Strong Counterattack

Chapter 145


Zhang's mother was sitting in a wheelchair, holding on to the old blanket hanging on the ground, and hesitated: "Is this really okay?"

The reporter following behind said: "Auntie, what do you think when you ask this question at this time? If you still say that when you get there, it will be very difficult for us. We are not forcing you, are we?"

Zhang Xiaodi's wife was dissatisfied and touched her husband. Zhang Xiaodi knelt down and said, "Mom, don't be joking. Don't you feel angry that the second sister treated you like this? It's better to teach her a lesson this time, otherwise you really think Is our rice for her to eat for free? She can just skim it off if she wants? The household registration book doesn’t agree. Let’s just tell the truth, right? It’s up to everyone to judge.”

The reporter said: "Auntie, we understand you. As a parent, you are always tolerant of your children's mistakes and take chances. You have to make a decision. For people like them with a standard of living, it's just a matter of millions of dollars. It’s just a month’s pocket money, but for you, that’s enough to change your life.”

Brother Zhang: "Dad, dad, what did you say?"

Father Zhang was silent. He didn't say yes or open his mouth to refute, but the wrinkles on his face were all wrinkled together and it was difficult to stretch them out.

He was always like this, as if he was alone in his worries. As if everything was forced. The decision was made at the end.

After he finished smoking a low-quality cigarette, he flicked his fingers and said in a hoarse voice: "Let's go."

Zhang Xiaodi immediately went over and pushed Zhang's mother out of the gate and headed towards A University.

The teaching area of University A was still lively on Saturday. Students received the news and were now crowded in the activity center, waiting for the lecture to begin. It is obviously a huge activity area, but if you arrive late, you may not even be able to get a seat.

Zhang Sheng had already been waiting on the podium. She checked that the microphone volume was normal, and watched the students organizing the event help guide the audience to their seats, while she looked at the door in a daze, waiting for the other party to appear.

Then there was a burst of hustle and bustle, and the sound of chaotic footsteps kicked off the drama. Several familiar people appeared at the entrance of the activity area surrounded by people and moved slowly towards the podium.

The reporter behind held his equipment high, like a hound that smelled meat, and rushed through the crowd to the front.

The venue became a little quieter, and passers-by made way for them. Zhang Chang also immediately cheered up and put on a perfect etiquette smile.

The reporters asked questions loudly, fearing that the students would not hear him.

"Classmate Zhang Chang, recently anonymous revelations about you appeared in the local newspaper in City A. What do you think of this?"

"Is it true that you lied and threatened your parents to leave City A because you were afraid of losing face?"

"Is your biological father really going to sue your adoptive parents for assaulting him?"

"How much money has Mr. Yu given you since you recognized your ancestors in the Yu family? Did you rely on your own abilities or their support to start your business? Is the selection of outstanding entrepreneurial youth true and fair?"

"Excuse me, why do you ignore your mother's serious illness? They live in the most dilapidated house in the countryside without any medical expenses, and you don't say anything?"

"Zhang Chan, are the things you just asked true? Are you refusing to answer now?"

Zhang Song looked at the reporter and Zhang's father and mother with great interest, and asked, "Who helped you arrange this?"

These reporters asked sharp questions. This kind of leading question was not intended to wait for answers at all. The intention to throw dirty water was clearly written on the letter. It is conceivable that even if Zhang Chan gives a positive answer, the other party will maliciously misinterpret it and make modifications.

"We are just reporters who are interested in this matter, and we have the right to know! Can you please answer the question directly?"

"Aren't you grateful at all to your adoptive parents? Do you think they are a burden to you?"

Several regular reporters invited by Mr. Yu were unhappy.

No, what kind of right to know do these reporters like crazy dogs have? You are obviously causing trouble, right

"Where are you reporters from? Why are you so unprofessional?"

"Are you reporters or paparazzi? Do you want to interview or gossip? The speech hasn't started yet. Can you please step back?"

The students were also a little dissatisfied and stood up to demonstrate.

The smell became stronger and stronger for a while.

Yu Zizheng ran out of the auditorium, stepped up the small steps, stood in front of Zhang Chan, and pushed back all the messy microphones. Shen Sheng said: "If you really want to pursue it, shouldn't you ask me first? After all, from a biological sense, I am their biological son."

The group of media people were stunned for a moment, and then focused on him.

Zhang Song choked back all the words he wanted to say, and looked at Yu Xizheng's slightly red ears in shock.

