Strong Counterattack

Chapter 137


Mr. Yu stood up suddenly and said, "I'll go over and take a look. Where is she now?"

Uncle Fan: "She should be in the dormitory. I gave her half a day off. You will know which room she is in by asking. I will queue her up on the first floor, which is more convenient."

Mr. Yu pushed open the private room door and went out in a hurry, looking like he was going to kill everyone.

Uncle Fan thought that this was a matter between the two of them, father and daughter, and he should give them some space, so he did not follow them. I went to the front desk to pay the bill and then went to my office.

On the way, the more Yu's father thought about it, the angrier he became, and his footsteps became closer and closer. He didn't understand how he had become so virtuous.

He actually hates Zhang's parents. One glance at that family member showed that he was a very competitive person. None is slightly better.

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Anyone who does business knows that this kind of person is the most terrifying. It's useless to reason with them. Once they are targeted and the other party only cares about money, no matter how clever the method is, a layer of skin will be peeled off.

He never expected that he could connect two very different families in this way. This kind of human entanglement is the most difficult to sort out. He was afraid that he would have a deeper relationship with that group of people, and he was also afraid of discussing with them the subsequent issues of raising children, and he was even more afraid that Zhang Chang would be grateful to them, which would eventually lead to the disconnection between the three parties and endless troubles.

Just because he was rich, it didn't mean that he was willing to give money to Zhang Song and let her support that bottomless family.

So he deliberately distanced himself and left the matter to his ex-wife. It's easy if it can be solved easily.

So Uncle Fan is right about this. They... are all wary of Zhang Chan.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, from beginning to end, Zhang Chang didn't even have a chance to appeal. Everyone's selfishness was ultimately harsh on her.

When Mr. Yu arrived at the dormitory, Zhang Song was washing his shoes. She was sitting at the door, with a red plastic basin in front of her and brushing a pair of obviously glued sneakers.

When Zhang Song saw him coming, he just raised his eyelids slightly, not showing any surprise, and said perfunctorily: "Is something wrong?"

Mr. Yu walked around in front of her: "Zhang Sheng, you can't even pay your tuition? I heard from Huizheng that you have been working part-time, but where is your money? Where is your scholarship? You don't have any savings at all?" "

Zhang Song lowered his head to tie his shoelaces and did not answer him.

Mr. Yu: "Tell me honestly, is it true? That family has been bullying you. You made you go to school and used you as a hard worker. Now they have also taken over the house we gave you?"

Zhang Song raised his head and looked directly at him.

Mr. Yu felt inexplicably dazzling and felt guilty.

"Why do you think so of me?" Mr. Yu backed down, "Okay. I'm not here to accuse you, I want to solve the problem with you."

Zhang Song put down his shoes, stood up, looked at him levelly, and asked, "What's the problem? How to solve it?"

Mr. Yu: "Why don't you tell your mother? I'm not often in City A, but she is! She's been here all summer!"

Zhang Song said: "I went to her house and came back when I felt uncomfortable."

Mr. Yu: "Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

"I don't feel comfortable anywhere." Zhang Song said with a sullen face, "I hate her son, and I also hate her husband."

Mr. Yu calmed down and actually agreed: "Frankly speaking, I hate it too."

Zhang Song took the water and poured it over, and said coldly: "Frankly speaking, don't you care too? The essence is that you don't care. Why are you here talking about this now?"

Mr. Yu: "I won't come over, but you can handle it."

Zhang Song turned around, blinked his dry eyes, and said, "You haven't appeared in the past twenty years."

Mr. Yu could only respond silently.

He felt that his father's love, which he had been absent for more than twenty years, was suddenly burning brightly.

At the same time, he also felt in his heart that he had been wronged. After finally raising a child, if it was not his, it would no longer be his. How could he react? He also has his own family, his own life, and his own daughter, and his meticulousness is always limited. Coupled with Zhang Song's stubborn and forbearing character, he did not have the opportunity to communicate with her intimately. He couldn't be around her all day long, right

Mr. Yu said: "Put down your shoes, come in, and I will talk to you."

Zhang Song spread two layers of napkins on the shoes, then put them in the sun to dry, then carried the basin back to the house with one hand.

