Strong Counterattack

Chapter 144


On Saturdays and Sundays, both Mr. Yu and Ms. Zhao chose to send their children to the company for internships. Maybe they can be saved while they are still young.

However, several of them were underage, and the two parents were unwilling to give up. There were no strict regulations on their education and management. In the end, they just moved to another place to let them waste their time. On the contrary, both parties were forced to be full of resentment.

Of course, several children only have anger towards their parents, and resentment is reserved for Zhang Chan.

They have become accustomed to the existence of this brother Yu Xiangzheng. Because Yu Xiangzheng has been transparent for decades and has a bad relationship with them, they will not suddenly want to find father's love and mother's love. Everyone harmoniously does not disturb each other.

However, the sudden emergence of Zhang Chan has such a high sense of existence that it has even seriously affected their living standards.

Failure to count is the original sin.

Mr. Yu’s second daughter, Yu Qian, was sitting in the rest room outside Mr. Yu’s office playing with her mobile phone. Spend time with Mr. Yu.

At noon, Mr. Yu went out temporarily. Shortly after he left, the phone in the office started ringing continuously, but Yu Qian turned a deaf ear.

Soon after, the secretary came in from outside looking for someone.

Yu Qian said without raising her head: "My dad is not here, I didn't bring my cell phone with me, I left the documents. I'll come back in the afternoon."

The secretary was empty-handed. He glanced into the office and asked, "When will Director Yu be back?"

"I'm going to eat. Maybe ten minutes, maybe half an hour. We'll see if he goes somewhere else to waste time on a whim." Yu Qian reluctantly looked away from the screen, "What's going on?"

The secretary said: "There was a gentleman named Zhang who said he wanted to apologize to Director Yu and hoped that he could withdraw the prosecution. However, I checked Mr. Yu's itinerary and matters and found no similar records, so I came to check with Director Yu. "

This was the boss's family matter, but Mr. Yu obviously had no intention of concealing Zhang Chang's identity, so he just said it frankly.

In fact, he felt strange. As both the victims of that bloody incident back then, Zhang Song has now recognized them. The relationship between the two parties should not be so cold that they don't even know each other's private numbers. The Zhang family did not choose to contact Mr. Yu directly. Instead, they called the company and then transferred it to themselves. It was really thought-provoking.

Mr. Yu actually wants to sue Zhang's parents - everyone in the company will probably know about this gossip soon. Maybe he did this just to spread the news.

Yu Qian became interested: "Which chapter?"

The secretary hesitated for a moment: "It should be the Zhang you are thinking of. The other party said he is Ms. Zhang Song's brother."

Yu Qian put down her phone and asked, "What lawsuit? Does my dad want to sue them? Why?"

Secretary: "I didn't ask about this. There is no similar record from the Legal Department."

Yu Qian stood up and said, "I'll pick you up!"

The secretary hesitated and handed over the number left by the other party.

Yu Qian wrote down the number, turned around and left. She found a place where no one was around and dialed the number.

The person on the other side quickly picked up and asked, "Who are you?"

Yu Qian: "Hey, what do you want from my dad?"

Zhang Xiaodi explained everything once and sincerely expressed that everything was a misunderstanding and hoped that Mr. Yu would not pursue the matter. After they realized their mistake, they severed ties with their uncle and apologized to Mr. Yu again. I hope everyone can get together and talk.

Before he started to show off, Yu Qian interrupted him.

"Impossible, my dad didn't sue you at all. He is very active now and has been at work recently." Yu Qian said, "And if what you said is true, then even if I sue you, you will be fine. Because I Dad has no evidence."

Brother Zhang: "Ah?"

Yu Qian chuckled and said, "Your sister lied to you. Zhang Song probably just doesn't want to have country relatives in City A. He doesn't want to take care of you. So he's threatening you."

Zhang Xiaodi also reacted quickly and cursed angrily: "How could she do this! Does she know how much effort my parents put into raising her? My sister didn't even get hurt in high school!"

Yu Qian sighed: "Oh, what a pity. She is the winner in life now. She has my parents, what can you do?"

Brother Zhang could hear the yin and yang in her tone, and knew that she didn't like Zhang Song either. These children from wealthy families have much wider connections than him, so they asked helplessly: "Then let's just forget it?"

"This is your business. Should you pursue it or let it go? Isn't it your decision?" Yu Qian said, "Although I sympathize with you, I can't say anything."

Zhang Xiaodi: "Now that she can be on TV, can she still say that she doesn't care and just leave it alone?"

Yu Qian sneered, feeling that the other party couldn't get on the stage, so she said along the way: "Yes, she is on TV. What are you watching now? It's character!"

Yu Qian hung up the number and called Ms. Zhao's son.

Her pocket money has been deducted recently, and she is a little tight on money, so she needs help from the other party.

Although the two of them usually have no contact, when they face a common enemy and they can't handle it, they can still share the same hatred.

