Strong Counterattack

Chapter 146


Mr. Yu finally learned the truth of the matter amid various background noises and descriptions and explanations from his subordinates. After handing over the work at hand, he informed Ms. Zhao of the matter at the same time, and then rushed to the police station with his lawyer.

The enemies arrived almost at the same time. At that time, Zhang Shu, Yu Huizheng, and Lao Liu were finishing calculating the final commission fees, and were sitting and chatting like friends.

As a detective, Lao Liu has very detailed daily requirements and knows all the places in City A. In addition, other people will take care of things, and I have made many friends during the commissioning process, giving me the air of being a know-it-all.

Yu Yizheng asked him about the location of the new store, and he was able to name several of them casually. If he hadn't repeatedly expressed his love for his detective position, both Zhang Shu and Yu Yizheng would have wanted to recruit him into the team.

Ms. Zhao threw her bag on the chair next to her, interrupting their conversation.

Several people got up and went over to chat with the policeman to learn about the case.

Zhang Song said: "There is obviously someone behind the scenes to guide them in this matter, otherwise they would not have thought of approaching the media, nor would they have the means or funds to bribe them."

"Who is it?" Mr. Yu pressed his forehead and said in frustration, "Okay, I know, it's not for you, it must be for me. The other party's high-profile move is obviously premeditated, and they want to use you to discredit you. My image. Don’t worry, I will investigate this matter carefully and won’t let it go easily! Comrade police, I’m sorry to trouble you. Who is the mastermind? Do you have any clues?”

Before the policeman could answer, Zhang Song asked one more time: "Are you really not going to let me go?"

Mr. Yu's eyes widened: "Otherwise? My daughter will be bullied by them at will? Why? Isn't this a slap in my Yu Xie's face?"

Ms. Zhao sneered: "Have you hit a few people on your face? You only come out to whitewash the situation after something happens. Why don't you usually see people?"

Mr. Yu: "I won't argue with you today! Give me some occasions."

Zhang Song looked at Ms. Zhao and said, "But pursuing it may bring trouble, what do you think?"

Ms. Zhao raised one foot and said coldly and proudly: "What's trouble? Some things cannot be compromised. If you make a mistake, you must pay the price. Who made them find the wrong target to bully?"

Mr. Yu gritted his teeth: "And that family named Zhang is worse than a beast. Not only did they premeditate, but they actually dared to do this to you. They used to abuse you, and now they want to blackmail you."

"The people behind the scenes are as vicious as they are, slandering an innocent woman like this." Ms. Zhao banged her fingers on the table and said angrily: "Comrade police, what do you think?"

The police guy kept working and was still typing. Wen Yan raised his eyelids and gave them a meaningful look.

Ms. Zhao was so scared by his laughter: "What do you mean?"

The policeman stopped and said: "Several suspects have all confessed. Based on their unanimous confessions, evidence of mutual contact, and account records of money transactions, we have identified a total of people suspected of planning extortion and rumor-mongering cases. Four.”

"I was just trying to contact you." The policeman wrote out the names of the four people, handed them over and said, "Are you familiar?"

Four extremely familiar names.

At this time, both Mr. Yu and Ms. Zhao were in trouble.

Ms. Zhao pinched the handle of the bag and said glumly: "Are you mistaken? This is impossible!"

Police: "They didn't expect that this matter would be exposed, so they used very rough methods. Chat records and bank transfer records were all found on their mobile phones. Moreover, there was still communication between the four of them, and their thoughts and purposes were quite clear. Clear. At least it can prove that they are informed.”

Mr. Yu: "But they are not familiar with each other at all. There is no reason for them to get together!"

"Yu Qian took the lead because she didn't have enough money. The other three agreed and then participated together." The police said, "We have sent people to inquire, and now four people have admitted it. They took the initiative to admit their mistakes and seek leniency. , there is no problem with the rhetoric.”

The two were completely confused.

Extortion, in serious cases, can be convicted as a criminal offence. If the evidence is conclusive, the extortion of a huge sum of 10 million will mean that the company has not been able to run for three years.

However, there is not enough evidence as to whether several people demanded a blackmail of 10 million. At that time, Zhang Xiaodi just said it casually and did not insist on raising it later. There is no content in the chat records of these four people about how much property Zhang Chan was extorted from. They were simply trying to retaliate against Zhang and damage her reputation. Fortunately, the chat content of several people did not involve the current school interrogation, and was limited to the previous spread of false information on the Internet. They can put the blackmail on Zhang Xiaodi alone.

What a blessing.

In this case, if you hire a good lawyer, there is still a lot of room for maneuver. After all, there is a huge difference between online rumors and blackmail.

But even if it is a qualitative rumor, the understanding and confession of Zhang Zhong are also very important. If she insists on suing, the reputation of her children will be ruined. Just because of a ridiculous reason, he framed his own sister and ruined her reputation. What's the big deal if word spreads about it

After a period of chaos, Mr. Yu and Ms. Zhao's respective partners also came after hearing the news.

They sat across from Zhang Chan and tried to negotiate with her. Try to keep the case to a minimum.

Several people had serious expressions, ranging from embarrassment to embarrassment. They looked at each other and tested each other out of the corner of their eyes, and at the same time observed Zhang Chan's reaction.