Yu Qizheng said: "I believe many people already know our experience. To be precise, because of past mistakes, I, a person who should have endured a life of poverty, have instead lived a wealthy life with no worries about food and clothing. Education, medical care, and vision are all things that my biological parents could not give me. But Zhang Shun took my place in challenging various setbacks and difficulties in the countryside. In the end, it is a miracle in itself that we will appear in A University at the same time. So, please, Why point the finger at her? Is it just because she is a woman? Or is it because her efforts make you mistakenly think that she is generous? "

No one wanted to get involved with sexism, so several people quickly denied it: "No!"

"Why is that?" Yu Xi argued, "You call yourself reporters, so you should remain neutral, right? But now I am very suspicious of your stance and motives. After all, this is a society that values capital, right?"

The reporters present were stunned.

Are there any guys who take the initiative to collect shit on themselves

The students in the audience changed quickly, whispering: "This is definitely true love!"

"Who am I to say that their relationship is not good?"

"Aren't you talking about a benefit partnership? This doesn't look like it?"

"Who sent me a brainwashing package before, saying that the senior is now a senior nanny in Zhangshuang? This is not the right way to open it."

"The senior is really kind, and I won't bully you in the school forum!"

The media's previous plan was aborted, and Zhang's father and Zhang's mother were also thrown into disarray.

"Then why did you two become partners?"

"Of course it depends on strength." Yu Zizheng said, "A person's ability cannot be truly distinguished by grades, bad environment, or personality. But perseverance, hard work, patience, and diligence are absolute advantages. I want to ask the whole country , can you find a few people like Zhang Song who independently passed the A-level entrance examination from a difficult educational environment? Her success itself has proven her strength, so what’s weird about me asking her to cooperate? "

Zhang Song patted him on the shoulder and said, "Please let me do it myself when it comes to being in the limelight."

Yu Qizheng turned around and said, "Please let me handle this kind of business blowing."

Zhang Song felt that what he said made sense.

"But I have to give a speech." Zhang Song tapped the screen of his tablet, "It's already 12 o'clock."

Only then did everyone notice that the focus of today was the speech.

Zhang Song said: "I believe many people have doubts about this, are curious about my thoughts, and speculate whether I have really acted ungratefully. Today, I will give you a clear answer. Please withdraw. Go aside and don’t disturb anyone else.”

Zhang's mother sat in her wheelchair and started crying. The security guard came over to separate everyone. Yu Xinzheng sat down cautiously not far away.

Zhang Song took the microphone, coughed, and said, "Before we start, I would like to ask, what are your demands?"

Zhang Xiaodi: "Mom has been sick recently..."

Zhang Song interrupted him and simply asked: "How much?"

Zhang Xiaodi said angrily: "This is not about money at all. Don't you even show your filial piety? Mom raised you so big... "

Zhang Song asked again: "How much do you think filial piety is worth?"

Brother Zhang: "Did your parents buy them with money?!"

The cameras were filming like crazy.

Zhang Sheng was half leaning on the computer desk on the podium: "You asked me for 10 million before..."

Everyone was in an uproar.

Someone said "poof" loudly.

Zhang Xiaodi said righteously: "I did it to treat my mother. She was sick and couldn't stand up in the hospital. You didn't care and didn't ask. That's why I said this in anger!"

Zhang Chan: "So you just want money."

Brother Zhang: "Shouldn't we go out?"

Zhang Song raised a finger and shook it: "No, that's not right."

She let out a deep breath.

"It seems that you don't even know why your parents fled back to the countryside. They haven't told you yet, have they? Maybe they think there will be no more evidence for this matter." Zhang Song said, "Then where should I start? ? Let’s start with my childhood. My family of origin.”

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Zhang's mother howled: "Ah..."

The security guard yelled: "Please keep quiet! Otherwise, please get out!"

Zhang Chan has already continued the topic.

"As everyone knows, in my family of origin, there is an older sister and a younger brother. My older sister dropped out of junior high school and is now working. My younger brother dropped out of high school and is already married and has children. And I am studying at University A. Am I lucky? It seems that the Zhang family He has cultivated me vigorously and put in a lot of effort to help me become a talented person." Zhang Song shook his head, "It doesn't exist."