By the way, she found her little sister again.

My little sister has always wanted to be an Internet celebrity, and she doesn’t need much money, but she knows a lot of real Internet celebrities. The people inside have more or less contact with the media.

She breathed a sigh of relief. That's fine.

Zhang Song vaguely knew something was going on over there in the countryside.

They were originally a group of short-sighted and profit-seeking people, and she didn't expect them to stay calm for long. It's just a little bolder than expected. It seems that even if you endure ten hardships, you may not gain one piece of wisdom.

Zhang Xiaodi called her to ask for money and asked her for 10 million. Zhang Song didn't wait for him to continue farting, and immediately hung up the blacklist operation.

Two days later, Yu Zhizheng reminded her that several small media outlets in City A had been reporting on a very strange news recently, and asked Zhang Song to pay attention to it. It is best to clarify things with those around you to avoid misunderstandings.

"I think this matter is not simple, but there is also a linkage. Someone should be deliberately harming you. You can check with Lao Liu and resolve the matter quickly. I will check who is hacking you."

Zhang Chan said: "I know."

She opened the link sent by Yu Hezheng.

The report said that a certain college student abandoned his parents in the countryside after he became famous. Because he was afraid of embarrassing himself, he even used intimidation and threats to force his parents to return to his hometown. When my parents were seriously ill, they called to tell me. Not only did they ignore me, they even scolded me.

The people behind the scenes obviously bought the news and hyped it up on major software, making it popular and gaining clicks. The comments are also a group of troll-style insults and accusations.

Zhang Song scanned two lines and felt that this behavior was really boring and vicious, so he almost didn't mention Xin by name and said it was her. She was also afraid that others would not know, so as a "good Samaritan", she gave information about her in the comment area.

"Remind everyone of the keywords, 'A University', 'Female college student who successfully started a business', 'Find a rich biological father', 'Once very poor'. I don't need to say more, right? I believe you can't find it in the entire A University Is it the second one?"

"Support human flesh. Sometimes I feel helpless that justice in this society depends on illegal human flesh."

"Prestigious universities should really strengthen quality education for students. Grades are not the only thing. Knowledgeable bastards are more terrifying."

"My name is Lei Feng: Web link. Speech by outstanding young people from A University."

"Can I become an outstanding young man even though I'm a scumbag like this?"

Zhang Song didn't feel angry and just sneered.

The other party probably wanted to provoke a conflict between college student A and Zhang Chan, so that she could taste the taste of ruin in advance. As a result, after the matter was publicized, all the students who helped clarify were students from A University.

Zhang Song usually has a good reputation in A University, and everyone knows to some extent how difficult her life was. They used certified accounts to leave messages and refute, hoping that everyone could stay calm and wait for the other party's explanation before making a judgment. It is easy to win the favor of passers-by.

In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source app as soon as possible,

Immediately after it was retweeted 500 times, people directly reported it to people for spreading rumors, and the other party deleted the original text in fear.

The navy troops that Yu Hui was looking for were not put to use. Not to mention the damage, it was extinguished without even a splash of water.

It is true that the junior students are very good, but it does not prevent the other party from being a bunch of trash.

She was still flipping through and ticking off a few cute juniors and juniors when Detective Liu excitedly called her.

"Your dad and mommy..."

Zhang Song trembled: "Choose an auspicious day. Should you commit suicide or should I send you on your way?"

"Dear, they are already on their way." Old Liu said, "Recently, a lot of media have come to the village to interview them. The villagers also said that they took advantage of you. As for the reason, I believe you have seen it."

Zhang Song asked: "Then when will you come back?"

"Okay dear, I'm going to tell you some good news here. Thank you for your previous revelations. I have almost collected the relevant evidence. Do you think I should submit it directly to the police? Or should I let you and Mr. Yu pretend first? What?" Lao Liu said, "For the situation of your adoptive parents, I suggest you choose the second option and give them a chance to commit extortion."

Zhang Song thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "I was about to give them a positive response."

Lao Liu: "Then I will cooperate with you when the time comes. Don't worry, I have always been very professional."

From the very beginning, Zhang Chang had anticipated that such a day would come. At this time, I felt a sense of relief that my worries had finally come true, waiting for Zhang's father and Zhang's mother to arrive.

After everyone learned about her bizarre life experience, many people were interested in her experience, including the school's social studies teacher and several related mainstream media. Just when the scandal broke out, she took the initiative to apply to give a public lecture in the school.

—#About the impact of native family on life#

The school couldn't bear to see its students being bullied, so it granted the venue almost as a response to requests. The school girl spontaneously made a poster for her and moved it to the school gate to promote it. Mr. Yu was very angry when he heard about it and called two media outlets for her.

This matter finally attracted a lot of attention.

The author has something to say: Halfway through writing, I realized that it is not suitable to divide it into chapters -. -#So let’s finish this unit directly in the next chapter. Let’s make this chapter short first.