However, the profoundness of the chant made them elusive. Although she is just a young person, Dao Xing is enough to hide her true thoughts.

She wasn't angry or excited. It's like everything has been predicted, and I'm just waiting for a definite result.

In the end, it was Mr. Yu who spoke first: "Xiao Song, let's forget about this matter. Your sisters are still young and they are not sensible. In fact, it is my fault. I have neglected them recently and failed to guide them correctly. They were stimulated and that's why what happened today. Just give them another chance, and I promise there won't be a next time."

Zhang Song was unmoved and said with a smile: "He was able to completely plan the entire case, analyze my weaknesses, investigate my past, and spend money to recruit reporters and write notices. He couldn't wait to come to school to question me." Slander, is this called ignorance? Then what kind of extraordinary geniuses will they be when they become sensible?"

The policeman lowered his head and smiled.

Zhang Song looked at the policeman: "Do you think these children are still ignorant?"

"People who are about to become adults should not be called children, but teenagers at most." The police said, "If you are still ignorant at this age, you really need to be beaten with the iron fist of society."

"No!" Ms. Zhao said anxiously, "Then what do you want to do? Xiaosong, they are your younger brothers and sisters, you don't think about it."

Zhang Song looked at them coldly, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said coldly: "Buy me."

Mr. Yu was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Zhang Chan: "First of all, I have high requirements for compensation. I hope you can be more generous."

Everyone was stunned, including Yu Xinzheng.

He also thought that Zhang Shun would use this to get closer to them and then sell his favor. I didn't expect that she would make a harvest.

Ms. Zhao's husband laughed angrily: "In the end, he only cares about money. He is really uneducated."

Zhang Song glanced at him and sneered: "Do I call you uneducated? Then... you raised two children who dared to break the law just because of jealousy, and then asked the victims to forgive them. Is this your upbringing? No, this is just your birth. The illusion brought to you by class in Rome. In the words of netizens, it is called a bitch, in my words, it is shameless, and in your words, it is called daydreaming."

The man had never been ridiculed in front of someone like this before, and he stood up violently.

Zhang Song warned: "It is not my obligation to forgive your children's crimes. You can confront me head-on and see who is the vulnerable group now."

Ms. Zhao waved her hand and motioned for the other party to sit down and stop causing trouble at this time.

The atmosphere was on the verge of ignition.

Zhang Chang was particularly calm at this time. Be it the mind or the mood. It's really like a new experience.

"Did we have feelings before? It seems like we didn't have it from the beginning, right? I didn't call you mom and dad, asking you to accept me, share my inheritance, compensate me, and fulfill your responsibilities as a parent. Nor did I ask my brother My sister acknowledges my existence, respects my status, and loves each other. Even though I am genetically related to you to a certain extent. In this case, your children still hurt me, which makes me feel very angry. .”

Zhang Song's throat was dry. She took a sip from the plastic cup and continued: "The only time you are willing to sit across from me and discuss with me as equals is to make me make concessions and give up my rights. Since there is no emotion , where does the face come from? I am self-aware, and I thought you are too."

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Mr. Yu: "We also have difficulties. We are also... "

Zhang Song raised his hand to stop him: "I really don't like it when I see you reluctantly and hypocritically saying you care about me in front of me. The lies you tell are so false that people can see through them at a glance. Look back."

Several people turned around.

Yu Xizheng put his hands in his pockets, half-closed his eyes, and looked at them with an indifferent and distant expression.

Even though they had decades of parenting experience, they finally broke up.

Mr. Yu and Ms. Zhao suddenly understood something.

Zhang Song said: "Even if I have been by your side for more than twenty years, the result will still be the same. We will only be a little better than strangers, and what maintains that little bit is money. This is obviously you My own point of view."

The two were speechless.

Zhang Song exhaled and said: "I have never received a word of apology before, and I don't care about it now. Since everyone is stingy about feelings, let's talk about money. This is my greatest sincerity. Have you thought about it? Do you want to bribe me?"

The sunshine in the afternoon weakened a little and the weather started to turn cloudy.

Zhang Song walked out of the police station, sneezed, and quickly put on his coat.

Yu Huizheng came out from behind. Zhang Song shouted: "By the way, I'm going back to school too."

Yu Zhizheng took out the car keys and said: "I thought you would calmly make long-term plans. You don't hate them, so there is no need to kill them all. Now, we have the funds, but what problems will happen in the future? It seems like no one is asking for help.”

Chapter chant: "In your heart, how hypocritical a person am I?"

Yu Xizheng turned around and said, "Didn't you say that you are self-aware?"

Zhang Song laughed: "No matter how hypocritical a person is, he still has a temper. I'm just unhappy."

Selling a favor is also a kind of transaction. But we have to be careful to maintain the relationship between the two parties, so as not to be suspected of having ulterior motives. In comparison, being a pure bad guy is much happier.

The two got into the car.

Yu Xi asked: "Listen to some music?"

Zhang Chan: "You seem to be very happy too."

Yu Qizheng: "Of course the spectators are happy. And isn't the company rich now?"

Zhang Song put his hands behind his head and couldn't help but said, "Oh, I should think about how to spend it."

A sweet worry about being rich.

The author has something to say: There is an extra chapter later. If there are no accidents, it should be over.

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