Zhang Song said: "I worked as a study student in high school, and my bank statements can prove it. I was admitted to a key high school based on my grades. In high school, I could get a scholarship of 8,000 yuan a semester. At the same time, because my family was poor, I was exempted from the scholarship. Tuition fees. I usually live on campus, and my average monthly living expenses are less than 200. I have never bought any snacks. In addition, because of my poor life, I have worked various odd jobs. My income is unstable, ranging from 800 to 800 a month. About one thousand and fifty. However, when I got the admission notice from University A, I didn’t have any spare money. So where did the money go?”

The Zhang family was obviously a little nervous. Zhang Song didn't pay them any attention.

"Someone should have guessed it. It all went to my adoptive parents because they didn't allow me to study. And as a minor, I need various parent signatures. If they don't agree and come out to make trouble in person, then I can't do anything. . And their requirement is that after I graduate from junior high school, I should provide social income for the family. Therefore, I am completely working for them, to be precise, I am working for my younger brother. This state lasted until not long ago. , it didn’t stop even during the college entrance examination.”

"As for my university, everyone who knows me should know that before I learned the truth, how many jobs, how many part-time jobs did I usually work, and how much income did I earn? There should be many people here who have been mentored by me. Topic. However, do I have any savings? I don’t? Because after going to college, my parents asked me to pay a monthly alimony of 10,000 yuan.”

Zhang Song smiled and said, "So, you should understand now that my family is a typical family that values boys over girls."

She said in a gentle tone: "This is my original family."

She said it very calmly, as if everything had disappeared and it had nothing to do with her. The audience was indignant and locked their eyes on the group of people in the corner with hatred.

The feeling of injustice surged in their blood, a strong emotion that they wanted to express but could not express.

They didn't know how to express their sympathy and support to Zhangsong, and they knew very well that the other party didn't need anything at all.

"The environment where I grew up in childhood was full of oppression and shock. The education methods of my adoptive parents were cruel and indifferent. There was no support, kindness, tolerance, understanding, or love."

Zhang Song lowered his head and said: "I have also thought about how, as a child without enough discernment, in a world full of darkness and negativity, I can make up my mind to persevere. As long as I hesitate a little, I might If I were completely defeated on that battlefield with no retreat, I might not be able to stand here. Perhaps this is the most precious thing in my genes, which makes me ashamed to assimilate with them."

Chapter chant: "I'm not sure what kind of impact this period of childhood has had on me now, or whether there has been any positive inspiration. But I always feel that my life has been incomplete for several years. And this shadow may last a lifetime. It cannot be eliminated, and the pain will remain with me throughout my life.”

Zhang Song walked off the stage: "But I am still grateful to those who have helped me. They have enriched and warmed my life. Their teachings have always influenced me to this day. With their pure love, I continue to believe that I can be different." future. So I invited my primary school teacher, Teacher Ouyang, today."

Everyone panned their cameras towards the front row of the auditorium.

The teacher is not young anymore. When he was teaching in the countryside, he had a lot of enthusiasm. The chapter recitation was his greatest achievement. He shed tears of joy when looking at the current chapter recitation and broke down in tears.

Zhang Chan bowed and said, "Thank you for your cultivation and encouragement, and for leading me to find the direction I am in today."

Zhang's mother cried: "Hey, how could you misunderstand me so much? I'm also worried that you won't find a good family in the future, so I just help you save money. This is the habit in our village."

Brother Zhang also shouted: "Second sister, you can't confuse right and wrong! The money was saved for you as promised. If Mom hadn't used up all the savings for medical treatment, the money would have been returned to you!"

As if he had not heard the chapter recitation, he returned to the podium and turned on the projector.

She shook the mouse to wake up the sleeping computer.

"The text may be too barren. Let me show you some intuitive pictures."

"This is my room," she said.

Inside is a small room with dim lighting and old furniture. It can be seen that the furnishings are old and there is not even a good lamp.

Zhang Xiaodi argued: "My family was poor at that time, so my mother's room was pretty much the same!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Chan clicked on the next picture: "This is my mother's room."

It's a spacious room that's distinctly modern, and the protagonist. Above, Zhang's mother was lying on the bed in her pajamas, watching TV, leaving Zhang's brother unable to even utter a rebuttal.

Looking further back, there is a country villa.

Zhang Chan: "This is the wedding house my parents built for my brother when he got married."

Brother Zhang frowned and said, "This is a newly built house. Everyone has a room. I'll keep it for you too. What do you want to prove by comparing the old house with the new house?"

