restaurant near the factory, booked a private room, ordered a table of dishes, and waited for him to come over.

The two chatted happily while eating, ranging from their children's report cards to things in college.

Halfway through eating, both of them stopped their chopsticks. Mr. Yu started making tea.

A light and refreshing fragrance rose in the private room, soothing the spirit.

Mr. Yu casually asked about Zhang Chan.

Uncle Fan took advantage of the situation and said: "Old Yu, since you asked, I will say something fair and I hope you will listen. This child Zhang Song is really good. She came to work in our factory in less than a week. You I asked around, and no one said anything bad about her. She is hard-working, dedicated, down-to-earth, and has a sharp eye. It is not for nothing that she passed the A-level exam. It is difficult to give birth to a noble child from a poor family, but I think she will have a bright future in the future."

Mr. Yu smiled and said: "Okay, how long have you known each other? And you were taken back by her?"

"It's true." Uncle Fan patted his arm and said, "Lao Yu, this kid has a very strong self-esteem. He is afraid of being underestimated by others. He will work harder on things he doesn't understand. He must do his best, no matter what, he can't stop him. Live. She is still young, and I feel sad when I see her, Lao Yu. Her character is really similar to yours back then, but you are much luckier than her. The family is rich, but she has a long way to go and is still suffering. "

Mr. Yu was unhappy: "It's as if I'm not as rich as my father! I didn't lose his family fortune."

Uncle Fan said: "You have money and she has money, they are two different things. You don't care, and neither does your ex-wife. She suffered so much when she was a child, but she still supports herself now. How big of a difference is there?"

Mr. Yu knew that his friends would not deliberately try to sideline him, but he was still a little dissatisfied with being criticized for family matters: "Old Fan, why can't I understand what you are saying?"

Uncle Fan said, "Have you ever known her adoptive parents' family?"

"She didn't tell me." Mr. Yu paused for a moment and asked, "Did she tell you?"

Uncle Fan shook his head and said, "Okay, don't make wild guesses here. Although she has no father-daughter relationship with you, she is still your biological child. You are so wary of her and speculating about her. I don't blame her for feeling cold. She didn't tell me. I didn't say anything about you, not even a word about her adoptive parents. I felt something was wrong, so I asked Yu Yu. Yu Yu wanted to hide it from me at first, but after I said a few more words, I finally Telling the truth. Both kids have ideas,"

Mr. Yu said solemnly: "What? Is there anything you can't say?"

Uncle Fan sighed and said, "Xiao Song's adoptive parents are not good people. Her parents are old-fashioned and favor sons over daughters. They never wanted Xiao Song to go to school and forced her to stay in the countryside to work. Xiao Song went to high school. At that time, she had to bear the tuition and living expenses herself. Not only that, they had the nerve to ask her for money. After going to college, she asked Xiaosong to send them 10,000 yuan every month... "

Mr. Yu slammed his teacup on the table: "They are sick! Ask students for money? Are you still a high school student and... pay 10,000 yuan? Are you going to steal it? You didn't make it up, did you?"

"You can tell if you just go to the village and ask. I have been to their village and was shocked when I saw it. That is completely treating Xiao Song as a slave." Uncle Fan patted the table and said, "Xiao Song, your grades are good, every year The college scholarship she received was enough to pay for her tuition. She has never stopped working, and has been receiving three to five tutors. She also helps classmates with course tutoring. Until now in college, she has either taken classes or made money, pushing herself to the limit. It's so tight that there is no time to rest. Everyone in these schools knows that Xiao Song is very famous. She also has a nickname, called Madman. So where did the money go? Her adoptive parents. Because if If she didn't give her money, they would dare to come to the school to cause trouble. Xiao Song was so scared that she was threatened again and again."

Mr. Yu's eyes flashed with light, and his face had an expression of the world falling apart. His mouth was slightly open, full of disbelief.

Uncle Fan licked his lips and continued: "Old Yu, I can't stand listening. Xiao Song has stayed in that house for more than twenty years. I can't even imagine what life she lived as a child. What did she do wrong? ? This can’t be said, she deserves it, right?”

Mr. Yu: "Then why didn't she tell me?"

"I think she doesn't want to recognize you as her father at all! You just treat her as an outsider. She can feel it and feels sad, so she would rather ask someone to work with me than go to you." Uncle Fan said, "Think about it. She has been bullied by her parents for so many years, and she finally found a relative. She was originally happy and wanted to get to know you. But in the end, you all made trouble for her, looked down on her, and dealt with her. She is so smart and sensitive. My child, can you not understand? She is so strong, even if she falls from the highest place, no matter how sad she is, she is not willing to let you know or call you a joke."

Mr. Yu glared and said, "Why am I laughing at my daughter? Am I also sick?"

"I can't figure out what you are doing!" Uncle Fan said, "You gave her a house, but she didn't live in it at all and was taken over by her adoptive parents. She finally got into A University, but she can Stay away from those crazy parents. It's good for you. As soon as the house was given away, they took her again, and they were even closer, and they couldn't run away. I even thought she was so unlucky! If you don't mention compensation, at least she is less than You have to have that kind of treatment, right? No! After delivering the house, I didn’t give her any money, and I didn’t ask her what she needed. In the end, the two children just discussed it on their own and helped each other. But what do they know? They are too simple and inexperienced. I have never encountered such scoundrels, but I will continue to be bullied by them! I just know how to make myself miserable and fight with you."


Mr. Yu's lips moved, unable to find a word to excuse himself. His emotions were then swallowed up by anger, and he slammed the table hard.

"That's unreasonable!"

He could ignore the chanting because they were strangers to each other. But Zhangsong is still his daughter after all.

Thinking of her living outside, she was supposed to live a life of luxury and luxury, but instead she lived a difficult and careful life. He desperately wanted to change his life, but was blocked by his relatives. Gritting his teeth in the face of doubts and hardships, he was knocked down by the other party's shamelessness again and again. My heart was on fire and I was so angry. The most frustrating time in my life is nothing compared to what I am now.

She must have suffered, wondering why her parents didn't love her. I must be happy to know that those are not my biological parents. I must have been looking forward to it, thinking that I could live a new life.

Why? How dare those idiots bully her daughter? !