The two of them sat in the cramped dormitory, unable to find a topic to talk about.

Zhang Chang recited in his heart: Silence is Cambridge tonight.

Mr. Yu wanted to smoke, but held it back and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

Zhang Song simply said: "Make money."

Mr. Yu: “What do you want to do to make money?”

Zhang Song touched the things around him again: "You must have money first."

Mr. Yu asked: "If you had limited start-up capital, no more than three million, what business would you do?"

"It's a quick return on capital, no risk of inventory accumulation, high profits, no need to establish a complete industrial chain, and no need for R&D technical support." Zhang Song said, "Let's go to the catering industry."

Mr. Yu: "The catering industry may not necessarily make money."

"The catering industry first looks at location selection and secondly marketing. Most of the so-called high-priced internet celebrity stores may not necessarily have a more unique or better taste. It's just the power of marketing." Zhang Song said, "Judging from the current general prices, opening a restaurant is not as good as Selling Western-style pastries is generally not easy to lose money. There is still a lot of profit margin. In comparison, the original industrial enterprises are still facing the pain of transformation. The technology industry is almost monopolized by large companies, and there is not enough capital and technical foundation. It’s impossible to get involved. Intermediary and trade businesses require connections and reputation, so it’s not easy to get started, and the risks are high.”

Mr. Yu: “Then what?”

"What next? Then of course it depends on the market decision. Whether to go for artificial intelligence or the large industrial chain of Internet +." Zhang Song said, "No matter which industry there are business opportunities, the difference lies in the people."

Mr. Yu nodded and said, "It seems you still have a plan."

Zhang Song said lightly "Oh".

Mr. Yu said: "I can sponsor you three million... I will tell your mother too. This money will be given to you as a start-up capital. You don't have to pay it back, but you can't use it to honor your adoptive parents. If They are asking you for this money unreasonably, so just call my lawyer."

He said taking out two business cards from his wallet and handing them over.

Zhang Song took it in surprise and took a look at it in his hand.

"Tell me your bank card number and I will send you the money later." Mr. Yu said, "Don't go out to work in the future. It's a waste of time. Every minute of talent should be dedicated to more valuable things."

Zhang Song looked at him and said, "Three million?"

"Well." Mr. Yu felt that he was being looked up to, and he straightened up a little: "If you can't get any documents, you can ask them for help. But I won't give you too much help. If you encounter any trouble, I won't give you much help." I can't help you solve it again and again. I broke out on my own back then. Whatever your own future is, you have to fight for it yourself."

Zhang Song pinched the two corners of the business card and squeezed it into an arc. Said: "I will return it to you."

Mr. Yu didn't care either: "Plan carefully before making a decision. You are still young. But don't squander the opportunity."

Mr. Yu's conversation style with Zhang Song is really not like that of a father and daughter. If they continue, they will probably reach a deadlock again. The company had something else to do, so he left first after explaining it.

He has not forgotten the disaster caused by the family named Zhang, but he will not rush to fight with them. Firstly, he cannot stand, and secondly, he does not have that experience.

If he got into a quarrel with that family, he could even imagine the other person's scolding gesture. Obviously, he would lose face very much and his class would be lowered. So after coming out of the factory, he chose to call Ms. Zhao.

The daughter is not his alone. Ms. Zhao was responsible for the house in the first place. How could she not deal with the aftermath? And judging from her current situation, she doesn't care about Zhang Shung's life at all. She probably doesn't even know whether her daughter is dead or alive.

Zhang Song took the initiative to go to her house to seek help, but was even kicked out. Just ridiculous.

If he is so irresponsible, does the daughter he gave birth to deserve her loss

He made two phone calls to Ms. Zhao, but the other party quickly hung up on the first time. The anger in his heart rose to three levels, covering his whole body. Called the second one.

He came to the car and closed the door hard. After the system beeped, Ms. Zhao's cold voice from the opposite side sounded: "What's the matter?"

Mr. Yu said angrily: "What's wrong with you? Zhao Huan, was your daughter picked up?!"

Ms. Zhao: "What does my daughter have to do with you? Are you too lenient?"

Mr. Yu: "She is my daughter too! Can't I control her?"