The chant continued and he slid back: "This is the audio."

Mother Zhang’s voice:

"You lose money, you lose money. I asked you to wash some clothes and you washed them for me for a long time. Do you have any problem with me... Did I let you go to your brother's house? I told you that your brother-in-law doesn't like you. , ah? What were you doing there? "

This series of intensive slaps in the face caught people off guard and left them breathless.

Some people couldn't help but cursed: "Damn!"

"Damn it, do you guys still want to show off?"

Zhang Chan continued to scroll the mouse with an expressionless face.

Behind is the clear voice of Zhang Xiaodi:

"Unless you give us 10 million, this matter won't be over. Don't force me, it won't look good to everyone by then."

It's basically over here.

The whole house was in an uproar.

They should be lucky that this is A University and not on the street. The people here are all quality students and there are security guards nearby. Otherwise, by this time, some irritable passers-by would definitely have stepped forward to take action.

Even so, Zhang Xiaodi and others were still afraid of being surrounded by this group of angry people.

"Do you think I will be unprepared? I have become accustomed to your shamelessness. If I could learn to sit back and wait for death, I would still be living ignorantly under your oppression. So, I will now answer the questions of the reporters just now. "Zhang Song said, "Did I rely on their cultivation to get to where I am today? No. Do I owe them anything? No. Will I be filial to them?"

The junior student responded quickly: "What a beautiful idea!"

Zhang Chan spread his hands: "Look, normal people know the answer."

The group of people were whispering to each other, with anxious expressions, and were debating among themselves, hesitating whether to leave immediately or to be stubborn.

"In addition, I don't know who is the mastermind and who is the mastermind. But this is obviously an act of coercion, a planned attempt to extort 10 million from me. I will pursue legal responsibility. In addition, there are several reporters who were not aware of the situation. They spread rumors, insults and spread false information against me. I will also formally sue. Please leave your identity information."

The group wanted to leave in a hurry.

The students, with quick eyesight and quick hands, spontaneously rushed out of their seats and formed a wall of people to block them.

Zhang Xiaodi was completely panicked at this time. He hid behind the reporters with his parents, not daring to say anything.

Several newspaper reporters frantically took photos.

Well worth it! This topic is so exciting! But the mainstream can be bloody but also exciting!

Zhang Song said: "Don't leave yet, there is still one more thing to finish. Since the media are here, don't be impatient."

Everyone didn't know why.

Zhang Song crossed his chest with his hands and raised his chin slightly toward the audience.

At this time, a group of people sitting in the middle stood up one after another. There are old and young, and their living standards are different. Obviously they are not college students. There were more than ten people on the left and right, and their movements were very conspicuous.

A young man in a jacket in the front row stood up, holding a document bag high and said: "Please give way, please give way! We want to go on stage!"

Zhang Song stretched out his hand to signal, and the media and students made way.

Lao Liu ran to the podium, attracted the attention of the crowd, and said happily: "Reporters, please don't leave, thank you. Am I the C position today?"

Zhang Chan pointed to the Zhang family: "They are still the C's today."

"It doesn't matter." Lao Liu waved and said, "Let me tell you, please point the light at me!"

Several newspaper reporters were sensitive to the fact that there was still large material, and each found the best position to start shooting. The recorders and pens are all in place, ready to record.

The students also fell silent and looked at the podium.

Zhang Song took out his cell phone, walked aside and started calling the police.

"It's like this. Someone entrusted me to investigate a case of miscarriage of babies that occurred more than 20 years ago. After all, it is a bit weird to think about such a rare thing as miscarriage of a man and a woman. Although most of the documents have been damaged, after I spared no effort to visit, As well as the support of well-wishers from all sides, a conclusion can now be reached.”

Old Liu took a picture of the document in his hand, "It's all the confessions of relevant people. I won't read it to you in detail. When the time comes, everyone can line up and take a photo."

When Lao Liu got down to business, he said solemnly with a straight face: "I can say with certainty that this was not an accident, but man-made. Zhang's father and Zhang's mother knew about it from the beginning and took the initiative to plan the whole thing. So they have no control over Zhang." The crime recited is not just about favoring boys over girls, but involves human trafficking."

"I go!"

The excitement at the scene could no longer be suppressed. The shouts and curses kept coming and going.


"How shameless! How can you still abuse Zhang Shu with peace of mind after doing such a crazy thing!"