Ms. Zhao: "What are you farting at? I..."

She suddenly realized what she was saying and got stuck.

"Hehe, hehe, I knew it." Mr. Yu mocked in a sinister way, "Zhao Huan, Zhao Huan, you know how to feed the dog you picked up, how about you? You even forgot that you were pregnant, right? How could there be such a thing? You are such a poisonous woman!”

Ms. Zhao's voice rose quickly: "Is there something wrong with you? You have such a good relationship with your daughter, why don't you come out and take responsibility like a living person? Only the mouth is the only organ in your body that can be used, right? What about other donations? Damn it, what’s the waste?”

Mr. Yu: "She is my daughter, but she is also your daughter! Because you are her mother, so I believe you. I thought it would be okay to leave it to you. You at least know the severity of the problem, but this is how you handled it. You Look what you’ve done!”

"Whatever I do is better than what you do at nothing!"

The two cursed each other. I didn't even listen to what the other person was saying, and it didn't make sense. After so many years of disputes, rebuttals and quarrels are completely conditioned reflexes. If you don't fight back immediately, you will feel like you are at a disadvantage. Mr. Yu: "Okay! Let's get down to business!"

After arguing for a while, Mr. Yu felt relaxed and Ms. Zhao felt depressed.

Mr. Yu shouted sternly: "Okay! Let's get down to business!"

Ms. Zhao: “Bah!”

Mr. Yu said: "You were in a hurry to pick up the couple named Zhang. Why didn't you think of asking them what they did to your daughter? You are respectable. Just choose the easiest way to do this." , then wave your hands and don’t care about anything, and people still praise you for your generosity and thank you, are you very happy?”

Ms. Zhao shouted: "You are looking for trouble now, right?"

Mr. Yu took advantage of the situation and lowered his voice. He squeezed out a sound from between his teeth: "Is this okay? Go and ask the family named Zhang who they are. They are all vampires who favor boys over girls. Zhang Chan was in high school in high school. When they were young, they were forced to work and go to school at the same time to support their good-for-nothing son. They finally went to college and went to City A, and they had to give them 10,000 yuan in living expenses every month. That child every day Do you know that she was bruised and bruised while working outside, just to earn tuition? When you and your family were happy at home, and when you were traveling for fun, she was running business outside under the sun during the summer vacation. You were so kind to her. , and even prepared a house for her adoptive parents near her school so that they can come and exploit her. Are you a mother? I think you have been her enemy for several lifetimes! No one is as cruel as you!"

Ms. Zhao was completely stunned: "I... what are you talking nonsense! Did you make it up?"

After saying these words, Mr. Yu simply felt uncomfortable. He had never been so proud in so many years, and he was able to hold Zhao Huan speechless.

He was drooling, and then accused: "Zhao Huan, Zhao Huan, if you had ever asked Zhang Chan, just one question, asking her how her life has been in the past few years, and whether she has suffered any grievances, maybe she would not be like this. But have you asked? You didn’t. You went directly to pick up her adoptive parents without even asking her what she thought. What you did was decent. You wanted to show your generosity by trying to save face, but you also wanted to show your generosity. I don’t want this daughter. Why don’t you just bully honest people? What’s the difference between you and pointing at Zhang Shun’s nose and saying, you are my burden and my trouble, stay away from me? This is what you do as a human being. ?!"

Ms. Zhao was eager to retort and said loudly: "I'm not! Don't throw dirty water on me! What did you do well? Have you asked?"

"I asked! I didn't ask. How can I know these things now?" Mr. Yu had a clear conscience and spoke categorically: "Answer me, what did she do wrong? She is your biological daughter. How could you be indifferent and hard-hearted after decades of hardship in the countryside? She knew that she was looked down upon by you, so how much courage did she have to go to your house to ask for your help, but in the end she was ostracized and bullied by your son and your husband? She's back with a cold heart. Have you ever thought about her feelings? Your surname is Zhao, from a respectable family. Why haven't you taught your son and daughter good manners? Emotions are for the sole purpose of trampling on things, right? "

Ms. Zhao was breathing heavily, but made no more noise.

Mr. Yu became so emotional after talking about it that he became addicted.

"You think I made these things up, and I also think you, as a mother, have done this job to make it up. It doesn't matter if you are partial. Okay, okay. You did wrong things to me in the early years. , my daughter’s life is worthless in your eyes. But if you think so, just say it. If you say it, I can afford it by myself. I won’t need your help in the future, I will give her three million , so that she can study with peace of mind and try to start a business in the remaining time. You can continue to live at home. "

Ms. Zhao listened to the busy signal on her mobile phone, feeling endlessly confused. She sat alone on the sofa, thinking about it and feeling aggrieved until she cried.

What does this mean? How could it be all her fault

Yu Xie, that bastard! He was simply trying to blame her before she could react. He was just an irresponsible bastard! Just go and sell with Zhang Song to get some money, and you think you are a good father

Ms. Zhao clicked on the secretary's number from the address book, covered her nose and waited for the other party to get through.

"I asked you to find me my daughter's adoptive parents, but what happened!"

The secretary was surprised: "Didn't you find it already? Did you find the wrong one? But... Miss Zhang didn't say it was wrong?"

"You didn't tell me what kind of family that was!" Ms. Zhao cried excitedly, "You didn't tell me what the situation was like in that family. My daughter was being illegally abused there. If you had told me earlier, I would have gone to talk to them. To settle accounts, it is not about inviting them over and feeding them delicious food. What do you think is going on with me now! Why can I hold back this breath!"

The secretary was also a little panicked: "I... But I don't know. When I contacted them, the negotiation went very smoothly, and they were very polite. I didn't feel... "

Ms. Zhao: "The conversation went very smoothly? You suddenly told people that your daughter is not your daughter, and they were happy to accept it, but you didn't think there was any problem? Are you stupid because of your studies, or have you never seen the outside world? Are you stupid? !"

The secretary heard her crying and scolding at the same time. This feeling was also very novel. He didn't dare to say anything anymore, and only responded with a few words to show that he still existed.

Ms. Zhao gradually stopped sobbing, calmed down, and said: "If you give her five million, remember to give it to Zhang Song, and don't let it go to her parents. Just say it is the entrepreneurial capital I gave her, and then tell her I'm sorry. Also, go find some people and drive those shameless people out of the house! That's my daughter's house!"

Secretary: "Okay."

Ms. Zhao: "If you continue to be perfunctory this time, get out of here. There will be no year-end bonus this time."

The secretary hurriedly said: "No, no."

Ms. Zhao didn't want to hear any unnecessary words and hung up directly.

She pulled the napkin on the table to wipe her face, and saw her son running down the stairs, shouting: "Mom, are you crazy? Who are you going to give five million to? Is she asking you for money?"

Ms. Zhao: "Don't talk if you don't understand. Go back and read."

The young man said sternly: "Why don't I understand? I don't agree! You don't really want to bring her into your home? Have you considered my sister's and my feelings? She is just a scheming bitch!"

Ms. Zhao said displeased: "How can you say that about her? You only met her once! You actually used the word bitch to call her. Do you know how dirty this word is?"

"She only met me once, why did she scold me?"

Ms. Zhao said irritably: "This is my money. What I give to my daughter is my right, do you understand?"

Young man: "It's marital property, it belongs to dad! If you want to give her money, dad has to agree!"

"You... you are really..." Ms. Zhao felt like she was going to faint from anger.

The young man looked equally hurt: "I wanted you to buy me a car, but you resisted and blocked me with all kinds of excuses. Now she said, it's five million, and you gave it to me without blinking an eye." Good working capital is not enough? It’s all nonsense! You still say you are not partial!”

Ms. Zhao: "Have I spent less than five million on you since I was a child? What about her?"

"Does she only have these five million? Do you promise that you will have nothing to do with her in the future?"

Ms. Zhao: "She is my daughter too! She is your sister! If she scolds you, you will break off the relationship with her? Do you know how much pressure is behind her?"

"Okay, it's all my fault. I don't understand her, I'm not sensible, I'm not considerate of her, and she can't read. Is this okay?" The young man swallowed hard, cursed, turned around and said, "I'll go. It’s school, so that you won’t be upset. Just take my sister home and make out with her slowly! Anyway, I will never recognize her in my life!”