"I didn't believe there were such parents in the world at first, but it turned out to be true?"

"If you still don't believe it despite all the evidence, do you just trust your intuition?"

"Have you reported it to the police? Can you still pursue prosecution in this case? If you haven't filed a case, the time limit for prosecution has already passed, right?"

Zhang's mother's head buzzed, causing her to lose her mind.

Her wheelchair was grabbed and dragged by the person next to her. In a hurry, she lifted the blanket on her legs, stood up, and leaned against the wall.

The students who saw it finally couldn't help but cursed: "F*ck!" The man who could be stimulated by chanting the chapter stood upright!

Zhang's mother squeezed Zhang's father's hand tightly: "Old man, old man! Let's go quickly!"

Father Zhang said angrily: "How are you going to leave!"

Mr. Yu was previously worried that something might happen to the school, and the person specially sent to the earthquake scene was also frightened at this time. He was worried that he would not be able to describe this magnificent scene. He immediately dialed the phone number on the other side and decided to let Yu Xie participate in person.

"Mr. Yu, I have something to tell you."

Mr. Yu on the other side said: "What? I can't hear you! What's going on over there?"

"Listen again."

Mr. Yu: "Can you just say no?"

"Please be quiet and listen to me!" Lao Liu shouted into the microphone, using electronic equipment to suppress the audience.

"This is not the only case that happened in the health center. According to my investigation, there were dozens of victims! The details are no longer available. Today I brought all the victims who were willing to come forward to testify to the scene. That's me. These people in front of me. Some of them had their sons exchanged. Some of them had their children who were supposed to be healthy. Others were directly told that they were stillborn... These tragedies were caused by a few unscrupulous nurses. I did it with the doctor. Later, a retired doctor felt deeply regretful about the incident he had witnessed before, and finally made up his mind and chose to stand up and tell the truth."

Zhang Song walked off the podium and approached where Zhang's father and others were.

Mother Zhang's face was pale and her eyes were distracted: "What should we do? This...will we go to jail?"

Zhang Xiaodi was still grabbing her in disbelief and asking: "Mom, are they true? Is this impossible? Have you really done such a thing?"

Zhang Song stood in front of them and looked at them with a half-smile.

Such a arrogant person, after his dirty face was peeled off layer by layer, he could only plead helplessly.

Sure enough, they only put on a good face when they need something from someone.

Zhang's mother clasped her hands in front of her and begged humbly: "Xiao Song, don't call the police. Everything is fine with us, okay? Mom, please, can I apologize to you? This incident has nothing to do with us. We were instigated. , all of them..."

"Hey!" Seeing that he was about to be betrayed by the rumor, the reporter behind him couldn't help but said: "I said you should stop talking nonsense. If no one had called the police, the statute of limitations for prosecution would have expired long ago. No. No one is in charge, you are not guilty! Do you understand?"

Several people were stunned collectively. He looked at the reporter suspiciously.

The reporter reiterated: "It's true, it's true!"

Several people looked at each other, and the intense panic gradually faded away. His eyes blinked frequently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhang Song looked at their pitiful looks and smiled. Wait until then to say it.

"But the case has already been filed. Before the time limit for prosecution was reached, a doctor took the initiative to call the police and exposed the stolen baby exchange incident. However, because the health center had closed down at that time and the data was damaged, it was impossible to verify and trace it, so it was shelved. , there has been no progress. Now, if there is enough evidence, arrests can be made directly."

Lao Liu had been paying attention to their side and shouted at this time: "Friends over there, let's not talk about the abduction and trafficking, the blackmail nearby is already real. Don't leave in a hurry, let's go to the police station for a cup of tea. ah!"

The police arrived just in time, but were blocked by students.

The Zhang family were so sad and happy that they were completely speechless.

Seeing that Zhang Song was about to leave, Zhang's mother's lifeless eyes suddenly blinked. She screamed and rushed over to hug Zhang Song's legs. She cried heartbreakingly: "Xiao Song, Xiao Song doesn't want it! That's you." Brother, you have been together for so many years. Your parents knew they were wrong. You are a good boy. We know you are a good boy... "

"When you left City A, weren't you just because you were afraid that the matter would be exposed? But you came back." Zhang Song was unmoved, "You are greedy and a snake swallows an elephant. This is your own choice."

The security guard stepped forward to stop him: "Let go! What are you doing?"

The author has something to say: There is still one tail left -. -#